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Injury Care

Back Clinic Injury Care Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. There are two approaches to injury care. They are active and passive treatment. While both can help get patients on the road toward recovery, only active treatment has a long-term impact and keeps patients moving.

We focus on treating injuries sustained in auto accidents, personal injuries, work injuries, and sports injuries and provide complete interventional pain management services and therapeutic programs. Everything from bumps and bruises to torn ligaments and back pain.

Passive Injury Care

A doctor or a physical therapist usually gives passive injury care. It includes:

  • Acupuncture
  • Applying heat/ice to sore muscles
  • Pain medication

It’s a good starting point to help reduce pain, but passive injury care isn’t the most effective treatment. While it helps an injured person feel better in the moment, the relief doesn’t last. A patient won’t fully recover from injury unless they actively work to return to their normal life.

Active Injury Care

Active treatment also provided by a physician or physical therapist relies on the injured person’s commitment to work. When patients take ownership of their health, the active injury care process becomes more meaningful and productive. A modified activity plan will help an injured person transition to full function and improve their overall physical and emotional wellness.

  • Spine, neck, and back
  • Headaches
  • Knees, shoulders, and wrists
  • Torn ligaments
  • Soft tissue injuries (muscle strains and sprains)

What does active injury care involve?

An active treatment plan keeps the body as strong and flexible as possible through a personalized work/transitional plan, which limits long-term impact and helps injured patients work toward a faster recovery. For example, in injury Medical & Chiropractic clinic’s injury care, a clinician will work with the patient to understand the cause of injury, then create a rehabilitation plan that keeps the patient active and brings them back to proper health in no time.

For answers to any questions, you may have, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Wrist Sprain: What You Need to Know for a Speedy Recovery

Wrist Sprain: What You Need to Know for a Speedy Recovery

Can knowing about wrist sprains—their types, symptoms, causes, and diagnoses—help develop an effective treatment program?

Wrist Sprain: What You Need to Know for a Speedy Recovery

Wrist Sprain

Wrist sprains are injuries that affect ligaments that attach bone to bone. They occur after a fall from work overuse, house tasks, during sports activities, or with other direct trauma. Symptoms of a wrist sprain include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Weakness
  • Tingling

The injury affects the ligaments and soft tissue structures connecting bone to bone. Mild wrist sprains typically heal within a few weeks; most heal without complications in six to 12 weeks. (National Health Service, 2020) However, severe injuries can require surgery, physical therapy, and months to recover fully.

Grades and Types

The three grades of sprains are graded by the severity of the injury (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)

Grade 1

  • Ligaments are stretched; this is considered a mild sprain.
  • The injury may heal in one to three weeks with standard care. (Mass General Brigham, 2025)

Grade 2

  • Ligaments are partially torn; this is considered a moderate sprain.
  • It may need a brace; healing can take three to six weeks. (Mass General Brigham, 2025)

Grade 3

  • Ligaments are torn completely or have pulled away from the bone.
  • Sometimes, a piece of bone comes off with it, a condition called an avulsion fracture.
  • This is considered a severe sprain. It can take months to heal completely. (Mass General Brigham, 2025)

The wrist is made up of three joints (American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2017)

Distal radioulnar

  • This joint is between the two forearm bones.
  • The radius on the thumb side.
  • The ulna on the pinky side.


  • This joint is between the radius and three small bones in the base of the hand.
  • The scaphoid
  • The triquetrum
  • The lunate


  • This joint is between the ulna and the articular disc and cushions it from the carpal bones, the lunate, and the triquetrum.

Wrist sprains can affect any of these joints but more commonly affect the ligament between the scaphoid and lunate bone or the triangular fibrocartilage complex/TFCC on the pinky side of the wrist.


The primary symptom of a wrist sprain is pain, especially when moving or touching the injured area. Other symptoms can include: (National Library of Medicine, 2021) (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)

  • Decreased range of motion
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Feeling instability in the wrist
  • Weakness
  • Numbness/tingling
  • Popping sensation
  • Warm skin


The common cause of wrist sprain is falling on an outstretched hand. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024) Other common causes include:

  • Repetitive overuse work injuries.
  • Housework and tasks.
  • Sports include skateboarding, gymnastics, basketball, snowboarding, hockey, and contact sports.


A healthcare provider will diagnose a wrist sprain based on symptoms and injury causes. X-rays are the first imaging to rule out fractures. Other tests can include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging – MRI
  • Computed tomography – CT scan
  • Arthrogram -X-rays with contrast dye


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Aleve, Advil, Motrin, and aspirin, can treat pain and inflammation. The severity of the wrist sprain determines whether additional treatment is needed. Sprains should initially be treated with the RICE protocol (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)


  • Minimize using the injured wrist for at least two days.
  • Wear a splint for support.
  • Avoid sudden movements.
  • Avoid placing too much pressure on the wrist.


  • Cold packs are recommended several times daily for 20 minutes to decrease pain and swelling.


  • Wrap the wrist with an elastic bandage or Kinesio tape to help reduce swelling.


  • To decrease swelling, use pillows to elevate the wrist as much as possible above the level of your heart.
  1. Grade 1 sprains usually heal with basic care within a week or two.
  2. Grade 2 sprains often require wearing a brace for an extended period while the ligament heals, which can take up to six weeks. (American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2018)
  3. The removable brace or splint should be worn when using the arm.
  4. It can be taken off at rest at night and when bathing. (National Health Service, 2020)
  5. Individuals may need the brace for a week or more.

A healthcare provider may also recommend stretching exercises to overcome stiffness and regain mobility. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024) Physical therapy, occupational therapy, or treatment by a certified hand therapist can also reduce pain and improve range of motion and strength.

Treatment for grade 3 sprains often requires surgery. Grade 3 sprains, including avulsion fractures, often require a six-week cast for bones to heal. In some cases, the bones might also need a screw or temporary wires to hold them in the proper position. (Vannabouathong, C. et al., 2018) Severe wrist sprains may also require surgery to repair the injured ligament. If the original ligament cannot be repaired, a piece of the tendon can be used to reconstruct it. (American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2020)

Healing Time

Mild to moderate sprains usually recover within a few weeks without long-term complications. (American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2018) The prognosis for severe wrist sprains improves with early diagnosis and treatment. After surgery, ligaments usually heal within eight to 12 weeks but can take six to 12 months for function to return to normal. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

The Path to Healing Personal Injury


National Health Service. (2020). Advice after spraining your wrist.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2024). Wrist sprains.–conditions/wrist-sprains

Mass General Brigham. (2025). Wrist sprains.

American Society for Surgery of the Hand. (2017). Anatomy 101: Wrist joints.

National Library of Medicine. (2021). Wrist injuries and disorders. Retrieved from

American Society for Surgery of the Hand. (2018). Sprained wrist.

Vannabouathong, C., Ayeni, O. R., & Bhandari, M. (2018). A Narrative Review on Avulsion Fractures of the Upper and Lower Limbs. Clinical medicine insights. Arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders, 11, 1179544118809050.

American Society for Surgery of the Hand. (2020). Scapholunate torn ligament.

The Role of the Long Thoracic Nerve in Shoulder Stability

The Role of the Long Thoracic Nerve in Shoulder Stability

Can understanding the anatomy and function of the long thoracic nerve help individuals make informed healthcare decisions after an injury to the nerve?

The Role of the Long Thoracic Nerve in Shoulder Stability

Long Thoracic Nerve

Also referred to as the posterior thoracic nerve, the long thoracic nerve/LTN is a thin superficial nerve that runs from the cervical spine to the chest wall side of the trunk. It supplies motor function to the thorax’s serratus anterior muscle, helping stabilize the shoulder blade. Injury to this nerve can cause limited or abnormal shoulder and shoulder blade motion, including difficulty raising the arm during overhead reaching.


The long thoracic nerve originates from the ventral rami of cervical nerves C5, C6, and C7. (Waxenbaum JA, Reddy V, Bordoni B. 2023) In some individuals, the root from C7 is absent; in others, a small nerve root branches from C8. The nerve roots from C5 and C6 go through the medial scalene muscle to join the C7 nerve. It travels behind the brachial plexus axillary artery and vein and courses down the lateral side of the thorax. The long thoracic nerve terminates at the lower portion of the serratus anterior muscle, sending small nerve tendrils to each muscle’s projections, which attach to the ribs. Because the long thoracic nerve is located on the lateral side of the chest, it is vulnerable to injury during sports or surgical procedures. The nerve also has a smaller diameter than other cervical and brachial plexus nerves, which increases its potential for injury.


The long thoracic nerve attaches to the underside of the shoulder blade and inserts as muscular slips into the ribs. It supplies motor function to the serratus anterior muscle, essential for normal shoulder motion. When it contracts, it pulls the shoulder blade against the ribs and thorax, helping to move and stabilize the arm as it moves forward and up during shoulder motions. Injury to the long thoracic nerve causes a condition called scapular winging. This occurs when the serratus anterior muscle becomes weakened or paralyzed after injury. (Lung K, St Lucia K, Lui F. 2024)

Susceptibility to Injury

The LTN is relatively unprotected and can be damaged by several things, including:

  • Heavy backpacks
  • Sports
  • Activities the body is not used to, like digging
  • Using crutches


Injury to the long thoracic nerve may occur as a result of trauma, lifting heavy weights above the shoulder, or a surgical procedure. Surgical procedures that may place the nerve at risk for injury may include: (Lung K, St Lucia K, Lui F. 2024)

  • Axillary lymph node dissection
  • Improperly placed intercostal drains
  • Chest tube placements
  • Mastectomy
  • Thoracotomy

The long thoracic nerve is protected during these procedures by the surgeon and proper surgical technique, but occasionally, difficulties arise during surgery, and the nerve may become injured. Individuals may also have an anatomical variance that places their nerves in varying positions. The surgeon may not see it and accidentally injure their nerves during surgery.

The superficial long thoracic nerve may also be injured during sports or trauma to the trunk. A blow to the side or a sudden overhead stretch to the shoulder may be enough to damage the nerve, paralyzing the serratus anterior muscle.

Weakness or paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle will result in a winged scapula. To test for this:

  • Stand about two feet from a wall, facing it.
  • Place both hands on the wall and gently push against it.
  • If one of the shoulder blades sticks out abnormally, it could be a winged scapula.
  • Have a family member or friend stand behind you and check the shoulder blade position.
  • If you suspect a winged scapula, visit a physician who can assess the condition and determine if there is a long thoracic nerve injury.

Winging the scapula may result in difficulty lifting the arm overhead. The serratus anterior muscle works with other scapular stabilizers, such as the upper trapezius and levator scapula, to properly position the shoulder blade when lifting the arm. Failure of the serratus to stabilize the shoulder blade may make lifting the arm impossible.

Clinical examination is usually used to diagnose a long thoracic nerve injury. X-rays and MRIs cannot show the nerve injury directly, although an MRI can show some secondary signs to help confirm the diagnosis. An electromyographic or EMG test may also be performed to examine the function of the long thoracic nerve.

Treatment and Rehabilitation

Treatment for LTN pain and reduced movement may include:

  • Rest
  • Heat or ice
  • Anti-inflammatory pain medication
  • Neck support or a pillow
  • Avoiding strenuous activity and driving

If the long thoracic nerve is severely injured and the serratus anterior is completely paralyzed, the best course of action is to be active and monitor the condition. Full recovery of arm function can take one to two years. If permanent nerve injury has occurred, surgery may be an option to restore shoulder motion and function. Several different kinds of surgery can be used to address winged scapula. (Vetter M. et al., 2017)

  • One involves transferring the pectoralis major tendon to the scapula (Vetter M. et al., 2017) so it functions as the serratus.
  • Often, the tendon has to be lengthened, which may be done using part of the hamstring tendon.
  • After surgery, individuals will likely wear a sling on their arm for a few weeks, and then gentle range-of-motion exercises will be initiated.
  • After eight to ten weeks, gentle progressive strengthening of the new tendon can begin.
  • Full shoulder motion and strength recovery are expected six to 12 months after surgery.

Physical therapy may be used to help improve serratus anterior functions. (Berthold J. B., Burg T. M., & Nussbaum R. P. 2017) Exercises to strengthen serratus function may include:

Supine Punches

  • Lie on your back and raise both arms toward the ceiling.
  • Make a fist and punch up toward the ceiling.
  • Ensure the motion is steady and deliberate, and keep the elbow straight.
  • Hold the position for three seconds, then slowly lower the arm to the starting position.
  • Perform 10 to 15 repetitions.
  • Holding a small dumbbell in your hands can make the exercise more challenging.


  • Lie on your stomach and place your hands flat on the ground by your shoulders as if you were going to perform a pushup.
  • Perform a pushup and press further, allowing the shoulder blades to wrap around the thorax.
  • Hold this position for three seconds, and slowly release.
  • Perform 10 to 15 reps.
  • If this is too difficult, perform the pushup against a wall to reduce the effect of gravity on the exercise.

Scapular Winging in Depth


Waxenbaum, J. A., Reddy, V., & Bordoni, B. (2024). Anatomy, Head and Neck: Cervical Nerves. In StatPearls.

Lung, K., St Lucia, K., & Lui, F. (2024). Anatomy, Thorax, Serratus Anterior Muscles. In StatPearls.

Vetter, M., Charran, O., Yilmaz, E., Edwards, B., Muhleman, M. A., Oskouian, R. J., Tubbs, R. S., & Loukas, M. (2017). Winged Scapula: A Comprehensive Review of Surgical Treatment. Cureus, 9(12), e1923.

Berthold, J. B., Burg, T. M., & Nussbaum, R. P. (2017). Long Thoracic Nerve Injury Caused by Overhead Weight Lifting Leading to Scapular Dyskinesis and Medial Scapular Winging. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 117(2), 133–137.

Incorporating Bed Pilates for Gentle Exercise

Incorporating Bed Pilates for Gentle Exercise

Can Pilates exercise movements be performed in bed for individuals recovering from illness or injury?

Incorporating Bed Pilates for Gentle Exercise

Bed Pilates

Pilates exercises can be practiced in bed. Joseph Pilates’ exercises and equipment, such as his patented V-shape bed, were designed to help rehabilitate injured individuals who had to stay on or near a bed. After a healthy night’s sleep, Pilates exercises dynamically stimulate circulation and the nervous system. They can also be used to calm the mind and body before going to bed.

  • Those with health concerns should check with their healthcare provider before starting any exercise program to ensure safety.
  • Beginners are recommended to learn the Pilates principles and movement fundamentals.

Here are a few Pilates mat exercises adapted for individuals who need or prefer to exercise in bed. A firm mattress is recommended, as a soft mattress will mess up the correct form, making the exercise ineffective.

Spine Twist

This exercise helps improve the flexibility of the spine and core, making it easier to move around, and supports healthy posture. (Geremia J. M. et al., 2015) Pilates exercises like the spine twist have been found to reduce low back pain and disability. (Notarnicola A. et al., 2014) To perform:

  • Sit up in bed, torso straight, abs engaged, and inhale.
  • Exhale as you turn your head and shoulders to the right.
  • Keep your torso straight, and imagine growing taller through the turn.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Exhale and turn to the other side.
  • Repeat five times on each side.

Tendon Stretch

The tendon stretch helps by improving flexibility in the hamstrings and calves. (Chinnavan E., Gopaladhas S., & Kaikondan P. 2015) To perform:

  • Sit up straight, legs straight out.
  • Bring heels together and use a towel to pull your feet towards you while pushing your heels away.
  • Hold for three seconds.
  • Next, without the towel, point your toes away.
  • Hold for another three seconds.
  • Do ten reps.

Double-Leg Stretch

The double-leg stretch is an intermediate exercise that works the abdominals and the core. If this move feels difficult, start with one leg at a time. Another option is to keep the knees slightly bent instead of extending the legs fully. To perform:

  • Bring both knees to your chest and, with your hands, press down on the ankles to stretch the lower back.
  • Pull in the abdomen.
  • Exhale and extend the arms up and the leg or legs as far out in front as possible.
  • Hold the position for ten seconds and then release.
  • Do ten reps.

Pelvic Curl

The pelvic curl builds strength in the lower back and core. To perform:

  • Bend knees and place feet on the bed hip-distance apart.
  • Curl your pelvis, squeeze the glutes, and lift your body.
  • Hold for five seconds.
  • Slowly count five seconds while lowering back down, imprinting the spine into the mattress.
  • Do ten reps.

Hip-Opening Exercise

A hip-opening exercise, or frog, can be done while lying down or sitting in bed. Hip openers help keep the spine and hips flexible and in alignment. To perform:

  • Bring the soles of your feet together and as close to the torso as possible.
  • Let the knees open up as far as possible, and that feels comfortable.
  • While in the stretch, breathe in and out as deep as possible.
  • If sitting, place hands on ankles and use forearms to push down on the knees for added stretch.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Chiropractic care aims to help individuals improve movement with less pain due to condition, after injury, or surgery. A chiropractic therapy team can assess your condition and develop a customized treatment plan to expedite pain relief and improve mobility. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Home Exercises for Pain Relief


Geremia, J. M., Iskiewicz, M. M., Marschner, R. A., Lehnen, T. E., & Lehnen, A. M. (2015). Effect of a physical training program using the Pilates method on flexibility in elderly subjects. Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 37(6), 119.

Notarnicola, A., Fischetti, F., Maccagnano, G., Comes, R., Tafuri, S., & Moretti, B. (2014). Daily pilates exercise or inactivity for patients with low back pain: a clinical prospective observational study. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 50(1), 59–66.

Chinnavan, E., Gopaladhas, S., & Kaikondan, P. (2015). Effectiveness of pilates training in improving hamstring flexibility of football players. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 14(3), 265–269.

How Temperature Treatment Can Reduce Pain and Swelling

How Temperature Treatment Can Reduce Pain and Swelling

Is applying ice the best option for individuals who experience an acute back strain injury?

How Temperature Treatment Can Reduce Pain and Swelling

Temperature Treatment

Ice temperature treatment, also known as cryotherapy or cold therapy, is a treatment that uses freezing temperatures to reduce pain and swelling. It can be applied in a variety of ways, including:

  • Ice packs:
  • Ice massage
  • Coolant sprays
  • Whirlpools
  • Ice baths

Ice is usually recommended for acute injuries and is a common and simple way to treat pain and swelling. Individuals can buy freezable gel packs or make their own with ice cubes in a plastic bag or towel. Heat therapy tends to be used more with chronic issues involving muscle spasms to increase blood circulation.

How Ice Relieves Pain and Reduces Inflammation

Ice temperature treatment works by:

  • Narrowing blood vessels slows blood circulation to the injured area and soft tissues and reduces swelling.
  • Reduced blood flow also helps control excessive swelling.
  • Ice has a short-term analgesic-numbing effect. The coldness numbs nerve endings, relieving pain symptoms.
  • Relieving the pain allows the muscles to relax.

Controlling blood circulation helps control pain by reducing the flow of irritating chemicals that can inundate the injury site. These chemicals are a natural and the correct response to inflammation, but the ice keeps them in check to help control pain.

After a Back Injury

For a back strain injury, ice and anti-inflammatory medication like NSAIDs are the first line of treatment during the inflammatory phase, which usually lasts 24 to 72 hours. Because heat can increase inflammation by increasing blood circulation, it is not recommended as an initial treatment. After the first few days, most doctors and pain specialists recommend using ice or heat, depending on the individual’s preference. While researchers continue to investigate the best ways to treat acute injuries, most doctors still recommend ice as the first line of defense for back injuries.

A review of studies evaluated 20 different treatment categories to learn about their safety and effectiveness. (McIntosh G. & Hall H. 2011) Treatments included over-the-counter pain medications, acupuncture, McKenzie exercises, other back exercises, and temperature treatments. Regarding temperature treatment, the review found moderate evidence that using a heat wrap 5 days after the injury could help relieve pain. However, there was not enough evidence to support the effectiveness of any of the temperature treatments, necessitating more research. (McIntosh G. & Hall H. 2011)

Physical Therapy and Activity

The review found that prolonged rest should be avoided, and gentle exercise and a progressive return to physical activity should be encouraged to achieve the best outcomes for pain relief and restoring function. Staying active significantly reduces time off from work and chronic disability for up to 1 year compared to traditional medical treatment. (McIntosh G. & Hall H. 2011) Research also found that introducing physical therapy early on could expedite recovery. Mobility work, targeted exercises, and strengthening exercises have been shown to relieve pain, reduce injury recurrence, and improve overall function. More research supports physical activity and exercise as effective treatment options for acute lower back strains. However, further research regarding temperature treatments is required. (French S. D. et al., 2006) (See Q. Y. et al., 2021)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

It is important to talk with a healthcare provider to determine the cause and extent of the injury to provide individualized patient education regarding treatment. This can include physical therapy, rest, health coaching, medication, and surgery, which may be recommended in certain cases. Overcoming these limitations is possible. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Beyond the Surface: Understanding the Effects of Personal Injury


McIntosh, G., & Hall, H. (2011). Low back pain (acute). BMJ clinical evidence, 2011, 1102.

French, S. D., Cameron, M., Walker, B. F., Reggars, J. W., & Esterman, A. J. (2006). A Cochrane review of superficial heat or cold for low back pain. Spine, 31(9), 998–1006.

See, Q. Y., Tan, J. B., & Kumar, D. S. (2021). Acute low back pain: diagnosis and management. Singapore Medical Journal, 62(6), 271–275.

Isometric Exercise for Rehabilitation and Pain Relief

Isometric Exercise for Rehabilitation and Pain Relief

For individuals going through post surgery, injury rehabilitation, illness and/or chronic condition management, can physical therapy isometric exercises help?

Isometric Exercise for Rehabilitation and Pain Relief

Isometric Exercise

Isometric exercises are used in physical therapy to help build muscle endurance, improve range of motion, relieve pain, and reduce blood pressure more effectively than other types of exercise. Because they don’t involve joint movement, they are a solid starting point for rehabilitation and are suitable for individuals with a limited range of motion. They can be performed by pushing against an immovable object, like a wall, or by having a therapist provide resistance. Examples of isometric exercises include:

  • Planks
  • Glute bridges
  • Adductor isometrics

A physical therapist/PT may have a patient perform isometric exercises after injury or illness. During an isometric contraction, the muscle does not change in length, and there is no motion around the joint surrounding the muscle/s. (Rhyu H. S. et al., 2015)

When To Use

Isometric muscular contractions can be used at any time during physical rehabilitation and strengthening or a home exercise program and are regularly used with the following (Rhyu H. S. et al., 2015)

  • Post-surgery
  • When muscles cannot contract forcefully enough to move the joint it surrounds.
  • To help increase neuromuscular input to a specific muscle/s.
  • When injury or condition frailty makes other forms of exercise dangerous and not beneficial.

A healthcare provider or physical therapist should be consulted first if isometrics are used in a rehabilitation program.


The benefits of using isometric exercise after injury or surgery may include the following:

  • No special equipment is necessary to perform isometric exercises.
  • The ability to safely contract a muscle while protecting a surgical incision or scar tissue.
  • The muscles can be strengthened in a specific range of motion around a joint. (NikolaidouO. et al., 2017)

A physical therapist can help determine whether isometric exercise benefits the specific condition.


Isometric exercise is very effective after injury or surgery. However, when a muscle is contracted isometrically, it gains strength in a very small area and with a short range of motion. For example, an isometric shoulder external rotation performed with the arm at the side will only strengthen the rotator cuff muscles in the specific position that the arm is in. (NikolaidouO. et al., 2017).

  • Strength gains are specific to the joint’s position during the exercise.
  • Individuals who want to strengthen their gluteal muscles in their hip using isometrics would have to contract their glute muscles in one specific position for several reps.
  • Once several reps of the exercise in one position have been performed, the individual moves their hip joint into a new position and repeats the gluteal contractions in the new position.
  • This makes the exercise time-consuming, but it is perfect for injury rehabilitation, preventing and avoiding worsening or further injuries.

How to Perform

To perform isometric exercises, all that is needed is something stable to push against. (Rhyu H. S. et al., 2015) For example, to strengthen the shoulder muscles:

  • Stand next to a wall and try to lift an arm out to the side.
  • Allow the hand to press against the wall so no motion occurs at the shoulder joint.
  • Once pressed against the wall, hold the contraction for 5 to 6 seconds and slowly release it.
  • Perform 6 to 10 repetitions of the exercise.
  • This could be one set of completed isometric exercises for the shoulder muscles.

Elastic resistance bands or tubing can also be used to perform isometric exercises. Hold the tubing in a specific position and then move the body away from the anchor point instead of moving the joint. The muscles will contract against the increased resistance of the elastic tubing, and no motion will occur at the joint. A physical therapist can show and train on how to perform isometric exercises with the bands.

Neuromuscular Stimulation

Isometric exercise can strengthen muscles and help improve the neuromuscular recruitment of the muscles being trained. This enhances muscle contraction and expedites gains in muscle recruitment while protecting the joint. Isometric exercise can also be used during physical therapy using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). (Fouré A. et al., 2014) For example, a PT may use NMES to improve muscular function for individuals who have difficulty contracting their quadriceps after knee surgery and may be instructed to perform isometric quad-setting exercises during the session.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

A physical therapist can use isometric exercises to help individuals injured or have had surgery and are experiencing difficulty with normal functional mobility by improving their strength during recovery. The exercises can safely enhance the function and stability of the muscles and return individuals to the previous level of activity and function. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Personal Injury Rehabilitation


Rhyu, H. S., Park, H. K., Park, J. S., & Park, H. S. (2015). The effects of isometric exercise types on pain and muscle activity in patients with low back pain. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 11(4), 211–214.

Nikolaidou, O., Migkou, S., & Karampalis, C. (2017). Rehabilitation after Rotator Cuff Repair. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 11, 154–162.

Fouré, A., Nosaka, K., Wegrzyk, J., Duhamel, G., Le Troter, A., Boudinet, H., Mattei, J. P., Vilmen, C., Jubeau, M., Bendahan, D., & Gondin, J. (2014). Time course of central and peripheral alterations after isometric neuromuscular electrical stimulation-induced muscle damage. PloS one, 9(9), e107298.

Improving Mobility and Emotional Health with Recreation Therapy

Improving Mobility and Emotional Health with Recreation Therapy

Individuals who have been injured or ill or have a chronic disability may be having difficulty performing everyday activities. Can recreation therapy help rehabilitate injuries and manage chronic conditions?

Improving Mobility and Emotional Health with Recreation Therapy

Recreation Therapy

Living with a chronic disability or functional limitation due to an illness or injury can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Working with a team of rehabilitation professionals can help improve mobility and the ability to complete everyday tasks comfortably. A recreational therapist is one professional who helps regain emotional and functional well-being. A recreational therapist is a healthcare professional who helps individuals maximize physical and emotional health through recreational activities. Also known as therapeutic recreation, the therapist will use activities to help move and feel better. A physical or occupational therapist uses exercises to improve functional mobility, and a recreational therapist uses recreational activities to help regain mobility and improve well-being. Activities can include:

  • Playing games
  • Outdoor activities
  • Hiking
  • Puzzles
  • Horseback riding
  • Cooking


A healthcare specialist uses activity-based interventions to help individuals move and feel better after injury or illness or if they have a chronic disability. The interventions and therapies are based on recreational activities the individual likes and are designed to help recover physical, functional, and emotional health. Recreational therapists are trained to evaluate an individual’s condition and intervene in ways that help maximize social, mental, and physical health. The main goal is to reduce depression and anxiety and to help individuals socialize comfortably. (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024)


Therapeutic recreation involves engaging in specific activities to help individuals regain their confidence and independence. Examples of activities can include: (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024)

  • Painting or drawing
  • Dancing
  • Sports programs
  • Cooking
  • Community outings
  • Group exercise classes

The key to a positive experience is that the activity should be specific to the individual’s emotional and physical needs and capabilities and something the individual would want to do as an activity.

Other Types of Therapy

Individuals may be familiar with other types of therapists, like physical and occupational therapists. These professionals help individuals regain pain-free functional mobility after injury or illness. For individuals who cannot move their upper extremities after falling, the physical therapist can measure their shoulder range of motion and strength and develop a personalized treatment program. Recreation therapists are similar; they meet with patients regularly to help them recover from injuries or positively socialize with their community. During the initial meeting, they will evaluate the individual’s condition and learn how their emotional and physical needs prevent them from achieving maximal potential. (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024) The patient and therapist will engage in activities to help move and feel better during therapy. During the activity, the therapist may suggest adjustments or ideas that improve movement and ability to interact with the environment.

Who Can Benefit?

Individuals of all ages and abilities with physical and psychological conditions can benefit from working with a recreational therapist. Children, teenagers, adults, and older individuals who have a disability, either temporary or permanent, can engage in recreation therapy as part of a rehabilitation and recovery program. (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024)


Whenever engaging in any healthcare activity or treatment, ask if that treatment can help your specific condition. A review of the use of recreational dance in children and young people ages 5 to 21 found evidence of the benefits of the therapy, which included: (Burkhardt J, Brennan C. 2012)

  • Decreased anxiety
  • Improve self-image
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Decreased obesity
  • Improved bone health

Another study examined health improvements in individuals injured in military service after a week-long recreational therapy wellness retreat. The participating service members’ results showed significant improvement in outcome measures for post-traumatic stress disorder, stress, anxiety, and depression. The health improvements remained three and six months after completing the recreation therapy. This shows that therapeutic recreation may offer significant emotional and psychological benefits to injured military service members’ long-term health and an effective treatment to improve the well-being of injured or disabled individuals with limited negative side effects. (Townsend J, Hawkins BL, Bennett JL, et al., 2018)

Professional Background

Most therapists have a bachelor’s degree in recreational or leisure studies, focusing on art, psychology, and music classes. Upon graduation, students can take a national exam and become Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists/CTRS. (Hoss M.A.K, 2019) Once certified, therapists must regularly take continuing education classes and undergo a recertification process every five years.

Receiving Therapy Services

To start working with a recreational therapist, visit your healthcare provider and request a referral. They can ensure the treatment is appropriate for the specific injury and/or condition and should be able to help find a therapist. (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024) Individuals in an inpatient hospital will likely spend time with a recreational therapist at some point. Just like working with a physical or occupational therapist to help individuals move better, working with a recreation therapist while in rehabilitation may be an everyday occurrence to help reintegrate into the community after discharge.

Insurance Coverage

One question regarding recreational therapy is, will my insurance cover the services of a recreational therapist?

  • For individuals with Medicare insurance, recreational therapy is a covered service for individuals with certain diagnoses and settings.
  • Therapeutic recreation is a covered rehabilitation service for individuals in an inpatient rehabilitation facility.
  • Individuals who receive outpatient recreational therapy should ensure they have a prescription and letter of medical necessity from a physician to qualify for Medicare reimbursement. (American Therapeutic Recreation Association, 2024)
  • Individuals with private insurance should call their insurance provider and inquire about coverage for recreation therapy.
  • Individuals who do not have insurance can expect to pay $100-$150 per session.
  • Each session lasts around one to two hours. (De Vries D. 2014)

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Working in therapeutic recreation may help decrease anxiety and depression, improve the sense of well-being, and improve function in daily tasks. (Townsend J, Hawkins BL, Bennett JL, et al., 2018) Always consult your healthcare provider before beginning new treatment methods. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Integrative Healthcare


American Therapeutic Recreation Association. Association, A. T. R. (2024). What is Recreational Therapy?

American Therapeutic Recreation Association. Association, A. T. R. (2024). Who We Are.

Burkhardt, J., & Brennan, C. (2012). The effects of recreational dance interventions on the health and well-being of children and young people: A systematic review. Arts & Health, 4(2), 148–161.

Townsend, J., Hawkins, B. L., Bennett, J. L., Hoffman, J., Martin, T., Sotherden, E., … Duregger, C. (2018). Preliminary long-term health outcomes associated with recreation-based health and wellness programs for injured service members. Cogent Psychology, 5(1).

Hoss, PhD, CTRS, FACHE, FDRT, M. A. K. (2019). Recreational therapy workforce: An update. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 18(3), 9–15.

De Vries, DHA, MPA, CTRS, D. (2014). Regulatory requirements for recreational therapy in nursing homes. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 13(1), 25–30.

Understanding the Vastus Lateralis Muscle: Anatomy and Function

Understanding the Vastus Lateralis Muscle: Anatomy and Function

The vastus lateralis is a muscle on the outside part of the thigh. Injuries to the muscle include strains, tendinitis, femoral nerve compression, and others. Can rehabilitation like heat and ice, massage, and strength and mobility exercises help individuals return to normal activities and function?

Understanding the Vastus Lateralis Muscle: Anatomy and Function

Vastus Lateralis Muscle

The vastus lateralis is the largest of the four quadriceps muscles on the thigh’s outer portion. The vastus lateralis helps extend the knee joint and maintain the knee position when walking or running. The vastus lateralis functions to work with the other quad muscles to help extend the knee joint.


Most muscles are attached to bone points of attachment, called the origin and insertion points. The vastus lateralis origin and insertion points are as follows (Vieira, EPL. 2017)


  • The origin is on the upper inter-trochanteric line of the femur or thigh bone.
  • It also arises from the base of the greater trochanter and the linea aspera, the supracondylar ridge, and the lateral intermuscular septum.


  • From its origin, the muscle courses down the lateral thigh and inserts as part of the lateral quadriceps tendon on the tibial tubercle, an elevated portion of the upper shin.
  • The muscle is a large, flat structure with different attachments and a flat aponeurosis or sheath of connective tissue on the outer thigh.
  1. The femoral nerve from lower back levels two, three, and four controls or innervates the muscle.
  2. Blood supply to the muscle goes through the lateral circumflex femoral artery of the upper thigh.


The muscle works with the other quadriceps muscles to extend or straighten the knee. The quads are responsible for functional activities like walking, running, climbing stairs, and getting up from a seated position. The vastus lateralis and the iliotibial band, which courses down the lateral thigh next to this muscle, form the lateral wall of the thigh. The vastus lateralis is on the opposite side of the vastus medialis muscle on the inner portion of the thigh. These muscles work together to maintain the appropriate position of the patella/kneecap in the femoral groove of the thigh bone. Malfunctioning these muscles properly can lead to knee pain from patellofemoral stress syndrome. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)


Many different injuries and conditions can affect the vastus lateralis and quad muscles, especially in athletes or active individuals. These injuries can cause vastus lateralis pain and other problems. (Timothy J. Von Fange, 2024) Some of the injuries and conditions include:

Patellofemoral Stress Syndrome – PFSS

  • This occurs when the kneecap tracks improperly in the femoral groove of the knee joint.
  • This leads to pain and difficulty when walking and running.

Vastus Lateralis Strain

  • A sudden force on the thigh can cause the quad muscle to be strained.
  • If the vastus lateralis suffers a pull injury, individuals may have pain, muscle swelling, thigh bruising, and walking difficulties.

Patellar Tendinitis

  • Irritation of the quad tendon that courses over the kneecap can cause patellar tendinitis.

Femoral Nerve Compression Weakness

  • The femoral nerve may become pinched or irritated from a herniated disc, lumbar stenosis, or arthritis.
  • Pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the thigh may result.

Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome

  • Tight or weak muscles can irritate the IT band, and the vastus lateralis muscle can be affected.

Injury Rehabilitation

Injury to the vastus lateralis or quad muscles can cause pain, swelling of the thigh, or limited walking ability. Various treatments are available to help expedite recovery. A primary healthcare provider may recommend working with a physical therapy team. Self-care techniques can include:

Heat and Ice

  • Ice may be applied to the lateral thigh the first few days after injury to control pain and decrease swelling and inflammation.
  • Ice should be applied for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Individuals may switch to heat two to three days after to promote circulation and improve tissue mobility.
  • Heat should be applied for 10 to 15 minutes.


  • Massage can help decrease pain and promote circulation.
  • Massage techniques can improve tissue mobility before stretching to help improve quadriceps motion.

Exercises and Stretching

A physical therapy team will prescribe certain exercises and stretches to help regain strength and range of motion. After an injury, quad stretching can improve the mobility and function of the muscle group.

Prone Towel Quad Stretch

  • Lie on your stomach and place a towel or strap around the ankle.
  • Bend the knee up, and gently pull on the towel to bend the knee fully.
  • A pulling sensation should be felt in the front of the thigh.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and release.
  • Repeat three times.

Half-kneeling Quad and Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Kneel on one knee.
  • Slowly move forward until a stretch is felt in the front of the hip and thigh.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Relax back to the starting position.
  • Repeat three times.

Back Exercises

If femoral nerve irritation coming from the lower back is causing thigh pain or weakness, exercises to release the nerve may be helpful and can include:

  • Prone press-ups
  • Supine lumbar flexion
  • Lumbar side glides

The exercises are designed to relieve pressure on the lumbar nerve, and postural correction exercises may be performed to maintain decompression.


Weakness to the vastus laterals and quads may be causing injury, and strengthening exercises may be prescribed during rehabilitation and can include:

  • Hip-strengthening exercises
  • Straight leg raises
  • Leg extension exercises
  • Lunges
  • Squats

Strengthening exercises should be done two to four times weekly with appropriate rest between sessions.

Functional Training

A physical therapist may recommend functional training to restore normal function. (Ramírez-delaCruz, M. et al., 2022)

  • Balance exercises and sport-specific plyometric training may be recommended to ensure the quad functions normally.
  • Most quadriceps and vastus lateralis muscle injuries heal within six to eight weeks.
  • Recovery may be shorter or longer depending on the nature of the injury.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

By understanding the anatomy and function of the vastus lateralis muscle, a healthcare provider can help individuals understand their specific injury and develop a treatment program to rehabilitate the muscle properly. At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you and strive to develop fitness and better the body through research methods and total wellness programs. These natural programs use the body’s ability to achieve improvement goals, and athletes can condition themselves to excel in their sport through proper fitness and nutrition. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized programs, often including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.

Knee Injury Chiropractor


Vieira EPL. (2017). Anatomic study of the portions long and oblique of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles. J Morphol Sci., 28(4), 0-.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2024). Patellofemoral pain syndrome.–conditions/patellofemoral-pain-syndrome/

Timothy J Von Fange. (2024). Quadriceps muscle and tendon injuries. UpToDate.

Ramírez-delaCruz, M., Bravo-Sánchez, A., Esteban-García, P., Jiménez, F., & Abián-Vicén, J. (2022). Effects of Plyometric Training on Lower Body Muscle Architecture, Tendon Structure, Stiffness, and Physical Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports medicine – open, 8(1), 40.