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Back Clinic was founded in 2007 as Goojet, a widget platform for mobile phones, by Guillaume Decugis and Marc Rougier. Following the rapid rise of the Apple App Store which made its widget technology redundant, the company changed its strategy to focus on content marketing and rebranded as The company launched its current content curation service in private beta at the end of 2010. Before opening to all users as a free service in November 2011.

The website enables its users to discover content on their topics of interest that they can curate and publish to their own web page and share to their social networks. received attention from influential bloggers who had identified a need for web content curation. The website rapidly grew in popularity, being ranked by Alexa among the top 1,000 websites globally in 2012, and as of July 2013, it had been visited by more than 75 million people according to VentureBeat. also ranked among the top 50 marketing technology companies in the world. Dr. Jimenez utilizes this platform to further his mission to help those in pain. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Blood Markers Could Accurately Detect Concussion

Blood Markers Could Accurately Detect Concussion

A new, unique test has been designed where it has the ability to search for more than 100 markers which could indicate the presence of a concussion, according to the authors of the research. In previous years, researchers looked for a single marker in the blood to indicate whether an individual had suffered a concussion or not.

“We were pleasantly surprised when we looked at the pattern of metabolites (or markers) and we could identify people who were injured with no other information at a greater than 90 percent certainty,” stated lead researcher Dr. Douglas Fraser, a consultant in pediatric critical care medicine at the Children’s Health Research Institute in London, Ontario.

During the research study, Dr. Fraser and his colleagues examined 29 teen hockey players for markers of concussion. Of these individuals, some had experienced head injuries while others had not. Regardless, everyone involved in the study was convinced of the test’s abilities.

“It might have potential for diagnosis of concussion but these are preliminary results with only 29 patients,” stated Dr. John Kuluz, director of traumatic brain injury and neuro-rehabilitation at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami. According to Dr. Kuluz, the test must first be validated in a lot more patients before its effectiveness can be determined.

Blood Markers Could Accurately Detect Concussion

Additionally, he stated how this type of testing isn’t necessary to utilize often. “There are only a small number of patients where the diagnosis is in doubt,” declared Dr. Kuluz. “However, in those cases, such a test could be helpful,” he noted.

Because properly diagnosing the presence of a concussion heavily relies on the observation of specific symptoms,such as dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, nausea and other overt complications, it can often be challenging to distinguish an individual’s cause of injury. In the same manner, it is similarly difficult to accurately determine when an individual has fully recovered from a concussion and if they can return to their regular activities.

“People have been searching for one or two proteins floating around in the blood which are released from the brains after experiencing an injury,” stated Dr. Fraser. “But that approach hasn’t yielded great results, probably because every patient is different and every injury is different. Therefore, it’s probably a little naive to believe one or two proteins are going to give us the answer we need,” he concluded.

The team of researchers narrowed down 174 markers to approximately between 20 to 40 specific ones which could diagnose a concussion with an accuracy of more than 90 percent.

Foremost, to accurately diagnose a concussion through this process, the blood must be tested within 72 hours after the individual has experienced a head injury. The report was published in the October 2016 issue of the journal Metabolomics.

The test was developed in hopes that it could be a widely available and inexpensive procedure to be utilized in emergency rooms. Furthermore, the test could be used to evaluate the individual’s healing process. According to Dr. Fraser, he quoted, “It looks like these patterns remain abnormal for up to three months at a time. There is a potential that following the profile for a period of time can reveal accurate information pertaining to the healing process.”

The researchers have tested the accuracy of the test in other groups, such as the military, to determine whether it functions equally in adults as it does in teens. They have also developed a machine which can run the test quickly using a single drop of blood.

The research study was funded by the Children�s Health Foundation in Canada. The authors have filed a patent application for their test.

The Importance of Concussion Testing



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A concussion can occur as a result of a traumatic sports injury or due to any other blow to the head. While several symptoms could indicate the presence of a concussion, symptoms can manifest differently for each individual, making it difficult to accurately determine the presence of a head injury. With the development of a new test, a concussion could be diagnosed using a single drop of blood.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Flu Shot Achieves Biggest Payout for Vaccine Injuries

Flu Shot Achieves Biggest Payout for Vaccine Injuries

Ronnie Reagan� almost 30 years ago to the day, the 40th president of the United States�signed away the rights�of Americans to sue vaccine makers, replacing them with a law that forces families who have suffered vaccine injury or death to sue the U.S. government instead of a pharmaceutical company.

