Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.
At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
Acupuncture is a safe and effective alternative to pain medications for some emergency room patients, a new study reports.
“While acupuncture is widely used by practitioners in community settings for treating pain, it is rarely used in hospital emergency departments,” said study lead investigator Marc Cohen. He is a professor in the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
The study — billed as the world’s largest randomized, controlled trial of acupuncture in the emergency department — included 528 patients.
The study participants were seen at four Australian emergency departments for acute low back pain, migraines or ankle sprains. Patients who said their level of pain was at least 4 on a 10-point scale received one of three treatments: acupuncture alone; acupuncture with painkillers; or painkillers alone.
One hour after treatment, less than 40 percent of all patients had significant pain reduction, meaning at least a 2-point decline on the 10-point scale. More than 80 percent still had a pain rating of at least 4, the findings showed.
But two days later, most patients were satisfied. Overall, nearly 83 percent of acupuncture-only patients said they would probably or definitely repeat their treatment, compared with about 81 percent in the combined group, and 78 percent who took painkillers alone.
“Emergency nurses and doctors need a variety of pain-relieving options when treating patients, given the concerns around opioids such as morphine, which carry the risk of addiction when used long-term,” Cohen said in a university news release.
The study results suggest acupuncture would be especially beneficial for patients who can’t use standard pain-relieving drugs because of other medical conditions, Cohen added.
But he noted that more research is needed because some patients remained in pain no matter what treatment they received.
The study was published June 18 in the Medical Journal of Australia.
Seeing a doctor of chiropractic, otherwise referred to as DC, chiropractic physician or a chiropractor, can be a beneficial step towards effectively treating low back pain. Below is a quick description of how they help patients resolve their low back pain and what chiropractors do.
What to Expect from a Chiropractor
Chiropractors use a number of treatments made to manipulate joints, the back, and tissues of the body to relieve pain and improve functional ability. Normally, this could be referred to as spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), but you will find several other chiropractic treatment approaches.
A chiropractor tailors her or his treatment strategy depending on the individual needs of a patient, using a traditional philosophy of starting off together with the more natural, less-invasive treatments before moving on to even more aggressive techniques.
At every stage through the procedure, chiropractors preserve a rigorous emphasis on proactively communicating together with the patient exactly what’s going to happen. The chiropractor makes certain the patient comprehends everything that occurs during evaluation, an investigation, and also the proposed procedures, so that you can instruct the patient and receive direct acceptance to start the treatment process.
This emphasis on informed consent is essential because some chiropractic techniques may carry material hazard, which means there could a danger, however, trivial, that an injury could be maybe caused by a particular process.
Nevertheless, a chiropractor also informs a patient of the potential risks attached to abstaining in the process, entirely. Nevertheless, none of this is meant to scare a patient. Make sure that the patient, who has full control over his / her body can make an informed choice and constantly it’s simply thought to remove mistakes.
Chiropractic Procedures
A chiropractor will examine a patient thoroughly prior to making any type of identification or treatment plan. The evaluation can include various aspects, including:
Health history
Look in the characteristics of the pain, keeping an eye out for “red flags,” which suggest that additional diagnostic testing ought to be ran in order to exclude any potentially serious medical problems that may be connected with neck or low back pain-like neurological disorders, fractures, diseases, and tumors.
You will find lots of reasons why low back pain happens. A chiropractor will find out those motives to configure the most appropriate treatment.
Physical examination, including orthopedic and neurological evaluations
Analyze sensory nerves, the reflexes, joints, muscles, as well as other areas of the body.
Advanced Diagnostic Testing
Lab and imaging evaluations aren’t recommended for nonspecific LBP, however they might be required if there are signs of a serious underlying condition.
Severity and Duration of Afflictions
A chiropractor looks at the symptoms and afflictions of sickness or an injury and rationally classifies them based by how serious they are, and the way long they continue.
