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Back Clinic For Seniors. Older individuals do not have to learn how to live with pain! Chiropractic care for the elderly can help, as it is one of the most effective and safest forms of health care to treat pain-related conditions. The elder we live, the more issues we have with our muscles and joints. Dr. Jimenez discusses the aging process and how it affects those in their prime of life.

Dr. Jimenez offers a range of treatment options. From deep tissue massage, manual therapy, and spinal manipulation. Seniors experiencing problems and or pain can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to have multiple benefits for the elderly. Increased mobility, decreased risk of falls, and other injuries. And routine chiropractic treatment can help improve overall health and well-being and give them more sense of independence in their lives.

Increasing Bone Strength: Protecting Against Fractures

Increasing Bone Strength: Protecting Against Fractures

For individuals who are getting older, can increasing bone strength help prevent fractures and optimize bone health?

Increasing Bone Strength: Protecting Against Fractures

Bone Strength

Bone strength is important, as a fractured hip can be serious for older individuals. A study found that for individuals in their 60s who had a hip fracture, 6.5% of women and 9.4% of men died within a year. Among individuals in their 80s, 13.1% of women and 19.6% of men died within a year. (Dimet-Wiley, et al., 2022)

Increasing bone strength can help prevent various issues. A small increase in bone mineral density has been shown to help reduce the risk of fractures, especially hip fractures. A decades-long study found that just a 3% increase in bone strength helps lower the chance of breaking a hip. Researchers enrolled two groups of individuals aged 60 and older, one in 1989 and the second in 1999.

  • The bone mineral density of each subject’s femoral neck joint at the top of the thigh bone near the hip was measured.
  • They then followed the subjects for years to see who experienced hip fractures.
  • While the bone mineral density of the second group was only 3% higher than the first group, these subjects experienced a 46% reduction in hip fractures. (Tran, T. et al., 2023)

Bone Loss

Bone loss is progressive in men and women and increases as the body ages. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone tissue deteriorates. (Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. 2020) Bones constantly break down and reform as a normal remodeling process. If the balance of this process is impaired, osteoporosis develops, resulting in more bone breakdown than formation. While men and women experience bone loss, it’s more common in females. (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. 2022) Menopause is a risk factor because of the decline of estrogen (National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, 2022). Estrogen reinforces bone strength by protecting against bone breakdown; with estrogen loss, bone breakdown increases. However, anyone of any age or background can experience bone loss due to the following:

  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Certain cancers.
  • Medication taken to treat these conditions, like steroids or oncology meds, can also accelerate bone loss. (National Library of Medicine. Medline Plus, 2022)


While some loss of bone strength is common, several strategies exist to maintain bone health. Exercise, specifically weight-bearing activities, can increase bone strength. When bones and muscles are used to hold a position against gravity, this mechanically stresses the bone, causing it to reform stronger. Movement and physical exercise as medicine and the forces transmitted through the bones generate mechanical signals that tell the cells to increase bone formation relative to breakdown. Exercises focusing on posture, balance, gait, and coordination are recommended for individuals with osteoporosis to strengthen the core, quadriceps, and hip flexors. Different types of exercises can include:

  • Walking to strengthen the spine and hips.
  • Walking outside or on a treadmill provides more loading force to the bone.
  • Planks and push-ups can strengthen the forearm and wrist bones.
  • Holding a water bottle in each hand and lifting up and down 10 times together or alternating a few times a day.
  • Side leg lifts can strengthen the hip and forearm bones simultaneously.
  • Weight training provides the bones with a workout by having them support a weight load.
  • Any exercise therapy program should be designed by a healthcare provider, physical therapist, and trainer according to the individual’s condition and appropriate for them.


What goes into the body definitely affects bone health. Calcium and vitamin D are key to bone building, but both are needed as vitamin D is needed to absorb the calcium ingested. Calcium can be found in:

  • Dairy
  • Dairy products and non-dairy alternatives are fortified with calcium.
  • Leafy greens.
  • Beans.
  • Almonds.
  • The recommended daily calcium intake for adults over 50 is 1,200 milligrams.

