Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.
While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue in adults, its prevalence in school-aged children has received comparatively little scientific attention. Elementary, middle, and high school students must often carry backpacks that weigh enough to cause chronic back pain, poor posture, and even decreased lung volume. Recently, several studies reveal the truths behind childhood back pain and ways to mitigate it.
Are Backpacks Too Heavy for Kids?
Recent research supports that children carrying backpack loads of more than ten percent of their bodyweight have a greater risk of developing back pain and related issues. An international study found that an alarmingly large proportion of school-aged children in Australia, France, Italy, and the United States regularly carried backpacks weighing more than the ten percent threshold.
In another study involving a sample of 1540 metropolitan school-aged children, over a third of the children surveyed reported back pain. In addition to carrying heavy backpacks, female students and those diagnosed with scoliosis had a greater association with back pain. Children with access to lockers reported less pain.
The number of straps on the backpack had little impact on the respondents’ answers. Children also reported limited physical activity due to back pain, and some took medication to relieve the pain.
Girls who carried purses in addition to wearing a backpack reported significantly greater back pain. Adolescents with back pain spent more time watching television than their peers. Over 80 percent of those surveyed believed that carrying a heavy backpack caused their back pain.
Proper Backpack Carrying Techniques
The studies revealed several factors that may help reduce back pain in school-aged children. The best way to prevent back pain is to avoid carrying heavy loads.
Children should take advantage of locker breaks and only carry items necessary for a couple of classes at a time. When lifting a backpack, children should crouch down and bend their knees rather than curve the spine.
Children should avoid carrying over 10 percent of their bodyweight in their backpack. For example, an 8th-grader weighing 120 pounds should carry no more than 12 pounds.
Place the heaviest objects at the back of the pack.
Make sure the items fit as snugly as possible to minimize back pain due to shifting weight.
Adjust the shoulder straps so they fit snugly over your child’s shoulders and the backpack doesn’t drag your child backward. The bottom of the pack should be less than four inches below your child’s waist.
Children should avoid carrying backpacks slung over one shoulder, as it can cause spinal pain and general discomfort.
Encourage your child to carry only necessary items in their backpack. Additional items can be carried in hand.
Look for backpacks with helpful features such as multiple compartments for even weight distribution, padded straps to protect the shoulders and neck, and waist belt.
If your child’s school allows, consider a rollerpack, which rolls across the floor like a suitcase.
If problems continue, talk to your child’s teacher or principal about implementing paperback textbooks, lighter materials, or digital versions.
Chiropractic Care Can Help
If your child continues to experience back pain, contact your local chiropractor. Chiropractic care benefits many adults with spinal discomfort, and licensed practitioners can provide tailored treatments for children.
Chiropractors can also recommend safe exercises to improve back strength, and additional advice on proper nutrition to build strong bones and joints, healthy posture, and more. If your child is experiencing back pain from carrying a backpack, gives us a call. We�re here to help!
Backpack Safety
This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.
When you suffer from joint or muscle pain, it is important to work on maintaining as much flexibility as possible. The more flexible you are, the less likely you will be to further injure yourself. One of the best ways to improve your flexibility is by stretching before you are active.
However, you need to warm up your muscles before you stretch. If you stretch first, you can actually injure yourself by pushing your joints too far. Spend a few minutes doing some light activity before you stretch. This can be as simple as a brisk walk or some basic calisthenics.
If you have been seeing a chiropractor, he or she may be able to recommend some stretches for you. Otherwise, you can use some of these basic techniques. There are two basic forms of stretching, static and dynamic.
Static Stretching vs. Dynamic Stretching
Static stretches involve holding a position for a certain period of time to loosen up your muscles. These tend to be what most people think of when they think about stretching. However, dynamic stretches are also important. With these, you move parts of your body to work on your flexibility.
Many of the most effective stretches for back pain can be done right at home. For example, lie on your back with your knees bent. Grasp one knee in both hands and pull it up towards your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then lower the knee to the starting pose. Repeat with the other knee. You can also do both knees at the same time.
A similar stretch begins in the same position as the previous one. However, instead of lifting your knee to your chest, roll both legs to one side so that your knees are as close to the floor as possible. Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then roll to the other side.
Another common stretch recommended by many chiropractors comes from yoga, where it is known as the “cat pose.” Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, with your hands underneath your shoulders. First, let your abdomen drop down towards the floor. Then, reverse this movement by arching your back. Repeat this cycle three to five times.
More dynamic stretches can also be good for your muscle pain. Try doing handwalks to stretch your shoulders and abdominal muscles. Stand up straight and slowly lower your hands towards the floor. Walk your hands out in front of you until you are as far down as you can go. Then walk your hands back to the starting position.
A final stretch that can help your back muscles is known as the “scorpion.” Lie face-down and stretch your arms out to the sides. First, slowly move your right foot towards your left arm. Then, move your left foot towards your right arm. Make sure to move in a slow and controlled fashion.
When you are suffering from muscle or joint pain, it is a good idea to stretch both in the morning and the evening. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can avoid many common injuries.
If you need further instruction regarding stretches, please give us a call so that you can schedule an appointment with our Doctor of Chiropractic.
This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.
Chiropractic care is designed to alleviate pain and restore the body to its natural balance. For chiropractors, injury prevention is key for a healthy body. Good practices combined with solid exercises creates toned muscles that protect the body and spine from harm. While each patient receives exercise instructions for their specific condition, the following exercise tips for chiropractic patients apply to everyone.
Take Time To Warm Up Before You Exercise
Before starting any exercises, it’s important to warm up. A series of dynamic moves will boost your heart rate and heat up the muscles that you will be using during your work out.
Select whole body movements such as leg lunges paired with arm motion or walk in place while raising and lowering your arms. Once you’ve warmed up, you can safely stretch without risk of injury.
Introduce Ergonomics Into Your Home And Work Space
One of the most important exercise tips for chiropractic patients is to take steps to keep your body in alignment as you move through your day. In the workplace, check with an ergonomics consultant to ensure proper positioning, especially if you spend most of the day seated or doing repetitive tasks.
A comfortable chair reduces muscle strain and prevents injury. Make sure that your feet sit firmly on the floor and that lumbar support is in place. At home, you should have a good mattress and supportive furniture.
Choose The Right Shoes
Before you buy your next pair of shoes, check for stability, flexibility, and comfort. During your test drive, make sure that the shoes feel firmly in place as you move through your entire range of motion for a stable gait during wear.
Footwear should be flexible enough to give easily at the base of the toe for a smooth gait, and there should be cushioning at all the right places with plenty of room for the toes to move. Shoes that properly fit your feet means that your walk will be more natural and healthy during exercise and in daily motion.
Sit And Stand With Posture In Mind
Perhaps the biggest reason that these exercise tips for chiropractic patients are so important is that strong and flexible muscles will help you have good posture. Be mindful of the following as you move through your day:
When sitting, your feet should be on the floor, your shoulders should be relaxed, and your forearms should remain parallel with the ground.
If you will be standing for a time, make sure that you maintain posture by tucking your stomach muscles in.
When standing for an especially long period of time, be sure to shift your weight from one foot to the other and from the heels to the toes and back again.
These simple tips for maintaining good posture will passively work your muscles and result in a healthier spine.