As a result,�special masters�from the�United States Special Claims Court,�also known for our purposes as the vaccine court, are given full authority as judge with no jury to decide the fate of Americans who have had the unfortunate �luck� to be stricken by a vaccine injury � which can range from chronic, mild symptoms to death.

Once a year, this non-traditional court provides the public with a glimpse into its inner workings, by issuing an�annual report on its website�� a ritual that happens every January.� The report is sent to the President of Congress, otherwise known as the Vice President of the United States, where it is intended to serve as a bell weather monitoring reactions the American public may be having to vaccinations that are increasingly becoming forced by government mandates around the country.

However, the report, which is consistently ignored by mainstream media/politicians/health officials and the CDC,�lies dormant on the reports page of the U.S. Special Claims Court website. While it is most definitely at the very least a deterrent from having anybody actually sit down and analyze the report, the circle of doctors did and they found several things.

Here’s what was discovered in the thorough examination of the report:

  1. Vaccine court settlement payouts�increased in total $91.2 million in 2015, up from $22.8 million in 2014 to $114 million in 2015 � a 400% increase.
  2. Vaccine court settlement payments for flu shots increased the most, from $4.9 million in 2014 to $61 million in 2015 �� an increase of more than 1000%, despite autumnal onslaughts every year of media/pr/advertising campaigns urging Americans to �get your flu shot,� with total abandon for the statistical facts coming out of the vaccine court.
  3. Varicella (chicken pox) had the third biggest increase � from $0 in 2014 to�$5.8 million in 2015.� (No surprise shingles is on the rise among the elderly population, as recently vaccinated grandchildren continuously shed live virus to their unsuspecting elders.)
  4. Hepatitis B was the fourth largest increase in vaccine court settlements, increasing 321% in 2015 to more than $8 million in 2015 from $1.9 million in 2014.
  5. TDap/DTP/DPT and D/T shots were the fifth largest increase, leaping 75% in 2014 from $5.5 million to $9.8.

Vaccine Court Statistics

The rest of the settlements not pictured here are:�Tetanus, $4 million; HPV $3.4 million, up from almost nothing in 2014 (one to watch in January when the 2016 report is issued); MMR, which actually decreased from the number one position last year to under $1 m � an 88%+�decrease�in payouts; pertussis, $1.7 million; thimerisol $1.5 million; HIB, $345k, menginococal $500k, HEP A $408k, DPT & Polio, $210k & rotovirus $76k.

You may have noticed we omitted the second place winner, �other.�� Here�s why.

In 2015, the �other� category was the second largest increase in vaccine settlement payments, totaling $21.5 million in payouts, up 388% from $4.4 million in payouts the year before.

Also, a hand full of settlements in the payout are based on annuities � that means that the payouts (many of which total more than $1 million) reoccur annually.� That�s because life as they knew it for some plaintiffs disappeared after their vaccine injury occurred, and the costs to care for them in perpetuity for the life of the plaintiff requires an annual sum that is often extensive. Share far and wide people, it�s time to turn the tide.

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The U.S. Special Claims Court was assigned to settle legal cases involving vaccine injuries, issuing an extensive collective report of these for anyone who wishes to analyze it. However, after conducting a full breakdown of each case in the report, the statistics of vaccine injuries over the years was demonstrated to have indeed increased tremendously.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

As our bodies age, it becomes more and more important to stay healthy and active. While bones and muscles may weaken, it is still possible to be out and about and doing the things we love. Many senior citizens face chronic pain or other issues related to the body deteriorating over time. Luckily, chiropractic care has been to shown to have multiple benefits for the elderly, from increased mobility to decreased risk of falls and other injuries.

Some seniors may be concerned about receiving spinal manipulation due to the delicate nature of their bodies. However, chiropractic doctors have been specially trained to treat the sensitive needs of the elderly in a safe and effective way. The first step is to examine the spine in order to find any vertebrae that are out of place. These subluxations can lead to many problems, from pain due to the misalignment to immune systems because of nerve blockage.

