Back Clinic Chronic Back Pain Team. Chronic back pain has a far-reaching effect on many physiological processes. Dr. Jimenez reveals topics and issues affecting his patients. Understanding the pain is critical to its treatment. So here we begin the process for our patients in the journey of recovery.
Just about everyone feels pain from time to time. When you cut your finger or pull a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Once the injury heals, you stop hurting.
Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors often define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more.
Chronic back pain can have real effects on your day-to-day life and your mental health. But you and your doctor can work together to treat it.
Do call upon us to help you. We do understand the problem that should never be taken lightly.
Back pain is a common problem that affects people worldwide, but many individuals are unaware of it until they experience constant back muscle aches. Back pain can impact the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine and can even lead to referred pain in the arms and legs. Repetitive movements, poor posture, prolonged sitting, and physical inactivity are common causes of back pain. In some cases, traumatic incidents or accidents can also contribute to the development of back pain. To manage back pain, individuals often seek treatments to alleviate it and improve their quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore two treatments to help alleviate back pain and provide tips on managing the pain effectively. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals with back pain and find the right treatment to alleviate their pain. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
Spine Surgery For Low Back Pain
Are you experiencing pain in your upper, middle, or lower back? Do you feel a radiating pain running down your arms or legs, or have you noticed that you are hunching over more than usual? These symptoms are often associated with back pain, which can be debilitating. Many people who suffer from back pain seek relief and may opt for surgery to alleviate their symptoms. Research studies revealed that spinal surgery could effectively reduce neurogenic pain and deficits that exacerbate spinal nerve root compression and may help individuals regain their functionality and mobility. However, as research studies stated, surgery is typically recommended only after conservative treatments have been tried for at least six months without success. Several surgical options are available, including injection therapy, non-fusion stabilization, facet and disc replacement, and spinal fusion surgery, which may relieve back pain.
Managing Back Pain After Surgery
Individuals who undergo surgery for back pain must follow a recovery plan to prevent the pain from recurring. Research studies suggest that the effects of spinal surgery for back pain should last for three days, after which adequate rest is essential. Following this, individuals should become pain-free and able to move again. To prevent back pain from returning, doctors often recommend changing daily habits and activities and creating a personalized treatment plan to strengthen back muscles. While surgery for back pain can be expensive, non-surgical treatments are available to alleviate the pain.
The Science Of Motion & Chiropractic Care- Video
Are you experiencing pain in your upper, middle, or lower back? Do you feel discomfort, stiffness, or aches when stretching? Have you engaged in activities that can strain your back muscles? These symptoms often indicate back pain, a common problem many people face at some point. Several factors contribute to back pain, including repetitive movements, spinal disc compression, and spinal nerve root irritation. Physical inactivity, prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, and poor posture are common causes of back pain that can lead to disability. However, various treatments can alleviate the effects of back pain and prevent it from recurring. The video above demonstrates how chiropractic care can help relieve back pain by using spinal manipulation to align the spine. Chiropractic care is a safe, gentle, and affordable non-surgical treatment that can be combined with other therapies to prevent future back pain.
Spinal Decompression For Back Pain
When relieving back pain, some people avoid surgery because it can be expensive. Fortunately, alternative treatments are safe, affordable, and gentle on the spine. Non-surgical options can relieve many individuals suffering from back pain without surgery. Research shows that spinal decompression is an effective treatment that uses gentle traction to create negative pressure in the spinal disc. This can increase hydration and reduce pressure on the nerve root, which can alleviate back pain. Spinal decompression can also help relax and stretch the back muscles by gently pulling the spine. This treatment is cost-effective and can be combined with other therapies to prevent the return of back pain.
The Effects Of Spinal Decompression On Back Pain
Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., wrote “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” which states that spinal decompression is safe and effective in reducing back pain. Through spinal decompression, the herniated disc causing back pain is pulled back to its original position, allowing the surrounding nerve roots to relax. Research studies have shown that spinal decompression can help increase spinal disc height and restore mobility to the back and spine, enabling individuals to return to their daily activities without pain.
Across the world back pain is a widespread problem that affects many people worldwide. It can be a significant problem if left untreated. Fortunately, numerous treatment options can alleviate the symptoms and allow individuals to resume their daily activities. The two main types of treatment are surgical and non-surgical therapies. While surgical treatment can be effective, it is also expensive. Non-surgical therapy, on the other hand, is cost-effective. Combining these treatments with other therapies is possible to decrease the likelihood of back pain returning. By listening to their bodies and taking preventive measures, individuals can avoid a reoccurrence of pain.