Vitamin D can come from:

  • Sunlight
  • Fish.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fortified milk.
  • Supplements.
  • The recommended daily vitamin D intake for adults aged 70 is 15 micrograms and 20 micrograms for individuals over 70.

Studies have found that increasing calcium and vitamin D intake with supplements can help maintain bone health. Talk to a healthcare provider about whether supplements could be beneficial.

Hormone Therapy

Females also naturally produce testosterone, which promotes bone formation. As levels drop with age and negatively impact bone strength, hormone therapy could be recommended. Declining testosterone levels start with women in their 20s and men in their 30s. The typical drop in women is 1% to 3% yearly before menopause and stabilizes somewhat afterward. Female patients at risk of bone loss may be prescribed testosterone in various forms that continuously emit the hormone. The dosage is low, so patients do not experience unwanted hair growth or skin changes. Combined with estrogen, testosterone effectively increases bone growth in female patients. Not everyone is a candidate for hormone therapy, like individuals with a history of breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, or liver disease. (National Library of Medicine. Medline Plus, 2019)

Making small adjustments can optimize bone health and overall well-being

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we passionately focus on treating patients’ injuries and chronic pain syndromes to create personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored to the individual. Using an integrated approach, our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body through Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine protocols. If the individual needs other treatment, they will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for them, as Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premier rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective clinical treatments. We focus on what works for you and strive to better the body through researched methods and total wellness programs.

Chiropractic Care: Movement Medicine


Dimet-Wiley, A., Golovko, G., & Watowich, S. J. (2022). One-Year Postfracture Mortality Rate in Older Adults With Hip Fractures Relative to Other Lower Extremity Fractures: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR aging, 5(1), e32683.

Tran, T. S., Ho-Le, T. P., Bliuc, D., Center, J. R., Blank, R. D., & Nguyen, T. V. (2023). Prevention of Hip Fractures: Trade-off between Minor Benefits to Individuals and Large Benefits to the Community. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 38(11), 1594–1602.

Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020). Osteoporosis Workgroup. Retrieved from

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. (2022). Osteoporosis. Retrieved from

National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. (2022). What causes bone loss? Retrieved from

National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. (2019). Hormone replacement therapy. Retrieved from

Herniated Disc Decompression Clinic

Herniated Disc Decompression Clinic

Older and elderly individuals have an increased risk of developing a herniated disc/s. The age of the intervertebral discs/cushions causes deflation, drying out, and shifting, making it easier for discs to herniate. Muscle mass also reduces/lessens with age; specifically, the muscles parallel to the spinal column are responsible for stability. When the spine loses strength, the risk of injuries like slips and falls can damage the spine and the rest of the body. Herniated disc decompression will keep the vertebral cushions healthy, functioning, and properly aligned.

Herniated Disc Decompression

Symptoms of Disc Herniation

A herniated disc bulge or tear/s will press on the spinal nerves causing discomfort that can range from mild to severe pain and can last for weeks to months. The symptoms of disc herniation vary and depend on the injury angle, how much of the disc ruptured and if it is touching or has leaked out on the nerve roots. The most common symptoms include:

  • Restricted hip and waist flexion.
  • Continuous back pain that radiates.
  • Sciatica symptoms
  • Back muscles contract/spasm
  • The pain can worsen by sudden body movements caused by coughing, sneezing, or hiccups.
  • Numbness in the affected area
  • Numbness or tingling in the leg or foot
  • Decreased knee or ankle reflexes
  • Weakness
  • Bladder or bowel function changes like difficulty moving waste through the colon or large intestine.

Herniated Disc Decompression

Nonsurgical herniated disc decompression therapy can help heal the herniation by:

  • Stretching the spine to the total capacity.
  • Removing the pressure.
  • Pulls the herniated disc back into its correct position.
  • Fills the injured/damaged areas and the rest of the spine with blood, oxygen, nutrients, and lubricating fluids.
  • Helping to rebuild joint and muscle strength.
  • Increasing flexibility in the muscles that support the affected area of the spine.

The therapy duration depends on the herniation, injury, and damage severity. The objective is to bring significant improvement that will last.

Chiropractic, Physical/Massage Therapy, and Health Coaching

A chiropractor and physical massage therapy team will develop a personalized herniated disc decompression treatment plan with specific goals. The therapy will include:

  • Mechanical decompression.
  • Manual chiropractic adjustments.
  • Massage sessions.
  • Health coaching.
  • Exercises and stretches will be given that will help maintain pressure relief and flexibility.
  • Core stabilization exercises will strengthen and stabilize the spine and muscles.
  • Aerobic conditioning will help increase endurance.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression El Paso, Texas


Carla Vanti, PT, MSc, OMPT, Alice Panizzolo, PT, OMPT, Luca Turone, PT, OMPT, Andrew A Guccione, PT, Ph.D., DPT, FAPTA, Francesco Saverio Violante, MD, Paolo Pillastrini, PT, MSc, Lucia Bertozzi, PT, MSc, Effectiveness of Mechanical Traction for Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Physical Therapy, Volume 101, Issue 3, March 2021, pzaa231,

Dydyk AM, Ngnitewe Massa R, Mesfin FB. Disc Herniation. [Updated 2022 Jan 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Maistrelli, G L et al. “Lumbar disc herniation in the elderly.” Spine vol. 12,1 (1987): 63-6. doi:10.1097/00007632-198701000-00012

Suri, Pradeep, et al. “Nonsurgical treatment of lumbar disk herniation: are outcomes different in older adults?.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society vol. 59,3 (2011): 423-9. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2011.03316.x

Body Flexibleness: Decompression

Body Flexibleness: Decompression

Body Flexibleness: The body loses a small amount of flexibility during normal aging. Decreased body flexibility can negatively impact everyday life by preventing normal function. If the muscles are not taken through their full range of motion to maintain length, strength is lost, and decreased flexibility increases. This can happen from:

  • Water loss in the tissues and spine.
  • Increased stiffness in the joints.
  • Loss of elasticity throughout the muscle tendons and surrounding tissues.

Body Flexibleness: Decompression

Body Flexibleness

Individuals of all ages struggle with flexibility, but there is a difference in age stiffness. However, a sedentary lifestyle can make everyday activities feel more strenuous than before. Less flexibleness can also cause pain. For example, if the muscles in the front of the legs become tight, it can limit movement in the pelvis and hips, leading to low back pain.

Several problems can result from decreased flexibility, including:

  • Shorter steps while walking.
  • Slower walking speed.
  • Back pain.
  • Increased risk of falls.

Flexibleness improves overall movement and helps prevent simple strains and injuries, including:

  • Back injury.
  • Muscle strains.
  • Shoulder injury.
  • Hip injury.
  • Leg injury.

A stretching program for the hip muscles can improve walking speed and step length. This will result in improved walking function with improved and increased control, decreasing the risk of injury. Step length is also critical in preventing injuries. More distance while walking and longer steps mean better balance, making it essential to maintain flexibility in the leg muscles.

Chiropractic Decompression

Routine chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression can slow the progression of joint degeneration, improve movement, and decrease the risk of injury. When the vertebrae are properly aligned, the entire body operates at its optimal level. There is proper lubrication of joints and muscles, improving mobility and function and removing stress on the nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Chiropractic treats the joints, bones, and muscles to improve body flexibleness through manual and motorized decompression, adjustments, and massage, combined with health coaching, nutrition, stretching, and exercises to do at home.

