Back Clinic Chronic Pain Chiropractic Physical Therapy Team. Everyone feels pain from time to time. Cutting your finger or pulling a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. The injury heals, you stop hurting.
Chronic pain works differently. The body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more. Chronic pain can affect your day-to-day life and mental health. Pain comes from a series of messages that run through the nervous system. When hurt, the injury turns on pain sensors in that area. They send a message in the form of an electrical signal, which travels from nerve to nerve until it reaches the brain. The brain processes the signal and sends out the message that the body is hurt.
Under normal circumstances, the signal stops when the cause of pain is resolved, the body repairs the wound on the finger or a torn muscle. But with chronic pain, the nerve signals keep firing even after the injury is healed.
Conditions that cause chronic pain can begin without any obvious cause. But for many, it starts after an injury or because of a health condition. Some of the leading causes:
Back problems
Fibromyalgia, a condition in which people feel muscle pain throughout their bodies
Migraines and other headaches
Nerve damage
Past injuries or surgeries
The pain can range from mild to severe and can continue day after day or come and go. It can feel like:
A dull ache
For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
Can individuals dealing with gut issues incorporate the beneficial properties of probiotics and prebiotics to improve body function?
How The Gut Works Together With The Body
When many individuals are dealing with chronic issues that are causing referred pain in their bodies, it could be an issue that is affecting their gut system. Have you experienced unpredictable food reactions that make you unable to enjoy your favorite meal or food item anymore? Do you notice any abdominal swelling after a heavy meal? Or have you been more constipated and found it difficult to go to the bathroom? This is because the gut system is the second brain of the human body. The gastrointestinal (GI) system provides many beneficial properties to the host and the human body. It helps strengthen the gut’s integrity, harvest and give energy, protect the body from foreign pathogens, and regulate the immune system. (Thursby & Juge, 2017) Inside the gut system is home to trillions of bacteria that help transport the nutrients and vitamins of food to different areas of the body. This, in turn, gives the individual the energy to be mobile and complete their daily activities. However, environmental factors like illnesses, stress, bad dietary habits, and lifestyles can cause the gut ecosystem to undergo abnormal changes, causing gut dysbiosis. (Zhang et al., 2015)
When environmental factors impact the body, especially the gut system, the immune system produces inflammatory cytokines caused by certain bacteria. Once certain structural component bacteria strains trigger inflammation, it can cause a cascade of inflammatory pathways to affect the entire body, causing the individual to experience pain and discomfort. (Al Bander et al., 2020) Additionally, gut dysbiosis can also be associated with the occurrence of several chronic metabolic diseases that are developed. (Xiong et al., 2023) Fortunately, there are numerous ways people can reduce the impact of gut dysbiosis and help restore normal body function by including probiotics and prebiotics. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of how the gut system can affect the body when environmental factors impact it. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate various probiotic and prebiotic foods to help regulate healthy bacteria back to the gut and reduce pain and discomfort in the body. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Nutrition Fundamentals- Video
Probiotic & Prebiotic Foods For The Gut
Now, when it comes to the gut system, it is important to know that trillions of bacteria help with gut regulation. When environmental factors cause various issues, it can cause pain and discomfort to the rest of the body. Hence, incorporating probiotics and prebiotics can help regulate the gut and reduce the impact of harmful bacteria from affecting the body. As part of a healthy diet, probiotics have the potential to regulate gut microbiota by affecting the intestinal microbial dynamics and homeostasis, thus influencing the intestines and distill organs physiology. (Kim et al., 2021) Additionally, when a person is incorporating probiotics and prebiotics to regulate their gut, it can be used to help manipulate the host’s microbiota while being used for potential therapeutic strategies. (Radford-Smith & Anthony, 2023) Some of the foods that have probiotics and prebiotics include:
How Probiotics & Prebiotics Improve Body Function
When people start to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics, they will notice an increased abundance of health-promoting bacteria that can increase microbiome diversity and metabolic pathways that can affect the qualitative and quantitative changes of the gut composition. (Jager et al., 2019) Different bacterial strains can have various properties that can help with the gastrointestinal microbiome diversity and improve the body through metabolic support.
So, when people think about their health and wellness, the best place to start is with the gut by adding prebiotics and probiotics as part of a healthy diet. This, in turn, can help the loss of beneficial bacteria that have been affected by environmental factors and can help reduce the inflammatory effects of chronic illnesses. Making these small changes can be helpful to one’s health and well-being and allow many people to come up with tasty food combinations to improve gut health and metabolic pathways.
Al Bander, Z., Nitert, M. D., Mousa, A., & Naderpoor, N. (2020). The Gut Microbiota and Inflammation: An Overview. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(20).
Jager, R., Mohr, A. E., Carpenter, K. C., Kerksick, C. M., Purpura, M., Moussa, A., Townsend, J. R., Lamprecht, M., West, N. P., Black, K., Gleeson, M., Pyne, D. B., Wells, S. D., Arent, S. M., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Kreider, R. B., Campbell, B. I., Bannock, L., Scheiman, J.,…Antonio, J. (2019). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Probiotics. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 16(1), 62.
Kim, C. S., Cha, L., Sim, M., Jung, S., Chun, W. Y., Baik, H. W., & Shin, D. M. (2021). Probiotic Supplementation Improves Cognitive Function and Mood with Changes in Gut Microbiota in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 76(1), 32-40.
Radford-Smith, D. E., & Anthony, D. C. (2023). Prebiotic and Probiotic Modulation of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Depression. Nutrients, 15(8).
Thursby, E., & Juge, N. (2017). Introduction to the human gut microbiota. Biochem J, 474(11), 1823-1836.
Xiong, R. G., Li, J., Cheng, J., Zhou, D. D., Wu, S. X., Huang, S. Y., Saimaiti, A., Yang, Z. J., Gan, R. Y., & Li, H. B. (2023). The Role of Gut Microbiota in Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Disorders as Well as the Protective Effects of Dietary Components. Nutrients, 15(14).
Zhang, Y. J., Li, S., Gan, R. Y., Zhou, T., Xu, D. P., & Li, H. B. (2015). Impacts of gut bacteria on human health and diseases. Int J Mol Sci, 16(4), 7493-7519.
Can individuals incorporate these simple but effective exercise routines to reduce pain and discomfort in their spine and back?
Why It’s Important To Keep The Back Mobile
When many individuals are dealing with back pain from their upper, middle, and lower portions, it can put a halt to a person’s routine. When back pain becomes present, it causes the person to find a comfortable place like a couch or a bed and lie down. However, this can cause more issues than the original one, affecting the individual. Back pain is a common worldwide problem and is the leading issue of disability associated with a high socio-economic cost. (Chou, 2021) Additionally, when a person is dealing with back pain, they are also dealing with degenerative issues that are also affecting their spines, thus causing problems to their joints, discs, and bones. (Hauser et al., 2022) This is because back pain is a multifactorial musculoskeletal disorder that can cause referred pain to different body locations. So when a person dealing with back pain rests, it can become an issue as inflammation builds up and swelling in the affected areas. Hence, many doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and spine specialists recommend keeping mobile to allow blood flow and the body’s natural healing response to reduce pain and speed up recovery. Since back pain relief is challenging through visceral-somatic disturbances, it is important to find various treatment options to aid the person’s specific condition. As a person goes to get treatment for their back pain, it is important to note that the causes of their back pain can help determine which exercises can be most effective within their treatment plan. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of incorporating simple but effective exercises for their back pain. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate an exercise routine to reduce the chances of environmental factors causing back pain to return. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Understanding Academic Low Back Pain- Video
Effective But Simple Exercises For The Back
Many people often wonder, “If I am dealing with back pain, why should I exercise to reduce this pain?” The answer is simple: since the affected back muscles are tight and weakened, simple but effective exercises can help recover. Exercise therapy can help increase muscle-joint strength in the body while improving muscle function and increasing range of motion. This boosts a speedy recovery and allows the individual to return to their usual activities. (Hayden et al., 2021) At the same time, with a customized treatment plan, exercise therapy can incorporate other non-surgical treatments with one goal: to restore normal musculoskeletal function and reduce the pain caused by environmental factors, diseases, or injuries. (Karlsson et al., 2020) Now, depending on the severity of the back pain, there are simple but effective exercises below to help reduce the pain and restore mobility to the back.
Physical Therapy & At-Home Workouts
Physical therapy and at-home exercises can help many individuals with back pain. They can help figure out which position can help centralize the pain and correct any restricted motions. Many physical therapists incorporate the McKenzie method to strengthen and support the spine while decreasing pain and inflammation. At-home exercises can be combined with a series designed to be practical, assessable, and feasible for therapeutic gain or even to improve physical capacity to maximum effort. (Quentin et al., 2021)
Water Exercises
Water exercises are amazing exercises that can help lessen the body’s weight to take pressure and stress off the spine. This is because water is supposed to help cleanse and rejuvenate the body. When individuals are experiencing chronic back pain, aquatic physical therapy can help relieve pain intensity, relax the aching muscles, and even promote a positive workout experience for the individual. (Ma et al., 2022) After a few consecutive sessions, many individuals can see improvement in pain intensity and restored mobility function in their routines.