Upper and middle/mid-back pain and/or pain between the shoulder blades is common for individuals who spend long hours sitting or standing. Stress, tension, and repetitive movements can cause middle-back trigger points to develop. Symptoms occur anywhere from the neck’s base to the bottom of the rib cage. Trigger point development and reoccurrence can contribute to chronic upper and middle back pain. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can release, relieve and help prevent trigger points through various therapies and treatment plans.
Middle Back Trigger Points
The ribs attach to the sternum and adhere to and wrap around the back. Pain and sensation symptoms can radiate to other places where the nerve travels if a nerve in this area is pinched, irritated, or injured. The muscle groups of the chest region also have a significant role in middle back trigger point development. Tension in the chest muscles can overload the muscles of the mid-back region, causing tightness. This happens to individuals that release the trigger points in the mid-back muscles but fail to address the trigger points in the chest muscles, causing reactivation that could worsen the injury. Three muscle groups can cause trigger point referred pain between the shoulder blades include:
Rhomboid Trigger Points Between the Shoulder Blades
The Rhomboid muscle group is found in the mid-back region, between the shoulder blades.
These muscles attach along the spine and run diagonally downward to connect to the inside of the shoulder blade.
The contraction causes the shoulder blades to retract and rotate.
Trigger points only cause pain in the region of the muscle group.
They can cause tenderness in the region and the spinous process or the bony tip extending from the lamina or part that can be felt when touching the back.
The pain is often described as burning.
Rhomboid Trigger Symptoms
A common symptom is superficial aching between the shoulder blades that individuals try to rub with their fingers to get relief.
Intense pain can extend upward to the shoulder area above the blade and into the neck area.
Individuals may hear or feel a crunching and snapping as they move the shoulder blades.
The common rounded-shoulder and forward-head hunching posture are nearly always present in individuals with these trigger points.
Middle Trapezius Trigger Points
The trapezius is the large, diamond-shaped muscle group that forms the base of the neck and upper back.
It has attachment points at the bottom of the skull, along the spine, collarbone, and shoulder blade.
When this muscle contracts, it moves the shoulder blade.
Movements can also affect the neck and head region.
Trigger points in the middle portion of this muscle refer to pain between the shoulder blades and the spine.
Trigger points develop for several reasons, including unhealthy postures, stress, injuries, falls, and sleeping positions.
Additionally, tension and added trigger points in the chest muscles can overload the Trapezius muscle fibers, causing trigger point development.
Trapezius Symptoms
It can be difficult to distinguish pain from the middle trapezius and rhomboid trigger points.
Pain in the middle trapezius can have more of a burning sensation and often extends over the thoracic spine.
The pain referral to the spine can activate secondary trigger points in the surrounding muscles.
Pectoralis Major Trigger Points
The Pectoralis Major muscle group is the large, flat muscles in the upper chest region.
The muscle has four overlapping sections that attach to the ribs, collarbone, chest bone, and upper arm at the shoulder.
The muscle group contracts when pushing with the arms in front of the body and rotating the arms inward towards the trunk.
Trigger points can radiate pain symptoms to the chest, shoulder, and breast regions.
Numbness and/or pain can radiate down the inside of the arm and into the fingers.
Trigger points in this muscle group can activate triggers in the upper back, causing pain symptoms between the shoulder blades.
Pectoralis Major Symptoms
Individuals will present with chest pain, front shoulder pain, and pain traveling down the inside of the arm to the elbow.
If referred pain occurs on the person’s left side, it can be similar to cardiac pain.
Consult a cardiologist to rule out cardiac involvement before investigating trigger points.
The pain will initially occur on one side of the chest but can spread to the other as it intensifies.
In many, the pain is only experienced with the movement of the arms and goes away or decreases with rest.
Simultaneous pain in the mid-back, between the shoulder blades, frequently occurs.
In women, there may be nipple sensitivity and pain in the breast.
The breast can become enlarged from the tension causing impaired lymphatic drainage.
