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Back Clinic Treatments. There are various treatments for all types of injuries and conditions here at Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic. The main goal is to correct any misalignments in the spine through manual manipulation and placing misaligned vertebrae back in their proper place. Patients will be given a series of treatments, which are based on the diagnosis. This can include spinal manipulation, as well as other supportive treatments. And as chiropractic treatment has developed, so have its methods and techniques.

Why do chiropractors use one method/technique over another?

A common method of spinal adjustment is the toggle drop method. With this method, a chiropractor crosses their hands and pressed down firmly on an area of the spine. They will then adjust the area with a quick and precise thrust. This method has been used for years and is often used to help increase a patient’s mobility.

Another popular method takes place on a special drop table. The table has different sections, which can be moved up or down based on the body’s position. Patients lie face down on their back or side while the chiropractor applies quick thrusts throughout the spinal area as the table section drops. Many prefer this table adjustment, as this method is lighter and does not include twisting motions used in other methods.

Chiropractors also use specialized tools to assist in their adjustments, i.e., the activator. A chiropractor uses this spring-loaded tool to perform the adjustment/s instead of their hands. Many consider the activator method to be the most gentle of all.

Whichever adjustment method a chiropractor uses, they all offer great benefits to the spine and overall health and wellness. If there is a certain method that is preferred, talk to a chiropractor about it. If they do not perform a certain technique, they may recommend a colleague that does.

Addressing Painful Lumbar Degenerative Disorder: Easy Solutions

Addressing Painful Lumbar Degenerative Disorder: Easy Solutions

How can spinal decompression reduce pain while restoring spinal flexibility in many individuals with lumbar degenerative disorders?


As we naturally age, so do our spines and spinal discs, as the natural fluids and nutrients stop hydrating the discs and cause them to degenerate. When disc degeneration starts to affect the spine, it can cause pain-like symptoms in the lumbar regions, which then develop into lower back pain or other musculoskeletal disorders that affect the lower extremities. When disc degeneration starts to affect the lumbar region, many individuals will notice that they are not as flexible as when they were younger. The physical signs of straining their muscles from improper lifting, falling, or carrying heavy objects can cause muscle strain and pain. When this happens, many individuals will treat the pain with home remedies, which can provide temporary relief but can aggravate it more when people make repetitive motions to their lumbar spine, which can result in injuries. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments that can help slow down the process of disc degeneration while rehydrating the spinal disc. Today’s article looks at why disc degeneration affects lumbar flexibility and how treatments like spinal decompression reduce disc degeneration while restoring lumbar flexibility. Coincidentally, we communicate with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to provide various treatment plans to reduce the disc degeneration process and provide pain relief. We also inform them that there are non-surgical options to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with disc degeneration and help restore lumbar flexibility. We encourage our patients to ask amazing educational questions to our associated medical providers about their symptoms correlating with body pain in a safe and positive environment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


How Does DDD Affect Lumbar Flexibility?

Have you been experiencing stiffness in your back when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel muscle aches and pains when bending down and picking up heavy objects? Or do you feel radiating pain in your legs and back? When many individuals are in excruciating pain, many don’t often realize that their lower back pain could also be associated with their spinal disc degenerating. Since the spinal disc and the body can degenerate naturally, it can lead to the development of musculoskeletal disorders. DDD, or degenerative disc disease, is a common disabling condition that can greatly impact the musculoskeletal system and is the main cause of individuals missing out on their daily activities. (Cao et al., 2022) When normal or traumatic factors begin to cause repetitive motions to the spine, it can cause the spinal disc to be compressed and, over time, degenerate. This, in turn, causes the spine to be less flexible and becomes a socio-economic challenge.



When disc degeneration starts to cause spinal inflexibility, it can lead to the development of low back pain. Since low back pain is a common health concern, it can affect many individuals worldwide, as disc degeneration is a common factor. (Samanta et al., 2023) Since disc degeneration is a multi-factorial disorder, the musculoskeletal and organ systems are also affected as it can cause referred pain to different body locations. Luckily, many individuals can find the treatment they are looking for, as many seek relief from the many pain issues that disc degeneration has caused.


Lumbar Spine Injuries In Athletes- Video

Since disc degeneration is a multi-factorial cause of disability, it can become a primary source of back pain. When normal factors contribute to back pain, it likely correlates with disc degeneration and can cause cellular, structural, compositional, and mechanical changes throughout the spine. (Ashinsky et al., 2021) However, many individuals seeking treatment can look into non-surgical therapies as they are cost-effective and safe on the spine. Non-surgical treatments are safe and gentle on the spine as they can be customizable to the person’s pain and combined with other treatment forms. One of the non-surgical treatments is spinal decompression, which uses gentle traction on the spine to rehydrate the spinal disc from degeneration and help kick-start the body’s natural healing process. The video above shows how disc degeneration is correlated with disc herniation and how these treatments can reduce its pain-like effects on the spine.