Symptoms are subdivided into levels of severity: mild, moderate, or serious. In terms of duration, pain (and other symptoms) might be referred to as:
Acute – lasts for less than 6 weeks
Subacute – persists between 6 and 12 weeks
Long-Term – persists for at least 12 weeks
Perennial/flare up – the same symptom(s) reoccurs sporadically or because of exacerbating the original harm
In case a patient is suffering from acute or subacute low back pain, a normal chiropractic therapeutic trial is 2 to 3 weekly sessions over the course of 2 to 4 weeks, going up to 12 complete sessions per trial. Often, this can be sufficient to entirely solve the pain. Other times, additional treatments may be necessary, especially if a patient is struggling with other issues.
Result measurements certainly are a useful tool to get a chiropractor since they could help determine in the event the treatments are showing significant progress.
Some ways a chiropractor can quantify the outcomes of the treatments include:
Having a patient speed the pain
So a patient can characterize the positioning and nature of the pain, using a pain diagram
Searching for increases (or declines) in day-to-day living practices, as in the capacity to work (employment), exercise and sleep.
Testing practical capacity, such as weightlifting ability, strength, flexibility, and endurance
Some patients’ low back pain may have lasted into and beyond the 12-week mark, which makes it long-term pain. During assessment, chiropractors will look for signs to determine if a patient is at an increased risk of developing long-term pain- the “yellow flags” of chronicity so to speak.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is an well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to prevent, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient�s strength, mobility and flexibility.
After a long day of work, it�s not uncommon for people to experience symptoms of pain and discomfort throughout their body. In today�s world, however, everyday activities, such as typing and texting, can often cause more than temporary soreness on the extremities. The repetitive movements of the wrist over time may irritate the surrounding tissues, leading to damage, injury, and even the development of uncomfortable conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a frequently diagnosed medical condition, characterized by pain, numbness and tingling sensations in the hand and arm. The well-known condition develops when one of the major nerves which runs through the hand, medically referred to as the median nerve, is compressed or impinged as it travels through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway within the wrist that is surrounded by rigid tissues, making it minimally capable of stretching or increasing in size.
The median nerve originates from a bundle of nerve roots found in the neck. These roots merge into a single nerve in the arm, where it then travels down the arm and forearm, passing through the carpal tunnel at the wrist and into the hand. This main nerve functions to provide feeling in the thumb and index, middle and ring fingers. The median nerve is also in charge of controlling the muscles around the base of the thumb.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition which may occur due to a variety of factors. With constant overuse of the hand and wrist, the repeated motions or activities may result to irritation on the tendons in the wrist, causing inflammation and swelling to begin applying pressure against the nerve. Additionally, participating in activities which involve an excessive flexion or extension of the hand and wrist for extended periods of time can also increase pressure on the median nerve. On occasion, hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy can cause swelling. In other cases, the presence of previous conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, among other, can also be closely associated with median nerve compression. Furthermore, carpal tunnel syndrome is believed to be caused by hereditary traits. For some people, the carpal tunnel passage may be smaller than average and/or other anatomical differences can in turn change the amount of space between the narrow passageway and the median nerve, leaving people at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Research shows that women and older individuals have a higher chance of developing this uncomfortable condition.
Fortunately, whether you plan to prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome or you�ve been recently diagnosed with the condition, there are several effective treatment options available to relieve the painful symptoms and restore the individuals original hand, wrist and arm function.
Chiropractic and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chiropractic care is one of the most common forms of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Foremost, a doctor of chiropractic, or DC, will evaluate the extent of the condition as well as diagnose the individual to determine any underlying cause behind the condition. After diagnosis, the chiropractor will follow up with an appropriate treatment regimen for the individual, according to their specific needs. Through a series of chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations, the structures surrounding the hand, wrist and arm can be slowly adjusted to gradually reduce the pressure around the median nerve, ultimately reducing the individual�s symptoms. The chiropractor may also recommend a set of stretches and exercises to carefully restore the individual�s mobility and rehabilitate them back into their original state of well-being.
The repetitive movements of the wrist over time may irritate the surrounding tissues, leading to damage, injury, and even the development of uncomfortable conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900.
Automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash. Any type of accelerated motion that thrusts the head forward and then backwards with extreme force can lead to whiplash. Sports accidents can also cause whiplash-associated injuries. An unpredicted head jolt can damage the complex structures of the cervical spine, leaving tendons and ligaments intensely irritated and inflamed. The tendons and ligaments as well as other tissues of the neck may become overly stretched and torn.
A whiplash type injury may be suspected if the individual involved in an�automobile accident experiences�the following symptoms: neck pain and stiffness; worsening pain with movement; loss of range of motion in the neck; headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull; tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms; tingling or numbness in the arms, fatigue and dizziness. Other individual�s may experience: blurred vision; ringing in the ears; sleep disturbances; irritability; difficulty concentrating; memory problems; and even depression. While these are some of the most common symptoms of whiplash, they may also suggest the presence of another type of injury or condition resulting from the automobile accident.
Thus, it�s essential to visit a qualified healthcare professional who can properly identify a whiplash injury and offer the required treatment to eliminate the resulting pain and symptoms.
Apart from assessing the doctor�s experience and qualifications, the victim of an automobile accident must primarily consider their geographical location and the type of insurance they are covered by when deciding on the type of doctor to visit following a whiplash type injury. Other factors that should influence the affected individual�s decision include whether they are represented by an attorney and whether they are living in a state where PIP, or personal injury protection, is mandatory.
Whiplash Injury Practitioners
People who�ve sustained injuries from auto accidents fail to receive the kind of medical care they require. It has been previously determined that the outcome of the patient�s rehabilitation depends on the type of doctor they receive care from.
Many individuals who�ve been involved in an automobile accident, regardless of the severity of the collision, will generally visit the emergency room, or ER, to have their injuries evaluated. The majority of ERs are designed to take patients out of life threatening situations. First, they immediately assess any visible injuries, such as open wounds and broken bones, treating them effectively on the spot. They may even prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following a�traffic collision. However, many victims are not treated for their whiplash injuries. The trained specialists from the ER, provide first-aid, X-rays and medications to remove individuals from life-threatening situations but they don�t readily treat soft-tissue injuries like whiplash. From there, patients are sent to see their primary care physician, or PCP, to assess the rest of their injuries, yet, they may still face hardships to finally receive the proper care they deserve for their injuries.
Primary Care Injury Specialists and Whiplash
Many primary care physicians do not have the full qualifications in treating automobile accident injuries. Many of these doctors may even deny patients treatment. Whiplash associated disorders have been misunderstood in the medical field and many doctors believe whiplash is not a legitimate injury. However, those whom are suffering from whiplash can account for how painful it really is.
Other doctors refuse treatment to whiplash patients because they may not accept any kind of 3rd�party billing, a paying method where the doctor seeing the car accident victim has to bill the party at fault�s insurance company or utilize PIP or med pay to receive compensation.�This is a commonly well-known reason for denial of treatment as a large number of primary care physicians, or PCPs, still don�t have the required authorizations to accept 3rd�party billing.
Besides primary care physicians, medical doctors, orthopedics, chiropractors and physical therapists are several types of qualified healthcare professionals that specialize on treating automobile accident injuries such as whiplash. Among these, chiropractic treatment is the most popular, alternative treatment option for treating various soft tissue injuries or conditions.
Chiropractic Treatment for Car Wrecks
Many people from the legal and medical industry dismiss seeking a chiropractor for auto accident injury treatment. However, the fact is that a chiropractors are some of the only doctors who offer therapeutic treatments to accident victims. Treatment offered by medical doctors might include the use of drugs, although in many cases, they may also recommend physical therapy. This automatically highlights the importance of chiropractic care for whiplash victims because chiropractic care and physical therapy are very similar forms of treatment.