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractors treat myofascial pain syndromes such as myofascial trigger points or adhesions with various therapies. A chiropractor will locate trigger points by pressing muscle tissue or manipulating the muscle fibers. Once the trigger points have been found, treatment can include:
Barbero, Marco, et al. “Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points: evaluation and treatment in patients with musculoskeletal pain.” Current Opinion in Supportive and palliative care vol. 13,3 (2019): 270-276. doi:10.1097/SPC.0000000000000445
Bethers, Amber H et al. “Positional release therapy and therapeutic massage reduce muscle trigger and tender points.” Journal of Bodywork and movement therapies vol. 28 (2021): 264-270. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.07.005
Birinci, Tansu, et al. “Stretching exercises combined with ischemic compression in pectoralis minor muscle with latent trigger points: A single-blind, randomized, controlled pilot trial.” Complementary therapies in clinical practice vol. 38 (2020): 101080. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2019.101080
Farrell C, Kiel J. Anatomy, Back, Rhomboid Muscles. [Updated 2023 May 16]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
Gupta, Lokesh, and Shri Prakash Singh. “Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injection for Myofascial Trigger Points in the Subscapularis and Pectoralis Muscles.” Yonsei medical journal vol. 57,2 (2016): 538. doi:10.3349/ymj.2016.57.2.538
Moraska, Albert F et al. “Responsiveness of Myofascial Trigger Points to Single and Multiple Trigger Point Release Massages: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.” American Journal of physical medicine & Rehabilitation vol. 96,9 (2017): 639-645. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000000728
Sadria, Golnaz, et al. “A comparison of the effect of the active release and muscle energy techniques on the latent trigger points of the upper trapezius.” Journal of bodywork and movement therapies vol. 21,4 (2017): 920-925. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.10.005
Tiric-Campara, Merita, et al. “Occupational overuse syndrome (technological diseases): carpal tunnel syndrome, a mouse shoulder, cervical pain syndrome.” Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH vol. 22,5 (2014): 333-40. doi:10.5455/aim.2014.22.333-340
It can be challenging to find the proper treatment for general aches and pains in the body due to various environmental factors. These factors, such as home life, physical activity, and work conditions, can lead to overlapping symptoms that negatively impact a person’s mental and emotional well-being. If left untreated and depending on the severity, these symptoms can develop into chronic conditions. However, individuals can find personalized solutions to reduce pain and discomfort by taking charge of their health and wellness. This article will explore gender-affirming care, a treatment that can benefit the LGBT+ community, and non-surgical options like spinal decompression and chiropractic care. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide treatments like gender-affirming care for individuals with general body pain. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Is Gender-Affirming Care?
When seeking treatment, people often research and find the care that best suits their needs. One treatment that has been shown to impact many individuals positively is gender-affirming care. Research studies revealed that this process could address gender affirmation through various means, including clothing, hair, voice and pronouns, name changes, medical and surgical care, and social transition. People may use gender-affirming care uniquely to receive the treatment they deserve. Research also suggests that gender-affirming care should be multidisciplinary, involving diagnostic assessments, psychotherapy/counseling, and therapies. Many individuals in the LGBT+ community seek gender-affirming care to improve their mental and physical well-being, which can be life-saving.
How Does Gender-Affirming Care Help The LGBT+?
Gender-affirming care is an important aspect of supporting the LGBT+ community. It involves acknowledging and accepting a person’s gender identity and making necessary changes to help them express it. Creating a safe and positive environment for gender-affirming care can significantly improve the experience, health outcomes, and life quality of many individuals in the LGBT+ community, particularly those who identify as transgender. It’s important to understand the meaning of “gender” and “affirming” to provide effective care. Gender refers to how society perceives a person’s sex as either male/man or female/woman, while affirming involves accepting and validating a person’s identity. Research studies have revealed that gender-affirming care positively impacts the LGBT+ community, making it a crucial component of healthcare for this population.
In the LGBT+ community, the “T” stands for transgender individuals with a gender identity that does not match their assigned sex at birth. This can include:
Transgender woman: Male-to-female, assigned male at birth, lives female/affirmed woman, transfeminine spectrum
Transgender man: Female-to-male, assigned female at birth, live male/affirmed man, transmasculine spectrum
Transexual: individuals in the transgender community who has transitioned to the opposite sex, often including sexual reassignment surgery
Many transgender people seek gender-affirming care to improve their overall health and well-being by making changes to align their bodies and mind. Unfortunately, there are barriers associated with accessing gender-affirming care.
Barriers Associated With Gender-Affirming Care
Accessing gender-affirming care can be a barrier for many in the LGBT+ community, leading to poor mental health, decreased social support, and discrimination. Research studies revealed that these burdens can contribute to developing body dysmorphia and associated symptoms. Research has shown that individuals with body dysmorphia may develop comorbid disorders during general examinations, including gender dysmorphia, which can lead to distress for the patient. However, creating a safe and respectful environment for the LGBT+ community is possible by providing personalized gender-affirming care. The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team is committed to building a positive space for individuals who identify as transgender and alleviating pain-like symptoms through personalized treatment plans.
The Benefits of a Healthy Diet & Chiropractic Care- Video
Beneficial Treatments Utilize In Gender-Affirming Care
There is hope for individuals seeking gender-affirming care, as many beneficial treatments are available. Non-surgical options such as spinal decompression and chiropractic care can ease musculoskeletal issues and educate patients on environmental factors that affect their well-being. Hormone, physical, and mental therapy are important for personalized care plans, making them affordable and ensuring safety. Individuals in the LGBT+ community face unique health challenges, and having a safe and positive space can make their health and wellness journey more manageable.
Bhatt, N., Cannella, J., & Gentile, J. P. (2022). Gender-affirming Care for Transgender Patients. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 19(4-6), 23–32.
Carroll, R., & Bisshop, F. (2022). What you need to know about gender‐affirming healthcare. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 34(3).
Grant, J. E., Lust, K., & Chamberlain, S. R. (2019). Body dysmorphic disorder and its relationship to sexuality, impulsivity, and addiction. Psychiatry Research, 273, 260–265.
Hashemi, L., Weinreb, J., Weimer, A. K., & Weiss, R. L. (2018). Transgender Care in the Primary Care Setting: A Review of Guidelines and Literature. Federal Practitioner, 35(7), 30–37.
Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.
Tordoff, D. M., Wanta, J. W., Collin, A., Stepney, C., Inwards-Breland, D. J., & Ahrens, K. (2022). Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care. JAMA Network Open, 5(2).
The lower back plays a huge, important role in providing stability to the body and supporting the weight of the upper portion. It comprises the lumbar spine, which starts at the bottom of the thoracic spine region (T12) and ends at the sacral region (S1). The lumbar spine is surrounded by muscles, ligaments, and nerves that control functions such as leg movement, bowel and bladder control. Excessive pressure on the lumbar spine can lead to low back pain and other issues that can cause disability and dysfunction. This common issue affects many people, leading to missed work and limited daily activities. Fortunately, there are available treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, that can help reduce the effects of low back pain and its associated symptoms. Two such treatments are epidural injections and spinal decompression. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide musculoskeletal therapies for low back pain that can affect the lower body extremities. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Are Epidural Steroid Injections?
Are you experiencing low back pain? Does it prevent you from working or participating in activities? Have you noticed any pain radiating down your legs or feet? These symptoms are often associated with low back pain and can limit mobility. Many people suffer from low back pain, leading to missed work. The causes include disc herniation, arthritis, and nerve compression. For relief, some people turn to epidural injections. Research studies revealed that these injections could help reduce pain caused by spinal nerve root issues affecting surrounding muscles. As additional studies showed, epidural injections are a minimally invasive procedure involving injecting local anesthetics or steroids into the epidural space where the pain originates in the spine, and they have proven to be an effective treatment option.
How Do Epidural Injections Reduce Low Back Pain?
Low back pain can cause several symptoms, such as radiating pain down to the back, hips, and legs, numbness, tingling sensations, muscle spasms, and joint dysfunction. Some people opt for an epidural injection containing an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid to ease the pain. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., stated that this hormone is injected into the affected area near the spinal cord but outside the surrounding membranes. While epidural injections are a common interventional treatment for spine-related issues, they only provide temporary relief and do not address where the root cause of the pain. However, they can help individuals manage chronic pain and engage in collaborative or alternative treatments to alleviate the pain-like symptoms associated with low back pain.
Say Goodbye To Pain With Chiropractic Care-Video
Are you experiencing pain radiating in your back or legs that spread outwards? Do you feel strain in your muscles when lifting heavy items or struggle to walk short distances? These symptoms are often associated with low back pain and can lead to a life of disability. This can be especially challenging if it prevents you from working. Fortunately, surgical and non-surgical treatments can reduce pain and address risk factors associated with low back pain. While surgical treatments are an option, they can be expensive. Many individuals opt for non-surgical treatments, which are safe, gentle, and cost-effective. These treatments can identify the root cause of the problem and incorporate various techniques to reduce pain symptoms. For example, chiropractic care and spinal decompression can help realign the body, reduce pain, and promote the body’s natural healing process to ease low back pain, as demonstrated in the video above.
The Effects Of Spinal Decompression On Low Back Pain
Consider trying spinal decompression if an epidural injection for low back pain doesn’t work. Low back pain can be caused by pressure on spinal discs and nerves. Spinal decompression is a safe and gentle non-invasive treatment. Research shows it can gently pull discs back into place, relieve pain, and improve joint function using negative pressure. This treatment allows muscles to relax and reduces nerve stress, promoting the body’s natural healing process and increasing disc height. With spinal decompression, individuals can learn how to prevent low back pain from recurring by being more mindful of their actions.
You may benefit from epidural injections and spinal decompression if you are suffering from low back pain. Low back pain can be disabling and cause you to miss work. These treatments can relieve pain by reducing pressure on the nerve roots and easing referred pain. By using these treatments, you can experience relief and return to your daily activities with a greater understanding of how to care for your low back.
The musculoskeletal system, comprising muscles, tissues, and ligaments, works with the brain from the central nervous system to provide mobility, stability, and function to the upper and lower extremities. However, pathogens, injuries, or traumas related to environmental factors can lead to overlapping risk profiles and musculoskeletal pain, causing disability and discomfort to individuals. Fortunately, many people opt for non-surgical treatments to alleviate pain and restore their bodies. This article delves into how pain affects muscles and tissues, how chronic conditions related to muscle and tissue pain, and how non-surgical treatments can ease such pain. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide non-surgical treatments for muscle and tissue pain affecting the musculoskeletal system. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
How Does Pain Affect The Muscles & Tissues
Do you experience muscle or tissue strain from reaching high places or neck and back pain from prolonged phone or computer use? Have you recently lifted a heavy object and now feel discomfort in your back muscles? These are all common forms of musculoskeletal pain that can affect various body parts. Symptoms can often vary depending on the severity of the pain, and research studies revealed that chronic musculoskeletal pain can be complex and either nociceptive or neuropathic. When muscle and tissue pain occurs, it can misalign the upper and lower regions of the body and cause muscle groups to work harder to alleviate the discomfort. This can lead to spinal subluxation and haywire nerve roots.
Now research studies mentioned that many individuals dealing with musculoskeletal pain often report decreased productivity or have to change or quit their jobs due to the pain. The symptoms that are correlated with muscle and tissue pain include:
Tenderness and weakness
Steady aches
Random sharp pains
Joint issues
Various symptoms similar to pain can affect the muscles and tissues throughout the body. These symptoms can be widespread or localized to specific areas associated with the musculoskeletal system. The central nervous system is also impacted since the nerve roots are connected to the muscles and tissues in the musculoskeletal system. The nerve roots originate from the spinal cord and intertwine with muscle and tissue fibers, which can cause them to become trapped. This can result in stiff and contracted muscles, leading to chronic muscle and tissue pain.
Chronic Conditions Associated With Muscle & Tissue Pain
Experience muscle and tissue pain that affects the nerve roots. It may be due to chronic conditions like myofascial pain, sciatic nerve pain, herniated disc, or other musculoskeletal-related issues. Research studies suggest that this type of pain can be localized, regional, or widespread and can move from one spot to another, leading to sensory abnormalities and chronic conditions. Environmental factors like occupational hazards can also cause chronic muscle and tissue pain. For instance, desk jobs, truck drivers, and construction workers may experience pain due to overworking or overstretched muscle and tissue fibers, poor posture, and excessive sitting. This discomfort and pain in the extremities can be relieved with proper care and treatment.
From Injury To Recovery With Chiropractic Care- Video
Musculoskeletal pain can affect the muscle, tissue fibers, and nerve roots. If you experience this type of pain due to environmental factors, treatments are available to help alleviate the pain and reduce symptoms in your upper and lower extremities. While surgical or invasive treatments like spinal surgery or nerve root blocker injections are options, they can be costly and cause stress for some individuals. However, some non-invasive treatments, like chiropractic care, use gentle manual manipulation to stretch affected muscles and release pain, providing relief and allowing for natural healing. The video above talks more about non-invasive treatments for musculoskeletal pain.
Non-Surgical Treatments For Muscle & Tissue Pain
Research studies revealed that non-surgical treatments are crucial for enhancing recovery and overall well-being, as musculoskeletal pain can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Non-surgical treatments are safe, gentle, and cost-effective for those experiencing musculoskeletal pain affecting their muscles and tissue fibers. These treatments can also be personalized and combined with other corresponding therapies to reduce pain and restore muscle and tissue function. Here are some non-surgical treatments that may be helpful.
Therapeutic Wavelengths
Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., and Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, explained in their book “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” that therapeutic wavelengths are a safe and non-invasive way to provide deficient muscles and tissue fibers with necessary nutrients and to relax affected surrounding muscles. The book also highlights that therapeutic wavelengths can promote healing in aging, sick, injured, or malfunctioning tissues and muscles. There are several benefits to therapeutic wavelengths, including:
Water retention
Hemoglobin absorption
Regulating melanin
Restoring connective tissue
Laser Therapy
Research studies have revealed that low-level laser therapy can alleviate the effects of overused muscles and tissues by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. This therapy emits a gentle, warming light that stimulates the body’s natural healing process by promoting effective cellular function. Benefits of low-level laser therapy include:
Accelerate tissue repair
Increased reduction of fibrous tissue formation
Increase anti-inflammatory response
Improve nerve function
Restore muscle tone
Spinal Decompression
If you’re experiencing musculoskeletal pain due to nerve root compression between muscle and tissue fibers, spinal decompression could be a non-surgical solution that helps. This treatment involves gentle traction that stretches the spine, which can help to reduce fatigue in your muscles and tissues. Research shows that spinal decompression can help rehydrate your spine, relieve pain in your upper and lower extremities, and allow your muscle and tissue fibers to stretch and feel relief from the effects of musculoskeletal pain.
Various environmental factors can affect the muscles and tissues in the musculoskeletal system, resulting in pain-like symptoms. These can be caused by injuries, trauma, or overlapping risk profiles, making individuals unable to work. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments can help alleviate the affected muscles and tissue fibers, providing a safe, gentle, and cost-effective means of restoring the body and promoting healing. These treatments can also be combined with other therapies to enhance an individual’s health and wellness journey.
Individuals on their feet all day regularly experience back problems and discomfort symptoms. Wearing unstable shoes that are flat with no arch support with little or no shock absorption or the wrong type of shoe for gait can cause biomechanical issues that can cause back discomfort and lead to chronic back pain. Athletic running shoes are recommended for lower back pain because they are well-cushioned and designed to help absorb the impact of walking or running. They also have proper arch and ankle support to maintain foot position for correct posture. What to look for in running shoes to help relieve back pain and keep the back injury free?
Athletic Running Shoes
Shoes that don’t have enough cushioning can cause inflammation in the back muscles from the lack of impact absorption. The best athletic running shoes for back pain relief are stiff, supportive, and well-cushioned. When selecting shoes for back pain, the most important factors to consider are:
Stiffness of the sole.
Quality support and cushioning.
Proper and comfortable fit.
Shoe Type
Athletic running shoes are available in various types of support for all foot types.
Consider foot structure and gait when selecting shoes.
Flat and high-arched feet can cause muscle imbalances, which increase pressure on the back, hips, legs, knees, ankles, and feet.
The grooves and patterns increase friction and provide grip to the person while walking or running.
Wearing worn-out shoes with inadequate cushioning and shock absorption can increase the risk of back problems.
Depending on the uses, shoes can wear out in three months or less.
It is important to replace shoes when the cushioning wears out.
Look for high-quality material that doesn’t wear down quickly.
Improve Whole-Body Wellness
Anderson, Jennifer, et al. “A narrative review of musculoskeletal problems of the lower extremity and back associated with the interface between occupational tasks, feet, footwear, and flooring.” Musculoskeletal care vol. 15,4 (2017): 304-315. doi:10.1002/msc.1174
American Podiatric Medical Association. Which Running Shoe is Right for You?
Hong, Wei-Hsien, et al. “Effect of shoe heel height and total-contact insert on muscle loading and foot stability while walking.” Foot & ankle international vol. 34,2 (2013): 273-81. doi:10.1177/1071100712465817
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Back Pain: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Low Back Pain Fact Sheet.
Many people in the workplace suffer from back pain, which can limit and affect their ability to function and lead to a lifetime of discomfort and disability. Back pain can range from a dull, slow ache to a sharp, radiating pain and can cause the body to be misaligned. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments such as spinal decompression can help to relieve pain and discomfort. In this article, we will witness the impact of back pain in the workplace, how different occupations are associated with back pain, and how spinal decompression can help to alleviate these symptoms. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide non-surgical treatments, including spinal decompression, to relieve pain-like symptoms associated with back pain in the workplace. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
The Impact Of Back Pain In The Workplace
Are you experiencing headaches or neck tension? Do you feel pain radiating down your leg from sitting for extended periods? Or do you feel aches in your lower back after sitting at a computer for a long time? These symptoms could be due to the development of back pain. Research studies revealed that back pain is a common cause of missed work and reduced productivity. Depending on the severity, back pain has various mechanical or non-specific reasons. Some of the categories that many individuals in the workplace have back pain include:
Acute back pain: Last for a few days to a few weeks.
Subacute back pain: Last between 4 to 12 weeks.
Chronic back pain: Last longer than 12 weeks.
Occupations Associated With Back Pain
Back pain is a problem that many working individuals have experienced. This can lead to constant pain and compensating for the pain by using other muscle groups. Research studies revealed that both men and women in the workforce are affected by back pain, which can be influenced by psychological factors and can significantly impact their ability to perform occupational activities. Jobs like truck drivers, office workers, healthcare providers, and manual laborers are associated with back pain due to the physical demands of these occupations, increasing the risk of developing back pain. Some of the common causes associated with back pain at work include the back and surrounding muscles being under constant strain include:
Force: Exerting excessive force on the back muscles can cause injuries
Repetition: Repeating movements can lead to muscle strain on the surrounding muscles and affect the spine.
Inactivity: Sitting down for an extended period can lead to poor posture and cause the back muscles to be shortened.
Examples Of Workplace Conditions Associated With Back Pain
In many jobs, employees have to exert themselves physically, which can increase the risk of developing back pain. Some common workplace conditions that contribute to this risk include:
Using hands or body as a clamp to hold heavy objects while performing tasks.
Maintaining the same posture while performing tasks.
Performing motions constantly without small breaks in between.
Performing tasks that involve long reach, both vertical and horizontal.
Cold temperatures
Vibrating working surfaces, machinery, or vehicles.
The floor surface is uneven, slippery, or sloped.
Fortunately, there is hope for those experiencing back pain. Research studies have shown that available treatments can aid in modifying activities and improving workplace conditions, providing relief and preventing pain from returning.
Non-Surgical Treatments For Pain Relief-Video
If you’re experiencing back pain due to work-related strain, there are treatments available that can help alleviate the pain and reduce its effects from returning. Many people who work for a living suffer from this issue because of the physical demands of their job, which can lead to various risk factors. Fortunately, several non-surgical treatments are available to help reduce the symptoms of low back pain. Spinal decompression and chiropractic care are two examples of such therapies. These methods use traction, manual manipulation, and other techniques to restore the spine to its proper alignment and relieve back pain. Both treatments are gentle and non-invasive, as they work with the body’s natural healing process to stretch tight muscles and prevent future pain. The video above explains how these treatments can help enhance your body’s healing process and avoid recurring back pain.
Spinal Decompression Relieving Back Pain
It’s important to know that putting too much pressure on your back can lead to back pain. If you’re experiencing back pain, spinal decompression can help. This technique involves gently stretching out tight muscles in your back and reducing pain and other symptoms. According to Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., authors of “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” spinal decompression uses gentle traction to slowly pull the spine and alleviate painful spinal pressure that causes back pain. Adding spinal decompression to your daily routine can help reduce muscle weakness and pain and increase awareness of your body to prevent future injuries.
Missing work due to back pain is common among many working individuals. Certain job occupations require physical exertion, which can push the body beyond its limits. When individuals try to compensate for the pain in their back muscles, it puts more strain on other muscle groups. Fortunately, treatments such as spinal decompression can provide relief by realigning the body and reducing subluxation associated with back pain. This non-surgical treatment helps the body naturally heal, enabling individuals to experience a pain-free journey toward health and wellness.
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