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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Healthy Gut with Natural Probiotic Foods: Nourish Your Digestive System

Healthy Gut with Natural Probiotic Foods: Nourish Your Digestive System

Can incorporating natural probiotic foods help improve many people’s gut health and restore functionality to their bodies?


Many people trying a healthier lifestyle will start incorporating more nutritious options to ensure the body and the gut get the necessary nutrients. When it comes to gut health, many people will begin to notice how they have more energy and will also start to see how different foods can affect their health. The gastrointestinal system plays a huge role in many people’s health and wellness and is associated with many environmental factors that can impact the body. When that happens, many people can incorporate probiotics to help with gut health. In today’s article, we will dive into how gut health impacts the body, how probiotics improve gut health, and how people can incorporate probiotic-rich foods into their diet. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how incorporating probiotics can help improve gut health. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include foods rich in probiotics to reduce overlapping risk profiles affecting the gut. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How Gut Health Impacts The Body

Do you feel sluggish and full constantly after a heavy meal? Do you notice red imperfections in your skin after eating a certain food item? Or have you experienced constant cold and flu symptoms impacting your daily routine? Many do not realize that the overlapping risk profile scenarios affecting their bodies correlate with the gut system. The gut system is the second brain in the human body and can also be impacted by pathogens and environmental factors. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to abundant microorganisms that form an intricate and mutual relationship that benefits the body. (Thursby & Juge, 2017) Inside the GI tract, numerous bacteria help with food digestion and transport the nutrients to different body areas. When the gut system deals with alterations in its microbial communities, it can negatively impact the functional structures of the gut’s composition and function. (Yoon & Yoon, 2018)



This means that when bad bacteria are abundant in the gut system, it can cause the body to be dysfunctional and, over time, can develop chronic issues like inflammation and gut dysbiosis. Environmental factors like stress, poor dieting, and physical inactivity can impact the gut. They can be potentially harmful through these abnormal chances, causing the bad bacteria to overflow the good bacteria, allowing the immune system to attack the gut system. (Zhang et al., 2015) When this happens, many people start to feel symptoms of pain and discomfort in their bodies and start looking for ways to reduce these pain-like symptoms while improving their gut health.


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How Probiotics Improve Gut Health

When it comes to reducing pain-like symptoms in the body, it is also important to improve gut health. One way to improve gut health is by incorporating probiotics into a healthy diet. Probiotics have beneficial organisms that can provide helpful properties by stimulating the growth and activities of good bacteria in the gut. (Li et al., 2021) Probiotics can help line the gut while boosting the immune system, allowing the GI tract to absorb the nutrients a person eats. At the same time, different strains of probiotics can impact the gut barrier, the immune system, and cognitive function in the body. (Wieers et al., 2019) Additionally, many people can incorporate probiotic-rich foods into their diet.


Probiotic-Rich Foods To Try

There are some benefits when it comes to incorporating probiotic-rich foods into a diet, as probiotics play a role in hosting innate and adaptive immune responses, which occur mainly on the surface of the intestinal barrier. (Mazziotta et al., 2023) Some of the benefits of consuming probiotic-rich foods include:

  • Restoring the natural balance of gut bacteria
  • Strengthening immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Heals Leaky gut

Some the foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi are great examples of probiotic-rich foods as they can be incorporated into any healthy diet and can help produce a higher abundance of health-promoting bacteria to increase gut microbiome diversity and enhance a person’s activity levels. (Jager et al., 2019) When people start incorporating probiotics into their health and wellness journey, they will notice that their energy levels are maintained during their daily activities and that their gut health is optimal. As stated earlier, the gut is known as the second brain in the body, so when pathogens and environmental factors start to cause issues to the gut, the body feels it. But if probiotics are introduced to the gut, the gut and body are happy.



Jager, R., Mohr, A. E., Carpenter, K. C., Kerksick, C. M., Purpura, M., Moussa, A., Townsend, J. R., Lamprecht, M., West, N. P., Black, K., Gleeson, M., Pyne, D. B., Wells, S. D., Arent, S. M., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Kreider, R. B., Campbell, B. I., Bannock, L., Scheiman, J.,…Antonio, J. (2019). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Probiotics. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 16(1), 62.

Li, H. Y., Zhou, D. D., Gan, R. Y., Huang, S. Y., Zhao, C. N., Shang, A., Xu, X. Y., & Li, H. B. (2021). Effects and Mechanisms of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Synbiotics, and Postbiotics on Metabolic Diseases Targeting Gut Microbiota: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 13(9).

Mazziotta, C., Tognon, M., Martini, F., Torreggiani, E., & Rotondo, J. C. (2023). Probiotics Mechanism of Action on Immune Cells and Beneficial Effects on Human Health. Cells, 12(1).

