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Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments

Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments

The hands are used for all kinds of tasks/chores day and night. Using the hands requires the wrists. When wrist pain presents, it can make life unbearable, causing individuals to make all kinds of awkward and unhealthy habits that can worsen and cause further injury. Chiropractic wrist and hand adjustments are recommended for this type of injury. A majority of wrist injuries are the result of micro-stress/repetitive tearing use. Repetitive stress injuries often require a multifaceted treatment approach. This is why chiropractic is so effective, in that it treats the symptoms and the causes to get back to work, school, and normal life quickly.

Chiropractic Wrist and Hand Adjustments

Wrist Tendonitis

Wrist tendonitis happens when a tendon becomes inflamed. This is common among athletes, store workers, clerks, warehouse workers, hair stylists/barbers, etc. Individuals that are constantly using their hands, wrists, and arms have an increased risk of developing tendonitis. And without proper treatment and rest, the inflammation continues and worsens. Chiropractic wrist adjustments for wrist tendonitis include:

  • Diagnosis and assessment.
  • Swelling and pain are alleviated using ice, bracing, ultrasound, laser therapy, and other inflammation-reducing techniques.
  • Once the inflammation has been brought down, massage therapy is incorporated to keep the tendons loose and relaxed.
  • Physical therapy and manual manipulation will restore mobility and flexibility to the wrist.
  • When the pain is completely reduced and mobility is restored, chiropractic wrist adjustments will break down the scar tissue to prevent future injury.
  • The chiropractor will recommend ergonomic tips and exercises to prevent flare-ups.

Wrist Crepitus

Another common issue that can be painful is crepitus, which is a popping, clicking, and/or cracking in the wrist when moving the hand. Different causes depend on the type the popping/clicking/cracking. If it occurs without pain, more than likely, it is the gases escaping from the wrist joint. This is normal and is not something to worry about. However, a chiropractor can help if it becomes burdensome. Another cause is when a tendon extends or contracts over the bone with certain types of movements. This type of popping often results in pain and should be addressed by a professional to prevent further damage. Both issues are commonly treated with wrist adjustments.

Dislocated Wrist

A dislocated wrist needs immediate medical care from the emergency room. The wrist needs to be reset and given time to recover/heal before a chiropractor can work on it to repair any issues that the dislocation caused. There are benefits from chiropractic after a serious wrist injury that includes:

  • Pain relief
  • Function restored
  • Mobility restoration
  • Proper wrist alignment
  • Scar tissue removal
  • Strength training
  • Aching, popping, and cracking relief

Chiropractic Wrist Adjustment

Wrist adjustments depend on the injury/condition that the individual is going through. A chiropractor uses different approaches and techniques that return the joints to the proper alignment. Wrist adjustments are usually done by hand and are gentle. This is because the bones and tendons do not need major force to correct. Chiropractors focus on the wrist the same way they focus on the whole body.

  • They relieve pain and swelling first.
  • They determine what caused the injury.
  • Then focus on strengthening the joint.
  • Develop a prevention regimen to keep it from recurring.

Body Composition

Complete Body Measurement

Getting body composition tested will help progress to optimal health by the results, not the weight scale. Determining progress with metrics like this and lean body mass equips individuals with the knowledge needed to get the results faster and smarter. The quickest and easiest way to determine body composition is to use the InBody. This means focusing on body fat percentage instead of weight. The devices being used today are extremely accurate at giving reliable body fat percentage results. Get a complete readout of your body that includes:

  • Muscle mass
  • Fat mass
  • Body water
  • Body fat percentage

Getting as much information as possible using optimal tests will help with goal planning and achieving optimal health.


Hulbert, James R et al. “Chiropractic treatment of hand and wrist pain in older people: systematic protocol development Part 2: cohort natural-history treatment trial.” Journal of chiropractic medicine vol. 6,1 (2007): 32-41. doi:10.1016/j.jcme.2007.02.011

Prasad, Ganesh, and Mustafa J Bhalli. “Assessing wrist pain: a simple guide.” British journal of hospital medicine (London, England: 2005) vol. 81,5 (2020): 1-7. doi:10.12968/hmed.2019.0051

Sadowski, M, and D Della Santa. “Les syndromes douloureux du poignet” [Wrist pain]. Revue medicale suisse vol. 2,92 (2006): 2919-23.

Bulging, Herniated Discs and Digestive Problems

Bulging, Herniated Discs and Digestive Problems

There are different possible causes of abdominal pain and digestive problems. Sometimes a bulging disc is the cause. A bulging disc that is causing abdominal pain is rare but possible. When this happens, it’s usually a herniated disc in the upper back, known as the thoracic spine. When the disc bulges to the side, it can cause abdominal pain. One study found that half of the patients presenting with herniated discs also suffered from digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome.

Bulging, Herniated Discs and Digestive Problems

Thoracic Disc Herniation

The thoracic spine is the region between the base of the neck and the low back. This section is surrounded and stabilized by the ribcage, reducing the risk of disc herniation. Most herniated disc/s occur in the low back or the neck because those areas with a lot of movement are less stable than the thoracic spine. But they do happen and can contribute and/or cause abdominal pain. This is usually accompanied by pain in the mid-back and the chest. Because this is rare, physicians don’t immediately think that a herniation is causing abdominal pain. This can lead to unnecessary and expensive tests to find the problem.

Lateral Disc Herniation

This is not the most common type of disc herniation. The type of herniation that causes pain in the abdomen is known as lateral disc herniation. This is when the disc bulges laterally/sideways. What happens is it can compress and irritate the nerve root. This is what can cause pain in the abdomen. Types of disc herniations include:


Most thoracic herniations are caused by trauma to the upper back. This can come from a:

  • Fall
  • Auto accident
  • Sports injury
  • They can also be caused by degenerative disc disease. If this happens, the discs can become calcified, which could require surgery.

Movements like reaching up to get something or twisting motions like putting on a seatbelt can cause the pain to worsen. Most thoracic herniations happen in young individuals brought on by trauma to the area. Women tend to be affected more by thoracic disc herniation that causes abdominal pain.

Herniated Disc and Bloating

Bloating often comes with digestive problems. A herniated discs can also cause bloating along with abdominal and back pain. However, they are not always related because bloating, and other digestive issues can cause back and abdominal pain. Bloating and pain typically go away after a bowel movement. But it is important to see a medical professional if the problem lasts more than a few days.

Gas and a Herniated Disc

In certain cases, a herniated disc can cause gas. This is rare, but evidence suggests that nerve compression in the spine can affect the digestive system. If back pain, abdominal pain, and digestive issues are presenting, seeking out treatment is recommended.


Chiropractors specialize in spinal care. The approach is to balance the entire body and heal the underlying issues. The nervous system travels through the spinal column. If injured or damaged, it can cause all kinds of issues. This includes abdominal pain and digestive problems. A chiropractor will:

  • Bring pain relief
  • Realign the spine
  • Balance the body
  • Recommend exercises and stretches
  • Offer nutritional recommendations
  • Recommend sleeping positions to prevent pain at night

They are different techniques to treat disc herniations. These include:

  • Full-body diagnosis
  • Detailed medical history
  • MRI, CT, or X-Rays
  • Laser therapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Ice and heat
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Massage
  • Physical therapy

Body Composition

Binge Eating

A common and powerful trigger of binge eating is restrictive dieting. This type of diet is a common weight-loss method for short-term goals. This is because a highly controlled program of calorie intake makes it easier to prevent overeating. The problem is that this type of restriction is not sustainable. Most individuals can avoid certain foods for only so long. However, this is not the only reason for binge eating. Many individuals use food as an emotional suppressor. They overeat during:

  • Levels of high stress
  • Boredom
  • Bouts of sadness
  • Exhaustion/excessively tired

The brain and body are conditioned to crave certain and usually addictive foods. When individuals want to get their minds off of something, cravings can activate and become overpowering. Although it is not an addiction to alcohol or drugs, food addiction is still an addiction. Working through addictive behavior toward any substance will improve the quality of life. Overcoming food addiction promotes physical health benefits and improved mental health. Recognizing addictive behaviors when it comes to food is the first step.


Al-Khawaja, Darweesh O et al. “Surgical treatment of far lateral lumbar disc herniation: a safe and simple approach.” Journal of spine surgery (Hong Kong) vol. 2,1 (2016): 21-4. doi:10.21037/jss.2016.01.05

Lara, F J Pérez et al. “Thoracic disk herniation, a not infrequent cause of chronic abdominal pain.” International surgery vol. 97,1 (2012): 27-33. doi:10.9738/CC98.1

Papadakos, Nikolaos et al. “Thoracic disc prolapse presenting with abdominal pain: case report and review of the literature.” Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England vol. 91,5 (2009): W4-6. doi:10.1308/147870809X401038

Polivy, J et al. “Food restriction and binge eating: a study of former prisoners of war.” Journal of abnormal psychology vol. 103,2 (1994): 409-11. doi:10.1037//0021-843x.103.2.409

Everyday Wear and Tear Stretches Chiropractic Recommended

Everyday Wear and Tear Stretches Chiropractic Recommended

Stretching out for everyday wear and tear. The body was designed for movement, mobility, and physicality. When discomfort, aches, and pain present in the neck, shoulders, back, and joints, it is often from a decrease of natural body movement. Many think that sitting still and resting is the best solution to alleviate the pain. While it is important to rest, it is the type of rest that helps the body. Sitting still with no movement is not recommended. The muscles, ligaments, and tendons need to flex and stretch out to help reduce pain and prevent injury. Safe, chiropractic-approved stretches can increase mobility and fluidity, helping the body stay flexible and loose.

Everyday Wear and Tear Stretches Chiropractic Recommended

Stretching Out For Everyday Wear and Tear Is Important

Whether experiencing pain or are getting ready for the day, there are many reasons why stretching is important. One, stretching is essential to optimal joint health. When muscles surrounding the joints become tight/tense, this significantly reduces mobility in the joint. Regular stretching lengthens the muscles, relaxing the joints to move without discomfort/awkwardness. Stretching optimizes blood circulation to flow smoothly through the body. Routine stretching helps reduce stress and improves energy. Other benefits include:

  • Post-workout/exercise/physical activity soreness and pain relief
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Prevents injury/s
  • Helps heal existing injuries
  • Improves posture

Stretching Safe at Home

Chiropractors often recommend stretches for patients to follow to help improve their progress between appointments. If persistent pain is presenting, consult with a qualified chiropractic doctor before performing any stretches. If done incorrectly, they can exacerbate pain and cause further damage. No matter an individual’s lifestyle, the wear and tear of everyday life can cause tightness, inflammation, or generalized pain. Developing a regular stretching routine can address any tense, tight, sore areas that will help keep the body pain-free.

Tailbone Stretch

Most individuals feel tailbone pain from sitting for long periods of time. Reasons for tailbone pain can result from:

  • Falling backward
  • Sitting in the wrong position
  • Childbirth
  • Hypermobility
  • All can injure the tailbone and/or the surrounding muscles and tissue.

Tailbone stretching improves movement and flexibility in these muscles and tissue, maintaining the tailbone’s health. One recommended stretch is the piriformis cross leg stretch.

  • Lie flat on the back.
  • Bring both knees toward the hips.
  • Rest the right ankle across the left knee.
  • Wrap both hands around the left thigh
  • Pull toward the chest.
  • Hold for 20-30 seconds.
  • Slowly bring down both legs and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Wrist and Hand Stretch

For those that are constantly writing, typing, or lifting regularly, wrist and hand pain can begin to present. Stretches for the hands and wrists can:

  • Increase flexibility
  • Alleviate pain
  • Reduce the risk of injury

The prayer stretch for the wrists and hands is specifically designed to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the wrists.

  • Standing with the back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place hands together in a prayer position.
  • Hands in front of the face.
  • Pressing both palms together, slowly spread the elbows apart.
  • Begin to lower the hands to waist height
  • Stop once the hands become level with the belly button or when the stretch is felt.
  • Hold the position for 10-30 seconds.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Repeat as needed.

Knee Stretch

When tightness or soreness presents in the knee, stretching the hamstrings can help. The hamstrings go through a great deal of wear and tear, supporting the hips and knees, maintaining mobility and flexibility.

  • Standing with the back straight.
  • Step forward with the left foot.
  • Flex the left foot and keep the right foot flat.
  • Loosen the hips and bend the right knee.
  • As the right leg is bent, keep the left leg completely straight with the heel pressing into the ground.
  • If maintaining balance is difficult, use a wall for support.
  • Hold the position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Body Composition Health

The Gut’s Hormones

When a meal enters the stomach and intestines, it triggers the digestive tract to release hormones that create the full feeling. These are the gut’s hormones, with each having a specific set of actions and effects. Examples include PYY, GLP-1, and GIP. Gut hormones are essential because they signal the body to slow down or stop eating. Therefore, the size of a meal influences the number of gut hormones that get released. The body releases larger quantities of gut hormones in response to meals with a higher caloric density. This is because larger meals usually contain more calories. This is one reason the body feels more satisfied after a large meal. Smaller meals are less satisfying, which means an individual will want to eat again after the meal.

After eating comes the digestion and absorption of macronutrients. This is known as the postprandial state. The body is in storage mode during the postprandial state. Even though the metabolic rate increases after a meal, the contents of that meal get broken down and stored for fuel. Four hours after a meal, the body goes back to its baseline state, which primarily burns through the stored fuel. Eating frequent, small meals throughout the day means the body spends more of the day in the postprandial storage state.


Bandy, WD et al. “The effect of time and frequency of static stretching on flexibility of the hamstring muscles.” Physical therapy vol. 77,10 (1997): 1090-6. doi:10.1093/ptj/77.10.1090

Freitas, SR et al. “Stretching Effects: High-intensity & Moderate-duration vs. Low-intensity & Long-duration.” International journal of sports medicine vol. 37,3 (2016): 239-44. doi:10.1055/s-0035-1548946

Hotta, Kazuki et al. “Daily muscle stretching enhance blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle.” The Journal of physiology vol. 596,10 (2018): 1903-1917. doi:10.1113/JP275459

le Roux, C W et al. “Attenuated peptide YY release in obese subjects is associated with reduced satiety.” Endocrinology vol. 147,1 (2006): 3-8. doi:10.1210/en.2005-0972

Headache Trigger Points and Bio-Chiropractic Treatment

Headache Trigger Points and Bio-Chiropractic Treatment

Individuals that experience frequent headaches can have sensitive headache trigger points. Every case is different and requires a thorough examination before a proper and personalized chiropractic treatment plan can begin. Headaches can be brought on from a variety of causes. This could be:

  • Drug reactions
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
  • Tightness in the neck muscles
  • Low blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • Stress
  • Fatigue

The majority of recurrent headaches fall into three types:

  • Tension headaches, also known as cervicogenic headaches
  • Migraine headaches
  • Cluster headaches, which are related to migraines.

Headache Trigger Points and Bio-Chiropractic Treatment


Tension headaches are the most common and affect around 77% of individuals experiencing chronic headaches. Most individuals describe a tension headache as a consistent dull ache on one side of the head and sometimes both sides. They are often described as having a tight band/belt around the head or behind the eyes. These headaches usually start slowly, gradually and can last for a few minutes or days. They tend to start in the middle of the day or before the end of the day.

These headaches can be the result of stress and/or poor posture. The most common cause is subluxations in the upper back and neck, usually combined with active headache trigger points. This stresses the spinal muscles in the upper back and neck. A tension headache or stress headache can last 30 minutes to a few days. Chronic tension headaches can last for months. The pain can be severe; however, these headaches are typically not associated with symptoms like throbbing, nausea, or vomiting.

If the top cervical vertebrae shift out of their position and lose their normal motion, a small muscle called the rectus capitis posterior minor/RCPM begins to spasm. This small muscle has a tendon that slips between the upper neck and the base of the skull. It attaches to a thin, sensitive tissue called the dura mater that covers the brain. The dura mater is very pain-sensitive. When the RCPM muscle goes into spasm, the tendon pulls the dura mater causing a headache. Individuals that work at a desk station for long hours tend to experience headaches from this cause. Another cause comes from referred pain caused by headache trigger points in the Sternocleidomastoid/SCM or levator muscle on the side of the neck. This cause tends to happen more to individuals that have suffered a whiplash injury with muscle damage in the neck region.

Migraine Headaches

Migraines are intense and throbbing headaches that are associated with nausea and sensitivity to light or noise. They can last for a few hours to a few days. Many experience visual symptoms known as an aura just before they come on. This is described as seeing flashing lights or when things take on a dream-like appearance. However, even in individuals that don’t experience the aura, most can tell that a migraine is getting ready to present. Individuals usually have their first attack before age 30. They tend to run in families supporting a genetic component. Some have attacks several times a month, while others can have less than one a year. Most individuals find that migraines happen less and become less severe as they get older.

These headaches are caused by the constriction of blood vessels in the brain. During the constriction period, there is a decrease in blood circulation. This is followed by dilation/enlargening of the blood vessels. This is what leads to the visual symptoms. Then the blood vessels dilate, generating a rapid increase in blood pressure inside the head. This increased pressure is what leads to a pounding headache. Every time the heart beats, it sends another shock wave through the carotid arteries in the neck into the brain. There are different theories as to why the blood vessels constrict, but they are still unknown. What is known is that several factors can trigger a migraine. This includes:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Flickering lights
  • Strong smells
  • Changing weather
  • Foods that are high in an amino acid known as tyramine


Cluster headaches are very short excruciating headaches. They are usually felt on one side of the head behind the eyes. These headaches affect about 1 million individuals and are more common in men. This type of headache tends to happen at night. They are called cluster headaches because they tend to happen one to four times a day over several days. After one cluster is over, it could be months or even years before they present again. Like migraines, cluster headaches cause the dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, increasing the pressure.

Trigger Points

Headache trigger point therapy involves four muscles. These are the:

The Splenius muscles involve two individual muscles, the Splenius Capitis and the Splenius Cervicis. These muscles run along the upper back to the skull base or the upper cervical/neck vertebrae. Trigger points in the Splenius muscles are a common contributor to pain that travels through the head to the back of the eye and top of the head.

The Suboccipitals are a group of four small muscles that maintain proper movement and positioning between the first cervical vertebra and the skull base. Trigger points in these muscles can cause pain that feels like it’s happening inside the head, from the back to the eye and forehead. Individuals report that the whole side of the head hurts. This is a pain pattern similar to a migraine.

The Sternocleidomastoid muscle runs along the base of the skull, behind the ear, down the side of the neck. It attaches to the top of the sternum/breastbone. Although most are not aware of this muscle’s trigger points, the effects are evident. This includes:

  • Referred pain
  • Balance issues
  • Visual symptoms

Referred pain tends to be eye pain, headaches over the eye, and can even cause earaches. An unusual characteristic of SCM headache trigger points is that they can cause dizziness, nausea, and balance problems.

The trapezius muscle is the large, flat muscle in the upper and middle back. Pain can be felt in the temple and back of the head. A common trigger point is located at the top of the muscle. This particular point can activate secondary trigger points in the temple or jaw muscles, leading to jaw or tooth pain.

Headache Triggers

  • Stress can be a trigger.
  • Depression, anxiety, frustration, and even pleasant excitement can be associated with headache development.
  • A headache diary can help determine whether factors like food, weather, and/or mood correlate with headache patterns.
  • Repeated exposure to nitrite compounds can result in a dull headache accompanied by a flushed face. Nitrite dilates blood vessels and is found in products like heart medications, and is also used as a chemical to preserve meat. Processed meats containing sodium nitrite can contribute to headaches.
  • Foods prepared with monosodium glutamate or MSG can result in headaches. Soy sauce, meat tenderizers, and various packaged foods contain this chemical as a flavor enhancer.
  • Exposure to poisons, even household varieties like insecticides, carbon tetrachloride, and lead, can contribute.
  • Contact with lead batteries or lead-glazed pottery.
  • Foods that are high in the amino acid tyramine should be avoided. This could be ripened cheeses like cheddar, brie, chocolate, and pickled or fermented food.


Chiropractic adjustments are highly effective for treating tension headaches, especially those that originate in the neck. Research has found that spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement and had fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief than taking common medications. There is a significant improvement by manipulating the upper two cervical vertebrae, combined with adjustments to the area between the cervical and thoracic spine.

Body Composition Testing

Vibration Exercise

Vibration exercise is believed to stimulate the muscle fibers without going to a gym or stressing the bones. One study broke up postmenopausal women into three groups: resistance training, vibration training combined with resistance training, or no exercise/training. Their body composition was measured before starting the study. After the study was completed, the findings included:

  • Both the resistance group and the resistance group with vibration training increased lean tissue mass.
  • The control group did not show an increase in lean tissue and, in fact, gained body fat.
  • The combination group, using vibration training with resistance training, showed a drop in body fat.

Another study placed male athletes in a training program that included vibration training. The first group had lower-limb strength training combined with vibration training, and the other had lower-limb strength training without vibration training. The researchers found that the athletes in the vibration training group improved leg extension strength by five percent. In addition, the vibration training groups balancing ability and vertical lift/jumping test improved as well.


Bryans, Roland et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Chaibi, Aleksander et al. “Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache: a single-blinded, placebo, randomized controlled trial.” BMC research notes vol. 10,1 310. 24 Jul. 2017, doi:10.1186/s13104-017-2651-4

Bryans R, Descarreaux M, Duranleau M, et al. Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with neck pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014; 37: 42-63.

Bryans R, Descarreaux M, Duranleau M, et al. Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011; 34: 274-89.

The Sciatic Nerve

The Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body and is created by five nerve roots that come together and exit the lower spine. It goes through the buttocks on either side and down the thighs all the way to the heels and soles of the feet. The sciatic nerve connects the spinal cord to the muscles of the thigh, leg, and foot. Any type of pain and/or neurological symptom/s that comes from the sciatic nerve is known as sciatica. The symptoms can be felt along the nerve’s path. This could be the:

  • Low back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Feet
  • Or it could be a combination of all the areas


The Sciatic Nerve

Neurological Symptoms

When the nerve is compressed,  neurological symptoms can accompany the pain. These include:

Thigh muscle weakness

If the thigh muscles are affected, weakness can be felt when bending or flexing the knee.

Leg and foot muscle weakness

Weakness can be felt while attempting to bend the knee or pointing the foot/toes upward/downward. This can lead to foot drop, which makes lifting the front part of the foot when walking difficult. Difficulty can also present when getting up from a sitting position or walking on the tiptoes.


Loss of sensation can happen when the nerve impulses/transmissions cannot pass all the way through. Common areas affected by numbness are the:

  • Side of the calf
  • Side of the heel
  • Bottom of the foot
  • Top of the foot


This is an abnormal sensation felt on the skin. It is brought on by improper nerve transmission. This sensation can include:

  • Tingling
  • Tightness
  • Pins-and-needles
  • Crawling feeling along the back of the thigh and/or leg

The Sciatic Nerve Gets Affected

The sciatic nerve can become:

  • Irritated
  • Compressed
  • Inflamed
  • This lumbar/low back radiculopathy means that the pain originates in and around the lumbar and/or sacral/sacrum nerve roots.


Physical forces could affect the nerve following common conditions:

Disc Herniation

A disc in the lower back can bulge or herniate. This causes irritation that can lead to compression of a nerve root.


Stenosis means the opening where the sciatic nerve exit into the buttocks begins to get narrow in size. This creates a clog with the other nerve roots that compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve. Degenerative changes in the spine like the thickening of the facet joint capsules and/or ligaments can also compress the sciatic nerve.


Instability of a vertebral segment happens when one vertebra slips over the one below it, known as spondylolisthesis. There are also vertebral defects like spondylolysis which is a complete dislocation of one or more vertebrae. This can directly compress the sciatic nerve roots.

Inflammatory Response

The body’s own chemicals can irritate the nerve causing inflammation. These chemical irritants include:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Fibronectin protein fragments leak out of degenerated or herniated discs onto and around the sciatic nerve roots.
  • There are times when degenerated discs can cause nerve tissues to grow into a disc. The tissue penetrates the outer and inner layers of the disc, causing inflammation and pain.
  • Some studies have shown how an immune system response can contribute to sciatic pain when there is exposure to the disc material from herniated disc/s.

Glycosphingolipids which are fats, and neurofilaments which are protein polymers. They are secreted by the immune system and have been found to have high levels in individuals with sciatica. It is believed they are released in reaction to the nerve roots and exposed disc material. This can lead to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Body Composition

The physical characteristics of an individual can also affect the sciatic nerve. Research has shown an increased risk of sciatica in:

  • Overweight individuals
  • Obese individuals
  • Older individuals
  • Tall individuals

Work Injuries

Individuals with certain jobs can have an increased risk of developing sciatica. Examples include:

  • Semi-Truck operators
  • Machine operators
  • Construction workers
  • Hairstylists
  • Office workers
  • Athletes that lift weights

This comes from:

  • Sitting for long amounts of time
  • Poor posture
  • Constant bending forward or sideways
  • Regularly lifting the arms above shoulder level
  • All are risk factors.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Adequate levels of vitamin B12 are important for nerve health. Vitamin B12 supports the myelin sheath that covers and protects the nerves. It is important in nerve function and in transmitting impulses. Sciatica can present from vitamin B12 deficiency. However, this is more common in individuals 60+.

Body Analysis

Alleviating Nerve Pain Through Clinical Nutrition

Clinical nutrition is a powerful tool to help alleviate sciatica. Many individuals can relieve their pain through diet adjustments. Here are a few diet tips to alleviate sciatic nerve pain through clinical nutrition:

  • Sometimes, sciatica can be triggered by constipation from an unhealthy diet
  • Incorporate fiber-rich foods
  • Fruits and vegetables will prevent constipation
  • Oily fish like salmon and halibut are rich in omega 3 fatty acids
  • Fresh pineapples and berries are anti-inflammatories that support healing and boost the immune system
  • 2-3 cups of green tea
  • Add turmeric, ginger, and garlic to meals
  • B-Vitamins are important to take in when going through sciatica and are found in green peas, spinach, navy beans, nuts, bananas
  • Foods that are rich in A-Vitamins like dairy products, dark leafy vegetables, orange-colored fruits, eggs, and oily fish
  • Foods rich in C-Vitamins, like citrus and tomatoes
  • K-Vitamins like  broccoli and spinach
  • Drink plenty of water, between 6 to 8 glasses a day

Foods to Avoid

  • Nutritionists recommend cutting out meat products except for oily fish for the first two weeks.
  • Foods that contain sunflower oil, corn oil, sesame oil, margarine, and partially hydrogenated oil.
  • Stressor foods like caffeine, processed food, soda, refined sugars, and chocolate.
  • Alcohol

Giuffre BA, Jeanmonod R. Anatomy, Sciatic Nerve. [Updated 2018 Dec 16]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan-. Available from:

Heuch I, Heuch I, Hagen K, Zwart JA. Association between body height and chronic low back pain: a follow-up in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study [published correction appears in BMJ Open. 2015;5(10):e006983]. BMJ Open. 2015;5(6):e006983. Published 2015 Jun 15. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006983.

Kumar, M. Epidemiology, pathophysiology and symptomatic treatment of sciatica: A review. nt. J. Pharm. Bio. Arch. 2011, 2.

Quero L, Klawitter M, Schmaus A, et al. Hyaluronic acid fragments enhance the inflammatory and catabolic response in human intervertebral disc cells through modulation of toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathways. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013;15(4): R94. Published 2013 Aug 22. doi:10.1186/ar4274.

Shiri R, Lallukka T, Karppinen J, Viikari-Juntura E. Obesity as a Risk Factor for Sciatica: A Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2014;179(8):929-937. doi:10.1093/aje/kwu007.

Summer Activities For Back Pain That Are Easy On The Spine

Summer Activities For Back Pain That Are Easy On The Spine

It is time for outdoor summer activities. Summer is iconic in its association with a wide range of outdoor activities. However, many can be physically strenuous and require a great deal of body movement. Summer gets individuals thinking of:

  • Hiking
  • Bicycling
  • Swimming
  • Water sports
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Gardening

This is when individuals have to figure out which activities will be easy on their backs. For those dealing with regular and/or chronic back or neck pain, athletic/movement-based activities can be done with:

  • Proper planning
  • Strain prevention/reduction
  • Activity modification/s
  • Most activities can be manageable.
  • Preventing/avoiding worsening the pain is the most recommended solution.

Individuals can still enjoy favorite outdoor activities for those who do have back pain, whether from an injury, herniated disc, muscle strain, arthritis, osteoporosis, or another cause.

Summer Activities For Back Pain That Are Easy On The Spine

Safe Summer Activities Safe For The Spine


The best summer activity for the spine/back is swimming or any movement in the water. It is recommended and utilized in physical therapy for those with injuries and pain conditions and is shown to prove that it brings relief and exercise. Hot weather makes it easy to get in the water, whether a pool, river, or lake. Doing basic water stretches, exercises, or walking movements can bring significant pain relief. This is because the body’s weight is lessened, which lessens the spine’s pressure.


Getting outside every day and running can cause a great deal of strain. However, walking is extremely safe and effective, especially on the spine. The key is to take it slow and build up the ability to walk longer and further. However, those with spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the spinal canal, might find that walking increases pain. It is recommended to start with light walking sessions and modify them as much as needed. An example could be walking half a block; if pain presents, perform some other movement/s that does not cause pain, and then walk another half block. Taking it slow.


It is not out of the question for individuals who like to hike, but caution should be taken. This is because hiking adds factors that can increase the risk for injuries or conditions if the activity is not modified. Most hikes involve hills, elevation changes, climbing, and uneven surfaces. This requires planning and preparation. It is recommended to choose hiking paths that will not exhaust an individual, and that can be easily backtracked if pain or issues arise. This is especially important for those that are flexion-intolerant.  This is when individuals feel pain when bending or leaning forward over the hips. This could be hiking up and down hills that are likely to cause flare-ups.


Fishing is a favorite summer activity and is recommended because of the relaxed atmosphere and ability to be modified easily. Individuals can sit in a supportive chair and fish, or they can stand and fish. There is not a lot of quick bending or rotating and totally open to modifications.

Activity Moderation and/or Modification

Figuring out movement modifications or mix up the time. Activities can be enjoyed; it just requires making the right adjustment/s that will make the activity manageable. For those with back pain usually know what movements will cause pain. This can help make it easier to modify specific movements/motions. Activities that more than likely will cause inflammation flare-ups are about finding a way to do it so that the result is not as extreme.

  • One way to modify summer activities is by altering/changing the amount of time engaged. For example, instead of spending 4-6 hours fixing up the yard/gardening, break it up by doing the activity for an hour, stop, stretch, relax, rehydrate, and then continue, respectively.
  • Modification can also be done by changing the functional components of the activity/s. Rather than bending and picking up tools, pulling weeds, etc., get a work stool/bench and perform the activity sitting. This goes for any activity.

Body Composition Health

Can more fat be burned by exercising in the heat?

Individuals wonder if exercising when it’s hot out causes the body to burn more fat. After all, the body is hotter and sweating much more. However, it’s more complicated. Studies show that when exercise is done in high temperatures, the heat can affect the body’s hormonal and metabolic response. The same studies show a consistent shift from breaking down fat cells for energy and breaking down carbohydrates for energy. When exercising in extreme heat, the energy demand becomes too high to break down more fat.  Instead, it uses carbohydrates. So the extra sweat is just water, salt, and not fat. But heat can still play a positive role in improving body composition. Two ways include:

  • Heat shock proteins – HSP – Without exercise, exposure to heat can cause heat shock proteins to activate. Heat shock proteins live inside cells and aid in muscle protein synthesis and repair. When exposed to temperature/thermal stress, they increase to meet the demand.
  •  Human Growth Hormone – HGH – Synthetic Human Growth Hormone increases lean mass, reduces body fat, and improves performance. However, it is naturally produced by the body and can be enhanced through exercise.

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (February 2018) “Aquatic Exercises in the Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis of Eight Studies”

Gobbo, Stefano et al. “Physical Exercise Is Confirmed to Reduce Low Back Pain Symptoms in Office Workers: A Systematic Review of the Evidence to Improve Best Practices in the Workplace.” Journal of Functional morphology and kinesiology vol. 4,3 43. 5 Jul. 2019, doi:10.3390/jfmk4030043

Grabovac, Igor, and Thomas Ernst Dorner. “Association between low back pain and various everyday performances: Activities of daily living, ability to work and sexual function.” Wiener klinische Wochenschrift vol. 131,21-22 (2019): 541-549. doi:10.1007/s00508-019-01542-7

Preventive Medicine Reports. (2017.)“Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis.”

Selby, Sasha et al. “Facilitators and barriers to green exercise in chronic pain.” Irish Journal of medical science vol. 188,3 (2019): 973-978. doi:10.1007/s11845-018-1923-x

Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long

Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long

Many individuals will be looking up at the fireworks this 4th of July weekend. A word of caution when keeping the neck in one position for too long can cause neck discomfort and/or pain. Neck discomfort and pain can cause significant disruption with everyday activities. The neck is an area that is constantly in motion. Keeping it in one position for an extended period can cause damage/injury and spinal misalignment. Although neck pain often resolves on its own in a few days. However, it can lead to headaches or an inability to concentrate, affecting an individual’s quality of life. Here are some potential causes and remedies for decreasing neck discomfort and pain.

Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long

Keeping The Neck In One Position For Too Long Can Cause

  • Mechanical issues and imbalances in the upper spine, known as the cervical spine
  • Muscle tension
  • Muscle strain
  • Spinal misalignment
  • Poor posture
  • Sleeping problems
  • Injury or trauma to the neck from the force and weight
  • Chronic neck misalignment

If symptoms come on suddenly, are severe, or result in neurological issues like severe shooting pain, tingling, numbness, or sudden loss of arm strength, seek medical attention immediately.


When the neck is strained or out of alignment, it disrupts nerve circulation integrity. Spinal misalignment is subtle in nature and can be difficult to detect without a professional examination. A chiropractor is trained to recognize any underlying issues to reset/realign the entire spine to optimal form. They will assess, guide, and treat the issue/s specific to the individual’s needs. Once the nerves are working uninhibited, a chiropractor can recommend neck exercises, stretches, and more to strengthen and prevent neck problems. When spinal alignment is restored, the body will begin to operate at full potential.

Healthy Body Composition

Meal Prep to Success

For individuals that want to eat less and change eating habits, change up the approach.

Meal prepping is a healthy habit that many have had success with because it helps achieve sustainable outcomes in weight loss. Every meal plan will vary for everyone.

  1. First, individuals have different health goals.
  2. Second, everyone has a different approach to their diet choices. For example, an individual might want to go low-carb and goes with the ketogenic diet. In comparison, some individuals are comfortable planning a week in advance and freezing labeled plastic containers.

Regardless of goals, dietary, or fitness preferences, a workable meal plan is recommended. The ultimate goal is to prevent feeling overwhelmed about planning the next healthy meal and resort to a junk food meal. To steer clear of unhealthy food choices and achieve a healthy body composition, here is a real-world tip to create and stick to a healthy meal plan.

Have a well-stocked fridge and pantry

Keeping to a meal plan is easier with a well-stocked fridge and pantry. Ensure to keep a list of essential groceries whenever going to the store to ensure plenty. This list of staples includes:

  • Eggs
  • A favorite protein
  • Whole grains
  • Yogurt
  • Healthy oils
  • Herbs and spices
  • Butter
  • Leafy greens
  • Beans

Having these ingredients ready to go means a healthy meal can be quickly put together when short on time.

Be realistic and make room for crazy days

You don’t have to come up with a seven-day weekly meal plan. It is important to change up the routine, so boredom doesn’t set in. Before planning and prepping several meals, double-check the calendar. Allow yourself some slack. This could be one or two lunches or dinners in a week just in case something comes up. If batch cooking, even schedule days for leftovers for that extra flexibility.


BMJ. 2017 Advances in the diagnosis and management of neck pain. Available at:

Mayo Clin Proc. 2015. Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neck pain. Available at:

Open Orthop J. 2016. A Qualitative Description of Chronic Neck Pain has Implications for Outcome Assessment and Classification. Available at:

Phys Ther. 2018. A Mechanism-Based Approach to Physical Therapist Management of Pain. Available at: