Back and Spine Health Exercise: Exercise is one of the most significant ways to increase longevity, improve health, and decrease pain and suffering. A proper exercise program can improve flexibility, mobility, increase strength, and reduce back pain. Knowledge of the best exercises to improve health or decrease pain is essential to a workout plan or pain management program. Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for overall health. The many benefits include improved health and fitness and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
There are many different types of exercise; it is important to pick the right types. Most benefits from a combination of exercises: Endurance or aerobic activities increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and biking.
Strength or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls. To improve your balance, try tai chi or exercises like standing on one leg. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Yoga and doing various stretches can make you more flexible.
Imagine a world where clothing feels like sandpaper, light is excruciating, or sounds make you feel like your ears are going to bleed. That is what it�s like for someone with sensory processing disorder�or SPD.
Approximately 1 in 6 children have SPD (some reports say 1 in 20, but this appears to be based on earlier research). It is unclear how many adults are affected; it is typically seen in children with autism and ADHD. There is very little research on adults with these issues at this time.
There are not many treatments for SPD or ways for people with it to get relief. Cutting tags out of clothing and laundering it multiple times before wearing (so it is soft) can help with tactile issues. Precision tinted lenses can help with photophobia, and earplugs can help with auditory issues. However, chiropractic has been found to help.
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
SPD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs because the brain is unable to process and integrate common sensory information that is received from one or several of the five senses (taste, touch, smell, vision, sound) as well as two other senses, the proprioceptive system,�and vestibular systems. The proprioceptive system extends throughout the spine and joints. When there is a problem with this system, it can cause problems with motor skills, learning, behavior, and emotional and social development.
The vestibular system is located in the cerebellum (base of the brain), the cervical spine, and inner ear. It regulates all sensory information that the body takes in and of the sensory systems in the body, is the most important.
The result is an inability to tolerate certain types of stimulation including being touched, eating certain foods, and hearing certain noises. It can also affect other seemingly unrelated issues like sleep problems, uncoordinated or clumsy, balance issues, and difficulty writing or reading in cursive. This can make life very difficult because the individual essentially lives in a world that they were not built to tolerate. They may feel depressed, anxious, frustrated, or afraid as a result. Parents may feel helpless because they don�t know how to help their child cope in a world that often feels scary and painful.
How is SPD treated?
There are several ways that treatment for SPD is approached. One very effective treatment is chiropractic for SPD.
Another popular treatment for SPD is therapy. Children work with a specially trained, licensed therapist in a sensory gym. The goal is to help them better adapt to their environment.
Diet is an important aspect of SPD treatment, particularly gut health. A clean diet (no processed foods, all natural and organic) is a very good start. Some doctors recommend a gluten-free diet.
Whatever the case, it must be well balanced and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for good health. Magnesium and Omega 3 fatty acid supplements may also be advised. This works very well with chiropractic as it also addresses the root of the problem.
How does Chiropractic Help Sensory Processing Disorder?
It is the primary role of the spine to protect and contain the fragile nervous system. The nervous system is what controls how we process our environment. Its function is to respond and adapt to internal and external environments.
Structural shifts caused by injury, habits, even a forceps birth can affect the alignment of the spine. This creates neurological stress that hinders the processing and flow of information. By bringing the spine into alignment, chiropractic can help ease the neural stress, improve neural processing, and facilitate better flow of information and neural firing. This, in turn, helps to alleviate the symptoms of sensory processing disorder.
If you are one of the seven out of 10 Americans who have back pain, you are probably looking for relief. What you probably aren�t looking for are injections or pills with harmful side effects. Your doctor may have told you that exercise is a great way to relieve pain naturally, but you aren�t sure where to start or even what activity is best.
Running and walking are both good exercises, but they aren�t for everyone. Some back pain patients can run with no problem with others have significant trouble. So, which is better for back pain sufferers? The answer might surprise you.
Benefits of running
When it comes to health benefits, running and walking, don�t differ much. Both help to decrease your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension as well as lower your cholesterol.
Running also has the added benefit of increasing the bone that connects the femur head to the shaft, substantially strengthening the hips and helping to prevent hip fractures. Both running and walking burn calories, facilitate weight loss and can help to make you healthier. However, one activity is a lot harder on the back, so if you have chronic back pain, there are some things you should know.
How running affects the back
Running puts repetitive impact and stress on the back. If you have a problem with your lower back, running can exacerbate it or lead to additional issues like sciatica.
You can experience back muscle spasms, muscular strain, and other centralized lower back pain. If you have disc problems, the high impact nature of running can make put a lot of stress on your spine and make your disc problems worse.
How walking benefits back pain sufferers
Walking is a much lower impact activity than running. Although some back problems can be made worse by walking, that is relatively rare.
Most back pain is relieved with walking, and you can enjoy other great benefits as well. By adopting a regular walking routine, you will strengthen your hips, legs, ankles, and feet as well as your core.
This helps to provide better stability for your spine. It also helps to increase circulation in the spinal structures, draining toxins, and pumping nutrients into the surrounding soft tissues.
Pain often restricts mobility. Walking helps to improve range of motion and flexibility. You will find that your posture improves as well as your mood. A stronger body and increased flexibility help to prevent injury.
Walking at least three times a week for at least 15 minutes is great for overall wellness and a strong body. Combine it with a healthy diet and stress relief techniques, and you will look, feel, and move better � and your pain will be easier to manage.
Make walking work
When you start your walking program, don�t push too hard too fast. Go at your own pace and start slow. If you have a higher fitness level, you may want to try speed walking. After a five-minute warm-up, walk as fast as you can for about 8 minutes then slow to a moderate pace for two minutes to cool down.
You can also engage your core muscles by using several techniques. Walk on an incline or using walking poles are excellent for strengthening the core. Pulling your abdominals in toward your spine while you walk is also a great move.
Running is beneficial for your health, but it isn�t for everyone. Walking is a far better choice for most patients with lower back pain. You may even find that your pain is alleviated altogether so get out there and get moving.
More than 80% of children will experience at least one ear infection before they turn three-years-old. Ear infection is one of the top reasons that parents seek medical treatment for their children, causing fever, irritability, and ear pain. Also known as otitis media, an ear infection is caused by fluid buildup behind the eardrum that results in inflammation. It is typically caused by bacteria. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), antibiotics are not a recommended treatment for most ear infections.
Types of Childhood Ear Infections
There are three types of childhood ear infections. Each type has its own distinct set of symptoms that can aid in diagnosis and treatment.
Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) � This results from a fluid buildup that occurs in the middle ear although there are no symptoms or signs of infection. While it can happen when the fluid remains after an ear infection has run its course, other causes may include allergies, previous respiratory infections (like cold or flu), elevation changes, environmental irritants, air travel, and drinking while lying down (usually on the back). Antibiotics are not sufficient for this type of ear infection.
Acute Otitis Media (AOM) � This type of ear infection is the most common, affecting the middle ear, and is marked by infection, swelling, and trapped fluid behind the eardrum. Symptoms may include an earache and fever. It may be seasonal (most earaches occur in the winter and fall months), environmental pollutants (second-hand smoke), age (children under two years of age are more prone to earaches), and attendance at daycare. AOM may also be caused when the fluid from OME becomes infected. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed for more acute cases.
Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion (COME) � This can be a serious condition if left untreated. It occurs when fluid in the middle ear continuously returns or remains trapped for a long time. Often infection is not present, and there are no symptoms. Children with COME have a more difficult time fighting new infections, and they may suffer from hearing damage or loss.
Risk Factors for Ear Infections
Children are more prone to ear infections than adults. This is because the eustachian tubes (connecting the middle ear to the upper part of the throat) are smaller in children and more level. This means that the fluid does not drain as easily and if a respiratory illness like a cold causes the eustachian tubes to become blocked or swollen, the fluid may become trapped because it can�t drain. Other risk factors include:
Drinking while laying on their back
Respiratory illness such as a cold
Air travel (changes in air pressure)
Cigarette smoke and other environmental pollutants
Changes in elevation
Childhood Ear Infection Symptoms and Signs
Most of the time children get ear infections before they are old enough to verbalize their discomfort so parents must rely on telltale sure signs and symptoms.
Crying and fussiness
Fever (most prevalent in younger children and infants)
Pulling or tugging at the ears
Difficulty hearing or failure to respond to quiet sounds
Fluid draining from the ear
Difficulty sleeping
Balance problems or clumsiness
Chiropractic for Ear Infections
Several studies have shown Chiropractic for ear infections to be an effective, natural, antibiotic-free treatment. While full spine adjustments are commonly used, other techniques include occipital subluxation, atlas subluxation, and axis subluxations.
Chiropractic care not only treats ear infections, but it also improves their overall health and ability to function. It has a strong focus on whole-body wellness so the chiropractor may recommend diet and lifestyle adjustments in addition to treatment. Parents need to realize that they have a choice when it comes to the type of care their children receive for ear infections and other kinds of illnesses.
Every new parent has experienced a fussy baby with colic � some more often than others. It is always the same, though, an inconsolable baby and frustrated, frazzled parents who only want to comfort their child but can�t. It hurts to know that your baby is uncomfortable, or worse, in pain, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Colic can leave parents feeling helpless. There is a treatment, though, that has given many parents hope and brought relief to their little ones. Chiropractic is an effective treatment for colic that is drug-free and gentle. Both infants and their parents reap the benefits because when a baby is happy, mom and dad are happy.
What is Colic?
Colic is a condition that occurs in healthy, well-fed infants, beginning when the baby is a few weeks old. By the time the baby is three months old, the condition usually improves, and by five months it is often no longer occurring. It is marked by inconsolable crying that meets three criteria regarding length:
More than three hours a day
Three days a week or more
For three weeks or longer
During these episodes, it seems as if there is nothing that can be done for the baby. The good news is, it is relatively short-lived, but while it is happening it can cause a great deal of distress to the baby and the parents.
Symptoms of Colic
All babies cry and even get fussy from time to time. That is just normal baby behavior; it does not necessarily point to colic as the culprit. When a baby that is well fed and otherwise healthy, symptoms of colic may include:
Episodes of crying that are often predictable. Colic usually occurs in the latter part of the day � late afternoon or evening � and at around the same time each day. So a baby with colic will usually get fussy at the same time and the period of distress can last a few minutes to several hours.
Baby is inconsolable with intense crying. The baby with colic will seem very distressed. The cry is very high pitched and no response to attempts to comfort. The baby�s face may become flushed, and near the end of the episode they may pass gas or have a bowel movement.
The crying does not seem to have a source or reason. Babies cry, all babies � but they are usually crying because they need something. They may cry because they are hungry, need a diaper change, or want to be held by mom or dad. A colicky baby will cry for no apparent reason.
There are Changes in posture. Several posture changes are relatively consistent with colic. The baby will often clench their fists, curl their legs, and tense the abdominal muscles.
Chiropractic for Colic
Childbirth is not easy, and it isn�t gentle. As the baby passes through the birth canal and emerges, it�s little body is stretched and compressed which can cause misalignment of the back and neck. If the labor was extensive, there was prolonged pushing, or if a device like forceps or vacuum extraction is used, the chances of misalignment are very likely. These misalignments can lead to difficulty nursing and even impede normal organ function. This can lead to digestive issues which may lead to colic.
Some parents may be uncomfortable at first when they consider getting chiropractic care for their infant, but it is safe and gentle. The popping and cracking that is associated with chiropractic is not a part of infant and child chiropractic. The doctor applies gentle pressure to areas on the neck and back, using his fingers. Many times the baby will completely relax during these adjustments.
Chiropractic for colic is very useful. Parents considering this type of treatment for their baby should look for a chiropractor who has experience providing treatment for babies. It can make a world of difference for a colicky, distressed baby.
Everyone knows that exercise is great for overall wellness, better health, and a healthy body. Many chiropractors will often recommend regular exercise to their patients who need to lose weight, want better mobility, or are seeking relief from depression. Some chiropractors are turning to Pilates to help their patients get stronger, more flexible, and more mobile.
What is Pilates?
In the early 20th century Joseph Pilates developed the exercise program to help World War I soldiers improve their physical fitness. It was used to rehabilitate patients who had been injured. By incorporating resistance, stretching, and target strengthening exercise, Pilates uses resistance bands, individual machines, and floor work to reshape and rehabilitate the body. Dancers, gymnasts, athletes, and celebrities use Pilates to stay in shape. However, anyone can do it for a healthier, more supple spine.
Care of the spine is at the core of Pilates. By keeping it in a neutral, or natural, position, this exercise can prevent back pain as well as help ease it. When done correctly, Pilates can:
Improve muscle control and movement efficiency through mental focus.
Make you more mindful of your body�s position, specifically, remaining aware of the spine�s position and keeping it neutral
Improve centering and mental focus through special, breathing techniques
Support and improve posture by strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.
Benefits of Pilates for Chiropractic Patients
The benefits of Pilates tremendous, but for chiropractic patients, it is even more so. By regularly incorporating Pilates into your exercise routine, you can enjoy these incredible benefits.
You can adapt Pilates to your fitness level and needs. Whether you are just starting a fitness program or you�ve been working out for years, Pilates can be tailored to your fitness needs and level.
It helps you strengthen your core. The deep muscles of your abdomen, back, and pelvic floor make up the core muscles of your body. Many of the movements focus on these muscles, making a body that is strong and the frame is supported.
Allows you to strengthen your muscles without bulking up. With Pilates your muscles get strong, but it also stretches the muscles so that they are lean and long. You will look toned and tight but not bulky and muscular.
It focuses on whole body fitness. Many types of exercise only work certain parts of the body, but this focuses on entire body fitness. It works every part of the body so that the muscle development is balanced.
It helps to improve your posture. It strengthens your body and helps to keep your spine in proper alignment due to a strong core. As a result, your posture naturally improves. By incorporating it into your exercise routine, you will find yourself standing taller, stronger, and more graceful.
You can become more connected through your mind and body by increased awareness. Pilates engages your mind and increases body awareness. It unites the mind, body, and spirit for complete coordination. Each movement is done with full attention.
It improves your flexibility. Pilates is a gentle but powerful exercise that works to safely stretch the muscles, making them longer, and increasing the range of motion in the joints.
It can protect you from injuries. By strengthening your body, Pilates can help protect you against injury. It conditions your whole body so that your muscles and strength are balanced. This reduces your risk of injury.
You get a natural energy boost. Just like with any exercise, it will give you an energy boost. However, it is increased even more thanks to the focused breathing and increase in circulation stimulating the muscles and spine.
It can help you lose weight and attain a lean, long, healthy body. It tones and strengthens the body, and if you do it regularly, it will reshape you. The body is more muscular and more balanced. It also helps you move with more grace and ease.
Hypermobility Syndrome is a condition of the joints. Characterized by the ability of the joint to move beyond its normal range of motion and is sometimes called �loose joints� or �double jointed.� It is typically a genetic disorder and often identified in children. The gene passes from parent to child, so the condition tends to run in families. Estimated that 10 to 15 percent of children who are otherwise considered to be normal have joints that are hypermobile. However, it can be found in all ages and does not seem to be confined to a particular age group, ethnic group, or population although there are more cases of girls being hypermobile than boys.
Hypermobility Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of hypermobility can vary widely from person to person. Some people may not experience any symptoms while others have muscle and joint pain along with mild swelling. Usually noted in the evening or later afternoon as well as after moderate physical activity or exercise. The most common areas for pain and achiness are the elbows, knees, thigh muscle, and calf muscle. Often rest will provide relief.
A person who is hypermobile is usually more prone to soft tissue injuries and sprains. Additionally, the affected joints may be more inclined to become dislocated. It can also cause back pain, impaired joint position sense, and even flat feet, osteoarthritis, and nerve compression disorders. Other symptoms include increased bruising, chronic pain, loose skin, and thin scars. Children and young people who are hypermobile often experience growing pains more often than other children.
Most children will grow out of hypermobility; their joints will lose some of their flexibility as they get older along with the symptoms of rarely persist beyond childhood although some adults do find that they get dislocations and sprains much easier.
Causes of Hypermobility
The exact cause of hypermobility is not known, although it does seem to run in families. Genes play a large part in the process, particularly those involved in collagen production which is a vital protein for tendon, joint, and ligament development and function. There are also several�associated�conditions. Genetic disorders like Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan have hypermobility as a component as does Down Syndrome.
Hypermobility Treatment
Treatment for hypermobility depends on the patient. It depends on the symptoms that they are experiencing as well as the severity and how much of an impact the condition has on their quality of life. Mild symptoms may not require any treatment while more moderate to severe symptoms may warrant medication like naproxen, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen for pain. All of which,�can be bought over the counter.
Patients can ward off many of the symptoms or eliminate them by engaging in regular exercise, protecting the joints, practicing good posture, muscle strengthening exercises, and balancing techniques. Orthotics to correct flat feet can also be beneficial.
Chiropractic for Hypermobility
Many people use chiropractic for hypermobility pain and discomfort. The doctor will use adjustments to bring the joints into the appropriate movement pattern and the body into proper alignment, allowing the body to function as it should and relieves stress from joints that were compensating due to misalignment.
The patient may also be advised to do specific exercises at home, and get counseling on improving their posture. Because chiropractic treats the entire body, the patient will find that they learn how to best live with the condition without medication and manage pain naturally. Patients report dramatic improvement in their distress and mobility after regular, consistent chiropractic visits.
Knock knee is a condition that many children acquire when they are toddlers. Often, within a few years they grow out of it and their legs straighten naturally with no lasting effects.
Occasionally, though, a child�s legs don�t straighten and this is a cause for concern. There are many problems that can stem from knock knees, some of which will follow the child into adulthood and for the rest of his or her life. While there are several recognized treatments for knock knee, including surgery, chiropractic care has an excellent track record in managing and remedying this disorder.
What Is Knock Knee?
Knock knee, or genu valgum, is a condition that causes a person�s knees to bow in toward each other. In other words, when they stand with their knees touching and feet flat, parallel to each other, facing forward, their ankles do not touch. There may be a few inches between them or a foot, depending on its severity.
Most children go through a stage at around 3 or 4 years where they are knock kneed but by around age 8 or 10 they grow out of it and their legs straighten. Many parents become concerned when they first see their child becoming knock kneed. This is why it is vital that they understand a child�s normal growth patterns. It helps them worry less about something completely normal as well as know when to seek help if the condition does not right itself.
Aside from normal physiological child development, the atypical version of knock knees can be caused by several factors including:
Bone deformities
Knee malalignment
Weak knee infrastructure
Rickets Disease
Blount�s Disease
What Health Problems Can Be Caused By Knock Knee?
Knock knee can cause pain and inflammation in the knees, ankles, and feet, as well as the hip and back. The pain can make mobility difficult. This is exacerbated if the patient is overweight because the added pressure on the joints as they are set at an unnatural position that does not adequately support the body can result in injuries to the bone, ligaments, and tendons.
A difference in leg length, a common issue with knock knee, can also cause the body to become misaligned, leading to back and hip pain. Over the long term and in severe cases, knock knee can lead to arthritis in adults and children.
How Is Knock Knee Treated?
Treatment for knock knee depends on the cause and age of the child. If the child is young and it has been determined that the knock knee is just a normal part of their growth pattern, very little action is taken although some experts advise laying a good foundation for the child by teaching them the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good posture.
Cases that are caused by some underlying factor, or that extend beyond the age that the child�s legs are expected to straighten, may require bracing. If there is an underlying cause such as infection or injury, that will need to be addressed in order to correct or manage the problem. In severe (and rare) cases, surgery may be necessary.
Is Chiropractic Care An Effective Treatment For Knock Knee?
Chiropractic care is an exceptional treatment for children of all ages who have knock knee. For younger patients who are experiencing it as a normal stage of development, it will help to keep their spine aligned and encourage good, healthy posture. In children who have an underlying cause, it can help to relieve any pain while increasing mobility as well as bringing the spine into proper alignment.
Many of the factors that cause knock knee can be addressed through chiropractic treatment and it has the added benefit of providing a whole-body wellness approach that teaches proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. This noninvasive, gently, natural treatment can give children their best chance at being free from this condition.
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