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El Paso Chiropractic News

Back Clinic El Paso Chiropractic News. Dr. Jimenez brings various articles dealing with the local chiropractic community and what they are up to. Chiropractors are known for safely and effectively treating acute back and neck pain, as well as headaches. While a medical doctor might prescribe pain medicine, muscle relaxers, or anti-inflammatory drugs. Then an orthopedic doctor may suggest surgery, a chiropractor will treat your problems by hand, through manipulation of the spine.

Chiropractors bring the musculoskeletal structure into proper alignment. Chiropractors help to change the position of your body through proper pressure to particular points along the spine that is not properly aligned. This results in the all-familiar popping that people are used to. The noise is created from a change in pressure in your joints as gas bubbles are released. Adjusting the spine with their hands at particular pressure points, chiropractors can unblock nerve energy and allow it to flow in a much smoother way down your spine and throughout the entire body. Regular visits can realign your spine to optimize overall health. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfates For DDD

Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfates For DDD

Why Chiropractic Combined With Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfates Are A Win-Win For Degenerative Disc Disease Sufferers.

The most effective treatments are often found in the natural ones. The human body has this incredible ability to provide its own healing. Often we can aid that process through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes. While there are some people who do reach for medications and invasive means of pain control, the truth is the best cure is the natural one. This is also true of degenerative disc disease. There are several natural treatments that help relieve the pain and even stop the progression of the disease. Common treatments include chiropractic, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfates.

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)?

In a healthy spine the discs that lie between the vertebrae and cushion them are filled with fluid. They allow the spine to move, flex, bend, and twist. Over time they may lose some of their cushion as part of the aging process.

Degenerative disc disease occurs when the discs of the spine collapse and degrade. In extreme cases, the discs can completely collapse causing the vertebrae�s facet joints to rub against each other. This leads to osteoarthritis. The condition is accompanied by pain, inflammation, and loss of mobility.

How Do Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfates Help Degenerative Disc Disease?

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates are substances that occur naturally in the body. It is an essential element in cartilage maintenance and regeneration. They help to form new cartilage from within existing cartilage. They can actually help to rebuild the discs that have begun to degrade. Often they are taken as nutritional supplements.

Studies show that long term use of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate do indeed not just help arrest the development of spinal disc degeneration, they can also help to reverse the symptoms, especially if begun in the early stages of the disease. Treatment that incorporates these supplements result in decreased pain and improved range of motion. Patients may also notice strengthening of the back and increased flexibility. This is true even in patients who are older, in their 50�s and 60�s.

Patients may start noticing a decrease in pain as early as six months after beginning to take the supplement. After taking it consistently, the other benefits present over time. What is also important to note is that neither glucosamine nor chondroitin sulfate cause any adverse side effects. These supplements are safe and effective.

glucosamine for DDD MRI el paso tx.

Chiropractic For Degenerative Disc Disease

Chiropractic is a complementary treatment to combine with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for degenerative disc disease. Chiropractic alone is very effective for many spine and neck disorders, including degenerative disc disease. It is a natural, non-invasive treatment that does not use medications but instead incorporates lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise recommendations to provide whole body wellness. While chiropractic works very well to treat pain, improve mobility, and increase flexibility, it has actually been proven to stop the progression of degenerative disc disease and even reverse its effects.

Using chiropractic for degenerative disc disease and combining it with supplements that include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is a very effective system for relieving the pain and other symptoms. In several studies, many patients saw improvement and decrease in symptoms faster than patients who used the supplements alone. Combining these treatments is usually the best course of action to help patients suffering from this devastating disease.

When treating any condition, it is always best to go the most natural route possible. The fewer synthetic substances and manufactured toxins that are introduced into the body, the better chance the patient has of a more thorough and faster healing or at the very least a dramatic decrease in symptoms.

Injury Medical Clinic: Herniated Disc Treatment & Recovery

Three Steps To Help Your Back

Three Steps To Help Your Back

Three Steps: Your lower back needs protection, strength and nourishment to help prevent and reduce lower back pain.

Adding these 3 steps to one’s day can help take stress off your lower back:

Three Steps

1. Work On A Stand-Up Desk For Part Of The Day

Too much sitting is common in the cause of low back pain. Posture while sitting, forward leaning in order to look at a computer screen, affects the natural alignment of the lower spine by placing a heavy load on the lumbar discs and joints.

