Back and Spinal Fitness at PUSH as Rx leads the field with a laser focus on supporting our youth sports programs. The PUSH-as-Rx System is a sport-specific athletic program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience working with extreme athletes.
The program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics, and extreme motion dynamics at its core. A clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges through continuous and detailed assessments of the athletes in motion and under directly supervised stress loads.
Exposure to the biomechanical vulnerabilities is presented to our team. Immediately, we adjust our methods for our athletes to optimize performance. This highly adaptive system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our athletes return faster, stronger, and ready post injury while safely minimizing recovery times.
Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time with greatly improved postural-torque mechanics. PUSH-as-Rx offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.
The percentage of individuals that are affected by fatigue, headaches, and overall pain is continuously growing. For the most part, these symptoms can all be linked back to a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances are more common than individuals realize and can affect people of all ages. Originally, hormone testing was completed through a blood draw (serum testing). However, as science is improving, there are now better, more functional ways of testing.��
As more and more studies are done, it is becoming more clear that salivary testing is superior to serum (blood) testing for hormones. There are two forms in which hormones exist in the human body, free (5%) and protein-bound (95%). Due to the protein-bound hormones being bound, they become too large to pass through into the salivary glands. This meaning that they are not bio-available and can not be delivered to the receptors in the tissues of the body.� The unbound hormones, or free hormones, are the relevant hormones that are found in the saliva. Considering the fact that free hormones are not as abundant, the hormone levels found in saliva are significantly less than those found in serum. However, many patients who are treated with serum hormone results are often overdosed because of the lack of correlation between bio-availability.
Labrix by Doctor’s Data
Similar to the D.U.T.C.H�hormone testing previously discussed, this company Labrix offers a variety of hormone testing as well.
NeuroBasic: ideal for monitoring therapeutic interventions of neurotransmitter imbalances previously tested or when symptoms are indicating an imbalance. This test measures Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamine
Comprehensive Neurotransmitter: best when a comprehensive look at neurotransmitter secretion and metabolism of markers is needed. This test measures Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamineand DOPAC, 3-MT, Normetanephrine, Metanephrine, 5-HIAA, Tryptamine, Tyrosine, Tyramine, and Taurine.
NeuroHormone Complete Plus:� provides insight on how the HPA axis function may be contributing to patients’ symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, and pain. In addition, this test is ideal for those who are at risk for breast cancer, PCOS, or a strong family history of autoimmune disease.�This test is recommended for women only.� This test measures�Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine
NeuroHormone Complete: useful for patients (men or women) who are experiencing any type of mood disorder, addiction, fatigue, chronic illness, confusion, weight issues, low libido, PMS, or chronic pain. This test measures Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine.�
NeuroAdrenal: Included in this test is a full diurnal cortisol pattern, DHEA, and 6 primary neurotransmitters to help those with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, addiction, chronic illness, and low libido. This test measures DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine
Salivary Hormone:�
Comprehensive Plus: provides an assessment of breast cancer risk. This test is a considerationfor women only who have an increased risk for developing breast cancer, other hormonally sensitive cancers, PCOS or a family history of autoimmune disease. This test measures estrone, estriol, and Estrogen Quotient.
Women’s Helth and breast Profile: includes two risk assessment ratios, the Estrogen Quotient and the Pg/E2 ratio
Comprehensive Hormone: �assessment of hormonal status and endocrine function and includes estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and four cortisols. This profile is useful with male and female patients because it looks at the full diurnal cortisol pattern; it is especially important in patients who are experiencing the full diurnal pattern ( weight gain, high blood sugar, elevated lipids, chronic fatigue)
Short Comprehensive: useful in men and women whose primary symptoms are related to sex hormone imbalances (elevated or depressed E2, P or T)
Basic Hormone: a basic evaluation of the sex hormones and a brief glimpse at the adrenal function with the AM cortisol level. Best for men who are experiencing decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, loss os stamina, decreased mental sharpness and metabolic syndrome. Best for women who are experiencing hot flashes, anxiety, night sweats, breast tenderness, irritability, forgetfulness, and acne.�
Comprehensive Adrenal Function: provides insight into the body�s stress response. This test measures sIgA
Adrenal Function: comprehensive view of adrenal function, DHEA, and cortisol levels. This is best for people who are fatigued, nervous, weak, crave sugar, have headaches, irritability, and depression
Diurnal Cortisol: Similar to the test above but for patients who do not need DHEA testing
Melatonin: Provides a snapshot of the sleep/wake cycle during a one day period
Salivary Hormone + CAR :
CAR: has the capability to test all the same markers as above but adds Cortisol Awakening Response “CAR” to all of them.�
For more information regarding testing and hormones tested, please��
Upon opening every box (no matter the labrix test) the patient will see a requisition form, a billable stamp, and a FedEx envelope. Under these two items, a styrofoam box (insulated cooler) with the imprint “” will be present. Once the patient lifts the lid off of the styrofoam box, they will see two more pieces of paper.� The first being a list of symptoms (patient survey) on a white sheet of paper that the patient is to fill out and place back in the styrofoam box and the second a small instruction manual.
Neurotransmitter Tests Breakdown
For the Neurotransmitter Tests, the patient is provided with the basic kit described above. The only sample type required for the neurotransmitter tests is urine.
The contents of the styrofoam box include a small plastic cup, a clear plastic bag consisting of a white tube, a dropper, an absorbent pad, and a Lab-Brix ice pack. The first step is to freeze the ice-pack and keep it frozen until ready to ship.�
In order for this test to have proper results, the patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. It is also important to note on the requisition form what time the patient woke and what time the sample was collected. The urine sample should be collected midstream. Patients will collect their sample in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, the patients will use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Ensure the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!�
Neurotransmitter + Hormone Tests Breakdown
The Neurotransmitter + Hormone analysis tests consist of urine and saliva samples. This basic test kit includes everything above. However, upon opening this styrofoam box the patient will find two plastic bags. The first being a plain plastic clear bag with a dropper, white test tube, and absorbent pad. The second plastic bag is a biohazard bag that has multiple colors on the outside and consists of 4 clear small straws, an absorbent pad, and 4 small saliva collection tubes of various colors.�
The urine sample is instructed to be taken the same way as the neurotransmitter test.
The patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. (Remember, the individual is� to note on the requisition form time they woke and what time the sample was collected). Patients will collect their sample mid-stream in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Be sure to check that the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!��
The salivary collection has a few more steps considering it is 4 samples rather than one. The timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are encouraged. As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient should not eat, drink, brush or floss. The second collection (green tube) is to be taken right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be collected in the evening before dinner, and the final collection (blue tube) before bed at night.�
For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are the patient’s choice to be used. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�
Salivary Hormone
Considering the salivary hormone testing is done using 4 saliva samples, the instructions are the same as the saliva collection in the test mentioned above. However, to review them again,�the timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are highly encouraged.
As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient is not to eat, drink, brush or floss. For the second collection (green tube), it should be collected right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be obtained in the evening before dinner, and the final sample (blue tube) before bed at night.�
For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are to be used at the patient’s discretion. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�
Salivary Hormone + CAR Breakdown
Aside from the basic components, the styrofoam box includes 6 colored salvia collection tubes, 6 straws, and an absorbent pad. The tests that fall under this category require 6 samples throughout the day. It is important to remember to write down the time the samples were collected as well as the time when the patient first woke up. The first sample (yellow tube) is to be taken as soon as the patient is awake but has not gotten out of bed. In order to accomplish this properly, it is best the patient sets the tube next to their bed the night before. This makes it easy to collect first thing in the morning. It is very important that the patient sets an alarm for 30 minutes after they wake up ( second test, pink tube)and for 1 hour after they wake up (third test, lavender tube). These tests are all to be done prior to eating breakfast, brushing and flossing teeth. The fourth collection (green tube) is to be taken before lunch and the fifth (orange tube) before dinner. The sixth and final sample (blue tube) is to be collected at least one hour after dinner. Just as the other saliva samples mentioned above, these tubes are to be filled 3/4 of the way, tightly closed, placed back in the bag they came in and frozen for 4-6 hours, or until they are ready to ship.
Shipping should be done Monday-Friday as this will ensure the sample will be delivered to the lab on time. Make sure all paperwork is filled out properly and place contents back in the styrofoam box in the following order:�
sealed plastic bag with frozen specimen tubes
frozen ice pack�
requisition form, symptom sheet, and payment (if applicable)�
Next, place the lid back on the box and place the entire styrofoam box in the cardboard collection kit. Close the cardboard box and place it inside the FedEx shipping envelope provided. The patient will then write their name and address on the Billable Stamp and tear off the customer receipt for their records. Then, place on the FedEx envelope. The final step is to schedule a pick-up. In order to do this, the patient will call the FedEx toll-Free number at 1-800-463-3339 and select “schedule a pickup”. This MUST be a scheduled pick up from an address and NOT a dropbox.�
* It is important to note that patients should avoid eating avocados, eggplant, tomatoes, bananas, melons, pineapples, plums, nuts, nut butter, wine, cheese and chocolate 48 hours before and during the testing period as these could impact the results.
* Patients should keep in mind that strenuous exercise, alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco or any other product containing nicotine is to be avoided 24 hours before and during the collection period.
Labrix is a great company that allows patients a noninvasive way to have their hormone levels checked. Almost every patient who walks in the door can benefit from this test. I highly recommend this test because hormone levels can change based on age, PMS symptoms, fatigue, blood sugar issues, or stress! These results are accurate and have a decently quick turn around time. Gaining insight and taking control of your body is now easier than ever. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.
*All information and photos/video content for this article are directly sourced from labrix. Please see labrix for more information and credit.
Doctors are always saying exercise, get fit, but don�t give us many realistic options. Going to the gym can be difficult, especially if you are short on time.
Exercising at home can be a real pain, as well. You might be limited for space, tripping over kids � and although no one talks about it, do you want your significant other watching you sweat and gasp for air as you struggle through one of those insane workouts?
They say walking is good, but if you are in a neighborhood that doesn�t have sidewalks or it is too hot outside. Just how likely are you to get up and do it? Now suppose you could get all your exercising done in 7 minutes. Would you do it? Is it even possible?
Nowhere are there heavy weights or fancy equipment, just a wall, a chair, and the person�s body weight. Say hello to high-intensity interval training- it�s about to change your world!
This 7-minute workout is the equivalent of a serious weight training session and long run but without the weights or the running. That isn�t to say it is easy though. It requires a great deal of effort.
There�s a lot packed into those 7 minutes. It provides many of the benefits that are achieved by disciplined, long term endurance training; it just skips over the long-term part.
Make no mistake though, short does not mean it is easy � or pleasant. In fact, it may be one of the longer 7 minutes of your life.
The good news is, it�s over in 7 minutes. That�s a little more than 5 but less than 10.
It�s worth it though when you look at the numerous health benefits that exercise provides. Plus, it�s great for people who are super busy and can�t seem to squeeze a workout into their schedules. Say hello to no more excuses!
The Science Behind the 7
These 12 exercises were not chosen at random. The reason it works is rooted in some pretty deep science. When you exercise for even a few minutes and are operating at or near your maximum capacity (that means you are working very hard), it causes your muscles to experience molecular changes that are much like those that occur after several hours of riding a bike or running.
Interval training takes it a step farther. You engage in incredibly intense activity, then you have a brief recovery period, then back to a high-intensity exercise. That is the basis of this workout.
Each exercise should be done for about 30 seconds with a 10 second recovery period – but there�s a twist that ups the effectiveness even more. The exercises are arranged so that they engage the large muscles in the upper body, then in the lower body.
This alternating focus on muscle groups is essential because while the lower body is working like crazy, the upper body can be catching its breath. This makes for a much more efficient workout, but it is also why the order of the exercises is critical.
The exercises are intense but are movements that just about anyone can do. Many can also be adapted for people at different fitness levels. If you are looking for a great workout that will work for you but won�t eat up a lot of your time, you just might have found it.
Exercise is an essential part of good health. It can help with weight loss and plays a crucial role in preventing many chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Regular exercise has also been shown to help with depression and anxiety. There is just something about getting your body moving and your blood pumping. It is what nature intended; as humans, we are supposed to be active. The more active you are, the better you will look and feel � and the healthier you will be.
There are many different types of exercise out there, though. It seems that everyone has �system� or some slick, branded fitness routine that is guaranteed to work. The thing is, the old-fashioned way is best. Cardio, the type of exercise that raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping is categorized by aerobic and anaerobic. Understanding the similarities and differences will help you round out your workout for better results.
What is Aerobic Exercise?
Aerobic exercise involves low to high-intensity physical exercise. The movements are oxygen infused, relying on the oxygen to meet the demands of the activity. Typically, exercises that are light to moderate intensity fall under aerobic:
These activities can be performed for longer. Many experts advise that an aerobic exercise workout is better when done for an extended period; at least 18 to 20 minutes. For instance, a person can walk on a treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes, then cycle for the same amount of time. This is sufficient for raising the heart rate and increasing metabolism.
Aerobic exercise was first introduced in the 1960s by doctor and Air Force Colonel, Kenneth Cooper. He created the Cooper Institute in 1970, which focused on preventive medicine, centered around education and research. The workout became very popular in the �70s and �80s as a class workout but over time has expanded to become a significant part of gym workouts all over the world.
What is Anaerobic Exercise?
Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity physical exercise. Where aerobic build endurance, anaerobic is more like a sprint, building power, speed, and strength. It increases muscle mass and improves performance. It lasts from several seconds to around 2 minutes. Engaging in physical activity for longer than 2 minutes becomes more aerobic. Types of anaerobic exercise include:
Jump rope
Cycling sprints
Running Sprints
Swimming sprints
Heavyweight training
Anaerobic activities are often interspersed with aerobic activities in interval training for maximum effect.
Levels of Intensity
Aerobic and anaerobic exercise can be combined to create a highly effective workout. It can involve increasing the intensity of an aerobic exercise, or it can mean changing from an aerobic activity to an anaerobic activity.
For instance, you may jog for five minutes, then sprint for two, and jog for five more minutes. Another option is to switch up the activities. Walk on a treadmill for seven minutes, do a cycle sprint for two minutes, row for seven minutes, and jump rope for two minutes. The combinations are endless, and you can customize it for your favorite exercises or accommodate physical limitations.
Health Benefits
Aerobic and anaerobic exercise has been shown to help prevent certain types of cancer, like breast cancer and colon cancer with just 30 to 60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day. Exercise has also been shown to prevent osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and it even improves cognitive function.
Find ways to incorporate some aerobic and anaerobic exercise into your fitness routine at least several times a week. It is how you get healthy, stay healthy, and feel better.
Everyone knows that exercise is great for overall wellness, better health, and a healthy body. Many chiropractors will often recommend regular exercise to their patients who need to lose weight, want better mobility, or are seeking relief from depression. Some chiropractors are turning to Pilates to help their patients get stronger, more flexible, and more mobile.
What is Pilates?
In the early 20th century Joseph Pilates developed the exercise program to help World War I soldiers improve their physical fitness. It was used to rehabilitate patients who had been injured. By incorporating resistance, stretching, and target strengthening exercise, Pilates uses resistance bands, individual machines, and floor work to reshape and rehabilitate the body. Dancers, gymnasts, athletes, and celebrities use Pilates to stay in shape. However, anyone can do it for a healthier, more supple spine.
Care of the spine is at the core of Pilates. By keeping it in a neutral, or natural, position, this exercise can prevent back pain as well as help ease it. When done correctly, Pilates can:
Improve muscle control and movement efficiency through mental focus.
Make you more mindful of your body�s position, specifically, remaining aware of the spine�s position and keeping it neutral
Improve centering and mental focus through special, breathing techniques
Support and improve posture by strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.
Benefits of Pilates for Chiropractic Patients
The benefits of Pilates tremendous, but for chiropractic patients, it is even more so. By regularly incorporating Pilates into your exercise routine, you can enjoy these incredible benefits.
You can adapt Pilates to your fitness level and needs. Whether you are just starting a fitness program or you�ve been working out for years, Pilates can be tailored to your fitness needs and level.
It helps you strengthen your core. The deep muscles of your abdomen, back, and pelvic floor make up the core muscles of your body. Many of the movements focus on these muscles, making a body that is strong and the frame is supported.
Allows you to strengthen your muscles without bulking up. With Pilates your muscles get strong, but it also stretches the muscles so that they are lean and long. You will look toned and tight but not bulky and muscular.
It focuses on whole body fitness. Many types of exercise only work certain parts of the body, but this focuses on entire body fitness. It works every part of the body so that the muscle development is balanced.
It helps to improve your posture. It strengthens your body and helps to keep your spine in proper alignment due to a strong core. As a result, your posture naturally improves. By incorporating it into your exercise routine, you will find yourself standing taller, stronger, and more graceful.
You can become more connected through your mind and body by increased awareness. Pilates engages your mind and increases body awareness. It unites the mind, body, and spirit for complete coordination. Each movement is done with full attention.
It improves your flexibility. Pilates is a gentle but powerful exercise that works to safely stretch the muscles, making them longer, and increasing the range of motion in the joints.
It can protect you from injuries. By strengthening your body, Pilates can help protect you against injury. It conditions your whole body so that your muscles and strength are balanced. This reduces your risk of injury.
You get a natural energy boost. Just like with any exercise, it will give you an energy boost. However, it is increased even more thanks to the focused breathing and increase in circulation stimulating the muscles and spine.
It can help you lose weight and attain a lean, long, healthy body. It tones and strengthens the body, and if you do it regularly, it will reshape you. The body is more muscular and more balanced. It also helps you move with more grace and ease.
New Year�s Resolutions made by well-meaning but, unfortunately, less than 10 percent of people who make resolutions feel that they successfully achieve them and only 45 percent last past six months. Self-improvement goals like lose weight, eat healthier, quit smoking, and life improvement rank in the top five more popular resolutions. So, what is that 10 percent doing that makes them successful at achieving their goals? What sets them apart?
SMART Approach to Successful Goals
The SMART approach is a guide for setting realistic goals and attaining them. It is an acronym that outlines a success-focused strategy for goal setting:
Each step will bring you closer to achieving your goals and improve your health.
Be SPECIFIC about your goals
Vague, ambiguous goals can�t stand up to time and temptation. Get specific.
Say you want to lose weight. How much do you want to lose? How do you plan to accomplish it? What are your reasons for setting this goal? Whatever goal you are setting, ask why and get specific about the details.
Set Goals that are MEASURABLE
If you set a goal that you can�t measure, how will you know when you reach it?
Any goal that you have can be measured in some way. Weight loss is measured in pounds, how your clothes fit, or how many inches you�ve lost. Eating healthy can be measured by what foods you incorporate into your diet, getting the junk food out of your pantry, and finding healthy recipes.
It helps to break your main goal into several smaller, attainable ones. It lets you see success very early, and you keep seeing success which spurs your motivation, making you less likely to abandon your efforts.
Accountability is a great motivator for helping you stick to your goals. Keeping a journal has long been a great way to keep yourself accountable, but there are many website and software programs that you can use to track your efforts that may prove to be even more effective.
Partnering up with a buddy is also a great strategy. Choosing someone who has a goal similar to yours allows you to hold each other accountable. Plus, success is always better when you can share it with a friend.
Keep Your Goals REALISTIC
Unrealistic or unattainable goals are motivation killers. Even goals that are too difficult or require high-pressure effort over a long period can be challenging to�see all the way through.
As you sit down, think about not only what you want to achieve, but what that looks like in your life. In other words, consider your personality and lifestyle, structuring your goals to accommodate those factors.
If your goal is to lose weight, setting a goal of 30 pounds in 30 days is not only unrealistic but unhealthy. On the other hand, setting a 2 pound per week loss is a goal that you will likely find to be much easier.
Set a TIME-FRAME, but Keep it Flexible
Creating a timeframe for meeting your goals gives your efforts structure which helps to keep you motivated. Make sure your timelines are realistic; give yourself enough time.
If the constraints are too tight, you could find that you veer off the path and even lose sight. Stay flexible, though. If you don�t reach a target within a given timeframe, don�t be afraid to move it a little.
As long as you are moving forward, toward your goal you don�t need to limit yourself just because you didn�t complete it within the time you allotted initially. It�s about meeting your goals�and making lasting changes that will affect your overall health for the better. Cut yourself some slack.
Chiropractic is a very effective treatment for back pain, but what many patients don�t realize is that they can stretch to make it even better. By employing simple stretches, a chiropractic patient can improve his or her range of motion and increase flexibility. These are some great stretches that you can do at just about any fitness level.
Knee To Chest
Lie on a firm, flat surface for this exercise. You can place a mat or towel underneath you to make it a little more comfortable. If you aren�t able to flatten your back right away, fold a small towel and place it under the small of your back to provide a little support.
Lie on your back, knees bent so that your feet are flat on the floor.
Press your lower back into the floor.
While keeping your left foot on the floor, inhale, bringing your right knee to your chest, pulling gently just until you feel a stretch. Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. You can also keep your left leg straight if that is more comfortable. Make sure you keep your back pressed to the floor.
Exhale, releasing your right knee and return to the starting position.
Repeat the movement with the left leg.
Repeat this stretch 3 to 5 times with each leg.
Child�s Pose
This gives you a very nice stretch all through your back. If you are unable to get on your knees or if you can�t sit on your knees, you can do this while standing.
Hold onto the back of a chair and bend forward. Don�t pull and don�t rest put all of your weight on the chair, just let your body fall gently forward with your neck relaxed and your head drooping. Take baby steps backward until you feel a good stretch, then hold it while breathing normally for 20 to 30 seconds. Walk your feet back in a bit to keep your balance and stand. Repeat 4 or 5 times.
Get on your hands and knees, keeping your knees a little wider than your hips. Turn your toes inward so that they touch.
Bend your knees, pushing your hips back over your heels. Get to a comfortable sitting position.
Slowly slide your arms out in front of you, rounding out your back as you exhale. Keep your neck relaxed so that your head falls forward. Allow yourself to feel the stretch throughout your back.
Hold for 20 to 30 seconds then return to the sitting position.
Repeat the movement 4 or 5 times, keeping your movements slow, fluid, and deliberate.
Cat � Camel
If you can�t get on your knees, stand in front of a chair and place your hands on the seat. Position your feet about where your knees would be if you were on your hands and knees. Relax your neck, allowing your head to droop. Complete steps 2 through 5.
Get on your hands and knees, back straight, your hands shoulder width apart, and your knees slightly apart. Relax your neck so that your head droops. Breathe normally.
Exhale as you round your back up toward the ceiling. Press until you feel a good stretch all along your back. Hold for about 20 to 30 seconds.
Return to the starting position, keeping your back straight.
Inhale as you sway your back, pushing your stomach toward the floor. Tilt your pelvis to get a maximum stretch. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
Running Shoes: Feet are important. By the time the typical American reaches the age of 50, they will have walked 75,000 miles.
Runners put even more miles on their feet, and stress. Your feet are your foundation. A problem with your feet can throw your entire body out of balance. That is why when it comes to running shoes, it is important to find the right type. This guide will help you find the running shoes that are right for you.
Running Shoes
Before You Shop
Know the type of runner you are.
Different types of running require different features in shoes.
Some questions to consider:
Do you run or jog?
What surface do you run on � asphalt, treadmill, or trails?
A larger person will not move and run the same way a thin, wiry person does. An overweight person will put more stress on their feet � and shoes.
Know your running style.
The way you run, the motion of your stride and how your foot strikes the ground has great bearing on the type of running shoe you need. When your foot comes in contact with the ground, what hits first? Does the inside of your forefoot hit first? The center of your heel? The outside of your heel? Where your foot first hits is where you really want the cushion.
Know what injuries you may have sustained from running.
Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tendonitis, and blisters are a few common injuries can be reversed or improved when you wear running shoes that fit properly.
Know the type of arch you have.
Whether you supinate (foot rolls to the outside) or pronate (foot rolls to the inside) is determined, at least in part, by the shape of your arch. While supinators are rare, quite a few people over pronate. This can be the source of injuries due to overuse.
When You Shop
Give it the 360-degree test.
When people try on shoes they typically check for fit in the toe box, but look no further than that. When you try on running shoes, you do need to make sure you have adequate space in the toe box, but you also need to check that your entire foot fits on the shoe�s platform.
Give your foot enough space.
The upper should have enough room but should not be loose. It shouldn�t squeeze your foot either though. It should fit well with no pinching or binding.
Shop later in the day.
Throughout the day your feet swell. When you run they also swell so when you shop for shoes, going when your feet are the largest will help ensure that you get the most accurate and more comfortable fit possible.
Bring your old running shoes along when you shop.
Having your old shoes with you when you shop will help the sales person determine what kind of running shoe you need. They can look at the wear on the shoe to see your running patterns and help you find a shoe that works best for you.
Get your foot measured.
As you age your feet actually change; they can expand or flatten. Don�t every assume your shoe size, get your foot measured every time. A comfortable fit is dependent upon wearing the right size shoe. You also need to keep in mind that shoe sizes may differ from brand to brand.
Dress for the run.
When you are shopping for a new pair of running shoes, dress as you would when you run. Don�t show up wearing flip flops or when you are dressed for the office. Definitely don�t show up without socks.
Forget the latest trend or what�s fashionable; think functionality.
There are plenty of sharp looking shoes, but that doesn�t mean they are the right running shoe for you. Go for fit and functionality first and fashion second.
Take them for a test drive.
Once you have settled on a pair or two, try them both on and try them out. Many stores that specialize in running shoes have a treadmill or area where runners can try their shoes. That is the only way you can tell for shoe if the shoe is right for you.
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