Spinal Decompression Reducing DDD

When many individuals are going in for treatment for disc degeneration, many will often try spinal decompression as it is affordable. Many healthcare professionals will assess the individual by creating a personalized plan before entering the traction machine. Many individuals will get a CT scan to assess the changes caused by DDD. (Dullerud & Nakstad, 1994) This determines how severe the disc space is. The traction machine for spinal decompression determines the optimal treatment duration, frequency, and mode of administrating traction to the spine to reduce DDD. (Pellecchia, 1994) Additionally, the efficiency of traction from spinal decompression can help many people with low back and provide relief. (Beurskens et al., 1995)


Ashinsky, B., Smith, H. E., Mauck, R. L., & Gullbrand, S. E. (2021). Intervertebral disc degeneration and regeneration: a motion segment perspective. Eur Cell Mater, 41, 370-380.

Beurskens, A. J., de Vet, H. C., Koke, A. J., Lindeman, E., Regtop, W., van der Heijden, G. J., & Knipschild, P. G. (1995). Efficacy of traction for non-specific low back pain: a randomised clinical trial. Lancet, 346(8990), 1596-1600.

Cao, G., Yang, S., Cao, J., Tan, Z., Wu, L., Dong, F., Ding, W., & Zhang, F. (2022). The Role of Oxidative Stress in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2022, 2166817.

Dullerud, R., & Nakstad, P. H. (1994). CT changes after conservative treatment for lumbar disk herniation. Acta Radiol, 35(5), 415-419.

Pellecchia, G. L. (1994). Lumbar traction: a review of the literature. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 20(5), 262-267.

Samanta, A., Lufkin, T., & Kraus, P. (2023). Intervertebral disc degeneration-Current therapeutic options and challenges. Front Public Health, 11, 1156749.



How Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Can Help with Pain Management

How Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Can Help with Pain Management

Can healthcare professionals help individuals with spinal pain by incorporating non-surgical spinal decompression to restore mobility?


Many individuals don’t realize that putting unwanted pressure on their spines can lead to chronic pain within their spinal discs that is affecting their spinal mobility. This usually happens with demanding jobs requiring individuals to carry heavy objects, step wrong, or be physically inactive, which causes the surrounding back muscles to be overstretched and leads to referred pain that affects the upper and lower body portions. This can cause individuals to go to their primary doctors to get treated for back pain. This leads to them missing out on their busy work schedules and paying a high price to get treated. Back pain correlating with spinal issues can be a huge problem and make them feel miserable. Fortunately, numerous clinical options are cost-effective and personalized to many individuals dealing with spinal pain that is causing them to find the relief they deserve. Today’s article focuses on why spinal pain affects many people and how spinal decompression can help reduce spinal pain and restore spinal mobility. Coincidentally, we communicate with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to provide various treatment plans to reduce spinal pain affecting their backs. We also inform them that there are non-surgical options to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with spinal issues in the body. We encourage our patients to ask amazing educational questions to our associated medical providers about their symptoms correlating with body pain in a safe and positive environment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


Why Spinal Pain Is Affecting Many People?

Have you often experienced pain from your back muscles that seem to ache after bending down constantly to pick up objects? Do you or your loved ones feel muscle stiffness in the back and experience numbness in your upper or lower body portions? Or are you experiencing temporary relief after stretching your back muscles, only for the pain to return? Many individuals with back pain never realize that their pain is within their spinal column. Since the spine is an S-curve shape with three different regions in the body, the spinal discs within each spinal segment can become compressed and become misaligned over time. This causes degenerative changes within the spine and can cause the three different spinal regions to develop pain-like issues in the body. When several environmental factors start to be the causes of degeneration of the spinal discs, it can affect the spinal structure. It can become a strong influence affecting their function, predisposing the disc to injuries. (Choi, 2009) At the same time, this can cause a significant impact when getting treated due to its high cost and can start normal age-related changes that cause pathophysiological issues to the vertebral body. (Gallucci et al., 2005)

When many individuals are dealing with spinal pain associated with herniated discs, it can not only cause discomfort but also mimic other musculoskeletal disorders that can cause radiating pain to different locations in the body. (Deyo et al., 1990) This, in turn, causes individuals to suffer constantly and research various treatments to reduce the pain they are experiencing. When spinal pain affects most individuals, many will seek cost-effective therapies to ease the pain they are experiencing and to be mindful of the daily habits they adopt over time and correct them.