Passive Stretches For Large Muscles
Finally, it is important to target large muscle groups with passive exercises. Use your weight to slowly stretch your hamstrings, your piriformis, and your entire back. Passive stretching is gentle and relieves stress points that cause back pain. These gentle exercises provide a great deal of relief and are easily adjusted to suit your current ability.
Your chiropractor will work with you to design an exercise program that is optimal for you. Be sure to follow through with the plan and include these tips in your regular work out to experience the joy of healing from chiropractic care.
This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.
We usually talk of energy in general terms, as in �I don�t have a lot of energy today� or �You can feel the energy in the room.� But what really is energy? Where do we get the energy to move? How do we use it? How do we get more of it? Ultimately, what controls our movements? The three metabolic energy pathways are the�phosphagen system, glycolysis�and the�aerobic system.�How do they work, and what is their effect?
Albert Einstein, in his infinite wisdom, discovered that the total energy of an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the square of the speed of light. His formula for atomic energy, E = mc2, has become the most recognized mathematical formula in the world. According to his equation, any change in the energy of an object causes a change in the mass of that object. The change in energy can come in many forms, including mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, electrical or nuclear. Energy is all around us. The lights in your home, a microwave, a telephone, the sun; all transmit energy. Even though the solar energy that heats the earth is quite different from the energy used to run up a hill, energy, as the first law of thermodynamics tells us, can be neither created nor destroyed. It is simply changed from one form to another.
ATP Re-Synthesis
The energy for all physical activity comes from the conversion of high-energy phosphates (adenosine�triphosphate�ATP) to lower-energy phosphates (adenosine�diphosphate�ADP; adenosine�monophosphate�AMP; and inorganic phosphate, Pi). During this breakdown (hydrolysis) of ATP, which is a water-requiring process, a proton, energy and heat are produced: ATP + H2O ���ADP + Pi�+ H+�+ energy + heat. Since our muscles don�t store much ATP, we must constantly resynthesize it. The hydrolysis and resynthesis of ATP is thus a circular process�ATP is hydrolyzed into ADP and Pi, and then ADP and Pi�combine to resynthesize ATP. Alternatively, two ADP molecules can combine to produce ATP and AMP: ADP + ADP ���ATP + AMP.
Like many other animals, humans produce ATP through three metabolic pathways that consist of many enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions: the phosphagen system, glycolysis and the aerobic system. Which pathway your clients use for the primary production of ATP depends on how quickly they need it and how much of it they need. Lifting heavy weights, for instance, requires energy much more quickly than jogging on the treadmill, necessitating the reliance on different energy systems. However, the production of ATP is never achieved by the exclusive use of one energy system, but rather by the coordinated response of all energy systems contributing to different degrees.
1. Phosphagen System
During short-term, intense activities, a large amount of power needs to be produced by the muscles, creating a high demand for ATP. The phosphagen system (also called the ATP-CP system) is the quickest way to resynthesize ATP (Robergs & Roberts 1997). Creatine phosphate (CP), which is stored in skeletal muscles, donates a phosphate to ADP to produce ATP: ADP + CP ���ATP + C. No carbohydrate or fat is used in this process; the regeneration of ATP comes solely from stored CP. Since this process does not need oxygen to resynthesize ATP, it is anaerobic, or oxygen-independent. As the fastest way to resynthesize ATP, the phosphagen system is the predominant energy system used for all-out exercise lasting up to about 10 seconds. However, since there is a limited amount of stored CP and ATP in skeletal muscles, fatigue occurs rapidly.
2. Glycolysis
Glycolysis is the predominant energy system used for all-out exercise lasting from 30 seconds to about 2 minutes and is the second-fastest way to resynthesize ATP. During glycolysis, carbohydrate�in the form of either blood glucose (sugar) or muscle glycogen (the stored form of glucose)�is broken down through a series of chemical reactions to form pyruvate (glycogen is first broken down into glucose through a process called�glycogenolysis). For every molecule of glucose broken down to pyruvate through glycolysis, two molecules of usable ATP are produced (Brooks et al. 2000). Thus, very little energy is produced through this pathway, but the trade-off is that you get the energy quickly. Once pyruvate is formed, it has two fates: conversion to lactate or conversion to a metabolic intermediary molecule called acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), which enters the mitochondria for oxidation and the production of more ATP (Robergs & Roberts 1997). Conversion to lactate occurs when the demand for oxygen is greater than the supply (i.e., during anaerobic exercise). Conversely, when there is enough oxygen available to meet the muscles� needs (i.e., during aerobic exercise), pyruvate (via acetyl-CoA) enters the mitochondria and goes through aerobic metabolism.
When oxygen is not supplied fast enough to meet the muscles� needs (anaerobic glycolysis), there is an increase in hydrogen ions (which causes the muscle pH to decrease; a condition called acidosis) and other metabolites (ADP, Pi�and potassium ions). Acidosis and the accumulation of these other metabolites cause a number of problems inside the muscles, including inhibition of specific enzymes involved in metabolism and muscle contraction, inhibition of the release of calcium (the trigger for muscle contraction) from its storage site in muscles, and interference with the muscles� electrical charges (Enoka & Stuart 1992; Glaister 2005; McLester 1997). As a result of these changes, muscles lose their ability to contract effectively, and muscle force production and exercise intensity ultimately decrease.
3. Aerobic System
Since humans evolved for aerobic activities (Hochachka, Gunga & Kirsch 1998; Hochachka & Monge 2000), it�s not surprising that the aerobic system, which is dependent on oxygen, is the most complex of the three energy systems. The metabolic reactions that take place in the presence of oxygen are responsible for most of the cellular energy produced by the body. However, aerobic metabolism is the slowest way to resynthesize ATP. Oxygen, as the patriarch of metabolism, knows that it is worth the wait, as it controls the fate of endurance and is the sustenance of life. �I�m oxygen,� it says to the muscle, with more than a hint of superiority. �I can give you a lot of ATP, but you will have to wait for it.�
The aerobic system�which includes the�Krebs cycle�(also called the�citric acid cycle or TCA cycle) and the�electron transport chain�uses blood glucose, glycogen and fat as fuels to resynthesize ATP in the mitochondria of muscle cells (see the sidebar �Energy System Characteristics�). Given its location, the aerobic system is also called�mitochondrial respiration.�When using carbohydrate, glucose and glycogen are first metabolized through glycolysis, with the resulting pyruvate used to form acetyl-CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle. The electrons produced in the Krebs cycle are then transported through the electron transport chain, where ATP and water are produced (a process called�oxidative phosphorylation) (Robergs & Roberts 1997). Complete oxidation of glucose via glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain produces 36 molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose broken down (Robergs & Roberts 1997). Thus, the aerobic system produces 18 times more ATP than does anaerobic glycolysis from each glucose molecule.
Fat, which is stored as triglyceride in adipose tissue underneath the skin and within skeletal muscles (called�intramuscular triglyceride), is the other major fuel for the aerobic system, and is the largest store of energy in the body. When using fat, triglycerides are first broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol (a process called�lipolysis). The free fatty acids, which are composed of a long chain of carbon atoms, are transported to the muscle mitochondria, where the carbon atoms are used to produce acetyl-CoA (a process called�beta-oxidation).
Following acetyl-CoA formation, fat metabolism is identical to carbohydrate metabolism, with acetyl-CoA entering the Krebs cycle and the electrons being transported to the electron transport chain to form ATP and water. The oxidation of free fatty acids yields many more ATP molecules than the oxidation of glucose or glycogen. For example, the oxidation of the fatty acid palmitate produces 129 molecules of ATP (Brooks et al. 2000). No wonder clients can sustain an aerobic activity longer than an anaerobic one!
Understanding how energy is produced for physical activity is important when it comes to programming exercise at the proper intensity and duration for your clients. So the next time your clients get done with a workout and think, �I have a lot of energy,� you�ll know exactly where they got it.
Energy System Characteristics
Energy System Workouts
Have clients warm up and cool down before and after each workout.
Phosphagen System
An effective workout for this system is short, very fast sprints on the treadmill or bike lasting 5�15 seconds with 3�5 minutes of rest between each. The long rest periods allow for complete replenishment of creatine phosphate in the muscles so it can be reused for the next interval.
2 sets of 8 x 5 seconds at close to top speed with 3:00 passive rest and 5:00 rest between sets
5 x 10 seconds at close to top speed with 3:00�4:00 passive rest
This system can be trained using fast intervals lasting 30 seconds to 2 minutes with an active-recovery period twice as long as the work period (1:2 work-to-rest ratio).
8�10 x 30 seconds fast with 1:00 active recovery
4 x 1:30 fast with 3:00 active recovery
Aerobic System
While the phosphagen system and glycolysis are best trained with intervals, because those metabolic systems are emphasized only during high-intensity activities, the aerobic system can be trained with both continuous exercise and intervals.
60 minutes at 70%�75% maximum heart rate
15- to 20-minute tempo workout at lactate threshold intensity (about 80%�85% maximum heart rate)
5 x 3:00 at 95%�100% maximum heart rate with 3:00 active recovery
Brooks, G.A., et al. 2000.�Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and Its Applications.Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Enoka, R.M., & Stuart, D.G. 1992. Neurobiology of muscle fatigue.�Journal of Applied Physiology, 72�(5), 1631�48.
Glaister, M. 2005. Multiple sprint work: Physiological responses, mechanisms of fatigue and the influence of aerobic fitness.�Sports Medicine, 35�(9), 757�77.
Hochachka, P.W., Gunga, H.C., & Kirsch, K. 1998. Our ancestral physiological phenotype: An adaptation for hypoxia tolerance and for endurance performance?�Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95,�1915�20.
Hochachka, P.W., & Monge, C. 2000. Evolution of human hypoxia tolerance physiology.�Advances in Experimental and Medical Biology, 475,�25�43.
McLester, J.R. 1997. Muscle contraction and fatigue: The role of adenosine 5′-diphosphate and inorganic phosphate.�Sports Medicine, 23�(5), 287�305.
Robergs, R.A. & Roberts, S.O. 1997.�Exercise Physiology: Exercise, Performance, and Clinical Applications.�Boston: William C. Brown.
Nutrition�Abstract: A number of factors contribute to success in sport, and diet is a key component. An athlete�s dietary requirements depend on several aspects, including the sport, the athlete�s goals, the environment, and practical issues. The importance of individualized dietary advice has been increasingly recognized, including day-to-day dietary advice and specific advice before, during, and after training and/or competition. Athletes use a range of dietary strategies to improve performance, with maximizing glycogen stores a key strategy for many. Carbohydrate intake during exercise maintains high levels of carbohydrate oxidation, prevents hypoglycemia, and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Recent research has focused on athletes training with low carbohydrate availability to enhance metabolic adaptations, but whether this leads to an improvement in performance is unclear. The benefits of protein intake throughout the day following exercise are now well recognized. Athletes should aim to maintain adequate levels of hydration, and they should minimize fluid losses during exercise to no more than 2% of their body weight. Supplement use is widespread in athletes, with recent interest in the beneficial effects of nitrate, beta-alanine, and vitamin D on performance. However, an unregulated supplement industry and inadvertent contamination of supplements with banned substances increases the risk of a positive doping result. Although the availability of nutrition information for athletes varies, athletes will bene t from the advice of a registered dietician or nutritionist.
Introduction To The Importance & Influence Of Nutrition On Exercise
Nutrition is increasingly recognized as a key component of optimal sporting performance, with both the science and practice of sports nutrition developing rapidly.1 Recent studies have found that a planned scientific nutritional strategy (consisting of fluid, carbohydrate, sodium, and caffeine) compared with a self-chosen nutritional strategy helped non-elite runners complete a marathon run faster2 and trained cyclists complete a time trial faster.3 Whereas training has the greatest potential to increase performance, it has been estimated that consumption of a carbohydrate�electrolyte drink or relatively low doses of caffeine may improve a 40 km cycling time trial performance by 32�42 and 55�84 seconds, respectively.4
Evidence supports a range of dietary strategies in enhancing sports performance. It is likely that combining several strategies will be of greater bene t than one strategy in isolation.5 Dietary strategies to enhance performance include optimizing intakes of macronutrients, micronutrients, and fluids, including their composition and spacing throughout the day. The importance of individualized or personalized dietary advice�is becoming increasingly recognized,6 with dietary strategies varying according to the individual athlete�s sport, personal goals, and practicalities (eg, food preferences). �Athlete� includes individuals competing in a range of sport types, such as strength and power (eg, weight-lifting), team (eg, football), and endurance (eg, marathon running). The use of dietary supplements can enhance performance, provided these are used appropriately. This manuscript provides an overview of dietary strategies used by athletes, the efficacy of these strategies, availability of nutrition information to athletes, and risks associated with dietary supplement intake.
Review Of Diet Strategies Employed By Athletes
Maximizing Muscle Glycogen Stores Prior To Exercise
Carbohydrate loading aims to maximize an athlete�s muscle glycogen stores prior to endurance exercise lasting longer than 90 minutes. Benefits include delayed onset of fatigue (approximately 20%) and improvement in performance of 2%�3%.7 Initial protocols involved a depletion phase (3 days of intense training and low carbohydrate intake) followed by a loading phase (3 days of reduced training and high carbo- hydrate intake).8,9 Further research showed muscle glycogen concentrations could be enhanced to a similar level without the glycogen-depletion phase,10 and more recently, that 24 hours may be sufficient to maximize glycogen stores.11,12 Current recommendations suggest that for sustained or intermittent exercise longer than 90 minutes, athletes should consume 10�12 g of carbohydrate per kg of body mass (BM) per day in the 36�48 hours prior to exercise.13
There appears to be no advantage to increasing pre- exercise muscle glycogen content for moderate-intensity cycling or running of 60�90 minutes, as signi cant levels of glycogen remain in the muscle following exercise.7 For exercise shorter than 90 minutes, 7�12 g of carbohydrate/kg of BM should be consumed during the 24 hours preceding.13 Some14,15 but not all16 studies have shown enhanced performance of intermittent high-intensity exercise of 60�90 minutes with carbohydrate loading.
Carbohydrate eaten in the hours prior to exercise (com- pared with an overnight fast) has been shown to increase muscle glycogen stores and carbohydrate oxidation,17 extend cycle time to exhaustion,5 and improve exercise performance.5,18 Specific recommendations for exercise of longer than 60 minutes include 1�4 g of carbohydrate/kg of BM in the 1�4 hours prior.13 Most studies have not found improvements in performance from consuming low glycemic�index (GI) foods prior to exercise.19 Any metabolic or performance effects from low GI foods appear to be attenuated when carbohydrate is consumed during exercise.20,21
Carbohydrate Intake During The Event
Carbohydrate ingestion has been shown to improve performance in events lasting approximately 1 hour.6 A growing body of evidence also demonstrates beneficial effects of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on performance.22 It is thought that receptors in the oral cavity signal to the central nervous system to positively modify motor output.23
In longer events, carbohydrate improves performance primarily by preventing hypoglycemia and maintaining high levels of carbohydrate oxidation.6 The rate of exogenous carbohydrate oxidation is limited by the small intestine�s ability to absorb carbohydrate.6 Glucose is absorbed by the sodium- dependent transporter (SGLT1), which becomes saturated with an intake of approximately 1 g/minute. The simultaneous ingestion of fructose (absorbed via glucose transporter 5�[GLUT5]), enables oxidation rates of approximately 1.3 g/minute,24 with performance benefits apparent in the third hour of exercise.6 Recommendations reflect this, with 90 g of carbohydrate from multiple sources recommended for events longer than 2.5 hours, and 60 g of carbohydrate from either single or multiple sources recommended for exercise of 2�3 hours� duration (Table 1). For slower athletes exercising at a lower intensity,�carbohydrate requirements will be less due to lower carbohydrate oxidation.6 Daily training with high carbohydrate availability has been shown to increase exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates.25
The �Train-Low, Compete-High� Approach
The �train-low, compete-high� concept is training with low carbohydrate availability to promote adaptations such as�enhanced activation of cell-signaling pathways, increased mitochondrial enzyme content and activity, enhanced lipid oxidation rates, and hence improved exercise capacity.26 However, there is no clear evidence that performance is improved with this approach.27 For example, when highly trained cyclists were separated into once-daily (train-high) or twice-daily (train-low) training sessions, increases in resting muscle glycogen content were seen in the low-carbohydrate- availability group, along with other selected training adaptations.28 However, performance in a 1-hour time trial after 3 weeks of training was no different between groups. Other research has produced similar results.29 Different strategies have been suggested (eg, training after an overnight fast, training twice per day, restricting carbohydrate during recovery),26 but further research is needed to establish optimal dietary periodization plans.27
Fat As A Fuel During Endurance Exercise
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in fat as a fuel, particularly for ultra endurance exercise. A high-carbohydrate strategy inhibits fat utilization during exercise,30 which may not be beneficial due to the abundance of energy stored in the body as fat. Creating an environment that optimizes fat oxidation potentially occurs when dietary carbohydrate is reduced to a level that promotes ketosis.31 However, this strategy may impair performance of high-intensity activity, by contributing to a reduction in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and glycogenolysis. 32 The lack of performance benefits seen in studies investigating �high-fat� diets may be attributed to inadequate carbohydrate restriction and time for adaptation.31 Research into the performance effects of high fat diets continues.
Nutrition: Protein
While protein consumption prior to and during endurance and resistance exercise has been shown to enhance rates of muscle protein synthesis (MPS), a recent review found protein ingestion alongside carbohydrate during exercise does not improve time�trial performance when compared with the ingestion of adequate amounts of carbohydrate alone.33
Fluid And Electrolytes
The purpose of fluid consumption during exercise is primarily to maintain hydration and thermoregulation, thereby benefiting performance. Evidence is emerging on increased risk of oxidative stress with dehydration.34 Fluid consumption prior to exercise is recommended to ensure that the athlete is well-hydrated prior to commencing exercise.35 In addition,�carefully planned hyperhydration ( fluid overloading) prior to an event may reset fluid balance and increase fluid retention, and consequently improve heat tolerance.36 However, fluid overloading may increase the risk of hyponatremia 37 and impact negatively on performance due to feelings of fullness and the need to urinate.
Hydration requirements are closely linked to sweat loss, which is highly variable (0.5�2.0 L/hour) and dependent on type and duration of exercise, ambient temperature, and athletes� individual characteristics.35 Sodium losses linked to high temperature can be substantial, and in events of long duration or in hot temperatures, sodium must be replaced along with fluid to reduce risk of hyponatremia. 35
It has long been suggested that fluid losses greater than 2% of BM can impair performance,35 but there is controversy over the recommendation that athletes maintain BM by fluid ingestion throughout an event.37 Well-trained athletes who �drink to thirst� have been found to lose as much as 3.1% of BM with no impairment of performance in ultra-endurance events.38 Ambient temperature is important, and a review illustrated that exercise performance was preserved if loss was restricted to 1.8% and 3.2% of BM in hot and temperate conditions, respectively.39
Dietary Supplementation: Nitrates, Beta-Alanine & Vitamin D
Performance supplements shown to enhance performance include caffeine, beetroot juice, beta-alanine (BA), creatine, and bicarbonate.40 Comprehensive reviews on other supplements including caffeine, creatine, and bicarbonate can be found elsewhere.41 In recent years, research has focused on the role of nitrate, BA, and vitamin D and performance. Nitrate is most commonly provided as sodium nitrate or beetroot juice.42 Dietary nitrates are reduced (in mouth and stomach) to nitrites, and then to nitric oxide. During exercise, nitric oxide potentially influences skeletal muscle function through regulation of blood ow and glucose homeostasis, as well as mitochondrial respiration.43 During endurance exercise, nitrate supplementation has been shown to increase exercise efficiency (4%�5% reduction in VO at a steady attenuate oxidative stress.42 Similarly, a 4.2% improvement in performance was shown in a test designed to simulate a football game.44
BA is a precursor of carnosine, which is thought to have a number of performance-enhancing functions including the reduction of acidosis, regulation of calcium, and antioxidant properties.45 Supplementation with BA has been shown to�2�state; 0.9% improvement in time trials), reduce fatigue, and�augment intracellular carnosine concentration.45 A systematic review concluded that BA may increase power output and working capacity and decrease feelings of fatigue, but that there are still questions about safety. The authors suggest caution in the use of BA as an ergogenic aid.46
Vitamin D is essential for the maintenance of bone health and control of calcium homeostasis, but is also important for muscle strength,47,48 regulation of the immune system,49 and cardiovascular health.50 Thus inadequate vitamin D status has potential implications for the overall health of athletes and performance. A recent review found that the vitamin D status of most athletes reflects that of the population in their locality, with lower levels in winter, and athletes who train predominantly indoors are at greater risk of deficiency.51 There are no dietary vitamin D recommendations for athletes; however, for muscle function, bone health, and avoidance of respiratory infections, current evidence supports maintenance of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (circulating form) concentrations of 80�100 nmol/L.51
Diets Specific For Post Exercise
Recovery from a bout of exercise is integral to the athlete�s training regimen. Without adequate recovery of carbohydrate, protein, fluids, and electrolytes, beneficial adaptations and performance may be hampered.