Many people are utilizing standup desks for part of their workday. Standup desks come in a variety of shapes, functionality, and price ranges. They can be inexpensive to fully adjustable, automatic models.

If lower back pain is already an issue, only stand for part of the day and gradually increase to longer standing times. Cushioned and standing mats add additional comfort, as well as, exercise benefits. Standing more, along with quick walks and/or quick stretches at the half hour can break up the extended sitting cycle.

2. Stretch Hamstrings On A Daily Basis

Hamstrings are the large muscles that run down the back of each thigh. They can quite easily become tight. If they become very tight then the hamstring/s will transfer stress across the lower back and can lead to back pain.

three steps lower back pain el paso tx.

There are a variety of hamstring stretches that are gentle on the back and easy to do: pick one or two that work for you and are easy to incorporate it into a daily routine.

3. Sleep In A Reclined Position

People with lower back pain feel more support when the lower back is in a slightly reclined position, along with the knees supported and elevated. This is true for lower back diagnoses, such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and lumbar degeneration.

If it is difficult to sleep on your back, try resting in this position in a reclining chair or bed before going to sleep.

Sleeping the most comfortable in a supported, reclined position can come from switching to an adjustable bed, aka (adjustable base). Just like the stand-up desks, these models range from basic to sophisticated options.

A new development now is that online mattress companies now offer mattress bases that are fully adjustable, and some offer free delivery/setup. Consider a new mattress with an adjustable base that goes with the mattress. This combination may work to help your back.

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo el paso tx.

We encourage back pain supplementation with chiropractic treatment and any type of steps one can take to help prevent and reduce lower back.

Injury Medical Clinic: Sciatica Treatments & Recoveries

Running Shoes | How To Choose The Right Type

Running Shoes | How To Choose The Right Type

Running Shoes: Feet are important. By the time the typical American reaches the age of 50, they will have walked 75,000 miles.

Runners put even more miles on their feet, and stress. Your feet are your foundation. A problem with your feet can throw your entire body out of balance. That is why when it comes to running shoes, it is important to find the right type. This guide will help you find the running shoes that are right for you.

Running Shoes

Before You Shop

Know the type of runner you are.

Different types of running require different features in shoes.

Some questions to consider:

  • Do you run or jog?
  • What surface do you run on � asphalt, treadmill, or trails?
  • How far do you run each week?
  • Are you training for a marathon?
  • Are you a competitive sprinter?

Know your body type.

A larger person will not move and run the same way a thin, wiry person does. An overweight person will put more stress on their feet � and shoes.

Know your running style.

The way you run, the motion of your stride and how your foot strikes the ground has great bearing on the type of running shoe you need. When your foot comes in contact with the ground, what hits first? Does the inside of your forefoot hit first? The center of your heel? The outside of your heel? Where your foot first hits is where you really want the cushion.

Know what injuries you may have sustained from running.

Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tendonitis, and blisters are a few common injuries can be reversed or improved when you wear running shoes that fit properly.

Know the type of arch you have.

Whether you supinate (foot rolls to the outside) or pronate (foot rolls to the inside) is determined, at least in part, by the shape of your arch. While supinators are rare, quite a few people over pronate. This can be the source of injuries due to overuse.

running shoes el paso tx.

When You Shop

Give it the 360-degree test.

When people try on shoes they typically check for fit in the toe box, but look no further than that. When you try on running shoes, you do need to make sure you have adequate space in the toe box, but you also need to check that your entire foot fits on the shoe�s platform.

Give your foot enough space.

The upper should have enough room but should not be loose. It shouldn�t squeeze your foot either though. It should fit well with no pinching or binding.

Shop later in the day.

Throughout the day your feet swell. When you run they also swell so when you shop for shoes, going when your feet are the largest will help ensure that you get the most accurate and more comfortable fit possible.

Bring your old running shoes along when you shop.

Having your old shoes with you when you shop will help the sales person determine what kind of running shoe you need. They can look at the wear on the shoe to see your running patterns and help you find a shoe that works best for you.

Get your foot measured.

As you age your feet actually change; they can expand or flatten. Don�t every assume your shoe size, get your foot measured every time. A comfortable fit is dependent upon wearing the right size shoe. You also need to keep in mind that shoe sizes may differ from brand to brand.

Dress for the run.

When you are shopping for a new pair of running shoes, dress as you would when you run. Don�t show up wearing flip flops or when you are dressed for the office. Definitely don�t show up without socks.

Forget the latest trend or what�s fashionable; think functionality.

There are plenty of sharp looking shoes, but that doesn�t mean they are the right running shoe for you. Go for fit and functionality first and fashion second.

Take them for a test drive.

Once you have settled on a pair or two, try them both on and try them out. Many stores that specialize in running shoes have a treadmill or area where runners can try their shoes. That is the only way you can tell for shoe if the shoe is right for you.

Injury Medical Clinic: Sport Injury Treatments

Opioids! Chiropractic Is The Safer Alternative

Opioids! Chiropractic Is The Safer Alternative

Opioids and Prescription drug abuse and addiction is a significant problem in the United States. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared it an epidemic.

Researchers estimate that as many as 36 million people worldwide abuse opioids. Estimates in the U.S. alone reached 2.1 million people in 2012. In 2014, six out of ten drug overdose deaths involved an opioid � including prescription opioids for pain relief.

Every day, 78 Americans die from an opioid overdose. As the Opioid drug problem continues to spiral further out of control, claiming more lives, people are looking for safer, drug free ways to relieve their pain. Chiropractic offers such an option.

What Are Opioids?

Opioids are prescription medications that are intended for pain relief. They work by diminishing the intensity level of pain signals as they reach the brain. They also affect the areas of the brain that control emotion thereby weakening the perception of the pain as well. There are several very popular medications that are classified as opioids:

  • Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
  • Oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin)
  • Morphine (Avinza, Kadian)
  • Codeine

The most commonly prescribed opioids are hydrocodone products. They are used to treat pain from injuries, dental work, and typically moderate pain. Milder pain is often treated with codeine but it is also used to treat coughing as well as severe diarrhea. Overall, opioids are used to treat everything from cancer pain to post-op pain to osteoarthritis.

What Are The Dangers Of Opioids?

Opioids have a serious risk of abuse, addiction, and overdose. Even then they are taken as prescribed, opioids can have the following side effects:

  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Low energy
  • Sweating
  • Low testosterone levels that result in a diminished sex drive
  • Itching
  • Decreased strength
  • Increased pain sensitivity

Over time, the body can build up a tolerance to the drug which means that in order to achieve the same relief from pain they must take more of it. Physical dependence is also a concern, usually going hand in hand with tolerance. Once that point is reached the patient will experience symptoms of withdrawal if they stop taking the medication.

If Doctors Are Prescribing Opioids, How Are People becoming Addicted?

In 2013, doctors wrote almost a quarter of a billion prescriptions for opioids. To put that into perspective, that is enough for every adult in the U.S. to have their own bottle of the drug. Doctors prescribe opioids to their patients in an effort to treat pain, but most of the time it is just a band aid. Instead of seeking out the root of the problem and educating their patients on whole body wellness, they prescribe pills that numb the senses, cause unpleasant or even dangerous side effects, and create addictions.

As the patient develops a tolerance for the drug, the doctor increases the prescription. This cycle continues as the patient become more and more dependent upon the drug. They may even experience more pain as the drug increases their pain sensitivity. As patients become addicted, the number of prescription opioid overdose deaths is steadily increasing. The most common drugs involved in these overdose deaths include:

  • Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
  • Oxycodone (OxyContin)
  • Methadone

States are putting measures in place to monitor and regulate how doctors prescribe opiates, but when desperate, addicted patients will go to great lengths to obtain the drugs they are addicted to. They will go to different doctors to get additional prescriptions or even find ways to obtain the drug illegally. It is a heartbreaking problem that is completely preventable.

How Is Chiropractic A Safer Alternative To Opioids?

Chiropractic is a proven method for managing pain relief that is not only effective but safe and drug free. Numerous chiropractic studies confirm what chiropractic patients have been saying for decades: chiropractic care is an excellent pain management method. The spinal adjustments bring the body into balance but that is only the beginning of the benefits. Chiropractic focuses on whole body wellness so patients learn how to take proactive steps to treat their condition.

It also seeks to find the root of the problem and begin healing by treating the cause. Through exercise, diet, and lifestyle recommendations in addition to the chiropractic adjustments, patients can get relief from pain caused by injury, surgery, arthritis, and many other conditions. Chiropractic is so much more than a back pain treatment; it is a whole body, whole patient treatment.

Injury Medical Clinic: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Osteoporosis vs. Osteopenia: What’s The Difference?

Osteoporosis vs. Osteopenia: What’s The Difference?

Osteoporosis is a significant health problem in the United States and worldwide. An estimated 10 million individuals have osteoporosis in the U.S. alone and an additional 18 million individuals are at risk of developing the disease, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). Females make up 80 percent of individuals who suffer from osteoporosis, but it also occurs in males although it is often underdiagnosed and thus underreported.

What is equally disturbing is that another 34 million individuals in the U.S. are at risk of developing osteopenia, a common precursor to osteoporosis. Many experts blame the typical American diet and lifestyle, although genetics can also contribute to a person�s likelihood of developing either of the diseases. The prevalence of both osteoporosis and osteopenia are serious health issues so it is important to understand them.

What Is Osteopenia?

Osteopenia is often a warning sign of impending osteoporosis. Nearly half of all Americans who are more than 50 years old have the disease.

Osteopenia is a bone disease, marked by a decrease in bone mineral density � or bone loss. While it is not as devastating as osteoporosis, it is a strong indicator that the patient will eventually develop the disease.

Nutrition and exercise are common treatments for osteopenia. Occasionally doctors will prescribe medication, but that is usually not the preferred treatment. Exercise, specifically weight bearing exercise, is a very effective treatment and preventative measure against these diseases.

Incorporating calcium and vitamin D are also common treatments. These can be in the form of supplements, but patients are also encouraged to eat calcium rich foods such as yogurt, leafy greens like spinach, and sardines.

osteoporosis el paso tx.What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a serious condition that causes bones to become extremely brittle and weak. The word �Osteoporosis� literally means �porous bone� which is indicative of the primary characteristic of the disease.

When the bone is viewed under a microscope, it has tiny holes in its surface. While healthy bone has a honeycomb appearance under a microscope, bone with osteoporosis has much larger spaces and holes. The mass and density of osteoporotic bone is severely compromised. This can result in frequent broken bones as well as chronic pain and a patient can even lose several inches in height.

Patients with osteoporosis can also experience limited mobility due to the disease or broken bones that may occur as a result. This can lead to other health problems including depression and obesity. These conditions can exacerbate the disease itself and increase the patient�s pain. Often patients with osteoporosis, particularly at advanced stages, require long term care in a facility such as a nursing home.

The real danger is not how devastating it is to bones, it is the way it can go undetected for so long. Often it is not discovered until a bone is actually broken or the patient�s upper back begins curving forward. Sometimes the patient may become shorter. At that stage it is usually very advanced. With the right treatment, though, it can be slowed or stopped. Sometimes bone density can be improved and the disorder can be reversed at least to some degree.

What To Do If You Have Osteoporosis Or Osteopenia

If you suspect that you may have osteoporosis or osteopenia, or may be at risk for developing it, the first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor to confirm that you do have it. From there you can decide on a course of action which is usually exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, and chiropractic treatments. The sooner you take steps to protect and improve your health, the less likely you are to develop long term conditions.

Injury Medical Clinic: Fibromyalgia Care & Treatment

Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health: At its core, chiropractic is about allowing the body to naturally seek its natural balance, allowing all systems to work together. When it is unencumbered it can actually begin to heal itself. However, it can only attain proper function when it is at its proper structure.

When the structure becomes impaired through disease, stress, or injury, function becomes impaired. The degree of impairment often depends on a variety of factors including the nature of the root cause, the length of time it is left unchecked, and the patient�s support system.

Chiropractic is an exceptional part of a patient�s wellness team, addressing existing conditions as well as preventing many health issues. While most people relate the physical aspect of chiropractic to the practice, it is really a whole body approach to wellness. Chiropractic address body, mind, and spirit.



Chiropractic for physical health helps manage pain and heal injuries. Patients who receive regular chiropractic care enjoy a greater range of motion and improved mobility as well as decreased or even the elimination of pain in the body. Spinal misalignments can cause misalignments I other parts of the body which can cause a variety of symptoms from pain to impeded organ function.

When a part of the body is injured, such as the ankle, the body attempts to compensate. It may cause the pelvis to tilt or the spine to curve. The patient may experience pain in the hips, knees, and lower back.

Chiropractic addresses these issues, seeking out the root of the problem and then working to bring the body back into perfect balance. It is a viable and effective treatment for back pain, joint pain, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and tendonitis. However, it can also be used to treat digestive disorders, asthma, and allergies.

health benefits chiropractic el paso tx.


Imbalances of the mind, such as depression and anxiety are not only destructive and debilitating on their own, they can also exacerbate pain and immobility in the body. These conditions often occur when there is an imbalance of some kind, usually within the brain.

When the body itself is out of alignment, it can inhibit the transmission of messages between the brain and vital nerves. Misalignment that blocks the central nervous system can cause imbalances in the brain, leading to conditions like depression.

Spinal misalignments and pain put a great deal of stress on the body which can affect the mental state. Physical stress that comes from injury or illness can bring about anxiety and panic disorders. When left unchecked, it can lead to mental health issues that can affect family, work, and social activities.

Chiropractic for mental health addresses several mental health issues by aligning the physical body and promoting whole body wellness through lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and other therapies like massage. When the whole body is in alignment, mind, body and spirit are healthier.


You don�t hear a lot about chiropractic for spiritual healing, but many practitioners are discovering the spiritual benefits of the treatment. Doctors have long known that a person�s thoughts contribute to their physical health. A person�s spirituality, their connection to whatever that means to them, plays a very significant part in their overall wellness both mentally and physically.

Chiropractic for spiritual healing may incorporate meditation, yoga, massage, and breathing exercises into treatment. When the physical body is out of balance, the spirit can become imbalanced as well. Bring the body into alignment, and the spirit will follow.

The nervous system is what controls the entire body; when there is interference, the energy cannot flow as it should, causing discomfort and disease mentally, physically, and spiritually. When the flow of energy is without interference, the body can begin to heal itself.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

Muscle Relaxants? Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Better!

Muscle Relaxants? Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Better!

Muscle Relaxants? Nearly everyone, more than 80 percent of the world�s population, will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Just ask the 31 million Americans suffering from low back pain at any given time.

In fact, globally it is the leading cause of disability. It is the most common reason that people miss work and the second more common reason for doctor�s office visits. In the United States alone more than $50 billion is spent each year trying to relieve back pain, but even that figure is not complete, but only based on trackable, identifiable costs.

There have been studies published over the years that unequivocally show chiropractic as a viable and extremely effective treatment for back pain. Several of these studies plainly show that chiropractic is better than muscle relaxants.

Muscle Relaxants & Chiropractic Study

One study that is one of the most notable was conducted at Life University in Georgia. It has been cited in several journals and used as a catalyst for proving the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for back pain and its superiority to muscle relaxants.

Study Parameters

The study involved 192 subjects who had been experiencing lower back pain for a period of time ranging from two to six weeks. The subjects were separated into three groups:

  • Group One – Chiropractic adjustments combined with placebo medication
  • Group Two � Muscle relaxants combined with sham chiropractic adjustments
  • Group Three � Control Group � received both placebo medication and sham chiropractic adjustments

All groups were given the same length of care, four weeks, with an evaluation of progress at the two-week mark and the four-week mark. The pain was assessed using the Zung Self-Rating for Depression scale, the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Upon admission into the study during the initial visit as well as at the two-week evaluation, Shober�s Test for Lumbar Flexibility was also administered.

The subjects in all three groups were also allowed to take acetaminophen for pain. This was an additional evaluative measure to assess the need for additional self-medication.

During the course of the study there was a two-week treatment period where the subjects in the chiropractic adjustment group received a total of seven adjustments. These adjustments were tailored to each patient�s specific needs and included pelvic adjustments, sacral (lower back), or lumbar and upper cervical (neck and back).

The sham treatments mimicked all aspects of an actual chiropractic adjustment including dialog, normal visit length, and procedures. However, no actual adjustments were performed.

Study Results

At the conclusion of the study, the subjects who received chiropractic treatment reported a significant decrease in pain and an increase in flexibility. Of the groups that did not receive chiropractic treatment there were no significant differences noted. There was a decrease in disability and depression across all three groups, indicating that muscle relaxants are effective in treating back pain, but overall chiropractic care is the more effective option for treating back pain and disability.

What Does This Mean For Patients With Back Pain?

Patients suffering from back pain can receive greater relief without the undesirable side effects of muscle relaxants by seeking chiropractic care. Patients who are using muscle relaxants to treat their back pain should talk to their chiropractor and doctor about incorporating chiropractic treatment into their patient care regimen. Patients experiencing back pain should pursue chiropractic care before resorting to more aggressive methods including muscle relaxants.

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment for back pain. It also facilitates healing, increases flexibility, and improves mobility. Patients who are looking for a healthy treatment option that focuses on overall wellness, Chiropractic could be the answer.

Injury Medical Clinic: Non-Surgical Options