For seniors who are struggling with decreased mobility, chiropractic care has been show to help restore this deficit. Results will vary due to the nature of the patient�s individual needs. Some seniors may find themselves able to bend over again and play with grand-kids or garden. Others who enjoy golf may find an increase in their drive distance. These small improvements can lead to a large increase in overall quality of life for all patients. People with more severe mobility issues may be able to regain strength through a mix of chiropractic and physical therapy.

Many seniors also suffer from balance and coordination issues. These problems are often caused by previous injuries or degenerative changes in the cervical spine (the neck area). Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help to restore decreased coordination by stimulating joint receptors in the neck. This stimulation helps normalize joint receptor functioning, which controls balance and coordination.

In addition to the above issues, seniors also see chiropractors to find relief from chronic pain, decreased energy, and to avoid the need for additional cares. A recent study found that seniors who received chiropractic care were far more likely to remain in their homes versus seniors that did not receive care. Chiropractic can be a safe and effective way for seniors to stay healthy, active, and independent. Speak to your primary care doctor about how chiropractic can help you today!

Chiropractic Care for Seniors

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When a proper nutrition and physical activity has ensured a healthy aging process, the development of degeneration complications may still occur, however, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic is an alternative, treatment option which can be utilized by seniors to maintain a healthy body and overall wellness.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Participating in Physical Activity for Elderly Patients

Participating in Physical Activity for Elderly Patients

As people age, there are some physical changes taking place. Skin changes to become thinner and less elastic and wrinkles appear in greater numbers. We may lose out hair or it can change to shades of gray or white. These are processes that everyone who lives a long life will go through naturally. Barring cosmetic changes, we can’t control the aging of our looks much.

The good news is that we can control the aging of other body physical aspects such as posture and weight.

Other physical changes we face as we age include the following:

  • Body weight is usually less in late adulthood because we lose muscle tissue.
  • Muscle strength, along with mass, is reduced, causing loss of strength in the legs, arm, and other part of the body. In late adulthood the most apparent loss of strength is usually in the legs.
  • Bone loss, or loss of bone calcium, occurs. This will cause changes in the body that are visible. Bone loss is responsible for some weight loss and possibly a stooped posture. A decrease in bone density or osteoporosis may also result.
  • Other body functions slow down due to a loss of organ reserve.

The Importance of Exercise for the Elderly

Reducing the effects of physical changes due to aging is the major reason behind the importance of exercise for the elderly. Exercise is an important tool for improving a large part of the process. Research indicates that many factors can be improved with regular exercise. Benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Increased exercise and activities promote well-being and a sense of feeling younger. Feeling younger and more self-confident has been shown to promote good psychological health.
  • Exercise is often a social activity, which many experts believe contributes to a healthy state of mind and reduced depression. Exercising is a great way to spend time with friends either at the gym or on a walk at the park.
  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources has research that indicates exercising helps people in late adulthood avoid disabilities that may be caused by chronic disease and other illnesses.
  • Other studies show that exercise during late adulthood will help decrease the risk of diabetes and increase body function abilities.

Get Started With an Exercise Program

No matter what your age, if you want to begin exercising, the first place you need to stop is your doctor’s office. As a senior, it can be even more important to have a physical exam before starting an exercise program. Also, some medication use is affected by exercise, which your doctor can talk with you about.

There are also other special considerations. For example, it’s important to learn about stretch exercises for seniors because in late adulthood, it’s best to have a long stretching period before your exercise time and a proper cool-down. The best way is to warm up the body with light cardio activity for five minutes, stretch for about five minutes, then begin your exercise routine.

After discussing your exercise options with your doctor, narrow down your exercise plan to ideas you’ll be sure to use. Because of the importance of exercise for the elderly, choose an activity you’ll actually do. If you get dizzy on an exercise bike, switch to something else. If walking is boring to you, try swimming or even walking with a buddy-pairing up can make any activity seem more like fun and less like exercise.

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The body naturally begins to change with age, often causing the degeneration of bones and joints, as well as other structures. While this process is inevitable, physical activity can help slow down the changes and ensure they happen much more smoothly. Research has demonstrated how exercise can improve other factors of aging.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

How Age Impacts the Digestive System

How Age Impacts the Digestive System

As you grow older, individuals are more likely to suffer from indigestion, constipation and other ailments of the digestive system, mainly due to the fact that age can indeed affect the structures and their function. Although a natural process, several issues and conditions may develop as a result.

Sacramento gastroenterologist Roger Mendis, M.D., of Sutter Medical Foundation quoted this exact theory �Aging doesn�t necessarily mean you will start to have GI problems, but it definitely increases the odds that you might. Everything changes as our body ages, and some of those changes do impact your GI tract.� Because of this, the health of an individual’s digestive system is essential, and learning to identify these specific complications can be the first step for taking action.

Below are some of the reasons that problems with digestion might begin after the age of 60, even in healthy adults.

  1. Sluggish Metabolism
    A slower metabolism can trigger constipation. The work of the colon involves the coordinated contraction of smooth muscle in the gut. Activity level, diet, water intake and metabolism all play a role in digestive health. As we age, our metabolism may slow, as does our activity level, resulting in harder, drier stools that are more difficult to pass. Drinking more water, modest activity (walking) and incorporating fiber into the diet may be beneficial in maintaining healthy bowel habits.
  2. Susceptibility to Diverticulosis
    Almost half of older adults will have this condition, in which small pouches develop in the lining of the colon. Most adults remain symptom free, but these diverticula pouches can also cause constipation and discomfort. If the pouches become inflamed (diverticulitis), they can cause pain, fever and abdominal tenderness. Bleeding may occur in a minority of individuals.
  3. Seemingly Unrelated Conditions
    Health problems like diabetes or thyroid conditions can impact your metabolism and your digestive system, causing constipation or diarrhea. Diabetes may cause slowing of the stomach emptying or �gastroparesis.�
  4. Medications
    As we age, we are more likely to take medications for other conditions, such as heart disease or arthritis. Calcium channel blockers, often prescribed for heart conditions, can cause constipation. Pain relievers, particularly narcotic pain relievers, are well known to cause constipation. And aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) pain relievers, sold over-the-counter, can upset the stomach and cause GI bleeding.
  5. Being Overweight
    As your metabolism slows, it takes more effort to keep the pounds off. Increased weight can lead to increased acid reflux and heart burn, as abdominal fat pushes the stomach into the chest.
  6. Inactivity
    Painful arthritis can cause us to become more sedentary as we age, and that too can slow digestion. Your digestive system works best when you are active and mobile. If aging means you spend more time sitting and less time moving, your GI tract may become sluggish.
  7. Increased Sensitivity
    Aging may impact your �iron stomach.� While Dr. Mendis says it hard to pinpoint exactly why, older adults commonly find they can no longer tolerate the spicy foods, alcohol or coffee in the quantities they used to love. Complaints of being more �gassy,� more apt to have heartburn or dyspepsia are common, but generally not serious issues.

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While age can alter several functions of the body, most commonly slowing down the digestive system, not many individuals understand the impact aging can have on their overall health if they do not follow specific guidelines to maintain their function. When it comes to digestive health, it’s essential to be aware of the natural changes which affect the digestive system.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

How Aging Affects Digestive Health

How Aging Affects Digestive Health

Aging puts the body at higher risk for an assortment of health ailments and conditions.

With age, many bodily functions slow down, including your digestive tract, it just might not work as efficiently or as quickly as it used to. The muscles in the digestive tract become stiffer, weaker, and less efficient. Your tissues are also more likely to become damaged because new cells aren’t forming as quickly as they once did.As a result, digestive tract problems that can occur as people age.

It�s important that you to seek help for any digestive discomforts and not simply brush them off as part of aging.

Seniors may also have unusual symptoms of more serious digestive disorders that can easily be missed. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) tends to be more serious in seniors, but older adults may show less common reflux symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

The main reason that aging affects the digestive tract is that aging usually brings on other health conditions � and medication to deal with those conditions.

  • Diabetes and gastroparesis. “As people age, they get diabetes, and that can cause a lot of [movement] problems in the bowel,” says Francisco J. Marrero, MD, a gastroenterologist with the Digestive Health Center at Lake Charles Memorial Health System in Louisiana. “They also get gastroparesis � that’s probably the most significant effect of aging on the bowels.” Gastroparesisis a disorder in which food takes a long time to clear the stomach, resulting in many unpleasant symptoms. Gastroparesis tends to be more common in women, notes the American College of Gastroenterology, and causes frequent bloating and nausea.
  • Artery blockages. Dr. Marrero says blockages in older people are also very common. Blockages in arteries can affect blood flow to the bowels, a condition called intestinal ischemia, during which blood flow to the intestines decreases in a fashion similar to what happens with a heart attack. “More systemic problems that are more common with age are really the reason for digestive tract issues,� he explains.
  • Arthritis and hypertension. Many older people also take a variety of medications to manage chronic conditions like arthritis and high blood pressure, and the drugs used to treat both of those conditions can have digestive tract side effects.

“Older people tend to have more joint problems with arthritis and therefore may need medication to treat that,” Marrero says. “They are at increased risk of peptic ulcer disease when they take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], a fact often overlooked in people that are prescribed those medications.”

People taking over-the-counter NSAIDs for everyday aches and pains are also at risk of developing ulcers and other digestive tract problems. “They should always be on something to protect their stomachs,” Marrero recommends. Senior women, in particular, are more susceptible to developing an inflammation of the stomach called gastritis, which can result from frequent use of NSAIDs, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.

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As people age, it’s important to maintain a close overview of their health, as many of the functions of the body naturally change with time. From degeneration of the joints, among others, the function of the digestive tract may slow down, and it’s essential to be aware of its effects and what to do to ease these bodily functions.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

The aging process can cause a variety of conditions and health issues that mostly occur to the elderly. From chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, and other issues, as a person get older, many health complications can affect individuals, however, senior citizens have found that chiropractic provides some great benefits for the older demographic.

Improved Range of Motion

Regular chiropractic care has been shown to increase spinal range of motion as well as in the extremities. Limited range of motion can occur due to age or inactivity, sometimes a combination of the two.

An improved range of motion can allow elderly patients to actively engage with their environment. Increased range of motion is one of the most common and necessary benefits of chiropractic treatment.

Preventing Joint Degeneration

When there’s a spinal subluxation, or misalingment, it can cause other areas of the body to also become misaligned and compensation of movement can create further issues for these individuals. Additionally, this can result in an abnormal wearing down of the joints. Over time, the joints can degenerate, becoming painful, causing difficulty in mobility and flexibility.

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for decreasing the degeneration of the spine and even other joints. When the body is in proper alignment it no longer has to adapt through postural compensation. This reduces stress on the spine and joints while relieving pain and restoring mobility.

Symptoms Relief

Chiropractic has long been recognized for its effectiveness in providing drug-free pain relief for back pain to headaches and arthritis. While pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs only temporarily relieve the symptoms, chiropractic can treat the complication at the source and relieve the pain for good.

Spinal alignments and other chiropractic techniques help to relieve pain for a variety of issues, not just back and neck pain. What�s more, chiropractic does not have the undesirable, sometimes dangerous side effects that drugs can.

Increased Balance and Coordination

The aging process can have a significant impact on a person�s balance and coordination. This can have a variety of causes including degenerative changes to the spine, typically in the neck area. Injury to this area is another culprit.

There are special receptors that reside along the cervical spine in the rear of the joints. These receptors work to send vital messages to the brain regarding coordination and balance. When the spine and especially the neck are out of alignment, it can hinder how these receptors send and receive messages to the brain. The result is a condition called loss of proprioception, or sense of body awareness.

Elderly patients affected by this can be prone to falling, and such, can cause further issues for the individual.

Injuries from falling are one of the most common reasons elderly people visit emergency departments each year. Chiropractic can help realign the neck and spine, allowing the messages to move much easier, thus restoring balance and coordination.

Overall Health and Wellness

Proper spinal alignment can greatly benefit a person�s health, wellbeing, and even their mood. It allows them to become more active so they get exercise. They sleep better and have more energy.

An aligned spine also lets them more fully engage with their family, friends, and the world. They can get out and do things they were once unable to do and when they are active and happier the entire body benefits.

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With age come a variety of natural, wear-and-tear conditions and unfortunately sometimes injuries which can cause difficulties for older adults. However, chiropractic has been demonstrated to benefit elderly patients, helping to increase their range of motion, decreasing the degeneration of joints and relieving painful symptoms. among other benefits.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .