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Personal Injury

Back Clinic Personal Injury Chiropractic Team. Injuries from an accident can not only cause physical harm to you or a loved one, being involved in a personal injury case can often be a complicated and stressful situation to handle. These types of circumstances are unfortunately fairly common and when the individual is faced with pain and discomfort as a result of trauma from an accident or an underlying condition that has been aggravated by the injury, finding the right treatment for their specific issue can be another challenge on its own.

Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of personal injury articles highlights a variety of personal injury cases, including automobile accidents resulting in whiplash, while also summarizing various effective treatments, such as chiropractic care. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Get Support from Our a Team of Texas Injury Lawyers

Get Support from Our a Team of Texas Injury Lawyers

You�ve seen news stories, heard reports, and learned about risks, but you never thought it could happen to you. Suddenly, you�re one of those people you used to see on television, badly hurt in a car accident, by an 18-wheeler or commercial truck, in a workplace accident, or by a dangerous product.
It�s a frightening experience. When you�re injured and scared, you don�t know whom to trust or how you will pay for all of the damages you face. Your life is turned upside down, and now you�re forced to cope with the physical, mental, and financial consequences.
It�s not fair, but there is something you can do to get help.
Get Support From Our Texas Injury Lawyers So You Can Focus Only on Your Recovery, Not on Battling Insurance Companies
Wayne, Wyatt, and the entire team at Wayne Wright LLP understand what you are up against. With years of experience fighting for injury victims across the nation, our lawyers know what it takes to help you get the best outcome possible after such a devastating event.
When you work with our team, the only thing you have to focus on is recovering from your injuries. Relax while your lawyer goes to bat for you against the insurance company, fighting for every dollar you deserve in your settlement.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T’s insight:

After being involved in an automobile accident, many individuals are often confused about the next steps they should take when they’ve experienced damage to their vehicles and have suffered injuries from the collision. The team at Wayne Wright LLP is a group of excellent attorneys who focus on the needs of the victim, helping them get the support they need. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.�

Whiplash & Neck Sprains from Auto Collisions

Whiplash is the common result of a traffic collision. While the symptoms for this type of injury usually ease on their own without the need of specific treatment, it is suggested to manage the natural mobility of the neck and seek medical attention immediately. In many instances, people will turn to the use of painkillers to ease the pain but these only disguise the problem temporarily as they don�t directly treat the issue.

Whiplash-associated injuries are the result of a sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head as a result of an extreme force acting against the body. Because of the force from the impact of a car crash, the muscles, ligaments and other complex tissues found within the neck can stretch, or sprain, beyond the normal range, occasionally causing tears.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Since the symptoms of whiplash often manifest immediately after the auto accident, for some individuals, these can take up to several days, weeks, even months to develop. The common symptoms for whiplash include: pain and discomfort along with stiffness in the neck, usually worsening with each day, pain and stiffness may also be felt in the shoulders, down the arms, and in the upper and/or lower area of the back; turning or bending the neck may be difficult and painful; headaches; dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the jaw or pain when swallowing and abnormal sensations along the skin of the face; and finally, some individuals may experience fatigue and can have irritability and difficulty concentrating.

The appearance of any of these symptoms could indicate the presence of a whiplash-associated injury. It�s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to receive a proper diagnosis and determine the true cause of the symptoms. If any of the above mentioned symptoms persist, be sure to tell a doctor immediately.

Who Can Get Whiplash?

Neck sprains, or whiplash, are actually significantly common. Many individuals who experience an undesired and unexpected automobile accident develop symptoms of neck pain with or without other injuries. It�s been previously concluded that women tend to be more prone than men to suffer from whiplash-associated injuries as the structures of their body can be relatively different.

After being involved in a minor auto collision where the vehicle only experienced minimal damage, many people are often surprised to still have developed symptoms of whiplash. Including slow vehicle bumps may cause a sufficient enough jerking motion of the neck to cause symptoms.

Although more uncommon, a whiplash-associated injury can also occur as a result of a sports injury or from strenuous physical activity. Some people have also reported injury from an everyday activity where the neck is suddenly jerked after a trip or fall.

Diagnosing Whiplash

A healthcare specialist who focuses and emphasizes in auto accident injuries is most qualified to diagnosing the presence of whiplash from the description of the incident, the symptoms the individual may be experiencing and through a careful evaluation. Because whiplash is a soft-tissue injury, many doctors may be unable to make a clear diagnosis, however, some healthcare specialists are specifically trained to identify whiplash. A careful examination of the structures of the neck, back, shoulders and arms can help determine if there�s been damage or injury to the spine or to the spinal cord or spinal nerves. Further tests may be recommended.

Treatments for Neck Sprains

First of all, the individual must continue to stay active and appropriately stretch and/or exercise their neck. The goal is to keep moving the neck as normally as possible. Initially, the symptoms may be painful and the individual may require some time to rest their neck. Nonetheless, gently exercising the neck as soon as the individual is able to can help. It�s important to now allow the structures of the neck to stiffen up and become tight.

The individual can also gradually increase the range of motion in their neck. Every few hours, gentle movements of the neck in each direction, several times a day can help avoid stiffness in the muscles and other tissues of the neck. Continuing with normal activities is crucial at this point, natural movements of the neck will not cause further damage.

Practicing healthy postural habits can also be beneficial to ease the symptoms of whiplash. While at work or during any other situation of prolonged sitting, the individual should check the posture they are sitting in. Make sure you are sitting upright, not with your head flexed forward along with a stooped back. Several stretches and exercises, such as yoga and pilates, have been used to improve neck posture, however, there is not enough evidence to support the benefits of these techniques when improving posture. In addition, a firm supporting pillow can also help ease the symptoms when sleeping. The individual should avoid using more than one pillow at this time, to avoid further injury.

Chiropractic treatment is a common form of alternative treatment that is frequently used to treat whiplash and many other types of injuries and conditions. Chiropractic care focuses on musculoskeletal injuries and condition, particularly soft-tissue injuries like whiplash, including nervous system dysfunctions. A chiropractor often utilizes gentle spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the natural alignment of the spine and its surrounding structures in the case a subluxation is present. By doing so, these gentle treatments can relieve the stress and pressure being placed against the tissues around the spine, ultimately reducing the painful symptoms. Additionally, the chiropractic adjustments a chiropractor performs can help strengthen the muscles and other tissues of the affected area, helping to restore the original flexibility and mobility of the structures of the body.

A chiropractor may additionally recommend a series of stretches and/or exercises to help speed up the rehabilitation process and improve the individual�s condition through muscle strength, flexibility and mobility. As with any other type of treatment for an injury or condition, time and patience are required to ensure a proper recovery. Depending on the severity of the individual�s whiplash, the recovery process can differ for each person.

Preventing Whiplash with Head Restraints

Vehicles today are being built to minimize the impact from the force of a collision against the body, particularly in the region of the neck and back. All vehicles include head restraints on the vehicle seats which can further help avoid whiplash and other types of neck injuries or conditions. �The head restraint should be placed as high as the top of the head. A properly adjusted head restraint can help reduce the chance of experiencing a serious whiplash injury or other type of neck damage as this can help stop or reduce the head from jolting backwards in an automobile accident. Safety is important and although an auto collision can be an unwanted incident, preventing harm through a few simple methods can make a tremendous difference.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

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By Dr. Alex Jimenez

The Proper Care Following An Auto Accident

The Proper Care Following An Auto Accident

An automobile accident often results in minimum vehicle damage, however, on the other side of the spectrum, the injuries an individual sustains from a car wreck can be devastating. Various types of accidents can affect a person�s well-being and auto accidents are considered to be some of the most troublesome towards an individual�s health. Apart from causing financial losses, suffering a complicating injury or underlying condition as a result of the auto accident can alter an individual�s lifestyle.

First Steps After an Accident

With that intention, it�s crucial to seek professional assistance to properly manage the physical, mental and material damage an individual may have suffered after a traffic collision. First, the victim of an auto accident should seek immediate medical attention to address any serious injuries as soon as possible. If the accident is minor in nature, and the vehicle itself is equipped with a first-aid kit, the individual may utilize these as a means before professional help arrives. Trauma and shock are often the biggest complications of accidents and it is crucial to treat them as early as possible. The auto accident victim must be kept calms and composed at all times to avoid further injuries.

The next essential step following an automobile accident is to immediately take the victim to the nearest medical facility available. Most frequently, those involved in a car wreck will be transported to the emergency room, or ER, where they will receive basic care for their wounds. Sometimes, the injuries sustained during the incident may appear minor and although there may be no bone fractures or open wounds, there could be the risk of soft-tissue injuries, which are not clearly visible without proper evaluations and testing. Because the professional staff of the ER are often only capable of treating immediately threatening wounds and may prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following an auto accident, it�s crucial to ensure that the involved individual seeks a full examination from a qualified doctor who specializes in auto accident injuries to rule out the possibility of other, much more serious types of injuries or conditions. This could certainly prevent aggravating an injury and, in some situations, it could also make a difference between life and death.

The Importance of Visiting A Doctor

Aside from reducing the risk of further complications, there are various other reasons why it�s important to seek immediate medical attention from a car accident specialist. Healthcare professionals whom specialize in car accident injuries can help properly diagnose an individual�s injuries or conditions. According to the findings, these capable healthcare professionals can effectively plan the next course of treatment. Furthermost, many doctors and even primary healthcare centers have the required diagnostic tools for pathological tests, such as X-rays. These can be extremely useful because many injuries may not be immediately visible following an automobile accident.

For example, damage or injury to the bone, joints, muscles and ligaments, as well as complications to other types of tissues in the body, can be common after an accident, however, because these may often not result in open-wounds, they may be overlooked. If left untreated, a majority of these complications could lead to further damage or injury. Due to the tremendous force from a car wreck, fractures occur frequently. A basic X-ray, MRI or other types of scans may be needed to rule out the possibility of a bone fracture in the body.

Many auto accidents could also lead to damage or injury to vital organs, such as the lungs, liver, kidney and commonly, the brain. Brain concussions, internal bleeding and puncture wounds to vital organs could be life-threatening and should therefore be immediately ruled out with the use of the above mentioned diagnostic tools.

In other cases, the victim involved may be in need of a blood transfusion. Serious accidents could lead to blood loss and getting medical help as early as possible is also crucial in these instances. Qualified doctors and most primary medical centers have the required quantity and group of blood an individual might need after a serious automobile accident.

Insurance Related Issues

A majority of auto accident victims end up filing personal injury claims under the�insurance companies in order to receive the proper compensation they need and deserve for their injuries. It’s essential for the involved victims to take photographs of the accidents. The healthcare professional providing�treatment to the affected individuals of a car crash can help provide the insurance company with the necessary information required to complete a personal insurance claim. That�s why it�s also important to seek medical attention immediately after an accident. This will help strengthen the insurance claim quite significantly. A preliminary investigation report from the police would also be needed because it will add a legal dimension to the entire accident which could additionally help get the best possible insurance claim. �For those who choose to delay their treatment, not only are they at risk of worsening symptoms from injuries or underlying conditions, if they delay their treatment further, they could have a difficult time with the insurance company.

A majority of chiropractors, as well as other healthcare professionals, are specialized and experienced in treating injuries and trauma caused by an automobile accident. Their professional approach offers some of the best treatments, whether it�s relieving pain caused by pressure being placed on the spinal nerves or numbness caused by stress being imposed on spinal nerves, chiropractors are trained to handle injuries and conditions professionally, especially automobile accident injuries.

Symptoms Following an Auto Accident

When a person suffers an automobile accident, there are several common symptoms one must look out for. The presence of any of the following symptoms could indicate a possible injury or condition and must therefore be immediately examined. The most common symptoms include: pain and discomfort on the neck, back, and upper extremities, tingling sensations and numbness in various parts of the body, dizziness, nausea and loss of consciousness.

Being aware of these symptoms is essential as some of these could signal the need for immediate medical attention. For example, pain and discomfort along with dizziness could occur because of hemorrhage to the brain due to concussion from the sudden impact of an auto accident. Being aware of the consequences certain symptoms indicate could help avoid undesirable circumstances.

Different Treatments for Injury

Fortunately, there are many different types of treatments and therapies available to help an individual recover from their automobile accident injures. Depending on the type of injury, the severity of the harm and the overall condition of the victim, various treatment methods are available to accommodate the individual.

Without a doubt, pain and other symptoms caused by injury from an auto collision is a big concern for those who suffer from these circumstances. Many doctors often prescribe pain killers or NSAIDS to help relieve the painful symptoms, however, these can have various side effects and, because they don�t directly treat the underlying issue, prescribed medications only function temporarily to reduce the pain and discomfort. Different types of injections are also available and used regularly for treating pain from trauma and other issues associated with auto accidents, however, as mentioned before, these can also have side effects and may only offer temporary relief without actually treating the problem. When it comes to finding the proper treatment in case of an auto accident, the individual must keep in mind to seek help from a specialist who can offer to restore their overall health without simply masking the issue.

Many healthcare specialists utilize a procedure known as Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy, or CFRN. This complex procedure can be beneficial for some patients. CFRN works by artificially interrupting the signals being sent by certain nerves to the brain which could trigger pain in individuals who suffered an auto accident. This procedure has been found to be useful in reducing the levels of pain an individual experiences which could be unbearable for some people. Pain which is beyond the threshold limit could lead to extreme trauma and shock. This could lead to further complications but, in many cases, it could trigger other issues including heart related problems and neurological disorders.

Physical therapy is considered to be a common and useful primary treatment option for victims of an automobile accident. Many individuals have reported relief from their back pain, neck pain, whiplash and various other types or injuries that could impact vital organs and other types of tissues. Physical therapists may also include heat and cold therapy, according to the individual�s type of injuries. The application of heat therapy helps decrease transmissions of pain signals to the brain, increases the flow of oxygen and can help restore flexibility to the affected regions. The application of cold therapy can also help reduce pain and discomfort, but additionally, cold therapy can help decrease swelling.

Last but not least, chiropractic treatment is recognized as the most popular, alternative treatment option to care for injuries and/or conditions caused after an automobile accident. Chiropractors focus on the body as a whole by restoring the natural alignment of the spine. Chiropractors specialize on a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions as well as nervous system dysfunctions. From neck pain and whiplash to low back pain, chiropractic care commonly utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully re-align the spine and its surrounding structures. After a thorough examination and diagnosis to determine the individual�s specific type of complications, a treatment plan may be developed accordingly to gradually rehabilitate the individual and restore their original health.

Additionally, a chiropractor may also recommend several types of stretches and exercises to increase the individual�s strength, improve their flexibility and mobility and ultimately speed up the rehabilitation process. A combination of the appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises along with chiropractic treatment could be extremely useful in helping the individual overcome the hardships of an automobile accident.

Recovering from Auto Injuries

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

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By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Whiplash Headaches After An Auto Accident

Whiplash Headaches After An Auto Accident

A headache is a symptom of pain felt in any region of the head or neck. From a mild and irritating discomfort to a severe and throbbing pain, headaches can be caused by a variety of factors and they may occur temporarily or they can last throughout the day. In a majority of cases, individuals report headaches and other similar symptoms after being involved in an automobile accident, most commonly, if they�ve been diagnosed with whiplash.

Any type of auto collision can lead to whiplash and other injuries, however, whiplash occurs most frequently during rear-end impacts in a car. Whiplash occurs when the head suddenly moves back-and-forth in any given direction as a result of a powerful force, extending the neck beyond its normal range of motion. This type of injury can also be caused by trauma from a sports injury or other type of accident. The neck is a complex structure consisting of joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and other tissues. When the structures of the neck are subjected to an extreme force, such as that from a car crash, the tissues within the neck can become irritated and inflamed, causing injuries that results in pain, whiplash headaches and other symptoms.

The symptoms of whiplash generally develop immediately after the automobile accident, although occasionally, the pain and discomfort can take up to several days, weeks, or even months to manifest. The pain is often in the form of whiplash headaches.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T�s insight:

In the case of an automobile accident, not many people are prepared for the�effects that follow the situation. An auto accident is an unexpected situation that often results in property damage, but most importantly, the impact from the collision can lead to numerous injuries and symptoms, affecting�an individual much more than expected. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

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Auto Accident Doctor: Finding the Best Medical Care

Auto Accident Doctor: Finding the Best Medical Care

An individual can visit their primary care doctor after experiencing injuries and aggravating a condition resulting from an auto collision. Still, the primary care doctor may or may not be adequately trained or experienced in treating auto accident injuries. Fortunately, many healthcare professionals do specialize in these types of cases.

Accidents are confusing

After experiencing a traffic collision, the first step the individual should take is to make sure they call the police following the accident. In some cases, victims of automobile accidents do not contact the police or do not receive a police report after the events. If the party at fault for the auto accident does not admit fault to their insurance company, the individual may find the insurance company denying their claim. Furthermore, it’s essential for auto accident victims to call the police right away after the incident as they could be experiencing pain and other symptoms and may require immediate medical intervention.  The right action at the right time is critical.  Try not to delay your care if needed.

Finding the right medical care

Unfortunately for many individuals, finding medical care after an auto accident can be difficult if one doesn’t know where to look or even begin. If the individual attended the emergency room following an accident, more than likely, they might have had to undergo a series of X-rays or CT scans, and they may have been released with painkillers and muscle relaxers. The individual may soon realize they are still in pain after leaving the hospital. While prescription medications are used frequently to relieve symptoms, they are only meant to function temporarily.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T’s insight:

When an individual is unexpectedly involved in an automobile accident, whether they have suffered visible injuries or an underlying condition, they must seek immediate medical attention. While getting the medical care they need and deserve is vital, finding the appropriate healthcare services can be complex, but an auto accident doctor can help improve injuries and symptoms related to auto collisions. For more information, please ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

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What we have accomplished and have yet to do

What we have accomplished and have yet to do


One of the most troubling concerns facing our community is domestic violence. In Texas, 1 in 3 adult women has been a victim of domestic violence. Over the past year and a half, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times has done an excellent job of putting domestic violence at the forefront by covering its effects and exploring solutions to reduce the deadly trend. These stories and statistics should motivate all of us to work to better protect victims.

