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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Disc Herniation Relieved By Spinal Decompression

Disc Herniation Relieved By Spinal Decompression


The spine consists of soft tissues, ligaments, the spinal cord, nerve roots, and cartilage, forming an S-shaped curve with three regions: cervicalthoracic, and lumbar. Its primary functions are to keep the body upright, provide mobility, and support the upper body’s weight. Injuries or other factors can cause mild to severe pain-like symptoms that affect the spine’s three regions, leading to misalignment and disc herniation, which can cause further complications. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression can restore the spine’s functionality by realigning the body and restoring the spinal discs. This article will discuss how disc herniation affects the spine and body and how decompression therapy can treat it. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide non-surgical treatments, including spinal decompression, to relieve pain-like symptoms associated with disc herniation and prevent chronic musculoskeletal issues. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How Does Disc Herniation Affect The Spine?


Do you experience stiffness or tingling in your neck, shoulders, or low back? Do you have radiating pain that is similar to other musculoskeletal conditions? Or do you feel aches and pains during stretching? These symptoms are often associated with spinal disc herniation, as research studies revealed, where the nucleus pulposus within the spine displaces and compresses the spinal nerve or cord. This can be caused by poor posture, incorrect lifting of heavy objects, or excessive twisting and turning, leading to wear and tear on the spinal disc. Left untreated, this can cause neurologic compromise or activity limitation to the rest of the body, as additional research shows. The three spinal regions can all be affected by this condition, causing a range of issues such as: 

  • Numbness and tingling in the arms, hands, and fingers
  • Muscle weakness and stiffness in the neck and shoulders
  • Gait disturbances
  • Paralysis
  • Cardiovascular abnormalities
  • Back pain
  • Muscle weakness in hips, legs, buttocks, and feet
  • Sciatic nerve mimicry


An Overview Of Disc Herniation-Video

Have you been experiencing numbness, tingling sensations, or instability when walking? These issues could be caused by disc herniation, which occurs when the spinal cord and nerves are compressed or aggravated by the nucleus pulposus. This can cause pain in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar areas and affect the functioning of your extremities. Research studies have revealed the severity of the herniation depends on the section affected, the size of the spinal canal, and pressure on the nerves. However, non-surgical, safe, and gentle treatments, such as chiropractic care and decompression therapy, can alleviate the effects of disc herniation. Watch the video above to learn more about the causes of disc herniation and the available treatments.

Decompression Therapy Treating Disc Herniation


If you are experiencing disc herniation, some treatments can help restore functionality to your spine. According to research studies, decompression therapy is one such treatment that works by using negative pressure within the spinal disc to increase hydration. This process pulls nutrients and oxygenated blood back into the disc, reducing pressure on the entrapped surrounding nerve root. Additionally, decompression therapy relieves the associated symptoms caused by disc herniation. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” written by Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., and Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, they explain that individuals with a herniated disc who use decompression therapy will feel negative or non-gravitational pressure within their spinal canal, which reduces the pressure from inside the disc. Decompression therapy helps restore the spine’s functionality and facilitates natural healing.


Other Treatments For Disc Herniation

Combining decompression therapy with chiropractic care can be effective in treating disc herniation. Chiropractic care involves spinal adjustments and manual manipulation to restore the natural alignment of the spine, which can relieve pressure on nerves caused by disc herniation. Gradual realignment of the vertebrae can help alleviate symptoms and reduce pain and discomfort while restoring the spine’s strength, flexibility, and mobility.



If the spinal cord is affected by environmental factors or injuries, it can cause pain and discomfort to the person. This is known as disc herniation, where the nucleus pulposus in the spine protrudes out of the spinal socket and presses on the spinal nerve. This can lead to neurological problems and affect the three spinal regions, causing mild to severe issues depending on the pressure on the spinal cord. However, non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care and decompression therapy can safely and gently manipulate the spine, realigning and hydrating the disc so the body can heal naturally. This can relieve pain and discomfort in the spine and restore mobility to the body.



Choi, J., Lee, S., & Hwangbo, G. (2015). Influences of spinal decompression therapy and general traction therapy on the pain, disability, and straight leg raising of patients with intervertebral disc herniation. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2), 481–483.

Donnally III, C. J., Butler, A. J., & Varacallo, M. (2020). Lumbosacral Disc Injuries. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Hao, D.-J., Duan, K., Liu, T.-J., Liu, J.-J., & Wang, W.-T. (2017). Development and clinical application of grading and classification criteria of lumbar disc herniation. Medicine, 96(47), e8676.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Mesfin, F. B., Dydyk, A. M., & Massa, R. N. (2018, October 27). Disc Herniation.; StatPearls Publishing.


Improving Walking Posture: El Paso Back Clinic

Improving Walking Posture: El Paso Back Clinic

For individuals with aches and pains after walking, the first thing to check is posture. How an individual holds their body is important in walking effortlessly and comfortably. Improving walking posture will make it easier to breathe and walk farther and faster. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can treat back problems, restore mobility, and retrain individuals on achieving and maintaining healthy posture.

Improving Walking Posture: EP's Chiropractic Injury Specialists

Walking Posture

Sitting for extended periods weakens neck and back muscles and decreases spinal mobility, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy walking posture. Improving and maintaining healthy walking posture can go a long way regarding the body’s health.


The benefits include:

  • Strengthened core, back, leg, and buttock muscles.
  • Improved balance and stability.
  • Easier breathing.
  • Increased energy levels.
  • Improved walking speed, distance, and gait.
  • Back and hip discomfort symptoms prevention.
  • Decreased risk of injury and falling.

Set Up Posture

  • Stand up straight.
  • Engage the core.
  • Relax shoulders.
  • Keep the chin parallel to the ground.
  • Eyes forward.
  • Minimize leaning forward or backward.
  • Spend the first 15 seconds of walking focusing on posture.
  • Once a rhythm is achieved, periodically check yourself to ensure you stay consistent with proper posture until it becomes normal.

Stand up Straight

  • Visualize standing tall and straight.
  • Resist the temptation to slouch or arch the back.

Control Leaning Forward or Back

  • Leaning strains the back muscles when sitting, standing, and walking.
  • Leaning slightly forward from the ankles when walking up a hill.
  • Going downhill, leaning slightly forward, or maintaining a straight back is okay.

Keep Eyes Forward

  • Avoid looking down.
  • The focus should be about 20 feet ahead.
  • Maintaining a forward visual path allows individuals to see anything from the side.

Keep Chin Parallel to the Ground

  • This reduces strain on the neck and back.
  • A proper chin position maintains forward focus rather than down.

Shoulders Back and Relaxed

  • Shrug and allow the shoulders to fall and relax slightly back.
  • Loosening up the shoulders helps relieve tension and…
  • Positions the shoulders to use healthy arm motion while walking.
  • Shrug and re-loosen at intervals during the walk to ensure the shoulders stay relaxed.

Engage Core Muscles

  • The core muscles help resist slouching and leaning.
  • Keep the stomach pulled in slightly.
  • Take deep, full breaths to maintain a healthy walking posture.

Maintain Neutral Pelvis

  • Ensure the hips are not tilting forward or back while walking.
  • Practice sticking out the buttocks, tucking them in, and finding a natural middle.
  • The middle is the healthy balance that will keep you from arching the back muscles and spine.


  • Resist the urge to engage with the phone or activity monitor while walking and looking down.
  • Only look when necessary and then mindfully regain posture.
  • Some activity monitors have vibration alerts to reduce the need to look down.
  • Utilize earbuds or headphones for making and taking calls and other tasks.
  • Certain earbuds or headphones allow for voice commands, so you don’t have to look at the phone.

Chiropractic Realignment and Retraining

Maintaining proper posture is a gradual process. A chiropractor can correct years of practicing unhealthy postures like forward head issues or chronic slouching and realign the spine to restore optimal function.

  • A chiropractic therapy team will work on bones and muscles in specific body regions.
  • Massage will relax the muscle tissues to restore correct balance.
  • Chiropractic techniques will realign the neck, spine, hips, and pelvis.
  • Decompression therapy may be used to stretch the body.
  • Strengthening and stretching exercises will maintain adjustments.
  • Posture retraining will teach individuals to stay aware of their spinal position and help create healthy habits.

Regular posture checks, whether at work, school, just walking around doing errands, or exercising, will help the body learn proper positioning until it becomes second nature.

Revitalize and Rebuild


Buldt, Andrew K et al. “The relationship between foot posture and plantar pressure during walking in adults: A systematic review.” Gait & Posture vol. 62 (2018): 56-67. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.02.026

Hackford, Jessie, et al. “The effects of walking posture on affective and physiological states during stress.” Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry vol. 62 (2019): 80-87. doi:10.1016/j.jbtep.2018.09.004

Lin, Guohao, et al. “The relationship between forward head posture, postural control, and gait: A systematic review.” Gait & Posture vol. 98 (2022): 316-329. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.10.008

Suh, Jee Hyun, et al. “The effect of lumbar stabilization and walking exercises on chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial.” Medicine vol. 98,26 (2019): e16173. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000016173

Woollacott, Marjorie, and Anne Shumway-Cook. “Attention and the control of posture and gait: a review of an emerging area of research.” Gait & Posture vol. 16,1 (2002): 1-14. doi:10.1016/s0966-6362(01)00156-4

Spinal Manipulation & Decompression Treatment For Low Back Pain

Spinal Manipulation & Decompression Treatment For Low Back Pain


Low back pain is a common issue worldwide that can cause individuals to miss work and require emergency care. This type of pain occurs in the lumbar region of the spine, which supports the upper body and is surrounded by muscles, ligaments, and tissues. If left untreated, it can cause disability. Fortunately, treatments available can reduce pain and alleviate other symptoms. This article will explain how low back pain occurs, how it relates to disorders, and how spinal manipulation and decompression treatment can help. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate pain-like symptoms associated with the low back and reduce its correlating musculoskeletal disorders. We encourage referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How Does Low Back Pain Occur?


Do you frequently experience discomfort or pain in your lower back? Does it bother you when you bend down or lift heavy objects? Or are you dealing with radiating pain similar to sciatic nerve pain? These are all common symptoms associated with low back pain. Research studies have revealed that low back pain can stem from various potential sources, including anatomical, neurological, and psychological factors, making identifying the pain’s root cause complex. Additionally, research studies have revealed that low back pain can vary among many individuals and are complex, depending on how severe the symptoms affect the body. Low back pain can occur when the spinal discs in the lumbar regions of the spine become compressed due to unwanted pressure or axial overload or when the surrounding muscles are overused or underused.


Disorders Correlating With Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a complex musculoskeletal disorder caused by various factors. Research studies have revealed two types of low back pain: specific and non-specific. Non-specific low back pain is usually caused by overuse of muscles or wear and tear on the spinal vertebrae and joints. On the other hand, specific low back pain is caused by a relationship between environmental factors and the pain itself, such as compressed neural structures, joint inflammation, or spinal instability. Studies also suggest low back pain can affect an individual’s health and daily activities. Low back pain can also cause referred pain, meaning it can be felt in a different area of the body, affecting vital organs or muscles. For example, sciatic nerve pain is often associated with low back pain.


The Path To Healing- Video

Have you been experiencing aches and pain in your lumbar spine? Does it hurt when you twist or bend over or lift something heavy? These pains are often related to low back pain, which can also be connected to other chronic conditions that affect the body. Low back pain is a common and complex issue affecting the body’s upper and lower parts. The lumbar region of the body is responsible for stabilizing the upper body’s weight, and the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues protect the spinal cord. When the body experiences unwanted pressure or pathological factors, it can lead to low back pain and its associated symptoms. Unfortunately, back pain can significantly impact daily life, causing people to miss work or be unable to participate in regular activities. However, treatments available can reduce the effects of low back pain and its associated symptoms. The video above demonstrates how chiropractic care and spinal decompression can help alleviate low back pain, restore stability and mobility to the lumbar region, and improve a person’s quality of life.

How Spinal Manipulation & Decompression Treatment Relieves Low Back Pain


Many treatments available can help individuals struggling with low back pain. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., chiropractic care is one such treatment that can be effective. This type of care uses spinal manipulation to alleviate the effects of low back pain. Chiropractic care can offer relief by gently re-aligning the spine and reducing subluxation. Studies have shown that this treatment, known as decompression treatment, can reduce stress on posterior muscles, improving pain intensity and functionality. Additionally, decompression treatment can further help by stretching the lumbar spine and rehydrating discs. Both of these treatments are non-invasive, gentle, and non-surgical and can increase mobility and stability in the lumbar spine while reducing pain.



Low back pain can significantly affect a person’s ability to move around and maintain balance. It’s a common issue that can lead to disability and extended periods away from work, depending on its intensity. The causes can arise from various factors, including environmental factors and unwanted pressure. However, non-surgical, gentle, and non-invasive treatments can help alleviate the symptoms of low back pain. These treatments can realign the lumbar spine and stretch the affected muscles, relieving pain. By utilizing these treatments, individuals can become more mindful of their back health and prevent future injuries.



Allegri, M., Montella, S., Salici, F., Valente, A., Marchesini, M., Compagnone, C., Baciarello, M., Manferdini, M. E., & Fanelli, G. (2016). Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000Research, 5(2), 1530.

Casser, H.-R., Seddigh, S., & Rauschmann, M. (2016). Acute Lumbar Back Pain: Investigation, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online, 113(13).

Choi, E., Gil, H. Y., Ju, J., Han, W. K., Nahm, F. S., & Lee, P.-B. (2022). Effect of Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression on Intensity of Pain and Herniated Disc Volume in Subacute Lumbar Herniated Disc. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2022, 1–9.

Grabovac, I., & Dorner, T. E. (2019). Association between low back pain and various everyday performances. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 131(21-22), 541–549.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Shemshaki, H., Etemadifar, M., Fereidan-Esfahani, M., Mokhtari, M., & Nourian, S.-M. (2013). What is the source of low back pain? Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 4(1), 21.


Vertebral Subluxation Complex Relieved By Spinal Decompression

Vertebral Subluxation Complex Relieved By Spinal Decompression


Misalignment of the spine can occur due to various factors, causing stress and joint shifting. The spine plays an important role by supporting the body’s weight and maintaining stability, consisting of vertebrae, facet joints, spinal nerves and cord, and intervertebral discs. The surrounding muscles, tissues, and ligaments protect the spinal cord from damage. However, the spine may develop chronic conditions due to axial load pressure, affecting the body. Fortunately, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments can realign the spine and naturally heal the body. This article discusses spinal subluxation and its symptoms, along with the effectiveness of spinal decompression in alleviating subluxation. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate pain-like symptoms associated with spinal subluxation. We encourage referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Spinal Subluxation?


Are you experiencing muscle tightness in your neck, back, or shoulders? Do you feel pain radiating down your arms or legs? Or are you experiencing muscle aches in different parts of your body? These issues may be caused by spinal subluxation, which research shows can occur in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine sections. A spinal subluxation can be caused by traumatic injuries or normal factors that cause the spinal vertebrae to shift out of alignment. This can cause a lot of discomfort. Studies also reveal that spinal subluxation can interfere with neuron communication between the brain and the rest of the body, leading to unwanted symptoms that affect the functioning of the nervous and organ systems and overall health.


Symptoms Associated With Spinal Subluxation

A spinal subluxation happens when the spine shifts out of alignment due to traumatic or normal factors. According to Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C, FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., in their book “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” biomechanical instability can cause the surrounding muscles and joints to destabilize or increase antagonist coactivation to stabilize the body. Simple movements like bending, twisting, or turning can cause the surrounding muscles to overstretch and make the body feel unstable. Research studies mentioned that displacement in any part of the spinal skeletal frame could press against the surrounding nerves, which can cause neuron signals to be hardwired and create too much or too little communication with the surrounding muscles and joints. Other symptoms associated with spinal subluxation include:

  • Muscle tightness around the back
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Limited mobility
  • Tingling sensations 
  • Digestive and respiratory issues
  • Low energy


Thoracic Spine Pain- Video

Do you experience pain or discomfort when twisting, turning, or bending? Have you felt muscle aches, pain, or tenderness in your back, or do you feel unsteady when walking? These symptoms may be caused by spinal misalignment or subluxation. Subluxation occurs as pressure compresses spinal discs, causing vertebrae to shift from their normal position. A subluxation can occur in different spine sections, resulting in overlapping risks. This causes pain in various body parts, known as referred pain. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care and spinal decompression can reduce the effects of subluxation, realign the spine, and promote natural healing for muscles, ligaments, and joints. The video above explains thoracic spine pain symptoms and how manual and mechanical manipulation can alleviate pain-like symptoms, rehydrate spinal discs, and kick-start the body’s natural healing process.

Spinal Decompression Alleviating Spinal Subluxation


If you suffer from muscle pain associated with spinal subluxation, you can alleviate the associated pain symptoms in several ways. One option is spinal decompression, a non-surgical treatment shown to effectively reduce residual pain and disability, improve range of motion, and modulate neural mechanical sensitivity, as research studies mentioned. Through gentle spine stretching, spinal decompression helps realign the body and allows spinal discs to return to their original position. This, in turn, will enable nutrients, fluids, and oxygenated blood to rehydrate the discs and promote natural healing. For added benefits, spinal decompression can be combined with additional treatments, such as physical therapy and chiropractic care. Best of all, it is a safe and non-invasive treatment allowing individuals to be more mindful of how they move their bodies.



Spinal misalignment or subluxation can occur over time due to traumatic injuries or normal factors. This can cause the spinal vertebrae to shift out of alignment, leading to referred muscle pain and chronic issues that can eventually result in disability. However, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments like spinal decompression use mechanical traction to gently stretch the spine and realign it, releasing the body’s natural healing process. Additionally, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression help individuals be more mindful of their bodies and prevent new injuries from occurring. Combining spinal decompression with other therapies can promote health and wellness in many individuals.



Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Marcon, A. R., Murdoch, B., & Caulfield, T. (2019). The “subluxation” issue: an analysis of chiropractic clinic websites. Archives of Physiotherapy, 9(1).

Munakomi, S., & M Das, J. (2022). Cervical Subluxation. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Vanti, C., Saccardo, K., Panizzolo, A., Turone, L., Guccione, A. A., & Pillastrini, P. (2023). The effects of the addition of mechanical traction to physical therapy on low back pain? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 57(1), 3–16.

Vernon, H. (2010). Historical overview and update on subluxation theories. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities, 17(1), 22–32.


Pinched Nerve Duration: El Paso Back Clinic

Pinched Nerve Duration: El Paso Back Clinic

A pinched, compressed, overly stretched, twisted, and entangled nerve can happen throughout the body. The most common locations are the neck, shoulder, upper back, upper chest, arm, elbow, hand, wrist, low back, legs, and feet. This disrupts the nerve’s ability to function properly. Each nerve stimulates muscles and detects sensations in specific areas of the skin or internal organs so they work properly. Common symptoms are tingling, numbness, pain, weakness, and musculoskeletal problems. The average pinched nerve duration can last a few days to as long as 4 to 6 weeks or, in some cases, longer, in which case individuals should see a doctor or neurologist. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can relieve, release, and restore nerve health.

Pinched Nerve Duration: EP's Chiropractic Injury Specialists

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve is caused by pressure from surrounding tissues that place added stress on it. Muscles, bones, cartilage, and tendons can all press, pull, or entangle a nerve. This can result in a loss of function, which can then lead to symptoms including:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Various types of pain – sharp, electrical, throbbing, aching, and radiating/spreading out to other areas.
  • Burning sensation
  • A pinched nerve can become serious, cause chronic pain conditions and lead to permanent nerve damage.
  • More severe cases may require surgery.

Pinched Nerve Duration

Pinched nerve duration depends on the injury, which can happen suddenly or gradually. A temporary case with an acute cause, such as injury or poor posture, can last several days. Cases related to chronic conditions, like arthritis, may last longer. Treatment, as well as recovery, also vary based on the location of the injury and what’s causing the pressure.

Body Locations


A pinched nerve in the neck can cause tingling sensations and pain, which can travel to the shoulders and arms. This type can be caused by:

  • Sleeping position
  • Repetitive movements
  • Injuries
  • The pain will usually ease within several days unless a chronic health condition is the cause of the pinching.

Lower back

A pinched nerve in the lower back is often brought on by herniated discs that compress nerve roots.

  • It may also be caused by arthritis or injuries.
  • Individuals may feel a sharp pain in the lower back, as well as in the buttocks and back of the leg.
  • Sciatica may be a symptom.
  • Lower back pain may be acute, lasting only a few days.
  • If the injury doesn’t resolve, it may cause chronic back pain that can last 12 weeks or more.


  • The legs can develop pinched nerves from herniated discs or injuries.
  • If left untreated can lead to peripheral neuropathy.
  • This can develop over several weeks or years.


A pinched nerve in the hip can last a few days if related to an injury. If the pain lasts longer than a few days, consult a doctor. Possible causes of chronic hip pain may include:

  • Obesity
  • Bone spurs
  • Arthritis


Shoulder pain brought on by a pinched nerve usually starts in the upper spine and is caused by:

  • Injury
  • Tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • To tell if the pain symptoms are from a pinched nerve and not a muscle strain, the pain tends to occur in one shoulder, and there is a sharpness to the aches.
  • Left untreated, arthritis or tendinitis can lead to chronic pain that can come and go for several weeks, months, or years.


Repetitive overuse is commonly linked to pinched nerves in the wrist.

  • Pinched nerves can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome – pain and numbness extending through the arm, hand, and fingers.
  • Pain lasting over two months could indicate other underlying conditions, like arthritis.

Chiropractic Relief

Chiropractic adjustments identify the impacted nerve/s and use various therapies to remove the compression, relieving symptoms and the injury or issue. A personalized treatment plan can include the following:

Sciatica During Pregnancy


Cornwall, R, and T E Radomisli. “Nerve injury in traumatic dislocation of the hip.” Clinical orthopedics and related research, 377 (2000): 84-91. doi:10.1097/00003086-200008000-00012

Dmytriv, Mariya, et al. “PT or cervical collar for cervical radiculopathy?.” The Journal of family practice vol. 59,5 (2010): 269-72.

Hochman, Mary G, and Jeffrey L Zilberfarb. “Nerves in a pinch: imaging of nerve compression syndromes.” Radiologic clinics of North America vol. 42,1 (2004): 221-45. doi:10.1016/S0033-8389(03)00162-3

Lopez-Ben, Robert. “Imaging of nerve entrapment in the foot and ankle.” Foot and ankle clinics vol. 16,2 (2011): 213-24. doi:10.1016/j.fcl.2011.04.001

Needham, C W. “Pinched nerves and signature signs.” Connecticut Medicine vol. 57,1 (1993): 3-7.

Siccoli, Alessandro, et al. “Tandem Disc Herniation of the Lumbar and Cervical Spine: Case Series and Review of the Epidemiological, Pathophysiological and Genetic Literature.” Cureus vol. 11,2 e4081. 16 Feb. 2019, doi:10.7759/cureus.4081

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?


Many people experience pain daily at some point in their lives. The causes of pain can vary from person to person and can be due to environmental factors or normal wear and tear on the body. When the spine is under unwanted pressure, spinal discs can become compressed and musculoskeletal disorders can cause vertebrae to wear down, leading to chronic pain and disability. Fortunately, many treatments are available to alleviate pain and help the body restore itself naturally. This article focuses on a non-surgical treatment called spinal decompression, which can reduce the effects of musculoskeletal pain and help with the back and spine’s cervical, thoracic, and lumbar areas. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate pain-like symptoms associated with environmental factors. We encourage referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Spinal Decompression?


Do you feel stiffness in your upper or lower body? Are you experiencing any discomfort in your back, neck, or shoulders? Or are you feeling pain during simple movements? If these issues persist, consider spinal decompression therapy to alleviate your pain. Research studies reveal that many people experience pain at least a few times due to compression of the intervertebral discs caused by everyday wear-and-tear injuries and poor posture. This happens when the vertebral bones compress the spinal cord and discs, creating a risk of further complications. Luckily, spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment option that is safe, gentle, and proven successful. It gently stretches the spine, relieving pressure on the spinal disc. Some of the physical benefits of spinal decompression therapy include:

  • Pain level decrease
  • Spine mobility improves
  • Postural integrity enhances
  • Develops core strength
  • Joint flexibility increases
  • Decrease stress levels
  • The immune system is boosted
  • Prevents new injuries from occurring


Chiropractic Care for Disc Herniation-Video

Do you feel pain or stiffness in certain body areas, especially when stretching or bending? These symptoms are often caused by spinal disc compression. Fortunately, many non-surgical treatments are available to help reduce the effects of spinal disc compression and promote natural healing. One such treatment is spinal decompression, as studies reveal that it uses negative pressure to stretch the muscles around the spine and reduce stress. Spinal decompression can be combined with other non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care to relieve pressure from the spine and reduce pain. Chiropractic care involves realigning the spine and reducing referred neck, shoulder, or back pain. Both therapies are non-invasive and can be combined with physical and nutritional treatment for optimal results. The video above explains how non-surgical treatments can help with disc herniation and associated symptoms.

Spinal Decompression For Musculoskeletal Pain


If you experience axial load on your spine from various factors, it could lead to musculoskeletal pain. Research shows that musculoskeletal pain is somatic by nature and can be associated with other pain syndromes related to the spine. Spinal decompression therapy can help alleviate this referred pain by using gentle traction to stretch the spine. Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C.’s book, “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” stated that this therapy creates space between the vertebrae, allowing herniated or bulging discs to return to their positions in the spine. This reduces pressure on nerves and soft tissues and increases the circulation of oxygenated blood, fluids, and nutrients to the spinal disc. This helps stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanism and reduce musculoskeletal pain in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. Therefore, spinal decompression therapy can alleviate pain symptoms associated with those areas.



If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal pain in your neck, upper back, or lower back, it could be due to unwanted pressure on your spine. A variety of environmental factors can cause this pressure. Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment that can help alleviate this pressure using gentle traction on the spine. Spinal decompression can create negative pressure, increasing disc height and stretching the surrounding muscles. This can help reduce pain and prevent new injuries from occurring. Combining spinal decompression with other therapies can help individuals become more mindful of their bodies and avoid adding unwanted pressure to their spine.



Choi, E., Gil, H. Y., Ju, J., Han, W. K., Nahm, F. S., & Lee, P.-B. (2022). Effect of Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression on Intensity of Pain and Herniated Disc Volume in Subacute Lumbar Herniated Disc. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2022, 1–9.

Choi, J., Lee, S., & Hwangbo, G. (2015). Influences of spinal decompression therapy and general traction therapy on the pain, disability, and straight leg raising of patients with intervertebral disc herniation. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2), 481–483.

El-Tallawy, S. N., Nalamasu, R., Salem, G. I., LeQuang, J. A. K., Pergolizzi, J. V., & Christo, P. J. (2021). Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: An Update with Emphasis on Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Pain and Therapy, 10(1).

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.


An Overview Of Vertebral Pain Syndrome

An Overview Of Vertebral Pain Syndrome


The human body has muscles surrounding and protecting the spine to prevent pain and disability. The spine is divided into three sections in the body: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, which form an S-shape curve to promote stability and good posture. The spine has several discs, facet joints, and spinal nerves that work with the surrounding muscles, making the body mobile. However, various factors can pressure the spine, compressing the spinal discs and invoking referred pain to the surrounding muscles and tissues in different locations, leading to overlapping risk profiles if left untreated. This article focuses on the lumbar spine, explaining what vertebral pain syndrome is and how non-surgical treatments such as spinal decompression can restore mobility to the lumbar spine. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate vertebral pain syndrome associated with the lumbar spine. We encourage while referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


An Overview Of the Lumbar Spine


We will concentrate on the lumbar spine, one of the three spine sections. The lumbar spine or low back begins at the T12 (the last thoracic vertebra) and ends at the S1 (the sacrum). It comprises five vertebrae with a common structure supporting the low back. These vertebrae are as follows:

  • The body
  • Pedicles
  • Laminae
  • Transverse processes
  • Spinous process
  • Superior/inferior articular processes

The lumbar spine has bigger and stronger bones that provide stability to the upper and lower parts of the body. Research studies reveal that the lumbar spine performs three essential functions that enable the body to function properly:

  1. It supports the upper body.
  2. It absorbs axial forces that move from the head to the trunk. This allows the muscles in the trunk to move without causing pain.
  3. The lumbar spine forms a canal that safeguards the spinal cord and nerves.


The Structures Of the Lumbar Spine

The spine comprises several structures, including the vertebrae, spinal cord, spinal nerves, facet joints, and intervertebral discs. Each structure plays a unique role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. The vertebrae protect the spinal cord and nerves from injury, while the facet joints guide the motion of the vertebrae and help maintain stability. The spinal cord and nerves work with the central nervous system to send signals from the brain to the body for coordinating reflex actions. Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers, allowing the spine to be flexible. Muscles, tissues, and ligaments protect the entire lumbar spine structure from pain. However, traumatic injuries or unwanted pressures can cause misalignment and low back pain. Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint, and several factors can contribute to its development, often confused with vertebral pain syndrome associated with the lumbar spine, as research studies reveal.


Move Better, Live Better- Video

Do you have stiffness in your lower back or experience constant aches in certain regions? These may be signs of low back pain related to vertebral pain syndrome. Research shows that pathologic degeneration in the lumbar spine can cause low back pain, affecting all components. Several mechanical, traumatic, nutritional, and genetic factors contribute to spinal degeneration. However, non-surgical treatments can help reduce muscle pain and alleviate unwanted pressure on spinal discs. Chiropractic care and spinal decompression are two treatments that enhance mobility and function in the spine, relieving pain. The video above talks more about these treatments.

What Is Vertebral Pain Syndrome?


Experiencing pressure on the lumbar spine can result in various issues that can worsen low back pain. One of these issues is called vertebral pain syndrome. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., explain that this syndrome occurs when environmental factors start affecting the lumbar spine. It can be caused by visceral pain in the lower back that disrupts neuron signals in the lumbar spine. This can irritate spinal nerves, leading to referred pain in the lower body. The book also mentions that vertebral pain syndrome can happen when the vertebrae end plates on spinal discs wear thin, causing pressure to move with the disc. This can inflame the spine, causing chronic low back pain.


How Spinal Decompression Alleviate Vertebral Pain Syndrome

How can non-surgical spinal decompression treatments help alleviate vertebral pain syndrome in the lumbar spine? Research studies revealed that spinal decompression could reduce pressure on the spinal disc and gently stretch the spine, restoring disc height. This treatment can relieve many people from low back pain and its associated symptoms. Moreover, it can rehydrate spinal discs by promoting the flow of blood and nutrients, which aids in the healing process to reduce the effects of vertebral pain syndrome.



Taking care of your spine is crucial as everyday factors can put pressure on it, causing damage to the spinal discs. This can lead to vertebral pain syndrome, which can cause lumbar back pain and referred pain linked to visceral problems. Luckily, spinal decompression therapy can ease the effects of this syndrome by gently stretching the spine and restoring hydration to the discs. Incorporating spinal decompression into your routine allows you to enjoy a pain-free life without worrying about lower back pain.



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