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Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.

We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.

Can Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?

Can Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?

Those who like to jog or run say there is nothing like the feeling of jogging and running. The breeze all around, the sound of feet hitting the pavement, and the accomplishment felt after. Jogging and running can generate empowerment that makes individuals feel like they’re on top of the world. Until back pain rears its ugly head.

Many individuals with back pain see no alternative and so give up trying to jog or run and just forget the whole thing. However, it is possible to be a successful runner and hold down a jogging/running regiment, even with back pain. �



Jogging and Running

Running can be highly beneficial for those with back pain. Aerobic exercise is considered a form of effective treatment for low back pain. Other studies have found that runners have stronger spines. An article published in Scientific Reports looked at the intervertebral�discs in joggers/runners, as well as, non-joggers/runners. The joggers/runners had healthier intervertebral�discs.

Running can be quite helpful to those having trouble with mechanical back pain. Mechanical means an individual has a structurally sound spine but has a job/ that creates force/s that can damage tissues, which results in back pain. Often, those with back problems have a weak:

  • Core
  • Front
  • Back
bodybuilder doing heavy weight exercise for legs hamstrings

� Jogging and running can help strengthen the core along with weight loss and improved fitness will definitely benefit the spine/back. Jogging and running increases endorphins. This is great for the brain and mood and decreases overall general pain.

Individuals that should not be jogging or running

It does not mean these individuals cannot jog or run. But because of underlying conditions, they need to talk to their doctor first and may have to take extra precautions.

Back pain can be mechanical or structural. If the spine has a structural problem, then jogging or running might not be the best option for a therapeutic exercise regiment/program. This can be dangerous as any added stress placed on an abnormal spine could worsen symptoms, instead of helping to reduce back pain. It could even worsen the condition. This is where the proper spine treatment is directed by a doctor, spine specialist, chiropractor, or physical therapist.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Can Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?

� If the back pain is mechanical, there are ways to work in a running program while keeping the back safe. Usually, this means stretching out, getting physical therapy, and applying heat, and ice. These can all help while being able to jog and run.

Lace-up, make sure there is plenty of water and hit the neighborhood, trail, pathway, etc. However, running with back pain is not the most optimal way to jog or run. Here are some ways to get the full benefits from the experience.

Stretching Out

Stretching is highly beneficial not only to runners, but everyone, especially those with back pain, which is why stretching before and after jogging and running is extremely important.

The hamstrings, quadriceps, groin, and calf muscles definitely need to be stretched out. These are the legs muscles and need to be loose and ready to move. The thigh muscles are all directly connected to the pelvis and hip. If they are not properly stretched it can affect pelvic tilt and generate low back tightness.

The calf muscles are not directly connected, but the body is a kinetic chain, which means that the body works as a whole unit. For example, let’s say an individual has a tight calf or Achilles tendon. This can change stride length, which can then affect the hamstrings, hips, and back. Icing the back after a jog or run will reduce back pain and inflammation. �

runner stretching leg out in stadium seats

Ease Into The Routine

Experienced runners know all too well that literally hitting the ground and taking off results in pain and injuries. First-time joggers/runners, as well as those coming back to jogging or running need to take it low and slow. This means to gradually ease into a jogging/running routine rather than trying for ten miles right away.

Go for reasonable goals that can be accomplished. This will increase the likelihood to stay with it and continue. This goes for new runners or joggers/runners making a return. Gradually increasing distance and speed is the safest approach. Gradual increases in the jog or run allow for positive and progressive gains.

Mix In Other Workouts

Cross-fit training can help the body take a break when carrying out a running program. Cross-fit training involves:

  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Weights

A comprehensive exercise program should include resistance training and cardiovascular exercises. Only want to stick to only running and nothing else then change distances and speeds on a regular basis. Changing running workouts frequently will help to avoid overuse injuries.

Overuse injuries can stop an exercise routine cold. Therefore, making sure that the body gets the proper amount rest between jogs, runs, and workouts is crucial for the therapy to work, to eventually alleviate back pain. �

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 3 Tips to Living a More Healthy Life El Paso, Texas


Proper Equipment

Throwing on a pair of old sneakers and jogging out the door is not the way to go. Improper shoes could exacerbate the back pain/condition and even create new injury/s. Therefore choosing the proper jogging and running equipment will prevent injuries and back pain.

Shoes, braces, and orthotics do make a difference. Just like using the right tool for a job makes a difference. Especially, when using a cheap knock-off that breaks or falls apart. It is the same with exercise equipment/gear. For the low back, a neoprene belt can help the low back remain loose by providing heat and spine support.

Shoes and orthotics are important, but be sure to know foot size and type. Otherwise, they could worsen back pain or cause another injury. Effectively utilizing them, a runner should get a custom foot orthotic/s sizing. Because every person is unique, functional custom foot orthotics can help balance a person�s unique body structure. Dr. Jimenez can help provide functional custom foot orthotics to patients who want to improve back pain. For example, some things to consider:

Some choices depend on the constant surface the runner is on, like cement, pavement, trail, or dirt road. Specialty running shoe stores can provide a foot strike analysis to find the shoes that are best matched for your physical needs. �

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Can Jogging and Running Help With Back Pain?

Feel That, Your Body’s Telling You Something

Experienced athletes, especially runners know how to listen to their bodies. If an injury is acting up they take the necessary time off to heal properly before re-starting the regiment. For those with back pain, this is especially important during the program.

If back pain presents mid-run, it is recommended to slow down. If that doesn�t bring relief then stop and stretch. And if that does not help then stop the workout altogether. It could be nothing and all that is needed is more rest before starting up again. But if it persists then check with your doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist to re-evaluate the program, as there could be some changes/adjustments that need addressing.

It does not matter, whether it is back pain, shin splints, or plantar fasciitis, the point is to listen to your body. Pain that lingers on or wakes you out of sleep should be checked out.


Chiropractors On Metabolic Syndrome & Inflammation


Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.*

Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico

Hike With/Without Back Pain

Hike With/Without Back Pain

Being able to hike with back pain is a blessing for individuals that love being outdoors. Enjoying nature and being able to get away from all the stress and tension is something we all can use. Hiking is an excellent physical activity that cleanses the mind, body, and spirit. Not to mention the great exercise benefits that come with it.

The time spent going up and down hills following trails, etc. can feel unbelievable until pain symptoms start to present. Those with back pain know and understand that there are certain activities that can kick in the pain. If hiking has been stopped in its tracks because of back pain, or, if just about to start hiking for the first time, here is some advice to reduce and alleviate back pain during and after a hiking session. �


11860 Visa Del Sol Ste.128 Hike With/Without Back Pain

Hike The Right Way

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C. is a spine injury specialist at Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic. He believes at its core, hiking is very beneficial to individuals with back pain.

Hiking is a great activity for those with back pain because it increases muscular circulation improving soft tissue flexibility in the spine along with other muscle groups. Hiking helps strengthen spinal support muscles, improves flexibility and posture. The result is minimized pain on all levels. Walking on different uneven terrain/s contributes to improved balance and synergistic muscle activity of the back, legs, and core, and the small muscles of the feet. However, there is an incorrect way to hike with back pain.

If done incorrectly hiking can have a negative detrimental impact on the body. Proper technique and form need to be followed. For example, a backpack that is improperly worn or not correctly sized for the body type could lead to imbalance. This could lead to improper form and injuries. Poor posture during a hike places added pressure on the:

  • Joints
  • Spine
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons

This could easily result in muscle/tendon injuries. With some preparation, a few tips and being aware of your surroundings will help you to become a hiking pro in no time, with reduced, improved, and possibly no back pain after a while of doing this great activity. Here are some words of wisdom when it comes to hiking and back pain.

sprain and strain treatment - injury medical and chiropractic clinic el paso, tx.

Proper Backpack

A poor-fitting backpack will easily lead to increased back pain and even other ailments like shoulder and neck pain issues. A proper backpack should have the straps around the waist and across the back to evenly distribute the weight. Visit a sports/outdoor store to get correctly fitted for a backpack.

Stretching Out

Getting and staying loose before and after a hike is very important. Before a hike improves circulation and loosens the muscles, in turn, reducing the stress on the joints. Stretching after a hike reduces muscle fatigue and soreness that can amplify and exacerbate back pain along with any other body soreness.

 stretching on running trail

Trekking Poles

Using trekking poles can be beneficial and quite helpful for individuals with back pain. Trekking poles can help avoid poor posture by keeping the body in an upright position. This helps reduce back pain experienced during and after a hike. �

11860 Visa Del Sol Ste.128 Hike With/Without Back Pain

Body Care

Hiking successfully means that the body needs to be fully functional and fueled before even stepping on the trail. Fueling the body with nutritious snacks like bananas, dried fruit, and trail mix will keep the body’s energy supply going. And above all stay hydrated with plenty of water. Also, focus the workout on developing upper body and core strength to prevent injury.

Don’t forget to listen to what your body is telling you. Individuals with back pain need to listen to their bodies making sure not to overdo it, as well as, with any type of exercise, to adjust to your specific pain tolerance level. If unable to limit distance or time, then make sure to take frequent breaks. This will help avoid placing unnecessary strain on the spine. �

sports woman drinking water

Recovery Time

The body needs a proper amount of time between hikes to recover properly. If there is still soreness and pain, WAIT until the body is no longer sore before trekking to the next trail. The amount a person can hike depends on the individual, overall strength, and how fast their body recovers between hikes. It is different for everyone.


As the journey commences, whether going for pain-free or less painful hiking, remember that it’s ok to have others help get you there. Getting help from a veteran hiker will definitely benefit proper form and posture. Hiking with an experienced partner can also help avoid poor hiking techniques that can worsen back pain or even create new injuries. �

Consult a local chiropractor, or spine, and pain specialist if you are unsure about hiking and are experiencing ongoing back pain. They will help develop a customized/personalized treatment plan with the focus on decreasing and controlling the pain and improving the body’s overall function to be able to participate in physical recreational activities.

Auto Accident Specialists & Chiropractic



Seven Exercise Tips to Help Get Back Into Shape

Seven Exercise Tips to Help Get Back Into Shape

Seven: Working in the yard, and wherever else the sun beats down relentlessly will be a test as to the type of shape your body is in. Poor eating habits have increased fat deposits, as well as sitting around. Never fear, it is recommended that you try out these seven exercise tuneup tips to get back in shape as summer begins.



Drink proper amount of water regularly

Water helps immensely in generating fat-loss. 64 ounces a day is the absolute minimum. Twice that amount, or one-gallon, is the way to go, making sure the water is ice cold. Ice water is about 40-degrees Fahrenheit. This means the body’s system has to heat the water to a core body temperature of 98.6 degrees.

The process requires about one calorie to warm one ounce of cold water to body temperature. Therefore an 8-ounce bottle of ice water burns seven calories. Try that with 16 glasses, which equals 128 ounces, or one gallon. This generates 123 calories of heat energy.


Eat small meals more often

Fat-loss study subjects were given six meals to consume a day, with no meal having more than 400 calories. The study emerged successfully. It is important to allow no longer than three hours between eating. This could be snacks, light meals, salads, etc.

Eating with this type of pattern keeps the body on an even keel. And since the individual is never overly-full/stuffed and never over-hungry/famished this seems to be ideal for losing weight and getting rid of fat cells. �

When eating takeout Assert Yourself

All the help you can get to avoid gorging on rich, high-caloric, restaurant foods. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t go through the whole menu
  • Choose a simple green salad without the garnish
  • Lemon juice, vinegar, or low-calorie dressing is the way to go instead of the creamy and oily dressings.
  • Select one or two vegetables with nothing
  • A plain baked potato is a great choice
  • Other positive choices are broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower
  • Find out what kind of fish is available
  • Try the fish baked, steamed, or broiled, with nothing on top
  • Decaffeinated coffee or tea as a dessert, with some fresh fruit

Get an exercise routine that you will stick to

Be careful if it’s swimming or some type of water-based exercise. Swimming does offer benefits, but the thermal effect of being in the water can cause you to eat more from all of the energy loss. Strength training is the way to go, so you can lose weight and then get into the water exercises. More than any other exercise or activity strength training promotes a double-reducing advantage. �

Do not Over-Exercise

Overdoing it with the exercise can tear down body tissue/s, increasing the risk of injuries, which then puts you in downtime and less active.

Too much Television Time

Decrease the exposure to television because of the convenient foods that are offered. This diminishes the temptation to overeat. Get involved in a household project, along with the extended daylight hours, can help this situation.

Take advice

When you are tough on yourself, life can become a beautiful thing, as you witness the benefits from the hard work. We don’t pay the price for good health, we just enjoy it along with the benefits. However, we do pay the price for bad/poor health.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Seven Exercise Tips to Help Get Back Into Shape

Exercise Facts

  • More than half of adults do not get the recommended amount of exercise.
  • Try for at least 20 minutes of exercise a day.
  • Around 25% of adults don’t exercise at all
  • Keep the exercise routine fresh by mix it up doing different activities like alternate power walking, yoga, bicycling, tennis, band workouts, etc.
  • Regular exercise helps maintain healthy bones and helps keep the muscles and joints strong.
  • Incorporate fitness into a daily routine to help control weight and boosts mood and sense of well-being.
  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles/core can prevent back pain
  • Exercise helps ease anxiety and depression symptoms that often accompany various spine conditions, like chronic back pain.
  • Individuals will stick with an exercise program so long as they enjoy the activities/exercises
  • With a chronic condition like rheumatoid arthritis, most benefit from regular exercise but talk to a doctor before beginning any exercise program.


The Functional Fitness Fellas

Health & Immunity Series 1of 4 | El Paso, Tx (2020)

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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The Functional Fitness Fellas | What is it? & Who Are They?

PODCAST: Ryan Welage and Alexander Jimenez, both medical students at the National University of Health Sciences, discuss the several new approaches that they developed in order to help people continue to engage and participate in exercise from the comfort of their own homes. Using their advanced understanding of functional medicine, biomechanics, and nutrition, they undertake explaining simple methods and techniques for complex movement protocols. Moreover, Alexander Jimenez and Ryan Welage discuss how diet can be an essential element in overall health and wellness. Dr. Alex Jimenez offers additional guidelines with the Functional Fitness Fellas, among further advice. – Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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PODCAST: Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Victoria Hahn discuss the fasting-mimicking diet and the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet program developed by Dr. Valter D. Longo. The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet is a high-fat, low-calorie intermittent fasting diet that may promote fat loss and reduce blood sugar, inflammation, and cholesterol, similar to other fasting methods. Valter D. Longo is an Italian-American biogerontologist and cell biologist known for his research studies on the role of fasting and nutrient response genes on cellular protection aging and diseases as well as for proposing that longevity is regulated by similar genes and mechanisms in many eukaryotes. Only a few research studies have been carried out to date regarding the fasting-mimicking diet and more research is needed to validate its benefits. �- Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Regular Physical Activity Every Day

Regular Physical Activity Every Day

Being physically fit does not mean training for a triathlon. Regular light exercise/activity is all that is needed. Just going for a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood or playing a 20-minute game regularly is highly beneficial to your health. And the more active you are the better for your health.

  • Skating
  • Bicycling
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Playing


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Regular Physical Activity Every Day El Paso, Texas

Regular Activity

Whatever the activity, so long as you get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day will go along way in the future. Regular activity/exercise can help prevent diseases and injuries, which include osteoporosis.

Nothing crazy, just begin to work some activity little by little into a routine. One way is after some sitting work/schoolwork once the brain has had enough is the perfect time to go outside and move around. Do some chores that require physical movement, like vacuuming, sweeping, hanging laundry, etc and turn it into a workout.� A daily routine of light to moderate physical activity strengthens and maintains the body by helping to:

  • Build healthy bones, muscles, and joints
  • Control weight
  • Build lean muscle
  • Reduce overall body fat
  • Prevent the development of high blood pressure hypertension��



Here are a few suggestions on how to get 20-30 minutes of daily exercise/activity.

  • Try an online fitness class.
  • Check out your local gym for online to see what classes are available.
  • Family time can become a fun activity/exercise time.
  • Take a walk with the family, as many are already doing, play basketball, soccer, or other favorite sport together.
  • Invite friends to be physically active online, maybe playing a workout video game and workout together.

If regular physical activity is difficult or you have a medical condition,�consult your doctor to recommend the appropriate amount of physical activity and exercises that are safe�to perform. But if you are a healthy person, but have not exercised for a while then try for 30 minutes of physical activity a day to keep you healthy and strong.



Core Exercises That Help With Back Pain

Here are some examples of abdominal exercises that can help develop strong abs and help with back pain prevention. These exercises and the number of repetitions are only suggestions. Talk to your doctor before trying these exercises, and remember to listen to your body. If it doesn’t feel right, stop right away.

Elbow Planks

  1. Lie down on your stomach with your body straight.
  2. Elbows should be at 90-degrees and close to the body’s sides.
  3. Rest the forearms on the floor and interlace the fingers.
  4. Gently push your body up using the forearms.
  5. Don’t’ let the back fall/drop.
  6. Stay straight.
  7. Engage the core muscles during the entire movement.
  8. Hold this position for 30 seconds, release, and repeat 3 times.
  9. Do this once a day.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Regular Physical Activity Every Day El Paso, Texas


  1. Lie on your back with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor, about hip-distance.
  2. Interlace the fingers of your hands behind your head with the elbows out wide.
  3. Inhale and then as you exhale, use the abdominal muscles and not the neck muscles to slowly raise the head, neck, and back off the floor.
  4. Inhale and slowly lower the upper body back to the floor, and repeat.
  5. Try for 3 sets of 10 crunches every day.


  1. Lie down on the stomach so your body is straight.
  2. Place the hands on the floor a little higher/further than the shoulders.
  3. The hands should be wider than the shoulders.
  4. Lift your body so that you’re balanced on the hands and toes.
  5. Maintain a straight back, lower your body to the floor, and slowly bend your elbows until at 90 degrees.
  6. Push back up using arm strength, upper back, and chest muscles, and repeat.
  7. Try for 3 sets of 10 every day.
  8. Once the body becomes stronger, you can go for more reps.

Doing these along with other core exercises you will notice your core strength leading to overall and optimal body strength. Other exercise forms that can help develop core strength while keeping the spine safe are yoga and Pilates. A good idea is to work with a physical therapist/chiropractor that can create a specifically targeted exercise plan that involves core strengthening and flexibility exercises to keep the spine healthy and help maintain proper posture.


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