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Discover the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Pain Relief

Discover the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Pain Relief

For individuals suffering from neck pain and headaches, can craniosacral head massage therapy help provide relief?

Discover the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Pain Relief

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle massage to release fascia or connective tissue network tension. The therapy is not new but has gained new attention because of the public interest in natural pain treatments and therapies. Studies are limited, but clinical research is ongoing to see if the therapy can become a mainstream treatment option. The therapy aims to alleviate the symptoms of various health ailments and conditions, including:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome – CRPS
  • By relieving compression in the lower back, head, and spinal column, cerebrospinal fluid circulation is restored, and the body rhythms within the nervous system are reset. This provides pain relief, lowers stress, and improves overall well-being.

Massage Objectives

Several conditions and ailments said to benefit from craniosacral therapy include (Heidemarie Haller et al., 2019) (Heidemarie Haller, Gustav Dobos, and Holger Cramer, 2021)

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Stress-related disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Tinnitus – ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness
  • Infantile colic
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Therapy to relieve cancer treatment side effects.

The focus areas are those along the fascia, the connective tissue that holds organs, blood vessels, bones, nerve fibers, and muscles in place. By working this tissue through gentle-pressure massage, practitioners help to calm the fight-or-flight response by relaxing the sympathetic nervous system. The symptoms will determine what areas of the body necessitate craniosacral therapy. Individuals with headaches will be given a head or neck massage. Other areas involved in craniosacral therapy include: (Heidemarie Haller, Gustav Dobos, and Holger Cramer, 2021)

  • Back
  • Around the spinal column.
  • Other areas like the joints or muscles.
  • The pressure applied during craniosacral therapy is light and not the same as a deep tissue massage.
  • Light pressure is applied over the affected fascial tissue to help reset certain body rhythms that could play a role in pain and other symptoms. (Heidemarie Haller, Gustav Dobos, and Holger Cramer, 2021)

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System

  • The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems control various body responses.
  • The parasympathetic nervous system supports proper rest and digestive functions, and the sympathetic nervous system regulates the body’s fight-or-flight response. (Cleveland Clinic. 2022)

Therapy Techniques

The massage techniques used in craniosacral therapy rely on low pressure intended to be as gentle as possible. The fingertips are often used to avoid applying too much pressure. Healthcare providers work the areas between the skull and the bottom of the spine to identify and reset imbalances within the body and the cerebrospinal fluid. If there is an imbalance in cerebrospinal fluid, the massage therapist will reposition the individual or press on the area to release and/or increase circulation. The techniques work to improve the body’s ability to regulate physiological responses. (Heidemarie Haller et al., 2019) During and after the session, individuals may experience different sensations, including: (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, 2024)

  • Relaxation.
  • Feeling like being in a meditative state.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Energized.
  • Feeling a sense of warmth.
  • Deeper breathing.
  • Feeling the body is straighter and taller.

Individuals Who Should Not Receive Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is considered safe; however, some individuals should avoid it or consult a healthcare provider before trying it. Those recommended not to receive the treatment include individuals with the following ailments or disorders:

  • Concussion or other traumatic brain injuries.
  • Blood clots.
  • Brain swelling.
  • Brain aneurysm – a blood-filled bulge in a blood vessel in or around the brain.
  • Conditions that cause cerebrospinal fluid buildup.


Craniosacral therapy is offered by several healthcare providers, including:

  • Craniosacral therapy licensed massage therapists
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors

These professionals know how to perform the massage technique correctly.

Tension Headaches


Haller, H., Lauche, R., Sundberg, T., Dobos, G., & Cramer, H. (2019). Craniosacral therapy for chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 21(1), 1.

Haller, H., Dobos, G., & Cramer, H. (2021). The use and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in primary health care: A prospective cohort study. Complementary therapies in medicine, 58, 102702.

Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) (Health Library, Issue.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America. (2024). What is a session like?

The Splenius Capitis: How it Works and How to Maintain it

The Splenius Capitis: How it Works and How to Maintain it

For individuals dealing with neck or arm pain and migraine headache symptoms it could be a splenius capitis muscle injury. Can knowing the causes and symptoms help healthcare providers develop an effective treatment plan?

The Splenius Capitis: How it Works and How to Maintain it

Splenius Capitis Muscles

The splenius capitis is a deep muscle located on the upper back. Along with the splenius cervicis, it comprises the superficial layer – one of the three – of intrinsic back muscles. The splenius capitis works with the splenius cervicis, a smaller muscle located below it, to help rotate the neck and lower the chin to the chest, known as flexing. Maintaining a healthy posture is important because it helps keep the head in a neutral position.

  • Starting at the midline of the spine at C3 to T3, the splenius capitis spans the levels between the 7th cervical vertebra to the 3rd or 4th thoracic vertebrae, which varies for different individuals.
  • The muscle inserts at the nuchal ligament, which is a strong ligament of the neck.
  • The splenius capitis muscle angles up and out, attaching to the skull.
  • The splenius capitis and cervicis cover the vertical paraspinals, which are deeper and comprise the intermediate layer of the intrinsic back muscles.
  • The splenius muscles look like a bandage for the paraspinals and the vertical muscles that comprise the deepest layer.
  • The splenius muscles hold these deeper layers in the correct position.
  • These muscles start at the center of the spine and together form a V shape.
  • The sides of the V are thick, and the central indentation is shallow.


It’s common for individuals to experience pain associated with injury to the splenius capitis. This type of pain is known as splenius capitis syndrome. (Ernest E, Ernest M. 2011)


A headache stemming from injury often mimics a migraine headache. Symptoms of splenius capitis syndrome include: (Ernest E, Ernest M. 2011)

  • Neck pain
  • Arm pain
  • Pain at the back of the head
  • Headache at the temples
  • Pressure behind the eye
  • Pain behind, above, or under the eye
  • Sensitivity to light


Injury to the splenius capitis can result from: (Ernest E, Ernest M. 2011)

  • Unhealthy posture for prolonged periods
  • Constantly flexing or rotating the neck
  • Sleeping in awkward positions
  • Falling injuries
  • Automobile collision
  • Sports injuries


It’s recommended to contact a healthcare provider if experiencing symptoms that interfere with daily activities or quality of life. A healthcare provider will:

  • Review the individual’s medical history
  • Ask questions about the injury
  • Perform a physical exam (Ernest E, Ernest M. 2011)

Treatment protocols and approaches to relieve symptoms and restore function can involve one or a combination of treatments that include:

  • Ice and heat applications
  • Physical therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Chiropractic realignment
  • Non-surgical decompression
  • Acupuncture
  • Neck stretches
  • Pain medication (short-term)
  • Injections
  • Minimally invasive surgery

Neck Injuries


Ernest E, Ernest M. Practical Pain Management. (2011). Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome.

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Individuals experiencing headaches on top of the head could be caused by different factors. Can recognizing what triggers pain or pressure help prevent this type of headache, and healthcare providers develop effective treatment plans?

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Headache On Top of The Head

Various factors could cause a headache on top of the head; common causes include:

  • Stress
  • Sleep problems
  • Eye strain
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Dental problems
  • Hormonal changes
  • Alcohol consumption


Many causes have to do with underlying issues happening in other parts of the body.


  • Stress is a common cause of headaches, including one on top of the head.
  • Researchers don’t know exactly how stress causes headaches, but they think it causes tightening of the muscles in the back of the head or neck, which
  • pulls the tissues down, resulting in pain or pressure in the scalp and/or forehead area.
  • These are also called tension headaches.
  • Headaches caused by stress generally feel like dull pressure rather than throbbing pain.

Sleep Problems

  • Not getting enough sleep can induce a headache on top of the head.
  • When the mind and body do not get proper sleep, it can interfere with body functions like temperature, hunger, and sleep-wake cycles, which can lead to headaches.
  • It is common to feel more stressed when sleep-deprived, which can cause or compound a headache and other symptoms.

Eye Strain

  • You may develop a headache on the top of your head after you’ve been reading, watching, or otherwise focusing on something for a while.
  • Over time, your eye muscles tire and have to work harder, causing them to contract.
  • These spasms can lead to headaches. Squinting can make the muscle contractions even worse.