Thursby, E., & Juge, N. (2017). Introduction to the human gut microbiota. Biochem J, 474(11), 1823-1836.

Wieers, G., Belkhir, L., Enaud, R., Leclercq, S., Philippart de Foy, J. M., Dequenne, I., de Timary, P., & Cani, P. D. (2019). How Probiotics Affect the Microbiota. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 9, 454.

Yoon, M. Y., & Yoon, S. S. (2018). Disruption of the Gut Ecosystem by Antibiotics. Yonsei Med J, 59(1), 4-12.

Zhang, Y. J., Li, S., Gan, R. Y., Zhou, T., Xu, D. P., & Li, H. B. (2015). Impacts of gut bacteria on human health and diseases. Int J Mol Sci, 16(4), 7493-7519.


Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms Naturally with These Remedies

Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms Naturally with These Remedies

Individuals dealing with fibromyalgia can find natural remedies to reduce the pain-like symptoms and provide relief to their bodies?


When it comes to the immune system in the human body, it is the number one defender in healing the body naturally from chronic illness or injuries to which the host has succumbed. When the body is dealing with unwanted pathogens, the immune system sends out inflammatory cytokines to attach to the affected area, allowing the healing process to take effect. However, when environmental factors or pathogens develop inside the body over time, the immune system can become confused and begin to attack healthy cells; when this happens, the body can develop autoimmune diseases. This causes chronic issues and overlapping risk profiles to develop and cause the body to succumb to pain and discomfort. Autoimmune diseases like fibromyalgia can affect the various muscles in the body and cause a person to be in tremendous amounts of pain. Luckily, there are different natural remedies to dampen the pain-like effects of fibromyalgia. In today’s article, we are looking at the impact of fibromyalgia on the body and how various natural remedies can help reduce fibromyalgia flare-ups. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how fibromyalgia can affect the body and be correlated with pain-like symptoms. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various natural remedies to reduce the chances of fibromyalgia causing more issues in the body. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How Fibromyalgia Affects The Body

Have you been dealing with pain and discomfort in different areas of your body? Do you feel exhausted throughout the day despite having a good night’s rest? Or have you been dealing with constant migraines that you would rather stay in bed all day? Many pain-like scenarios are associated with musculoskeletal conditions that can affect the entire body through painful sensations. However, musculoskeletal conditions have a casual relationship with not only environmental factors but also with autoimmune diseases like fibromyalgia. Now, fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic and widespread musculoskeletal pain and can be associated with hypersensitivity processing to pain in the brain. (Siracusa et al., 2021) This is because many factors like genetics, environmental, hormonal, neural, and immunological are all associated with fibromyalgia and can cause the neuron signals to be haywire and hypersensitive to the body. (Garcia Rodriguez & Abud Mendoza, 2020) When that happens, the body begins to experience musculoskeletal pain-like symptoms like muscle-joint stiffness and fatigue that can cause the vagus nerve to be in a constant hyperactive state in the body.



Additionally, since fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease, the role of the immune system and inflammation also come into play as the body produces altered levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines to dysregulate neuro-sensitizing molecules and affect the small nerve fibers in the body (Clauw et al., 2024). Unfortunately, when doctors diagnose fibromyalgia, comorbidities can cause overlapping risk profiles in the body. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments and natural remedies available to reduce and manage pain-like symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

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Natural Remedies To Reduce Fibromyalgia

When it comes to finding numerous ways to reduce the pain-like effects of fibromyalgia, many people seek out over-the-counter medicine to reduce the musculoskeletal pain associated with fibromyalgia, which can provide temporary relief. Luckily, there are natural remedies that can improve overall fibromyalgia symptoms that can improve the global functioning of the body, pain reduction, psychological relief, and brain activity. (Assavarittirong et al., 2022) Many natural remedies for fibromyalgia include:

  • Incorporating vitamins and supplements
  • Making small changes in diet and lifestyle
  • Utilizing non-surgical treatments



When it comes to reducing fibromyalgia flare-ups, many people wonder where to start on their health and wellness journey. The best way to start making small changes to their health and reducing fibromyalgia flare-ups is by incorporating vitamins and supplements. Vitamins and supplements can help the body by incorporating the necessary nutrients that the body needs to provide energy and function to the muscles, tissues, bones, and vital organs. When it comes to incorporating various vitamins and supplements to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms, many people have started incorporating vitamin D to boost the immune system and reduce muscle impairment in tissue structure and function. (Lombardo et al., 2022) This is because when individuals are dealing with fibromyalgia flare-ups, they experience extreme muscle pain, and it spreads throughout the entire body. At the same time, many people can also incorporate magnesium as part of the regime to reduce fibromyalgia. When people start to integrate magnesium, they will experience reduced symptoms of muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety, and improved sleep difficulties. (Boulis et al., 2021) By incorporating vitamins and supplements into individuals with fibromyalgia, they will begin to notice over time that the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia are reduced.


Diet & Lifestyle Changes

Another way for individuals dealing with fibromyalgia is by incorporating a diet that has anti-inflammatory properties and lifestyle changes that can be customized for the person’s treatment plan. When it comes to the diet portion of reducing fibromyalgia, many wonder how to start. Since a healthy diet is crucial for a natural treatment to reduce fibromyalgia, the main goal is to reduce the inflammatory effects associated with fibromyalgia. When people start incorporating fruits and vegetables that have been shown not only to reduce oxidative stress but also to reduce the inflammatory markers caused by fibromyalgia. (Lowry et al., 2020) While incorporating a healthy diet containing anti-inflammatory foods, exercising and utilizing non-surgical treatments also play a crucial role in managing fibromyalgia. When it comes to exercising can be a multimodal treatment as it can help create a physiological response that decreases the sympathetic activity and shifts the parasympathetic activity that relaxes the muscular and nervous system, thus reducing the stress levels of individuals with fibromyalgia. (Metyas et al., 2024) This allows people to manage their symptoms and make small changes in their health and well-being. At the same time, they can incorporate non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care and acupuncture to realign the body and reduce symptoms of stiffness and pain correlated with fibromyalgia. By doing so and managing their fibromyalgia symptoms, many people can begin taking back their health and wellness with these natural remedies for their fibromyalgia.



Assavarittirong, C., Samborski, W., & Grygiel-Gorniak, B. (2022). Oxidative Stress in Fibromyalgia: From Pathology to Treatment. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2022, 1582432.

Boulis, M., Boulis, M., & Clauw, D. (2021). Magnesium and Fibromyalgia: A Literature Review. J Prim Care Community Health, 12, 21501327211038433.

Clauw, D., Sarzi-Puttini, P., Pellegrino, G., & Shoenfeld, Y. (2024). Is fibromyalgia an autoimmune disorder? Autoimmun Rev, 23(1), 103424.

Garcia Rodriguez, D. F., & Abud Mendoza, C. (2020). Physiopathology of fibromyalgia. Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed), 16(3), 191-194. (Fisiopatologia de la fibromialgia.)

Lombardo, M., Feraco, A., Ottaviani, M., Rizzo, G., Camajani, E., Caprio, M., & Armani, A. (2022). The Efficacy of Vitamin D Supplementation in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Nutrients, 14(15).

Lowry, E., Marley, J., McVeigh, J. G., McSorley, E., Allsopp, P., & Kerr, D. (2020). Dietary Interventions in the Management of Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and Best-Evidence Synthesis. Nutrients, 12(9).

Metyas, C., Aung, T. T., Cheung, J., Joseph, M., Ballester, A. M., & Metyas, S. (2024). Diet and Lifestyle Modifications for Fibromyalgia. Curr Rheumatol Rev, 20(4), 405-413.

Siracusa, R., Paola, R. D., Cuzzocrea, S., & Impellizzeri, D. (2021). Fibromyalgia: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options Update. Int J Mol Sci, 22(8).


Improving Sleep Posture for Better Sleep: The Ultimate Guide

Improving Sleep Posture for Better Sleep: The Ultimate Guide

Can individuals have a full night of sleep by making small changes to their sleep posture to reduce general aches and pains?


Many individuals know that after a long, hard day of working or running errands, getting much rest is necessary to reduce tension in the body and put it in a relaxed state. Getting a quick nap to a full night of sleep is important not only for the body but also for the posture. However, many people get a bad night’s rest from various environmental factors that can keep them from getting the full benefits of eight hours of sleep. It can range from stressful events impacting a person’s life to overlapping risk profiles correlated with chronic conditions. Today’s article focuses on how poor posture can affect sleep and how there are different ways for a person to get a good night’s rest, improve sleep posture, and find the right mattress and pillows to allow the individual to stay asleep. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how various environmental factors can cause overlapping risk profiles and not getting a full night of rest. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various techniques to improve sleep posture when getting a full night of quality sleep. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


Poor Posture Affecting Sleep

Do you feel extremely tired throughout the day, even after a full night? Do you experience stiffness in the morning that gets better throughout the day? Or how often do you wake up constantly at night and have trouble staying asleep? Many individuals who have experienced these scenarios are frequently correlated with bad sleeping habits. Many individuals have dealt with poor sleeping habits throughout the day due to environmental factors that can impact their sleep. Some environmental factors, like poor posture, can affect how people sleep at night. Poor posture has always been associated with musculoskeletal disorders. When musculoskeletal disorders have overlapping risk profiles from physical workload and psychological stress, it can become a predictor or even correlate with sleep disorders. (Hammig, 2020) This is because having habitual in-bed behaviors like movement and posture could cause health complications and prevent people from getting a good night’s rest. (Elnaggar et al., 2023)