Spinal Decompression In-Depth- Video

Do you often feel constant muscle aches and pains in your body that are your general areas of complaint? Do you feel your muscles pull uncomfortably after lifting or carrying a heavy object? Or do you feel constant stress in your neck, shoulders, or back? When many individuals are dealing with general pain, they often assume that it is just back pain when it could be a spinal issue that can be the root cause of the pain they are experiencing. When this happens, many individuals opt for non-surgical treatments due to its cost-effectiveness and how it can be personalized depending on the severity of the pain. One of the non-surgical treatments is spinal decompression/traction therapy. The video above gives an in-depth look at how spinal decompression can help reduce spinal pain associated with low back pain. Spinal pain can increase with age and be provoked by extreme lumbar extension, so incorporating spinal decompression can help reduce pain in the upper and lower extremities. (Katz et al., 2022)

How Spinal Decompression Can Reduce Spinal Pain

When individuals develop spinal issues, spinal decompression can help restore the spine to its original position and help the body naturally heal itself. When something is out of place within the spine, it is important to naturally restore it to its proper place to allow the affected muscles to heal. (Cyriax, 1950) Spinal decompression uses gentle traction to pull the spinal joints to let the spinal disc back in its original position and help increase fluid intake back in the spine. When people start incorporating spinal decompression into their health and wellness routine, they can reduce their spinal pain after a few consecutive treatments.


Spinal Decompression Restoring Spinal Mobility

Spinal decompression can also be incorporated with other non-surgical treatments to restore spinal mobility. When pain specialists utilize spinal decompression within their practices, they can help treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including spinal disorders, to allow the individual to regain spinal mobility. (Pettman, 2007) At the same time, pain specialists can use mechanical and manual manipulation to reduce the pain the individual feels. When spinal decompression starts to use gentle traction on the spine, it can help minimize radical pain correlated with nerve entrapment, create negative pressure within the spinal sections, and relieve musculoskeletal disorders causing pain. (Daniel, 2007) When people start thinking more about their health and wellness to reduce their pain, spinal decompression can be the answer through a personalized plan and can help many individuals find the relief they deserve.



Choi, Y. S. (2009). Pathophysiology of degenerative disc disease. Asian Spine Journal, 3(1), 39-44.


Cyriax, J. (1950). The treatment of lumbar disk lesions. Br Med J, 2(4694), 1434-1438.


Daniel, D. M. (2007). Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy: does the scientific literature support efficacy claims made in the advertising media? Chiropr Osteopat, 15, 7.


Deyo, R. A., Loeser, J. D., & Bigos, S. J. (1990). Herniated lumbar intervertebral disk. Ann Intern Med, 112(8), 598-603.


Gallucci, M., Puglielli, E., Splendiani, A., Pistoia, F., & Spacca, G. (2005). Degenerative disorders of the spine. Eur Radiol, 15(3), 591-598.


Katz, J. N., Zimmerman, Z. E., Mass, H., & Makhni, M. C. (2022). Diagnosis and Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Review. JAMA, 327(17), 1688-1699.


Pettman, E. (2007). A history of manipulative therapy. J Man Manip Ther, 15(3), 165-174.


Solutions for Chronic Low Back Pain Sufferers

Solutions for Chronic Low Back Pain Sufferers

Can healthcare professionals provide the best non-surgical therapeutic options for individuals with chronic low back pain?


Chronic low back pain can happen to numerous individuals, affecting their daily routine and making them miss out on important life events. With the ever-changing world, many individuals, especially working individuals, will experience chronic low back pain at some point due to unbearable stress that seems to affect the surrounding muscles that protect the lumbar spine. This causes many individuals to overstretch or shorten the muscles that are contributing to lower back pain, which can be the causing factor in the development of lower back pain. At the same time, when individuals suffer from low back pain, it can be imposed as a grave economic cost to society. (Pai & Sundaram, 2004) This, in turn, causes many individuals to miss out on work and be financially burdened as the cost of chronic low back pain treatment is high. However, numerous therapeutic options are cost-effective, safe, and effective in reducing chronic low back pain. Today’s post looks at the effects of chronic low back pain and how many individuals can look at various non-surgical options that many individuals can utilize to reduce chronic low back pain. Coincidentally, we communicate with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to provide various treatment plans to reduce chronic low back pain. We also inform them that there are non-surgical options to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with the factors that cause chronic lower back pain. We encourage our patients to ask amazing educational questions to our associated medical providers about their symptoms correlating with body pain in a safe and positive environment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


The Effects Of Chronic Low Back Pain

Have you been dealing with chronic pain that flares up in your lower back after a hard workday? Do you feel muscle aches or pains that don’t relieve itself after a day of rest? Or do you and your loved ones take any medication to temporarily relieve your back pain, only to have it come back after a few hours? Many people with chronic low back pain will feel symptoms of stiffness, muscle aches, and radiating pain traveling to their lower extremities. When chronic low back pain is associated with musculoskeletal conditions, it can impact their daily routine. To that point, musculoskeletal disorders correlating with chronic low back pain can encompass a spectrum of conditions and increase naturally over time. (Woolf & Pfleger, 2003) When many individuals are dealing with chronic low back pain, it can become a socio-economic burden that leads to disability. (Andersson, 1999) However, there are numerous options for individuals with chronic lower back pain who can find the relief they need to reduce its effects and will be able to get back to their daily routine.



Understanding Long-Lasting Injuries- Video

Chronic low back pain is when back pain that lasts longer than a few weeks and is one of the most common problems many people experience. When finding relief for chronic low back pain, many individuals will try home remedies to alleviate the pain. However, it can temporarily relieve the issue and mask the symptoms. When individuals see their primary doctor for chronic low back pain, many will seek a personalized plan to reduce chronic low back pain and its associated symptoms. When relieving chronic low back pain, comprehensive pain management treatments often rely on physical therapy, multidisciplinary approaches, and non-surgical options to reduce chronic low back pain. (Grabois, 2005) When understanding how the individual has chronic low back pain, it is important to identify the causes and how it can cause lifelong injuries that can develop into disability. When primary doctors start to utilize non-surgical treatments in their practices, many individuals can find the benefits of non-surgical treatments as they are cost-effective, safe, and gentle on the spine and lumbar region and can be personalized with associated medical providers to reduce pain-like symptoms correlating with chronic low back pain. Check out the video above to learn more about how non-surgical treatments can help reduce chronic low back pain and help revitalize a person’s body through a personalized treatment plan.

Non-Surgical Options For Chronic Low Back Pain

When treating chronic low back pain, non-surgical treatments effectively relieve pain and restore mobility to the back. Non-surgical treatments can be customized to the individual’s pain severity while being cost-effective. When individuals are evaluated for chronic low back pain, they are provided with many healthcare providers to reduce the pain-like symptoms caused by chronic low back pain. (Atlas & Deyo, 2001) Many individuals will incorporate various treatment options like:

  • Exercises
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Chiropractic care
  • Massage Therapy
  • Acupuncture

Many of these treatments are non-surgical and incorporate various mechanical and manual manipulation techniques to stretch and strengthen the weak back muscles, elongate the spine through realignment, and help restore movement while reducing symptoms in the lower extremities. When individuals incorporate non-surgical treatments consecutively, they will have a positive experience and feel better in the long run. (Koes et al., 1996)



Andersson, G. B. (1999). Epidemiological features of chronic low-back pain. Lancet, 354(9178), 581-585.

Atlas, S. J., & Deyo, R. A. (2001). Evaluating and managing acute low back pain in the primary care setting. J Gen Intern Med, 16(2), 120-131.

Grabois, M. (2005). Management of chronic low back pain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 84(3 Suppl), S29-41.

Koes, B. W., Assendelft, W. J., van der Heijden, G. J., & Bouter, L. M. (1996). Spinal manipulation for low back pain. An updated systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 21(24), 2860-2871; discussion 2872-2863.

Pai, S., & Sundaram, L. J. (2004). Low back pain: an economic assessment in the United States. Orthop Clin North Am, 35(1), 1-5.

Woolf, A. D., & Pfleger, B. (2003). Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ, 81(9), 646-656.



Non-Binary & Inclusive Gender Affirming Healthcare

Non-Binary & Inclusive Gender Affirming Healthcare

Can healthcare professionals implement an inclusive and positive approach for gender affirming healthcare for non-binary individuals?


When it comes to many individuals looking for the right healthcare options for their ailments and general well-being, it can be scary and challenging to some, including many individuals within the LGBTQ+ community. Many individuals need to research when finding positive and safe healthcare facilities that listen to what the person is dealing with when getting a routine check-up or their ailments treated. Within the LGBTQ+ community, many individuals do find it difficult to express what is affecting their bodies due to past traumas of not being seen or heard due to their identities, pronouns, and orientation. This can cause numerous barriers between them and their primary doctor, leading to a negative experience. However, when medical professionals provide a positive, safe environment, listen to the person’s ailments, and be non-judgmental to their patients, they can open the doors to improving inclusive healthcare wellness within the LGBTQ+ community. Today’s article focuses on one identity within the LGBTQ+ community, known as non-binary, and how inclusive healthcare can be optimized while benefitting many individuals dealing with general aches, pains, and conditions within their bodies. Coincidentally, we communicate with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to provide a safe and positive experience in inclusive healthcare. We also inform them that there are non-surgical options to reduce the effects of general aches and pain while restoring their quality of life. We encourage our patients to ask amazing educational questions to our associated medical providers about their symptoms correlating with body pain in a safe and positive environment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


What Is Non-Binary Gender?


The term non-binary is used within the LGBTQ+ community to describe a person who doesn’t identify as a male or female within the gender identity spectrum. Non-binary individuals can even fall under various gender identities that make them who they are. These can include:

  • Genderqueer: An individual who doesn’t follow the traditional gender norm.
  • Agender: An individual who doesn’t identify with any gender. 
  • Genderfluid: An individual whose gender identity is not fixed or can change over time.
  • Intergender: An individual who identifies as a combination of male and female.
  • Androgynous: An individual whose gender expression combines masculine and feminine traits.
  • Gender Non-Conforming: An individual who doesn’t conform to society’s expectation of gender identity. 
  • Transgender: An individual whose gender identity is different from their assigned gender at birth.

When it comes to non-binary binary individuals looking for healthcare treatment for their ailments, it can be a bit of a challenge as many individuals who identify as non-binary within the LGBTQ+ community have to deal with the socio-economic impact when getting treatment, which can lead to unnecessary stress when going in for a routine check-up or getting their ailments treated. (Burgwal et al., 2019) When this happens, it can lead to a negative experience for the individual and make them feel inferior. However, when healthcare professionals take the time to be properly trained, use the correct pronouns, and create an inclusive, positive, and safe space for individuals who identify as non-binary, it can open the doors to creating more of an inclusive awareness and lead to more appropriate care for the LGBTQ+ community. (Tellier, 2019)


Optimizing Your Wellness- Video

Do you or your loved ones are dealing with consistent pain in their bodies that makes it difficult to function? Do you feel stress in different body locations that correlate with musculoskeletal disorders? Or do your ailments seem to be affecting your daily routine? More often than not, in today’s ever-changing world, many individuals are researching safe and inclusive healthcare treatments to reduce their ailments. It is an important aspect to many individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, as finding the appropriate care they need can be stressful. Many healthcare professionals must provide the best possible healthcare and interventions within the LGBTQ+ community to understand the health disparities that they are experiencing. (Rattay, 2019) When healthcare professionals create a negative experience with their patients within the LGBTQ+ community, it can cause them to develop socio-economic stressors that can overlap with their pre-existing condition, creating barriers. When disparities are associated with socio-economic stressors, it can lead to poor mental health. (Baptiste-Roberts et al., 2017) When this happens, it can lead to coping mechanisms and resilience that can correlate with serious implications for the person’s overall health and well-being. However, all is not lost, as many healthcare professionals are integrating into safe, affordable, and positive healthcare spaces for individuals who identify as non-binary. We here at Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic will work on reducing the effects of health disparities while raising awareness to continuously improve positive and inclusive experiences for non-binary individuals seeking inclusive healthcare. Check out the video above to learn more about optimizing wellness to improve your health and well-being.

How To Optimize Non-Binary Inclusive Healthcare?

When it comes to inclusive health care for non-binary individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, many healthcare providers must honor the individual’s gender identity while creating a positive and trusting relationship to reduce the ailments they are experiencing. By making a safe and positive experience for their patients, LGBTQ+ individuals will start to address to their doctors what issues they are experiencing, and it allows the doctor to come up with a personalized health care plan that is catered to them while improving their health outcomes. (Gahagan & Subirana-Malaret, 2018) At the same time, being an advocate and systemically improving, including gender-affirming care, can lead to positive results and benefit LGBTQ+ individuals. (Bhatt et al., 2022)


Baptiste-Roberts, K., Oranuba, E., Werts, N., & Edwards, L. V. (2017). Addressing Health Care Disparities Among Sexual Minorities. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 44(1), 71-80.


Bhatt, N., Cannella, J., & Gentile, J. P. (2022). Gender-affirming Care for Transgender Patients. Innov Clin Neurosci, 19(4-6), 23-32.


Burgwal, A., Gvianishvili, N., Hard, V., Kata, J., Garcia Nieto, I., Orre, C., Smiley, A., Vidic, J., & Motmans, J. (2019). Health disparities between binary and non binary trans people: A community-driven survey. Int J Transgend, 20(2-3), 218-229.


Gahagan, J., & Subirana-Malaret, M. (2018). Improving pathways to primary health care among LGBTQ populations and health care providers: key findings from Nova Scotia, Canada. Int J Equity Health, 17(1), 76.


Rattay, K. T. (2019). Improved Data Collection for Our LGBTQ Population is Needed to Improve Health Care and Reduce Health Disparities. Dela J Public Health, 5(3), 24-26.


Tellier, P.-P. (2019). Improving health access for gender diverse children, youth, and emerging adults? Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 24(2), 193-198.



Regenerative Cells: Different Types and Functions

Regenerative Cells: Different Types and Functions

Individuals dealing with various conditions and diseases and ongoing research to find treatments, where do human regenerative cells come from?

Regenerative Cells: Different Types and Functions

Regenerative Cells

Regenerative cells are stem cells that are specialized to potentially develop into many different types of cells. They are unlike any other cell because:

  • Being unspecialized they have no specific function in the body.
  • They can become specialized cells like – brain, muscle, and blood cells.
  • They can divide and renew continually for a long period.
  • Blood stem cells are currently the only type that is regularly used in treatment.
  • For leukemia or lymphoma, only adult cells are used in a procedure known as a bone marrow transplant. (Cleveland Clinic. 2023)
  • For regenerative cell research, the cells can come from different sources, including adult donors, genetically altered human cells, or embryos.