Caffeine Withdrawl

  • Individuals may feel pain on the top of their heads if they skip their regular coffee.
  • Regular caffeine consumption can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms, which include headaches when intake is reduced or stopped.
  • This type of headache can be moderate to severe and can feel worse with activity.
  • Most individuals start to feel better from caffeine withdrawal after a week. (World Health Organization. 2016)

Dental Problems

  • Teeth issues like cracks, cavities, or impaction can irritate the trigeminal nerve, setting off head pain.
  • Teeth grinding can also lead to headaches.

Hormonal Changes

  • Individuals who have a low level of thyroid hormone may experience headaches.
  • This could be from having too little thyroid or a symptom of the condition.
  • Like stress-induced headaches, this type is generally dull and not throbbing.
  • Some women may feel pain on the top of their heads before menstruation triggered by estrogen levels dropping.


  • Some individuals develop a headache on the top of their head or elsewhere within a few hours after drinking alcohol.
  • This is known as a cocktail headache.
  • Alcohol-induced headaches usually resolve within 72 hours.
  • The mechanism behind this headache is not fully researched, but it’s been thought that the widening of blood vessels in the brain/vasodilation when consuming alcohol may trigger head pain.
  • This type of headache is different than a hangover headache that comes from overconsumption and is based on dehydration and the toxic effects of alcohol. (J G Wiese, M. G. Shlipak, W. S. Browner. 2000)

Rare Causes

Top-of-the-head pain can also result from more serious and rare causes:

Brain Tumor

  • Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of brain tumors.
  • A headache on the top of the head depends on the location and size of the tumor. (MedlinePlus. 2021)

Brain Aneurysm

  • This is a weak or thin area in a brain artery that bulges and fills with blood, which can cause a life-threatening rupture.
  • Headaches are the most common symptom. (Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 2023)

Brain Bleed

  • Also known as a brain hemorrhage, this condition can cause intensely painful and quick headaches.
  • Brain bleeds can be caused by head trauma, high blood pressure, an aneurysm, a bleeding disorder, or liver disease. (New York-Presbyterian. 2023)


Treatment for reducing a headache on top of the head includes:

  • Putting an ice bag over the area to reduce inflammation.
  • Getting an eye examination.
  • Making healthy lifestyle adjustments like drinking more water throughout the day.
  • Less caffeine intake.
  • Changing sleep patterns for a healthier, rested mind and body.
  • Taking a therapeutic bath to relax the body.
  • Gentle exercises like walking, pilates, or yoga.
  • Practicing deep breathing.
  • Mindfulness exercises like meditation.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or NSAIDs like aspirin, Advil/ibuprofen), or Aleve/naproxen.

Depending on the cause and symptoms, a doctor may suggest specialist treatment options like:

  • Physical therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Chiropractic therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Prescription medication

A medical professional will be able to help identify the type of headache being experienced, offer treatment options, and advise on how to manage triggers.

Neck Injuries, El Paso, Texas


World Health Organization. (2016) Headache disorders.

Wiese, J. G., Shlipak, M. G., & Browner, W. S. (2000). The alcohol hangover. Annals of internal medicine, 132(11), 897–902.

MedlinePlus. (2021) Brain tumor.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital. (2023) Brain aneurysm.

New York-Presbyterian. (2023) Brain hemorrhage.

The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

Individuals that sit at a desk/workstation for hours for work or school, or drive for a living, could be fostering a long-term condition known as forward head posture. Can understanding the signs and symptoms help to prevent the condition?

The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

Forward Head Posture

Neck pain often causes or is caused by misalignment in the area between the shoulders and head. Forward head posture is a common problem that can strain the neck muscles, leading to pain and worsening neck, shoulder, and back posture. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012) For individuals who are at risk of developing or are already showing signs/symptoms, it’s important to get medical attention to prevent complications, such as chronic neck pain or compressing a nerve. Individuals can continue to do the work that they need to do but may need some postural adjustments and re-training so as not to continue straining the neck while working.

Postural Deviation

  • The head is in a healthy alignment with the neck when the ears line up with the gravity line.
  • The gravity line is an imaginary straight line that represents gravity’s downward pull.
  • It is used in posture assessments as a reference for noting the positions of the body and determining the presence of any postural misalignment or deviation.
  • A forward head posture occurs when the head begins to position forward of the gravity line when looking at the body from the side.
  • Forward head posture is a postural deviation because the head varies from the reference line. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012)

Muscle Imbalances

  • Forward head posture often results in a strength imbalance between muscles that support and move your neck, shoulders, and head. (Dae-Hyun Kim, et al., 2018)
  • The muscles in the back of the neck become shortened and overactive as they flex forward, while the muscles in the front become lengthened, weaker, and strained when they relax.


Kyphosis also known as hunchback is when the shoulders round forward, and the head is also brought forward. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012) After many hours sitting at a desk, computer, or driving, kyphosis can also cause and/or worsen forward head posture.

  • This occurs because the upper back area supports the neck and head.
  • When the upper back moves or changes position, the head and neck follow.
  • The majority of the head’s weight is in the front, and this contributes to the forward movement.
  • An individual with kyphosis has to lift their head to see.


A chiropractic injury specialist team can develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve pain symptoms, provide postural retraining, realign the spine, and restore mobility and function.

  • Standing and sitting using a healthy posture, along with exercises to strengthen the neck muscles, can help get the spine in alignment. (Elżbieta Szczygieł, et al., 2019)
  • Targeted stretching can help if the neck muscles are tight.
  • At-home stretches may also relieve pain

Risk Factors

Pretty much everyone is at risk of developing a forward head posture. Common risk factors include:

  • Constantly looking down at a phone and staying in this position for a long time aka text neck.
  • Desk jobs and computer use can significantly round the shoulders and upper back, leading to a forward head posture. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012)
  • Driving for a living causes prolonged back, neck, and shoulder positioning.
  • Sleeping or reading with a large pillow under the head can contribute to forward head posture.
  • Doing work that requires dexterity and close-up positions, like a seamstress or technician can cause over-positioning of the neck.
  • Individuals who regularly carry a significant amount of weight in front of their body may begin to develop kyphosis.
  • An example is carrying a child or another load in front of the body.
  • Large breasts can also increase the risk of kyphosis and forward head posture.

Neck Injuries


Kang, J. H., Park, R. Y., Lee, S. J., Kim, J. Y., Yoon, S. R., & Jung, K. I. (2012). The effect of the forward head posture on postural balance in long time computer based worker. Annals of rehabilitation medicine, 36(1), 98–104.

Kim, D. H., Kim, C. J., & Son, S. M. (2018). Neck Pain in Adults with Forward Head Posture: Effects of Craniovertebral Angle and Cervical Range of Motion. Osong public health and research perspectives, 9(6), 309–313.

Szczygieł, E., Sieradzki, B., Masłoń, A., Golec, J., Czechowska, D., Węglarz, K., Szczygieł, R., & Golec, E. (2019). Assessing the impact of certain exercises on the spatial head posture. International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health, 32(1), 43–51.

Hansraj K. K. (2014). Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head. Surgical technology international, 25, 277–279.

Head Pressure

Head Pressure

Can chiropractic treatment protocols diagnose what’s causing head pressure in individuals, and provide effective treatment?

Head Pressure

Head Pressure

Head pressure can have various causes and symptoms that affect different areas depending on whether the cause is a headache, allergies, injury, illness, or disease. The location of the pressure or pain can help a doctor of chiropractic determine the cause.

  • The underlying factor is usually not life-threatening, but the pressure that has built can be the result of serious conditions like a head injury or brain tumor.
  • Chiropractic ​care, which includes a combination of spinal manipulation, active and passive exercises, and massage, is often used for headache management and prevention. (Moore Craig, et al., 2018)
  • Chiropractic therapy is often sought out for tension and cervicogenic headaches, migraines, and each responds differently to the treatment.

The Head

  • The head is made up of a complex system of lobes, sinuses/channels, blood vessels, nerves, and ventricles. (Thau L, et al., 2022)
  • The pressure of these systems is regulated and any disruption to this balance can be noticeable.
  • Diagnosis can be difficult to figure out what is causing discomfort or head pressure.
  • Pain, pressure, irritability, and nausea are all symptoms that can occur with headaches. (Rizzoli P, Mullally W. 2017)


  • Head pressure in more than one spot is possible with a migraine or a severe cold. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)
  • Pain can present in more than one area if there has been a head injury.
  • If the pressure is more specific in a certain region, it can help provide clues about the cause of the symptoms.
  • Medical issues can cause pressure in different areas. (Rizzoli P, Mullally W. 2017)
  • An example is a sinus infection which can cause pressure under the eyes and around the nose.
  • A migraine or tension headache can present as: (MedlinePlus. Migraine 2021)
  • A tight band around the head.
  • Pain or pressure behind the eyes.
  • Stiffness and pressure in the back of the head and/or neck.

Causes of Pressure

The root cause of the problem is not always clear. There can be a number of potential causes.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common that feels like pressure squeezing the head. They usually develop because of tightening scalp muscles caused by:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Head injuries
  • Unusual positioning of the head or illness can cause tension headaches.

Other than muscle tension, tension headaches can develop from: (MedlinePlus. Tension headache.)

  • Physical stress
  • Emotional stress
  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue
  • Overexertion
  • Overuse of caffeine
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Over alcohol use
  • Sinus infections
  • A cold or flu
  • Smoking
  • Tension headaches can also run in families. (MedlinePlus. Tension headache.)

Sinus Headache

  • A sinus headache – rhinosinusitis – is caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the sinus cavities. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)
  • There are sinus cavities on each side of the nose, between the eyes, in the cheeks, and on the forehead.
  • The location of where these headaches cause pressure varies, depending on which sinuses are infected. (Cedars Sinai. Sinus Conditions and Treatments)
  • Sinus infection headaches are obvious from the discolored nasal drainage.
  • Individuals can have facial pain and pressure, lose their sense of smell, or have a fever. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)

Ear Conditions

  • The ears help the body sense movement and balance.
  • A problem in the inner ear that helps control balance can cause a type of migraine known as a vestibular migraine. (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
  • This type of migraine doesn’t always present with pain symptoms.
  • Problems with balance and feelings of vertigo/sense of spinning are common with these types of migraines. (American Migraine Foundation)
  • An ear infection can also cause feelings of head pressure and/or pain.
  • Infections can cause pressure to build on the delicate structures of the middle and inner ear.
  • These infections are usually caused by viral illness or bacteria. (

Neurological Causes

  • Neurological diseases and conditions can lead to increased pressure in the head.
  • The pain symptoms depend on the specific cause.
  • For example, a stroke can affect the whole head, while decreased brain fluid levels may affect just the base of the skull.
  • The latter condition is known as intracranial hypertension which means increased pressure in the brain. (Schizodimos, T et al., 2020)
  • For some individuals, there is no clear cause, this is known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension. (Wall, Michael. 2017) (National Health Service 2023)

Other causes of increased intracranial pressure include:


  • Head pressure can also occur only at times when standing up, bending down to pick up an object, or otherwise changing posture in some way that blood pressure is affected.

Chiropractic Treatment

The Injury Medical team will develop a personalized treatment plan to help relieve pressure symptoms through a multidisciplinary approach that can include. (Moore Craig, et al., 2018)

  • Spinal manipulation
  • Low-load craniocervical mobilization
  • Joint mobilization
  • Decompression
  • Deep neck flexion exercises
  • Neuromuscular massage
  • Physical therapy exercises
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Stress management
  • Nutritional recommendations

Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment


Moore, C., Leaver, A., Sibbritt, D., & Adams, J. (2018). The management of common recurrent headaches by chiropractors: a descriptive analysis of a nationally representative survey. BMC neurology, 18(1), 171.

Thau, L., Reddy, V., & Singh, P. (2022). Anatomy, Central Nervous System. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Rizzoli, P., & Mullally, W. J. (2018). Headache. The American journal of medicine, 131(1), 17–24.

American Migraine Foundation. Is it a migraine or a sinus headache?

MedlinePlus. Migraine.

MedlinePlus. Tension headache.

Cedars Sinai. Sinus conditions and treatments.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dizziness and balance.

American Migraine Foundation. What to know about vestibular migraine. Ear infection.

Schizodimos, T., Soulountsi, V., Iasonidou, C., & Kapravelos, N. (2020). An overview of the management of intracranial hypertension in the intensive care unit. Journal of Anesthesia, 34(5), 741–757.

Wall M. (2017). Update on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Neurologic Clinics, 35(1), 45–57.

National Health Service. Intracranial hypertension.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Hydrocephalus.

Headache Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Headache Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Headaches are a common condition that most experience and can differ greatly regarding type, severity, location, and frequency. Headaches range from mild discomfort to constant dull or sharp pressure and severe throbbing pain. A headache chiropractor, through therapeutic massage, decompression, and adjustments, alleviates the headaches, whether tension, migraine, or cluster, releasing the tension and restoring normal function.

Headache ChiropractorHeadache Chiropractor

Ninety-five percent of headaches are primary headaches caused by overactivity, muscle tension, or problems with pain-sensitive structures in the head. These are not a symptom of an underlying disease and include tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. The other 5 percent of headaches are secondary and are caused by an underlying condition, infection, or physical issue. Headaches have various causes or triggers. These include:

  • Long hours driving
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Blood sugar changes
  • Foods
  • Smells
  • Noises
  • Lights
  • Excessive exercise or physical activity

Individuals spend more hours in one fixed position or posture, like sitting in front of a computer or standing at a workstation. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the upper back, neck, and scalp, causing achiness and discomfort that builds up to throbbing soreness. The headache’s location and the discomfort experienced can indicate the type of headache.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are experts in the neuromusculoskeletal system. Research shows that a headache chiropractor can adjust the spine’s alignment to improve spinal function, release and relax the tense muscles, and alleviate nervous system stress helping decrease the intensity and frequency. Treatment includes:

  • Therapeutic massage
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Spinal decompression
  • Postural training
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Body analysis
  • Professional nutritionist recommendations

The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team will develop a personalized treatment plan for the individual’s specific condition and needs.

Migraine Treatment


Biondi, David M. “Physical treatments for headache: a structured review.” Headache vol. 45,6 (2005): 738-46. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2005.05141.x

Bronfort, G et al. “Efficacy of spinal manipulation for chronic headache: a systematic review.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 24,7 (2001): 457-66.

Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Côté, Pierre, et al. “Non-pharmacological management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain: A clinical practice guideline from the Ontario Protocol for traffic injury management (OPTIMa) collaboration.” European journal of pain (London, England) vol. 23,6 (2019): 1051-1070. doi:10.1002/ejp.1374

Myofascial Trigger Pain On The Occipitofrontalis Muscle

Myofascial Trigger Pain On The Occipitofrontalis Muscle


Having headaches can affect anyone at any time, and various issues (both underlying and non-underlying) can play a part in the development. Factors like stress, allergiestraumatic events, or anxiety can trigger the causes of headaches to develop and can affect a person’s day-to-day schedule. Headaches can come in various forms and be the cause or symptom of other conditions. Many complain about headaches affecting their forehead, where the occipitofrontalis muscle resides, and explain to their doctors about a dull ache affecting them. To that point, the cause of the headache could affect them differently. Today’s article examines the occipitofrontalis muscle, how myofascial trigger pain affects this muscle, and ways to manage myofascial trigger pain associated with headaches. We refer patients to certified providers who specialize in musculoskeletal treatments to aid individuals suffering from myofascial trigger pain associated with headache symptoms affecting the occipitofrontalis muscle. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure to find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer

What Is The Occipitofrontalis Muscle?

Have you been experiencing unexplainable headaches that seem to affect your daily life? Do you feel muscle tension in your head or neck? Or do certain areas in your upper body seem tender to the touch? Many individuals suffer from headaches, and it could be due to myofascial trigger pain associated with the occipitofrontalis muscle. The occipitofrontalis muscle surprisingly plays an important part in the facial muscles. The occipitofrontalis muscle is the only muscle that can raise eyebrows, convey emotions, and provide non-verbal communication as part of its functionality to the head. The occipitofrontalis muscle has two different sections in the head that play different roles. Studies reveal that the occipital and frontal bellies have other actions but work together despite being connected to the galea aponeurotica. However, like all muscles in different body sections, various factors can affect the muscles to become tender and form multiple symptoms associated with pain.


How Does Myofascial Trigger Pain Affect The Occipitofrontalis?

When various factors begin to affect the occipitofrontalis muscle, it could potentially be at risk of developing myofascial trigger pain associated with headaches in the muscle. Studies reveal that myofascial trigger pain is a musculoskeletal disorder associated with muscle pain and tenderness that can be identified as latent or active. When the occipitofrontalis is affected by myofascial pain, it could potentially lead to tension-type headaches as a symptom. Studies reveal that headaches, especially tension headaches, are associated with trigger points in the head and neck muscles. Myofascial pain occurs when the muscles become overused and sensitive to the touch. The affected muscle then develops small nodules along the muscle fibers and can cause referred pain in a different body section. To that point, the affected muscle becomes hypersensitive due to an excess of nociceptive inputs from the peripheral nervous system, thus eliciting referred pain or muscle contraction. When this happens to the individual, they experience constant, throbbing pain in their forehead and try to find relief to diminish the pain.

Myofascial Exercises For Headaches-Video

Have you been feeling tension and pain in your neck or head? Do headaches seem to affect your daily activities? Does the slightest pressure seem to cause you pain in your muscles? Experiencing these symptoms may be a sign that you may have myofascial trigger pain associated with the head and neck that is causing headache-like pain along the occipitofrontalis muscle. The video above demonstrates various stretching exercises for headaches and migraines associated with myofascial trigger pain. Myofascial trigger pain associated with headaches can cause overlapping issues in the upper extremities of the body since myofascial trigger pain can mimic other conditions that affect the head and neck muscles. Known as referred pain, the underlying cause of pain affects a different body part than the actual location. Luckily, there are ways to manage myofascial trigger pain associated with headaches along the occipitofrontalis muscle.

How To Manage Myofascial Trigger Pain Associated With Headaches


There are many ways to manage headache symptoms associated with myofascial trigger pain along the occipitofrontalis muscle. Many people will take over-the-counter medicine to dull the pain, while others use a cold/hot pack to be placed on their forehead to relieve the tension caused by the headache. Those experiencing trigger point pain along the affected muscles that are not responding to the at-home treatments will go to a specialist that uses various techniques to manage myofascial trigger pain associated with headaches. Studies reveal that manual trigger point therapies for the head and neck may reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of various headaches affecting the occipitofrontalis muscle. Other treatments that help manage myofascial pain associated with the occipitofrontal muscle include:

  • Chiropractic care: Spinal misalignment or spinal subluxation in the cervical spine can potentially lead to the development of myofascial trigger pain associated with muscle pain
  • Acupuncture: Dry needles are placed on the trigger points associated with the affected muscle to relieve pain
  • Hot/cold compress: Ice or heat packs are placed on the affected muscle to relieve tension.
  • Massage therapy: Deep tissue massage can relieve the inflamed area, reduce pain, and prevent trigger points from reemerging.

Utilizing these treatments can help prevent myofascial pain and manage headache symptoms associated with the muscle.



Headaches can affect anyone, and various issues can affect their development. Whether it is an underlying or non-underlying cause, multiple problems can trigger a headache to form and cause a dull ache in the affected muscle. One of the most common forms of headaches occurs in the occipitofrontalis muscle located in the forehead and near the base of the skull. The occipitofrontalis muscle is the only muscle that controls eyebrow movement, conveys emotions, and provides non-verbal communication as part of head functionality. However, like all muscles, the occipitofrontalis can become affected and potentially risk developing myofascial trigger pain. When this happens, the occipitofrontalis could develop tension-type headaches associated with myofascial trigger pain. Luckily available treatments are there to manage myofascial trigger pain associated with the occipitofrontalis muscle and alleviate headaches from the affected muscle.



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