Tai Chi & Stabalizing Exercises
Now, another simple and effective exercise routine can help stabilize the surrounding muscles in the back and spine and become effective as part of a health and well-being routine. Tai chi and Qigong practices can help the individual emphasize stillness and controlled movements to promote calmness, resilience, body awareness, and relaxation for proper body alignment. (Yang et al., 2024) Tai chi and Qigong can also help support immune function in the body while regulating inflammation, which can help reduce and prevent diseases. (Oh et al., 2020) At the same time, yoga can help improve flexibility, mobility, and stability within the muscles and joints while also improving spinal alignment, which can help many individuals have proper posture. (Zhu et al., 2020) Depending on which exercise a person prefers for their treatment plan and to reduce their back pain; it is important to make these small changes to achieve optimal results. Making these small changes can help many individuals reduce the chances of their back pain returning and help them along with their health and wellness journey.
Hauser, R. A., Matias, D., Woznica, D., Rawlings, B., & Woldin, B. A. (2022). Lumbar instability as an etiology of low back pain and its treatment by prolotherapy: A review. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 35(4), 701-712.
Hayden, J. A., Ellis, J., Ogilvie, R., Malmivaara, A., & van Tulder, M. W. (2021). Exercise therapy for chronic low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 9(9), CD009790.
Karlsson, M., Bergenheim, A., Larsson, M. E. H., Nordeman, L., van Tulder, M., & Bernhardsson, S. (2020). Effects of exercise therapy in patients with acute low back pain: a systematic review of systematic reviews. Syst Rev, 9(1), 182.
Ma, J., Zhang, T., He, Y., Li, X., Chen, H., & Zhao, Q. (2022). Effect of aquatic physical therapy on chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 1050.
Oh, B., Bae, K., Lamoury, G., Eade, T., Boyle, F., Corless, B., Clarke, S., Yeung, A., Rosenthal, D., Schapira, L., & Back, M. (2020). The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Medicines (Basel), 7(7).
Quentin, C., Bagheri, R., Ugbolue, U. C., Coudeyre, E., Pelissier, C., Descatha, A., Menini, T., Bouillon-Minois, J. B., & Dutheil, F. (2021). Effect of Home Exercise Training in Patients with Nonspecific Low-Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(16).
Yang, Y., McCluskey, S., Bydon, M., Singh, J. R., Sheeler, R. D., Nathani, K. R., Krieger, A. C., Mehta, N. D., Weaver, J., Jia, L., DeCelle, S., Schlagal, R. C., Ayar, J., Abduljawad, S., Stovitz, S. D., Ganesh, R., Verkuilen, J., Knapp, K. A., Yang, L., & Hartl, R. (2024). A Tai chi and qigong mind-body program for low back pain: A virtually delivered randomized control trial. N Am Spine Soc J, 20, 100557.
Zhu, F., Zhang, M., Wang, D., Hong, Q., Zeng, C., & Chen, W. (2020). Yoga compared to non-exercise or physical therapy exercise on pain, disability, and quality of life for patients with chronic low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLOS ONE, 15(9), e0238544.
Can individuals reduce being sick by incorporating chiropractic care and health coaching as a treatment plan to relieve pain?
What Happens To The Body When It’s Sick?
How often do you feel constant aches and pains in various locations of your body? Do you feel that your head feels like there is cotton inside or that you have a pounding sensation that makes you stay in bed? Or how often have allergies made you constantly sneeze, making your back and chest hurt continuously? When it comes to the human body, these scenarios can cause a person to develop various ailments that can cause the body to become tired and sick. Environmental factors like stress, an excessive workload, improper dieting, and physical inactivity all play a role in causing overlapping risk profiles to the body while causing the immune system to work overtime. When it comes to the immune system and environmental factors, there is a bidirectional relationship as the immune system releases inflammatory cytokines to foreign pathogens and eliminates the issue. However, environmental factors affecting the immune system can even impact its functioning at the physical level. (Venter et al., 2020) When the body starts to feel sick, many people experience aches and pain in their muscles in the upper and lower quadrants. This can, over time, develop into overlapping pain-like symptoms that can cause doctors to prescribe medication to control these symptoms. Many symptoms that can be combined with being sick include:
Muscle aches & pains
When this happens, a person could be dealing with a tired, nervous system and experiencing body pains that can lead to various issues, thus needing treatment. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of incorporating chiropractic care and health coaching to improve their health and reduce sickness. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate ways to reduce the chances of being sick through a customized treatment plan. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
A Tired Nervous System & Body Pains
When it comes to the body starting to feel sick, it can be due to a tired, nervous system that is causing problems to arise in the body. The nervous system is the main control for the body as it controls pain, movement, organ function, and reactions, and the body needs to be consistently maintained to achieve optimal operations. When environmental factors affect the nervous system, it can lead to symptoms of nerve interference and body pain that can cause various issues. When various biomechanical, biochemical, and neuropsychological factors contribute to the body and cause pain, it can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. (Sarkovich et al., 2024) It can also negatively impact the spine and cause spinal misalignment, thus affecting the individual. When a person is dealing with spinal misalignment, they begin dealing with poor postural habits, limited range of motion, and pain within the upper, middle, and lower back. (Chu & Trager, 2022) This, in turn, causes a longer duration of the symptoms while increasing the presence and severity of degenerative changes. (Davis et al., 2022) So when degenerative changes and dangerous pressure are affecting the nerves correlated with spinal misalignment, many people can begin to seek treatment to realign the spine and reduce the chances of becoming sick.
The Role of Chiropractic Care On Improving Your Health-Video
Chiropractic Care For Improving The Body
When restoring spinal alignment and reducing the chances of the body becoming sick again, many people seek holistic, non-invasive, customized, cost-effective, holistic treatment. Chiropractic care can help realign the spine through manual and mechanical manipulation to determine the root cause of the issue and reduce nerve interference. Chiropractors can assess and detect nerve interference to identify any problems affecting the body. At the same time, chiropractic care can be used as a therapeutic intervention to regulate the body’s blood pressure and provide spinal rehabilitation. (Sullivan et al., 2020) At the same time, chiropractic care has a unique relationship with other treatments to ensure the body is healthy and energetic.
Health Coaching To Reduce Being Sick
While chiropractors can help restore the body through spinal realignment and rehabilitation, they also work with a health coach to make small changes and incorporate healthy habits to enhance chiropractic care. Exercise, proper dieting, and incorporating supplements combined with chiropractic care benefit complete wellness by reducing days of suffering from illnesses. (Khodakarami, 2020) When people start to think more about their help, incorporating chiropractic care with health coaching can be the key to maintaining healthy habits, listening, and being mindful of their bodies to reduce the effects of pain and discomfort. A healthy body can be energetic and free from diseases, dysfunction, pain, and discomfort, allowing individuals to continue their routine more healthily.
Chu, E. C., & Trager, R. J. (2022). Neck Pain and Headache After Pinealectomy: Improvement with Multimodal Chiropractic Therapies. Am J Case Rep, 23, e937906.
Davis, B. A., Dunn, A. S., Golley, D. J., & Chicoine, D. R. (2022). Chiropractic Clinical Outcomes Among Older Adult Male Veterans With Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Retrospective Review of Quality-Assurance Data. J Chiropr Med, 21(2), 77-82.
Khodakarami, N. (2020). Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain: A Comparison of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation. Healthcare (Basel), 8(1).
Sarkovich, S., Leonardi, C., Darlow, M., Martin, D., Issa, P., Soria, T., Bronstone, A., & Clement, C. (2024). Back pain in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: frequency and risk factors. Spine Deform, 12(5), 1319-1327.
Sullivan, S. G., Paolacci, S., Kiani, A. K., & Bertelli, M. (2020). Chiropractic care for hypertension: Review of the literature and study of biological and genetic bases. Acta Biomed, 91(13-S), e2020017.
Venter, C., Eyerich, S., Sarin, T., & Klatt, K. C. (2020). Nutrition and the Immune System: A Complicated Tango. Nutrients, 12(3).
Can individuals with arthritis incorporate various natural remedies to reduce joint pain in their extremities and restore mobility?
Regarding the body, joints allow the upper and lower extremities to be mobile. This allows the host to move, bend, flex, and rotate without feelings of pain and discomfort. However, as many people age, so do the body and joints, as wear and tear can cause limited movement and stiffen the body. When this happens, it can lead to inflammatory effects and joint disorders. When the joints develop limited mobility and have overlapping risk profiles, it can come in the form of arthritis. When it comes to arthritis can come into two forms: osteo and rheumatoid, and both forms can cause two different inflammatory effects on the joints, causing pain and discomfort to the individual. Luckily, there are natural ways to manage the overlapping pain profiles caused by arthritis. In today’s article, we will look at the difference between the two forms of arthritis and how various natural remedies can help reduce pain-like symptoms caused by arthritis. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of how arthritis can affect the joints and cause pain-like symptoms to their extremities. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various natural remedies to reduce pain-like symptoms related to arthritis and restore joint health. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Osteoarthritis Vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis
How often do you experience pain in your upper and lower extremities in the cold and feel better with the heat? Do you experience your fingers locking up constantly, making it difficult to grasp objects? Or do you notice swelling or redness in your joints, causing a decreased range of motion? When it comes to the joints dealing with these pain-like issues, it could be due to inflammation, causing the surrounding muscles, tissues, and tendons to become swollen. When it is not being treated, it can lead to the development of arthritis. Arthritis can come in two forms: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two forms can affect the joints differently, confusing many individuals. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune joint disease that causes hyperplasia of the joint tissue and synovial inflammation, which causes cortical bone loss and marginal bone erosion. (Liu et al., 2021) Osteoarthritis can develop when the cartilage between the bones wears down, and it causes the pain associated with inflammation that sensitizes the joint capsule. (Knights et al., 2023) At the same time, osteoarthritis is a well-known degenerative joint disease that is the main cause of disability in a person’s daily living. It has a multifactorial etiology affecting the joint structures. (Yunus et al., 2020) When dealing with either of these forms of arthritis, many people have found natural remedies to help manage the symptoms and reduce the pain.
Unlock The Secrets of Inflammation- Video
Natural Remedies For Arthritis
When it comes to reducing pain-like symptoms that are caused by arthritis and managing their associated symptoms, many people start to make small changes in their daily routine. Many people start changing their eating habits by incorporating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods to reduce inflammatory cytokines and help reduce the progression of arthritis. (Gioia et al., 2020) At the same time, changing dietary habits are a small part of creating healthy habits. Therapeutic exercises and braces for the joints can also help reduce the pain and progression of arthritis. (Siddiq et al., 2024) When people commit to a healthy diet full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and exercise, it can help reduce not only arthritis but also the co-morbidities associated with arthritis, like chronic musculoskeletal pain. (Sakamoto et al., 2023)
Turmeric & Magnesium
Another natural remedy that many people can incorporate to reduce arthritis affecting their joints is taking turmeric and magnesium supplements. Turmeric is part of the curcumin plant, a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce pain affecting the joints by decreasing the inflammatory status of arthritis. (Calderon-Perez et al., 2021) This is because turmeric and curcumin are natural oxygen scavengers and active nitrogen providers that effectively treat pain from arthritic joints. (Zeng et al., 2021) At the same time, magnesium supplements can help relieve pain and arthritic joints by achieving a holistic analgesic effect on the individual. (Zhu et al., 2024) By incorporating these supplements as part of a holistic treatment plan for individuals with arthritis in their joints, they can manage their symptoms and reduce pain.
Calderon-Perez, L., Llaurado, E., Companys, J., Pla-Paga, L., Boque, N., Puiggros, F., Valls, R. M., Pedret, A., Llabres, J. M., Arola, L., & Sola, R. (2021). Acute Effects of Turmeric Extracts on Knee Joint Pain: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Food, 24(4), 436-440.
Gioia, C., Lucchino, B., Tarsitano, M. G., Iannuccelli, C., & Di Franco, M. (2020). Dietary Habits and Nutrition in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can Diet Influence Disease Development and Clinical Manifestations? Nutrients, 12(5).
Knights, A. J., Redding, S. J., & Maerz, T. (2023). Inflammation in osteoarthritis: the latest progress and ongoing challenges. Curr Opin Rheumatol, 35(2), 128-134.
Liu, Y. Q., Liu, Y., Chen, Z. Y., Li, H., & Xiao, T. (2021). Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis: a bi-directional Mendelian randomization study. Aging (Albany NY), 13(10), 14109-14130.
Sakamoto, J., Miyahara, S., Motokawa, S., Takahashi, A., Sasaki, R., Honda, Y., & Okita, M. (2023). Regular walking exercise prior to knee osteoarthritis reduces joint pain in an animal model. PLOS ONE, 18(8), e0289765.
Siddiq, M. A. B., Oo, W. M., & Hunter, D. J. (2024). New therapeutic strategies in osteoarthritis. Joint Bone Spine, 91(6), 105739.
Yunus, M. H. M., Nordin, A., & Kamal, H. (2020). Pathophysiological Perspective of Osteoarthritis. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 56(11).
Zeng, L., Yu, G., Hao, W., Yang, K., & Chen, H. (2021). The efficacy and safety of Curcuma longa extract and curcumin supplements on osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biosci Rep, 41(6).
Zhu, Y., Shen, S., Cui, L., Wu, L., & Zhang, B. (2024). Magnesium sulphate and sodium bicarbonate as additives for periarticular local infiltration analgesia improve pain management after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled trial. J Orthop Surg Res, 19(1), 764.
Can choosing the right pillow help many individuals with neck pain get a full night’s sleep and reduce pain-like symptoms?
The Effects Of Neck Pain
How often do you feel stiffness in your neck and shoulders after being hunched for an extended period? Does it hurt when turning your neck from side to side? Or have you been suffering from constant headaches or migraines that are making you have a hard time falling asleep? As the second most common musculoskeletal condition, neck pain is a multifactorial disease developed through various risk factors that can impact a person. (Kazeminasab et al., 2022) The multiple muscles surrounding the neck are constantly overstretched and tight, which can cause pain and discomfort to the upper extremities due to environmental factors. Some environmental factors can range from improper posture to injuries that can affect the neck. When many people are experiencing neck pain associated with environmental factors, it can cause considerable personal pain and discomfort, disability, impaired quality of life, and, for adults, loss of time from work. (Ben Ayed et al., 2019) At the same time, when people experience neck pain, they can develop disruptive sleeping habits. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the effects of neck pain and how it can disrupt their sleeping habits. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various techniques to reduce neck pain and find ways to stay asleep longer. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
How Neck Pain Disrupts Sleep
Now, many people wonder how neck pain is associated with sleep. Environmental stressors like chronic stress from the workplace or natural disasters can cause a person to have tense neck muscles and can increase sleep disturbances. (Yabe et al., 2022) When environmental stressors impact the body, the musculoskeletal system becomes tight and tense in different body areas. In the neck, the muscles that surround the cervical can become tense and develop trigger points in muscle tissue, causing referred pain and discomfort. When neck pain causes disruptive sleep problems, it can cause impairment to the multifunctional protective role of sleep via physiological homeostasis and restoration. (Van Looveren et al., 2021) At the same time, some of the pain-like symptoms that can be increased with neck pain associated with disruptive sleep include: (Chin et al., 2021)
Difficulty in movement
However, there are ways to reduce the effects of neck pain and get a full night’s sleep, starting with the bedroom.
Low Back & Neck Pain Rehabilitation-Video
Choosing The Right Pillow For Neck Pain
Now, when it comes to getting a full night’s sleep, it is important to find the right mattress to stay asleep as well as feel refreshed. However, as important as it is to sleep in the right mattress when dealing with neck pain, finding the right pillow can do wonders for the neck and help people get enough sleep. When it comes to finding the right pillow, the individual needs to find a pillow with an appropriate height that can provide adequate support for the head and neck to reduce cervical spinal stress and relax the surrounding neck and shoulder muscles. (Lei et al., 2021) This is because when it comes to quality sleep, many people prefer sleeping positions, pillows, and mattresses aimed at comfort. Many pillows have a variety of materials that can help aid in comfort and help reduce neck pain. Some of the types of pillows include:
Memory foam
Polyfilled pillows
Down Pillow
Combo style
Finding the right pillow for neck pain allows the individual to have their neck fully supported while having the pillow in a lateral position to reduce neck fatigue and improve sleep quality (Son et al., 2020). By doing so, many people can finally get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling better. By choosing the right pillow, many people will begin to be more mindful of their bodies and make small changes to their routine while getting the sleep they deserve.
Ben Ayed, H., Yaich, S., Trigui, M., Ben Hmida, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ammar, A., Jedidi, J., Karray, R., Feki, H., Mejdoub, Y., Kassis, M., & Damak, J. (2019). Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Neck, Shoulders and Low-Back Pain in Secondary-School Children. J Res Health Sci, 19(1), e00440.
Chin, W. S., Chen, Y. C., Lin, T. T., Guo, Y. L., & Shiao, J. S. C. (2021). Short sleep and chronic neck and shoulder discomfort in nurses. J Occup Health, 63(1), e12236.
Kazeminasab, S., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Amiri, P., Pourfathi, H., Araj-Khodaei, M., Sullman, M. J. M., Kolahi, A. A., & Safiri, S. (2022). Neck pain: global epidemiology, trends and risk factors. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 26.
Lei, J. X., Yang, P. F., Yang, A. L., Gong, Y. F., Shang, P., & Yuan, X. C. (2021). Ergonomic Consideration in Pillow Height Determinants and Evaluation. Healthcare (Basel), 9(10).
Son, J., Jung, S., Song, H., Kim, J., Bang, S., & Bahn, S. (2020). A Survey of Koreans on Sleep Habits and Sleeping Symptoms Relating to Pillow Comfort and Support. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(1).
Van Looveren, E., Bilterys, T., Munneke, W., Cagnie, B., Ickmans, K., Mairesse, O., Malfliet, A., De Baets, L., Nijs, J., Goubert, D., Danneels, L., Moens, M., & Meeus, M. (2021). The Association between Sleep and Chronic Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review from the Last Decade. J Clin Med, 10(17).
Yabe, Y., Hagiwara, Y., Sekiguchi, T., Sugawara, Y., Tsuchiya, M., Yoshida, S., & Tsuji, I. (2022). Sleep disturbance is associated with neck pain: a 3-year longitudinal study after the Great East Japan Earthquake. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 459.
Can non-surgical treatments help individuals with piriformis syndrome reduce referred sciatica pain and help restore hip mobility?
Piriformis Muscle & Piriformis Syndrome
Within the lower extremities, various muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerve roots allow the legs, hips, and thighs, enabling individuals to be mobile and help with good posture. One of the muscles, known as the piriformis muscle, is located in the gluteal region of the lower body, which helps the major muscles with every movement and allows the individual to walk, run, and rotate at the hips. (Chang et al., 2024) At the same time, the piriformis muscle is over the sciatic nerve, the longest and largest nerve that travels through the lower limbs down to the heel and provides motor-sensory function to the lower limbs. (Giuffre et al., 2024) Environmental factors like physical inactivity, excessive sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, or improper posture can affect the piriformis muscle and develop musculoskeletal issues in the lower extremities. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the effects of piriformis syndrome, which affects their lower body extremities and causes pain and discomfort. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various non-surgical therapies to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with piriformis syndrome. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Have you experienced a pins and needles sensation in your hips and thighs that make it unbearable to walk? Do you feel radiating pain that travels down to your feet? Or have you noticed tightness in your hips and glutes region when stretching? When environmental factors impact the body, especially in the upper and lower extremities, they can cause overlapping risk profiles that can develop into chronic conditions. So, environmental factors affecting the piriformis muscle can lead to a musculoskeletal condition called piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is a somatic and neuropathic musculoskeletal condition caused by excessive or prolonged contraction of the piriformis muscle. (Jankovic et al., 2013) Many individuals who have dealt with piriformis syndrome will begin to report pain in the gluteal region that is causing sensations down the leg that can compress the sciatic nerve. (Hicks et al., 2024)
What Triggers Piriformis Syndrome?
Three causing factors can trigger piriformis syndrome in the lower extremities. Environmental factors like excessive movement, physical inactivity, or musculoskeletal conditions can compress the sciatic nerve over time, entrapping it and causing gradual pain. Additionally, trigger points in the muscles caused by repetitive strain can lead to muscle spasms or inflammation to irritate the sciatic nerve, which may present with a different musculoskeletal condition. (Pfeifer & Fitz, 1989) Finally, many people will begin to think that the pain they are experiencing is sciatica pain instead of piriformis syndrome.
Sciatica-Like Symptoms
Now, sciatica and piriformis syndrome are completely different but have similar symptoms that cause them to correlate. Sciatica is caused by spinal issues affecting the lower back that causes radiating pain down the leg. Piriformis syndrome only involves the piriformis muscle pressing one sciatic nerve area, causing overlapping risk profiles. Some of the common symptoms both sciatica and piriformis are associated with include:
Tingling & burning sensations
Muscle spasms & tenderness
Pain & discomfort when sitting or standing
Sciatica: Causes, Symptoms, & Tips- Video
Non-Surgical Treatments For Piriformis
Luckily, numerous treatments are non-surgical and can help many individuals with piriformis syndrome find relief. Non-surgical treatments are affordable and non-invasive, customized to the person’s pain. With piriformis syndrome, non-surgical treatments can help improve pain and functionality back to the lower extremities and provide symptomatic relief from the piriformis muscle. (Vij et al., 2021) Some of the non-surgical treatments that are excellent for reducing pain-like symptoms associated with piriformis include:
Physical Therapy: Physical therapies allow the muscles to be mobilized and stretched and decompress the musculoskeletal structures. (Gandolfi et al., 2023)
Acupuncture: A trained acupuncturist incorporates small needles into the acupoints around the piriformis and provides anti-inflammatory effects. (He et al., 2023)
Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractors utilize mechanical and manual spinal manipulation to realign the body, stretch and strengthen the affected muscles, and alleviate pain.
Rest: Avoiding strenuous activities and sleeping on the right mattress can help reduce spinal pain associated with piriformis syndrome and improve sleep quality.
Incorporating these non-surgical treatments to reduce piriformis syndrome can help many individuals be more mindful of their bodies daily. They can be part of a daily routine in a person’s health and wellness journey in managing piriformis syndrome and reducing its pain-like symptoms. Doing so allows the lower extremities to be mobile again and the individual to be pain-free.
Chang, C., Jeno, S. H., & Varacallo, M. (2024). Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb: Piriformis Muscle. In StatPearls.
Gandolfi, M. G., Zamparini, F., Spinelli, A., & Prati, C. (2023). Asana for Back, Hips and Legs to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders among Dental Professionals: In-Office Yoga Protocol. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol, 9(1).
Jankovic, D., Peng, P., & van Zundert, A. (2013). Brief review: piriformis syndrome: etiology, diagnosis, and management. Can J Anaesth, 60(10), 1003-1012.
Pfeifer, T., & Fitz, W. F. (1989). [The piriformis syndrome]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb, 127(6), 691-694. (Das Piriformis-Syndrom.)
Vij, N., Kiernan, H., Bisht, R., Singleton, I., Cornett, E. M., Kaye, A. D., Imani, F., Varrassi, G., Pourbahri, M., Viswanath, O., & Urits, I. (2021). Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment Options for Piriformis Syndrome: A Literature Review. Anesth Pain Med, 11(1), e112825.
Can individuals dealing with narcolepsy find ways to reduce its effects on the musculoskeletal system and improve sleep?
What Is Narcolepsy?
Around the world, many individuals have gotten 8 hours of sleep by doing errands to function throughout the day. Sometimes, it is important to take naps between certain hours of the day to give the body a chance to rest and continue for the rest of the day before going to bed. However, more individuals have experienced sleep disturbances like scrolling through their phones, dealing with chronic conditions like migraines or insomnia, or not having a proper sleep schedule that can negatively impact their sleep. One of the sleep disturbances is narcolepsy, which can cause individuals to have sleep issues throughout the day and even affect their musculoskeletal system. In today’s article, we will be looking at what narcolepsy is, its symptoms, how it affects the muscles, and what treatments can reduce narcolepsy and improve sleep. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the effects narcolepsy causes on a person and their bodies. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include various techniques to reduce the overlapping risk profiles related to narcolepsy and help improve their sleep quality. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Do you often feel extremely tired throughout the day, and is it causing you to take a nap in weird places? Do your arms and legs feel weak from carrying various objects? Or do you feel general aches or pains in your neck, shoulders, and back? Many of these scenarios are associated with sleep disturbances that can affect the musculoskeletal system. One of the sleep disturbances is narcolepsy, characterized by the onset of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that can correlate with the lack of orexin neurons from the central nervous system, thus causing daytime sleepiness. (Slowik et al., 2024) Narcolepsy has two forms depending on the severity of the condition: type 1 (narcolepsy with cataplexy) and type 2 (narcolepsy without cataplexy). Depending on the severity of narcolepsy, it can disrupt the brain from generating and regulating REM sleep and cause issues for the body when it is awake during the day. (Thorpy et al., 2024) This chronic sleep disorder can disrupt a person’s quality of life and affect their socio-economic lifestyle.
Narcolepsy has four main symptoms that can affect a person who is experiencing this condition. The four symptoms are:
Excessive daytime sleepiness causes people to fall asleep suddenly during mid-conversation or when doing activities.
Cataplexy: Sudden or temporary episodes of muscle weakness in the upper and lower musculoskeletal quadrants. (Sunwoo, 2021)
Sleep hallucinations: This can cause individuals to hallucinate visions, causing the symptoms to be mistaken for psychotic symptoms. (Hanin et al., 2021)
Sleep paralysis: When the individual is partly awake but cannot move.
Additionally, when narcolepsy starts to affect a person, it could lead to the development of comorbidities like obesity and musculoskeletal issues that may lead to sleep disturbances to take effect. (Maski et al., 2022)
How Does It Affect Muscles?
Now, narcolepsy can affect the musculoskeletal system as the central nervous system has neurons known as orexin to stimulate the body’s muscles, tissues, and vital organs. When narcolepsy starts to affect orexin, it can cause overlapping risk profiles to the muscles that become weak, and environmental factors like obesity and metabolic syndrome can complicate diagnosing narcolepsy. (Dhafar & BaHammam, 2022). Now, as environmental factors do play a huge part in the body, causing people to develop narcolepsy, it is important to realize that when muscle weakness can contribute to the issue, it can lead to disastrous consequences. Strong emotions that are associated with muscle weakness for narcoleptic individuals can cause their body to collapse and lead to cataplexy. Cataplexy in narcoleptic individuals often has a sequence starting from the top of the head down to the legs, causing muscle tone loss, and is frequently mistaken for seizures. (Latorre et al., 2022) Luckily, there are ways to manage narcolepsy and improve sleep quality.
The Non-Surgical Approach To Wellness- Video
Narcolepsy Treatments To Improve Sleep
When it comes to managing narcolepsy and its associated symptoms, many people can make small changes to their daily routine and incorporate treatment to improve their sleep quality and their lifestyle, too. Many individuals with narcolepsy take medication to not only stimulate their central nervous system neurons but also to reduce daytime sleepiness. Additionally, non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can help stretch and restore muscle weakness associated with narcolepsy to help individuals manage their symptoms. Other treatments include:
Exercise regularly to reduce excessive daytime sleepiness
Eating a well-balanced, healthy meal
Incorporating these small changes as part of a daily routine can help mitigate narcolepsy and its associated symptoms. All in all, many individuals with narcolepsy can manage their symptoms and live a healthier life.
Dhafar, H. O., & BaHammam, A. S. (2022). Body Weight and Metabolic Rate Changes in Narcolepsy: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Metabolites, 12(11).
Hanin, C., Arnulf, I., Maranci, J. B., Lecendreux, M., Levinson, D. F., Cohen, D., & Laurent-Levinson, C. (2021). Narcolepsy and psychosis: A systematic review. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 144(1), 28-41.
Latorre, D., Sallusto, F., Bassetti, C. L. A., & Kallweit, U. (2022). Narcolepsy: a model interaction between immune system, nervous system, and sleep-wake regulation. Semin Immunopathol, 44(5), 611-623.
Maski, K., Mignot, E., Plazzi, G., & Dauvilliers, Y. (2022). Disrupted nighttime sleep and sleep instability in narcolepsy. J Clin Sleep Med, 18(1), 289-304.
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