DRX Spinal Decompression


“American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise vol. 30,6 (1998): 975-91. doi:10.1097/00005768-199806000-00032

Choi, Jioun, et al. “Influences of spinal decompression therapy and general traction therapy on the pain, disability, and straight leg raising of patients with intervertebral disc herniation.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 27,2 (2015): 481-3. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.481

Giraud, Karine et al. “Raideur matinale” [Morning stiffness]. Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983) vol. 33,12 Pt 1 (2004): 803-7; discussion 825. doi:10.1016/s0755-4982(04)98750-7

Tseng, Shiuan-Yu, et al. “Effect of Two Frequencies of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Balance and Flexibility of the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation vol. 95,10 (2016): 730-7. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000000477

Elderly Sciatica

Elderly Sciatica

As individual bodies age, the nerves and muscles begin to degenerate, especially in the lower spinal region. This can cause sciatic pain and muscle weakness. Elderly sciatica is very common as the nerves and muscles have gone through a lot. Bending, lifting, carrying, reaching, twisting, and natural wearing and tearing make the sciatic nerve and surrounding muscles prone to injury. For overweight seniors, the risk of developing sciatica is higher.

Elderly Sciatica

Elderly Sciatica

The main reason for elderly sciatica is that as the body ages, the discs/cartilage between the vertebrae/bones in the spine dry out, losing their cushioning ability, which can lead to the bones shifting out of place more easily, rubbing against each other, and compressing nerves. On average, the body loses about 1 centimeter in height every ten years after 40.

Risk Factors


  • Diabetes affects the entire body.
  • Not keeping blood sugar in check can cause widespread symptoms that affect the nerves and organs.
  • Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing sciatica and other nerve-damaging disorders.


  • If spinal conditions are part of family medical history, there is an increased risk of developing sciatica.
  • Many spinal disorders can cause sciatica, and many spinal diseases are genetic.
  • For example, degenerative disc disorder and spinal stenosis are genetic conditions that can cause sciatica.

Controllable Risk Factors

Physical Activity

  • Sedentary and highly active lifestyles can cause sciatica.
  • Individuals who are highly sedentary have a greater risk of developing elderly sciatica.
  • Individuals who are highly active and do heavy lifting are also at risk because the activity increases the risk for a back injury.


  • The more overweight an individual is, the more at risk for developing sciatica.
  • The extra weight pushes on the spine and causes it to compress.
  • As the spine compresses, it can rub against the nerves causing irritation or pinch the nerves causing numbness, tingling, stinging, and pain.


  • Menopause can lead to bone loss, causing nerve irritation and nerve damage.
  • If going or have gone through menopause, then it is essential to talk to a doctor about bone loss.
  • Individuals may need to start taking calcium or vitamin D supplements to keep their bones healthy.


  • With chiropractic, elderly individuals can attain better quality sleep, improved mood, and increased energy levels.
  • A chiropractic physical therapy team can develop a specialized/customized treatment plan for preventive and palliative care.

Body Composition


Sarcopenia affects the elderly population’s mortality, cognitive function, and quality of life. As the elderly population is living longer, preservation of lean mass becomes an integral part of maintaining an individual’s independence. Loss of muscle in the arms and legs is linked to decreased mobility, increased risk of falls, and prolonged hospital stays. Falls and fractures often result in a cycle of muscle deterioration. InBody can help track body composition changes and help to minimize muscle wasting and risk of impaired mobility.


Aggarwal, Sameer, and Nityanand. “Calcium and vitamin D in postmenopausal women.” Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism vol. 17,Suppl 3 (2013): S618-20. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.123549

Dougherty, Paul E et al. “The role of chiropractic care in older adults.” Chiropractic & manual therapies vol. 20,1 3. 21 Feb. 2012, doi:10.1186/2045-709X-20-3

Ferreira, Manuela L, and Andrew McLachlan. “The Challenges of Treating Sciatica Pain in Older Adults.” Drugs & aging vol. 33,11 (2016): 779-785. doi:10.1007/s40266-016-0404-z

Kherad, Mehrsa et al. “Risk factors for low back pain and sciatica in elderly men-the MrOS Sweden study.” Age and aging vol. 46,1 (2017): 64-71. doi:10.1093/ageing/afw152

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Tremors are extremely rare, but they can result from spinal compression and not necessarily a brain condition like Parkinson’s disease. Tremors are abnormal, involuntary body movements with various causes, most of which are connected to the brain and not the spine. A study reports that more than 75% of individuals with Parkinson’s experienced a resting tremor, and about 60% experience tremors while moving. Sometimes the spine is the contributor caused by compression of the spinal cord.

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Spinal Compression Study

A 90-year-old man was hospitalized after having tremors, with Parkinson’s being the initial diagnosis. The tremors progressed to the point where the man could not feed himself or walk without support. The case became the focus of a medical report published by physicians in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of the Spine, Singapore Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Along with the tremors, symptoms progressed to:

  • Difficulty with fine motor skills like buttoning a shirt.
  • However, it was ruled out because the patient was not presenting with other Parkinson’s symptoms.
  • What was found from the symptoms was cervical spondylotic myelopathy, which is a spinal cord compression in the neck.
  • The compression was caused by a herniated disc impinging the spinal canal and compressing the spinal cord causing spinal stenosis.
  • The compression was resolved by having an ACDF surgical procedure.
  • An anterior cervical discectomy and fusion or ACDF procedure can help manage the condition.
  • An ACDF treats spinal cord compression by removing a degenerative or herniated disc in the neck.

Cervical Myelopathy

Causes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy include:

Common symptoms include:

  • Balance problems
  • Coordination problems
  • Tingling in the hands
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Impairment of fine motor skills

Tremors as a symptom are rare.

Cervical Myelopathy vs. Parkinson’s Disease

There are cases where cervical spondylotic myelopathy and Parkinson’s disease symptoms can overlap. Studies have shown difficulties between the two diagnoses, as well as, individuals with Parkinson’s may exhibit symptoms similar to cervical spondylotic myelopathy that can include:

  • Weakness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Bowel dysfunction
  • Bladder dysfunction

Treatment Cervical Myelopathy Tremors

For individuals with cervical spondylotic myelopathy tremors, surgery can be used to help the condition. However, with cervical myelopathy, there is often some permanent damage. Individuals have shown that post-surgery and decompression, symptoms still present, maybe not as much, but there will be a need for a symptom management plan.


The best way to prevent tremors associated with cervical spondylotic myelopathy is to minimize the strain on the spine that can lead to herniated discs and/or other spinal injuries. The discs in the spine degenerate, dry out and start cracking with age, increasing the risk of rupture. If a tremor develops, contact a doctor, spine specialist, or chiropractor to help diagnose the condition. These doctors can perform physical and neurological tests to determine the cause and treatment options.

Body Composition

Aging Health

Steady weight gain throughout life can lead to adult-onset diabetes. This is partly caused by having more body fat and progressive muscle loss. Loss of skeletal muscle mass is linked to insulin resistance that involves:

  • The less muscle is available, the less insulin sensitive the body becomes.
  • As insulin sensitivity decreases, the body becomes more resistant, increasing risk factors for type II diabetes.
  • This can lead to osteoporosis, where the old bone is reabsorbed more and less new bone is created.

Both men and women can experience decreased muscle mass that can lead to:

  • Thinner bones
  • Weaker bones
  • Increased risk of osteoporosis and severe injury from falls.

To help prevent these issues, it is recommended to:

  • Eat sufficient protein throughout the day.
  • It is recommended to space out protein intake across meals rather than consuming it all at once. This helps to ensure the proper amount is acquired.
  • Monitoring body composition regularly can help minimize muscle mass loss and fat mass gain as the body ages.
  • A regular strength training routine will help strengthen bones muscles and maintain optimal circulation.

Heusinkveld, Lauren E et al. “Impact of Tremor on Patients With Early Stage Parkinson’s Disease.” Frontiers in neurology vol. 9 628. 3 Aug. 2018, doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00628

Jancso, Z et al. “Differences in weight gain in hypertensive and diabetic elderly patients primary care study.” The Journal of nutrition, health & aging vol. 16,6 (2012): 592-6. doi:10.1007/s12603-011-0360-6

Srikanthan, Preethi, and Arun S Karlamangla. “Relative muscle mass is inversely associated with insulin resistance and prediabetes. Findings from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism vol. 96,9 (2011): 2898-903. doi:10.1210/jc.2011-0435

