Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Fatigue Ankylosing Spondylitis: Fatigue is a significant complaint for individuals dealing with ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is chronic inflammation of the spine’s joints that can cause them to become fused or locked up. The process can cause the spine to stiffen, limiting movement, reducing flexibility, and generating a severe hunched posture. Symptoms can include back pain, stiffness, and the inability to take a deep breath if the ribs are involved. Fatigue can have a variety of causes, but in ankylosing spondylitis, inflammation and cytokines play a significant role. The underlying cause of ankylosing spondylitis is still being researched, but it currently affects around 300,000 Americans.
Fatigue Ankylosing Spondylitis
Most individuals with ankylosing spondylitis experience pain in the lower back but can also feel pain in their hips and neck, have abdominal pain, or experience problems with vision. Inflammatory back pain is usually strongest in the morning but can also come from inactivity.
Spinal Condition and Extreme Exhaustion
The inability to move along with a decreased spinal range of motion impacts body functionality, sleep quality, and respiratory function affecting energy levels and leading to mild to severe fatigue. Studies have shown that 50% – 85% of individuals with ankylosing spondylitis experience fatigue.
Fatigue is brought on by inflammation, as the body generates the same chemicals when fighting a cold or flu; an individual’s body constantly works to reduce inflammation, leaving them drained and unable to perform ordinary tasks. Inflammatory diseases take a significant toll on the whole body, leading to an increased risk of depression and increased fatigue levels.
Exercise, Massage, and Diet
Many individuals find that their symptoms flare up after long periods of inactivity, like sleeping. This can make wanting to fall and stay asleep complicated, exacerbating fatigue and vice versa, creating a vicious cycle. Even though it can be challenging to move, gentle exercise is recommended. Exercise can help slow the disease progression, build muscle, and improve sleep. It is recommended to speak with a spine specialist, doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or exercise trainer about a customized exercise treatment program.
Many individuals with ankylosing spondylitis find therapeutic massage helpful in temporarily relieving pain, and stiffness, reducing stress and improving flexibility from increased blood circulation. A combination of gentle chiropractic massage, exercise, ergonomic adjustments, and rheumatology treatment is recommended for many cases. An anti-inflammatory diet comprised of foods like fatty fish, fruits, nuts, and leafy green vegetables can fight inflammation and decrease fatigue.
AS Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Pathology
Cornelson, Stacey M et al. “Chiropractic Care in the Management of Inactive Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Case Series.” Journal of chiropractic medicine vol. 16,4 (2017): 300-307. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2017.10.002
Li, Ting, et al. “Fatigue in Ankylosing Spondylitis Is Associated With Psychological Factors and Brain Gray Matter.” Frontiers in medicine vol. 6 271. 21 Nov. 2019, doi:10.3389/fmed.2019.00271
Zhang, Jun-Ming, and Jianxiong An. “Cytokines, inflammation, and pain.” International anesthesiology clinics vol. 45,2 (2007): 27-37. doi:10.1097/AIA.0b013e318034194e
Maintaining healthy joints is crucial to preventing injuries from affecting the body. Incorporating physical activities, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, and getting a routine check-up are ways to ensure that the body is functional, including the joints. The joints in the body act like shock absorbers that soften the impact of any injuries that the body has sustained. However, as the body ages, so do the joints, causing them to become hardened and cause problems in the body. In today’s article, we will look at sacroiliac dysfunction, what issues it affects besides back pain, and how chiropractic care manages sacroiliac dysfunction. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in musculoskeletal therapies to help those with sacroiliac dysfunction. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is Sacroiliac Dysfunction?
Are you experiencing pain in the pelvis? Do your hips seem tighter than usual? Do you feel muscle stiffness when you twist from side to side? Some of these issues are signs that you might be experiencing sacroiliac dysfunction. Around the pelvic region lies the sacroiliac joint, a weight-bearing solid joint connecting the pelvis to the sacrum. It is surrounded by tough ligaments that support the body as it distributes the weight from the upper body to the lower body. However, like all the other joints in the body, any injury or condition can cause this joint to be unstable and succumb to the pain, causing sacroiliac dysfunction. Sacroiliac dysfunction or sacroiliac joint pain is defined as one of the potential causes of axial low back pain. When there are issues affecting the sacroiliac joints, it’s associated with about a quarter of most low back pain cases. This is due to the problems that overlap with pain associated with the low back. Studies reveal that dysfunction in the sacroiliac joint can relate to leg or back pain, making diagnosing the problem difficult. Back pain associated with sacroiliac dysfunction causes the pelvis to be hypermobile, causing the risk of developing radiating groin pain. Leg pain associated with sacroiliac dysfunction causes muscle tension and stiffness to the low back, legs, or buttock region, mimicking sciatica-like symptoms.
What Other Issues Does It Affect?
Many individuals may not realize that when they are experiencing sacroiliac dysfunction, symptoms show that they overlap with lumbar spine pathologies. However, sacroiliac dysfunction can also affect the pelvic region of the body. Studies reveal that when the muscles around the body’s pelvic area become inflamed or irritated, it can cause stiffness in the sacroiliac joints, thus developing the risk of pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is usually defined as non-menstrual pain that causes functional disability to the lower extremities. Around the pelvic region, the lower sacral nerves provide extensive neurologic connections to the structures throughout the pelvic area that maintain normal pelvic organ function. When issues like sacroiliac dysfunction become the risk of pelvic pain, it may potentially involve pelvic symptoms like constipation. Studies reveal that constipation is significantly associated with a high prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse and low urinary tract symptoms. Other issues that sacroiliac dysfunction correlates with are:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory issues
Hip pain
Pelvic pain
Low back pain
Piriformis syndrome
An Overview Of Sacroiliac Joint Pain- Video
Are you experiencing radiating from your lower back down to your leg? How about stiffness in your hips? Are you feeling constipated or have a sense of fullness in your bladder? You may suffer from sacroiliac dysfunction in your pelvic region if you notice these symptoms. The video above explains how to understand sacroiliac joint pain. The sacroiliac joint connects the pelvis and sacrum, surrounded by tough ligaments and muscles that help support the body by distributing weight from the upper body to the lower body. When issues affect the sacroiliac joints can overlap other risk profiles like low back pain, leg pain, and pelvic pain. This can make diagnosing sacroiliac dysfunction difficult because the symptoms are similar to other issues. For example, hip pain is associated with piriformis syndrome while potentially being involved with sciatica. How would hip pain be correlated with piriformis syndrome? The piriformis muscle can become overused and injured and can entrap the sciatic nerve (which runs from the lumbar spine, through the hips, and down to the leg), causing radiating, throbbing pain. Other times referred pain in the low back can affect different areas in the body due to sacroiliac dysfunction. Luckily, there are treatments available to manage sacroiliac dysfunction.
How Chiropractic Care Manages Sacroiliac Dysfunction
When issues of sacroiliac dysfunction become associated with leg or back pain, physicians often misdiagnose it as a soft tissue issue rather than a joint issue. Many doctors might rule out various medical conditions before including sacroiliac dysfunction as part of the diagnosis. Some treatments like massage therapy can help loosen up the tight muscles surrounding the joints relieving the pain and discomfort. At the same time, chiropractic care utilizes spinal manipulation and mobilization to the affected spinal area. Since the sacroiliac joint is an essential part of the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors specialize in this area. Through practical, non-invasive methods, chiropractic care has proven to not only relieve pain in the spine but can also help rehabilitate the spine. Chiropractors are specially trained to guide the individual through several phases of care that help loosen the stiff muscles and strengthen the joints. Chiropractic care will help decrease the pain from returning to the body and let the individual return to their health and wellness journey.
Maintaining healthy joints is crucial to prevent injuries from affecting the body. The sacroiliac joints are part of the musculoskeletal system that connects the pelvic bone to the sacrum. This joint is surrounded by tough ligaments and muscles that support the upper and lower half of the body through weight distribution. When the sacroiliac joint becomes unstable, it can succumb to pain, thus becoming sacroiliac dysfunction. Sacroiliac dysfunction sometimes mimics low back and leg pain, making it difficult to diagnose. Co-morbidities like pelvic pain correlate to sacroiliac dysfunction, causing somato-visceral pain in different body areas. Treatments like chiropractic care can help strengthen the stiff muscles and joints in the body through spinal manipulation and mobilization in practical, non-invasive treatment. Chiropractic care can help rehabilitate the spine while decreasing the pain from returning to the body.
Jonely, Holly, et al. “Chronic Sacroiliac Joint and Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction in a 35-Year-Old Nulliparous Woman Successfully Managed with Multimodal and Multidisciplinary Approach.” The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Maney Publishing, Feb. 2015,
Raj, Marc A, et al. “Sacroiliac Joint Pain.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 12 Feb. 2022,
Singh, Prashant, et al. “Pelvic Floor Symptom Related Distress in Chronic Constipation Correlates with a Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation and Constipation Severity but Not Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia.” Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 31 Jan. 2019,
The body is a set of complex systems, including bones, organs, nerves, muscles, and tissue. Breathing disorders are increasing, including chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and other conditions. Viscerosomatic reflexes include poor breathing quality brought on by allergies, breathing disorders like COPD that can cause intense coughing, sneezing, hunching, arching of the back, and heaving that causes back pain and referred pain.
The brain sends electronic impulses to the different areas of the body through the spine/nervous system. If the nerves get shifted, stretched, compressed, or knocked out of position, the brain could start sending messages of pain and discomfort, which can also cause other body systems to malfunction. If the body is constantly transmitting pain signals, it can disrupt sleep, dietary habits, and overall well-being. Misalignment can disrupt the information delivered by the nervous system, leading to inflammation, irritation, and imbalances in the body.
Regular chiropractic maintains the nervous system to operate the way it was designed. Proper alignment of the spine and body will improve the nervous system’s health and function, encouraging the brain to release endorphins achieving pain relief, and leading to optimal health. When the nervous system performs optimally, the other systems will follow, including better breathing quality.
Poor Breathing
Breathing difficulties are widespread with various causes that include:
Environmental pollutants
Viral and bacterial infections that cause inflammation
An overactive immune response can all contribute to poor breathing quality.
Individuals might not notice that their breathing quality is poor but instead notice they are:
Frequent exhaustion
Having to stop constantly in the middle of activities.
Experience brain fog.
Memory issues/forgetfulness.
Physical performance – endurance, flexibility, and muscle is deteriorating.
The breathing quality impacts how well the body’s systems can carry out their essential functions and be prepared for unexpected events. The body adjusts oxygen intake capacity in line with the energy required to perform physical activity. All bodily systems, including the cardiovascular, immune, and muscular systems, depend on the respiratory system to generate energy.
Immune protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other diseases.
A crucial part of the respiratory system’s function is transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Chiropractic treatment releases tension by moving muscle fascia and the spine that may have become stuck, compressed, or shifted out of position, causing poor posture and injury. Chiropractic eliminates toxins and cellular waste from tight, knotted areas by breaking up stagnant tissues.
Circulation Improvement
Chiropractic increases circulation, allowing fresh blood, lymphatic fluid, nutrients, and oxygen to enter the deprived tissues. These regions include:
Muscles in the shoulder, neck, back
Bones and joints across the spine
Body tissues
Chiropractic treatment can be manual/mechanical traction/decompression, combined with therapeutic tissue massage, exercise, and diet recommendations.
Decompression De La Espalda
McCarty, Justin C, and Berrylin J Ferguson. “Identifying asthma triggers.” Otolaryngologic clinics of North America vol. 47,1 (2014): 109-18. doi:10.1016/j.otc.2013.08.012
Purnomo, Ariana Tulus, et al. “Non-Contact Monitoring and Classification of Breathing Pattern for the Supervision of People Infected by COVID-19.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 21,9 3172. 3 May. 2021, doi:10.3390/s21093172
Schend, Jason, et al. “An Osteopathic Modular Approach to Asthma: A Narrative Review.” The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association vol. 120,11 (2020): 774-782. doi:10.7556/jaoa.2020.121
The body has many nerve roots that are intertwined and coming out from the spinal cord, which is part of the nervous system. One of the main components of the nervous system is the vagus nerve, which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system as it helps inform the brain about the state of the inner organs in the body. The vagus nerve helps maintain the body’s metabolism and homeostasis from diseases and injuries that occur either inside or outside the body. Many inner organs, muscles, or tissues get affected when a person has suffered from an injury or developed infections in their body. They can cause many symptoms that can dysfunction the body. It can affect the spine, nerve roots, internal organs, and joints, making the individual feel a sense of hopelessness. Today’s article will look at the unique connection of viscerosomatic reflexes and how it affects the body, as well as how viscerosomatic pain can affect the spine causing the individual many spinal issues. We refer patients to certified, skilled providers specializing in osteopathic and chiropractic treatments. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is critical for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.
What Are Viscerosomatic Reflexes?
Have you experienced pain in your arms, legs, or back? How about feeling dysfunctional in your urinary tract? Have you noticed that not only your chest has started to hurt but also your gut and lower back? Many of these are signs of you having pain due to your viscerosomatic reflexes in your body. Research studies have defined viscerosomatic as regular visceral activity in the body stimulated by the somatosensory nerves that can help recognize abnormal viscerosomatic reflexes. These nerves are connected to the central nervous system, which travels through the spinal cord and can affect the body. The best example is when a doctor is giving a reflex test and uses a rubber mallet to hit the knee to see if a person still has reflexes in their body. Since the vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system, when it becomes damaged, it can cause numerous effects on the body research studies have found that any visceral disturbances that are affecting the human body can cause an increase in muscle tension and decrease the pain in the corresponding spinal ligament that can restrict the muscle mobility to the tissues and affecting either the motor or sympathetic nerve. This causes the body to experience pain affecting one part of the body to the corresponding affected nerve.
How Does It Affect The Body?
Since the body has so many connections like the gut-brain axis, which helps regulate the body’s metabolism and homeostasis, the endocrine system that allows the transport of hormones to the rest of the muscles, tissues, and organs through the nerve roots, and the nerve roots themselves are connected as they help with the sensory-motor function with the arms and legs, so the body can move around. When these connections are being damaged and start to affect the rest of the body, it can lead to other health problems that do affect the body. Research studies have found that when the body is suffering from visceral pain in the organs can affect different areas. A couple of examples include:
Bladder issues affecting the perineal area
Cardiovascular disorders causing arm and neck pain
GI disorders causing discomfort
Even though visceral pain’s effects are not life-threatening, it can dampen a person’s mood by causing a negative impact associated with distress, sleep, and work disturbances, and even causing sexual dysfunction in the body.
An Overview Of Viscerosomatic Reflexes-Video
Have you experienced cardiovascular issues that are causing arm and neck pain? Have you been feeling some discomfort in your gut or your pelvic area? Have you been experiencing pain that is negatively impacting your quality of life? This could be due to viscerosomatic pain affecting your body and causing these symptoms. The video above explains how the viscerosomatic reflexes are connected to their corresponding muscles and organs. When the body is suffering from issues that affect the related muscles, it is known as viscerosomatic pain. Research studies have shown that individuals suffering from viscerosomatic pain will have multifaceted problems in the viscerosomatic reflexes. This type of pain does affect the spinal neurons causing the visceral neurons to become overly sensitive in the body and the affected areas.
How Does Viscerosomatic Pain Affect The Spine?
Research studies have found that viscerosomatic can affect the spine by affecting the gut system. Many individuals that are suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) will often complain about being in pain in their torso areas. They don’t realize that processing the visceral and somatic stimuli can cause the gut to become hypersensitive and affect the spinal cord neurons to overlap. Another research study has mentioned that pelvic pain in an individual can cause more symptoms that involve many organ systems causing visceral symptoms combined with somatovisceral convergence. When viscerosomatic pain affects many body parts, it can be difficult for a diagnosis to be conducted.
The body has many nerve roots that connect the body by branching out of the spine and providing sensory-motor functions to the corresponding muscles and tissues. When the body becomes injured, it can cause nerve not only damage to the body but also affect the muscles and organs. This is known as viscerosomatic pain and can be challenging to diagnose due to its being multifaceted with multiple symptoms. This pain can cause the affected organs to become hypersensitive and impact a person’s quality of life. When the body starts healing from viscerosomatic pain, the effects will become less for the individual as they heal the affected organs.
Bath, Megan, and Justin Owens. “Physiology, Viscerosomatic Reflexes.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 8 May 2022,
Hoffman, Donna. “Understanding Multisymptom Presentations in Chronic Pelvic Pain: The Inter-Relationships between the Viscera and Myofascial Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.” Current Pain and Headache Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2011,
Sengupta, Jyoti N. “Visceral Pain: The Neurophysiological Mechanism.” Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2009,
Sikandar, Shafaq, and Anthony H Dickenson. “Visceral Pain: The Ins and Outs, the Ups and Downs.” Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2012,
Silva, Andréia Cristina de Oliveira, et al. “Effect of Osteopathic Visceral Manipulation on Pain, Cervical Range of Motion, and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activity in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain and Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM, Hindawi, 11 Nov. 2018,
Verne, G Nicholas, et al. “Viscerosomatic Facilitation in a Subset of IBS Patients, an Effect Mediated by N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors.” The Journal of Pain, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Sept. 2012,
Dehydration affects the body physically and mentally but also affects the health of the spine’s discs. Spinal discs that lack proper hydration begin to compress, collapse between vertebrae, or cannot refill correctly, causing further compression and increasing the risk of spinal injury. Dehydrated discs can cause injuries like herniated disc/s, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. Chiropractic treatment offers spinal decompression that will restretch and realign the spine allowing the injury/s to heal and proper disc rehydration.
Spine Support
As crucial as the spine is within daily activities, it is vital to understand its mechanics. The spinal vertebrae discs work to absorb shock when bending, twisting, or flexing to ensure the bones do not rub together. Within each disc is the nucleus pulposus, made up of 85 percent water that provides movement when the spine rotates and moves in various directions. This high water content in the discs helps the spine function. The discs naturally lose some water as the body ages, but dehydration can also occur when individuals do not intake enough water from drinking or in food. If the dehydration is severe, the risk of injury increases or can aggravate existing spine conditions. The loss of hydration in an adult spine can cause a loss of disc height daily. Without proper rehydration, other medical issues can begin to present.
Depending on which discs are affected, the pain or numbness can travel from the neck into the shoulders, arms, and hands or from the lower back down through the legs. Symptoms can include:
Back stiffness
Burning or tingling sensations
Reduced or painful movement
Back pain
Numbness in the low back, legs, or feet
Changes in knee and foot reflexes
When the body is dehydrated, it can be difficult to replenish the water in the discs thoroughly, as well as nutrient levels through a consistent loss of fluid. Dehydration disrupts the balance which can lead to an increased risk of injury and increased degeneration. Causes of disc dehydration include:
Trauma from an auto accident, fall, work, or sports injury.
Repeated strain on the back from consistent lifting, reaching, bending, twisting, etc.
Sudden weight loss can cause the body, including the discs, to lose fluid.
The entire body relies on proper hydration with direct water consumption to rehydrate the body but also incorporating fruits and vegetables to aid in hydration. These foods include:
These foods are made of more than 90% water and contain essential nutrients and help the spine function more efficiently. Proper water consumption is based on age, body size, and activity level. However, to fully heal desiccated discs, spinal injuries, or back pain, chiropractic decompression, and manipulation adjustments are recommended. Non-surgical motorized spinal decompression treatment is gentle. The therapy lengthens and decompresses the spine reversing the pressure within the damaged disc/s creating an intradiscal vacuum that relieves the pressure off the nerve and helps reshape and rehydrate the damaged disc/s.
Djurasovic, Mladen, et al. “The influence of preoperative MRI findings on lumbar fusion clinical outcomes.” The European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society vol. 21,8 (2012): 1616-23. doi:10.1007/s00586-012-2244-9
Karki, D B et al. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Symptomatic Patients.” Journal of Nepal Health Research Council vol. 13,30 (2015): 154-9.
Twomey, L T, and J R Taylor. “Age changes in lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral discs.” Clinical Orthopedics and related research,224 (1987): 97-104.
Videman, Tapio et al. “Age- and pathology-specific measures of disc degeneration.” Spine vol. 33,25 (2008): 2781-8. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31817e1d11
For keeping the body upright and on the move, the spine plays an essential role in allowing the body to do these ordinary functions. The S-shaped curve enables the body to rotate from side to side, bend back and forth, and twist without feeling discomfort. The spine is enveloped with ligaments, nerve roots, spinal discs, and soft muscle tissues originating from the spinal column; these components protect the spinal cord from being injured. When the back suffers from unforeseen circumstances or starts to naturally age, the spinal discs in the spine will lose their structure, causing them to shrink and become herniated, depending on how severe the pain is. Fortunately, there are treatments available for herniated discs. Today’s article will focus on wear and tear herniation on the spine, how it affects the back, and how decompression therapy can help herniation. Referring patients to qualified and skilled providers who specialize in spinal decompression therapy. We guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is essential for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.
What Is Wear & Tear Herniation?
Have you been experiencing pain shooting from your lower back to your feet? Does it hurt when you are doing daily activities like walking or running? Have you been experiencing muscle stiffness in your lower back or your neck? You might be suffering from a disc herniation from wear and tear from your spine. Research studies have defined that herniation on the spine happens when the spinal discs between the spinal joint columns are damaged. Natural wear and tear on the spine when the muscles have been overworked due to heavy lifting or when the outer layer of the spinal discs starts to crack under pressure, letting the inner layers protrude out of alignment of the spine and press on the nerve roots that are connected to the spine.
Additional information has provided that disc herniation is usually associated with DDD or disc degeneration disease and contributes to low back pain. When a herniated disc starts to affect the spinal column and press on the spinal nerve roots extending all over to work with the back muscles providing motor and sensory function for the body to move, it increases the inflammatory pathways to cause radiating pain to the body. Wear and tear herniation also causes the inner walls of the spinal disc to become weak due to dehydration when the outer layer is cracked. Research studies have also mentioned that the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine are susceptible to disc herniation due to spinal pathologies that affect the spine itself. Spinal pathologies can include RA (rheumatoid arthritis), fractures, osteoporosis, and infections associated with herniated discs that can cause significant issues on the back and make a person in more pain than they already are.
How Does It Affect The Back?
Disc herniation is associated with low back pain, but other spinal issues that cause disc herniation will affect the back even more, when it is not treated. When disc herniation starts to affect the spine, it affects the back, especially the lower back. Research studies have shown the spinal disc in the spine begins to protrude out, inflammation and nerve compression begin to affect the lower back, causing lumbar radicular pain. Other research studies have shown that lumbar disc herniation causes changes in disc height in the spine while shrinking the dural sac. This causes the spinal joints to rub against each other. At the same time, the herniated disc protrudes to compress the spinal nerve roots, thus sending sudden, throbbing pain all over the back, making the individual miserable.
Spinal Decompression Therapy For Herniated Disc-Video
Have you been experiencing aches and pains along your lower back? How about throbbing pain along your sciatic nerve? Does your neck or back feel stiff after suffering from an injury? These are all signs of low back pain associated with disc herniation, and spinal decompression can help alleviate these symptoms. Spinal decompression, as shown in the video above, helps many individuals suffering from low back herniation associated with low back pain. Many decompression machines help suffering individuals with a lumbar disc herniation through gentle pulling on the spine to restore the disc space and take pressure off the surrounding nerves. Decompression helps rehydrate the spinal disc’s outer layer and allows the substances to repair the outer layers. Spinal decompression therapy has many beneficial factors as part of a person’s wellness treatment. This link will explainhow spinal decompression offers impressive comfort for many people who suffer from wear and tear herniation.
How Decompression Therapy Can Help Wear & Tear Herniation
With lumbar disc herniation affecting the lower back, many treatments are available for restoring the spine from herniated discs. Research studies have provided that non-invasive spinal decompression is very effective for many miserable individuals from herniation on their spine. Spinal decompression allows the affected herniated discs to be reabsorbed back into the spine, allowing the spinal disc height to increase. This type of therapy allows the herniated disc to be taken off the compressed roots and reduces pain signals from affecting the lower half of the body. Additional research studies have found that decompression allows the negative pressure to pull the herniated discs back to the spine and is safe for individuals suffering from lumbar pain. The main goal of decompression therapy is to provide relief to suffering individuals by alleviating spinal and low back issues from their backs.
Overall, disc herniation is caused by natural wear and tear of the spine due to overusing the back muscles in the body. When this happens, the herniated discs are compressing the nerves causing low back pain and spinal issues, causing radiating pain to travel all over the body. Treatments like spinal decompression allow the herniated discs to be pulled back into the spine gently and take the irritating pressure off the nerve roots. When people start to take care of their spine’s health through decompression, they will feel so much better in the long run.
Al Qaraghli, Mustafa I, and Orlando De Jesus. “Lumbar Disc Herniation – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 30 Aug. 2021,
Dydyk, Alexander M, et al. “Disc Herniation – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 18 Jan. 2022,
Kjaer, Per, et al. “Progression of Lumbar Disc Herniations over an Eight-Year Period in a Group of Adult Danes from the General Population–a Longitudinal MRI Study Using Quantitative Measures.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, BioMed Central, 15 Jan. 2016,
N;, Demirel A;Yorubulut M;Ergun. “Regression of Lumbar Disc Herniation by Physiotherapy. Does Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy Make a Difference? Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 Sept. 2017,
Oh, Hyunju, et al. “Effects of the Flexion-Distraction Technique and Drop Technique on Straight Leg Raising Angle and Intervertebral Disc Height of Patients with an Intervertebral Disc Herniation.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, The Society of Physical Therapy Science, Aug. 2019,
Yang, Hao, et al. “Low Back Pain Associated with Lumbar Disc Herniation: Role of Moderately Degenerative Disc and Annulus Fibrous Tears.” International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, e-Century Publishing Corporation, 15 Feb. 2015,
Zielinska, Nicol, et al. “Risk Factors of Intervertebral Disc Pathology-a Point of View Formerly and Today-A Review.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, MDPI, 21 Jan. 2021,
Diabetes and severe blood sugar fluctuations can lead to back pain and spinal conditions. The negative impacts on the body from diabetes can be destructive as it is a state of chronic inflammation.
Spine Conditions and Diabetes
Spinal conditions being researched and their link to diabetes can affect each condition and its development differently.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is when the spine’s openings foraminabegin to shrink and narrow, causing the nerve roots that branch off the spinal cord to have less space to function.
The stenosis can compress one or more lumbar spinal nerves.
Pain, tingling, weakness, and/or numbness in the legs can begin to present.
Spinal Epidural Abscess
Spinal epidural abscess is an infection between the vertebral bones and the spinal cord membrane.
Diabetes increases the risk of infection and increases the risk of developing an abscess.
Hypertension and obesity can also increase the risk of infection.
Lumbar Disc Degeneration
The back contains spinal discs between each vertebra that are the shock absorbers.
Lumbar disc degeneration occurs when one or more discs begin to break down.
The disc’s deterioration causes changes in the lumbar/lower back structure.
The degeneration also causes back pain.
Disc degeneration is a normal part of aging and is expected. However, those who have lived with diabetes for over ten years have a higher risk of developing advanced lumbar disc degeneration. To prevent disc degeneration and/or minimize the adverse effects, it’s essential to maintain blood sugar levels.
Vertebral Osteomyelitis
Vertebral osteomyelitis is a rare spinal infection resulting from a spinal injury or post-surgical complication/s.
It is a bacterial infection that can travel to the spine from another location.
Diabetes increases susceptibility to infections.
For example, an individual with diabetes could have a foot ulcer, lower back pain, and a fever, symptoms that could indicate the development of vertebral osteomyelitis.
Chiropractic and Decompression Therapy
Spinal decompression is an effective non-surgical technique that can relieve back pain, leg pain, and symptoms associated with spinal conditions and disorders. It works by gently creating traction/pulling force with a specialized mechanical decompression table combined with chiropractic massage and adjustments. Benefits include:
Pain relief
Decompression relieves tension in tight, spasming, or injured muscles.
Stimulates the nervous system to release chemical signals that bring pain relief.
Heals spinal disc tissues
Decompression creates a vacuum force on the spinal discs, helping to circulate much-needed fluids, cells, and other substances to the damaged tissue/s.
Restores spinal disc and joint alignment
Stress, poor posture, poor body mechanics, and other factors can cause joints to shift out of place or the discs to herniate.
The vacuum force helps realign the joints and discs.
Prevents further pain and inflammation.
Restores mobility and function.
Relieves pressure on nerves
Spinal nerves can get pinched when discs, bones, or other tissues compress the small spaces causing inflammation and pain.
Non-surgical decompression increases the space around the nerves, allowing the nerves to heal.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic offer spinal decompression as one of many treatment approaches to restore a high quality of life.
DOC Decompression Table
Anekstein, Yoram, et al. “Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for the development of lumbar spinal stenosis.” The Israel Medical Association journal: IMAJ vol. 12,1 (2010): 16-20.
Eivazi, Maghsoud, and Laleh Abadi. “Low back pain in diabetes mellitus and importance of preventive approach.” Health promotion perspectives vol. 2,1 80-8. 1 Jul. 2012, doi:10.5681/hpp.2012.010
Heuch, Ingrid et al. “Associations between serum lipid levels and chronic low back pain.” Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) vol. 21,6 (2010): 837-41. doi:10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181f20808
Rinaldo, Lorenzo, et al. “Diabetes and Back Pain: Markers of Diabetes Disease Progression Are Associated With Chronic Back Pain.” Clinical diabetes: a publication of the American Diabetes Association vol. 35,3 (2017): 126-131. doi:10.2337/cd16-0011
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