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Injury Care

Back Clinic Injury Care Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. There are two approaches to injury care. They are active and passive treatment. While both can help get patients on the road toward recovery, only active treatment has a long-term impact and keeps patients moving.

We focus on treating injuries sustained in auto accidents, personal injuries, work injuries, and sports injuries and provide complete interventional pain management services and therapeutic programs. Everything from bumps and bruises to torn ligaments and back pain.

Passive Injury Care

A doctor or a physical therapist usually gives passive injury care. It includes:

  • Acupuncture
  • Applying heat/ice to sore muscles
  • Pain medication

It’s a good starting point to help reduce pain, but passive injury care isn’t the most effective treatment. While it helps an injured person feel better in the moment, the relief doesn’t last. A patient won’t fully recover from injury unless they actively work to return to their normal life.

Active Injury Care

Active treatment also provided by a physician or physical therapist relies on the injured person’s commitment to work. When patients take ownership of their health, the active injury care process becomes more meaningful and productive. A modified activity plan will help an injured person transition to full function and improve their overall physical and emotional wellness.

  • Spine, neck, and back
  • Headaches
  • Knees, shoulders, and wrists
  • Torn ligaments
  • Soft tissue injuries (muscle strains and sprains)

What does active injury care involve?

An active treatment plan keeps the body as strong and flexible as possible through a personalized work/transitional plan, which limits long-term impact and helps injured patients work toward a faster recovery. For example, in injury Medical & Chiropractic clinic’s injury care, a clinician will work with the patient to understand the cause of injury, then create a rehabilitation plan that keeps the patient active and brings them back to proper health in no time.

For answers to any questions, you may have, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Chondromalacia Patellae, Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.�

Chondromalacia Patellae, Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.�

Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for many different conditions; some obvious while others are more obscure. Structural issues that affect the knees are often very responsive to chiropractic treatment. In the case of chondromalacia patellae and other knee problems, it has proven to reduce pain and help improve the condition considerably, providing the patient with increased mobility and flexibility.

Chondromalacia Patellae (aka Runner�s Knee)

Approximately 40 percent of injuries that runners experience are knee injuries. These injuries fall under the umbrella term of �runner�s knee.� This includes chondromalacia patellae which may also be referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFMS).

Other runner�s knee injuries include iliotibial band syndrome, and plica syndrome. Chondromalacia patellae is one of the more common forms of runner�s knee, along with PFMS. Rest and ice are typical remedies, but when that doesn�t work or when the pain and mobility difficulties return once the patient returns to normal activities, chiropractic care is often a good treatment option.

Chondromalacia Patella

The knee is a marvelous piece of machinery. It is constructed to take the impact of the body�s weight, bending, and moving. Under the kneecap is a layer of cartilage which acts as a natural shock absorber. Injury, overuse, aging, or other conditions can cause damage to that cartilage.

This condition causes pain and impaired mobility, most commonly when the knees are in use such as walking up or down stairs. The pain may decrease with rest and ice, but sometimes that simply isn�t enough. Traditional treatments include physical therapy, medication for pain, and surgery.


The most common symptom of chondromalacia patellae is pain in the front of the knee. It is often described as a dull ache that is deep in the knee. This pain is often made worse when the patient sits with their knee bent for a long time, when they squat or kneel, or when they walk up and down stairs.

The more the patient uses the knee, the worse it is. However, rest and ice can work fairly quickly to help relieve the pain. If the pain persists even with rest and ice, then more aggressive care is usually advised. While traditionally doctors prescribe medication and even surgery, more patients are gravitating to drug free, less invasive treatments for knee pain. Chiropractic is a viable option.

Causes & Risk Factors

The exact cause of chondromalacia patellae is not known. Doctors have been able to link the condition to several factors. Overuse of the knee places repetitive stress on the joint. This is commonly seen in sports or activities that involve a lot of jumping or running.

Poor muscle control is another common factor. The muscles that surround the knee and hip don�t function properly so that tracking of the kneecap is �off.� Injury is another common factor with chondromalacia patellae. When the kneecap endures a trauma such as fracture or dislocation.

There are several factors that may increase a person�s risk of developing chondromalacia patellae. Age is often noted in young adults and adolescents. Older individuals with knee pain are usually experiencing effects of arthritis.

Gender is another risk factor. Women develop the condition twice as often as men. Doctors theorize that this is due to the skeletal structure of a woman � the pelvis is wider which increases the angle where the bones of the knee joint meet.

Individuals who participate in certain sports, such as those that involve a lot of jumping and running, are at an increased risk of developing the condition. This is particularly true if they suddenly increase their level of training.

Chiropractic Treatment

Successful chiropractic treatments for chondromalacia patellae include nutritional intervention as well as adjustments and stretches. The treatment is designed to stretch shortened hamstrings and adjust the sacroiliac joint.

The point of much of the treatment is to improve tracking of the kneecap and increase motor control. Some practitioners use soft tissue work to help patients with knee pain. The whole body approach that chiropractic care offers not only provides relief from knee pain, but often cures or reduces the condition itself.

If you or a loved one are suffering from knee pain, give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic will do a thorough exam to determine the proper treatment protocol for your condition. You don�t have to live with pain. Again, give us a call. We�re here to help!

18 Wheeler Accident Pain Treatment El Paso, TX | Jesus Rabelo

18 Wheeler Accident Pain Treatment El Paso, TX | Jesus Rabelo

18 Wheeler Accident: Jesus Rabelo earns a living as a truck driver in El Paso, TX. After being involved in an accident, however, Mr. Rabelo sufferered from shoulder and back pain which affected his personal life and work, forcing him to have to start over again. In regards to a highly valued recommendation, Jesus Rabelo found Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor in El Paso, TX. Mr. Rabelo describes receiving excellent service from the staff and he highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez.

