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Complex Injuries

Back Clinic Complex Injuries Chiropractic Team. Complex injuries happen when people experience severe or catastrophic injuries, or whose cases are more complex due to multiple trauma, psychological effects, and pre-existing medical histories. Complex injuries can be serial injuries of the upper extremity, severe soft tissue trauma, and concomitant (naturally accompanying or associated), injuries to vessels or nerves. These injuries go beyond the common sprain and strain and require a deeper level of assessment that may not be easily apparent.

El Paso, TX’s Injury specialist, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses treatment options, as well as rehabilitation, muscle/strength training, nutrition, and getting back to normal body functions. Our programs are natural and use the body’s ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. We want you to live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.

Ankle Pain | How Chiropractic Helps Resolves It | El Paso, TX.

Ankle Pain | How Chiropractic Helps Resolves It | El Paso, TX.

Ankle pain and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. In the United States, more than 25,000 people deal with ankle sprains or pain every day. Studies show that somewhere around 40 percent of ankle sprains are not treated correctly or are misdiagnosed, which leads to disability or chronic ankle pain.

When the ankle does not function properly, it can affect the entire body. The muscles on either side of the leg or even under the foot can become sore or painful. This can lead to loss of mobility, an uneven gait, and hip and back pain.

Anatomy Of The Ankle

Three bones connect to the joint that is the ankle. The lower ends of the tibia (shinbone) and the fibula (lower leg small bone) meet to form a socket that the talus (ankle bone) sits in.

The bottom of the talus rests on the calcaneus (heel bone). There is about an inch-thick lining of somewhat soft cartilage in the joint, which provides shock absorption for carrying body weight, but it is tough and durable so that, provided there is no injury, it will last for a lifetime.

The bones are held together by ligaments and the muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. When there is an injury, it can impact the bone, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Treatment For Ankle Injury & Pain

The typical treatment for pain, such as with a sprain, is R.I.C.E., which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. A somewhat newer treatment approach replaces the R with an M, meaning that instead of rest, movement is required instead.

However, it is important that the movement is done safely and carefully. Certain types of ankle injuries can be exacerbated by movement so it should be approached with care.

Other types of traditional treatment include varying methods of pain control from ibuprofen to opioids. Severe injuries, such as a torn ligament, may require surgery. When a patient experiences pain, an x-ray is often used to see if there is an injury and to determine the extent of that injury. Sometimes, though an x-ray is not able to see the injury. In such cases, an MRI may be used.

ankle el paso tx.Chiropractic For Ankle Pain

Chiropractic is very effective for treating foot and ankle pain. The chiropractor will begin by assessing the patient�s source of pain and determine what is causing it. They may use x-rays, MRI, CT scan, and other types of diagnostic tools to help them select the best course or treatment.

When an injury is new and the area is inflamed and tender, the course of treatment may include ultrasound, iontophoresis and whirlpool baths. This is in addition to rest, ice, compression and elevation. As it heals, the inflammation subsides and it becomes more stable, chiropractic adjustments to the foot may be introduced.

Chiropractic can help reduce pain without prescription medication and the associated side effects. This alone is often a great draw for many patients. However, there are other benefits that chiropractic can provide for ankle pain.

Regular chiropractic treatment can help strengthen the ankle and increase its stability while increasing mobility and flexibility. Often nerves and soft tissue can become damaged. Chiropractic treatments done on a consistent basis facilitates blood flow, which speeds healing and reduces the chance of injury. It also uses a whole body approach so that the patient can get recommendation on diet and lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or exercising.

Chiropractic care is a very effective therapy for treating ankle pain and injury. It is non-invasive and a natural approach to healing that allows the body to heal itself.

Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic: Migraine Treatment & Recovery

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome is a very common injury among runners. If it is diagnosed early and treatment commences immediately the chances of it becoming a chronic condition are reduced. It responds very well to chiropractic since it involves the pelvis and related muscles. When pelvic mechanics are not functioning properly the muscle don�t work efficiently which hinders flexibility and mobility. This can lead to tight muscles which may inhibit motion and cause pain. Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help with the condition.

What Is The Iliotibial Band?

The Iliotibial Band, or fasciae latae, is the outer casing of muscle that extends along the outer thigh, from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee. IT Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when that casing becomes thickened. It is flexed or tight when you stand; it is what keeps your let straight, allowing the larger thigh muscle to rest.

There are two primary muscles that are involved in iliotibial band syndrome, the buttock muscle, or gluteus maximus, and the tensor fasciae latae muscles. Sometimes Iliotibial Band Syndrome is referred to Tensor Fasciae Latae Syndrome and the two terms can be used interchangeably.

IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome Defined

As the iliotibial band thickens it pulls in the area where it connects to the knee. This results in knee pain due to the application of too much pressure on the bursa. The bursa then becomes swollen, inflamed, and painful. During activity, such as running on an incline, the glutes are heavily involved.

The other end of the iliotibial band is inserted at the glutes so as the band tightens from this activity, it can trigger iliotibial band syndrome pain. Repeated activity further aggravates it, as does running on tight indoor tracks or uneven roads as well as having collapsed arches or running it inferior or worn out running shoes.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome el paso tx.Symptoms Of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

There are several symptoms that can be used to diagnose iliotibial band syndrome. Lateral knee pain (pain on the outside of the knee) is a primary symptom and often used as a key diagnostic tool. Few conditions involve lateral knee pain. Other symptoms include:

  • Pain that worsens after running, particularly after running on an incline, climbing stairs, or climbing hills
  • There may not be any pain until you do something that aggravates it like climbing a hill.
  • The pain may not begin until you are mid-way through a run.
  • The pain can be intense and debilitating.
  • It can accompany a snapping hip, which occurs when the muscles that cross the outer hip may click or snap while running or walking.
  • The pain may be present along the lateral thigh without incorporating the knee, but it is only in very rare instances that it is concentrated on the gluteal or hip muscles.

Iliotibial band syndrome is often attributed to over training. This can mean suddenly increasing hill repeats or doubling your mileage.

Treatments For IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If your iliotibial band syndrome is caused by a problem with pelvic function, relieving the pain from the condition can be difficult. Stretching is not likely to bring relief � and if it does it won�t last long. If the pain from iliotibial band syndrome lasts for more than two weeks even if you are only stretching, your regular exercise routine, and ice and you don�t see much improvement, a chiropractor can help.

Even if the pain is located in the knee, the problem could originate in the pelvis. A chiropractor can assess your condition, check to see that your pelvis is functioning properly. If it isn�t, spinal adjustments and other chiropractic treatments can bring the body back into alignment and make the pelvis more functional.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Experiencing foot pain, there’s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it’s not injured or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused from issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.

foot pain el paso tx.Sciatic Nerve Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

foot pain el paso tx.The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and consists of five nerves that come together at the lower spine and then extend all the way down the back of the legs into the toes. If the lumbar spine is compressed, it presses on the sciatic nerve, thus causing radiating pain down the leg and sometimes all the way into the big toe. Foot pain without leg pain is often due to an issue located within the foot. However, it is possible that the foot pain could be the only symptom of sciatica.

Sciatica can be caused by lumbar spine disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. There are various types of sciatica, which present differently according to which spinal disc is affected. If the L5 disc is compressed, Foot Drop can occur. This refers to the heavy, weak feeling that makes flexing the foot almost impossible. Foot Drop usually results in pain radiating down along the outside of the leg, crossing over the foot and into the big toe. If the S1 nerve root is affected, the pain is likely on the sole of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is first priority in order to address the pain correctly and properly.

What To Do About The Foot Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

Addressing the root of the problem is most important. Nearly three million people a year suffer from sciatic pain along with other dysfunctions. An experienced chiropractor or physician will demonstrate exercises to help lengthen and stretch the spine. This along with massage, acupuncture, and medication are all helpful in the management of sciatic pain. The foot pain will be addressed by a doctor or chiropractor who will to tell which treatment is most effective for the situation.

Treatment for foot pain varies depending on the condition/injury. Treatment can go from rest and ice to physical therapy, chiropractic and in severe cases surgery. Reflexology can provide relief, as well as, stretching exercises. Over the counter pain medication is often used. If the pain is too intense that it prevents sleep, a physician may prescribe non-addictive pain medication. Wear shoes with good arch supports, and if pain persists, see a podiatrist for special orthotic shoe inserts. Insurance often covers orthotics.

Further Considerations


Don�t forget that most pain in the body is caused from inflammation and can be helped with anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle stressors. Concentrate on eating whole, unprocessed foods. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and white flour. Make sure to drink enough water every day, and get eight hours of sleep. This is one of the most effective ways to address inflammation. Bring the body back into balance.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Maignes Syndrome: 4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.

Maignes Syndrome: 4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.

Back pain is a daily issue for millions of Americans, with a variety of medial issues being the culprit. The results of lower back pain on the economy as a whole are far reaching, from tons of lost work time to enormous medical costs. Maignes Syndrome is estimated to be the cause of a great deal of the instances of lower back pain.

Never heard of it? Lucky you because those who are diagnosed with Maignes Syndrome suffer pain that sometimes lasts for weeks or even months, and can become quite severe. Discomfort is increased sometimes when the patient twists his torso, or lifts a heavy object.

What Is Maignes Syndrome?

Also called Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome, Maignes Syndrome is a spinal disorder that is located in the nerves in the upper lumbar region of the back, causing pain to radiate along the nerves from the site. This spinal condition creates difficult to diagnose symptoms, since it often results in pain in a different part of the body than the actual source. It is believed this “condition exists because of the facet joint issues at the junction between the middle spine and lower spine.”. The pain from Maignes Syndrome usually shows up in the hip, lower back, or groin.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, you may suffer from Maignes Syndrome. Schedule a chiropractic visit as soon as possible, because a chiropractor benefits Maignes Syndrome sufferers in four important ways.

Chiropractors Can�

�Help Correctly Diagnose It

Unfortunately, the nature of the pain and location of the condition frequently cause Maignes Syndrome to be misdiagnosed. Sacroiliac joint pain is sometimes the diagnosis they receive, which hinders proper treatment. For this reason, the patient needs to make certain they are working with an experienced chiropractor who understands the subtle differences of the two conditions.

�Adjust The Area Where The Issue Originates

In order to minimize the symptoms of the condition, a chiropractor can administer adjustments on and around the area causing the issue, the thoracolumbar facet joints. Aligning this area correctly, and loosening the area that may have become tight from overcompensation, assists in relieving pain from Maignes Syndrome.

�Offer At Home Exercises To Help With Healing

Fortunately, there are exercises that can aid Maignes Syndrome, both in loosening the tightness of the afflicted area, and building up the surrounding muscle strength so the body can compensate for the issue. A chiropractor who understands this spinal condition can walk you through a step-by-step exercise regimen of the types of exercises that will help your body adapt to and heal from Maignes Syndrome.

�Promote Your Body’s Ability To Heal Itself

Chiropractic care is a broad-based approach to the body’s inner function and balance. Experienced chiropractors understand that all parts fit together for overall health. A patient with Maignes Syndrome benefits from chiropractic care because of this.

Your chiropractor will make a series of adjustments that help the nervous system work at optimum capacity, which promotes healing to the entire body. Attacking Maignes Syndrome directly at the site and through the body as a whole promotes faster healing and increased mobility.

Individuals with Maignes Syndrome unfortunately face an uphill battle that begins with being correctly diagnosed. The complexity of the spinal condition is the primary reason to seek a professional chiropractor’s opinion at the first sign of ongoing lower back pain. Once Maignes Syndrome is correctly pinpointed, the chiropractor will be able to design an in-house and at-home blend of treatment options to minimize your healing time and achieve a pain-free, fully functioning back.

Chiropractic Treatment Helps�Avoid Back Surgery

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Do You Want To Dance?

Most people love hearing these words, and wholeheartedly jump to the dance floor to twist and shout with the best of them. Some even take classes to learn to swing, tap, or ballroom dance. Others even train and compete. It’s big fun, and provides social interaction and exercise.

And Sometimes Pain:

While some don’t view it this way, dancing is a sport. As such, dance moves can put pressure on your body that causes injury.

Common dancing injuries include foot and ankle sprains, pulled knees, and stress fractures. If you have shimmied your back out, or do-si-do’d your knee into a stiff, painful mess, it’s time to call the best dance partner you have ever had: your chiropractor!

Chiropractic care helps dancers prevent and cope with injuries in a variety of ways.


Dancing requires coordination and balance that comes from strong muscles, bones, and ligaments. If your body is tight and ill-prepared for exercise, you could end up busting a move in the wrong way on the dance floor.

Chiropractic care can, over time, help strengthen your muscles and align your spine so your body is in prime condition for physical activity, with minimal risk of injury. Chiropractic visits work wonders from the neck to the feet in putting the body back in its top performing form. In addition, your chiropractor can offer an at-home regimen of stretching exercises that serves to further promote healthy joints, tendons and muscles.

dance el paso tx


For those who dance regularly, painful feet, ankles and knees may be viewed as part of the package of doing something they love. This doesn’t have to be the case. By committing to regular chiropractic care, dancers improve their range of motion, and keep muscles and joints loose and functioning correctly. Chiropractic care during a regular routine of dancing plays into staying healthy and mobile.


Dancing requires a body to move, turn, and stretch in ways that it may not be accustomed. If you ignored proper preparation, or ended up taking precautions and suffered an injury anyway, you may experience pain and loss of mobility. Make an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Many common bodily injuries can be dramatically improved by a regimen of chiropractic care. From sprains to strains to misalignment, a few visits to your chiropractor offers multiple benefits.

The first is pain management, often without drugs. The second is injury improvement by performing manual manipulations, known as adjustments, that stretch the injured area and promote healing. The third is increased mobility. Finally, chiropractic care assists the body in knitting itself back together so well that it minimizes the chances of future injury.

If you have been dancing on and off or regularly for years, or if you are thinking about taking up dancing, know there are many great benefits from incorporating it into your routine. However, you need to take proper precautions to reduce the risk of suffering an injury as you move.

Make sure to choose a nutritious diet and stay hydrated while you dance, and wear properly fitting clothing and shoes. Strive to practice the moves correctly, as well as maintain correct posture. Don’t overdo it, because pushing your body past its limits is a surefire way to cause an injury. Also remember to always stretch out and warm up before dancing.

By following these simple suggestions, you can hit the floor when the music starts and dance until you wear out, enjoying the health benefits dancing brings, while avoiding the injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment Helps With Stress

Orthotics: What Chiropractic Patients Ought To Know

Orthotics: What Chiropractic Patients Ought To Know

Orthotics: It’s good to have options.

Individuals who suffer from a recurring medical condition, as well as those who experience an injury of one form or another, maintain the same overall goals; manage the pain, find a successful treatment option, and heal as quickly as possible. Fortunately, chiropractic care helps promote healing and strengthen the body by working on it in its entirety.

Experienced chiropractors understand there are some other treatments in addition to chiropractic care that help aid pain management, increase mobility, and decrease healing time. Depending on the condition, individuals may experience a wide array of benefits from blending these treatments into their chiropractic treatment.

One such treatment is orthotics or inserts. If life were a sandbox, chiropractic care and orthotics would be the best of friends. They treat muscle and skeletal conditions, as does chiropractic treatment. Some of the key benefits of utilizing orthotics as treatment include:

Greater Support: Orthotics

Orthotics created to “brace” the body part that is not at full performance strength allows it to heal faster.

Success In Keeping Certain Areas Immobile

Sometimes a person’s injury requires little or no movement, and orthotics serve this scenario well.

Decreasing Weight Bearing On The Particular Body Part

Feet, for example, bear a great deal of the body’s weight, making them one of the more difficult parts of the body to achieve healing. Inserts provide the weight bearing assistance needed to give the body time to repair and heal itself.

Body Stabilization

If a part of the body is not functioning adequately, the entire body may be unstable. This is an unsafe situation that can actually cause other injuries. Orthotics are tools that stabilize the body by providing extra support.

Body Alignment Correction

A variety of injuries and other health conditions cause misalignment of the spine. Certain orthotics assist the body in achieving alignment over the course of time, especially when combined with chiropractic adjustments.

Used in the course of chiropractic treatment, orthotics provide a valuable factor in the person’s recovery. Marrying the regimens of chiropractic care and orthotics supercharge the healing and recovery time.

Here’s how:

Helps eliminate painful symptoms. With chiropractic visits working on the body as a whole, and orthotics offering support and stabilization, patients often show a decrease in painful symptoms faster than employing one or the other.

Increases the chance of returning to normal activity. Utilizing orthotics gives the area that is underperforming stabilization and support. This allows a person to more likely return to work and other daily activities faster than chiropractic treatment alone.

Minimizes reliance on medication. A chronically painful medical issue is quite difficult to manage without medication. Long-term use of certain medications can create health and addiction issues, leaving a person with one more problem to handle. The combination of chiropractic care and inserts empowers many individuals to lessen their dependence on drugs.

Maximizes quality of life. While being treated by a chiropractor, a patient�s body may take weeks or longer to stabilize before it completely heals. When inserts are coupled with chiropractic care, these same people are able to achieve a greater feeling of stability, and consequently, independence. This effect is perhaps the most significant benefit of employing the two practices, as quality of life is immeasurable.

No matter the injury or condition, an experienced chiropractor can determine the best regimen for each individual patient’s needs. By consulting with chiropractors who also utilize inserts in their practices, most health issues can be tackled more effectively which, in return, provides even greater results.

Michael Strahan Shares Athletic TIPS

4 Benefits Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers Gain By Chiropractic Treatment

4 Benefits Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers Gain By Chiropractic Treatment

One of the most difficult medical conditions to spell is also one of the most common. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. A person is afflicted with this medical condition when the tissue tears in the long ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia ligament. The resulting symptoms include pain and inflammation that can be acute and often ongoing.

Plantar Fasciitis

It’s estimated that 2 million Americans suffer from plantar fasciitis. However, many different factors cause the condition.

A foot trauma from an injury such as a fall can bring about the condition. Other causes are wearing ill-fitting or non-supporting footwear, prolonged standing, and arthritis. Once afflicted with plantar fasciitis, the sufferer often changes their gait to avoid foot pain, bringing on secondary issues such as misalignment and joint stress.

While there are several modes of treatment options, chiropractic care offers multiple unique benefits to those who suffer from plantar fasciitis. Here are four specific ways chiropractic care effectively treats plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Adjustments Can Reduce Stress In The Plantar fascia

When the ligament is stressed, it can cause tiny tears that brings on plantar fasciitis. Sufferers who don’t take measures to repair this damage often experience ongoing pain and inflammation. A chiropractor, over a series of visits, is able to adjust the foot and heel so the ligament starts to relax, which in return, promotes healing and diminishes the instances of dealing with the condition again down the road.

Chiropractic Care Helps Minimize Secondary Bodily Injury Due To Compensation

As mentioned above, individuals dealing with the pain of plantar fasciitis frequently adapt their gait to avoid painful steps, causing stress and weight to fall on other parts of the feet, ankles, and joints. This may eventually cause issues with strained muscles and sore joints.

Chiropractic treatment not only deals with the symptoms, but treats the root of the problem. Patients who commit to chiropractic care see the plantar fasciitis decrease in severity. In addition, the chiropractor helps re-train them to walk and stand correctly, taking care of the secondary issues.

Additional At Home Exercises Promote Healing

Patients can help their situations in addition to visiting their chiropractor by taking advantage of regular home therapy exercises. Part of chiropractic care for plantar fasciitis includes a regular recommendation of exercises that stretches and heals the plantar fascia as well as secondary affected areas. For maximum results, patients need to make sure they perform the exercises correctly and diligently stick to the rehabilitation plan.

Chiropractic Works Well In Conjunction With Other Treatments

Chiropractic treatment for plantar fasciitis complements other treatments. Chiropractic visits paired with massage, physical therapy, and more invasive treatment such as injections to offer pain management, increased mobility, and faster healing. Talk with your chiropractor to see what other treatments may complement your current care.

The not so great news is plantar fasciitis’s typical recovery time is several months. The great news is that committing to a combination of chiropractic visits and therapy exercises heals 9 out of 10 cases.

Plantar fasciitis is a common issue that millions of people face, but it doesn’t have to control your activity level or hinder your lifestyle. Consult a chiropractor and work together to lay out a plan of chiropractic adjustments, at-home rehab, and possibly other complementary forms of treatments. It may take time, but plantar fasciitis sufferers can eventually reach a point where they are pain free and their mobility is unhindered!

Jerry Rice Credits Chiropractic Treatment