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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health? (Part 3)

Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health? (Part 3)


Nowadays, many individuals are incorporating various fruits, vegetables, lean portions of meat, and healthy fats and oils into their diet to get all the vitamins and minerals that their bodies need. The body needs these nutrients biotransformed into energy for the muscles, joints, and vital organs. When normal factors like eating unhealthy foods, not getting enough exercise, and underlying conditions affect the body, it can cause somato-visceral issues that correlate with disorders that push many individuals to feel unwell and miserable. Luckily, some supplements and vitamins like magnesium help with overall health and can reduce the effects of these environmental factors that are causing pain-like symptoms in the body. In this 3-part series, we will look at the impact of magnesium helping the body and what foods contain magnesium. Part 1 looks at how magnesium correlates with heart health. Part 2 looks at how magnesium helps with blood pressure. We refer our patients to certified medical providers that provide many available therapy treatments for individuals suffering from underlying conditions associated with low magnesium levels affecting the body and correlated to many underlying conditions affecting a person’s health and wellness. We encourage each patient when it is appropriate by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis. We accept that education is a marvelous way when asking our providers’ hard-hitting questions at the patient’s request and acknowledgment. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


An Overview Of Magnesium


Have you been experiencing muscle numbness in different locations in your body? What about muscle cramps or fatigue? Or have you been experiencing issues with your heart? Suppose you have been dealing with these overlapping issues that are affecting not only your body but your overall health. In that case, it could correlate with your body’s low magnesium levels. Studies reveal that this essential supplement is the body’s fourth most abundant cation when it comes to magnesium since it is a co-factor for multiple enzymic reactions. Magnesium helps with cellular energy metabolism, so the muscles and vital organs can function properly and helps replenish intracellular and extracellular water intake. Magnesium helps with the body’s metabolism, but it can also help reduce the effects of chronic conditions affecting the body. 


How Magnesium Helps The Body


Additional studies reveal that magnesium is important in lowering chronic conditions’ effects on the body. Magnesium could help many individuals dealing with cardiovascular issues or chronic diseases associated with the heart or the muscles surrounding the upper and lower extremities of the body. How can magnesium help with overlapping health disorders that can affect the body? Studies show that taking magnesium can help prevent and treat many common health conditions:

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Headaches
  • Cardiac arrhythmias

Many of these conditions are associated with everyday factors that can affect the body and lead to chronic disorders that can cause pain to the muscles, joints, and vital organs. So, taking magnesium can reduce pre-existing conditions from elevating the body and causing more harm.


Magnesium In Food

Biomedical physiologist Alex Jimenez mentions that magnesium supplementation usually causes diarrhea and explains what foods are high in magnesium. Surprisingly, avocados and nuts have a chaulk full of magnesium. One medium avocado has about 60 milligrams of magnesium, while nuts, especially cashews, have approximately 83 milligrams of magnesium. One cup of almonds has about 383 milligrams of magnesium. It also has 1000 milligrams of potassium, which we covered in an earlier video, and around 30 grams of protein. So this is a good snack to break up the cup into about half-cup serving throughout the day and snack on as you’re going. The second one is beans or legumes; for example, one cup of black beans cooked has around 120 milligrams of magnesium. And then wild rice is also a good source of magnesium. So what are the signs of low magnesium? The symptoms of low magnesium are muscle spasms, lethargy, irregular heartbeat, pins and needles in the hands or legs, high blood pressure, and depression. This video was informative for you regarding magnesium, where to find it, and the best supplemental forms to take it in. Thank you again, and tune in next time.

Foods Containing Magnesium

When it comes to taking magnesium, there are many ways to incorporate magnesium into the body’s system. Some people take it in supplemental form, while others eat healthy, nutritious foods with a chaulk full of magnesium to get the recommended amount. Some of the foods that are riched in magnesium include:

  • Dark Chocolate=65 mg of magnesium
  • Avocados=58 mg of magnesium
  • Legumes=120 mg of magnesium
  • Tofu= 35 mg of magnesium

What is great about getting these magnesium riched foods is that they can be in any dishes we consume for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Incorporating magnesium in a healthy diet can help boost the body’s energy levels and help support the major organs, joints, and muscles from various disorders.



Magnesium is an essential supplement that the body needs to boost energy levels and help reduce the effects of pain-like symptoms that can cause dysfunction in the body. Whether it is in supplemental form or eating it in healthy dishes, magnesium is an important supplement that the body needs to function properly.



Fiorentini, Diana, et al. “Magnesium: Biochemistry, Nutrition, Detection, and Social Impact of Diseases Linked to Its Deficiency.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 30 Mar. 2021,

Schwalfenberg, Gerry K, and Stephen J Genuis. “The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare.” Scientifica, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2017,

Vormann, Jürgen. “Magnesium: Nutrition and Homoeostasis.” AIMS Public Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 May 2016,


Why Magnesium Is Important For Blood Pressure? (Part 2)

Why Magnesium Is Important For Blood Pressure? (Part 2)


Many athletes that do an intense workout will start losing their water intake through sweat and find ways to replenish their intracellular and extracellular levels by consuming electrolytes. Many methods can be done by consuming hydrated foods that provide nutrients for the intra-and extracellular levels or incorporating vitamins and minerals to reduce excess water intake and keep the cellular levels balanced. However, everyday factors such as elevated high blood pressure or chronic stress can cause the body to develop pain-like symptoms that can affect the body’s vital organs, muscles, and joints. One of the supplements that can help reduce the effects of high blood pressure is magnesium. In this 3-part series, we will look at how magnesium helps with blood pressure, how blood pressure affects the body, and the effects magnesium has on blood pressure. Part 1 looked at how magnesium corresponds with heart health. Part 3 looks at different foods that contain magnesium and improve overall health. We refer our patients to certified providers that consolidate many available treatments for many individuals suffering from low magnesium levels affecting the body and correlated to high blood pressure that affects the cardiovascular system. We encourage each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


Magnesium & Blood Pressure


Have you been dealing with unexplainable chest pains? What about experiencing high blood pressure from everyday stress? Or have you been dealing with heart issues? Many of these issues are correlated with cardiovascular disorders associated with low magnesium levels in the body. Now studies reveal that magnesium has several functions for the body as it is a co-factor to more than 300 enzymes in the body and has an important role. Magnesium’s properties in the body are that it helps with muscle contraction and neuromuscular conditioning, regulates glycemic control, and maintains normal blood pressure. To that point, consuming foods riched in magnesium or taking it in supplement form can help the body retain healthy hormones and replenish cellular levels from affecting the human body. However, many individuals don’t often consume the recommended amount of magnesium, leading to magnesium deficiency and causing many issues. Additional studies reveal that inadequate magnesium absorption can lead to potential risk factors that can affect the muscles, joints, and vital organs and cause an increase in blood pressure maintenance.


How Does Blood Pressure Affect The Body?


When the body is in motion, the systolic valves from the heart begin to pump blood to be transported throughout the body and allow the various muscle groups to work properly. However, many factors come into play and can become unnoticeable if not found and treated immediately. Studies reveal that the body can regulate blood pressure in the host when needed. This can vary from when a person is at a resting state or active state. The body is relaxed, and the blood pressure is low at a resting state. In an active state, the blood pressure is increased, and the body allows the blood flow to go into the muscles that need more blood intake. Now, what about if an individual is experiencing health issues and is experiencing high blood pressure? It can affect the body by increasing the risk of health problems and damaging blood vessels. Additional studies mentioned that hypertension combined with correlating factors could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders associated with low magnesium levels. So incorporating magnesium into the body can help reduce the related symptoms caused by elevated blood pressure can help lower the effects it has on the body and help reduce the symptoms. 


A Look Into Magnesium

Biomedical physiologist Alex Jimenez mentions that magnesium also helps regulate our stress levels by decreasing the ex expectation of neurons. So that means that neurons aren’t going to fire as much. So when you want as jittery, you won’t be awake as much, and it helps relax you overall. Finally, it helps increase vasodilation, which can, in turn, decrease blood pressure. So how much magnesium do we need? Recommend a dietary allowance or the RDA 400 milligrams of magnesium. However, we recommend starting at a lower dose, around 200 milligrams, to figure out how sensitive you are to magnesium. The best form to get four magnesium if you’re going to be supplementing with it is magnesium, bis-glycinate, or magnesium glycinate. This form of magnesium doesn’t draw water very heavily, and it also has a high bioavailability. So that means it can absorb very, very well without giving you the side effects of magnesium supplementation, which are usually diarrhea. So what foods are high in magnesium? The first one is avocados. One medium avocado has around 60 milligrams of magnesium. Nuts, specifically cashews. So one ounce of cashews has about 83 milligrams of magnesium.

The Effects Of Taking Magnesium For Blood Pressure


As stated in Part 1, magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation. It is an essential supplement to help hydrate the body’s intracellular water intake. It plays a huge role in the body’s metabolism, allowing cardiac excitability for the heart to regulate blood pressure. So what are the effects of taking magnesium to control blood pressure for the cardiovascular system? Studies reveal that when dealing with high blood pressure, taking magnesium orally can help reduce the intracellular calcium and sodium levels that contribute to the effects of hypertension (high blood pressure). Taking magnesium in supplemental form can even help many individuals when combined with anti-hypertensive medications to lower high blood pressure. Additional studies also reveal that when older adults take magnesium as part of their daily supplemental intake, their intestinal tract helps biotransform magnesium to help regulate the intracellular cell cycle and ensure that hormone secretion is leveled. 



When it comes to an active body, the heart makes sure that the blood is pumping to each muscle group and that the heart is functioning. When various everyday factors pile up on the host, it can lead to hypertension associated with other cardiovascular disorders. Taking magnesium in food or supplemental form can help regulate blood pressure in the body and help lower the risk of underlying conditions caused by elevated high blood pressure. Taking magnesium alone can only go so far unless combined with exercise and available treatments that can reduce the chances of high blood pressure increase in the body. In Part 3, we will look at foods containing magnesium that improve overall health.



Al Alawi, Abdullah M, et al. “Magnesium and Human Health: Perspectives and Research Directions.” International Journal of Endocrinology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 Apr. 2018,

Dominguez, Ligia, et al. “Magnesium and Hypertension in Old Age.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31 Dec. 2020, [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. High blood pressure: Overview. 2012 May 21 [Updated 2019 May 23]. Available from:

Houston, Mark. “The Role of Magnesium in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease.” Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2011,

Iqbal, Arshad Muhammad, and Syed F Jamal. “Essential Hypertension – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 4 July 2022,

Razzaque, Mohammed S. “Magnesium: Are We Consuming Enough?” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2 Dec. 2018,


Why Is Magnesium Important? (Part 1)

Why Is Magnesium Important? (Part 1)


The cardiovascular system allows oxygen-rich blood and other enzymes to travel throughout the body and allow the various muscle groups and vital organs to function and do their jobs. When multiple factors like chronic stress or disorders begin to affect the heart, it can lead to cardiovascular issues that mimic chest pains or heart disorders that can affect a person’s daily lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many ways to ensure the heart stays healthy and prevent other chronic issues that can disrupt the body’s function. Today’s article looks at one of the essential supplements known as magnesium, its benefits, and how it corresponds with heart health in this 3-part series. Part 2 looks at how magnesium lowers blood pressure. Part 3 looks at the different foods containing magnesium and improves health. We refer our patients to certified providers that consolidate many available treatments for many individuals suffering from low magnesium levels affecting the cardiovascular system and correlating to chronic conditions that can cause overlapping risk profiles in the body. We encourage each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Magnesium?


Have you noticed that your blood glucose levels are elevated? What about feeling low on energy? Or have you been dealing with constant headaches? When many individuals are dealing with these issues that affect their health, it could be due to low magnesium levels affecting their bodies. Studies reveal that magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation that is a cofactor for 300+ enzymes in the body. Magnesium is an essential supplement that is an important electrolyte that hydrates the intracellular water intake in the body. Additional studies have revealed that magnesium plays a huge role in the body’s metabolism and involves hormone receptor bindings to allow muscle contraction, cardiac excitability, neurotransmitter release, and vasomotor tone. Magnesium is also necessary for the body as it is an active transport for potassium and calcium to go across the cellular membrane for proper functioning. 


The Benefits Of Magnesium


When it comes to magnesium, there are many beneficial properties that it can provide to the body. Some of the benefits of taking magnesium include:

  • Boost exercise performance
  • Regulating neurotransmitters
  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Regulate blood glucose levels
  • Prevent migraines

When many individuals have low magnesium levels, studies reveal that common health conditions like migraines, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiac arrhythmias. These various health conditions can affect not only the vital organs in the body, but when a person has low magnesium levels, their energy levels are low, and they begin to feel sluggish. Additionally, a person with low energy levels from magnesium deficiency can affect their health and wellness. Studies reveal that magnesium deficiencies could cause overlapping risk profiles in the body, which can develop into chronic disorders like cardiovascular issues, hypotension, and osteoporosis.

An Overview Of Magnesium

Biomedical physiologist Alex Jimenez will be going over magnesium with you. But before we get started, it’s important to define some things. The first one is glycolysis. So if we break that down, glyco means carbohydrates or sugar. Lysis implies the breakdown of such glycolysis, the breakdown of carbohydrates. The next one is the co-factor. A co-factor is defined as a non-protein chemical compound that is required for enzymatic activity. You can think of this as the enzyme being the car, and the co-factor is the key. With the key, the vehicle can get started. So what is magnesium? Magnesium is a positively charged cat ion and an electrolyte we need for our bodies. So why is magnesium important? Because it supports proper muscle and nerve function? It regulates glucose metabolism or the breakdown of carbs in glycolysis. And five out of the ten steps in glycolysis require magnesium as a co-factor. So that is over 50% of the breakdown of carbs requires magnesium as a co-factor. It helps regulate our bone density.

Magnesium & Heart Health

As stated earlier, magnesium is an essential supplement that helps with intracellular water intake and helps with the body’s energy levels. So how does magnesium help the heart? Studies reveal that the many diverse roles that magnesium offers to the body allow it to regulate blood pressure and glycaemic control associated with the heart. Many cardiac patients take magnesium to ensure the intracellular membranes travel through the heart. Additionally, additional studies reveal that foods rich in magnesium can help lower the risk of major cardiovascular risks like ischemic heart disease and coronary heart disease. Magnesium also helps reduce pain-like symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome and hypertension that can affect the various muscle groups and joints. When the intracellular membrane is supported by magnesium and travels from the heart to the rest of the entire body, fewer pain-like symptoms can affect joints, muscles, and vital organs. 



Magnesium is the fourth most abundant essential supplement that provides intracellular water intake in the body and can provide support to the cardiovascular system. This supplement plays a huge role in the body as it supports its metabolism and makes sure that it reduces cardiovascular issues. When many individuals have low magnesium levels, chronic problems like cardiovascular disorders, metabolic syndrome, and musculoskeletal disorders will develop and affect the body’s function to work properly. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods or supplements can lower the risk of these issues from progressing further and help regulate the elevated hormone levels affecting the body. Part 2 will look at how blood pressure is reduced when taking magnesium.



Al Alawi, Abdullah M, et al. “Magnesium and Human Health: Perspectives and Research Directions.” International Journal of Endocrinology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 Apr. 2018,

Allen, Mary J, and Sandeep Sharma. “Magnesium – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishin, 3 Mar. 2022,

DiNicolantonio, James J, et al. “Magnesium for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease.” Open Heart, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 July 2018,

Rosique-Esteban, Nuria, et al. “Dietary Magnesium and Cardiovascular Disease: A Review with Emphasis in Epidemiological Studies.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 Feb. 2018,

Schwalfenberg, Gerry K, and Stephen J Genuis. “The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare.” Scientifica, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2017,

Swaminathan, R. “Magnesium Metabolism and Its Disorders.” The Clinical Biochemist. Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2003,


What Are The Benefits Of Potassium?

What Are The Benefits Of Potassium?


As more and more people start to keep track of their health, many often try to figure out what foods contain the right amount of vitamins and supplements to benefit their bodies and support the vital organs and the body’s gene levels. Many fruits and vegetables have a chock-full of vitamins and minerals that the body needs for energy and to prevent chronic issues from affecting the body. Today’s article looks at the most beneficial mineral the body needs, potassium, its benefits, and what kind of foods have potassium for the body. We refer our patients to certified providers that consolidate many available treatments for many individuals suffering from low potassium levels affecting a person’s body and correlating to chronic conditions that can cause overlapping risk profiles. We encourage each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Potassium?

Have you been experiencing muscle cramps and aches throughout your entire body? What about feeling tired constantly or experiencing low energy? Or have you noticed that your blood pressure is elevated? Many of these chronic issues are correlated with low levels of potassium in the body. Studies reveal that potassium is an essential mineral that the human body needs to function properly. Potassium is important since it is an electrolyte to replenish the body when a person sweats. Many athletic people need to fill their bodies with electrolytes after an intense workout session to ensure that the extracellular and intracellular compartments are hydrated. Additional studies also mentioned that potassium is one of the shortfall nutrients that many people often forget because of the adequate intake that needs to be met for the body to have the recommended amount of potassium to function throughout the entire day. However, incorporating different types of food that have potassium can provide the recommended amount that the individual needs and provide beneficial results. 


The Benefits Of Potassium

When it comes to the body and potassium, there are many beneficial factors that this essential mineral can provide. Research studies have revealed that increasing potassium intake with healthy, nutritious foods can benefit body health. Some of the beneficial properties that potassium can provide include the following:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reduce the progression of renal disease
  • Decrease the risk of osteoporosis
  • Manages hypercalciuria
  • Prevent diabetes development

All these chronic issues that can affect the body are correlated with low potassium levels. When the body doesn’t have the right amount of vitamins and supplements to help prevent these issues, it can lead to pain-like symptoms associated with the muscles, joints, and vital organs. So when pain specialists like chiropractors or functional medicine doctors thoroughly examine patients and ask questions to determine if the patient’s body has low potassium levels. When the body has low potassium levels, studies reveal that chronic issues like hypertension and elevated glucose levels could potentially lead to cardiovascular problems associated with chest pain and diabetes. When these overlapping issues affect the body, it is known as somato-visceral pain. Somato-visceral pain is when the affected organs are causing problems to the body’s muscles and causing referred pain in different locations. 

An Overview Of Potassium

Biomedical physiologist expert Alex Jimenez is going to be going over potassium. He mentions that potassium is a cat ion that is positively charged. So potassium is important for a few different reasons. It helps us regulate our heartbeat. It helps us regulate how our muscle and nervous tissue work, and it’s important for synthesizing protein and metabolizing carbohydrates. The recommended daily amount of potassium is 4.7 grams for the U.S. and 3.5 for the U.K. So, an average of three and a half grams. When we think about potassium and what foods are high in potassium, what’s the first that comes to mind? The banana, right? A banana only has 420 or 422 milligrams of potassium. So to get our daily amount of potassium, that’s going to require us to eat eight and a half bananas. I don’t know anybody eating eight and a half bananas unless you’re a monkey. So let’s look at other foods high in potassium to help counterbalance the nutritional amount instead of just eating eight and a half bananas. Some foods high in potassium are dried fruits, specifically dried apricots and raisins, which have about 250 milligrams per half-cup serving.

Foods That Are High In Potassium

It is easy to incorporate potassium into a person’s daily habits. Many pain specialists like chiropractors work with associated medical providers like nutritionists and physical therapists to restore the body, prevent chronic conditions from progressing further, and reduce muscle and joint pain. Everybody knows that bananas are one of the more known fruits with potassium; however, eating bananas alone can be tiresome. So many fruits and vegetables have higher potassium levels and can help replenish the body’s electrolytes. Some of the nutritious foods that have potassium include:

  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Dried Fruits (Apricots, Raisins, Peaches, Prunes)

Now eating potassium-riched foods can help the body’s intra- and extracellular water intake but combined with treatments and exercises can prevent chronic issues associated with muscle and joint pain. When people utilize these healthy habits in their daily lives, they can feel better and function throughout the day.



Trying to be healthier should not be difficult and can begin small with the right motivation. Incorporating a healthy diet combined with exercises and therapy treatments can restore the body to its healthier version and prevent overlapping issues affecting the muscles, joints, vital organs, and gene levels. Eating whole, nutritional foods filled with potassium can help restore lost electrolytes and help prevent chronic disorders from progressing further in the body to avoid muscle and joint pain.



He, Feng J, and Graham A MacGregor. “Beneficial Effects of Potassium on Human Health.” Physiologia Plantarum, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Aug. 2008,

Stone, Michael S, et al. “Potassium Intake, Bioavailability, Hypertension, and Glucose Control.” Nutrients, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 July 2016,

Sur, Moushumi, and Shamim S Mohiuddin. “Potassium – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 11 May 2022,

Weaver, Connie M. “Potassium and Health.” Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 May 2013,


Cold Fingers Causes: El Paso Back Clinic

Cold Fingers Causes: El Paso Back Clinic

In cold weather, it’s normal to experience cold hands and fingers. But if there is a coldness in only one finger while the rest of the hand is normal, changes to skin color, numbness, tingling, or pain symptoms could be a sign of poor circulation or an underlying medical condition. Cold fingers could indicate various problems, including overuse injuries, vitamin deficiencies, Raynaud’s syndrome, hypothyroidism, anemia, arterial disease, or an autoimmune condition. Chiropractic care and massage therapy can increase circulation, release compressed nerves, relax the muscles, and restore mobility and function.

Cold Fingers Causes: EP's Chiropractic Functional Clinic

Cold Fingers

Blood circulates throughout, nourishing and maintaining body warmth. When compression, obstructions, or narrowing paths inhibit blood flow, the body cannot achieve proper circulation. Unhealthy circulation can cause several symptoms, including:

  • Pins and needles sensations along the shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers.
  • Weakened arm and hand muscles.
  • Numbness.
  • Cold finger/s.
  • Muscles aches, soreness, and tightness.
  • Swelling.
  • Pale or bluish skin color.

Overuse Injury

Repeating one movement or motion constantly over time can lead to overuse syndrome/repetitive motion disorder in the hands and arms. Certain jobs and activities can cause overuse syndrome, including:

  • Cashiers.
  • Food service work.
  • Graphic sign work.
  • Computer work.
  • Sewing work.
  • Landscaping.

All of these jobs and activities can put a lot of repeated stress on the hands and arms.

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

Vitamin B-12 is required for proper red blood cell formation and neurological function. It is found in many foods, including eggs, fish, meat, poultry, and dairy products. A vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause neurological symptoms like numbness, tingling, and coldness in the hands and feet. Other symptoms include:

  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty maintaining balance
  • Depression
  • Soreness of the mouth

A doctor requires a blood sample to test for the deficiency. A common treatment is a high dose of an oral supplement or injections for individuals that have difficulties absorbing B-12 through the digestive tract.

Raynaud’s Syndrome

Raynaud’s syndrome is a condition that causes some areas of the body, usually the fingers, to feel cold and numb when exposed to cold temperatures or high-stress levels. This happens because the small arteries that supply blood to the skin are experiencing spasms. During an episode, the arteries narrow, which prevents blood from circulating correctly. The fingers can change color, going from white to blue to red. When the flare-up ends, and the blood flow returns to normal, there may be tingling, throbbing, or swelling. The condition isn’t usually debilitating, and treatment options often include medications that expand the blood vessels to improve circulation. These include calcium channel blockers, alpha-blockers, and vasodilators.


Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones. Hypothyroidism comes on gradually and rarely generates symptoms in the early stages. Hypothyroidism doesn’t cause cold fingers but increases the body’s sensitivity to cold. Other symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness, tenderness, and achiness.
  • Joint swelling, stiffness, and pain.
  • Puffiness.
  • Dry skin.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Weight gain.
  • High or elevated cholesterol levels.
  • Thinning hair and hair loss.
  • Depression.

Over time, the condition can cause complications such as obesity, joint pain, heart disease, and infertility. A doctor can detect hypothyroidism with a simple blood test. Treatment involves taking a daily dose of synthetic thyroid hormone.


Anemia is when the blood has a lower-than-normal amount of red blood cells. It also occurs when the red blood cells lack a crucial iron-rich protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin assists red blood cells in delivering oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. A low supply of hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the hands can result in cold fingers. There may also be fatigue and weakness. Iron deficiency is what typically causes most cases. A doctor may suggest nutritional adjustments if blood work indicates low iron levels. An iron-rich nutritional plan and taking iron supplements can help relieve symptoms.

Arterial Diseases

Diseases that affect the arteries can reduce blood flow to the hands, causing cold fingers. This can be from plaque buildup or inflammation in the blood vessels. Any blockage in the blood vessels can prevent blood from circulating normally. Another arterial problem is primary pulmonary hypertension, which affects the lungs’ arteries and can lead to Raynaud’s syndrome.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments can remove misalignments, restore proper nerve communication, increase blood flow, and correct an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Massaging the shoulders, arms, and hands relaxes the nerves, and muscles, breaks up compressed tissues, and increase blood flow. The circulation of lymphatic fluid around the body is also promoted, which carries toxins away from the muscles and tissues. To improve circulation, the following may be utilized:

  • Deep tissue pressure is effective at relieving congestion and tension.
  • Percussive massage to break up scar tissue.
  • Non-surgical Decompression to stretch the spine and body out.
  • Lymphatic drainage is designed to improve the circulation of the fluid.
  • Reflexology

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Bilić, R et al. “Sindromi prenaprezanja u saci, podlaktici i laktu” [Overuse injury syndromes of the hand, forearm and elbow]. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju vol. 52,4 (2001): 403-14.

Ernst, E. “Manual therapies for pain control: chiropractic and massage.” The Clinical journal of pain vol. 20,1 (2004): 8-12. doi:10.1097/00002508-200401000-00003 [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. How does the blood circulatory system work? 2010 Mar 12 [Updated 2019 Jan 31]. Available from:

Pal, B et al. “Raynaud’s phenomenon in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome.” Scandinavian journal of rheumatology vol. 25,3 (1996): 143-5. doi:10.3109/03009749609080004

Waller, D G, and J R Dathan. “Raynaud’s syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 61,712 (1985): 161-2. doi:10.1136/pgmj.61.712.161

Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: The Impact Of Stress (Part 2)

Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: The Impact Of Stress (Part 2)


Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how chronic stress can impact the body and how it is correlated with inflammation in this 2-part series. Part 1 examined how stress correlates with various symptoms affecting the body’s gene levels. Part 2 looks at how inflammation and chronic stress correlate with the various factors that can lead to physical development. We refer our patients to certified medical providers who provide available treatments for many individuals suffering from chronic stress associated with the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems affecting the body and developing inflammation. We encourage each of our patients by mentioning them to associated medical providers based on their analysis appropriately. We understand that education is a delightful way when asking our providers questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only uses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How Stress Can Impact Us?

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: Stress can create many emotions that can hugely impact many of us. Whether it is anger, frustration, or sadness, stress can make anyone reach a breaking point and cause underlying conditions that can develop into cardiovascular issues. So those people with the highest level of anger, when you look at the cardiovascular literature, have the least probability of survival. Anger is a bad player. Anger causes arrhythmia. This study looked at, now that we have people with ICDs and defibrillators, we can monitor these things. And we see that anger can trigger ventricular arrhythmias in patients. And it’s easy now to follow, with some of our technology.


Anger has been linked to episodes of atrial fibrillation. When you think about it, it’s adrenaline outpouring into the body and causing coronary constriction. It’s increasing the heart rate. All of these things can lead to arrhythmia. And it doesn’t have to be AFib. It can be APCs and VPCs. Now, some very interesting research has come out about telomerase and telomeres. Telomeres are little caps on the chromosomes, and telomerase is the enzyme linked to telomere formation. And now, we can understand through the language of science, and we’re starting to use technology and use science in a way that we could never do before to understand the impact of stress on telomeres and telomerase enzymes.


The Factors That Lead Up To Chronic Stress

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: So one of the key people to study this is the Nobel Prize-winning, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn. And what she said is that this is a conclusion, and we’ll come back to some of her other studies. She tells us that the telomeres of babies from women in utero had a lot of stress or were even shorter in young adulthood compared to mothers who did not have the same stressful situations. Maternal psychological stress during pregnancy may exert a programming effect on the developing telomere biology system that is already apparent at birth as reflected by the setting of newborn leukocyte telemetry length. So children can come in imprinted, and even if they do, this can be transformed.


What about racial discrimination these boxes here show high racial discrimination leading to low telomere length, which most of us have ever thought about. So, shorter telomere length leads to an increased risk of cancer and overall mortality. Cancer incidence rates are 22.5 per 1000 person-years in the shortest telomere group, verse 14.2 in the middle group, and 5.1 in the longest telomere group. Shorter telomeres can lead to instability of the chromosome and result in cancer formation. So, now we understand, through the language of science, the impact of stress on the telomerase enzyme and the telomere length. According to Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, 58 premenopausal women were caregivers of their chronically ill children verse women who had healthy children. The women were asked how they perceive stress in their lives and whether it impacts their health by affecting their cellular aging.


That was the question of the study as they looked at telomere length and telomerase enzyme, and this is what they found. Now, the keyword here is perceived. We are not to judge each other’s stress. Stress is personal, and some of our responses may be genetic. For example, someone who has homozygous comps with a sluggish gene may have much more anxiety than someone who doesn’t have this genetic polymorphism. Someone who has an MAOA in an MAOB may have more anxiety than someone who doesn’t have that genetic polymorphism. So there is a genetic component to our response, but what she found was perceived psychological stress. And the number of years caring for chronically ill children was associated with shorter telomere length and less telomerase activity, providing the first indication that stress can impact telomere maintenance and longevity.


How To Transform Our Stress Response?

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: That’s powerful, and many healthcare providers are under some form of stress. And the question is, what can we do to transform our response? Framingham also looked at depression and identified clinical depression as a bigger risk for cardiovascular events and poor outcomes than smoking, diabetes, high LDL, and low HDL, which is crazy because we spend all of our time on these things. Yet, we don’t spend much time dealing with the emotional aspects of vascular disease. This is affected depression, inventory, a simple screening test for depression, looking at people with high levels of depression versus low levels of depression. And you can see that as you go from the low to the highest level, as you work your way through, the chance of survival becomes less.


And many of us have our theories as to why this occurs. And is it because if we are depressed, we don’t say, “Oh, I’m going to eat some brussels sprouts, and I’m going to take those B vitamins, and I’m going to go out and exercise, and I’m going to do some meditation.” So post-MI independent risk factor for an event is depression. Our mindset regarding depression makes us incapable of functioning normally and can make our bodies develop issues that affect our vital organs, muscles, and joints. So, depression is a big player, as 75% of post-MI deaths are related to depression, right? So looking at patients, now, you have to ask the question: Is it the depression causing the problem, or is it the cytokine sickness that’s already led to the heart disease causing the depression? We have to factor all of this in.


And yet another study looked at over 4,000 people with no coronary disease at baseline. For every increase of five points on the depression scale, that increased risk by 15%. And those with the highest depression scores had a 40% higher coronary artery disease rate and a 60% higher death rate. So mostly everyone thinks it’s a cytokine sickness that leads to MI, vascular disease, and depression. And then, of course, when you have an event, and you come out with a whole host of issues around it, we know that people who are depressed have a twofold increase in mortality, a fivefold increase in death after a heart attack, and poor outcomes with surgery. It’s like this, what came first, the chicken or the egg?


How Depression Is Linked With Chronic Stress?

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: Every surgeon knows this. They don’t want to do surgery on depressed people. They know the outcome is not good, and of course, they are less likely to follow through on all of our great functional medicine recommendations. So what are some of the mechanisms of autonomic dysfunction have been evaluated heart rate variability and low levels of omega-3s, which have a profound effect on the brain, and low levels of vitamin D. There are those inflammatory cytokines we talked about not getting restorative sleep, and many of our heart patients do have apnea. And remember, don’t just think it’s the heavyset heart patients with thick short necks; it can be quite deceiving. And it’s really important to look at the structure of the face and, of course, social connection, which is the secret sauce. So is autonomic dysfunction a mechanism? One study looked at heart rate variability in people with a recent MI, and they looked at over 300 people with depression and those without depression. They found that four heart rate variability indices will lower in people with depression.


Gut Inflammation & Chronic Stress

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: So here are two groups of people having a heart attack and heart rate variability, rising to the top as a possible etiology. One of the many things that can also affect chronic stress in the body is how the gut microbiome plays its part in oxidative stress. The gut is everything, and many heart patients laugh because they would ask their cardiologists, “Why do you care about my gut microbiome? Why would this affect my heart?” Well, all that gut inflammation is causing cytokine sickness. And what a lot of us have forgotten since medical school is that many of our neurotransmitters come from the gut. So chronic inflammation and exposure to inflammatory cytokines appear to lead to alterations in dopamine function and the basal ganglia, reflected by depression, fatigue, and psychomotor slowing. So we can’t emphasize the role of inflammation and depression enough if we take a look at acute coronary syndrome and depression, which was associated with higher markers for inflammation, more elevated CRP, lower HS, lower heart rate variability, and something that never gets checked in the hospital, which is nutrition deficiencies.


And in this case, they looked at omega-3s and vitamin D levels, so at a minimum, an omega-3 check and a vitamin D level are warranted in all of our patients. And certainly, if you can get a full diagnosis for stress-induced inflammation. Another condition you must look at when it comes to stress-induced inflammation is osteoporosis in the joints. Many people with osteoporosis will have muscle loss, immune dysfunction, fat around the midline, and high blood sugar are associated with aging, and it can come from elevated cortisol levels in the body.


High cortisol heart disease risks are two times higher in people taking high doses of steroids. Small amounts of steroids don’t have the same risk, so it is not as big a deal. Of course, we try to get our patients off of steroids. But the point here is that cortisol is a stress hormone and is a stress hormone that raises blood pressure and puts weight on the midline, makes us diabetic, causes insulin resistance, and the list is endless. So, cortisol’s a big player, and when it comes to functional medicine, we have to look at the various tests that pertain to elevated levels of cortisol like food sensitivity, a 3-day stool valve, a nutra-valve, and an adrenal stress index test to look at what is going on with the patients. When there is a heightened sympathetic nervous system and high cortisol, we discussed everything from coagulopathy to decreased heart rate variability, central obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.


Parental Relationships & Chronic Stress

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: And turning on the renin-angiotensin system it’s all linked to stress. Let’s look at this study that looked at 126 Harvard Medical students, and they were followed for 35 years, a long research. And they said, what’s the incidence of significant illness, heart disease, cancer, hypertension? And they asked these students very simple questions, what was your relationship with your mom and your dad? Was it very close? Was it warm and friendly? Was it tolerant? Was it strained and cold? This is what they found. They found that if the students identified their relationship with their parents as strained 100% incidence of significant health risk. Thirty-five years later, if they said it was warm and close, the results cut that percentage in half. And it would help if you thought about what it is and what can explain this, and you’ll see how adverse childhood experiences make us sick in a few minutes and how we learn our coping skills from our parents.



Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: Our spiritual tradition comes from our parents often. Our parents are the ones who frequently teach us how to get angry or how to resolve conflict. So our parents have had a profound effect on us. And when you think about that, our connection is also not very surprising. This is a 35-year follow-up study.


Chronic stress can lead to multiple issues that can correlate to illness and dysfunction in the muscles and joints. It can affect the gut system and lead to inflammation if it is not taken care of immediately. So when it comes to the impact of stress affecting our daily lives, it can be numerous factors, from chronic conditions to family history. Eating nutritious foods high in antioxidants, exercising, practicing mindfulness, and going to daily treatments can lower the effects of chronic stress and reduce the associated symptoms that overlap and cause pain to the body. We can continue with our health and wellness journey pain-free by utilizing various ways to lower chronic stress in our bodies.



Jaw Clenching: El Paso Back Clinic

Jaw Clenching: El Paso Back Clinic

Bruxism is an abnormal jaw clenching or grinding of the teeth, either while awake or during sleep. This can cause neck and shoulder tension caused by excess pressure on the neck and jaw muscles. Individuals may not realize they have bruxism until a dentist notices excess wear and tear or a chiropractor examines their symptoms. Bruxism can play a role in temporomandibular disorders. Doctors and dentists agree that factors like stress increase the likelihood of jaw clenching. Dentists usually recommend a mouth guard to prevent grinding. Chiropractic care, massage, and decompression therapy can relieve symptoms, release and relax the muscles, realign the spine, and restore function.

Jaw Clenching: EP's Chiropractic Functional Medicine Team


There is awake bruxism and sleep bruxism. A tight jaw generates tension extending to the neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles. Over time, that excess strain irritates the joints, causing inflammation. Jaw clenching and teeth grinding can lead to health issues like damaged teeth, neck, shoulder, and upper back pain symptoms, and tension headaches.


Signs and symptoms can include:

  • Face, jaw, neck, and upper back aches, tightness, and soreness.
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles.
  • Headaches that start in the temples.
  • What feels like earache pain symptoms.
  • Damage from clenching on the inside of the cheek.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Teeth that are loose, flattened, chipped, or fractured.
  • Sleep problems.

Risk Factors

  • Emotional tension – Stress, anxiety, frustration, and anger.
  • Sleep Disorders
  • An unhealthy lifestyle – smoking, excess drinking, caffeine, etc., disrupts brain and cardiovascular functions.
  • Medications

Chiropractic Care for Jaw Clenching

If there is a jaw clenching or grinding issue, it is recommended to see a dentist for a professional diagnosis. Then a chiropractor can develop a personalized treatment plan that utilizes massage and decompression therapy to re-position the jaw, stretch, release and relax the muscles. They will recommend exercises to strengthen and maintain the relaxed jaw muscles and awareness exercises to help identify triggers and prevent clenching.

Jaw Exercises


Capellini, Verena Kise, et al. “Massage therapy in managing myogenic TMD: a pilot study.” Journal of applied oral science: Revista FOB vol. 14,1 (2006): 21-6. doi:10.1590/s1678-77572006000100005

Kuhn, Monika, and Jens Christoph Türp. “Risk factors for bruxism.” Swiss dental journal vol. 128,2 (2018): 118-124.

Nishida, Norihiro et al. “Stress analysis of the cervical spinal cord: Impact of the morphology of spinal cord segments on stress.” The journal of spinal cord medicine vol. 39,3 (2016): 327-34. doi:10.1179/2045772315Y.0000000012

Ohayon, M M et al. “Risk factors for sleep bruxism in the general population.” Chest vol. 119,1 (2001): 53-61. doi:10.1378/chest.119.1.53

Santos Miotto Amorim, Cinthia, et al. “Effectiveness of two physical therapy interventions, relative to dental treatment in individuals with bruxism: study protocol of a randomized clinical trial.” Trials vol. 15 8. 7 Jan. 2014, doi:10.1186/1745-6215-15-8