Whenever an individual who�s been involved in an automobile accident visits a chiropractor and complains of pain in the neck, the medical specialist will carry out a series of tests to determine whether the patient has suffered whiplash. Instead of focusing solely on the specific injury, chiropractors are trained to inspect the affected individual�s entire spine. Aside from soft tissue injuries like whiplash, chiropractic doctors may also check for: disc trauma or injury, tightness or tenderness, restricted mobility, muscle spasms, joint injuries, ligament injuries, posture and spinal alignment. They may also analyze the patient�s gait.
Besides checking for the above, chiropractors might also request X-rays and MRI of the patient�s spine in order to find out whether the spine features any degenerative changes which might have developed before the accident. To offer the best possible treatment, it is extremely important to determine which problems existed prior to the accident and which ones resulted from the accident. In most cases, insurance companies may argue that every single injury in the victim�s body is preexisting. This makes the role of the chiropractor considerably important as they will make sure to document all the previous and new injuries separately to ensure the insurance company pays for the patient�s treatment. In addition, the evaluation performed by the chiropractor also allows them to create the most effective treatment plan for each individual whiplash victim.
Main Stages of Care
The leading concern for chiropractors who treat whiplash-associated disorders involve alleviating inflammation in the neck. Chiropractors often recommend ice therapy, or the application of ice pack against the affected area, multiple times a day. This remedy is capable of reducing both pain and inflammation. Once the inflammation subsides, they often carry out a variety of manual therapeutic techniques to restore and increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.
The kind of chiropractic treatment the individual will require depends largely on the severity of the whiplash encountered. However, it has been previously determined that the majority of individual�s with whiplash find spinal manipulations useful. The most common chiropractic treatment techniques involve, spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, to carefully re-align the structures of the spine and help reduce symptoms. The following spinal techniques are also used to treat whiplash injuries: Instrument-assisted treatment, which involves the use of handheld instruments to provide a gentle massage by applying force onto the spine without utilizing any kind of thrust.
Instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy is used mostly to treat older patients with degenerative joints; flexion-distraction, this technique involves the use of a non-thrusting motions, best described as a slow pumping action; specific spinal manipulation, this therapy involves the use of a mild thrusting technique and is mostly used for restoring motion to the affected joints. Specific spinal manipulation helps stretch the soft tissues, which makes the job of restoring motion to the affected areas of the spine easier; instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy, also known as the Graston Technique, is used during this form of chiropractic therapy to perform repetitive strokes on the injured body part; therapeutic massage, performed to ease muscle tension and stress in the injured region; interferential electrical stimulation, where a patient undergoing this type of therapy will see the chiropractor passing electrical current at a very low frequency through their body. This low frequency current helps stimulate the muscles and reduces inflammation; trigger point therapies, as the name suggests, involves the application of direct pressure onto specific points to alleviating muscle tension; and finally ultrasound therapy, capable of decreasing stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms in the affected areas. When ultrasound is passed through the patient�s muscle tissues, it warms up the treated region and increases blood circulation.
Neck Trauma and Auto Injury
Chiropractic Treatments
Ultimately, chiropractors can help victims of whiplash in many ways. These health care providers can ensure that an individual� whiplash and its associated symptoms may subside completely. They always make sure to create a patient-specific treatment plan to make the process of recovery simpler for every individual.
Other than recommending immediate treatment for reducing the acute pain and inflammation, the chiropractor might additionally recommend a series of stretches and exercises, to help speed up the rehabilitation process as well as help increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.
Whiplash injuries, when left untreated, can cause severe complications. If you or a loved one have been involved in an automobile accident, visit a chiropractor immediately. By being prompt, you can even reduce your recovery time significantly. That�s not all; the chiropractor will also provide the required assistance to your lawyer, proving that the injury resulting from the accident wasn�t a preexisting injury or condition.
When you are injured in a car accident, you must get acquainted with your rights as soon as possible to receive the proper compensation and treatment for your specific situation. There is no such thing as a simple car crash.
Certain injuries or conditions which may have developed following an automobile accident may become chronic or permanent if left untreated. If an individual is experiencing neck stiffness or headaches after a traffic collision, it�s absolutely wrong to assume that this will subside in a few days. A minor discomfort could turn out to be a more serious complication.
Often, people injured in auto accidents develop scar tissue that remains with them throughout the rest of their lives and without the necessary treatments or exercises, these can become stiff and greatly limit an individual�s ability to move properly. The above issues generating from a car accident show how important it is for people to seek immediate legal and medical help. Chiropractors are known for their expertise in managing soft tissue injuries and the resulting chronic and traumatic pain; as a result, they are often considered to be the best healthcare professionals to consult�after a car accident.
Auto accidents can create enormous confusion and frustration. Most injuries associated with car accidents include trauma to the cervical spine. Dr. Jimenez discusses treatment options and procedures used in assisting patients reach optimal recovery. Choosing the right clinical team is always important. Many legal experts agree that a specialist focusing on soft tissue injuries is a search requiring great insight and assistance. Doctors of chiropractic and physical therapy along with surgical experts are best suited in assisting patients find the correct treatment options. If you have more questions please feel free to call 915-850-0900 in order to speak to Dr. Alex Jimenez.
While automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash, it must be noted, that these aren�t the only possible incidents behind the well-known injury. Any type of accelerated motion which thrusts the head forward and then backwards with extreme force from the entire body can lead to whiplash. Accidents from sports can also cause whiplash-associated injuries but auto accidents are the most prevalent.
The unexpected jolt of the head can damage the complex structures of the cervical spine, leaving the tendons and ligaments within the neck intensely irritated and inflamed. Furthermore, the tendons and ligaments as well as other tissues of the neck may become overly stretched and torn.
A whiplash type injury may be suspected if the individual involved in an automobile accident experiences the following symptoms: neck pain and stiffness; worsening pain with movement; loss of range of motion in the neck; headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull; tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms; tingling or numbness in the arms, fatigue and dizziness. Other individual�s may experience: blurred vision; ringing in the ears; sleep disturbances; irritability; difficulty concentrating; memory problems; and even depression. While these are some of the most common symptoms of whiplash, they may also suggest the presence of another type of injury or condition resulting from the automobile accident.
Thus, it�s essential to visit a qualified healthcare professional who can properly identify a whiplash injury and offer the required treatment to eliminate the resulting pain and symptoms.
Apart from assessing the doctor�s experience and qualifications, the victim of an automobile accident must primarily consider their geographical location and the type of insurance they are covered by when deciding on the type of doctor to visit following a whiplash type injury. Other factors that should influence the affected individual�s decision include whether they are represented by an attorney and whether they are living in a state where PIP, or personal injury protection, is mandatory.
Whiplash Specialists
A large number of people who�ve suffered injuries from auto accidents fail to receive the kind of medical care they require, occurring more frequently in the case of whiplash victims. It has been previously determined that the outcome of the patient�s rehabilitation depends on the type of doctor they receive care from.
Many individuals who�ve been involved in an automobile accident, regardless of the severity of the collision, will generally visit the emergency room, or ER, to have their injuries evaluated. The majority of ERs are designed to take patients out of life threatening situations. First, they immediately assess any visible injuries, such as open wounds and broken bones, treating them effectively on the spot. They may even prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following a traffic collision. However, many victims are not treated for their whiplash injuries. The trained specialists from the ER, provide first-aid, X-rays and medications to remove individuals from life-threatening situations but they don�t readily treat soft-tissue injuries like whiplash. From there, patients are sent to see their primary care physician, or PCP, to assess the rest of their injuries, yet, they may still face hardships to finally receive the proper care they deserve for their injuries.
Primary Care Physicians and Whiplash
Unfortunately, many primary care physicians are not specifically qualified to treat automobile accident injuries and many of these may even deny patients treatment. For many years, whiplash-associated disorders have been misunderstood in the medical field. Many doctors believe whiplash is not a legitimate injury, however, those whom are suffering from whiplash can account for how painful it could really be.
Other doctors refuse treatment to whiplash patients because they may not accept any kind of 3rd party billing, a paying method where the doctor seeing the car accident victim has to bill the party at fault�s insurance company or utilize PIP or med pay to receive compensation.�This is a commonly well-known reason for denial of treatment as a large number of primary care physicians, or PCPs, still don�t have the required authorizations to accept 3rd party billing.
Besides primary care physicians, medical doctors, orthopedics, chiropractors and physical therapists are several types of qualified healthcare professionals that specialize on treating automobile accident injuries such as whiplash. Among these, chiropractic treatment is the most popular, alternative treatment option for treating various soft tissue injuries or conditions.
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash
A wide number of people belonging to the legal and medical industry will disregard the idea of visiting a chiropractor to treat auto injuries. However, the fact is that a chiropractors are some of the only doctors who offer therapeutic treatments to accident victims. Treatment offered by medical doctors might include the use of drugs, although in many cases, they may also recommend physical therapy. This automatically highlights the importance of chiropractic care for whiplash victims because chiropractic care and physical therapy are very similar forms of treatment.
Whenever an individual who�s been involved in an automobile accident visits a chiropractor and complains of pain in the neck, the medical specialist will carry out a series of tests to determine whether the patient has suffered whiplash. Instead of focusing solely on the specific injury, chiropractors are trained to inspect the affected individual�s entire spine. Aside from soft tissue injuries like whiplash, chiropractic doctors may also check for: disc trauma or injury, tightness or tenderness, restricted mobility, muscle spasms, joint injuries, ligament injuries, posture and spinal alignment. They may also analyze the patient�s gait.
Besides checking for the above, chiropractors might also request X-rays and MRI of the patient�s spine in order to find out whether the spine features any degenerative changes which might have developed before the accident. To offer the best possible treatment, it is extremely important to determine which problems existed prior to the accident and which ones resulted from the accident. In most cases, insurance companies may argue that every single injury in the victim�s body is preexisting. This makes the role of the chiropractor considerably important as they will make sure to document all the previous and new injuries separately to ensure the insurance company pays for the patient�s treatment. In addition, the evaluation performed by the chiropractor also allows them to create the most effective treatment plan for each individual whiplash victim.
Stages of Treatment
The primary concern for chiropractors treating individuals who�ve experienced whiplash-associated disorders involves alleviating the inflammation in the neck, one of the main sources of pain for victims. Chiropractors often recommend ice therapy, or the application of ice pack against the affected area, multiple times a day. This remedy is capable of reducing both pain and inflammation. Once the inflammation subsides, they often carry out a variety of manual therapeutic techniques to restore and increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.
The kind of chiropractic treatment the individual will require depends largely on the severity of the whiplash encountered. However, it has been previously determined that the majority of individual�s with whiplash find spinal manipulations useful. The most common chiropractic treatment techniques involve, spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, to carefully re-align the structures of the spine and help reduce symptoms. The following spinal techniques are also used to treat whiplash injuries:
Instrument-assisted, this treatment involves the use of handheld instruments to provide a gentle massage by applying force onto the spine without utilizing any kind of thrust. Instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy is used mostly to treat older patients with degenerative joints; flexion-distraction, this technique involves the use of a non-thrusting motions, best described as a slow pumping action; specific spinal manipulation, this therapy involves the use of a mild thrusting technique and is mostly used for restoring motion to the affected joints. Specific spinal manipulation helps stretch the soft tissues, which makes the job of restoring motion to the affected areas of the spine easier; instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy, also known as the Graston Technique, is used during this form of chiropractic therapy to perform repetitive strokes on the injured body part; therapeutic massage, performed to ease muscle tension and stress in the injured region; interferential electrical stimulation, where a patient undergoing this type of therapy will see the chiropractor passing electrical current at a very low frequency through their body. This low frequency current helps stimulate the muscles and reduces inflammation; trigger point therapies, as the name suggests, involves the application of direct pressure onto specific points to alleviating muscle tension; and finally ultrasound therapy, capable of decreasing stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms in the affected areas. When ultrasound is passed through the patient�s muscle tissues, it warms up the treated region and increases blood circulation.
Neck Pain and Auto Injury
Chiropractic Recovery
Ultimately, chiropractors can help victims of whiplash in many ways. These health care providers can ensure that an individual� whiplash and its associated symptoms may subside completely. They always make sure to create a patient-specific treatment plan to make the process of recovery simpler for every individual.
Other than recommending immediate treatment for reducing the acute pain and inflammation, the chiropractor might additionally recommend a series of stretches and exercises, to help speed up the rehabilitation process as well as help increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.
Whiplash injuries, when left untreated, can cause severe complications. If you or a loved one have been involved in an automobile accident, visit a chiropractor immediately. By being prompt, you can even reduce your recovery time significantly. That�s not all; the chiropractor will also provide the required assistance to your lawyer, proving that the injury resulting from the accident wasn�t a preexisting injury or condition.
When you are injured in a car accident, you must get acquainted with your rights as soon as possible to receive the proper compensation and treatment for your specific situation. There is no such thing as a simple car crash.
Certain injuries or conditions which may have developed following an automobile accident may become chronic or permanent if left untreated. If an individual is experiencing neck stiffness or headaches after a traffic collision, it�s absolutely wrong to assume that this will subside in a few days. A minor discomfort could turn out to be a more serious complication. Often, people injured in auto accidents develop scar tissue that remains with them throughout the rest of their lives and without the necessary treatments or exercises, these can become stiff and greatly limit an individual�s ability to move properly. The above issues generating from a car accident show how important it is for people to seek immediate legal and medical help. Chiropractors are known for their expertise in managing soft tissue injuries and the resulting chronic and traumatic pain; as a result, they are often considered to be the best healthcare professionals to consult after a car accident.
Neuropathy means damage to the nerves, which transmit messages from the spinal cord to the brain. Neuropathy often causes numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, called peripheral neuropathy. Physical injury or trauma to nerves most often causes neuropathy; between 60 to 70 percent of diabetics also have neuropathy, ranging from mild to severe, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. A number of diseases, acute infections and toxins can also cause neuropathy. Many people turn to herbs for relief — but do not take herbs for neuropathy without your doctor�s approval.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a topical pain reliever that can help reduce discomfort from neuropathy. Capsaicin works by depleting substance P, a pain-causing chemical, from nerve receptors. Applying cayenne pepper in a topical solution initially stimulates the release of substance P but then depletes it, which decreases pain. Several over-the-counter topical pain relievers containing cayenne pepper approved for use by United States Food and Drug Administration are available. They appear to help at least some people with neuropathies from shingles; trigeminal neuralgia, which causes facial neuropathy; and diabetic retinopathy, the Diabetes Self-Management website reports. In some cases, topical application of this herb can worsen pain. Wright State University pharmacy suggests starting with the weakest concentration of the herb and increasing over time. It can take one to two months to work up to the strongest dose.
A systematic review of studies conducted by the University of Oxford reported on study findings in the April 24, 2004 issue of the �British Medical Journal.� L. Mason and colleagues, of the Pain Research and Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, reported that capsaicin had poor to moderate effectiveness overall in six separate studies.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil, also called EPO, contains an omega-6 essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid. In some studies, EPO showed benefit for use in diabetic retinopathy. A 2003 article published in �The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice� by Kathleen M. Halat and pharmacist Cathi E. Dennehy of the University of California�San Francisco reviewed studies done on the effectiveness of EPO in treating diabetic neuropathy without causing adverse effects on blood glucose levels. The authors concluded that EPO may have benefit in treating mild diabetic neuropathy, but that patient compliance with the number of pills required, 8 to 12 per day, might be problematic.
St. John’s Wort
Antidepressants are often used as treatment for polyneuropathy, neuropathy that affects number of areas rather than just one. St. John�s wort, an herb that has antidepressant properties, is also used to treat neuropathy in some patients. A 2001 study reported in �Pain� by Soren Sindrup, M.D., of the University of Southern Denmark found no improvement of polyneuropathy in patients given St. John�s wort compared to placebo.
Ginkgo Biloba
In an animal study reported by Yee Suk Kim, M.D., and colleagues of the Catholic University of Seoul and published in the June 2009 issue of �Anesthesia and Analgesia,� ginkgo biloba was found to decrease neuropathic pain in rats. Ginkgo may also prove valuable for use in humans, the study concluded.
Characterized by pain, tingling sensations and numbness, damage or injury to the nerves can alter the function of the nervous system. Neuropathy can interrupt the communication of the nerves between the brain, spinal cord and the central nervous system. Several treatments have been found to improve the symptoms of neuropathy and a herbal treatment containing several specific herbs can help improve the condition.
Trending Topic: Vaccines Revealed Episode 6
Dr. Gentempo and others are bringing great awareness to our community regarding vaccinations and their dangers.
Vaccines Revealed and Exposed on Episode #6
As a healthcare provider, Dr. Patrick Gentempo has been searching for the truth behind the effects of vaccines on the general population. When making critical decisions about you and your children�s health, it�s essential to have the correct knowledge of all medical procedures you�re being involved in, including the administration of mandatory vaccines, among others.
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common clinical syndrome of unknown cause characterized by widespread pain and muscle tenderness often accompanied by chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depressed mood.
There are many theories regarding possible causes of FMS, but no universally accepted explanation, making a rational approach to therapy difficult. It is conventionally treated by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and�tricyclic�antidepressant medications. Many patients prefer natural treatments, of which there are many, including aromatherapy, acupuncture, spiritual practices, oral supplementation and dietary modifications. Among these, a particular emphasis is placed on nutritional approaches, including both whole diet therapies and treatments based on isolated nutrients or supplements. This article will discuss nutritional treatments for fibromyalgia, with special attention to an intravenous vitamin-mineral mixture that is currently under investigation.
According to the National Fibromyalgia Research Association, symptoms of fibromyalgia tend to be alleviated when refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, red meat, and highly processed foods are eliminated or kept to a minimum, due to the potential these foods have to irritate muscles and stress the immune system. Many people reportedly benefit from eliminating all sugar in their diets for a month. This can appreciably reduce the craving for sweets, and allows the body to better manage its sugar intake when sugar is added back into the diet. Similarly, reducing caffeine and fried and processed fatty foods can improve cravings for these items in the same way. Eliminating certain food items like these not only contributes to a healthier overall diet and lifestyle, but also allows patients to see if the foods are contributing to their fibromyalgia symptoms.
To evaluate systematically which foods are problematic for fibromyalgia patients, the “Elimination Diet” can be used. Elimination diets focus on the foods most commonly implicated in allergy and other adverse reactions (wheat and other glutinous grains, dairy products, eggs, corn, soy and tofu, peanuts, citrus fruits, yeast and refined sugars, as well as highly processed foods, chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colorings, flavorings, caffeine, and alcohol), removing them singly or in groups. If symptoms improve with elimination of a food, its role in the condition is suggested. The food is then added back to see if symptoms recur. Several such cycles may be required to establish with certainty that a food is implicated in symptom severity, although sometimes it�s obvious right from the start.
In addition to eliminating some potentially troublesome foods, it is important also to supplement the diet with more raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, and use less meat that is high in fat, and more fish or lean poultry. Vegan diets may also help relieve pain, improve quality of sleep, and enhance overall health in fibromyalgia patients. These dietary changes may lead to such positive results because they reduce the inflammatory/oxidative effects of diet, and enhance the anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant effects.
Many researchers have studied a variety of treatments which could benefit and improve the symptoms of this painful condition, particularly, the benefits of a proper nutrition on individuals with fibromyalgia. For years, researchers have found a connection between nutritional deficiencies and the development of the condition, where certain eating habits may improve the symptoms.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
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