Bone Marrow Transplants

  • Bone marrow cells produce all of the body’s blood cells, including red and white blood, and platelets.
  • Hematopoietic stem cells are those found in bone marrow that is the parent for the different types of cells.
  • Hematopoietic cells are transplanted in individuals with cancer to replenish bone marrow.
  • The procedure is often used during high-dose chemotherapy that destroys the existing cells in the bone marrow.
  • Donated stem cells are injected into a vein and settle in the bone marrow where they begin to produce new healthy blood cells. (Cleveland Clinic. 2023)

Peripheral Blood Transplants

  • For some time the only source to extract hematopoietic cells was from bone marrow.
  • Researchers found that many of these cells were freely circulating in the blood.
  • Scientists learned how to extract the cells from the blood and transplant them directly.
  • This type of transplant is a peripheral blood stem cell transplant/PBSCT and has become the more common procedure, however, both methods are still used. (Cleveland Clinic. 2023)
  • PBSCT is less invasive and does not require the removal of marrow from the hip bone.

Somatic Cells

Embryonic Cells

Embryonic stem cells were first grown in a laboratory in 1998 for reproductive research, which created controversy because they were extracted from human embryos that were destroyed or harvested for science. Today their primary use is for research into treatments and potential cures for:

Embryonic cells are pluripotent, which means they can grow into the three types of germ cell layers – ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm – that make up the human body and can develop into each of the more than 200 types of cells. (National Institutes of Health. 2016)

Induced Pluripotent Cells

  • Induced pluripotent stem cells/iPSCs are somatic cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to behave like embryonic cells.
  • iPSCs are usually skin or blood cells that undergo genetic programming. (Pavel Simara, Jason A Motl, Dan S Kaufman. 2013)
  • iPSCs were first developed in 2006.
  • A major advantage of iPSCs over somatic and embryonic cells is that iPSCs can be generated to match the patient.
  • This means that a laboratory can tailor-make cells from an individual’s own cells or tissues.

Spine Injuries In Athletes


Cleveland Clinic. Stem Cell Transplant (Bone Marrow Transplant).

National Institutes of Health. Stem Cell Basics.

Simara, P., Motl, J. A., & Kaufman, D. S. (2013). Pluripotent stem cells and gene therapy. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 161(4), 284–292.

Finkbeiner, S. R., & Spence, J. R. (2013). A gutsy task: generating intestinal tissue from human pluripotent stem cells. Digestive diseases and sciences, 58(5), 1176–1184.

Al-Shamekh, S., & Goldberg, J. L. (2014). Retinal repair with induced pluripotent stem cells. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 163(4), 377–386.

A Guide to Understanding Back Pain Specialists

A Guide to Understanding Back Pain Specialists

Back problems and discomfort symptoms are a common ailment that many types of healthcare providers diagnose and treat it. Can knowing a little about what each back pain specialist does and what they have to offer help in choosing a provider?

Back Pain Specialists

Back Pain Specialists

Nowadays individuals have options for treating back pain. Primary healthcare providers, general practitioners, pediatricians, and emergency room workers are usually the first to examine the injury or problem. If they are unable to properly diagnose or treat the injury, they will refer the individual to a specialist. Specialists include:

  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors
  • Orthopedists
  • Rheumatologists
  • Neurologists
  • Neurosurgeons.

They specialize in chronic conditions and diseases like arthritis or problems like herniated discs. Complementary and alternative providers treat individuals solely or with help from a care team. They look at the whole body and focus on improving overall function.

Family and General Practitioners

When neck or back pain begins a regular doctor that’s usually a family or general practitioner/GP or primary care provider PCP is a recommended place to start. They will:

  • Order diagnostic tests.
  • Recommend exercises and stretches.
  • Prescribe medication.
  • Refer the patient to a physical therapist or other back pain specialist.

However, studies suggest general providers can be uninformed and slow to adopt new back treatments. (Paul B. Bishop, Peter C. Wing. 2006) It is recommended to research possible treatment options, ask a lot of questions during an appointment, and ask or request a referral to a specialist.


Pediatricians diagnose and treat children. They cover a wide range of issues including back problems and injuries. As with a general practitioner or primary care provider, a child’s pediatrician is the place to start. Depending on the child’s needs, they’ll refer them to the proper specialist.

Emergency Healthcare Providers

When there is serious neck or back trauma, individuals need to go to the emergency room. Trauma can include automobile collisions, sports accidents, work accidents, and/or personal home accidents. Someone with a possible spinal injury should not be moved. (W Yisheng, et al., 2007) Go to the ER if there is back pain with loss of bowel or bladder control, or the legs become progressively weaker. These are symptoms of an emergency condition known as cauda equina syndrome. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons. 2023)


Orthopedists and orthopedic surgeons treat the musculoskeletal system, which includes:

  • Muscles
  • Bones
  • Joints
  • Connective tissues
  • Cartilage

Common orthopedic issues include:

  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Ruptured discs
  • Nerve impingement
  • Scoliosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteoarthritis

Orthopedics can overlap with other specialties. As orthopedists and rheumatologists both treat arthritis and orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons do some of the same procedures that include spinal fusions and discectomies.


A rheumatologist treats autoimmune, inflammatory, and musculoskeletal conditions that can include different types of arthritis, lupus, and Sjogren’s syndrome. A primary care provider may refer a patient to a rheumatologist if they have symptoms that include:

  • Sacroiliitis – inflammation of the sacroiliac joint at the base of the spine.
  • Axial spondylosis – a form of spinal arthritis.
  • Axial spondylosis – spinal arthritis that causes the bones to fuse together.
  • Rheumatologists can also treat spinal stenosis or advanced osteoarthritis as they overlap with orthopedists.


A neurologist specializes in the function of the nervous system. They treat disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that include:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Chronic back or neck pain

They are experts in the origins of pain. (David Borsook. 2012) However, a neurologist does not perform spine surgery.


A neurosurgeon specializes in nervous system surgical procedures that include the brain, spine, and spinal cord. However, neurosurgeons do not provide overall treatment for back pain because they are usually the last to be seen after exhausting all other treatment options.


An osteopath is a licensed physician who practices medicine using conventional treatments and osteopathic manipulative medicine. They have the same education as an MD plus 500 hours of musculoskeletal system studies. (National Library of Medicine. 2022) They take the same exams and are licensed as an MD. Many osteopaths are primary care providers. For back pain, they will focus on:

  • Posture rehabilitation and training.
  • Stretching
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Spinal manipulation

The goal is to relieve pain and muscle tension, increase mobility, and improve musculoskeletal function.


Physiatrists are holistic providers that focus on physical function. They can be thought of as a primary care provider plus a physical therapist. These back pain specialists provide rehabilitation for various types of conditions and injuries including:

  • Back pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Stroke
  • Often they will coordinate a team of specialists to develop a targeted treatment plan.


Chiropractic is a hands-on alternative medicine. The goal is to restore neuromusculoskeletal function by realigning the spine to its proper form. They do this with spinal manipulations, non-surgical mechanical decompression, traction, and massage techniques. (Michael Schneider, et al., 2016)

  • The purpose of most chiropractic adjustments is to relax and retrain tight muscles and increase flexibility.
  • Chiropractic helps to relieve stiff muscles and restore range of motion.

Individuals may not be referred to a chiropractor if they:

  • Have loose-joints
  • Have connective tissue problems or conditions.
  • Have osteoporosis/thinning bones

All types of back pain specialists provide various forms of therapy that may be able to help.

Spinal Decompression in Depth


Bishop, P. B., & Wing, P. C. (2006). Knowledge transfer in family physicians managing patients with acute low back pain: a prospective randomized control trial. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society, 6(3), 282–288.

Yisheng, W., Fuying, Z., Limin, W., Junwei, L., Guofu, P., & Weidong, W. (2007). First aid and treatment for cervical spinal cord injury with fracture and dislocation. Indian journal of orthopaedics, 41(4), 300–304.

American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Caudia Equina Syndrome.

Borsook D. (2012). Neurological diseases and pain. Brain : a journal of neurology, 135(Pt 2), 320–344.

National Library of Medicine. Doctor of osteopathic medicine.

Schneider, M., Murphy, D., & Hartvigsen, J. (2016). Spine Care as a Framework for the Chiropractic Identity. Journal of chiropractic humanities, 23(1), 14–21.

A Focus On Non-Surgical Therapeutic Options For Low Back Pain

A Focus On Non-Surgical Therapeutic Options For Low Back Pain

Can non-surgical options be beneficial for many working individuals with low back pain than surgical therapeutic options?


Many working individuals will experience pain in their lower backs due to their demanding workloads that are causing unwanted pressure load on the lumbar region of the spine. With the spine’s main job to support the body’s upper and lower quadrants, many individuals with demanding jobs are either constantly sitting down at their desks or carrying heavy objects to different locations. With low back pain being a normal problem for everyone at some point, many individuals find temporary solutions to relieve the pain, only to repeat the factors. To that point, this leads to chronic musculoskeletal disorders that can cause referred pain to the lower and upper extremities and can be pricey when going into treatment. However, there are numerous options for working individuals that are cost-effective and safe on their lower backs. Today’s article examines how low back pain affects the working individual and how non-surgical treatment options vary with surgical possibilities when dealing with low back pain. Coincidentally, we communicate with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to ease low back pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders. We also inform them that there are non-surgical options to reduce the effects of low back pain and restore their quality of life. We encourage our patients to ask amazing educational questions to our associated medical providers about their musculoskeletal symptoms correlating with low back pain. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


How Does Low Back Pain Affect The Working Individual?

Have you been dealing with constant radiating pain in your lower back, legs, or feet after a long workday? Do you feel pain when moving around, only to find relief when resting? Or do you and your loved ones feel muscle aches and strains when stretching in the morning? Many individuals, especially working individuals, deal with low back pain daily when dealing with these musculoskeletal issues. Low back pain is extremely common for working individuals as it can affect their job performance and be an economic burden when treated. Low back pain is a multifactorial problem that has an increased rate of affecting individuals and contributes to the growth of numerous health problems. Low back pain can cause many individuals to miss work due to the lack of clarity on the causes, treatments, and factors contributing to this musculoskeletal disorder. (Pai & Sundaram, 2004)



So, how would low back pain affect the working individual? Since many people have demanding jobs, it can cause the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues in the lumbar region to be overworked, and the spinal discs degenerate over time. When there are unrelenting changes within the spine, it can be associated with affecting the lumbar structures of the spine to degenerate over time. This, in turn, causes the lumbar spine to go through biochemical changes that can generate pain-like symptoms in the lumbar region and cause structural changes to the spine, leading to lower back pain. (Benoist, 2003)


Additionally, there are many causes and factors that many working individuals will do that lead to low back pain. Normal factors like improper lifting, stepping wrong, or sitting down excessively can contribute to lower back pain. At the same time, traumatic factors like accidents, injuries, or playing sports can also lead to lower back pain. When musculoskeletal conditions like low back pain become an issue, it can become a major burden to health and social care systems for many individuals, with indirect costs that can be pricey when treated. (Woolf & Pfleger, 2003)


Chiropractic Care After Accidents & Injuries-Video

Now, with low back pain being a nuisance to many, individuals will seek out treatment to reduce the pain they are experiencing in their lower back and mitigate the residual symptoms they have been dealing with in the other body extremities. Sadly, low back pain, especially in its chronic state, can become a diagnosis of convenience for many people, affecting their socioeconomic, work, and psychosocial lifestyles. (Andersson, 1999) Many individuals will seek out numerous treatment opportunities to reduce low back pain. Surgical treatments for low back pain are great for individuals when regular home therapies don’t work but can be pricey. Many will opt for non-surgical therapies when it comes to finding cost-effective treatments for treating low back pain. Non-surgical treatments, including chiropractic care and spinal decompression, are excellent for treating low back pain. Pain specialists like chiropractors and massage therapists utilize various techniques (mechanical and manual) to realign the body and stretch out the affected muscles that are affected by low back pain. The video explains how these treatments can reduce low back pain associated with accidents and injuries.

Non-Surgical Options For Low Back Pain


As stated earlier, non-surgical treatments can help reduce low back pain and can be combined with other therapies to manage the pain. Non-surgical treatments can be personalized to the person’s pain and can provide pain relief to the body. When individuals undergo a non-surgical treatment, pain specialists incorporate mechanical and manual manipulation to restore joint and spinal motion to the lower back. (Park et al., 2023) Additionally, individuals with low back pain include an exercise regime to effectively increase the person’s range of motion while increasing the person’s chances to return to normal daily activities and work. (van Tulder et al., 2000)


Non-Surgical Options Vs. Surgical Options

There is a vast difference between non-surgical and surgical options for treating low back pain. Anyone can personalized non-surgical options to provide more effective improvement in reducing pain, restoring lumbar range of motion, and improving back muscle endurance within a few sessions. (Amjad et al., 2022) Now, when home remedies and non-surgical options do not reduce pain, surgical options are only effective for low back pain. This is due to the psychological component that causes individuals to have persistent back pain that is not causing the relief that the person needs. (Corp et al., 2021) But both options are excellent when reducing low back pain as many doctors tell their patients to be more mindful about how they are using the muscles in their bodies and make small changes to reduce the chances of the pain from returning. When many working individuals start to think more about their pain and how to minimize its chances of returning, they can continue to live life to the fullest pain-free.



Amjad, F., Mohseni-Bandpei, M. A., Gilani, S. A., Ahmad, A., & Hanif, A. (2022). Effects of non-surgical decompression therapy in addition to routine physical therapy on pain, range of motion, endurance, functional disability and quality of life versus routine physical therapy alone in patients with lumbar radiculopathy; a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 255.


Andersson, G. B. (1999). Epidemiological features of chronic low-back pain. Lancet, 354(9178), 581-585.


Benoist, M. (2003). Natural history of the aging spine. Eur Spine J, 12 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), S86-89.


Corp, N., Mansell, G., Stynes, S., Wynne-Jones, G., Morso, L., Hill, J. C., & van der Windt, D. A. (2021). Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. Eur J Pain, 25(2), 275-295.


Pai, S., & Sundaram, L. J. (2004). Low back pain: an economic assessment in the United States. Orthop Clin North Am, 35(1), 1-5.


Park, S. C., Kang, M. S., Yang, J. H., & Kim, T. H. (2023). Assessment and nonsurgical management of low back pain: a narrative review. Korean J Intern Med, 38(1), 16-26.


van Tulder, M., Malmivaara, A., Esmail, R., & Koes, B. (2000). Exercise therapy for low back pain: a systematic review within the framework of the cochrane collaboration back review group. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 25(21), 2784-2796.


Woolf, A. D., & Pfleger, B. (2003). Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bull World Health Organ, 81(9), 646-656.