Tapia Perez, Jorge Humberto et al. “Treatment of Spinal Myoclonus Due to Degenerative Compression Myelopathy with Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Report of 2 Cases.” World neurosurgery vol. 136 (2020): 44-48. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2019.12.170

Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. With advanced age, the body’s muscles, bones, and spinal system begin to wear down and need to be maintained to retain their mobility and flexibility. Regular chiropractic adjustments are recommended as part of an active/fitness lifestyle for seniors and can help older individuals maintain optimal health.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Sedentary Lifestyle Prevention

Many seniors tend to reduce physical activity after reaching retirement age. Many individuals just want to kick back and relax. However, living too laid-back can impact overall health. A lack of exercise and physical activity can cause the muscles, cardiovascular system, and skeletal system to prematurely wear out. Living an active lifestyle will keep individuals at their best when retiring and maintain a healthy quality of life.  

Pain Management

Chiropractic can help individuals realize their full potential. The chiropractic approach to achieving top health means treating the source of symptoms, and not just the symptoms. This helps maintain a high quality of life. Chiropractic sedentary prevention includes:


Adjustments to the body are the core of chiropractic. Adjustments are utilized to realign the spine that helps treat various nervous system-related conditions. These include subluxations, slipped discs, sciatica, nerve damage, and more. Adjustments also increase the immune system’s functionality. This is extremely beneficial for older individuals.

Nutritional Recommendations

Older individuals can benefit from a customized nutrition plan to help with any deficits in their diets. Often older individuals need more calcium to help fortify bone health. Chiropractors and health coaches can provide individuals with nutritional information needed to live a healthy life.  

Exercise Program

An active lifestyle is an essential component of staying healthy. Chiropractors can provide individuals with specialized exercises that take into account their specific and specialized needs.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is another component of chiropractic, as it helps enhance the adjustments.

Health Coaching

Health coaching can provide individuals with the tools necessary to take charge of their health. Counseling involves exercise recommendations, nutritional advice, healthy habits development, and more depending on the individual’s abilities.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Stay Moving

A sedentary lifestyle places an older individual’s spine in a compromised position. Older individuals have an increased risk of developing detrimental spinal conditions. Overexertion happens more easily in weakened bodies. The solution is to maintain physical activity with proper support. Chiropractic is designed to improve the whole-body. If you�re looking for sedentary prevention and the latest care approaches, contact us, we’re ready to help!

Chiropractic Shoulder Pain Treatment


Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*
Hawk, Cheryl et al. �Best Practices for Chiropractic Care for Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Consensus Update.��Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics�vol. 40,4 (2017): 217-229. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2017.02.001
What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso

What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso

Back soreness, pain, and discomfort can make walking even moving a challenge, but through assistive devices, you can keep moving. If a spinal condition affects your ability to walk or if you have recently undergone surgery, a cane or walker can help maintain your independence.

Canes and walkers are designed in a simple fashion, but come with amazing benefits: They improve:

  • Balance
  • Prevent falls
  • Takes stress/pressure off the spine

There are all kinds and styles of assistive walking devices. Here are a few tips to help you select the best cane or walker.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso

Which To Get Cane or Walker

There are options when it comes to choosing but with so many options knowing which is the best for your condition can be challenging.

Talk with your health provider, which could be a primary physician, nurse, chiropractor, physical therapist, or other health care professionals familiar with your medical history and discuss which device would suit your condition and lifestyle the best.

Canes and walkers each have their pros and cons depending on the condition/s. Some considerations to think about when choosing between a cane and a walker:

  • What is the purpose of the device?

Canes are ideal for problems that occur on one side of the body like sciatica, which often affects one leg, and walkers are ideal for pain that occurs on both sides like weakness in both of the legs.

  • Which should I get to support my weight?

Canes can support up to 25 percent of your weight, and walkers can support up to 50 percent.

  • What is the amount of stability you need in the device?

Walkers have the most stability, but there are four-point canes that can also support proper balance and spine safety.

