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Skateboarding Injuries Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Skateboarding Injuries Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Skateboarding is a popular activity among children, teenagers, and young adults. It is recreational, competitive, fun, and exciting but, like any sport, carries a risk of injury. There are around 70,000 skateboarding injuries requiring a visit to the emergency room every year. The most common injuries involve the shins, ankles, forearms, wrists, elbows, face, and skull, with many left untreated that worsen as they heal improperly, leading to further damages and complications. Chiropractic can treat the injuries, rehabilitate the muscles and joints, and strengthen the body to get the skater back on their board.

Skateboarding Injuries Chiropractor

Skateboarding Injuries

Skateboarding injuries can range from scrapes, cuts, and bruises to sprains, strains, broken bones, and concussions.

  • Shin injuries often happen during flip/twist tricks where the board or axle hits the shin causing bruising and swelling.
  • Shoulder, wrist, and hand injuries are common when skaters lose their balance and fall with outstretched arms.
  • Ankle injuries include rolls/sprains, as well as dislocations and fractures.
  • Dislocations usually happen to the shoulders, wrists, and fingers.
  • Facial injuries include teeth knocked out, broken nose, or jaw are typically caused by fast forward hard falls.
  • Severe injuries include concussions and head injuries.

Injury causes

Skateboarding injuries typically occur from:

  • Skating on irregular surfaces locks up wheels and affects balance, causing falls.
  • Losing balance or losing control of the board and falling hard/slamming into the pavement.
  • Inexperience, slow reaction times, and less coordination lead to falls and slams.
  • Skating into another skater, a person walking or cycling, a car, or a road hazard.
  • Trying an advanced trick/maneuver too soon and beyond their skill level.
  • The inexperience of knowing how to fall to prevent injuries.

Chiropractic Therapy

A chiropractor can work with other doctors and specialists to:

  • Assess and treat the skateboarding injury/s.
  • Reset the spine, hips, arms, hands, and feet.
  • Rehabilitate and strengthen the body.
  • Recommend safety and prevention education.
  • Help prevent further injuries and long-term effects.

Chiropractic Skateboarding Injury Treatment


Forsman, L, and A Eriksson. “Skateboarding injuries of today.” British journal of sports medicine vol. 35,5 (2001): 325-8. doi:10.1136/bjsm.35.5.325

Hunter, Jamie. “The epidemiology of injury in skateboarding.” Medicine and sport science vol. 58 (2012): 142-57. doi:10.1159/000338722

Partiali, Benjamin, et al. “Injuries to the Head and Face From Skateboarding: A 10-Year Analysis From National Electronic Injury Surveillance System Hospitals.” Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery: official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons vol. 78,9 (2020): 1590-1594. doi:10.1016/j.joms.2020.04.039

Shuman, Kristin M, and Michael C Meyers. “Skateboarding injuries: An updated review.” The Physician and sportsmedicine vol. 43,3 (2015): 317-23. doi:10.1080/00913847.2015.1050953

Wrestling Injuries Chiropractic Team

Wrestling Injuries Chiropractic Team

Wrestling is a sport that requires speed, strength, and endurance that involves intense physical contact, pushing and pulling the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints to their limits. Wrestlers’ are constantly contorting their bodies. Pushing the body to its limits increases the risk of developing wrestling injuries that include:

Wrestling Injuries Chiropractor

Wrestling Injuries

The most common injuries usually occur from forceful contact or twisting forces. And if a wrestler has been injured, there is an increase for re-injury. Wrestling tournaments typically take place over days, often with back-to-back matches, which significantly fatigues the body and increases injury risk. The most common wrestling injuries include:

  • Muscle strains of the lower extremities and/or the back.
  • Chronic problems can result from hours in the forward stance posture and repetitive motions.
  • Trigger points.
  • Neck injuries.
  • Ligament knee injuries – Meniscus and MCL tears.
  • Pre-patellar bursitis/Osgood Schlatter’s syndrome from consistently hitting the mat.
  • Ankle injuries.
  • Hand and finger dislocations and fractures.
  • Dislocations and sprains of the elbow or shoulder from take-downs.
  • Cauliflower ear – is a condition that can cause ear deformity and develops from friction or blunt trauma to the ears.
  • Skin infections occur from constant contact, sweating, bleeding, and rolling on the mats. Infections include herpes gladitorium, impetigo, folliculitis, abscesses, and tinea/ringworm.
  • Concussions are usually caused by hard falls/slams or violent collisions with the other wrestler.

Injuries can cause wrestlers to alter/change their technique, exacerbating the existing damage and potentially creating new injuries.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Strengthening

There can be a variety of pain generators/causes when it comes to wrestling injuries. Joints and muscles can get overstretched, muscles can spasm, and nerves can become compressed and/or irritated. For example, a neck muscle spasm could be caused by nerve irritation from a shifted vertebrae. To determine the specific cause or causes of the injury/pain, a detailed chiropractic examination will be performed that includes:

  • Range of motion testing
  • Ligament tests
  • Muscle palpation
  • Gait testing

Injuries often relate to the proper weight, neuromuscular control, core strength, proper technique, hygiene, and hydration management. Successful treatment depends on identifying the root cause of the wrestling injury. Chiropractic restores proper alignment through massage, specific manual adjustments, decompression, and traction therapies. Adjustments can include the back, neck, shoulder, hips, elbows, knees, and feet. Once correct body alignment is achieved, rehabilitative exercises and stretches are implemented to correct and strengthen muscle function. We work with a network of regional medical doctors specializing in referral situations and strive to return the athlete to their sport as soon as possible.

Wrestling Match


Boden, Barry P, and Christopher G Jarvis. “Spinal injuries in sports.” Neurologic clinics vol. 26,1 (2008): 63-78; viii. doi:10.1016/j.ncl.2007.12.005

Halloran, Laurel. “Wrestling injuries.” Orthopedic nursing vol. 27,3 (2008): 189-92; quiz 193-4. doi:10.1097/01.NOR.0000320548.20611.16

Hewett, Timothy E et al. “Wrestling injuries.” Medicine and sport science vol. 48 (2005): 152-178. doi:10.1159/000084288

Mentes, Janet C, and Phyllis M Gaspar. “Hydration Management.” Journal of gerontological nursing vol. 46,2 (2020): 19-30. doi:10.3928/00989134-20200108-03

Wilson, Eugene K et al. “Cutaneous infections in wrestlers.” Sports health vol. 5,5 (2013): 423-37. doi:10.1177/1941738113481179

High School Football Athletes and Chiropractic Benefits

High School Football Athletes and Chiropractic Benefits

High school football takes a toll on the body. The sport can cause all kinds of injuries that can range from mild – severe. Areas that are commonly injured include:

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Arms
  • Hands
  • Spine
  • Legs
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Feet

Chiropractic has become a medically recommended form of treatment and rehabilitation for these injuries but also injury prevention. Today all NFL teams utilize a chiropractic team for players and staff. College teams are also discovering the benefits that chiropractic offers. There are significant benefits that high school football players can attain from chiropractic care.

High School Football Athletes and Chiropractic Benefits

Enhanced Mobility

A chiropractic adjustment, technically known as chiropractic manipulative treatment/CMT, is a primary therapy in sports medicine. It helps to increase flexibility and minimize or eliminate pain during motion/movement. Adjustments have been shown to improve athletic performance.

Injury Prevention

Athletes who regularly use chiropractic experience a decline in sports-related injuries.

Treatment increases flexibility and mobility, allowing for optimal agility that has been linked to preventing injuries. This is because the body is relaxed and stays loose, even when tackled, instead of tensing up, which is a major contributor to strains and injuries.

Enhanced Strength

Chiropractic adjustments also help increase muscular strength, making the body stronger, and more resistant to injury. It has been shown to promote strength in the muscles after a few sessions effectively. The strengthened muscles also help avoid injury by being able to withstand the hits and recover faster. The strengthened body also helps to increase endurance and stamina.

Pain Relief

Many high school players use chiropractic to ease the general pain that comes from general practice and games. Adjustments and massage are highly effective for pain management and alleviate headaches, especially those that come from constant impact to the head and neck. It helps to alleviate soreness, stiffness, and pain from the entire body.

Sports Hernia

Athletes often experience athletic pubalgia. This is one of the most common causes of injury-related groin pain. Chiropractic can relieve the discomfort within 8 weeks in combination with rehabilitative stretches and exercises. Chiropractic plays a critical role in whole-body care, pain relief and keeps the body operating and performing at the highest level.

Body Composition

Water Intoxication

When an individual overwhelms their body’s ability to excrete water and waste products consumed, water intoxication can develop. Water intoxication causes disturbances in the body’s electrolyte balance. This can cause a life-threatening condition known as hyponatremia. With a rapid decrease in the sodium levels in the blood, relative to the amount of water, symptoms can develop rapidly:

  • Early symptoms include:
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Changes in mental state
  • Symptoms of psychosis
  • If left untreated, later symptoms can develop into:
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

Hession, E F, and G D Donald. “Treatment of multiple lumbar disk herniations in an adolescent athlete utilizing flexion distraction and rotational manipulation.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 16,3 (1993): 185-92.

Pritchett, J W. “A statistical study of physician care patterns in high school football injuries.” The American journal of sports medicine vol. 10,2 (1982): 96-9. doi:10.1177/036354658201000206

Shane, Eric R et al. “Sports chiropractic management of concussions using the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool 2 symptom scoring, serial examinations, and graded return to play protocol: a retrospective case series.” Journal of chiropractic medicine vol. 12,4 (2013): 252-9. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2013.08.001

The Atlas Vertebra Key To Maintaining Head Balance And Alignment

The Atlas Vertebra Key To Maintaining Head Balance And Alignment

The Atlas vertebra is named for the mythological figure who held the world on their back/neck. The vertebrae are located at the top of the spine, where the cranium and spine connect. More than just a foundation for support, the vertebrae could be the most important vertebrae of the body. It consists of a complex bundle of nerves, vertebral arteries, and is the point where the entire weight of the cranium makes contact.  
The myth requires Atlas to be careful while holding the world carefully and confidently at all times, otherwise it will come crashing down. The key is being able to balance it perfectly. The vertebra has the same job to hold the head up properly and maintain posture. If not problems with balance and alignment will begin to develop, and affect the entire spine.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 The Atlas Vertebra Key To Maintaining Head Balance And Alignment

The Atlas Vertebra



The Atlas vertebrae’s role in maintaining balance is based on its ability to adjust to the weight of the head. The actual vertebra is wider than the other cervical vertebrae. This creates a center of gravity that is reinforced through proper posture. It distributes the weight of the head (10-12lb) evenly to centralize the weight and is supported by the natural curvature of the spine. If the center of gravity shifts, the Atlas vertebra will tilt in that direction as well. This creates instability in the cervical spine and can increase the amount of weight the spine is taking and trying to redistribute. This creates spinal issues and leads to everything from poor posture, overcompensation that leads to injury.  

Shifting Causes

Disruption to the vertebra and its ability to balance can come from a variety of causes and can occur as a result of chronic and acute conditions. Some include:
  • Auto accidents, sports, work injuries can cause cervical soft tissue damage
  • Dislocation of cervical vertebrae below the Atlas results in instability
  • Poor posture/s make individuals overcompensate to one side of the body straining muscles, ligaments, tendons causing pain and other issues
  • Herniated, bulging, and slipped discs
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 The Atlas Vertebra Key To Maintaining Head Balance And Alignment

Unbalanced effects

Spinal issues range from simple neck pain and soreness to full-on chronic pain. Because the Atlas can alter the balance of the entire spine, combined with cranium support, issues can be localized and referred creating further complications. Addressing the root problems requires a comprehensive chiropractic approach. Chiropractic will assess the position of the spine and determine the degree to which Atlas has shifted out of place. An adjustment treatment plan makes it possible to undo the widespread damage.

Body Composition


Muscle Loss

Individuals do not realize that muscle loss occurs throughout their lifetime. This is because muscles, like other tissues in the body, must go through cell turnover and protein synthesis. This means that the body is constantly breaking down protein in the muscles and rebuilding them. Skeletal muscle can be developed with proper nutrition and includes consuming a proper amount of protein to provide the necessary amino acids and from physical activity. The reverse is also true, if an individual becomes less physically active and/or their diet no longer supports the development of increased muscle tissue, the body enters a catabolic/tissue-reducing state known as muscle atrophy.

Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*
Woodfield, H Charles 3rd et al. �Craniocervical chiropractic procedures – a pr�cis of upper cervical chiropractic.��The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association�vol. 59,2 (2015): 173-92.
Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head Misdiagnosed As Sciatica

Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head Misdiagnosed As Sciatica

Osteonecrosis is a condition that causes the death of bone tissue from temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the affected area. It is commonly known as Avascular necrosis and can lead to miniature/tiny breaks in the bone and the bone/s eventually collapsing. Specifically, it affects the upper part of the femur or femoral head and surrounding joints.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Sciatica or Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head? A Common Misdiagnosis
It can occur in any bone however, osteonecrosis typically affects the hip/s. Pain associated with osteonecrosis of the hip can be localized to the center of the groin, thigh, or buttock. Because of the hip joint’s close proximity to the sciatic nerve, misdiagnosis for sciatica is common.  

Mimicking Sciatica Symptoms

Unfortunately, many health care providers can misdiagnose osteonecrosis hip pain as sciatica. Whatever the cause of the hip injury, most individuals with hip pathology report pain in the groin, upper thigh, and buttocks. That is why a trained medical professional that knows the differences in the symptoms of each condition can make all the difference in making a proper diagnosis. And a proper diagnosis leads to proper and complete treatment of whichever condition it may be. With osteonecrosis, misdiagnosis often delays the proper treatment and continues to progress. Common symptoms of sciatica:
  • Leg pain is the primary symptom can be mild to severe
  • Low back pain is secondary can be mild to severe
  • Nerve-related symptoms
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Shooting pain
  • Pins-and-needles sensation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Hip pain especially flexion and internal rotation of the hip.
  • Leg or foot weakness
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head Misdiagnosed As Sciatica

Osteonecrosis Symptoms and Similarities

For many, there are no symptoms in the early stages of osteonecrosis. As the condition worsens, the affected joint could present pain symptoms only when weight is placed on it. Eventually, individuals begin to feel the pain even when lying down. Pain can be mild to severe with a gradual development. Other symptoms that mimick sciatica:

Walking Inability

Walking gait is complicated with both conditions which is a major cause behind the misdiagnosis.


Individuals often limp with osteonecrosis of the hip and spinal disc problems. This is another reason that the condition is misdiagnosed as a spinal disc problem or nerve root compression of the sciatic nerve.

Hip Pain

The tributaries/veins of the sciatic nerve also supply the hip area and often cause confusion between the two conditions.  


Despite all of the similarities. There are differences in both conditions.

Nature of The Pain

  • With sciatica, the pain is related to the nervous system. Movement can complicate the pain. While rest helps to reduce the pain.
  • With Osteonecrosis the pain is geared toward the muscular. Rest does not help reduce the pain. In fact, the pain increases at night.


  • Sciatica pain can radiate through the whole leg from the low back to the toe.
  • Osteonecrosis pain is confined to the hip joint, groin, and radiates to the knee joint only. Osteonecrosis pain does not radiate below the knee joint.

Restricted Movement

  • Osteonecrosis of the hip joint, means the movements involving the hip joint are restricted. Individuals cannot rotate the leg to the right and left. Individuals cannot bend or fold from the hip.
  • With sciatica, the rotation of the leg is not affected. Movements involving stretching the sciatic nerve can cause relief or pain.

Walking Gait Differences

Gait is the way an individual stands and walks.
  • Osteonecrosis of the hip joint causes individuals to not be able to open the hip joint properly or to step properly.
  • With sciatica, an individual tends to lean on their side to relax the compression on the nerve.

Risk Factors

More than 20,000 people enter hospitals for the treatment of osteonecrosis of the hip yearly. Other than the hip, areas of the body likely to be affected are the shoulder, knee, hand, and foot. The condition can occur for a variety of reasons. A few of these include:
  • Fracture – a broken bone can interrupt the blood flow to other sections of the bone.
  • Dislocation of bone or joint/s
  • Alcoholism
  • Trauma
  • Radiation damage
  • Steroid use
Some individuals can have more than one condition or injury that contributes to hip flexor pain. An example is that it is possible to have both hip osteoarthritis and hip impingement. Without proper treatment, the condition can worsen, causing joint or hip pain from the degradation of the bone.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head Misdiagnosed As Sciatica
Anyone can be affected, but osteonecrosis is most common in individuals aged 30 to 50. Treatment options include a total replacement of the hip known as arthroplasty. And if it is sciatica then chiropractic treatment is a first-line treatment protocol. However, a chiropractor can make the distinction between the two and treat sciatica or refer the patient to the proper specialist.

Lower Back Pain Relief


Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*
Li, Wen-Long et al. �Exploring the Risk Factors for the Misdiagnosis of Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head: A Case-Control Study.��Orthopaedic surgery, 10.1111/os.12821. 16 Oct. 2020, doi:10.1111/os.12821
Head Down, Shoulders Hunched Forward = Phone Neck Pain

Head Down, Shoulders Hunched Forward = Phone Neck Pain

Being attached to a smartphone and looking down for a long can cause phone neck pain. We are all constantly connected to our family, friends, work, etc. When we keep our head down, shoulders hunched forward, neck straining from the uncomfortable angle for a long time a neck injury can develop. This has to do with knowing how to maintain proper posture while using a smartphone.

Most of us know this syndrome as tech neck, text neck, and is caused by straining the neck too far down and forward while talking/texting, etc. Holding this position for too long will cause neck muscle strain and pain. This also occurs with handheld devices with users hunching their shoulders forward. The awkward neck angel and rounded shoulders strain the entire upper body.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Head Down, Shoulders Hunched Forward = Phone Neck Pain

Phone Neck Pain Stretches/Tips

Here are a few tips along with some light stretches/exercises to keep the neck muscles flexible and loose.

  • Try to bring the phone to eye level.
  • Check around and look up from the screen every few minutes so as not to remain in a downward position.
  • Incorporate light and easy neck stretches and exercises.

Chin Tuck

Move the chin towards the chest, and hold for 5 seconds as there will be a comfortable stretch from the neck to the base of the skull to the mid-back. Try doing a few up to 10 times until you feel thoroughly stretched.

Side Bend

Tilt the head to the right, bringing the ear close to the shoulder. Use your hand to pull your head farther into the stretch if possible. Hold for 20 seconds. Bring the head back to the center, and tilt to the left, and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat this motion 3-5 times on each side.

Head Rotation

Rotate the chin towards the right shoulder and hold for 20 seconds. Use your hand to push your head farther into the stretch if possible. Bring the head back to the center, and rotate to the left, and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat this motion 3-5 times on each side.

Neck pain can turn into a full injury or condition if an individual continues with this form of very poor posture. Taking care of our bodies needs to be a priority. Make proper posture a habit and it will help prevent neck and back pain from developing. This along with related posture and biomechanical issues. Proper posture means the head is upright, the ears are in line with the shoulders, and the shoulder blades are down.

Neck Pain Chiropractic Care


Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.*

Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*

Neck Stiffness, Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic

Neck Stiffness, Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic

We are familiar with neck stiffness or a crick. This can prevent us from comfortably moving the head all around. A crick can cause the spine, and shoulders to feel rigid and stressed from not being able to turn around and could cause an upper or low-back strain from having to turn the whole body to look back or even just to the side. Chiropractic treatment is available and will help, along with some self-care therapies that can be done at home.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Neck Stiffness, A Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas

Crick in the Neck vs. Neck Stiffness

A crick in the neck is the same as a stiff neck. It develops when the neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments become strained/sprained. Most strains and sprains are minor but do cause inflammation/swelling of the neck�s soft tissues, which results in stiffness and, at times muscle spasms.


The symptoms

Cricks in the neck are uncomfortable, but not necessarily painful. If there is a pre-existing neck condition or injuries like whiplash the crick and stiffness could increase the uncomfortableness and generate pain.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Reduced mobility affecting the neck�s range of motion
  • A popping sensation when trying to turn or tilt the head


Neck Pain Herniated Discs

Causes of a stiff neck or crick

There are different causes of neck stiffness. It can be a combination of things you can control and some you can�t.

Possible causes that you can control:

  • Poor posture working either sitting or standing for several hours without breaks or stretching.
  • Sleeping in a position that puts the neck in an awkward position or using a pillow that does not support the neck when sleeping.
  • Constantly looking down at a cell phone or tablet.
  • Stress and emotional tension can cause involuntarily tightening of the neck muscles and shoulders.
  • Heavy labor along with incorrect lifting techniques.
  • Reaching or having to look up/overhead for several hours like when painting a ceiling.

Possible causes that are out of your control:

  • Whiplash injury
  • Sports-injuries like a football stinger
  • Aging muscles and bones

Around 13% of cases the stiffness, and pain are caused by separate cervical spinal conditions, like:

  • Cervical herniated disc
  • Cervical spinal stenosis
  • Spinal fracture
  • Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis)

At-home therapy

Usually, a crick in the neck will go away within a few days without the need to visit a doctor or chiropractor. There are home remedies that can help alleviate neck stiffness.


Why Chiropractic Works In Relieving Joint Pain El Paso, Texas

Cold and heat therapy

Cold therapy reduces the swelling of soft tissues, like muscles and ligaments, while heat soothes the tightness by boosting blood circulation to the affected area. There are different products available that can deliver cold or heat to the neck and upper back.

  • Apply ice for 15 minutes each hour.
  • Apply heat therapy like a heating pad for 15 minutes every 2 or 3 hours.


Over-the-counter anti-inflammation medicines

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve inflammation and pain.

Gentle neck stretches and exercises

Cervical stretches and exercises can:

  • Ease muscular tension
  • Muscle spasms
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Improve neck flexibility
  • Improve range of motion


Because neck stiffness can be linked to lifestyle choices, individuals may find that they occur repeatedly. Simple neck stretches, chiropractic treatment, using a supportive pillow, and taking frequent breaks at your job can help prevent neck stiffness and keep you moving. These professionals have undergone extensive training in their field and are capable of treating neck pain effectively. So if you or a loved one are experiencing neck pain, give us a call. We�re ready to help!


Neck Pain Chiropractic



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