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Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.

We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Various Exercises: Find Relief and Move with Ease

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Various Exercises: Find Relief and Move with Ease

Can individuals with rheumatoid arthritis incorporate various exercises to reduce joint pain and inflammation in their hands and feet?


The joints in the human help provide function, mobility, and flexibility to the upper and lower extremities. The joints are part of the musculoskeletal system and have an outstanding relationship with the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues that give the body structure and support that lets the individual move around and protects the important organs to function normally. However, when a person is dealing with injuries or illnesses that affect the body’s musculoskeletal function, it can cause pain to the individual. One of the symptoms that often correlate in the joints is chronic inflammation, leading to the development of an autoimmune disease known as rheumatoid arthritis. Today’s article looks at how rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints in the musculoskeletal system and how various exercises can help manage and reduce the symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess rheumatoid arthritis and its associated pain symptoms affecting the joints. We also inform and guide patients while asking their associated medical provider intricate questions to integrate various exercises into their personalized treatment plan to manage the pain correlated with rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How RA Affects The Joints

Do you feel pain and tenderness in your joints affecting your daily routine? Do you experience stiffness first thing in the morning, and it goes away throughout the day? Or do you feel fatigued throughout the day, even after a good night’s sleep? Many individuals with these symptoms could be dealing with early development of rheumatoid arthritis in their joints. Now, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s joints but is more prominent on the hands, wrists, and feet. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can develop early or slowly depending on the environmental factors contributing to the development. Since rheumatoid arthritis is categorized as a systemic autoimmune disease, genetic and environmental risk factors that can contribute to rheumatoid arthritis development can trigger overlapping risk profiles on the joints. (Jang et al., 2022) When a person is dealing with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the key pain symptoms that can affect the joints drastically is inflammation. Inflammation is associated with rheumatoid arthritis; it is reflected by joint pain, leading to swelling and subsequent destruction of the cartilage and bone. (Scherer et al., 2020) This causes many individuals to be in constant pain and prevents them from doing any activities.



Additionally, when a few joints are being affected by rheumatoid arthritis in the early stages, some of the symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Swollen & tender joints
  • Stiffness

However, when rheumatoid arthritis reaches the later stages in the joints, the autoantigens that are specific to rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a self-perpetuating chronic inflammatory state on the joints, thus causing an expansion on the periarticular bone at the cartilage-bone junction, leading to bone erosion and cartilage degradation. (Lin et al., 2020) Luckily, there are therapeutic options to reduce the pain and inflammatory effects of rheumatoid arthritis and help manage the symptoms that are affecting the joints.


Arthritis Explained- Video

How Various Exercises Can Help With RA

When it comes to reducing the inflammatory effects of rheumatoid arthritis, many individuals can seek out therapeutic options to restore mobility, function, and flexibility. Many individuals can incorporate various physical activities to relieve stress on the inflamed tissues while slowing the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. (Radu & Bungau, 2021) When people with rheumatoid arthritis incorporate various physical activities, they can include a healthy diet and nutrition to suppress pro-inflammatory effects associated with rheumatoid arthritis, help provide symptomatic improvement, and restore bodily function to the joints. (Gioia et al., 2020)


When people with rheumatoid arthritis start exercising as part of their personalized treatment, it can have beneficial properties as they can help with the following:

  • Reduce joint pain & stiffness
  • Improve muscle strength around the joints
  • Enhance physical function
  • Boost mental health
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Increase energy levels

The main priority of incorporating exercises to reduce rheumatoid arthritis is choosing gentle exercises on the person’s joints while providing enough movement to keep the body flexible and strong. Below are some exercises to reduce rheumatoid arthritis.


Range of Motion Exercises

Range of motion exercises can help maintain normal joint function by improving flexibility and reducing stiffness for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Some examples include:

  • Finger Bends: Gently bend your fingers into a fist and straighten them. Repeat several times.
  • Wrist Stretch: Extend your arm with the palm facing down. Gently use your other hand to press the extended hand down and back for a stretch.
  • Shoulder Rolls: Roll the shoulders in a forward circular motion, then reverse the direction.


Strength Training Exercises

Strength training can help build the surrounding muscles around the joints. This allows many individuals with rheumatoid arthritis to provide better support and reduce stress on the joints. Some examples include:

  • Resistance Bands: Use resistance bands to perform bicep curls, leg extensions, and chest presses.
  • Light Weights: Incorporate light dumbbells to perform exercises like shoulder presses, tricep extensions, and squats.
  • Bodyweight Exercises: Engage in wall push-ups, seated leg lifts, and modified planks.


Water-Based Exercises

Water-based exercises provide resistance without impact on the joints, making it ideal for those with rheumatoid arthritis. The water helps cushion the joints by easing the stiffness, building strength, and helping relax sore muscles. Some examples of water-based exercises include:

  • Water Aerobics: Join a water aerobics class that offers structured routines in a supportive environment.
  • Aqua Jogging: Use a buoyancy belt to jog in the pool’s deep end.
  • Swimming: Perform laps or engage in gentle exercises like the backstroke or breaststroke.


Tips For Exercising With RA

It is important to remember that when exercising with rheumatoid arthritis, it is important to always start with a gentle warm-up and always end with a cool down to prepare the muscles and joints when beginning to exercise. Another thing to remember is to stay consistent and modify when needed. This allows many individuals to listen to their bodies and modify exercises to avoid pain and discomfort. Incorporating exercises is highly effective in reducing rheumatoid arthritis activity as it can help enhance the body’s immune function and help manage the inflammatory response associated with rheumatoid arthritis. (Li & Wang, 2022)



Gioia, C., Lucchino, B., Tarsitano, M. G., Iannuccelli, C., & Di Franco, M. (2020). Dietary Habits and Nutrition in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can Diet Influence Disease Development and Clinical Manifestations? Nutrients, 12(5).

Jang, S., Kwon, E. J., & Lee, J. J. (2022). Rheumatoid Arthritis: Pathogenic Roles of Diverse Immune Cells. Int J Mol Sci, 23(2).

Li, Z., & Wang, X. Q. (2022). Clinical effect and biological mechanism of exercise for rheumatoid arthritis: A mini review. Front Immunol, 13, 1089621.

Lin, Y. J., Anzaghe, M., & Schulke, S. (2020). Update on the Pathomechanism, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Cells, 9(4).

Radu, A. F., & Bungau, S. G. (2021). Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Overview. Cells, 10(11).

Scherer, H. U., Haupl, T., & Burmester, G. R. (2020). The etiology of rheumatoid arthritis. J Autoimmun, 110, 102400.


Water Aerobics for Strength and Cardiovascular Health

Water Aerobics for Strength and Cardiovascular Health

For individuals living with chronic pain and various diseases like Parkinson’s, arthritis, and diabetes, can water aerobics be beneficial?

Water Aerobics for Strength and Cardiovascular Health

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics are low-impact exercises performed commonly in swimming pools. It is a great way to exercise for a full-body, low-impact workout without overworking the body’s joints and muscles. Other names used include:

  • Aquafitness
  • Aqua aerobics
  • Aquarobics

Many types can be tailored to individual needs, injuries, and/or conditions. The exercises have various health benefits, especially for those who cannot perform higher-impact movements.

How It Works

Water aerobics involves performing certain controlled movements as a form of exercise. Different types focus on various areas of health, including (Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School, 2023)

  • Strength training
  • Cardiovascular
  • Interval training

Individuals can also perform water aerobics if they know the movements involved. (Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School, 2023)

Benefits of Pool Exercises

There are many benefits associated with water aerobics.

Because of the low-impact and full-body nature of the exercises, people can expect to see improvements (Pereira Neiva, H. et al., 2018) (Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School, 2023)

Joint health

  • Water aerobics is gentle on the joints with minimal strain.


  • Water resistance during exercises can improve cardiovascular health without pushing it.
  • Studies have shown that it can also help control blood pressure.


  • Because of the resistance from the water, the muscles work harder.

Weight Loss

  • The water resistance exercises burn more calories than those outside the water, which could lead to more weight loss over time.

Health Conditions That Can Benefit

Some of the health conditions that can benefit from water aerobics include (Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School, 2023)

  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Obesity
  • Heart health
  • Blood pressure
  • Stress and Anxiety


Individuals participating in water aerobics will need a bathing suit, towel, goggles, and a swim cap to protect their eyes or hair from chlorinated water. Individuals do not need other special equipment while exercising as the water acts as extra resistance. Foam dumbbells or paddles can be used to increase resistance. Other optional equipment includes: (Plunge San Diego, 2024) (Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School, 2023)

  • Kickboards
  • Wrist and ankle weights
  • Water-jogging belts
  • Swim bar

Pool Exercises

There are many types of pool exercises to help reach health and fitness goals. They include:

Water Walking

  • The basic act of walking in water is a great way to get a full-body workout.
  • Start by standing in waist-deep water with the feet planted on the bottom of the pool.
  • Lengthen the spine by bringing the shoulders up and back and aligning the shoulders with the hips and knees.
  • Once in a good starting position, walk through the water, putting pressure on the heel first and then the toes, just like walking out of the water, while swinging the arms back and forth through the water.
  • This exercise can be done for five to 10 minutes.
  • The muscles that will get the most attention are the arms, core, and the lower body.

Arm Lifts

  • Stand up to the shoulders in water.
  • With the palms facing up, draw the elbows into the torso while lifting the forearms in front of the body up to the water’s surface.
  • Once at the surface, rotate the palms to face down and slowly move the forearms back down to the sides.
  • For more resistance, this exercise can also be done using foam dumbbells.
  • Repeat the action 10–15 times for one to three sets.
  • The muscles targeted are the core and the arm muscles.

Jumping Jacks

  • Water resistance makes jumping jacks in the water much more difficult than on land.
  • To perform, start by standing in chest-level water with your feet together and your arms straight down the sides.
  • Once in position, begin by simultaneously swinging the legs out to the side and arms over the head before returning to the starting position.
  • Muscles targeted include the entire body and cardiovascular system.
  • Add wrist or ankle weights for more resistance and to make the exercise more challenging.

High-Knee-Lift Extensions

  • High-knee-lift extensions are performed while standing in water that is waist deep.
  • To do the exercise, engage the core and lift one leg in a bent position until it is level with the water’s surface.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then extend the leg out in front and hold again.
  • After the hold period, move the leg back down through the water to the starting position while keeping it straight and flexing the foot.
  • Repeat on both legs for two to three sets of 15 reps per leg.
  • Use weights on the ankles to increase resistance.
  • The muscles targeted include the core, glutes, and lower body.


While exercising in water, individuals may not notice how much they sweat. This can make it seem like the workout is not as hard and can lead to dehydration. Individuals should always hydrate before and after a pool workout. Individuals who cannot swim well should avoid exercises that do not require a flotation device. Sometimes pools are heated, so choosing one 90 degrees F or below is recommended so the body doesn’t get overheated while exercising.

Stop Pool Exercises Immediately

Performing pool exercises can often seem easier than they are, leading to overworking. Stop exercising immediately if you feel:

  • Pain in any area of the body
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nauseated
  • Faint
  • Dizzy
  • Pressure in the upper body or chest

Other Health Conditions That Benefit

Water aerobics is recommended for most individuals, completely healthy or with a chronic disease. Those with chronic disease have been shown to benefit from the low-impact exercise. (Faíl, L. B. et al., 2022) One study looked at individuals with various health conditions, with the results showing that the following conditions saw improvements after 12 weeks of regular water exercise (Faíl, L. B. et al., 2022)

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Bone diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease

While the benefits of water aerobics have been studied and proven effective, individuals should be cleared by a medical professional before starting any new exercise regimen. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution through an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes, improving flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain and help individuals return to normal. Our providers create personalized care plans for each patient. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Chiropractic and Integrative Healthcare


Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. (2023). Basic types of water-based exercises. HealthBeat.

Pereira Neiva, H., Brandão Faíl, L., Izquierdo, M., Marques, M. C., & Marinho, D. A. (2018). The effect of 12 weeks of water-aerobics on health status and physical fitness: An ecological approach. PloS one, 13(5), e0198319.

Harvard Health Publishing Harvard Medical School. (2024). Advantages of water-based exercise. HealthBeat.

Plunge San Diego. (2024). 5 must-have pieces of aquatic exercise equipment for water aerobics. Plunge San Diego.

Faíl, L. B., Marinho, D. A., Marques, E. A., Costa, M. J., Santos, C. C., Marques, M. C., Izquierdo, M., & Neiva, H. P. (2022). Benefits of aquatic exercise in adults with and without chronic disease-A systematic review with meta-analysis. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 32(3), 465–486.

Is Hot Yoga an Effective Detoxification Method?

Is Hot Yoga an Effective Detoxification Method?

Can knowing about the health benefits of hot yoga help individuals decide if it is right for them?

Is Hot Yoga an Effective Detoxification Method?

Hot Yoga

The body has a system for ridding itself of what it can’t use or doesn’t need, called toxins. Individuals may have heard that they can sweat out toxins by doing various hot yoga styles. Hot yoga, practiced in a heated room, has become popular. The standard room temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit with 40% humidity. (Mayo Clinic 2020) Because of the temperatures, hot yoga is not for everyone, and those with heart problems or dizziness are recommended to stick with regular classes. However, the detoxification medical benefits may not be there, or there is still insufficient research to confirm.

Body Detoxification

Broken down by the liver, the toxins in the blood or bile are filtered in the kidneys or intestines and removed in urine or stool. (Boyer J. L. 2013) Sweat is not part of the removal equation. The function of sweat is to cool the body down when it becomes overheated. This can happen during strenuous activity, when overdressed, or in summer. Sweat comprises primarily water with trace amounts of urea, lactic acid, and minerals. (Baker L. B. 2019) Except for water, none of the products in sweat are excreted in large enough quantities to alter or improve metabolic function. The sodium excreted in sweat is quickly re-absorbed through the skin’s epithelial sodium channels, which does little to alter the sodium levels in the blood. (Hanukoglu I. et al., 2017)

Environmental Toxins

The body is exposed to all sorts of toxins daily, including pollution and pesticides in the air, preservatives in our foods, and detergents and cosmetics on our skin. (Hunt P. 2011) Sweat-based exercise to remove these toxins is still unfounded.

Sweating In Hot Yoga

Many think that sweating in a hot yoga class will cleanse the alcohol or unhealthy foods. Yoga won’t help sweat these things out, but the practice still provides benefits that help burn some fat from the calories consumed. Exercising helps burn fat regardless of the temperature of the surroundings. (Swift, D. L. et al., 2014) The benefits include:

  • Increased circulation to deliver more oxygenated blood to the muscles.
  • Improved muscle tone and flexibility.
  • Stress relief.

Instead of sweating out the toxins, minimize exposure by eating a healthy, balanced diet, using natural products, and reading the labels of products placed on or in the body.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness program that fully benefits the individual to get back to normal. Using an integrated approach to treat injuries and chronic pain syndromes, the ability to relieve pain is improved through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs. Our providers create personalized care plans for each patient, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine. If other treatment is needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Body Signals Decoded


Mayo Clinic. (2020). What is hot yoga? Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.

Boyer J. L. (2013). Bile formation and secretion. Comprehensive Physiology, 3(3), 1035–1078.

Baker L. B. (2019). Physiology of sweat gland function: The roles of sweating and sweat composition in human health. Temperature (Austin, Tex.), 6(3), 211–259.

Hanukoglu, I., Boggula, V. R., Vaknine, H., Sharma, S., Kleyman, T., & Hanukoglu, A. (2017). Expression of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and CFTR in the human epidermis and epidermal appendages. Histochemistry and cell biology, 147(6), 733–748.

Hunt P. (2011). Toxins all around us. Exposure to the chemicals in everyday objects poses a hidden health threat. Scientific American, 305(4), 14.

Swift, D. L., Johannsen, N. M., Lavie, C. J., Earnest, C. P., & Church, T. S. (2014). The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 56(4), 441–447.

Enhancing Pilates Performance: The Key to a Neutral Spine

Enhancing Pilates Performance: The Key to a Neutral Spine

For individuals wanting to try Pilates for back pain and exercise, can learning how to find their neutral spine help improve flexibility and increase the range of motion in the joints?

Enhancing Pilates Performance: The Key to a Neutral Spine

Pilates Neutral Spine

Pilates is a functional exercise modality emphasizing core stability, which is fundamental to developing a balanced body. The exercises strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, and increase the range of motion in the joints. (Kloubec J. 2011) It is considered a functional fitness method because its principles work to establish more graceful, efficient movements from everyday life, such as improving posture. Pilates has shown its effectiveness in that it is often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings. (Byrnes, K., Wu, P. J., and Whillier, S. 2018) However, knowing how to find the neutral spine is essential for performing various Pilates exercises correctly. (Barbosa, A. C. et al., 2018) This subtle adjustment during practice may help prevent injury and increase overall performance. A neutral spine is the natural position of the spine when all three curves:

  • Cervical (neck)
  • Thoracic (middle)
  • Lumbar (lower)
  • Are active and in healthy alignment.

This is the strongest position for the spine when standing or sitting, allowing the body to move more naturally.


The following exercise can help find the Pilates neutral spine.

Basic Position

  • Lie on the back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Ensure the legs are parallel to the hips, knees, heels, and toes.
  • Let the arms rest at your sides.


  • Relax the body, including the shoulders, neck, and jaw.
  • Allow the back to melt into the floor.
  • The rib cage will drop when the lower ribs are released to the floor.

Breathe Deep

  • Inhale all the way into the body, allowing it to move into the back and sides of the rib cage and all the way to the pelvis.

Pelvic Tilt

  • Exhale and use the abdominals to press the lower spine into the floor in a pelvic tuck. (Eickmeyer S. M. 2017)
  • Inhale to release.
  • Exhale and pull the lower spine off the floor, creating a pelvic tilt.
  • Inhale to release.

Pilates exercises don’t use excess energy or tension. Proper alignment and a neutral spine position can ensure that tension is released and excess energy is not exerted. (Byrnes, K., Wu, P. J., and Whillier, S. 2018) When performing the exercise, ensure that the shoulders, neck, and legs are relaxed and not involved in the movement.

When Exercising

Once a neutral spine is achieved, the goal is to maintain this spinal position during the exercises and when changing positions.

  • Start by lifting the right leg and placing it back down without letting the hips move.
  • Then, repeat the motion with the left leg.
  • Engage the abdominal muscles to help stabilize the pelvis, keeping it from moving and maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Repeat this process with each leg.
  • Once each leg can be lifted easily, test with both legs.
  • Exhale deeply and lift the legs while keeping the core and pelvis stable.
  • Then, lower them back down.
  • When performing this progression, there may be a want to release the abs and let the back arch.
  • This will cause a tuck and tilt position away from the neutral spine position.
  • If this progression is difficult, keep practicing until you can maintain a neutral spine.
  • Once this basic progression feels easy, try additional progressions and positioning.

Visualization Tips

Most people have their spines in one of two positions: tucked or tilted. A neutral spine requires individuals to be in between, with the lower abdominals flat and the lower spine’s natural curve slightly off the floor. The following visualization can help establish a neutral spine.

Balanced Pelvic Placement

  • Imagine a cup of water sitting on the lower abdomen, a couple of inches below the belly button.
  • Allow the abdominal muscles to drop toward the spine, flattening the belly.
  • You don’t want the water to spill, so the pelvis cannot be tipped forward or tucked under.

Body Scan Meditation

  • Once the body is relaxed with a balanced alignment on the floor.
  • Allow breathing to become deep and full and the abdominals to drop toward the floor.
  • The natural neck and lower spine curves should be off the floor.
  • Ensure the lower spine is not pressed into the floor, as this indicates a pelvic tilt.

If there is any discomfort or pain when working to increase endurance, seek advice from a healthcare professional. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic uses an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. It offers personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized care plans for each patient, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. If other treatment is needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Is Motion Key to Healing?


Kloubec J. (2011). Pilates: how does it work and who needs it?. Muscles, ligaments and tendons journal, 1(2), 61–66.

Byrnes, K., Wu, P. J., & Whillier, S. (2018). Is Pilates an effective rehabilitation tool? A systematic review. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 22(1), 192–202.

Barbosa, A. C., Vieira, E. R., Silva, A. F., Coelho, A. C., Martins, F. M., Fonseca, D. S., Barbosa, M. A., & Bordachar, D. (2018). Pilates experience vs. muscle activation during abdominal drawing-in maneuver. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 22(2), 467–470.

Eickmeyer S. M. (2017). Anatomy and Physiology of the Pelvic Floor. Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America, 28(3), 455–460.

Maintaining Endurance for Optimal Performance

Maintaining Endurance for Optimal Performance

Can increasing endurance help individuals who want to improve their physical abilities or extend the time they perform these activities?

Maintaining Endurance for Optimal Performance


Individuals tend to think of endurance in terms of exercise and fitness, such as running, biking, swimming, and strength training. While this is true, endurance is involved in nearly every task we perform. For example, an individual has to have enough endurance to complete a full day of activities. This includes:

  • Carpooling the kids
  • Professional responsibilities
  • Home chores
  • Preparing dinner
  • Helping out kids with homework, etc.

Nearly every activity requires some level of endurance, which means the ability to maintain activity for an extended period of time. When endurance begins to wane, it usually results from not performing certain activities regularly. The body gets used to daily routines and activities. When it stops engaging in certain activities, like walking and exercising regularly, endurance slowly declines, and the ability to perform at the same caliber.

What Is It?

Endurance is an ability that is acquired after extensive physical and mental training. Physiological and psychological factors reinvigorate individuals to continue doing what they are doing longer. Factors include:


  • Individuals who didn’t sleep well the night before or are worn out may have difficulty following through with certain activities that require extensive output or stamina.

Fitness Levels

  • Current fitness levels are also a predictor of endurance.
  • How physically fit an individual is, coupled with their level of training, will impact endurance abilities.
  • Genetics is another factor, as everybody has different muscle fibers that can influence physical capabilities. While research shows that individuals can gradually alter the amount of these fibers, it also emphasizes the role of genetics in determining one’s muscle makeup. (de Souza, E. O. et al., 2014)

Individuals who constantly challenge themselves mentally and physically are continually building endurance.

Endurance and Stamina Difference

Endurance is often used interchangeably with stamina. However, the two are very different.

  • Stamina refers to how long an individual can perform a certain activity at maximum capacity or without getting tired.
  • Endurance revolves around an individual’s ability to perform a certain activity without performing at maximum capacity.


Endurance can be divided into classifications defined by type. Here are the main types of endurance in physical fitness and what they mean.


  • Cardiovascular endurance is the stress an individual’s heart can take during physical activity.
  • When building cardiovascular endurance, the body becomes more efficient at pumping blood while performing a specific activity.
  • Individuals with more cardiovascular endurance can sustain longer and more intense overall training.


  • Muscular endurance is the length of time muscles can continue to contract enough to allow the body to finish a certain activity.
  • An individual lacking in muscular endurance will succumb faster to excess lactic acid build-up, causing cramps.
  • An individual with significant muscular endurance can lift a weight for more repetitions before failure.


  • Anaerobic means without oxygen, so anaerobic endurance refers to how long a muscle can continue working at a certain physical level without much or any oxygen.
  • Weightlifting is a great example of this.
  • Anaerobic exercise tends to be shorter in duration but more intense than aerobic exercise, like swimming or cycling.


Through endurance training, individuals can improve their ability to carry out certain activities longer. Recommendations for how to improve include.

Interval Training

Interval training, or high-intensity interval training, involves increasing the intensity of the workout for a short period of time.

  • If running, intentionally push the pace harder than normal for 20-second intervals.
  • Followed by a slower recovery pace for about a minute.
  • This increases endurance and improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Pedaling on an air bike is another recommended activity to build strength and endurance.

Rest Less Between Sets

  • Resting in between certain types of physical activity is beneficial, it can also lower heart rate and endurance threshold.
  • Taking less rest between workout sets so that the heart rate stays elevated increases endurance with each workout.

Perform a Few More Reps On Each Set

  • Whatever the type of exercise being done, one way to enhance endurance is to add one more rep, one more mile, or a few more minutes to the fitness schedule.
  • The body will slowly adapt to that level, making it the new norm.

Increase Core Strength

  • No matter the workout—running, swimming, cycling, or weight lifting—it’s important to focus on strengthening the core. This will help improve endurance in any activity and prevent injuries.

Individuals having trouble taking their workouts to the next level and feeling that their endurance has flattened should consider enlisting the help of a certified personal trainer. If there is any discomfort or pain when working to increase endurance, seek advice from a healthcare professional. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic uses an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. It offers personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized care plans for each patient, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. If other treatment is needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Unlocking Athletic Potential


de Souza, E. O., Tricoli, V., Aoki, M. S., Roschel, H., Brum, P. C., Bacurau, A. V., Silva-Batista, C., Wilson, J. M., Neves, M., Jr, Soares, A. G., & Ugrinowitsch, C. (2014). Effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on genes related to myostatin signaling pathway and muscle fiber responses. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 28(11), 3215–3223.

The Impact of Muscle Contracture on Joint Mobility

The Impact of Muscle Contracture on Joint Mobility

Can physical therapies help relieve muscle contractures in individuals who have endured prolonged bed rest, inactivity, or lack of use of certain muscle groups?

The Impact of Muscle Contracture on Joint Mobility

Muscle Contracture

A muscle contracture, or contracture deformity, is caused when a muscle loses elasticity. This causes permanent shortening and tightening of muscle fibers, which reduces flexibility and makes movement difficult. Muscles that cannot move and stretch cause the surrounding joints to lose mobility and develop pain symptoms. When trying to stretch the contracted muscle, the individual will feel the muscle become very rigid, which can increase pain. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019) Delaying treatment can potentially cause irreversible and chronic symptoms.

Commonly Affected Muscles

Flexor muscles bend the joints and are those most affected by contractures. The stiffening and tightening prevent the body parts from moving out and away. The most common include:

Wrist and Finger Flexors

  • Muscle groups that bend the wrist and fingers.


  • The primary elbow flexor that bends the arm.

Gastrocnemius and Soleus

  • The calf muscles which allow the ankle to point the foot/plantarflexion.


  • A group of three muscles behind the thigh that bend the knee.


The permanent shortening of muscle fibers and changes in muscle structure cause muscle contractures or stiffer-than-normal tissue that is difficult to stretch. Sarcomeres are structural units of muscles that cause fibers to contract.

With contractures, the sarcomeres overly lengthen when the muscle fibers tighten. This increase in sarcomere length prevents the muscle from contracting normally, resulting in weakness. Muscle fibers are encased in an extracellular matrix, a mesh composed of collagen and other proteins that help transmit force and provide muscle contraction. Muscle contractures cause the amount of collagen within the extracellular matrix to increase, causing a stiffening of fibers that restricts movement. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Muscle contractures also form from decreased satellite cells. Satellite cells are specialized stem cells that can rebuild muscle and are necessary for muscle regeneration and repair. Without the proper amount of satellite cells, other cells like fibroblasts significantly increase in the muscle tissue, causing the fibers to become stiff and fibrotic or more fibrous. These changes to the sarcomeres, collagen within the extracellular matrix, and decreased satellite cells all result from conditions in which neurological input to the brain and spinal cord muscles becomes reduced. This is caused by lack of use, injury, or neurological and neuromuscular conditions. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Cerebral Palsy

Contractures often occur from upper motor neuron lesions, which prevent signals from the brain and spinal cord from reaching the motor neurons that control muscle contraction. When these signals are weakened or blocked, muscles become stiff and weak from lack of stimulation. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders affecting mobility caused by an upper motor neuron lesion that is present at birth and is the most common motor disability in children. It causes:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Problems with movement, coordination, and functional motions.

Because cerebral palsy prevents the muscles of the legs from being sufficiently stimulated, contractures commonly develop in the hips, knees, and ankles.  Individuals can have a 75% decrease in satellite cells to repair muscle tissue and prevent muscle fibrosis or stiffening. Specific genes linked to collagen production are also altered, causing irregular changes to the extracellular matrix of muscles. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited neuromuscular disorders characterized by muscle weakness and wasting. Deficient nerve supply to muscles causes them to become stiff and tight, inhibiting the functional range of motion needed to move joints and activate muscles to move. Clinical research suggests that individuals with muscular dystrophy have decreased levels of satellite cells to repair, increasing the risk of developing muscle contracture. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Disuse-induced Muscle Wasting or Disuse Atrophy

When muscles are not used for some time because of hospitalization, prolonged bed rest, or immobilization from wearing braces, splints, or casts after injuries, the blood circulation and electrical signaling from nerves to muscles decreases. This results in weakness, increased muscle tightness and stiffness, and muscle wasting/atrophy. Over time, stiff and tight muscles can progress to contractures that become extremely difficult to stretch.

Trauma or Injury

Muscle or tendon injuries can cause contractures as scar tissue develops, joining muscle fibers and joints together. This can significantly restrict movement. Large burns can also cause skin, muscles, and joint contractures. The range of motion can become significantly limited, and the changes can become irreversible if not aggressively treated.

Other Causes

Other forms of upper motor neuron lesions that can cause contractures because of weak or blocked electrical input to muscles as a result of brain or spinal cord damage include:

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)
  • Neuromuscular disorders like spinal muscular atrophy – SMA.
  • Conditions that cause inflammation and joint stiffening, like juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  • A history of diabetes also increases the risk of developing contractures affecting finger flexors, like Dupuytren’s contractures and stenosing tenosynovitis
    or trigger finger. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)


Symptoms include:

  • Extremely stiff and tight muscles resistant to stretching.
  • Pain from the inability to stretch.
  • Loss of range of motion.
  • Impaired joint mobility.
  • Severe contractures can interfere with the functional range of motion needed to move joints to complete normal tasks and movements, such as standing up from a chair and walking.


Physical Therapy


Regular exercise can:

  • Reduce joint stiffening and muscle tightening.
  • Help maintain joint mobility and range of motion.
  • Improve blood circulation and muscle activation. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

Braces and Splints

  • Specialized braces or splints can be custom-made to fit different body parts.
  • These provide a prolonged low-intensity stretch over a period of time to increase muscle length.
  • Once the muscle has stretched, a new brace or splint may be needed to adjust to the increased range of motion. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)


In severe cases where muscle contractures limit the functional range of motion needed for activities of daily living or ADLs, surgical release of the contracted tissue may be recommended. This surgery can improve functional movements like walking, getting in and out of bed, and standing up from chairs. The tight muscles can be surgically cut, and the tendons can be lengthened to allow more mobility. (Lieber, R. L., and Fridén, J. 2019)

The causes of muscle contracture are not always avoidable, but various treatment options are available to help loosen up tight muscles and preserve or restore the range of motion. It’s important to move daily and stretch common areas like the fingers, arms, and legs to reduce the risk of muscle tightness and prevent contractures from developing. It is imperative to seek medical treatment for severe contractures resulting from neuromuscular disorders, including physical and occupational therapy, to prevent contractures from worsening and regaining as much functional range as possible.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic uses an integrated approach personalized to the individual that focuses on what works for them and treats injuries and chronic pain syndromes through personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized care plans for each patient, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. If other treatment is needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Chiropractic Treatment for Cerebral Palsy


Lieber, R. L., & Fridén, J. (2019). Muscle contracture and passive mechanics in cerebral palsy. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 126(5), 1492–1501.

The Most Common Wrestling Injuries and How to Heal

The Most Common Wrestling Injuries and How to Heal

For wrestling athletes or those thinking about getting into the sport, can knowing about common injuries help in rehabilitation and prevention?

The Most Common Wrestling Injuries and How to Heal

Wrestling Injuries

Wrestling is an intense and demanding sport. Studies have found that football and wrestling are the two high school sports with the highest risk of serious injury to athletes (Center for Injury Research and Policy, 2009). The injury rate for college wrestlers is 9 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures. (Kroshus, E. et al., 2018) While most wrestling injuries include strains and sprains, there can also be serious traumatic and unusual injuries. Using proper safety gear and learning correct techniques can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. The majority occur during competition.


The most common wrestling injuries are similar to those in other sports and include:

Muscle Soreness

  • Muscle soreness that is experienced 12 to 48 hours after an intense workout or competition.
  • Resting is often all that is needed to recover.

Bruises and Contusions

  • Sparring, take-downs, and hard landings can result in various bruises and contusions.

Sprains and Strains

  • Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are recommended to treat sprains and strains immediately.

Ankle Sprains

  • Ankle sprains occur when surrounding ligaments stretch and tear around the joint.

Wrist Sprains

  • Typically, it occurs when stretching or tearing the ligaments.
  • Falling or landing on the hands is a common cause.

Overtraining Syndrome

  • Frequently occurs in athletes who train beyond the body’s ability to recover.


  • When trying to make weight, dehydration can be a serious health problem that many wrestlers experience.

Other Injuries

Other injuries common in wrestling:

  • Wrist tendinitis
  • Finger fractures
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Meniscus tears
  • Groin pull
  • Hamstring pull or tear
  • Pulled calf muscle
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Clavicle/Collarbone fracture
  • Concussion


The forcing of a joint beyond its normal range of motion is the most common cause of serious injuries. The most serious wrestling injuries affect the neck, shoulder, elbow, and knee and include:


  • The cervical vertebrae are often forced into vulnerable positions during various techniques and movements, which can result in a neck injury. Common types include:
  • Neck Strain
  • Whiplash
  • Cervical Fracture


  • A combination of leverage and twisting causes most upper body and shoulder injuries during competition. Types of shoulder injuries include:
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Shoulder separation
  • Shoulder dislocation

Elbow Dislocation

  • Elbows are under tremendous strain when maneuvering.
  • Dislocations of the radial head are often related to the athlete bracing for a fall on an outstretched arm during take-downs.


  • Most knee injuries occur to the ligaments of the knee joint.
  • These include anterior and posterior cruciate ligament or ACL/PCL injuries.


Wrestling requires flexibility, strength, and proper technique to prevent injury, combined with thorough instruction and coaching and following basic safety precautions. Some tips include.

Safety Gear

  • Wear appropriate headgear and mouthguards during practices, meets, and tournaments.

Improving Joint Flexibility

  • Wrestlers with a high degree of shoulder flexibility have fewer injuries.
  • The flexibility of the lower back, hamstrings, elbows, and cervical spine should also be worked on.​

Gain or Lose Weight Safely

  • Avoid dramatic weight loss and weight-gaining strategies by maintaining healthy nutrition and hydration during the season.

Avoiding Dangerous Holds and Slam Moves

  • Safe wrestling techniques need to be followed as these can generate severe injuries.

Regardless of how common or seemingly not serious an injury or medical condition is, it’s important to rest and recover and tell a coach and health care professional, as some injuries and conditions can become serious if left untreated. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic focuses on and treats injuries and chronic pain syndromes through personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized care plans for each patient, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. If other treatment is needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.

Perseverance and Power


Nationwide Children’s Hospital. (2024). Center for Injury Research and Policy.

Kroshus, E., Utter, A. C., Pierpoint, L. A., Currie, D. W., Knowles, S. B., Wasserman, E. B., Dompier, T. P., Marshall, S. W., Comstock, R. D., & Kerr, Z. Y. (2018). The First Decade of Web-Based Sports Injury Surveillance: Descriptive Epidemiology of Injuries in US High School Boys’ Wrestling (2005-2006 Through 2013-2014) and National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Wrestling (2004-2005 Through 2013-2014). Journal of athletic training, 53(12), 1143–1155.