Back Clinic Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Team. More than 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. Most cases can be linked to the most common causes: muscle strain, injury, or overuse. But it can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine: Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Stenosis, and Osteoarthritis. Less common conditions are sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome.
Pain is caused by damage or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Dr. Alex Jimenez compiled articles outline the importance of understanding the causes and effects of this uncomfortable symptom. Chiropractic focuses on restoring a person’s strength and flexibility to help improve symptoms of lower back pain.
Low back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms that lead people to seek diagnosis and treatment with a healthcare professional. When the individual�s low back pain is accompanied with pain in one or both legs or buttocks, resulting in symptoms similar to sciatica, it may be an indicator that the patient may have a lumbar disc herniation, also referred to as a herniated disc, ruptured disc, or slipped disc.
Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae that extend through the length of the ribcage and pelvis. From top to bottom, these vertebrae are medically labeled L1 through L5 and they�re each separated by intervertebral discs. The discs are made up of a fibrous tissue known as the annulus with a soft nucleus found at the center of each disc. These discs are fundamental towards the proper function of the spine, performing the important roles of shock absorption and distribution of pressure.
In the instance the annulus becomes ruptured or torn, the nucleus can become separated from the disc. This complication can decrease the disc�s ability to properly separate the vertebrae, an issue which often leads to increased pressure due to the compression or impingement of the spinal nerves found between each vertebrae of the spine. Individuals with a lumbar disc herniation and symptoms of sciatica commonly experience pain and discomfort related to the pinching of the nerves, which can in turn radiate down the legs.
Generally, a herniated disc is caused by the natural degeneration of the body�s structures as we age. If not diagnosed or treated in time, however, this simple wear and tear complication can develop into a more serious injury or condition. In addition, intervertebral discs can also tear due to trauma from heavy lifting or as a result of a sudden injury, such as an automobile accident or a work injury.
Diagnosing a Lumbar Disc Herniation
A chiropractor can properly diagnose a variety of injuries or conditions relating to the musculoskeletal and nervous system, including a lumbar disc herniation. During the first consultation, the chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical exam, including a comprehensive review of your medical history and test results. Using this, the healthcare professional will be able to determine the source of the symptoms. In many cases, the specialist may require additional tests to confirm the presence of a specific injury and/or condition. Most chiropractic offices will provide you with up to date information about your diagnosis, as well as the risks and benefits of each treatment option. Chiropractors will work with the individual personally to decide on the best treatment option for their complication.
Treating a Lumbar Disc Herniation
Chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations are the most common forms of treatment provided by a doctor of chiropractic, or DC. Using this gentle techniques, the healthcare specialist will carefully realign the spine, correcting the subluxations in order to decrease and eliminate the symptoms caused by nerve compression or impingement. Chiropractors may also redirect a patient to receive other types of treatment depending on the severity of their issue. Chiropractic care can help restore an individual�s strength, mobility and flexibility, offering a wide variety of benefits. Chiropractic treatment is well-known for its natural benefits, including the enhancement of many functions of the body.
Chiropractic Can Improve Sex Life
Many people visit the chiropractor with back pain, but after several sessions of treatment, they often return reporting that their sex life has improved. Jason Helfrich, co-founder and CEO of 100% Chiropractic, stated that the body can positively respond in many aspects when the unnecessary pressure on the nervous system is decreased or removed.
Every function of the body is controlled by the nervous system, however, when the spine is misaligned, known as a subluxation, the nerves traveling between the brain and the rest of the body, these can become blocked, compromising the body�s ability to function properly. A chiropractor�s goal is to remove these subluxations, since they can both cause pain and impede feeling. But treatment can help more than just improve symptoms of back pain. The lumbar region of the spine is where the nerves that extend into your reproductive regions are found. Correcting misalignments in the lower spine can improve nerve flow to your sexual organs, increasing things like blood flow to your clitoris or the penis.
�Correcting a spinal subluxation also allows the organs to send messages to the brain more easily. This means that not only do you become physically aroused faster, but your brain also registers that ready-for-action, heightened sense of pleasure more quickly, so you move past the mental obstacles that may be keeping you from orgasming�, quoted Helfrich.
Other Adjustments for an Improved Sex Life
Libido and fertility need a proper balance of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, many of which are released in the upper cervical and neck area of the body. If there are any misalignments or subluxations in the upper region of the spine, the nerve transmissions exiting the brain can be interrupted due to the compression or impingement of these tissues, which will ultimately have an effect all the way down to the reproductive organs, among others.
Including fertility is affected by the nerves and hormones coming out of the spine, as they control the reproductive cycle.
Beyond all of the physiological benefits of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, chiropractic treatment can also simply give the muscles more range of motion. This means you can try previously difficult positions under the sheets, enhancing an individual�s sex life further.
�We want to improve people�s health, and health is about living life as its intended. Having a great sex life is huge part of that�, Jason Helfrich concluded.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.
The spine is a complex structure that consists of bone, muscle, tendons, ligaments, nerves and other tissues. Spine fitness is essential towards maintaining the body�s optimal performance as it functions to support an upright posture, provides flexibility to allow the body to bend and twist freely, and protect the spinal cord. While a healthy back can easily be taken for granted, a�back injury�or other type of complication may result in long-lasting consequences that could alter an individual�s aspect of daily life.
Unfortunately,�back injuries�are among the most common types of complications suffered after an automobile accident. Each day, thousands of individuals are involved in head-on, side-impact, and rear-end auto collisions, often leading to spinal injuries even during minor car crashes. Depending on the force of the impact, a single or multiple areas of the back may be affected. Automobile injuries can range from mild sprains and bruises to fractured vertebrae and spinal cord damage.
If you�ve had a car accident, it�s essential to take note of any symptoms of�back pain, as there are a variety of spine complications which could result after experiencing an auto collision.
Central Sensitization & Auto Injuries
Recovering From Auto Injuries
Disc Herniation
One type of spine injury among individuals who have suffered from an auto accident is a�herniated disc, or a slipped/ruptured disc. Discs are small, sponge-like structures found within the spinal column which function as cushions to separate and protect the vertebrae from the others while providing the spine with smooth flexibility. The force from an auto accident impact can damage a disc, causing it to break or deform, affecting its ability to cushion the bones of the spine.
Furthermore, a damaged disc can also place unnecessary pressure directly on the nerves surrounding it, leading to symptoms of pain, numbness and weakness on the region of the body where the affected nerve travels to.
Disc injuries to the�lower back�frequently lead to a group of symptoms commonly referred to as sciatica, which is characterized by radiating pain, numbness and tingling sensations in the leg and/or buttock on either side, or occasionally, in both sides, depending on the type of injury. The symptoms associated with sciatica can be impairing and may worsen over time if left untreated.
Auto Injury Back Pain
Spinal Cord Distress
Spinal cord injuries occur from the impact of an automobile accident. It sends a direct blow to the spine, that damages the delicate bundle of nerves within it. The spinal cord is the most important structure between the body and the brain. It is a vital link between the brain and the body, functioning to carry essential information back-and-forth from the brain to the central nervous system, facilitating motor control and sensory function. Spinal cord injuries impair the brain�s ability to communicate effectively with the rest of the body, resulting in paralysis and/or lack of sensation in all or part of the body. The more severe an injury to the spinal cord is, the more of the body will be affected.
Compression Fracture aka Bone Break
Car accidents can also cause compression fractures. Compression fractures or cracks in the bones of the spine may cause the vertebrae to collapse and deform. This can permanently alter the shape and structure of the spine.
Symptoms of a compression fracture include pain and postural changes as well as breathing difficulties. Due to the fact that compression fractures are common among older adults, many individuals mistake the symptoms for�signs of aging�or arthritis. An estimated two-thirds of compression fractures go undiagnosed.
While cars are built to withstand the great force of a collision, the human body is not. The complex structures of the body, especially the spine, are vulnerable even in low speed collisions, resulting in injuries or conditions more often than not. An individual who�s been injured in an accident should seek immediate medical attention in order to diagnose any possible injuries or conditions as early as possible to begin treatment.�Chiropractic care�can effectively treat a variety of spinal complications, including auto injuries. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can gradually help restore the individual�s natural mobility and flexibility, as well as progressively strengthen the structures surrounding the spine to relieve the symptoms and restore the individual�s lifestyle.
After being involved in an automobile accident, injuries inflicted to the spine can be a common complication for many individuals. From herniated discs to compression fractions, the force of an auto collision can place great amounts of stress on the complex structures of the spine, often leading to damage, injuries and even aggravate an existing condition.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
The Clinic & Crossfit:
A Clients Story
Jacqulyn Quevas is up on her feet a lot as a hair stylist and she was�searching for�and overall become healthier and once she found Push-as-Rx ��, her amazing journey began. The motivation and enthusiasm of the trainers at Push as Rx has greatly influenced Jacqulyn.
The clinic and PUSH-as-Rx �� system is leading the field with laser focus supporting our youth sport programs.� The PUSH-as-Rx �� System is a sport specific athletic�program�of reactive agility, body mechanics and extreme motion dynamics. Through detailed and continued assessments of the athletes in motion and under stress loads offer a clear scientific picture of body dynamics. This system also has helped many athletes come back from injury faster, stronger, and ready to safely return to their sport without losing a beat after recovery. Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time and advantageous postural-torque mechanics.� PUSH-as-Rx �� offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.
If you�ve had a car accident, it�s essential to take note of any symptoms of�back pain, as there are a variety of spine complications which could result after experiencing an auto collision.
Low back pain is a common symptom reported among the majority of the population. Generally caused by direct trauma from an injury or as a result of an aggravated condition, low back pain can greatly restrict an individual’s daily activities, affecting their overall physical as well as mental performance. Although there’s a variety of factors which can lead to back pain along the lumbar area of the spine, an incorrect sitting posture over an extended period of time has been known to be one of the leading causes for this well-known symptom.
Sitting is one of the most difficult positions for the body to maintain. Improper sitting postures�for prolonged periods of time while hunched over in a chair can build excessive pressure on the spine and affect the blood circulation in the legs. For an individual that spends their workdays sitting down, the long term result of an improper posture can greatly alter the individual�s overall health.
Proper Posture While Sitting
Sitting for extended periods of time while hunching over a desk can cause discomfort, numbness and spine misalignment over time if the improper sitting posture is not corrected. Holding the body upright can also further increase pressure and tension in muscles, ligaments, joints, and other tissues surrounding the spine. A sedentary lifestyle where the individual doesn�t take frequent breaks throughout their workday to stand and stretch can gradually lead to cardiovascular disease due to the decreased blood flow, tightened hip flexors, shortened hamstrings, pinched nerves and many other physical injuries and/or conditions in the long run.
How Chiropractic Differs from Traditional Care
Aches and pains on the body, particularly around the spine, herniated discs, nerve complications and painful joints are direct results of working while in improper sitting postures for prolonged hours of the day. When you’re in a seated position, a lot of pressure is being placed directly on the spine and its surrounding structures. Our bodies were designed to stand upright and maintaining a seated position can be physically stressful.
“The weight is distributed while in a standing position,” explained Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., a health psychologist at Stanford University and a leading expert in neck and back pain, �That’s not the case with sitting. McGonigal added, “When you sit, you distort the natural curve of the spine, which means your back muscles have to do something to hold your back in shape because you’re no longer using the natural curves of the spine to lift yourself up against gravity.”
Approximately 80 percent of individuals in the United States alone may experience some form of chronic pain in their lifetime. Ultimately, working on a sitting position for extended periods of time per day is putting a tremendous mental and physical stress on our bodies.
Correcting Posture
Maintaining good posture when sitting helps preserve the three natural curves of a healthy spine; the cervical curvature, the thoracic curvature, and the lumbar curvature. The normal curvatures of the spine should form a slight S-shape. An excessive curve in the spine could suggest a possible underlying condition and may present symptoms of pain and discomfort, among other uncomfortable symptoms.
The key to maintaining a proper posture is to avoid slouching by sitting up straight as well as sitting all the way back in your chair. Additionally, the chair should be tucked in close to the desk. Placing a pillow or cushion directly behind your lower back area, or the lumbar spine, can help sustain good posture by providing enough support and allowing the spine to naturally curve inward. Furthermore, it�s also recommended to stand and stretch about every 20 minutes to give your body a break from long held positions, release pressure that is being built up on the spine and restore the body�s regular circulation by pushing the blood out of your legs. Doing this consistently throughout your day can prevent the muscles, ligaments and other tissues of the body from getting strained. Simple stretches at your desk, such as twisting, turning the head from side-to-side and chin tucks upward towards the ceiling can also help. These movements will ultimately help to relieve an individual�s chronic pain as well as restore an individual�s health progressively over time and improve their overall well-being.
Sitting is one of the most difficult positions for the body to maintain. Sitting for prolonged periods of time while hunched over in a chair can build excessive pressure on the spine and affect the blood circulation in the legs. For an individual that spends their workdays sitting down, the long term result of an improper posture can greatly alter the individual�s overall health.
While for many individuals sitting behind a desk for a prolonged period of time each day is an inevitable and often necessary part of their lifestyle, practicing a proper posture as well as seeking the proper care once the symptoms of low back pain manifest can change the effect of the issue. Chiropractic care as well as physical therapy and other forms of treatment, are available to the public to help reduce their painful symptoms and restore their original functionality. The spine is one of the body’s most important structures and it’s essential to maintain its health to achieve overall wellness.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Women often seek out chiropractic care during their pregnancies. One of the main reasons for this is that if they are having musculoskeletal pain, their Obstetrician or Midwife generally has very limited options for conventional medical treatment. They are less likely to prescribe medication, which presents an amazing opportunity for us as chiropractors. What initially began as a strange combination of a sports certification and a prenatal/pediatric certification has created a successful and in-demand niche for us. For the most part, I cannot imagine treating prenatal patients without having the sports background. First, most women at some point in their lives have been or currently are an athlete. And second, one of the most common complaints women have during pregnancy is myofascial pain, and who better to treat that than a sports chiropractor? Here are 5 common and easy-to-treat complaints during pregnancy:
One: Pubic Bone Pain
This pain is very common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Women will often describe it as exquisitely tender, worse with rolling over in bed at night, walking or climbing stairs. Conventional medical opinion is that the ligaments during pregnancy are much more relaxed (due to the hormone, relaxin) causing separation of the pubic symphysis and thus inflammation and pain. Sports chiropractors are uniquely qualified to assess this joint, and the common causes of pain can include:
1. Adductor hypertonicity easily addressed with myofascial release or techniques such as Graston, which can be done over leggings or on skin.
2. SI Joint fixation or Pubic Symphysis fixation. While I am generally a diversified adjuster, an activator adjustment to the superior or more-tender pubic rami will go a long way in terms of providing relief. I strongly discourage any audible manipulation of the pubic symphysis.
3.�Kinesiology taping�of a �RockTape Baby Belt� or modified version of this can provide significant relief and is much more comfortable than a pelvic support belt.
4. Using an ice pack for 15 minutes prior to going to bed at night will decrease pain and inflammation while sleeping.
Two: Rib Pain
Rib pain, especially in the lower and floating ribs, is common as the weight of the abdomen is pulling on the oblique abdominal muscles and their attachments at the ribs. Adjusting the ribs at the thoracic spine and incorporating myofascial release or Graston Technique will work quickly (often in just 1 treatment). Finish up with a few strips of kinesiology tape and your patient will feel significantly better.
Three: Upper Abdominal Numbness
Upper abdominal numbness is a common symptom during the later stage of pregnancy. It often presents as numbness but can also be painful and worse with sitting. One of the easiest ways to provide relief is with one simple strip of kinesiology tape over the top of the abdomen directly under the rib cage.
Four: Swelling in the arms and legs
Swelling in the arms and legs is very common and can lead to numbness, tingling or pain. Before beginning treatment, be sure to assess if the swelling in the feet is significant and test for pitting edema which can be a warning sign of preeclampsia. This can be corroborated with a high blood pressure reading and is very dangerous. Two very effective sports techniques for use with lower extremity swelling include 1.�NormaTec PULSE Recovery System�which is not contraindicated in pregnancy. Patients can do a few 20-30 minutes sessions per week to promote circulation and decrease swelling. 2. Kinesiology taping for edema on the ankles.
Five: Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain in pregnancy is very common. Evaluating a pregnant patient prone is very easy if you have pregnancy cushion that sits on top of your table. If you do not, you can evaluate the lower back in the seated or side lying position. Lower back pain can generally be addressed with diversified adjustments (without any rotation as to not stress the abdomen). In addition, the Webster Technique for pregnancy is a valuable tool for assessing and treating lower back pain during all stages of pregnancy. There are also valuable kinesiology tape applications for lower back pain,�RockTape features a pregnancy taping pdf online. In addition, there are no contraindications to using the Graston Technique to address myofascial pain in the lower back.�
Most of the taping techniques discussed above can be done by patients themselves after a one-time demonstration. Have an assistant or patient�s family member take a video of the application for reference at home. Many sports chiropractic techniques can be used very effectively on prenatal patients.
The fascia is a layer of connective tissue that supports the framework of the spine and musculoskeletal system. This tissue surrounds the muscles, allowing them to move smoothly against each other. The fascia helps prevent muscles from adhering into one another. However, with direct trauma from an injury, chronic postural stress or overuse of the muscles, myofascial trigger points and myofascial adhesions may develop, commonly known as myofascial pain syndrome.
Myofascial pain syndrome, often referred to as trigger joints, is a chronic pain disorder and it is the most frequent cause of undiagnosed or misdiagnosed aches and pains, especially for neck pain, back pain and recurrent headaches. In individuals experiencing the painful disorder, any pressure applied on these sensitive points in the muscles can cause symptoms of pain in unrelated areas of the body, medically known as referred pain. Myofascial pain syndrome can also cause symptoms similar to chest pain or sciatica.
While a majority of individuals have experienced muscle tension pain at some point in their lifetime, the pain and discomfort associated with myofascial pain syndrome can be persistent and may worsen over time.
Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T�s insight:
The human spine consists of many bones, joints and other complex tissues, including a broad structure of interwoven and layered muscles. The muscles surrounding the spine are essential towards the body�s overall stability.�However, with direct trauma from an injury, chronic postural stress or overuse of the muscles, myofascial trigger points and myofascial adhesions may develop, commonly known as myofascial pain syndrome. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.
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