In 2013, 54 million people sustained injuries from traffic collisions. This resulted in 1.4 million deaths in 2013, up from 1.1 million deaths in 1990. Auto accidents can be classified into different types, including head-on, road departure, rear-end, side collisions, and rollovers. Psychological issues may occur due to automobile accidents. A range of injuries and conditions can result from the blunt force trauma caused by a collision, including whiplash and back pain.

18 wheeler accident el paso tx.Please Recommend Us: If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to recommend us. Thank You.

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Slip And Fall Injury Treatment El Paso, TX | Araceli Norte

Slip And Fall Injury Treatment El Paso, TX | Araceli Norte

Araceli Norte used to teach physical therapy at the technician level before she suffered a slip and fall accident. When she was recommended to see an excellent doctor who genuinely cared about his patients, Mrs. Norte didn’t hesitate to visit Dr. Alex Jimenez to receive slip and fall injury treatment. Before treatment, Araceli Norte experienced chronic pain on the left side of her body as well as radiating pain down her left leg and foot, ultimately affecting her quality of life. Araceli Norte emphasizes how much relief she’s found with Dr. Alex Jimenez and how much he cares about his patients.

Slip and fall injuries can occur for a variety of reasons. There is an assortment of conditions both indoors and outdoors that can make a slip and fall injury prone. Some common causes of a slip and fall accident inside are because the floor is wet, improperly waxed, or when carpeting is torn or bulging. Normally, liability of the proprietor will be dependent on whether he or she did not take the right action to fix the problem or at least remind people of the issue.

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Cost Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Treatment In El Paso, TX.

Cost Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Treatment In El Paso, TX.

Have You Ever Considered Seeing A Chiropractor?

Cost Effectiveness: There are tons of reasons why a person would answer “yes.” From overall general health to specific aches and pains, to an injury, millions of folks turn to chiropractors for pain relief, increased movement and strength, and overall healing.

For some individuals, the price tag seems to hinder their decision to seek chiropractic treatment. Lack of insurance coverage, or a recommended ongoing treatment regimen (because it usually takes more than one treatment) are two of the most common reasons patients deem it too expensive.

When looking at the big picture, however, patients see and understand the cost of NOT pursuing the care of a chiropractor, and these costs end up being more than simply dollars.

Let’s look at three reasons an individual would visit a chiropractor, and the cost effective savings each scenario provides.

The Cost Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Treatment

cost effectiveness el paso tx.

An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure.

Choosing to see a chiropractor to promote and sustain good health is a forward thinking idea that is increasingly attractive to those striving to stay younger, longer. Chiropractic care promotes healing through the body as a whole.

Spinal adjustments and joint manipulations help increase mobility and maximize the entire body’s performance. In addition, they offer a wide variety of health benefits, from decreasing blood pressure to lowering the chance of headaches. Avoiding these health issues potentially save tens of thousands of dollars in future doctor bills!

Regular visits to a professional chiropractor enable a person to stay healthy and enjoy a more active life with a healthy back, bones, and joints.

Oops! I Strained It Again!

Millions of unfortunate souls injure their bodies in a variety of mishaps. From sports injuries to car accidents, to erroneously thinking you really can walk in those four inch heels, our backs, ankles, and hips take a beating.

Choosing chiropractic care for an injury is a smart decision. In many cases, a chiropractor is able to promote healing, decrease a patient’s dependence on drugs for pain management, and minimize the chance of a recurrence.

Chiropractic care treats the body as a whole, so a patient’s visits help strengthen other parts of the surrounding area of the body, not just the injured area. The cost effectiveness of chiropractic care for treating injuries, decreases the money spent on costly medicine and reduces time off work. It also helps people stay married, because most individuals are hateful when they are in pain. (Ok, we made that last point up).

Chronic Medical Conditions.

cost effectiveness el paso tx.

Many types of medical conditions are ongoing, with no definitive cure. These can be devastating to a person’s quality of life. Daily pain, and loss of strength and mobility are difficult to manage, and sometimes medicine is the chosen option. Numerous times, chiropractic care can work wonders in these situations.

A chiropractor who is experienced in treating the specific type of medical condition can build a treatment plan to help manage the symptoms of the condition, including drug-free pain management. With adjustments to the afflicted area, along with an at-home routine of recommended exercise, the patient frequently experiences a reduction in pain and symptoms, and an increase in mobility. In the best situation, his or her quality of life is positively affected, and relapses are avoided.

Chiropractic care is a productive treatment for a variety of injuries and medical conditions, as well as a preventive therapy to maintain and prolong wellness. The up front cost is paltry when measured against the rewards of increased mobility, decreased pain, and a greater quality of life.

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Do You Want To Dance?

Most people love hearing these words, and wholeheartedly jump to the dance floor to twist and shout with the best of them. Some even take classes to learn to swing, tap, or ballroom dance. Others even train and compete. It’s big fun, and provides social interaction and exercise.

And Sometimes Pain:

While some don’t view it this way, dancing is a sport. As such, dance moves can put pressure on your body that causes injury.

Common dancing injuries include foot and ankle sprains, pulled knees, and stress fractures. If you have shimmied your back out, or do-si-do’d your knee into a stiff, painful mess, it’s time to call the best dance partner you have ever had: your chiropractor!

Chiropractic care helps dancers prevent and cope with injuries in a variety of ways.


Dancing requires coordination and balance that comes from strong muscles, bones, and ligaments. If your body is tight and ill-prepared for exercise, you could end up busting a move in the wrong way on the dance floor.

Chiropractic care can, over time, help strengthen your muscles and align your spine so your body is in prime condition for physical activity, with minimal risk of injury. Chiropractic visits work wonders from the neck to the feet in putting the body back in its top performing form. In addition, your chiropractor can offer an at-home regimen of stretching exercises that serves to further promote healthy joints, tendons and muscles.

dance el paso tx


For those who dance regularly, painful feet, ankles and knees may be viewed as part of the package of doing something they love. This doesn’t have to be the case. By committing to regular chiropractic care, dancers improve their range of motion, and keep muscles and joints loose and functioning correctly. Chiropractic care during a regular routine of dancing plays into staying healthy and mobile.


Dancing requires a body to move, turn, and stretch in ways that it may not be accustomed. If you ignored proper preparation, or ended up taking precautions and suffered an injury anyway, you may experience pain and loss of mobility. Make an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Many common bodily injuries can be dramatically improved by a regimen of chiropractic care. From sprains to strains to misalignment, a few visits to your chiropractor offers multiple benefits.

The first is pain management, often without drugs. The second is injury improvement by performing manual manipulations, known as adjustments, that stretch the injured area and promote healing. The third is increased mobility. Finally, chiropractic care assists the body in knitting itself back together so well that it minimizes the chances of future injury.

If you have been dancing on and off or regularly for years, or if you are thinking about taking up dancing, know there are many great benefits from incorporating it into your routine. However, you need to take proper precautions to reduce the risk of suffering an injury as you move.

Make sure to choose a nutritious diet and stay hydrated while you dance, and wear properly fitting clothing and shoes. Strive to practice the moves correctly, as well as maintain correct posture. Don’t overdo it, because pushing your body past its limits is a surefire way to cause an injury. Also remember to always stretch out and warm up before dancing.

By following these simple suggestions, you can hit the floor when the music starts and dance until you wear out, enjoying the health benefits dancing brings, while avoiding the injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment Helps With Stress

Tendinitis vs Tendinosis | Chronic Pain

Tendinitis vs Tendinosis | Chronic Pain

My doctor told me I have tendinosis, I’ve heard of tendinitis, what is the difference?

Dr. Jimenez considers this dilemma of similar words that cause confusion to patients. Below is an explanation of clinical presentations and anatomical disorders that shed light on the similarities and differences between tendinosis and tendinitis.

Tendons are the tough, white, cords that connect muscles to bones, and are the least elastic of the collagen-based soft tissues (LIGAMENTS, MUSCLES & FASCIA) I work with on a day-to-day basis. How common are tendon problems? Government statistics tell us that overuse injuries of tendons are a leading reason for doctor visits. And although most of these tendon problems are referred to generically as tendinitis, in the vast majority of cases, tendinitis is actually an incorrect and outdated term.

Over the past decade, medical research has conclusively shown that the major cause of tendinopathies is not inflammation (aka “itis”), which even a decade ago was nothing new. For decades, the scientific community has been concluding that wile the immune system mediators we collectively refer to as “INFLAMMATION” are probably present in tendinopathies; inflammation itself is rarely the cause. So, if inflammation is not the primary cause of most tendon problems, what is? Follow along as I show you from peer-review, that since the early 1980’s, research has shown the primary culprit in most tendinopathies is something called “osis”. Thus the name, “tendon � osis” (tendinosis). But what the heck is osis?

The suffix “osis” indicates that there is a derangement and subsequent deterioration of the collagen fibers that make up the tendon. The truth is, even though doctors still use the term “tendinitis” with their patients, their AMA-mandated Diagnosis Codes almost always indicates the problem is “tendinosis” or “tendinopathy” (HERE). Is this differentiation between tendinitis and tendinosis really that important, or am I splitting hairs and making a big deal out of nothing — making a mountain out of a molehill, semantically speaking? Instead of answering that question myself, I will let two of the world�s preeminent tendon researchers — renowned orthopedic surgeons — answer it for me.

“Tendinosis, sometimes called tendinitis, or tendinopathy, is damage to a tendon at a cellular level (the suffix �osis� implies a pathology of chronic degeneration without inflammation). It is thought to be caused by micro-tears in the connective tissue in and around the tendon, leading to an increased number of tendon repair cells. This may lead to reduced tensile strength, thus increasing the chance of repetitive injury or even tendon rupture. Tendinosis is often misdiagnosed as tendinitis due to the limited understanding of tendinopathies by the medical community.” Tendon researcher and orthopedic surgeon, Dr. GA Murrell from a piece called, �Understanding Tendinopathies� in the December 2002 issue of The British Journal of Sports Medicine.

“Tendinitis such as that of the Achilles, lateral elbow, and rotator cuff tendons is a common presentation to family practitioners and various medical specialists.1 Most currently practicing general practitioners were taught, and many still believe, that patients who present with overuse tendinitis have a largely inflammatory condition and will benefit from anti-inflammatory medication. Unfortunately this dogma is deeply entrenched. Ten of 11 readily available sports medicine texts specifically recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treating painful conditions like Achilles and patellar tendinitis despite the lack of a biological rationale or clinical evidence for this approach. Instead of adhering to the myths above, physicians should acknowledge that painful overuse tendon conditions have a non-inflammatory pathology.” Karim Khan, MD, PhD, FACSP, FACSM, and his group of researchers at the Department of Family Medicine & School of Human Kinetics at the University of British Columbia, from the March 2002 edition of the BMJ (British Medical Journal).

The information in the preceding paragraphs (which was not new when they were published over a decade and a half ago) is so important as to be considered revolutionary for those of you who have spent time on the MEDICAL MERRY-GO-ROUND with tendon problems. Why? Because, as stated by Dr. Murrell above, most medical professionals have, “a limited understanding of tendinopathies”. Why is this? Why do more doctors not grasp what is going on with the majority of Tendinopathies? Why does such a big portion of the medical community continue to ignore their own profession�s scientific conclusions, while continuing to treat tendinopathies with drugs and surgery? Of course there’s always the issue of money. There is also the fact that if you have tendon problems, you are probably being treated using a model that is at least 25-30 years behind the times as far as the medical research is concerned (HERE). If you think I’m being harsh, read what Dr. Warren Hammer, a board certified Chiropractic Orthopedist in practice since the late 1950?s, had to say about Tendinosis in a 1992 issue of Dynamic Chiropractic.

“The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has provided a new classification of tendon injuries�. In the microtraumatic tendon injury the main histologic features represent a degenerative tendinopathy thought to be due to an hypoxic [diminished oxygen] degenerative process. The similarity to the histology [study of the cells] of an acute wound repair with inflammatory cell infiltration as in macrotrauma seems to be absent. A new classification of tendon injury called �tendinosis� is now accepted. �Tendinosis� is a term referring to tendinous degeneration due to atrophy (aging, microtrauma, vascular compromise). Histologically there is a non-inflammatory tendinous degeneration due to atrophy (aging, microtrauma, vascular compromise), as well as a non-inflammatory intratendinous collagen degeneration with fiber disorientation, hypocelluarity, scattered vascular ingrowth, and occasional local necrosis or calcification.”

If your doctor is still treating you for tendinitis and not tendinosis, they are caught in a time warp. According to what the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons said over two and a half decades ago, tendinosis is not an inflammatory condition (itis)! It is a degenerative condition (osis)! Not only is there some debate over whether or not tendinitis actually exists at all, but as you will see in a moment, the anti-inflammation medications and corticosteroid injections that your doctor has been prescribing you are actually creating more degeneration. Track & Field athletes make it a point to keep up with the cutting edge diagnosis and treatment of tendinous SPORTS INJURIES. See what their official medical team has to say on the subject of Tendinosis and Tendinopathy……..

“The relatively new term ‘Tendinopathy’ has been adopted as a general clinical descriptor of tendon injuries in sports. In overuse clinical conditions in and around tendons, frank inflammation is infrequent and if seen, is associated mostly with tendon ruptures. Tendinosis implies tendon degeneration without clinical or histological signs of intratendinous inflammation, and is not necessarily symptomatic. The term ‘Tendonitis’ is used in a clinical context and does not refer to a specific histological entity. [The term] Tendonitis is commonly used for conditions that are truly Tendinosis, however, and leads athletes and coaches to underestimate that proven chronicity of this condition……. Most articles describing the surgical management of partial tears of a given tendon in reality deal with degenerative tendinopathies [Tendinosis].” From an official document found on the website of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) — the official governing body of professional Track and Field

The Science:

“Tendinosis is a medical term used to describe the tearing and progressive degradation of a tendon. Tendons are structural components of the human body that ensure muscles remain bound to the correct bone during normal daily activities. Tendinosis differs from tendonitis in that the affected tendon is not inflamed.” Rachel Amhed from a July 2010 article for Lance Armstrong’s ‘Livestrong Website’ called Tendinosis Symptoms.

“Based on the information of various lines of investigation of tendinopathy, we can summarize some major points which must be considered in the formulation of a unified theory of pathogenesis in our model of tendinopathy….. The primary results of pathology are the progressive collagenolytic [Collagen-Destroying] injuries co-existing with a failed healing response, thus both degenerative changes and active healing are observed in the pathological tissues….. These pathological tissues may aggravate the nociceptive responses [PAIN] by various pathways which are no longer responsive to conventional treatment such as inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis [NSAIDS & Cortcosteroids]; otherwise the insidious mechanical deterioration without pain may render increased risk of tendon rupture.

For example, overuse is a major etiological factor but there are tendinopathy patients without obvious history of repetitive injuries. It is possible that non-overuse tendon injuries may also be exposed to risk factors for failed healing. Overuse induces collagenolytic [DEGENERATIVE] tendon injuries and it also imposes repetitive mechanical strain which may be unfavorable for normal healing. Stress-deprivation also induces MMP expression [Matrix Metallo Proteinase — an enzyme which breaks down Connective Tissues], and whether over- or under-stimulation is still an active debate. It is possible that tenocytes [tendon cells] are responsive to both over- and under-stimulation, both tensile and compressive loading….. By proposing a process of failed healing to translate tendon injuries into tendinopathy, other extrinsic and intrinsic factors would probably enter the play at this stage, such as genetic predisposition, age, xenobiotics (NSAIDs and corticosteroids) and mechanical loading on the tendons….. Classical characteristics of “tendinosis” include degenerative changes in the collagenous matrix, hypercellularity, hypervascularity and a lack of inflammatory cells which has challenged the original misnomer “tendinitis”.” Cherry-picked quotes from a comprehensive collaboration by teams from the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology at Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Huddinge University Hospital in Stockholm. The study was published in a 2010 issue of Sports Medicine Arthroscopy & Rehabilitation Therapy Technology.

“Rotator Cuff Tendinosis is a degenerative (genetic, age or activity related) change that occurs in our rotator cuff tendons over time. Rotator cuff tendinosis is exceptionally common. Many, many people have tendinosis of the rotator cuff and do not even know it. Why rotator cuff tendinosis bothers some people and doesn�t bothers others is currently a question the orthopedic surgery community can not answer. Rotator cuff tendinosis is just as likely to be found in a professional body builder as it is likely to be found in a true couch potato.” From an August 2011 online article / newsletter by Dr. Howard Luks, an Orthopedic Surgeon and Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at New York Medical College as well as being Chief of Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy at Westchester Medical Center.

“The gross pathology of Angiofibroblastic Tendinosis is [that] there are no inflammatory cells in this tissue. Therefore the term “Tendinosis” is much better [than Tendinitis]. The pathological tissue is instead characterized by very immature tissue and nonfunctional vascular elements.” Loosely quoted from a YouTube video of famed tendon researcher / surgeon Dr. Robert P. Nirschl’s (Nirchl Orthopedics) presentation to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons annual meeting (2012).

“The more commonly used term of tendinitis has since been proven to be a misnomer for several reasons. The first of which is that there is a lack of inflammatory cells in conditions that were typically called a tendonitis…. The other two findings present in tendinosis, increased cellularity and neovascularization has been termed angiofribroblastic hyperplasia by Nirschl…… These are cells that represent a degenerative condition. Neovascularization [the creation of abnormally large numbers of new blood vessels] found in tendinosis has been described as a haphazard arrangement of new blood vessels, and Kraushaar et al. even mention that the vascular structures do not function as blood vessels. Vessels have even been found to form perpendicular to the orientation of the collagen fibers. They then concluded that the increased vascularity present in tendinosis is not associated with increased healing. Take Home Points: Chronic tendon injuries are degenerative in nature and NOT inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and/or corticosteroid injections can actually accelerate the degenerative process and make the tendon more susceptible to further injury, longer recovery time and may increase likelihood of rupture.” Quotes cherry-picked from a recent online article called ‘Tendonosis vs. Tendonitis’ by Dr. Murray Heber, DC, BSc(Kin), CSCS, CCSS(C), Head Chiropractor for Canada’s Bobsleigh / Skeleton Team.

“The data clearly indicates that painful, overuse tendon injury is due to tendinosis�the histologic entity of collagen disarray, increased ground substance, neovascularization, and increased prominence of myofibroblasts. [It is] the only clinically relevant chronic tendon lesion, although minor histopathologic variations may exist in different anatomical sites. The finding that the clinical tendon conditions in sportspeople are due to tendinosis is not new. Writing about the tendinopathies in 1986, Perugia et al noted the ‘remarkable discrepancy between the terminology generally adopted for these conditions (which are obviously inflammatory because the ending ��-itis�� is used) and their histopathologic substratum, which is largely degenerative” Dr. Khan once more showing that tendon problems are not caused by inflammation.

“Overuse tendinopathies are common in primary care. Numerous investigators worldwide have shown that the pathology underlying these conditions is tendinosis or collagen degeneration. This applies equally in the Achilles, patellar, medial and lateral elbow, and rotator cuff tendons. If physicians acknowledge that overuse tendinopathies are due to tendinosis, as distinct from tendinitis, they must modify patient management in at least eight areas.” Dr. Karim Kahn M.D / Ph.D and his research team from University of British Columbia’s School of Kinesiology in an article published in the May 2000 issue of The Physician and Sportsmedicine called “Overuse Tendinosis, Not Tendinitis”.

Eight areas? Wow! And that quote is almost two decades old. Now, take a look at something that came from a Medical Textbook that was published over three decades ago in Italy. The medical community knew back then that most overuse tendon problems were not inflammatory (itis), but instead degenerative (osis).

“[There is a] remarkable discrepancy between the terminology generally adopted for these conditions (which are obviously inflammatory since the ending ‘itis’ is used) and their histopathologic substratum, which is largely degenerative.” From an Italian medical text called, “The Tendons: Biology, Pathology, Clinical Aspects” (1986).

Tendinosis Overview:

The truth is that I could go on and on and on and on with quotes from similar studies. Hopefully you get the point! You should be starting to see that most of what you thought about chronic tendon problems needs to be flushed down the toilet or thrown out with the weekly trash. That’s because there’s a new model in town. Tendinosis is it’s name; and if you want any hope of a solution to your tendon problem, you will have to step outside of the medical “box” and start thinking of your problem in terms of “osis” instead of “itis”. Failure to grasp the new model leaves you vulnerable to treatments which, while possibly bringing some temporary relief, will ultimately make you worse — possibly much worse! By the way, the following points are observations that you yourself will understand if you read the above quotes.

  • Tendinosis is a Degenerative Condition without inflammation. Scratch that. Science has recently shown us that there is inflammation in tendinosis — there should be, at least in the initial phase of healing. However, it’s the SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION that’s been shown to be the biggest problem. Bottom line, this doesn’t really affect anything I’m telling you in this post, other than to reinforce your need to address systemic inflammation (hint: it can’t be done with drugs).
  • Tendinosis is the proper model for understanding the majority of Tendinopathies. As a model for understanding
  • Tendinopathies, Tendinitis has been retired for at least two and a half decades.
  • Tendinosis is both misunderstood and mismanaged by the majority of the Medical Community.
  • Traditional Therapies / Interventions for Tendinopathies significantly increase one’s chance of Tendon Rupture.
  • Most Coaches and Athletes do not understand the difference between Tendinitis and Tendinosis.
  • If it does exist, Tendinitis (Inflammation of the Tendon) is rare, short lived, and mostly associated with Tendon Tears or Ruptures.
  • Tendinosis is caused by both overuse and under-use.
  • Tendinosis is often times Asymptomatic (no symptoms), until it becomes a painful and potentially debilitating problem.
  • Drugs; particularly NSAIDS & CORTICOSTEROIDS, as well as CERTAIN ANTIBIOTICS actually cause Tendinosis — and Tendon Rupture. They also slow down (or reverse) the healing process.

Best Treatment: Tendinosis & Tendonopathies

Anti-Inflammatory Medication


“I knew then and there I was in the wrong place.” Thoughts running through the mind of a new patient who had recently visited an Orthopedic Specialist’s office for a tendon problem and asked him about the difference between Tendinitis and Tendinosis. The doctor answered, “There is no difference between Tendinitis and Tendinosis. They are one and the same —- two different names for the same problem.”
Even though medical research has conclusively shown us for over three decades that tendinopathies have as their primary cause of pain and dysfunction tissue derangement and degeneration, anti-inflammation drugs continue to be the medical profession�s go-to method of treatment. It�s not difficult to see why this is not working:

Although there is undoubtedly a certain amount of SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION present with tendinosis, research has conclusively shown that tendon problems are not primarily problems of inflammation, but of degeneration.
Scientific studies have actually shown that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAID�s) such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Nuprin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Celebrex, Vioxx (oops � one of the #1 drugs in America for 10 years running was taken off the market because it was found to be a huge cause of chronic illness and death), & numerous others, actually cause injured collagen-based tissues like tendons, ligaments, muscles, fascia, etc, to heal up to 33% weaker, with as much as 40% less tissue elasticity.

Corticosteroid Injections are even worse. Medicine’s dirty little secret of treating connective tissue injuries with steroids is that they actually deteriorate or ‘eat’ the collagen foundation. This is why they deteriorate ever tissue in the joint, including bone. This is bad news considering collagen is the tissue that is deranged — the very tissue that needs to heal the most. This is why corticosteroids are a known cause of DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS and OSTEOPOROSIS, not to mention a whole host of easily-verified systemic side effects. The fact that steroid injections are ridiculously degenerative is why doctors ration or limit the number of steroid injections a person can receive � even if they seem to be working. And understand; it’s not that drugs don’t sometimes do what they claim to do. It’s that they never reverse the underlying pathophysiology (HERE). They simply cover symptoms.

Years ago, the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery reported that corticosteroids are so degenerative that if you have more than one injection in the same joint over the course of your lifetime; your chance of premature degeneration in the injected joint is (gulp) 100%! Ultimately, the problem of corticosteroids (or NSAID�s for that matter) being used to treat tendons or other collagen-based tissues, is that short term relief is being traded for long term (and often permanent) damage. In other words, tomorrow is being traded for today. Kind of reminds you of our government�s short-sighted fiscal policies, doesn�t it? It is also another in a long line of evidences that the gap between medical research and medical practice is growing (HERE).

Collagen is the building block of all connective tissues, including tendons (you probably learned a great deal about collagen on our FASCIAL ADHESION PAGE as well as our COLLAGEN SUPER-PAGE). If one looks at normal collagen fibers from tendons or other connective tissues under a microscope, each individual cell lines up parallel to the surrounding cells. This allows for maximum tissue flexibility (sort of like well-combed hair).

With tendinopathies (whether TRAUMATIC OR REPETITIVE � yes, trauma can cause tendinosis), the tissue uniformity becomes disrupted and unorganized, causing restriction and a severe loss of function. This in turn causes a loss of flexibility, tissue weakness, tissue fraying, increased rigidity, and stiffness (sort of like KNOTTED HAIR OR A HAIRBALL — or gristle in a bite of steak). This leads to a loss of strength and function, which ultimately means that you end up with pain and dysfunction of the affected joint or body part. As I will soon show you, loss of normal function is one of just a few known causes of joint degeneration. This is why anyone who has suffered through Chronic Tendinosis knows how debilitating it can really be.

Normal Tendons Vs Tendinosis

Tendons are one of the Elastic, Collagen-Based Connective Tissues that are Made up of
Three Individual Collagen Fibers Braided Together into Wavy Sheets or Bands


Photo by User Vossman

COLLAGEN is a wavy protein. The waves are what give it the ability to stretch and elast. And although Tendons are said to be the least flexible and stretchy of the Elastic, Collagen-Based Connective Tissues (Muscles, Ligaments, & Fascia are all more elastic), they have to have at least a bit of give. The waves in the individual collagen fibers are what allow for this stretching to take place. Tendinosis occurs most often where the muscle meets the tendon. This is due to an especially dense amount of Collagen at this “Transition Zone”.

Tendinosis Looks Like:

Uniform, Organized, & Parallel


Normal, healthy Tendons are like these ropes. Not only are the fibers all running uniformly in the same direction, there is little or no fraying. This gives the tendon the ability to stretch and elast. Photo by Procsilas Moscas

Unorganized, Tangled, & Random


Tendinosis is characterized by incredible fraying, fragmenting, tangling, and twisting, of the tendon. This causes weakness and inelasticity that can not only painfully debilitating, it can lead to Tendon Rupture. Photo by Martyn Gorman



Photo by Andrjusgeo




Photo by Nephron

(Note the Complete Lack of Uniformity in the Tissue Fibers)

Scar Tissue / Fibrosis



Tendinosis Looks Like Tangled Fishing Line


Photo by Daplaza

Tendinosis is characterized by Collagen Fibers that have disrupted alignment. It also shows fraying of the individual fibers. This is why most tendinopathies are now classified as Tendinosis and considered to be degenerative (osis = degeneration), as opposed to Tendinitis (itis = inflammation). The problem is, most of the medical community does not seem to grasp this yet.

Areas Most Affected By Tendinosis

Sometimes Tendionosis is clinically impossible to distinguish from FASCIAL ADHESIONS and microscopic scar tissue. Often times they are present together. The bottom line is that whether the adhesions are in fascia or whether they are tendon DOESN’T REALLY MATTER — they must both be broken. Sometimes there is a great excess of calcium built up at the point where the tendon anchors to the bone. This must be broken up as well. Because the models for understanding various soft tissues are virtually identical; the models for treating said tissues are likewise very similar. As you might imagine, this is fantastic news for the patient. Bear in mind that I have not included each and every specific area you can develop tendinopathy because it can attack anywhere that you have a tendon. The following list happens to be the areas that I treat most frequently in my clinic.

IMPORTANT: Please note that some muscles only cross one joint. However, many muscles cross two joints. Muscles that act on more than one joint have a greater propensity for problems. It also means that one muscle has the potential to give you problems (including tendinosis) at two different joints. Also note that Tendinosis is usually a bit tougher to deal with than Fascial Adhesions.

  • ROTATOR CUFF TENDINOSIS: The Rotator Cuff is made up of four muscles that surround the shoulder.
  • SUPRASPINATUS TENDINOSIS: The Supraspinatus Tendon is not only the most commonly injured of the Rotator Cuff Muscles, it is the most common to find tendinopathy in as well.
  • TRICEP TENDINOSIS: Tricep Tendinosis is rare. About the only people I ever find it in is carpenters (hammering) and weightlifters. However, here is the webpage.
  • BICEPS TENDINOSIS: Because both heads of the bicep muscle have attachment points in the front of the shoulder, Biceps Tendinosis is frequently mistaken for Bursitis or a Rotator Cuff problem.
  • LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS (Tennis Elbow): Although I have never seen anyone who got this problem playing tennis, it is nonetheless extremely common.
  • MEDIAL EPICONDYLITIS (Golfer�s Elbow): Not quite as common as Tennis Elbow above.
  • WRIST / FOREARM FLEXOR TENDINOSIS: This is tendinopathy on the palm side of the forearm and wrist.
  • WRIST / FOREARM EXTENSOR TENDINOSIS: This is tendinopathy on the backhand side of the forearm and wrist.
  • THUMB TENDINOSIS / DeQUERVAIN’S SYNDROME: This extremely common problem can be debilitating. You will frequently hear Thumb Tendinosis referred to as DeQuervain�s Syndrome.
  • GROIN (Hip Adductor) TENDINOSIS: I have included Tendinosis of the Groin under �Hip Flexor Tendinosis� below.
  • HIP FLEXOR TENDINOSIS: Hip Flexor Tendinosis will manifest in the upper front thigh or groin area. This is incredibly common in athletes — particularly soccer players.
  • PIRIFORMIS TENDINOSIS: This problem is related to PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME, and causes pain in the butt (sometimes with sciatica as well).
  • SPINAL TENDINOSIS: Although most people never think of it, the potential for developing Spinal Tendinosis is greater than you ever imagined possible.
  • KNEE TENDINOSIS: This is arguably the single most common reason that people visit a Sports Physician.
  • QUADRICEPS / PATELLAR TENDINOSIS: A form of Knee Tendinosis
  • HAMSTRING TENDINOSIS: Hamstring Tendinosis can cause knee, hip, and buttock problems.
  • ACHILLES TENDINOSIS: Achilles Tendinosis is found in the large tendon in the very back of the lower leg / ankle.
  • ANKLE TENDINOSIS: This common Tendinosis can typically be dealt with by following a few simple procedures.
  • TIBIALIS ANTERIOR TENDINOSIS: This is related to the category above, and is typically found in the front of the ankle.
  • POSTERIOR TIBIAL TENDINOSIS: This is related to the category above, and is typically found near the bony knob on the inside of the ankle.
  • APONEUROSIS / APONEUROTICA TENDINOSIS: Although you have probably never heard the word before, �Aponeurosis� are flattened out tendons. They are almost always referred to as fascia, but technically this is incorrect. They are most often associated with SKULL PAIN.

Effectively Dealing With Tendinosis

Let me begin by saying that I cannot help everyone�s Tendinopathy. And yes, I am very aware that there are thousands of websites out there giving all sorts of free, do-it-yourself advice on how to fix these problems without going to a doctor. Most of this advice concerns common sense treatments that everyone should try before seeking any sort of professional care. These lists frequently include things like STRETCHING / SPECIAL EXERCISES, ICING, resting, EATING AN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET, drinking plenty of water, SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR CONNECTIVE TISSUES, etc. All of these are great, and highly recommended by me. The truth is, advice like this is going to save a lot of people a lot of time and money by helping the biggest portion of the population get over minor Tendinopathies / Tendinosis on their own, without jumping on the MEDICAL MERRY GO ROUND.

There is a significant portion of the tendinosis-suffering population who have tried all of these things. Every type of pill imaginable, including ANTIBIOTICS (believe it or not, I have seen this used numerous times � some of which, like CIPRO, actually cause tendon weakness and rupture), TENS Units, braces & supports of all kinds, PLATELET INJECTION THERAPY, high powered ultrasound (a form of litho-tripsy called arthro-tripsy), prolotherapy (sugar water injections), all sorts of surgeries, and heaven only knows what else. And this doesn’t even start touching on many of the common drugs, which I’ve already dealt with.

The bottom line is that if your pain is being caused by adhesions, restrictions, and microscopic scarring in the collagen fibers that make up the affected tendon (or the fascial membranes that attach to the tendon), you are going to have a hard time dealing with it using the standard fare found in your average medical clinic. Although their various treatments may cover the symptoms for awhile, you are already becoming painfully aware (no pun intended) that standard medical therapies such as those listed earlier, are not likely to help with Tendinosis over the long haul. And although stretching and specific exercise can be of tremendous benefit, most clinicians tend to put the cart in front of the horse. Those things will not be effective until after the tissue adhesion has been removed (broken), except in minor cases.

Be aware that because of its microscopic nature, the collagen derangement associated with Tendinopathies will rarely if ever show up with even advanced diagnostic imaging (this is true even for MRI, unless your doctor is using a brand new machine with an extra large magnet, or your problem is especially severe). And whether it shows on the MRI or not, will not really change the way that your doctor treats the problem.

Effectively Treat Tendinosis At The Source

If tendinopathies do not show up well with the diagnostic tests that are commonly run by your doctor, how in the world can a chiropractor practicing in tiny town determine whether or not this micro-derangement of a tendon�s collagen fibers is present and potentially causing your pain and dysfunction? I use one of the newer forms of SCAR TISSUE REMODELING. Although this has only been around for three decades in its present form, the Chinese have used something similar for several thousand years. Be aware that breaking these adhesions / restrictions sometimes causes some BRUISING, depending on where it’s at.

Conclusion: Systemic Tendinosis

Not all cases of Tendinosis are rooted in purely biomechanical causes. There are all sorts of things that can create an environment within the body that leads to multiple Tendinopathies. As you might imagine, bilateral Tendinosis, or Tendinosis at multiple sites begins to raise some red flags for me concerning this issue. Not that it is always the case, but when I see people who have several areas of Tendinosis, I began to question whether there might be a deeper problem at work.

If it is not caused by Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics, very frequently, this underlying problem turns out to be some sort of poorly understood or difficult-to-detect AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. If for whatever reason, your body is making antibodies to attack it’s own tendons or connective tissues, you have a serious problem on your hands — a problem that will not respond to the Scar Tissue Remodeling Treatments that I do, and a problem whose cause likely won’t show up on standard medical tests.

Destroy Chronic Pain / Doctor Russell Schierling

Sherry McAllister, DC, MS (Ed), CCSP Recommends Chiropractic

Shin Splint Sufferers Should Consider Chiropractic

Shin Splint Sufferers Should Consider Chiropractic

Shin Splint: Whether you are an avid exerciser, an exuberant shopper, or a small child chaser, you have probably felt tightening and burning in your shin at one point in your life. Sometimes, the pain stops when the activity ceases, but other times the pain remains. If shin pain continues bothering you, it may be time to face the fact you have shin splints.

The shin is a bone located in the front part of your lower leg. Shin splints commonly occur in athletes who have intensified or changed their training routines. They also show up in regular people who have changed or added activity to their routine.

The shin has a lot of responsibility during exercise, as it absorbs the shock of the steps, raises the toes, and support the arch of the foot.

A few main culprits play a part in shin splints:

  • failing to stretch properly before exercising
  • walking or running on hard surfaces, like pavement
  • wearing the wrong type of shoes during activity
  • over-exerting the body with strenuous activity
  • skipping periods of rest between exercise

Individuals who perform any type of exercise should take appropriate measures to alleviate the above risk factors of shin splints. If you notice pain and soreness in the front part of your lower leg, know how to treat this injury properly.

If rest and ice aren�t doing the job and you’re still suffering pain, it’s time to see a doctor. A thorough exam and possibly an x-ray will diagnose the problem.

Chiropractic care is a powerful choice for treating shin splints and reducing their recurrence.

Chiropractic Treatment Benefits Those Suffering From Shin Splint/s:

shin splint

Reduction In Pain

Chiropractic is proven to relieve the pain associated with bodily injuries and medical conditions, including shin splints. Sometimes one visit is enough to relieve the pain, other times the pain decreases over a series of appointments. Being able to diminish a high degree of pain down to a manageable level is possible for shin splint patients through chiropractic.

Full Body Alignment

The premise behind chiropractic is that it treats the body as a whole, and, in doing so, promotes healing and health to the injured or diseased areas. A chiropractor may work on your neck to help your calf. With shin splints, he or she may align your spine and joints to lessen the impact of activity on your shins. Again, the entire body is treated in order to create the best environment for health restoration.

Healing Through Adjustments

Treating shin splints is a common procedure for chiropractors. Common practice is to adjust the calf, ankle, and foot to stretch and increase blood flow to the area.

Drug Free Treatment Option

A primary benefit of chiropractic care is it requires no over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Individuals who suffer from stomach issues, or simply prefer to avoid drugs, find chiropractic visits a productive alternative to manage pain and promote healing.

Strengthening Exercises

Chiropractors don’t just treat the spine. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will set an overall plan of attack for optimal recovery when dealing with shin splints.

It’s routine for chiropractic treatment of shin splints to include a series of stretching and strengthening exercises the individual performs at home between visits. These exercises further expand on the positive effects of the chiropractic therapy.

If you are one of the many people dealing with shin splints, don’t despair! Consider chiropractic care as your main treatment option or in conjunction with other modes of treatment. Within a few visits, you will experience pain reduction, and enjoy a decreased risk of ever dealing with painful shin splints again.

Athletic TIPS