Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).
Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.
Waking up with neck soreness, stiffness, achiness, and pain can take a toll throughout the day. Individuals, that experience this regularly wonder what happened while laying down in bed? Individuals can wake up with one or a combination of these symptoms after sleeping. A few ways to prevent neck pain after sleeping and self-care to relieve any symptoms.
What Is Happening?
The spine keeps the body upright and moving and regularly resists gravity and other forces acting upon it. The neck, aka the cervical spine, is a little more delicate. The neck has the important job of holding up the head. The human head weighs around 10 to 12 lbs, and that’s using proper posture. According to a study, the head’s weight can increase up to 60 lbs. with a 60-degree tilt. This can happen from looking down at a phone for too long. All that weight makes the muscles that support the head and neck work overtime contributing to fatigued muscles.
Then when sleeping, cervical spinal misalignment starts to set in, producing torticollis. Torticollis, aka wry neck, is a condition where the neck gets twisted or tilted at an awkward angle. Babies can be born with it, known as congenital torticollis, and individuals can develop it from various sources. It can be temporary, chronic, and it can be caused by acute trauma. Torticollis is not considered a condition like ankylosing spondylitis but more like a symptom with overlapping sources.
The neck’s ligaments can become irritated and inflamed.
Neck muscle spasms can cause soreness and inflammation.
Either of these can be caused by sleeping in an awkward position or by using the wrong pillow.
Waking With Neck Pain
When waking up with neck pain, it could be that the pillow no longer provides sufficient support, the pillow is too thick, placing the neck in an awkward position, the individual’s sleeping position strains the muscles and ligaments, or a combination. It is usually a pillow that is too soft with no support that causes neck pain. Maintaining spinal alignment when sleeping is just as crucial as during the day, as it helps to prevent overly taxing the muscles and ligaments.
How to control posture when sleeping?
The pillow could be the answer. A firm pillow will keep the spine in a straight line from the atlas, which is the first cervical vertebra/C1, down to the coccyx or the tailbone. The way an individual sleeps also affects how they wake up. The most recommended sleeping position for individuals with morning neck pain is on the back. Back sleeping might not work for everyone as it can aggravate conditions like sleep apnea. If that is the case, sleeping on the side is the next recommended position. It is recommended to avoid sleeping on the stomach. The head could slip down the pillow edge causing the head to be in a tilted position. This can place added pressure on the nerves that start in the neck, leading to further neck pain or radiculopathy pain that spreads out to the arms or legs.
What To Do?
If neck pain presents after waking, get some ice or a cold pack on it. Try 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. This will reduce inflammation. Also, over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can help. If neck pain continues, switch from ice to heat also 20 minutes on, 20 off. If the pain is caused by spasming muscle/s, heat can relax the area and increase blood circulation. A gentle massage on and around the area can help spread the circulation and ease the spasm.
Stretching the neck
Stretching the neck will keep the muscles loose and reduce the risk of ligament, muscle and tendon strains, and torticollis.
Body composition change and losing fat mass are also related to sleep. Losing fat requires the body to be in a caloric deficit. This means having the body use more energy than the body takes in. This is accomplished by restricting calories through diet or increasing calories used through physical activity/exercise. However, most individuals utilize a combination. This can be referred to as calories in/calories out. Losing sleep can sabotage fat loss goals by stealing both the calories in and calories out.
Hansraj, Kenneth K. “Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head.” Surgical technology international vol. 25 (2014): 277-9.
Preventing Neck Pain from Sleeping: National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.) “How to Prevent Neck Pain While Sleeping.”
Multiple sclerosis and sciatica can exist side by side or have overlapping symptoms. The sciatic nerve begins at the lower back, then through the hips into the buttocks, and separates into both legs into the feet. Sciatica is a type of pain caused by a compressed/pinched or damaged/injured sciatic nerve. The sensation radiates across the nerve with frequency and severity at varying levels, depending on the individual’s body position and/or movement. Individuals with multiple sclerosis can also experience sciatica, believing it’s their multiple sclerosis. Neuropathic pain is a common symptom in multiple sclerosis or MS. It is caused by injury or damage to the nerves of the central nervous system and can cause burning, or sharp, stabbing sensations.
Multiple Sclerosis and Sciatic Nerve Pain Difference
MS is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the protective layer around nerve fibers known as myelin. This affects the central nervous system pathways that regulate feeling and sensation in the body. It can cause painful sensations that include:
Muscle spasms
Burning, tingling, or aching in the lower legs
Electrical shock-like sensations travel from the back toward the legs.
The painful sensations result from the damaged nerve fibers creating interference in the brain’s neural pathways.
Sciatica works differently
An autoimmune response does not damage the sciatic nerve’s pathway, but an added stress/pressure compresses the sciatic nerve. The pain is usually caused by a quick, jerking, twisting, bending, reaching motion that pinches or twists the nerve. Herniated discs and bone spurs are another common cause, along with being overweight can place intense pressure on the sciatic nerve. The critical difference is that multiple sclerosis causes the central nervous system’s signaling pathways to malfunction.
MS and Sciatica
Most individuals, around 40%, will at some point experience some form of sciatica symptoms. This is from age, and all the wear and tear the low back goes through daily. This is why it’s not unusual for individuals with MS to experience sciatica as well. MS can cause body changes that affect activity levels.
Decreased mobility can lead to sitting for extended periods that can strain the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, causing sciatica.
There is evidence that the lesions that present from MS can extend to the sciatic nerve.
One study compared 36 individuals with MS to 35 individuals that don’t have it.
The research found that those with MS had slightly more lesions on the sciatic nerve than those without MS.
Sciatica Care
It can be challenging to figure out the types of pain being experienced. Sciatica travels down the length of the nerve uniquely and is often felt in only one leg. The pain, tingling, numbness, electrical sensations can present only in the lower back, the buttock, the back of the leg, hamstring, calf, and foot, or in a combination of all the areas. Treatments for sciatica depend on the severity. They include:
Medications – anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, tricyclic antidepressants, and antiseizure medications.
Steroid injections – corticosteroids
Surgery is a last resort reserved for severe cases that did not improve with other treatments and therapies.
It can be easy to mistake sciatica as a symptom or related condition of multiple sclerosis. Chiropractic can help alleviate sciatica, and although treatment cannot directly treat MS or its symptoms, it can relieve pain and discomfort.
Body Composition
Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy or diabetic kidney disease is the result of mismanaged diabetes. Kidney failure is a severe medical emergency and can be fatal if not treated. Chronic low kidney function results in:
Fluid retention in the body.
Inability to filter out metabolites and waste from the blood.
Increased risk of infections.
Common symptoms of diabetic kidney disease include:
Increased blood pressure
This is the result of increased stress on the body.
The kidneys can no longer filter out all the metabolites and excess fluid needed to stabilize the blood pressure.
Chronic kidney damage results in the protein being excreted through urine.
Poor kidney function affects every organ in the body.
The organs have to work harder to compensate, leading to fatigue and low energy.
Lower extremity edema
Fluid retention usually presents in the lower extremities.
Puffy, swollen ankles and legs may appear shiny or waxy.
This is common in individuals that have severe diabetic nephropathy.
Shortness of breath
As the fluid builds up in the body, additional weight can get stored on and around the lungs.
This can make breathing very difficult when lying down or when engaged in physical activity.
Impaired cognition
Metabolites in the blood can cause brain damage when not filtered properly.
Memory loss
Mood changes
Loss of consciousness
Jende JME, et al. (2017). Peripheral nerve involvement in multiple sclerosis: Demonstration by magnetic resonance neurography. DOI:
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Sciatica.
Murphy KL, et al. (2017). Chapter 4: Neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis—current therapeutic intervention and future treatment perspectives.
Pain and itching. (n.d.).
Samson K. (2017). In the pipeline-multiple sclerosis neurography, MRI reveals peripheral nerve lesions in MS patients. DOI:
Sciatica: Of all the nerves. (2016).
When dealing with any kind of pain, many types of remedies can help alleviate the source of the pain. Whether muscle pain or cardiac tissue pain, the effects can be long-term if not appropriately treated. Doctors have discovered that low laser therapy can help repair injured muscles that patients have experienced. With low laser therapy, the beneficial effects can help repair injuries that the bodies’ skeletal and cardiac muscles have endured.
When the body gets injured, many people endure the pain later or during the accident. Sometimes the pain is short-termed or long-termed, depending on how severe the injury is. Short-term pain or “acute” pain can be simple, like a sprained joint; however, long-term pain or “chronic” pain, it’s more severe to the body and can have lasting effects. Chronic pain can hinder a person’s body from doing the most straightforward task. When people deal with chronic pain, it can drastically affect the body’s musculoskeletal system and even their cardiovascular system.
When the body’s musculoskeletal system is damaged, many complications can start affecting the joints in many different parts of the body. Chronic pain can cause inflammation throughout the body, causing a person not to have the energy to do any task they planned for the day. Sometimes the pain can be excruciating where the body just completely shuts down. When doctors see their patients, they ask them, “Where does it hurt?” meaning where the pain feels more excruciating on the person’s body. The patient will always tell their physicians that the pain is on their joints or back. So doctors would recommend low laser therapy.
Low Laser Therapy
With low laser therapy or phototherapy, the effects from the treatment can alleviate the pain from the body. Studies show that the application of low laser therapy in injured muscles can significantly enhance muscle regeneration in multiple and frequent applications. Low laser therapy does target the injured muscles because it uses irradiation, which targets the affected muscle while increasing the body’s natural antioxidants and cytoprotective heat shock proteins (HSP-70i). Phototherapy can even help reduce muscle fatigue in athletes when they are in a post-exercise routine.
Studies have found that physical therapists use phototherapy as another form of recovery treatment for athletes. What the laser does is that when it is placed on the affected muscle and joint pain, the infrared wavelength penetrates the skin and starts to affect the targeted area. The infrared wavelengths cause therapeutic effects by decreasing oxidative stress accumulated by the body while also reactivating oxygen species production, improving the body’s mitochondrial function, etc. Another study also shows that phototherapy can also repair cardiac tissue. The study shows that when doctors use phototherapy, it directly affects the intracellular mechanisms in the heart while also activating heat-independent tissues without causing tissue damage to the heart. The study also shows that phototherapy can be effective in various complications, such as lymphoedema and muscular trauma.
All in all, low laser therapy has beneficial properties in preventing muscle and cardiac muscle tissue damage. Its infrared radiation can help patients go about their day without the pain and suffering that their body endures. By reducing ventricular dilatation and preserving the body’s mitochondria while elevating the HSP-70i, the body can start on the road to recovery.
Leal Junior, Ernesto Cesar Pinto, et al. “Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in the Development of Exercise-Induced Skeletal Muscle Fatigue and Changes in Biochemical Markers Related to Postexercise Recovery.” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Aug. 2010,
Kazemi Khoo, Nooshafarin, et al. “Application of Low-Level Laser Therapy Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) Surgery.” Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, 2014,
Kettlebell training for the back muscles and back pain prevention can be part of a recommended treatment plan. When experiencing low back pain, many sports medicine experts recommend kettlebell exercise to strengthen the core and posterior chain. However, if not used correctly, kettlebell exercises can worsen back pain.
They are made of cast iron or steel and are named for resembling a tea kettle with an oversized handle. They can be used in one and two-handed movements.
Exercises and Movements for Back Pain
For individuals that are not experiencing back pain, kettlebell training can be excellent for maintenance and injury prevention. They strengthen the core and back muscles.
The kettlebell swing is an essential exercise and is one of the most important exercises when dealing with back pain issues.
A kettlebell is placed on the floor about 12 inches in front while standing with the feet a little wider than hip-distance.
The hips become the hinge.
Extend the arms down to the bell and grip it.
Begin swinging it up and down through the legs and then upward and outward to chest level.
The shoulders are to stay relaxed.
The hips are used to thrust and create momentum to swing the kettlebell.
Keep the spine neutral throughout the exercise to prevent injury.
The arms are to hold the bell only.
Don’t swing with the arms or shoulders, but push through with the hips.
The exercise can be swung up over the head but is not recommended for those with back pain.
They are portable and don’t require a lot of space.
With kettlebells, an individual can train more easily than with barbells.
Kettlebell workouts provide strength training and cardiovascular fitness.
Once the proper technique is learned, individuals can set up a regular regimen at home.
Proper Form and Mistakes
Proper form is crucial. The primary movement most individuals have difficulty with is getting the proper hinging motion at the hip. Most individuals flex at the lower back and place increased pressure on the discs. Proper hip hinge motion means:
Keeping the low back straight
Flexing at the hip
Pushing back out with the buttocks when performing the swing motion.
When done correctly, an individual should be able to stop at any stage and hold that position.
Posture Form Tips
Form issues with kettlebells include:
Hip Hinge
When picking up the kettlebell, remember to hip hinge instead of squatting to maintain the back in a neutral position.
Drive the hips back in the same way when sitting down on a low chair.
Arching the back
If the pelvis is tilted too far forward, the back arches a lot.
This can narrow where the nerves leave the spine in the low back.
Keep the abdominals tight to prevent the pelvis from tilting forward.
Using the incorrect weight can also cause problems; this could be going too heavy or too light.
Too heavy increases the risk of straining the body and back.
A kettlebell that is too light does not provide the correct resistance to strengthen the muscles.
Another common mistake is overtraining. Specifically, individuals over 50 whose bodies don’t recover as quickly.
Individuals over 50 are recommended to spread out the workout days with more than one rest day.
Common Injuries
Proper training before working with kettlebells is highly recommended, especially for those already dealing with back pain. Individuals are encouraged to work with a physical therapist, sports chiropractor, or personal trainer who can teach proper techniques and specific exercises, observe the individual’s process, and make corrections. Improper technique can lead to:
Muscle strains.
Muscle spasms.
Compressed or pinched nerves.
Added stress to pre-existing low back conditions.
Impact injuries to the wrist and forearm.
Body Composition
Exercise Ball Pikes
Exercise ball pikes are an advanced total body workout. Muscle groups worked out include:
Deep abdominals
Hip abductors
Scapula stabilizers
Pectoralis major/minor
To do the exercise:
Start in a pushup position with the arms on the floor in front.
Lift the legs, so the tops of the feet rest on the exercise/stability ball.
Knees should be bent to start the movement.
Extend the legs out as straight as possible.
Hold the position for a few seconds.
Return to the starting position.
Common Injuries Associated with Kettlebells: ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal (March/April 2017) “Managing Risks of Training with Kettlebells to Achieve Optimum Benefits.” healthfitness/Fulltext/2017/03000/MANAGING_RISKS_OF_TRAINING_WITH_KETTLEBELLS_TO.6.aspx
Neck crepitus is a grinding sound that comes from moving or rotating the neck. Usually, it is not something to worry about, as the body is a sound system that generates various noises. For example, when hungry, the stomach rumbles. After digestion, the body releases the gasses through a burp. The bones can also generate neck cracking or popping sounds with regular movements. This unusual sensation is known as crepitus.
Crepitus or crepitation is a scientific term that describes joint movements sounds. Sounds can include:
However, crepitus can happen in any moveable joints in the body. An example could be a neck cracking or popping sound when looking over the shoulder.
Why the Neck So Susceptible
The cervical spine consists of seven segments, and each segment has multiple joints that interact with the segments above and below it. The cervical spine is a flexible system that protects the neurologic structures while maintaining head and neck stability. This flexibility and the multiple joints at each level can wear down, leading to arthritis and neck crepitus.
Other Symptoms
Neck crepitus can present without other symptoms. But it can also be associated with other severe symptoms that include:
Neck pain
Diminished manual dexterity
Difficulty walking
Risk Increases With Age
Neck crepitus can present at any age; however, the risk increases as the body ages. Some individuals may have neck crepitus symptoms more often. For example, the neck cracking or popping sounds could present just a few times a month. However, other individuals could have cracking, popping sounds daily or even throughout the day. Neck crepitus can increase or decrease in frequency. Symptoms could present for several days before the sensations stop entirely.
Possible Causes
Neck crepitus can have various causes, and multiple factors can also overlap to generate these sensations.
Articular Pressure Changes
Natural lubricating lining and fluid are found within the body’s joints. Small gas bubbles can form within the synovial joints, including the facet joints. When the bubbles collapse, they are released, creating cracking noises in the joints. The sounds can happen with regular everyday movements. This also occurs when a chiropractor or physical therapist performs spinal manipulations.
Tendon or Ligament Movement
Tendons are the tissue that connects the muscles to the bones, and Ligaments connect the bones. A tendon in motion can also make noises when sliding around a bone or over another tendon or ligament. The cracking can be caused by tight tissues and muscles from aging or muscles that have become weak/deconditioned.
Bones Grinding
Osteoarthritis, known as spondylosis in the spine, can cause the facet joints that connect the vertebrae to degenerate. The protective cartilage wears down, and the vertebral bones start to rub against each other. This can produce a grinding noise. However, the grinding can result from disc degeneration, which reduces the cushioning between the vertebrae.
When to Consult A Physician
If neck crepitus presents without other symptoms, it’s usually not serious. When neck crepitus presents with other symptoms, it is recommended to contact a doctor. These symptoms include:
If pain spreads out and runs down the arm or there is difficulty completing fine motor tasks like writing your name or getting dressed, consult a doctor. These symptoms can be caused by spinal cord or nerve root compression. Sometimes, neck crepitus can show up after a different health issue. For example, if an individual notices neck sounds weeks after cervical spine surgery, the spine surgeon can determine if the two are connected. A recent fall or car accident could also cause symptoms to present. If the crepitus presents almost every time with joint movement, there could be compromised joint function.
Treatment and Prevention
There are various treatment options for neck crepitus. It is recommended to start with conservative treatment like physical therapy and chiropractic pain management. Imaging scans are necessary to see if there are signs of compression on the spinal cord or nerves. Treatment objectives are to remove the pressure from the neural structures and restore the spine’s stability. Cervical traction is another form of treatment. Consult a physician, spine specialist, or chiropractor to properly diagnose the issues, figure out what is going on, and develop a personalized treatment plan if necessary.
Body Composition
Sugar Replacements
Sugar substitutes can help with weight control and diabetes by allowing individuals to eat sweets without raising blood sugar levels. Sugar replacements are additives that add sweetness to food without the calories of sugar. Some sugar substitutes are synthetically made, while others are natural. Sugar replacements include:
This artificial sweetener comes from sucrose and contains no calories. It is highly sweeter than sugar and can be found in grocery stores.
This sweetener comes in crystalline form or high-fructose corn syrup, which is often used for baking. Fructose is sweeter than sugar and has been linked to early diabetes.
This sweetener is extracted from the stevia rebaudiana plant species. It is calorie-free and can help manage and improve cholesterol levels.
Only a tiny amount is necessary, as this artificial sweetener is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It contains four calories per gram.
Aspartame has been associated with cancer, dementia, and depression. But research has not found a direct correlation, and currently, recommended amounts are safe to consume.
Mohamad, I et al. “Swollen neck and crepitus after bouts of cough.” Malaysian family physician: the official journal of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia vol. 8,3 49-50. 31 Dec. 2013
Nguyen, Andrew B et al. “Crepitus: an uncommon complication of a common procedure.” The Annals of thoracic surgery vol. 91,4 (2011): e63. doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2011.01.031
Optimal joint health is vital to keeping the body moving. They allow us to function throughout the day and perform various tasks. When healthy joints become injured or damaged, the body loses mobility. Joint issues/pain primarily present in the shoulders, wrists, hands, knees, ankles, and spine. Healthy joints are necessary for the full range of motion and comfortable movement. To keep joints healthy and fully functioning, chiropractic treatment is recommended to alleviate joint pain and improve joint health.
Joint Health
Joints are designed to provide a full range of motion for the body parts they affect.
Joints are made to be able to endure weight and forces applied to them.
Every joint consists of two surfaces that make contact.
The bones that make up the joint allow for movement, but the actual muscles pull the bones that generate movement.
The muscles are attached to bones by tendons.
Tendons are strong enough to facilitate movement and flexible to prevent damage to the muscle tissues.
Ligaments connect the bones and help to prevent uncontrolled movement.
The muscles, tendons, and ligaments are attached around each joint at specific positions and shaped to exact dimensions.
Synovial fluid lines the joints and lubricates the surfaces to reduce friction.
Injury and Conditions
Most injuries to joints occur from added and abnormal stresses placed on a joint.
A joint can become injured from a basic trauma accident. An ankle sprain, for example.
The ankle joint is protected by ligaments on the inside and outside.
When the ankle moves too far inward, the ligaments on the outside can tear.
The ankle swells, leading to pain.
In some instances, small pieces of bone and cartilage can also tear away.
Other injuries
Overuse/Repetitive stress injuries, also known as cumulative trauma disorders, can cause joint pain symptoms.
These injuries happen when stress is repeatedly placed on the joints.
The stress can come from:
Poor posture
Awkward/unusual positioning while working.
Little to no workstation ergonomics.
The most common cause of joint pain is arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation of the joints causing swollen and stiff joints, limiting mobility.
Osteoarthritis can also cause joint pain. This is when the joint cartilage breaks down from regular wear and tear.
The aging body becomes stiff, swollen and decreases the range of motion.
Other conditions
Pregnancy can place an incredible amount of pressure on the spine, knees, and hips as the body tries to balance itself with the added weight, causing joint pain.
Obesity can also lead to joint pain from the added weight and pressure.
Health conditions that cause inflammation can lead to joint pain, including Lyme disease and Lupus.
The jawbone is also a joint; Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction causes jaw pain, difficulty chewing and clicking, or locking.
Chiropractic can restore joint health.
Chiropractic can keep the joints in optimal health and functioning to the fullest. The objective is to activate the body’s natural ability to heal itself by improving the function of the central nervous system. Our team is dedicated to utilizing science-based chiropractic approaches to reduce pain and reverse painful conditions. It is also a natural method for relieving arthritis pain, slowing down the degenerative process, and helping to relubricate the joints. Contact us today to learn more about chiropractic and joint health.
Body Composition
Mediterranean Diet Can Be a Great Starting Point
There’s no perfect diet. Although human bodies are basically the same, individuals respond differently to certain diets. Diets can only go so far. The individual still has to put in the work of following the diet, exercising, developing new healthy habits, and maintaining them. The Mediterranean diet was reviewed by a panel of nationally recognized experts in:
Food psychology
Heart disease
They reviewed the diet profile to analyze certain categories. They included:
Ease of taking on the diet.
Weight loss effectiveness. This includes short-term and long-term.
The diet’s potential for preventing and managing diabetes.
The diet’s potential for preventing and managing cardiovascular disease.
The findings found the Mediterranean diet to be one of the best because of the many health benefits that come from the dietary changes.
Clark, Kristine L. “Nutritional considerations in joint health.” Clinics in sports medicine vol. 26,1 (2007): 101-18. doi:10.1016/j.csm.2006.11.006
Hui, Alexander Y, et al. “A systems biology approach to synovial joint lubrication in health, injury, and disease.” Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Systems biology and medicine vol. 4,1 (2012): 15-37. doi:10.1002/wsbm.157
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain throughout the whole body. It causes sleep problems, fatigue, and mental/emotional distress. It affects around four million adults in the United States. Individuals with Fibromyalgia tend to be more sensitive to pain. This is referred to as abnormal/altered pain perception processing. Research currently leans towards a hyperactive nervous system as one of the most plausible causes.
Symptoms and Related Conditions
Individuals with fibromyalgia/fibromyalgia syndrome/FMS may have:
Sleep issues
Concentration, Memory issues, or Fibro Fog
Tender points
Numbness and tingling in hands, arms, legs, and feet
Central sensitization means that the central nervous system, made up of the brain and spinal cord, processes pain differently and more sensitively. For example, individuals with Fibromyalgia could interpret physiological stimuli, like heat, coldness, pressure, as pain sensations. Mechanisms that cause altered pain processing include:
Pain signal dysfunction
Modified opioid receptors
Substance P increase
Increased activity in the brain where pain signals are interpreted.
Pain Signal Dysfunction
When a painful stimulus is felt, the brain signals the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers that block the transmission of pain signals. Individuals with Fibromyalgia could have a pain-blocking system that is altered and/or not functioning correctly. There is also the inability to block repetitive stimuli. This means that the individual keeps feeling and experiencing the stimuli even as they try to block them out, suggesting a failure in the brain to filter out irrelevant sensory information.
Modified Opioid Receptors
Research has found that individuals with fibromyalgia have a reduced number of opioid receptors in the brain. Opioid receptors are where endorphins bind so the body can use them when necessary. With fewer available receptors, the brain is less sensitive to endorphins, as well as opioid pain medication like:
Substance P Increase
Individuals with fibromyalgia have been found to have elevated levels of substance P in their cerebrospinal fluid. This chemical is released when a painful stimulus is detected by the nerve cells. Substance P is involved with the body’s pain threshold, or the point when a sensation turns into pain. High levels of substance P could explain why the pain threshold is low in individuals with fibromyalgia.
Increased Activity in the Brain
Brain imaging tests, like magnetic resonance imaging or MRI, have shown that fibromyalgia is associated with greater than regular activity in areas of the brain that interpret pain signals. This can suggest that pain signals are overwhelming those areas or that the pain signals are being processed dysfunctionally.
Certain factors can trigger a flare-up. These include:
Physical stress
Too much exercise
Not enough exercise
Psychological stress
Stressful events
Sleep Patterns changed
Treatment changes
Temperature changes
Weather changes
Chiropractic focuses on whole-body wellness. 90% of the central nervous system goes through the spinal cord. A misaligned vertebral bone can create interference and irritation on the nerves. Fibromyalgia is a condition related to the hyperactivity of the nerves; therefore, any vertebral subluxations will complicate and aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms. By realigning the misaligned vertebrae releases the stress off of the spinal cord and spinal nerve root. That is why individuals with fibromyalgia are recommended to add a chiropractor to their healthcare team.
Clauw, Daniel J et al. “The science of fibromyalgia.” Mayo Clinic proceedings vol. 86,9 (2011): 907-11. doi:10.4065/mcp.2011.0206
Cohen H. Controversies and challenges in fibromyalgia: a review and a proposal. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2017 May;9(5):115-27.
Garland, Eric L. “Pain processing in the human nervous system: a selective review of nociceptive and biobehavioral pathways.” Primary care vol. 39,3 (2012): 561-71. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2012.06.013
Goldenberg DL. (2017). Pathogenesis of fibromyalgia. Schur PH, (Ed). UpToDate. Waltham, MA: UpToDate Inc.
Kamping S, Bomba IC, Kanske P, Diesch E, Flor H. Deficient modulation of pain by a positive emotional context in fibromyalgia patients. Pain. 2013 Sep;154(9):1846-55.
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