  • What amount of flexibility do you need in the device?

If you want perhaps the flexibility to go up and downstairs�a cane may be a better choice, as walkers should not be used on stairs.��


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso


Considerations and Questions

Once you�ve decided on what type, then it’s time to decide which type to buy and make sure it is the correct model and style for you. A health care provider can help you find the right model that suits your needs, fits correctly and will educate and show you how to properly use it. Considerations to think about when buying a cane or walker.


Canes fall into three categories:

  1. Standard: The simplest type of cane and comes with a comfortable T-shaped handle. This helps with balance, but these aren’t able to bear as much weight.
  2. The Offset: A cane that can support more weight than a standard model comes with a flat grip for those with a weak grip and an upper shaft that can bend outward.
  3. Multi-legged: Multiple-legged canes offer maximum stability, perfect for preventing slips, and falls. The only issue could be is that because of the multiple legs means it can be a little awkward at first. But once you get the hang of it


Questions for a Cane

What grip should I go with?

There�s no right or wrong grip. This all comes down to you and what feels the most comfortable as you move around. But, larger grips work better for those with joint problems, and the foam grip style or a type of memory foam that shapes to your hand seems to be the current trend.

What if the grip I chose is not the correct one?

If numbness, tingling, or pain begins to present in your hand/s when using the device or after, consult your doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist.


Where are Canes available?

Canes can be purchased at medical supply stores and pharmacies. But they can also be purchased online, which is extremely helpful if the model you want is not available at the store.

Where to learn how to properly use the cane?

Talk to your chiropractor, physical therapist or doctor who can give you tips and guidelines on how to use the device. They will also help make sure that the cane fits correctly.

Working with a health care professional to achieve the right fit can be highly beneficial. If the grip does not feel right, it’s not comfortable, or if it’s too long/short, the cane ends up doing more harm than good. A therapist/chiropractor will make sure everything is right.


cervical spondylosis chiropractic care el paso tx.


Walkers fall into three models:

  1. Standard: These walkers have four legs with rubber ends and provide quality support and stability. But, because there are no wheels it needs to be picked up to move around.
  2. Front-wheel walker: This type has two wheels in the front and two solid legs in the rear. This type does not need to be picked up and requires less effort.
  3. Four-wheeled walkers: These move the easiest, but they can be difficult to get used to placing all your weight because of the easy rolling. Although they do have breaks and wheel adjustments to control the wheel speed, it can take some getting used to and training. Some models come with a seat.


Questions for a Walker


What grip should I go with?

Walker grips are usually made of hard plastic, non-slip rubber, or flexible memory foam. Again it�s all up to you to decide which is the most comfortable.

Preparing the home for a walker

Walkers can get snagged on rugs or bump into the furniture so it�s a good idea to set up your home and move the furniture/objects to help accommodate your movement.

Where can I purchase a walker?

Walkers are available at medical supply stores and pharmacies. They can also be purchased online.

How can I learn how to properly use my walker?

Using a walker can be a little uncomfortable at first. Movements that were easy, like sitting to standing might need to take some time to get the feel of it. But with time and practice, it will become second nature. Talk to your doctor or chiropractor/physical therapist about the right way to use your walker. They can help you develop a strategy and technique to improve mobility.


11860 Vista Del Sol Dr #126, What To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) El Paso, Texas

Spine Pain Won’t Slow You Down

Mobility assistive devices, like canes, and walkers can help you move around after an accident, spine surgery, or a chronic spine condition and allow you to maintain your freedom.

Our uplifting southwest community surrounded by its infinite beauty is a fantastic place to live and enjoy our families; it is, therefore, our mission to help each of our patients to live,�to�love,�to�matter�and�to�thrivepain-free�in this beautiful special place.


Shoulder Pain Treatment El Paso, TX Chiropractor



NCBI Resources

As you move into your senior years, you may expect some discomfort and loss of mobility. Aging is hard on the body. But it is important to understand that there are things you can do to feel better. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and�chiropractic care�can all make your senior years active and thriving.