Muscle Glycogen Synthesis
Consuming carbohydrates immediately post exercise to coincide with the initial rapid phase of glycogen synthesis has been used as a strategy to maximize rates of muscle glycogen synthesis. An early study found delaying feeding by 2 hours after glycogen-depleting cycling exercise reduced glycogen synthesis rates.52 However the importance of this early enhanced rate of glycogen synthesis has been questioned in the context of extended recovery periods with sufficient carbohydrate consumption. Enhancing the rate of glycogen synthesis with immediate carbohydrate consumption after exercise appears most relevant when the next exercise session is within 8 hours of the first.53,54 Feeding frequency is also irrelevant with extended recovery; by 24 hours post exercise, consumption of carbohydrate as four large meals or 16 small snacks had comparable effects on muscle glycogen storage.55
With less than 8 hours between exercise sessions, it is recommended that for maximal glycogen synthesis, 1.0�1.2 g/kg/hour is consumed for the first 4 hours, followed by resumption of daily carbohydrate requirements.13 Additional protein has been shown to enhance glycogen�synthesis rates when carbohydrate intake is suboptimal.56 The consumption of moderate to high GI foods post exercise is recommended;13 however, when either a high-GI or low-GI meal was consumed after glycogen-depleting exercise, no performance differences were seen in a 5 km cycling time trial 3 hours later.57
Muscle Protein Synthesis
An acute bout of intense endurance or resistance exercise can induce a transient increase in protein turnover, and, until feeding, protein balance remains negative. Protein consumption after exercise enhances MPS and net protein balance,58 predominantly by increasing mitochondrial protein fraction with endurance training, and myofibrillar protein fraction with resistance training.59
Only a few studies have investigated the effect of timing of protein intake post exercise. No significant difference in MPS was observed over 4 hours post exercise when a mixture of essential amino acids and sucrose was fed 1 hour versus 3 hours after resistance exercise.60 Conversely, when a protein and carbohydrate supplement was provided immediately versus 3 hours after cycling exercise, leg protein synthesis increased threefold over 3 hours.61 A meta-analysis found timed post exercise protein intake becomes less important with longer recovery periods and adequate protein intake,62 at least for resistance training.
Dose�response studies suggest approximately 20 g of high-quality protein is sufficient to maximize MPS at rest,63 following resistance,63,64 and after high-intensity aerobic exercise.65 Rate of MPS has been found to approximately triple 45�90 minutes after protein consumption at rest, and then return to baseline levels, even with continued availability of circulating essential amino acids (termed the �muscle full� effect).66 Since exercise-induced protein synthesis is elevated for 24�48 hours following resistance exercise67and 24�28 hours following high-intensity aerobic exercise,68 and feeding protein post exercise has an additive effect,58,64 then multiple feedings over the day post exercise might maximize muscle growth. In fact, feeding 20 g of whey protein every 3 hours was subsequently found to maximally stimulate muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis following resistance exercise.69,70
In resistance training, where post exercise intake of protein was balanced by protein intake later in the day, increased adaptation of muscle hypertrophy resulted in equivocal strength performance effects.71,72 Most studies have not found a subsequent bene t to aerobic performance with post exercise protein consumption.73,74 However, in two�well controlled studies in which post exercise protein intake was balanced by protein intake later in the day, improvements were seen in cycling time to exhaustion75 and in cycling sprint performance.76
Fluids And Electrolyte Balance
Fluid and electrolyte replacement after exercise can be achieved through resuming normal hydration practices. However, when euhydration is needed within 24 hours or substantial body weight has been lost (.5% of BM), a more structured response may be warranted to replace fluids and electrolytes.77
Availability Of Nutritional Information To Athletes At Varying Levels
The availability of nutrition information for athletes varies. Younger or recreational athletes are more likely to receive generalized nutritional information of poorer quality from individuals such as coaches.78 Elite athletes are more likely to have access to specialized sports-nutrition input from qualified professionals. A range of sports science and medicine support systems are in place in different countries to assist elite athletes,1 and nutrition is a key component of these services. Some countries have nutrition programs embedded within sports institutes (eg, Australia) or alternatively have National Olympic Committees that support nutrition programs (eg, United States of America).1 However, not all athletes at the elite level have access to sports-nutrition services. This may be due to financial constraints of the sport, geographical issues, and a lack of recognition of the value of a sports-nutrition service.78
Athletes eat several times per day, with snacks contributing to energy requirements.79 Dietary intake differs across sports, with endurance athletes more likely to achieve energy and carbohydrate requirements compared to athletes in weight-conscious sports.79 A review found daily intakes of carbohydrate were 7.6 g/kg and 5.7 g/kg of BM for male and female endurance athletes, respectively.80 Ten elite Kenyan runners met macronutrient recommendations but not guide- lines for fluid intake.81 A review of fluid strategies showed a wide variability of intake across sports, with several factors influencing intake, many outside the athlete�s control.82
Nutrition information may be delivered to athletes by a range of people (dietitians, nutritionists, medical practitioners, sports scientists, coaches, trainers) and from a variety of sources (nutrition education programs, sporting magazines, the media and Internet).83 Of concern is the provision of�nutrition advice from outside various professional�s scope of practice. For example, in Australia 88% of registered exercise professionals provided nutrition advice, despite many not having adequate nutrition training.84 A study of Canadian high-performance athletes from 34 sports found physicians ranked eighth and dietitians, 16th as choice of source of dietary supplement information.85
Risks Of Contravening The Doping Regulations
Supplement use is widespread in athletes.86,87 For example, 87.5% of elite athletes in Australia used dietary supplements88 and 87% of Canadian high-performance athletes took dietary supplements within the past 6 months85 (Table 2). It is difficult to compare studies due to differences in the criteria used to define dietary supplements, variations in assessing supplement intake, and disparities in the populations studied.85
Athletes take supplements for many reasons, including for proposed performance benefits, for prevention or treatment of a nutrient deficiency, for convenience, or due to fear of �missing out� by not taking a particular supplement.41
The potential benefits (eg, improved performance) of taking a dietary supplement must outweigh the risks.86,87 There are few permitted dietary supplements available that have an ergogenic effect.87,89 Dietary supplementation cannot compensate for poor food choices.87 Other concerns include lack of efficacy, safety issues (toxicity, medical concerns), negative nutrient interactions, unpleasant side effects, ethical issues, financial expense, and lack of quality control.41,86,87 Of major concern, is the consumption of prohibited substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
Inadequate regulation in the supplement industry (com- pounded by widespread Internet sales) makes it difficult for athletes to choose supplements wisely.41,86,87 In 2000�2001, a study of 634 different supplements from 13 countries found that 94 (14.8%) contained undeclared steroids, banned by WADA.90 Many contaminated supplements were routinely used by athletes (eg, vitamin and mineral supplements).86 Several studies have confirmed these findings. 41,86,89
A positive drug test in an athlete can occur with even a minute quantity of a banned substance.41,87 WADA maintains a �strict liability� policy, whereby every athlete is responsible for any substance found in their body regardless of how it got there.41,86,87,89 The World Anti-Doping Code (January 1, 2015) does recognize the issue of contaminated supplements.91 Whereas the code upholds the principle of strict liability, athletes may receive a lesser ban if they can��show �no significant fault� to demonstrate they did not intend to cheat. The updated code imposes longer bans on those who cheat intentionally, includes athlete support personnel (eg, coaches, medical staff), and has an increased focus on anti-doping education.91,99
In an effort to educate athletes about sports-supplement use, the Australian Institute of Sport�s sports-supplement program categorizes supplements according to evidence�of efficacy in performance and risk of doping outcome.40 Category A supplements have sound evidence for use and include sports foods, medical supplements, and performance supplements. Category D supplements should not be used by athletes, as they are banned or are at high risk for contamination. These include stimulants, pro-hormones and hormone boosters, growth hormone releasers, peptides, glycerol, and colostrum.40
Athletes are always looking for an edge to improve their performance, and there are a range of dietary strategies available. Nonetheless, dietary recommendations should be individualized for each athlete and their sport and provided by an appropriately qualified professional to ensure optimal performance. Dietary supplements should be used with caution and as part of an overall nutrition and performance plan.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
Kathryn L Beck1 Jasmine S Thomson2 Richard J Swift1 Pamela R von Hurst1
1School of Food and Nutrition, Massey institute of Food Science and Technology, College of Health, Massey University Albany, Auckland, 2School of Food and Nutrition, Massey institute of Food Science and Technology, College of Health, Massey University Manawatu, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Allostasis: The process of achieving stability, or homeostasis, through physiological or behavioral change. This can be carried out by means of alteration in HPATG axis hormones, the autonomic nervous system, cytokines, or a number of other systems, and is generally adaptive in the short term. It is essential in order to maintain internal viability amid changing conditions.
Antecedents: Factors that predispose to acute or chronic illness. For a person who is ill, antecedents form the illness diathesis. From the perspective of prevention, they are risk factors. Examples of genetic antecedents include the breast cancer risk genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Apoptosis: Programmed cell death. As a normal part of growth and development, cells that are superfluous or that become damaged activate a cascade of intracellular processes leading to their own demise. In cancer cells, DNA damage may inactivate the apoptosis cascade, allowing mutated cells to survive and proliferate.
Biochemical individuality: Each individual has a unique physiological and biochemical composition, based upon the interactions of his or her individual genetic make-up with lifestyle and environment�i.e., the continuous exposure to inputs (diet, experiences, nutrients, beliefs, activity, toxins, medications, etc.) that influence our genes. It is this combination of factors that accounts for the endless variety of phenotypic responses seen every day by clinicians. The unique makeup of each individual requires personalized levels of nutrition and a lifestyle adapted to that individual�s needs in order to achieve optimal health. The consequences of not meeting the specific needs of the individual are expressed, over time, as degenerative disease.�
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Giving exogenous hormones that are identical in structure to the endogenous hormones.�
Biomarker: A substance used as an indicator of a biological state. Such characteristics are objectively measured and evaluated as indicators of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention. Cancer biomarkers include prostate specific antigen (PSA) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
Biotransformation: The chemical modification(s) of a compound made by an organism. Compounds modified in the body include, but are not limited to, nutrients, amino acids, toxins, heavy metals, and drugs. Biotransformation also renders nonpolar compounds polar so that they are excreted, not reabsorbed in renal tubules.
Cancer: A group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells, which, if not controlled, can result in death. Cancer is caused by both external factors (tobacco, infectious organisms, chemicals, and radiation) and internal factors (inherited mutations, hormones, immune conditions, and mutations that occur from metabolism), two or more of which may act together or in sequence to initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Ten or more years often pass between exposure to external factors and detectable cancer.
Chronic Care Model: Developed by Wagner and colleagues, the primary focus of this model is to include the essential elements of a healthcare system that encourage high-quality chronic disease care. Such elements include the community, the health system, self-management support, delivery system design, decision support and clinical information systems. It is a response to powerful evidence that patients with chronic conditions often do not obtain the care they need, and that the healthcare system is not currently structured to facilitate such care.�
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): A group of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional, mainstream medicine. The list of what is considered to be CAM changes frequently, as therapies demonstrated to be safe and effective are adopted by conventional practitioners, and as new approaches to health care emerge. Complementary medicine is used with conventional medicine, not as a substitute for it. Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Functional medicine is neither complementary nor alternative medicine; it is an approach to medicine that focuses on identifying and ameliorating the underlying causes of disease; it can be used by all practitioners with a Western medical science background and is compatible with both conventional and CAM methods.�
Cytochromes P450 (CYP 450): A large and diverse group of enzymes, most of which function to catalyze the oxidation of organic substances. They are located either in the inner membrane of mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells ans play a critical role in the detoxification of endogenous and exogenous toxins. The substrates of CYP enzymes include metabolic intermediates such as lipids, steroidal hormones, and xenobiotic substances such as drugs.
DIGIN: A heuristic mnemonic for assessment of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Thorough assessment of the GI tract should include investigation of the following:
Digestion/Absorption � Problems with the digestive process including ingestion, chemical digestion, mechanical digestion, absorption, and/or assimilation
Intestinal Permeability � Permeability of the intestinal barrier: is the epithelium allowing in larger particles in a paracellular manner, making the gut barrier �leaky�?
Gut Microbiota/Dysbiosis � Changes in composition of the gut flora including balance and interaction of commensal species (See: Dysbiosis)
Inflammation/Immune � Inflammation and immune activity in the GI tract
Nervous System � Enteric nervous system function, which controls motility, blood flow, uptake of nutrients, secretion, and immunological and inflammatory processes in the gut.
Dysbiosis: A condition that occurs when the normal symbiosis between gut flora and the host is disturbed and organisms of low intrinsic virulence, which normally coexist peacefully with the host, may promote illness. It is distinct from gastrointestinal infection, in which a highly virulent organism gains access to the gastrointestinal tract and infects the host.�
Functional Medicine: A systems-based, science-driven approach to individualized medicine that addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It reflects a personalized lifestyle medicine approach and utilizes the Functional Medicine Matrix to organize the patient�s story and determine appropriate interventions for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
Functional Medicine Matrix: The graphic representation of the functional medicine approach, displaying the seven organizing physiological systems, the patient�s known antecedents, triggers, and mediators, and the personalized lifestyle factors that promote health. Practitioners can use the matrix to help organize their thoughts and observations about the patient�s health and decide how to focus therapeutic and preventive strategies.
Cytokines: Immunoregulatory proteins (such as interleukin, tumor necrosis factor, and interferon). They may act locally or systemically and tend to have both immunomodulatory and other effects on cellular processes in the body. Cytokines have been used in the treatment of certain cancers.�
Genomics: The study of the whole genome of organisms, including interactions between loci and alleles within the genome. Research on single genes does not fall into the definition of genomics unless the aim of this functional information analysis is to elucidate the gene�s effect on the entire genome network. Genomics may also be defined as the study of all the genes of a cell, or tissue, at the DNA (genotype), mRNA (transcriptome), or protein (proteome) levels.�
GO-TO-IT: A heuristic mnemonic for the processes involved in the clinical practice of functional medicine:
Gather oneself and be mindful in preparing to see each patient; gather information through intake forms, questionnaires, the initial consultation, physical exam, and objective data. A detailed functional medicine history that is appropriate to age, gender, and nature of presenting problems is taken.
Organize the subjective and objective details from the patient�s story within the functional medicine paradigm. Position the patient�s presenting signs and symptoms, along with the details of the case history, on the timeline and Functional Medicine Matrix.
Tell the story back to the patient in your own words to ensure accuracy and understanding. The re-telling of the patient�s story is a dialogue about the case highlights�including the antecedents, triggers, and mediators identified in the history and correlating them to the timeline and matrix. The patient is asked to correct and amplify the story, engendering a context of true partnership.
Order and then prioritize the patient�s information:
Acknowledge patient�s goals
Address modifiable lifestyle factors
Sidney Baker�s too much/not enough model: what are the insufficiencies/excesses?
Identify clinical imbalances or disruptions in the organizing physiological systems of the matrix
Initiate further functional assessment and intervention based upon the above work:
Perform further assessment
Referral to adjunctive care:
Nutritional professionals
Lifestyle educators
Other healthcare providers
Initiate therapy
Track assessments, note the effectiveness of the therapeutic approach, and identify clinical outcomes at each visit�in partnership with the patient.
Heuristic: A strategy used for problem solving, learning, and discovery that is experience-based, not algorithmic. When an exhaustive search is impractical, heuristic methods may be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution. A heuristic is sometimes referred to as a rule of thumb.
Homeostasis and Homeodynamics: The former term describes the tendency of living things to maintain physiological parameters within a narrow range usually considered normal in order to maintain optimal function. Under this definition, disease can be defined as a departure from the homeostatic state. The latter term describes the tendency of homeostatic set points to change throughout an organism�s lifespan, and thus describes how departures from a homeostatic norm can be adaptive (e.g., fever) or pathological, depending on the context.
Integrative Medicine: Medicine that combines treatments from conventional medicine and those from Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for which there is some high-quality evidence of safety and effectiveness. In a broader sense, it is healing-oriented medicine that takes into account the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle, and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative. The field is more than 10 years old and it is the only one of the emerging models to explicitly encompass the integration of therapeutics that, until recently, were the sole purview of complementary and alternative medicine. Note: functional medicine is different from integrative medicine because functional medicine emphasizes the evaluation of underlying causes of health and dysfunction and organizes assessment and treatment using the Functional Medicine Matrix, the timeline, and GOTOIT.
Lifestyle Medicine: The use of lifestyle interventions such as nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction, and rest to lower the risk for the approximately 70% of modern health problems that are lifestyle-related chronic diseases (such as obesity and type 2 diabetes), or for the treatment and management of disease if such conditions are already present. It is an essential component of the treatment of most chronic diseases and has been incorporated in many national disease management guidelines.
Long Latency Disease: Disease that becomes manifest at a time remote from the initial exposure to disease triggers, or that requires continued exposure to triggers and mediators over an extended period of time to manifest frank pathology. Examples include heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.�
Mediators: Intermediaries that contribute to the continued manifestations of disease. Mediators do not cause disease; instead, they underlie the host response to triggers. Examples include biochemical factors (e.g., cytokines and leukotrienes) as well as psychosocial ones (e.g., reinforcement for staying ill).�
Metabolomics (or metabonomics): �The study of metabolic responses to drugs, environmental changes and diseases. Metabonomics is an extension of genomics (concerned with DNA) and proteomics (concerned with proteins). Following on the heels of genomics and proteomics, metabonomics may lead to more efficient drug discovery and individualized patient treatment with drugs, among other things.� (From�
Nutrigenomics (or nutritional genomics): The study of how different foods may interact with specific genes to increase the risk of common chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. It can also be described as the study of the influence of genetic variation on nutrition by correlating gene expression or single-nucleotide polymorphisms with a nutrient’s absorption, metabolism, elimination, or biological effects. Nutrigenomics also seeks to provide a molecular understanding of how common chemicals in the diet affect health by altering the expression of genes and the structure of an individual’s genome. The ultimate aim of nutrigenomics is to develop rational means to optimize nutrition for the patient�s genotype.�
Organ Reserve: The difference between the maximal function of a vital organ and the level of function required to maintain an individual�s daily life. In other words, it is the �reserve power� of a particular organ, above and beyond what is required in a healthy individual. It can also be thought of as the degrees of freedom available in the body organs to perform their functions and maintain health. Decline in the organ reserve occurs under stress, during sickness, and as we age.�
Organ System Diagnosis: In the allopathic medical model, it is common to give a collection of symptoms a name based on dysfunction in an organ system, then to cite the named disease as the cause of the symptoms the patient is experiencing. This bit of circular logic avoids any discussion of the systemic or underlying causes of dysfunction and also treats all people with �disease X� the same, despite the fact that two people with the same collection of symptoms may have completely different underlying physiological causes for the symptoms they display.�
Organizing Physiological Systems: To assist clinicians in understanding and applying the complexity of functional medicine, IFM has organized and adapted a set of seven interrelated biological systems that underlie all physiology. Imbalances in these systems or core clinical imbalances are the underlying cause of disease and dysfunction.
Defense and Repair (e.g., Immune, Inflammation, Infection/Microbiota)
Energy (e.g., Energy Regulation, Mitochondrial Function)
Biotransformation and Elimination (e.g., Toxicity, Detoxification)
Transport (e.g., Circulation, Lymphatic Flow)
Communication (e.g., Endocrine, Neurotransmitters, Immune messengers)
Structural Integrity (e.g., from Subcellular Membranes to Musculoskeletal Structure)�
Using this construct, it becomes much clearer that one disease/condition may have multiple causes (i.e., multiple clinical imbalances), just as one fundamental imbalance may be at the root of many seemingly disparate conditions.�
Oxidation-Reduction (also called Redox): Paired chemical reactions that occur in balance with each other within the body of a healthy individual. These reactions involve the transfer of electrons (or the distribution of electron sharing) and thus require both a donor and acceptor. When this physiological parameter is out of balance, a net accumulation of donors or acceptors can lead to deleterious cellular oxidation phenomena (lipid peroxidation, free radical formation).�
Oxidative Stress: Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species and an individual�s antioxidant capacity to detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox state of tissues can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Oxidative stress is implicated in the etiology of several chronic diseases including atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome.�
Personalized Lifestyle Factors: The modifiable lifestyle factors that appear along the bottom of the Functional Medicine Matrix. Clinicians and their patients can partner to develop an individualized plan for addressing these issues. Health-promoting lifestyle factors include:
Sleep and Relaxation � Getting adequate sleep and meaningful relaxation time in one�s life
Exercise and Movement � Participating in physical activity that is appropriate for age and health
Nutrition and Hydration � Eating a diet that is appropriate for age, genetic background, and environment, as well as maintaining adequate hydration
Stress and Resilience � Reducing stress levels and managing existing stress
Relationships and Networks � Developing and maintaining healthy relationships and social networks while reducing the impact of noxious relationships
Personalized (Individualized) Medicine: Personalized medicine can be described as the effort to define and strengthen the art of individualizing health care by integrating the interpretation of patient data (medical history, family history, signs, and symptoms) with emerging ��omic� technologies�nutritional genomics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. It is also defined as medicine that treats each patient as a unique individual and takes into account the totality of personal history, family history, environment and lifestyle, physical presentation, genetic background, and mind/body/spirit. Interventions are tailored to each patient and adjusted based on the patient�s individualized response.�
Precipitating Event: Similar to a trigger�a trigger, however, only provokes illness as long as the person is exposed to it (or for a short while afterward), while a precipitating event initiates a change in health status that persists long after the exposure ends
Prospective Medicine (aka: 4-P Medicine): A relatively new concept introduced in 2003, prospective medicine is a descriptive rather than a prescriptive term, encompassing �personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory medicine.� Snyderman argues persuasively that a comprehensive system of care would address not only new technologies (e.g., identification of biomarkers, use of electronic and personalized health records), but also delivery systems, reimbursement mechanisms, and the needs of a variety of stakeholders (government, consumers, employers, insurers, and academic medicine). Prospective medicine does not claim to stake out new scientific or clinical territory; instead, it focuses on creating an innovative synthesis of technologies and models�particularly personalized medicine (the �-omics�) and systems biology�in order to �determine the risk for individuals to develop specific diseases, detect the disease�s earliest onset, and prevent or intervene early enough to provide maximum benefit.�
Proteomics: The large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions, how they’re modified, when and where they’re expressed, how they’re involved in metabolic pathways, and how they interact with one another. The proteome is the entire complement of proteins, including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins, produced by an organism or system. This will vary with time and distinct requirements, or stresses, that a cell or organism undergoes. As a result, proteomics is much more complicated than genomics: an organism’s genome is more or less constant, while the proteome differs from cell to cell and from time to time.�
PURE: A heuristic mnemonic for assessment and treatment of toxicity-related disorders. Steps to consider when assessing and treating patients with toxic exposures include:
Pattern Recognition � Recognize common patterns of toxicity signs and symptoms, including those associated with neurodevelopmental toxicity, immunotoxicity, mitochondrial toxicity, and endocrine toxicity
Undersupported/Overexposed � Examine the patient�s environment and lifestyle to determine what might be lacking and what there might be too much of
Reduce Toxin Exposure � Design a strategy for the patient to avoid continued toxin exposure
Ensure a Safe Detox � Support the patient during detoxification by ensuring adequate nutrients to aid in the detoxification and biotransformation process and by recommending lifestyle changes that increase the safety and efficacy of detox programs.�
PTSD: A heuristic for general treatment of hormone-related disorders. Factors to be considered include:
Production � Production/synthesis and secretion of the hormone
What are the building blocks of thyroid hormone and cortisol?
Transport � Transport/conversion/distribution/ interaction with other hormones
Do the levels of insulin impact the levels of E or T?
Does a hormone�s transport from its gland of origin to the target gland impact its effectiveness or toxicity?
Can we influence the level of free hormone?
Is the hormone transformed (T4 to T3 or RT3) and can we modulate that?
Sensitivity � Cellular sensitivity to the hormone signal
Are there nutritional or dietary factors that influence the cellular response to insulin, thyroid hormones, estrogens, etc.?
Detoxification � Detoxification/excretion of the hormone. For example:
How is estradiol metabolized in the process of biotransformation?
Can we alter it?
What can we do to affect the binding to and excretion of estrogens?
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism or SNP (pronounced �snip�) is a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide�A, T, C, or G�in the genome differs between members of a species or between paired chromosomes in an individual. Almost all common SNPs have only two alleles. These genetic variations underlie differences in our susceptibility to, or protection from, several diseases. Variations in the DNA sequences of humans can affect how humans develop diseases. For example, a single base difference in the genes coding for apolipoprotein E is associated with a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease. SNPs are also manifestations of genetic variations in the severity of illness, the way our body responds to treatments, and the individual response to pathogens, chemicals, drugs, vaccines, and other agents. They are thought to be key factors in applying the concept of personalized medicine.
Relative Risk: A measure of the strength of the relationship between risk factors and a condition. For example, one could compare the risk of developing cancer in persons with a certain exposure or trait to the risk in persons who do not have this characteristic. Male smokers are about 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers, so their relative risk is 23. Most relative risks are not this large. For example, women who have a first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) with a history of breast cancer have about twice the risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who do not have this family history.�
Systems Biology: Although there is not yet a universally recognized definition of systems biology, the National Institute of General Medical Services (NIGMS) at NIH provides the following explanation: �A field that seeks to study the relationships and interactions between various parts of a biological system (metabolic pathways, organelles, cells, and organisms) and to integrate this information to understand how biological systems function.�
The 5Rs: A heuristic mnemonic for the five-step process used to normalize gastrointestinal function that is a core element of functional medicine:
Remove � Removing the source of the imbalance (e.g., pathogens, allergic foods) is the critical first step.
Replace � Next replace any factors that are missing (e.g., HCL, digestive enzymes)
Reinoculate � Repopulate the gut with symbiotic bacteria (e.g., lactobacilli, bifidobacteria)
Repair � Heal damaged gut membranes using, for example, glutamine, fiber, and butyrate
Rebalance � Modify attitude, diet, and lifestyle of the patient to promote a healthier way of living
Three Legs of the Stool: A framework for practicing functional medicine that includes three parts:
Retelling the patient�s story with ATMs (antecedents, triggers, and mediators): The clinician collects information from the patient through extensive interaction, then reflects the problem back to the patient in terms of antecedents, triggers, and mediators
Organizing the clinical imbalances: The clinician organizes the clinical imbalances in the organizing physiological systems and lists them on the Functional Medicine Matrix.
Personalized lifestyle factors: The clinician assesses each patient�s environment and lifestyle, and partners with patients to help them develop, adopt, and maintain appropriate personalized health-promoting behaviors.�
Timeline: A tool that allows clinicians to visualize a patient�s story chronologically by organizing important life events and health issues from pre-conception to the present.
Triage Theory: Linus Pauling Award winner Bruce Ames� theory that DNA damage and late onset disease are consequences of a �triage allocation mechanism� developed during evolution to cope with periods of micronutrient shortage. When micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are scarce, they are consumed for short-term survival at the expense of long-term survival. In 2009, Children�s Hospital and Research Center Oakland concluded that triage theory explains how diseases associated with aging like cancer, heart disease, and dementia (and the pace of aging itself) may be unintended consequences of mechanisms developed during evolution to protect against episodic vitamin/mineral shortages.
Triggers: Triggers are discrete entities or events that provoke disease or its symptoms (e.g., microbes). Triggers are usually insufficient in and of themselves for disease formation, however, because the health of the host and the vigor of its response to a trigger are essential elements.
Xenobiotics: Chemicals found in an organism that are not normally produced by or expected to be present in that organism. This may also include substances present in much higher concentrations than usual. The term xenobiotics is often applied to pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls, because xenobiotics are understood as substances foreign to an entire biological system, i.e. artificial substances that did not exist in nature before their synthesis by humans. Exposure to several types of xenobiotics has been implicated in cancer risk.
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez welcomes all to the new clinic location grand opening!
Grand Opening: Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic
El Paso, TX, INJURY MEDICAL & CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC announces its newest east side location at 11860 Vista Del Sol, Suite 128 will officially open. The clinic is located in TheMission Business Center near Walgreens.
Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic offers an innovative, patient-friendly experience that allows patients access to affordable, quality chiropractic care. Appointments are not necessary, however in order to avoid waiting time appointments are recommended.
Based in El Paso, TX Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic is reinventing chiropractic by making quality care convenient and affordable for patients seeking pain relief and ongoing wellness. Extended hours and three convenient locations make care more accessible. Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic is an emerging company and key leader in the chiropractic profession. For more information, visit, follow us on�Twitter @dralexjimenez�and find us on�Facebook, and�LinkedIn.
I thank you and have a special and respectful message� God loves motion.�God has created a fantastic design in all of us. His love of joints and articulations is obvious. Simply put, as an observer, our creator would have not given us so many joints with so many functions. So again, I repeat, God loves motion. Therefore, it is not just a choice to take care of them,�it is our obligation. I will help everybody I meet and treat to move better while�freeing themselves of any joint limitation preventing the full expression of life.
With a bit of work, we can achieve optimal health together. I look forward in doing my absolute best and helping those in need. It is what my mentors taught me, it is what I teach and it is what I will do passionately until�my last breath.
IFM's Find A Practitioner tool is the largest referral network in Functional Medicine, created to help patients locate Functional Medicine practitioners anywhere in the world. IFM Certified Practitioners are listed first in the search results, given their extensive education in Functional Medicine