This is due to how individuals’ posture can affect their sleep quality and overall health. For instance, individuals dealing with chronic spinal pain will begin to develop poor posture over time. When this happens, it can coexist with other comorbidities like insomnia, which can lead to a larger negative effect on a person’s physical and mental functioning while preventing them from being less productive and having poor quality of sleep. (Bilterys et al., 2021) When people experience spinal pain, causing them to develop poor posture, it can lead to sleep disturbances. The correlation between sleep disturbances and poor posture can cause impairment of the physiological process that can contribute to maintaining chronic pain. (Skillgate et al., 2021) However, there are numerous ways for people to get a good night’s rest while improving their posture.


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Ways To Get a Good Night Rest

When it comes to finding ways to get a good night’s rest, many people will try to devise solutions to establish a routine for their bedtime. Some of the ways people can utilize for a good night’s rest include:

  • Lowering room temperature
  • Keeping a sleep diary
  • Limit caffeinated drinks in the evening
  • Limit electronics before bed
  • Stick and create a sleep schedule

By creating some of these habits and sticking with them, many people can get much-needed rest and more energy when they wake up. At the same time, proper sleeping habits can help improve sleeping posture.


Improving Sleep Posture

There is no right way to do it regarding proper sleeping habits and improving sleep posture. Everyone has a position they favor more to be comfortable. For instance, a person who sleeps on the back is more relaxed than sleeping on their sides. Since sleep posture is associated with sleep quality, poor posture may provoke increased wake time and affect a person’s ability to maintain an asleep state. (Cary et al., 2021) So, by listening to the body and following its natural sleep flow, a person can stay asleep longer and be comfortable.


Finding The Right Mattress & Pillow



At the same time, improving one’s sleeping posture is not the only way to get a good night’s rest. Finding the right mattress and pillows is important, too. When people seek mattresses and pillows to improve their sleep quality, many often seek out tempur-pedic mattresses to support their body and have the best sleep. Many tempur-pedic mattresses can help reduce pressure from the body, making a person comfortable and minimizing movement. Additionally, new pillows supporting the neck and lower back can reduce somatic symptoms and provide neutral spinal alignment for the body. (Yamada et al., 2023) When it comes to having the best quality of sleep, it can be achievable with proper sleep habits, a new set of pillows and mattresses, and a comfortable position that will allow people to feel refreshed and re-energized.


Bilterys, T., Siffain, C., De Maeyer, I., Van Looveren, E., Mairesse, O., Nijs, J., Meeus, M., Ickmans, K., Cagnie, B., Goubert, D., Danneels, L., Moens, M., & Malfliet, A. (2021). Associates of Insomnia in People with Chronic Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med, 10(14).

Cary, D., Jacques, A., & Briffa, K. (2021). Examining relationships between sleep posture, waking spinal symptoms and quality of sleep: A cross sectional study. PLOS ONE, 16(11), e0260582.

Elnaggar, O., Arelhi, R., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A., Mason, L., & Paoletti, P. (2023). An interpretable framework for sleep posture change detection and postural inactivity segmentation using wrist kinematics. Sci Rep, 13(1), 18027.

Hammig, O. (2020). Work- and stress-related musculoskeletal and sleep disorders among health professionals: a cross-sectional study in a hospital setting in Switzerland. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21(1), 319.

Skillgate, E., Isacson Hjortzberg, M., Stromwall, P., Hallqvist, J., Onell, C., Holm, L. W., & Bohman, T. (2021). Non-Preferred Work and the Incidence of Spinal Pain and Psychological Distress-A Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(19).

Yamada, S., Hoshi, T., Toda, M., Tsuge, T., Matsudaira, K., & Oka, H. (2023). Changes in neck pain and somatic symptoms before and after the adjustment of the pillow height. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 35(2), 106-113.


Enhance Brain Function with Yoga: Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health

Enhance Brain Function with Yoga: Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health

Can individuals improve their brain function by incorporating yoga as part of their routine to reduce stress and improve mental health?


Many people are impacted by life stressors that can cause overlapping risk profiles in their bodies. Stress or cortisol is a vital hormone that affects organs and tissues in the body and can help regulate the body’s response to stress. Whether preparing for a big presentation, studying for an important exam, or dealing with a heavy workload, stress can play a part in these scenarios. Too much stress can impact not only the musculoskeletal function of the body but also brain function, which is why many individuals are looking for ways to lower stress levels in their bodies and give their brains a break. Today’s article looks at how stress is associated with brain function and how therapeutic exercises like yoga can improve brain function and relieve stress. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how stress can have a negative impact on the brain’s functionality. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various therapeutic exercises like yoga to help lower stress levels in the body and improve brain function. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


Stress & Brain Function

How often do you get headaches or migraines, causing you to be anxious constantly? Do you feel muscle tension or pain after a long, strenuous day? Or do you feel more tired throughout the day even though you slept a full night? Many scenarios correlate with stress and can impact a person’s well-being. While stress is often correlated with negative emotions , it is an acute adaptive response to environmental stimuli in the body and the brain. (McEwen & Akil, 2020) Now, the brain and stress have a wonderful relationship with each other, as the brain is the main controller for the body, providing neuron signals to each of the body’s systems and helping with stress reactivity when environmental factors are in play. Cortisol is a stress hormone that, at the basal levels, is highly important for maintaining healthy brain development and function. When dealing with a highly stressful situation can cause cortisol levels to be elevated and lead to the development of free radical formation that is toxic to the brain. (Herzberg & Gunnar, 2020)


When high-stress levels start to impact brain function in the body, the brain can inform the immune system to produce an excess of inflammatory cytokines to attach themselves to healthy cells and lead to the development of stress-induced inflammation caused by repeated social defeat (RSD). When RSD starts to activate the immune cells in the brain, it can enhance neuroinflammation and influence the endothelial cells of the brain to recruit and transport the peripheral monocytes into stress-sensitive neural regions. (Bower & Kuhlman, 2023) When this happens, it can take a person a long time to reduce their stress levels. However, many individuals who are dealing with stress can find therapeutic ways to not only reduce their stress levels but also protect and improve their brain function.


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Yoga For Brain Function



When it comes to reducing stress, many people can incorporate hobbies or therapies that they enjoy and help relax their bodies. One of the various therapies that can help reduce stress and improve brain function is yoga. Yoga is a mindfulness-based intervention that can be used for pain management and help improve pain-like symptoms associated with stress. (Krese et al., 2022) Now, yoga is incorporated into a non-surgical treatment plan for many individuals who have chronic stress affecting their bodies while improving their brain function. When people start doing yoga for the first time, a professional yoga instructor will begin to show them various poses to help stretch their muscles that are tight from the impact of stress, clear their minds from everyday stressors, and even restore their balance. Yoga may be highly effective for many individuals since it is a community-based and holistic intervention that can improve brain function through breathwork, stretching, and holding various postures and meditation. (Stephens et al., 2023) Additionally, yoga can help enhance the brain structure to improve the neurocognitive function of balance and concentration. (Babakhani et al., 2024)


Yoga Equals Stress Relief

Additionally, when people start to incorporate yoga as part of their routine, they will notice their stress levels go down due to being more mindful about what stressors are affecting them and making small changes in their lifestyle. At the same time, yoga can help stretch and strengthen weak muscles by enhancing motor capacity, including muscle strength, balance, and flexibility, and improving non-motor symptoms like alleviating cognitive impairment. (Fan et al., 2020) This is because exercises like yoga can help relieve stress, and when a person is concentrating on going to yoga, they will begin to see improvement in their bodies and brain function. Utilizing the beneficial properties of yoga can help many people be more mindful of their minds and bodies while also improving their brain function.



Babakhani, M., Rahzani, K., Hekmatpou, D., & Sheykh, V. (2024). The effect of super brain yoga on the cognitive function of hemodialysis patients. Heliyon, 10(16), e36384.

Bower, J. E., & Kuhlman, K. R. (2023). Psychoneuroimmunology: An Introduction to Immune-to-Brain Communication and Its Implications for Clinical Psychology. Annu Rev Clin Psychol, 19, 331-359.

Fan, B., Jabeen, R., Bo, B., Guo, C., Han, M., Zhang, H., Cen, J., Ji, X., & Wei, J. (2020). What and How Can Physical Activity Prevention Function on Parkinson’s Disease? Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2020, 4293071.

Herzberg, M. P., & Gunnar, M. R. (2020). Early life stress and brain function: Activity and connectivity associated with processing emotion and reward. Neuroimage, 209, 116493.

Krese, K. A., Donnelly, K. Z., Etingen, B., Bender Pape, T. L., Chaudhuri, S., Aaronson, A. L., Shah, R. P., Bhaumik, D. K., Billups, A., Bedo, S., Wanicek-Squeo, M. T., Bobra, S., & Herrold, A. A. (2022). Feasibility of a Combined Neuromodulation and Yoga Intervention for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Chronic Pain: Protocol for an Open-label Pilot Trial. JMIR Res Protoc, 11(6), e37836.

McEwen, B. S., & Akil, H. (2020). Revisiting the Stress Concept: Implications for Affective Disorders. J Neurosci, 40(1), 12-21.

Stephens, J. A., Hernandez-Sarabia, J. A., Sharp, J. L., Leach, H. J., Bell, C., Thomas, M. L., Buryznska, A. Z., Weaver, J. A., & Schmid, A. A. (2023). Adaptive yoga versus low-impact exercise for adults with chronic acquired brain injury: a pilot randomized control trial protocol. Front Hum Neurosci, 17, 1291094.


Uncovering the Source of Knee Pain: Comprehensive Knee Tests

Uncovering the Source of Knee Pain: Comprehensive Knee Tests

Can understanding what knee tests are used help a healthcare provider diagnose the cause of individuals experiencing knee pain?

Uncovering the Source of Knee Pain: Comprehensive Knee Tests

Knee Pain Tests

A knee examination is the first step in determining the cause of knee pain. Different knee tests may be performed during the exam to help the healthcare provider find the cause and develop an optimal treatment plan. These tests evaluate knee function and range of motion and look for conditions and injuries such as arthritis, meniscus tears, ACL tears, other ligament injuries, and kneecap issues.

Checking If There is Fluid in the Knee

Many individuals know if their knee is swollen, as they can see or feel the swelling. However, if there is excess fluid in the knee joint, the healthcare provider may compress the joint to feel for excess fluid. Fluid is often visible above the kneecap and can be compressed in this area. Fluid may also be detected in the back of the knee, referred to as a Baker’s cyst if the fluid has collected into a cluster. (Frush T. J., & Noyes F. R. 2015)

Arthritis Tests

Certain characteristic findings can detect knee arthritis:


  • Crepitus is the sensation when rough cartilage or exposed bone is rubbing when the knee is bent. (Lo G. H. et al., 2018)
  • The examiner will feel and listen for grinding as the knee is bent back and forth.


  • As knee cartilage wears away, the knees can become progressively knock-kneed or bow-legged.

Limited Motion

  • If arthritis, bone spurs, and swelling prevent normal mobility, the knee’s range of motion often becomes limited.

Torn Meniscus Tests

Tests used to determine if there is a meniscus tear include:

Joint Line Tenderness

  • Joint line tenderness is a non-specific test in which the area of the meniscus is felt. It is considered a positive test when there is pain in this area.

McMurray’s test

  • This test is performed with the patient lying flat. The examiner bends the knee and rotates the shin bone.
  • A click can be felt over the tear as the knee is brought from full flexion to full extension. (Gupta Y., Mahara D., & Lamichhane A. 2016)

Ege’s Test

  • This test is performed with the patient squatting.
  • The test is performed with the leg fully externally rotated or internally rotated, depending on whether the lateral or medial meniscus is being tested.
  • A click is heard or felt over the area of the tear.

ACL Tear Tests

These knee pain tests are for an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear:

Lachman Test

  • The Lachman test is one of the most reliable to diagnose an ACL tear.
  • With the knee slightly bent, the examiner stabilizes the thigh while pulling the shin forward.
  • The shin shifts too far forward with a torn ACL.

Anterior Drawer Test

  • This test is performed with the patient lying flat.
  • The knee is bent 90 degrees, and then the shin is pulled forward to check the stability of the ACL.

Pivot Shift Test

  • The pivot shift test can be difficult, especially if the patient is experiencing discomfort and cannot relax the knee.
  • This test places stress on the knee joint and assesses the rotational stability of the ACL.

Other Ligament Injuries

For a suspected injury to other ligaments, including the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL), the following tests may be used:

Posterior Drawer Test

  • The posterior drawer is performed similarly to the anterior drawer test, in which the patient lies flat.
  • The knee is bent 90 degrees; the shin is pushed backward to check stability and function and detect if the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) has been injured.

Collateral Ligament Stability

  • Side-to-side stability of the knee detects problems with the MCL and LCL.
  • The shin is shifted to each side, with the patient lying flat and the knee slightly bent.
  • The LCL or MCL damage causes the knee to open up too much, a condition known as varus (LCL) or valgus (MCL) instability. (Ohori T. et al., 2017)

Kneecap Tests

Tests for kneecap issues include:

Patellar Grind

  • In this test, also called Clarke’s sign, the patient lies on their back with the leg extended.
  • The examiner pushes the kneecap down to reproduce the knee pain while the patient flexes the thigh muscles.
  • Damaged cartilage can cause a grinding sensation/crepitus.

Patellar Tenderness

  • The examiner can slightly lift the kneecap and place direct pressure on parts of the underside.
  • The examiner looks for regions of sensitivity or pain.

Patellar Apprehension

  • This test indicates an unstable kneecap.
  • The examiner places pressure on the kneecap in a certain direction, and the patient may feel like the kneecap is going to pop out.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Knee pain tests typically check the range of motion, discomfort symptoms, and sounds that could indicate a specific type of knee injury. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Overcoming an ACL Injury


Frush, T. J., & Noyes, F. R. (2015). Baker’s Cyst: Diagnostic and Surgical Considerations. Sports health, 7(4), 359–365.

Lo, G. H., Strayhorn, M. T., Driban, J. B., Price, L. L., Eaton, C. B., & Mcalindon, T. E. (2018). Subjective Crepitus as a Risk Factor for Incident Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Arthritis care & research, 70(1), 53–60.

Gupta, Y., Mahara, D., & Lamichhane, A. (2016). McMurray’s Test and Joint Line Tenderness for Medial Meniscus Tear: Are They Accurate?. Ethiopian journal of health sciences, 26(6), 567–572.

Ohori, T., Mae, T., Shino, K., Tachibana, Y., Fujie, H., Yoshikawa, H., & Nakata, K. (2017). Varus-valgus instability in the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee: effect of posterior tibial load. Journal of experimental orthopaedics, 4(1), 24.

The Link Between Psoriasis and Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

The Link Between Psoriasis and Arthritis: Causes and Treatment

Can individuals dealing with psoriatic arthritis find non-surgical treatments to reduce joint pain and improve skin health?


The body is a complex machine with a communal relationship with the joints, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues, each of which has a specific function to ensure the host is alive. The brain is the main control system that gives each body’s systems, organs, muscles and joints a job. When environmental factors or pathogens enter the body, the immune system is the first one to defend the body and eliminate the pathogens to initiate the natural healing process. However, when the immune system is attacking the body constantly, over time, it can lead to autoimmunity and cause overlapping risk profiles in the body. This, in turn, can lead the development of chronic conditions and cause individuals pain and discomfort. In today’s article, we look at an autoimmune disorder known as psoriatic arthritis, its causes and symptoms, and how treatment can help reduce its pain like effects. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how psoriatic arthritis can affect the joints. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to incorporate various non-surgical treatments to reduce psoriatic arthritis symptoms and help manage joint pain that affects a person’s quality of life. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


What Is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Do you experience swelling in your joints that causes pain and discomfort when moving? Do you feel your skin itchier and warmer than usual? Or have you noticed that everyday tasks are more difficult now than before? Many of these pain-like scenarios are associated with joint pain associated with an autoimmune or musculoskeletal condition. Since autoimmunity is developed when environmental factors cause the immune system to attack healthy cells, it can envoke pain and discomfort to the body. When a person is dealing with an autoimmune condition, it can impact not only the individual but also the rest of the body’s system. For instance, if a person is dealing with an autoimmune condition, they could be dealing with skin issues that can cause them to develop scaly, itchy, red skin patches known as psoriasis. If they have joint pain combined with psoriasis, it can develop into psoriatic arthritis. (Skornicki et al., 2021) Now psoriatic arthritis is a heterogeneous autoimmune condition with musculoskeletal involvement that can manifest various symptoms including inflammation and arthritis. (Hackett et al., 2022) This in turn causes many individuals to think they are dealing with rheumatoid factors.


Causes & Symptoms

As a multifactorial pathology, psoriatic arthritis causes care often influenced by a complex interplay of immunological, environmental, and genetic factors that cause its development. (Zalesak et al., 2024) When the immune system starts to attack the healthy cells in the body, the inflammatory cytokines can become haywire and attack the “problem,” causing the development of autoimmunity. Within this integration, some of the causes can include predisposing genetic backgrounds with the presence of environmental factors that can activate the innate immune system precipitate the onset of psoriatic arthritis. (Azuaga et al., 2023) Some of the symptoms can many individuals with psoriatic arthritis can include:

  • Tendon tenderness
  • Joint pain
  • Stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Joint swelling
  • Skin rash
  • Musculoskeletal pain

However, there are ways to manage psoriatic arthritis, reduce joint pain from affecting a person, and help them manage the symptoms.

Arthritis Explained-Video

Treatments For Psoriatic Arthritis

When it comes to treating psoriatic arthritis, healthcare professionals need to develop therapeutic options to educate the individual and develop a treatment plan that can include conventional therapies and non-pharmacological therapies that are affordable and customized with the individual’s condition. (Ogdie et al., 2020) Since psoriatic arthritis is a complex inflammatory musculoskeletal condition and skin disease, individuals must try to find ways to reduce the inflammatory effects of causing more joint issues. Non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care, physical therapy, and diet changes can help mitigate the burden of psoriatic arthritis by reducing the complications and the socio-economic impact. (McGonagle et al., 2022)


Another way individuals can reduce the inflammatory effects of psoriatic arthritis is by consuming anti-inflammatory foods to dampen the inflammatory cytokines attacking the joints and going to physical therapy sessions like water aerobics to help stabilize the joints and help people be more mindful about their bodies. Since psoriatic arthritis can be managed through non-surgical therapy, low-weight bearing exercise regimes and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods to reduce inflammation can help people minimize psoriatic arthritis symptoms from impacting their health and wellness journey.



Azuaga, A. B., Ramirez, J., & Canete, J. D. (2023). Psoriatic Arthritis: Pathogenesis and Targeted Therapies. Int J Mol Sci, 24(5).

Hackett, S., Ogdie, A., & Coates, L. C. (2022). Psoriatic arthritis: prospects for the future. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis, 14, 1759720X221086710.

McGonagle, D. G., Zabotti, A., Watad, A., Bridgewood, C., De Marco, G., Kerschbaumer, A., & Aletaha, D. (2022). Intercepting psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis: buy one get one free? Ann Rheum Dis, 81(1), 7-10.

Ogdie, A., Coates, L. C., & Gladman, D. D. (2020). Treatment guidelines in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford), 59(Suppl 1), i37-i46.

Skornicki, M., Prince, P., Suruki, R., Lee, E., & Louder, A. (2021). Clinical Burden of Concomitant Joint Disease in Psoriasis: A US-Linked Claims and Electronic Health Records Database Analysis. Adv Ther, 38(5), 2458-2471.

Zalesak, M., Danisovic, L., & Harsanyi, S. (2024). Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis-Associated Genes, Cytokines, and Human Leukocyte Antigens. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 60(5).


Cervical Retraction: Exercise for Neck Tightness and Mobility

Cervical Retraction: Exercise for Neck Tightness and Mobility

Can cervical retraction be a good addition to a home exercise program for individuals with neck pain, spinal arthritis, or needing to strengthen their neck muscles?

Cervical Retraction: Exercise for Neck Tightness and Mobility

Cervical Retraction

Cervical retraction is a neck exercise that involves gently sliding the head backward while keeping the chin tucked. It can help with:

  • Neck pain
  • Stretching and loosening the muscles at the back of the neck.
  • Headaches
  • Tightness
  • Improve posture
  • Improve flexibility and mobility


Basic steps for performing a cervical retraction exercise:

  • Sit upright with good posture.
  • Tuck your chin as far as you can comfortably.
  • Look up while keeping your chin tucked.
  • Rotate the neck 1-2 inches to each side.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Stop the exercise if you experience pain.

You want to get good at this without loading the joints while learning the movement. Gently and accurately moving your head in alignment with the neck will help you find the correct head action as it moves. Then, it can be performed as a full exercise. Performing the movement correctly requires focus. This is why cervical retraction is done while sitting in a chair with proper posture. Individuals can also stand, but it is more complicated for the body to coordinate than sitting, but it can be done once the individual has practiced.

Sitting or Standing

  • Gently tuck your chin down toward your neck.
  • The focus is alignment.
  • Keeping your chin where it is, press your head back.
  • Feel the stretch at the back of your neck.
  • Relax and repeat.
  • Try doing 8-10 reps, with 3-4 daily sessions. (North American Spine Society, 2012)

Pain Management

  • There will be soreness, especially for those with pain symptoms, but the neck should feel better.
  • Be mindful of any intense or severe pain resulting from cervical retraction.
  • Individuals with cervical spondylosis (neck arthritis) stop if pain presents. (Cleveland Clinic, 2023)

Other Neck Exercises

Another good neck-strengthening exercise is the isometric neck press. In this exercise, you move your head forward, backward, and to each side while your hand provides resistance. This develops flexibility and is recommended for those with arthritis in this area.  (Sadeghi, A. et al., 2022) Other exercises include: (Pain Consultants of West Florida, 2019)

  • Neck extensions: Backward bending can help relieve nerve compression and ease the strain on the cervical spine.
  • Side rotation: This exercise can improve neck mobility.
  • Shoulder rolls: This exercise can help keep the neck and shoulder joints fluid.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

If you have a neck condition or radiculopathy that causes pain or other symptoms going down the arm or are unsure how to do it, check with a healthcare provider or physical therapist before trying the exercise. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Neck Injuries


North American Spine Society. (2012). Cervical exercise: The Backbone of Spine Treatment.

Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Could your neck pain actually be neck arthritis?

Pain Consultants of West Florida. (2019). Chronic Neck Pain: How Core Exercises Can Help. Our Blog.

Sadeghi, A., Rostami, M., Ameri, S., Karimi Moghaddam, A., Karimi Moghaddam, Z., & Zeraatchi, A. (2022). Effectiveness of isometric exercises on disability and pain of cervical spondylosis: a randomized controlled trial. BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation, 14(1), 108.