Since the 1980s, the prevention of domestic violence in Texas has been a top priority and much of my legislation supports programs that aim to overcome domestic violence. When I was chairman of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, we held public hearings that discussed the serious problem of women serving prison time for defending themselves against a violent partner. As a result, several members carried legislation to change the laws to help protect victims of family violence.

In 2009, committee Chairman Abel Herrero and I authored Mary’s Law, which allows for GPS monitoring of domestic violence offenders. And most recently, in 2015, I sponsored House Bill 2645, which allows juries to hear more information about family violence and increases accountability for offenders monitored by GPS as part of a protective order. This bill now allows law enforcement to arrest the violator in real time for a violation of a protective order, thereby increasing victim safety and offender accountability.

Funding to help prevent family violence is critical. As vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, I secured a $1 million increase in funding for the Battery Intervention Prevention Program, in which offenders are held accountable for past abusive behavior and taught the fundamentals of leading healthy, nonviolent relationships. The increase in funds allows services to expand and adds innovative approaches to current practice. Additionally, the 2016-2017 budget included $53.9 million for core services provided by family violence programs and $3 million to address unmet needs such as housing and childcare. We will continue to work with advocates to address funding shortfalls for organizations that provide assistance to victims and offenders.

While the Texas Legislature has strengthened laws against abusers to give district attorneys and our communities more tools to protect family violence victims and provide funds for family violence programs, much work remains to be done. In order to end the cycle of violence, our community needs to focus on prevention by raising public awareness while also effectively implementing and enforcing laws.

Implementation is key to protecting victims. It was alarming to learn that the family violence center in our community was closed on weekends. However, through the Coastal Bend Community Coordinated Response Coalition forums, victims and advocates called for change. As a result, Corpus Christi Police Chief Mike Markle implemented changes so that family violence detectives are rotated for weekends and after-hours duty. This is a step in the right direction so that victims of abuse do not live in fear simply because it is a weekend.

One solution to addressing domestic violence is to adopt components from the city of El Paso’s 24-Hour Contact Domestic Violence Initiative. The program takes a proactive and aggressive approach by moving domestic violence cases through the criminal justice system more effectively and focuses on victim outreach. Victim advocates seek face-to-face contact with victims of a domestic violence crimes for which an offender has been arrested within the past 24 hours. We need to collaborate among relevant agencies and discuss how we can improve and adopt El Paso’s model.

It will take more than one person, one agency, or one government entity to curb domestic violence. It will take work from legislators, law enforcement, the probation department, our local family violence shelter, public officials, parents, students and residents throughout our community  to ensure we protect victims and hold their abusers accountable. Together, and only together, can we make our community a safer place.


Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T’s insight:

The crime victims program continues to help so many in need here in our very own El Paso. As a practicing Chiropractor, I have seen more than my share of domestic dispute violence drama and the physical toll on individuals and families. We touch these individuals and work on their bodies after the ordeals they undergo at the physical and emotional levels.  It is this proximity to our patients that allows us to see firsthand the true effects. Logically, the impact of the unseen consequences may not always be physical in nature; the program’s outreach covers the unseen concomitant emotional damage caused by the crimes. The attorney general and district attorney have pledged continued support of this outstanding program. This continues to be great news in our growing city.

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Michele Watson | State Farm Insurance Agent

Michele Watson | State Farm Insurance Agent

Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor, has invested his 25 years of experience into treating patients who’ve been involved in an unfortunate personal injury case, such as an automobile accident. Along with providing individuals with relief from their injuries, Dr. Jimenez has been recommending and guiding people to various of the most qualified insurance agents and companies in the region which can help clients with their cases.

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7400 Viscount Blvd.
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El Paso, TX 79925-4800
We are located in front of Ponder Park.
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7400 Viscount Blvd Ste 105
El Paso, TX 79925-4800
Office Phone:�915-593-3004
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Contact El Paso State Farm Agent Michele Watson at (915) 593-3004 for life, home, car insurance and more. Get a free quote now

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The qualified and experienced insurance agents at State Farm invest their time and knowledge to offer clients the best deals to settle a personal injury case, such as an automobile accident, providing them with the necessary compensation. State Farm insurance agent Michele Watson offers her skills to help individuals gain back their peace of mind, medically and financially.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .