Back and Spine Health Exercise: Exercise is one of the most significant ways to increase longevity, improve health, and decrease pain and suffering. A proper exercise program can improve flexibility, mobility, increase strength, and reduce back pain. Knowledge of the best exercises to improve health or decrease pain is essential to a workout plan or pain management program. Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for overall health. The many benefits include improved health and fitness and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
There are many different types of exercise; it is important to pick the right types. Most benefits from a combination of exercises: Endurance or aerobic activities increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and biking.
Strength or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls. To improve your balance, try tai chi or exercises like standing on one leg. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Yoga and doing various stretches can make you more flexible.
Can various stretches provide beneficial results for individuals experiencing TMJ pain by providing relief to the jaw?
Many individuals use their jaws to communicate with one another, eat delicious food, and express themselves. The jaw is part of the upper extremities as it has five muscles that allow it to function when the mouth is opening or closing, chewing, and moving from side to side. When common motor functions like yawning, chewing, or speaking produce loud pops or clicks, it can become very painful and more often lead to temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ. TMJ is a joint disorder that can affect a person’s ability to use their jaws properly and can lead to visceral-somatic disorders that can affect the upper extremities, causing them to be miserable. Luckily, many individuals can incorporate various stretches to reduce the impact of TMJ and help relax the stiff muscles around the jaw. Today’s article looks at the effects of TMJ, how various stretches can effectively reduce TMJ, and how additional non-surgical treatments can relieve TMJ pain. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess pain-like issues associated with TMJ. We also inform and guide patients on various stretches for TMJ and ask their associated medical providers intricate questions to integrate a customized treatment plan to reduce the pain-like issues affecting their jaws. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
The Effects of TMJ
Do you feel stiffness in your jaw after clenching for an extended period? Do you hear excessive loud clicks when opening or closing your jaw? Or do you think your jaw is locking up constantly, making it difficult to open or close your mouth? When many individuals start to feel pain around their jaws excessively, many would often think that it could be tooth pain, but in actuality, it is the temporomandibular joint that is causing the issues. Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, can be developed through various causes that can impact a person’s jaw and can lead to pain and discomfort. Mechanical factors like jaw injuries, arthritis, teeth clenching, and grinding can cause excessive or unbalanced joint loading to the jaw, which can progress the development of TMJ. (Cardoneanu et al., 2022) When dealing with TMJ, pain can lead to symptoms of tenderness around the joint area of the jaw, difficulty chewing, ear pain, and stiffness.
At the same time, the effects of TMJ pain are often characterized by localized discomfort, as TMJ is a multifactorial musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorder that can be difficult to diagnose. (Alolayan et al., 2022) This is because of how many individuals chew their foods on one side, which can lead to its development. When the masseter muscles of the jaw begin to overload on the TMJ, it can initiate remodeling on the non-working side of the jaw and cause the pain to flourish over time. (Santana-Mora et al., 2013) However, when dealing with TMJ pain, many individuals can seek out various treatment options that can reduce muscular impairment and disc displacement from the jaw and help improve the mandibular range of motion. (Brighenti et al., 2023)
The Science of Motion-Video
Why Stretching Helps With TMJ
When it comes to reducing TMJ pain, many individuals can seek out non-surgical treatments to reduce the overlapping pain symptoms and restore jaw function. Some of the main objectives that many pain specialists can take into account when dealing with TMJ pain are reducing reflex masticatory muscle pain and helping increase TMJ function through various treatments that can have a positive impact on the jaw. (Ferrillo et al., 2022) Some non-surgical treatments include multiple stretches to help relax the surrounding muscles and jaw and alleviate the tension and discomfort associated with TMJ.
Effective Stretches For TMJ Relief
Stretching can be part of a person’s personalized treatment plan to reduce TMJ pain and its associated comorbidities. Stretching and strengthening exercises can positively affect pain while improving the range of TMJ movement and helping many individuals restore their jaw motor function (Byra et al., 2020). Below are some of the stretches that can help reduce TMJ pain and relax the jaw muscles.
Relaxed Jaw Exercise
How to Do It: Place the tongue gently on the roof of the mouth behind the upper front teeth. This allows the teeth to come apart while relaxing the jaw muscles.
Benefits: This exercise helps relax the jaw and ease muscle tension.
Partial Goldfish Exercises
How to Do It: Place the tongue gently on the roof of the mouth and one finger in front of the ear where the TMJ is located. Place your middle finger on your chin. Drop your lower jaw halfway and close. Perform this exercise six times in one set.
Benefits: This stretch helps target the jaw’s range of motion and reduce joint stiffness.
Full Goldfish Exercises
How to Do It: Similar to the partial opening, but open your mouth fully this time.
Benefits: This stretch helps enhance the full range of motion and reduce joint stiffness.
Chin Tucks
How to Do It: Sitting upright in a chair, pulling your chin straight back, creating a “double chin.” Hold for three seconds, and then release.
Benefits: This exercise helps strengthen the neck muscles, improves posture, and reduces strain on the jaw.
Additional Tips To Reduce TMJ
Along with these stretches, additional tips for managing and reducing TMJ by avoiding excessive jaw movements and applying hot/cold packs to reduce any residual inflammation correlating with TMJ. When people with TMJ start incorporating non-surgical treatments and stretches to relieve the pain, it can help increase the mandibular active range of motion and provide beneficial relief. (Urbanski et al., 2021) This, in turn, allows many people with TMJ pain to be more mindful of the body and make small changes in their health and well-being.
Alolayan, A., Alsayed, S. S., Salamah, R. M., Ali, K. M., Alsousi, M., & Elsayed, S. (2022). Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders prevalence and awareness of appropriate clinical practices, among Al-Madinah community in Saudi Arabia. F1000Res, 11, 395.
Brighenti, N., Battaglino, A., Sinatti, P., Abuin-Porras, V., Sanchez Romero, E. A., Pedersini, P., & Villafane, J. H. (2023). Effects of an Interdisciplinary Approach in the Management of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(4).
Byra, J., Kulesa-Mrowiecka, M., & Pihut, M. (2020). Physiotherapy in hypomobility of temporomandibular joints. Folia Med Cracov, 60(2), 123-134.
Cardoneanu, A., Macovei, L. A., Burlui, A. M., Mihai, I. R., Bratoiu, I., Rezus, II, Richter, P., Tamba, B. I., & Rezus, E. (2022). Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis: Pathogenic Mechanisms Involving the Cartilage and Subchondral Bone, and Potential Therapeutic Strategies for Joint Regeneration. Int J Mol Sci, 24(1).
Ferrillo, M., Giudice, A., Marotta, N., Fortunato, F., Di Venere, D., Ammendolia, A., Fiore, P., & de Sire, A. (2022). Pain Management and Rehabilitation for Central Sensitization in Temporomandibular Disorders: A Comprehensive Review. Int J Mol Sci, 23(20).
Santana-Mora, U., Lopez-Cedrun, J., Mora, M. J., Otero, X. L., & Santana-Penin, U. (2013). Temporomandibular disorders: the habitual chewing side syndrome. PLOS ONE, 8(4), e59980.
Urbanski, P., Trybulec, B., & Pihut, M. (2021). The Application of Manual Techniques in Masticatory Muscles Relaxation as Adjunctive Therapy in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(24).
For individuals looking to improve their fitness health, can a fitness assessment test identify potential areas and help evaluate overall health and physical status?
Fitness Assessment
A fitness test, also known as a fitness assessment, helps evaluate an individual’s overall and physical health. It comprises a series of exercises to design an appropriate exercise program for general health and fitness. (National Strength and Conditioning Association. 2017) Fitness assessment testing benefits include:
Identifying areas that need improvement.
Assisting professionals in understanding what types of exercise are safest and most effective.
Helping measure fitness progress over time.
Allowing for an individualized plan that can help prevent injuries and maintain the body’s overall health.
An assessment can comprise a wide range of tests, including:
Body composition tests.
Cardiovascular stress tests.
Endurance tests.
Range of motion tests.
They are meant to ensure the individual won’t be at risk of injury and provide the trainer with the insights needed to establish clear and effective fitness goals. Individuals who wonder whether fitness testing would benefit them should consult their healthcare provider.
General Health
Before starting a fitness program, it is important to inform the trainer of individual medical history and get the necessary approval from a primary healthcare provider. (Harvard Health Publishing. Harvard Medical School. 2012) Fitness specialists usually use one or more screening tools to help determine individual baseline health.
This may include obtaining vital sign measurements like height and weight, resting heart rate/RHR, and resting blood pressure/RBP. Many trainers will also use a physical activity readiness questionnaire/PAR-Q comprising questions about general health. (National Academy of Sports Medicine. 2020) Among the questions, individuals may be asked about the medications being taken, any problems with dizziness or pain, or medical conditions that may impair their ability to exercise.
Body Composition
Body composition describes total body weight components, including muscles, bones, and fat. The most common methods for estimating body composition include:
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis – BIA
During BIA, electrical signals are sent from electrodes through the soles of the feet to the abdomen to estimate body composition. (Doylestown Health. 2024)
These measurements use calipers to estimate the amount of body fat in a fold of skin.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Cardiovascular endurance testing, also known as stress testing, measures how efficiently the heart and lungs work to supply oxygen and energy to the body during physical activity. (UC Davis Health, 2024) The three most common tests used include:
12-minute Run Tests
Twelve-minute run tests are performed on a treadmill, and an individual’s pre-exercise heart and respiration rates are compared with post-exercise heart and respiration rates.
Exercise Stress
Exercise stress testing is performed on a treadmill or stationary bike.
It involves using a heart monitor and blood pressure cuff to measure vital signs during exercise.
VO2 Max Testing
Performed on a treadmill or stationary bike.
V02 max testing uses a breathing device to measure the maximum rate of oxygen consumption during physical activity (UC Davis Health, 2024)
Some trainers will incorporate exercises like sit-ups or push-ups to measure response to specific exercises.
These baseline results can be used later to see if health and fitness levels have improved.
Strength and Endurance
Muscle endurance testing measures the length of time a muscle group can contract and release before it fatigues. Strength testing measures the maximal amount of force a muscle group can exert. (American Council on Exercise, Jiminez C., 2018) The exercises used include:
The push-up test.
Core strength and stability test.
Sometimes, a trainer will use a metronome to measure how long the individual can keep up with the rhythm. The results are then compared to individuals of the same age group and sex to establish a baseline level. Strength and endurance tests are valuable as they help the trainer spot which muscle groups are stronger, vulnerable, and need focused attention. (Heyward, V. H., Gibson, A. L. 2014).
Measuring the flexibility of joints is vital in determining whether individuals have postural imbalances, foot instability, or limitations in range of motion. (Pate R, Oria M, Pillsbury L, 2012)
Shoulder Flexibility
Shoulder flexibility testing evaluates the flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint.
It is performed by using one hand to reach behind the neck, between the shoulders, and the other hand to reach behind the back, toward the shoulders, to measure how far apart the hands are. (Baumgartner TA, PhD, Jackson AS, PhD et al., 2015)
Fitness assessment testing has various benefits. It can help trainers design a personalized workout program, help individuals identify fitness areas that need improvement, measure progress, and add intensity and endurance to their routine, which can help prevent injuries and help maintain overall health. We focus on what works for you and strive to better the body through researched methods and total wellness programs. These natural programs use the body’s ability to achieve improvement goals. Ask a healthcare professional or fitness professional for guidance if you need advice.
Pate R, Oria M, Pillsbury L, (Eds). (2012). Health-related fitness measures for youth: Flexibility. In R. Pate, M. Oria, & L. Pillsbury (Eds.), Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth.
“For individuals who want to exercise but have fears or concerns, can understanding what they are scared of help ease their minds?”
Overcoming Exercise Fears
One reason for the ongoing weight problem is that individuals don’t move around enough, and one reason individuals don’t exercise is fear (Craig M. Hales et al., 2020). For individuals, physical exertion and moving the body to the point of increased heart rate, heavy breathing, and excessive sweating can cause anxiety and be scary when they haven’t done it in a while or have never worked out. Some anxieties and fears individuals may experience include the following:
Looking Foolish
Anything can happen when exercising. When individuals can’t figure out how a machine works or aren’t sure if they’re doing an exercise correctly, falling off a machine or dropping a weight can cause a feeling of foolishness. Knowing how to use machines and weights takes practice. Ask a gym employee or personal trainer for guidance, as educating individuals on doing exercises correctly and safely is their job. And most individuals working out are happy to help as well.
Experiencing Pain
Some avoid exercise, fearing intense pain. Exercise is not supposed to be painful, but it will cause soreness because individuals use muscles that they haven’t used for a while or at all. For instance, the muscles will experience a slight burning sensation when lifting weights. The body reacts to the workout and adapts to exercise. As the body gets stronger, individuals recognize their body’s response and are able to challenge themselves with heavier weights, longer runs, walks, and workouts. When beginning an exercise program, start slow. Some trainers recommend doing slightly less than an individual thinks they can for the first weeks. This helps to build a habit without the risk of burnout.
When starting an exercise program, individuals can feel changes all over their bodies, like everything is pulling and tearing apart. Individuals who haven’t exercised much may be unable to distinguish between the normal discomfort from exercising for the first time and pain from an injury. Shin splints, side stitches, or other common side effects may develop from beginning an exercise program. Individuals may need to stop exercising, treat the injury, and start again.
If there are sharp pains in the joints, tearing in the muscles or ligaments, or anything else that doesn’t feel normal, stop and seek medical attention.
Exercise Mindfulness
The body will feel something while exercising, but separating real injury pain from normal sensations is important.
Be aware of how the body feels throughout the workout.
Follow instructions and pay attention to proper form to minimize the risk of injury.
Proper Footwear
Wearing the right workout shoes is a good idea to avoid and prevent injuries.
Invest in a quality pair of shoes to give the body the support it needs.
Proper Form
If lifting weights, one way to sustain an injury is using incorrect form or posture.
If you are unsure how to do the exercises, consult a trainer or gym employee to explain how the machine works.
Warm Up
Jumping into a workout without warming up can lead to injuries that can lead to chronic pain conditions.
If lifting weights, do a little cardiovascular exercise first or a warm-up set with lighter weights.
Workout Within Fitness Levels
Injuries happen when trying to do too much too soon.
Start with a light program.
Work up to more intense and frequent workouts.
For example, if only able to walk for 10 minutes, start there and increase gradually.
When it comes to exercise, failure can be experienced in different ways, like losing weight, failing to make it through a workout, being unable to stick to an exercise program, etc. This is part of the process, but individuals can overcome exercise fears through perseverance.
Setting the bar too high can become an excuse to quit.
A simple way to deal with this is to set a reachable goal.
Long-term goals can be set to work toward.
Do what you can handle now.
Individuals take risks whenever they do something out of their comfort zone. However, taking risks may be necessary to overcome exercise fears, keep going, and achieve success.
Weight Loss Techniques
Hales CM, C. M., Fryar CD, Ogden CL. (2020). Prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among adults: United States, 2017–2018. NCHS Data Brief, no 360. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from
“Can understanding moderate exercise and how to measure the amount of exercise help expedite individuals’ health goals and well-being?”
Moderate Exercise
Various physical activity guidelines recommend regular, moderate exercise for achieving and maintaining health and wellness. Getting the minimum, moderate weekly physical activity can help prevent disease, increase mental well-being, support weight loss and maintenance, and improve quality of life.
Moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise includes – brisk walking, yard work, mopping, vacuuming, and playing various sports that require consistent movement.
When engaged in moderate exercise, individuals should breathe harder but still be able to carry a conversation. (American Heart Association, 2024)
The talk test is a way to monitor whether the exercise is at moderate intensity.
A heart rate chart or calculator can determine an individual’s maximum heart rate.
To measure heart rate mid-exercise, individuals can take their pulse or use a heart rate monitor, app, fitness tracker, or smartwatch to ensure they stay at a moderate intensity.
M.E.T. stands for Metabolic Equivalent for Task and refers to the amount of oxygen the body uses during physical activity.
Assigning METs to an activity allows individuals to compare the amount of exertion an activity takes.
This works for individuals with different weights.
During moderate physical activity, breathing and heart rate increase, and the body burns around 3.5 to 7 calories a minute.
The actual number burned depends on your weight and fitness level.
The body uses 1 MET for basic functions like breathing.
Grades of activity:
1 MET – Body at rest
2 METs – Light activity
3-6 METs – Moderate activity
7 or more METs – Vigorous activity
Perceived Exertion Scale
Individuals can also check their activity level using the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion scale/RPE. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022) Using this scale involves monitoring how an individual feels about how hard their body is working during physical activity. The scale starts at 6 and ends at 20. A perceived exertion between 11 and 14 is considered moderate physical activity.
6 – No exertion – sitting still or sleeping
7-8 – Extremely light exertion
9-10 – Very light exertion
11-12 – Light exertion
13-14 – Somewhat hard exertion
15-16 – Heavy exertion
17-18 – Very heavy exertion
20 – Maximum exertion
Many activities are counted as moderate-intensity exercise. Choose some appealing and learn to add them to a weekly routine.
Ballroom dancing
Line dancing
House chores that get the heart pumping.
Doubles tennis
Brisk walking
Light jogging
Walking or jogging on a treadmill
Using an elliptical trainer
Bicycling under 10 miles an hour on ground level
Leisurely swim
Water aerobics
Mobility Challenges
Individuals with mobility issues can achieve moderate intensity using a manual wheelchair or a handcycle and swimming or water aerobics.
Individuals who can use their legs but can’t tolerate walking or jogging can try bicycling or swimming.
Getting More Exercise
There are different ways to incorporate and increase moderate physical activities. These include:
10-minute Activity Bursts
Walk briskly for at least 10 minutes at a time.
Walk at an easy pace for a couple of minutes.
Pick up the pace for 10 minutes.
Try to walk during work breaks or lunch and/or before or after work.
Walking Workouts
Individuals can walk indoors, outdoors, or on a treadmill.
Proper posture and walking techniques make it easier to achieve a brisk pace.
Once comfortable walking briskly for 10 minutes, begin to extend walking time.
Try different walking workouts that offer fast walks, jogging intervals, and/or adding hills or treadmill inclines.
New Activities
Individuals are recommended to experiment with various exercises to find what works for them.
Consider roller skating, blading, or skateboarding to increase heart rate.
Moderate physical activity will get and keep the body in shape. Individuals should not become distressed if they can only do a little at first. Allow time to build endurance and gradually make time each day for enjoyable physical activities.
For individuals that are feeling unmotivated to work out and exercise can developing a fitness mindset help improve and maintain motivation?
Fitness Mindset Motivation
Learning to exercise as part of a regular workout routine can have a significant impact on health and well-being. In the beginning, individuals are all in, but as time goes on, mental blocks can interfere with workout motivation. Being flexible with oneself and fitness/health goals is part of the process, and overcoming mental blocks is key to maintaining motivation. It’s all about creating a fitness mindset to maintain confidence and motivation and enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.
Feeling Tired
When feeling tired, individuals should ask themselves if it’s physical or mental fatigue. If the exhaustion is not from lack of sleep, illness, or a physically demanding job, it is more than likely mental tiredness. Mental exhaustion can often feel physical, and a recommended cure is physical activity. Often, once an individual starts working out and gets over the mental fatigue, they feel better. (Juriena D. de Vries et al., 2016) Regular physical activity can increase energy levels and leave the body feeling less fatigued. (Bryan D. Loy et al., 2013) However, individuals need to make sure there is ample recovery time to repair and restore the body after working out.
Sometimes there is a small voice that says to take a day off or perform an easier workout. It’s okay to be flexible, but most times, individuals need to be ready to stand up to the skip-the-workout voices and stay motivated.
Remove Obstacles
Remove obstacles that can distract from exercising.
Have the workout gear ready and exercise time pre-scheduled so there are no second thoughts.
If limited space is an issue, find compact equipment like a cordless jump rope that doesn’t require a lot of room.
Don’t Allow Relaxation Takeover
Individuals who plan to exercise after school or work shouldn’t go home, sit down, and relax watching TV before working out.
Individuals who may need a transition to work out should try something gentle but active, like stretching or doing a light chore.
Individuals who exercise in the morning should wear their workout clothes immediately, so they can’t second guess and can continue their workout.
Remind yourself of the reasons for committing to exercise.
Research shows that using second-person self-talk can help maintain motivation. Encouraging oneself with phrases like you can do this, you got this, or you are going to achieve your fitness goals improves the chances of obtaining the desired outcome. (Sanda Dolcos, Dolores Albarracin. 2014)
Fight Through The Doubt
Start with small steps. Ask if doubt is stopping you from starting. If doubt begins to arise:
Ask For Help
A colleague, friend, or partner can help reinspire motivation.
Tell them about the challenges of sticking with exercise.
Ask them to work out together.
Do What Is Possible
If working out for 30 minutes is too difficult, don’t worry about it.
Go for as long as possible and try for more the next time.
Working out can feel like a job, but it does not have to.
For example, individuals sitting or standing all day can approach the workout as 30 minutes to get out and move around.
Or, after getting the kids settled in, it is time to do something for yourself and exercise the stress away.
Healthy Reminders
Write inspirational fitness mindset notes and put them where they will be seen regularly.
These can be exercise goals; for example, I will exercise for 30 minutes because I want more energy, better sleep, strength, etc.
Train The Brain For Exercise
When the issue is motivation, the mind needs to be convinced to exercise. How to use mind-over-matter skills:
When finishing a workout, rewards can help.
Exercise has its own rewards – more energy, improved mood, stress relief, and reduced disease risk.
Maybe a new pair of shoes, earbuds or headphones, workout equipment, or a massage will increase motivation.
Make A Deal
Continue to exercise for whatever amount of time, and if the desire to stop is still present, then stop.
Nine times out of 10, individuals will keep going.
Make-believe can encourage the fitness mindset.
Pretending to be in a race, or in a movie, anything that makes the body want to move.
Set Achievable Goals
Making difficult goals can generate the fear of being unable to achieve them.
Aim for small achievable goals that go along with a bigger overall goal.
That way, there are more victories, and the motivation to keep moving is maintained.
Healthy competition can be a great motivator.
Competing with oneself for faster times, heavier weights, or more frequency can keep the inspiration going.
Social media and apps to compete with family and friends can also help.
Athletes use visualization techniques of going through the game, match, and tournament to get themselves prepared and ready to execute what they’ve been practicing.
Individuals can do the same thing by picturing themselves going through their workout from beginning to end.
Exercise provides meditation time to think about problems and challenges.
Use the workout time to work through the problems and refocus strategies to solve them.
Process Goals
Choosing specific goals that are part of the workout process, like working out 3-4 times per week, is recommended compared to using outcome goals, like losing ten pounds.
Outcome goals can be out of the individual’s control; instead, focus on the steps to achieve the goals, which lessens stress and is a more controllable method of working out. (Kylie Wilson Darren Brookfield. 2011)
Changing lifestyle to include exercise is not easy. The most important step is having the right attitude. (Margie E. Lachman et al., 2018) Thinking about exercise as an obligation will discourage motivation. Instead, create a fitness mindset to treat exercise like a break from all the stress and a reward for the mind and body to a healthier life.
Home Exercises for Pain Relief
de Vries, J. D., van Hooff, M. L., Geurts, S. A., & Kompier, M. A. (2016). Exercise as an Intervention to Reduce Study-Related Fatigue among University Students: A Two-Arm Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial. PloS one, 11(3), e0152137.
Bryan D. Loy, Patrick J. O’Connor & Rodney K. Dishman (2013) The effect of a single bout of exercise on energy and fatigue states: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 1:4, 223-242, DOI: 10.1080/21641846.2013.843266
Dolcos S, Albarracin D. (2014). The inner speech of behavioral regulation: Intentions and task performance strengthen when you talk to yourself as a You. Eur J Social Psychol. 44(6):636-642. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2048.
Lachman, M. E., Lipsitz, L., Lubben, J., Castaneda-Sceppa, C., & Jette, A. M. (2018). When Adults Don’t Exercise: Behavioral Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in Sedentary Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Innovation in aging, 2(1), igy007.
Renner, F., Murphy, F. C., Ji, J. L., Manly, T., & Holmes, E. A. (2019). Mental imagery as a “motivational amplifier” to promote activities. Behaviour research and therapy, 114, 51–59.
Kylie Wilson & Darren Brookfield (2009). Effect of Goal Setting on Motivation and Adherence in a Six‐Week Exercise Program, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7:1, 89-100, DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2009.9671894
For older individuals experiencing posture problems, slumping, slouching, and upper back pain, could adding rib cage exercises help bring relief and prevent the condition from worsening?
Improved Posture
It’s common to associate a collapsed upper back posture with age, but other factors can also contribute to the problems. (Justyna Drzał-Grabiec, et al., 2013) The rib cage and the pelvis are important to body structure and comprise much of the core. If these bone structures become misaligned due to unhealthy posture, the muscles that attach to them become tight, weak, or both, and the surrounding muscles have to compensate, causing a worsening of the condition and further injury.
Unhealthy postures can be caused by a rib cage that compresses down onto the pelvic bone.
As the upper back slumps or compresses, height can begin to decrease.
Posture awareness exercises can help lift the rib cage off the pelvic bone.
Rib Cage Exercises
This exercise can be done sitting or standing. A daily routine can help improve posture and relieve back problems and pain.
The sitting version helps keep the focus on doing the exercise right.
The standing version challenges body awareness, allowing the individual to feel how the rib cage and upper back movements affect pelvic and lower back posture.
To begin, it is recommended to start in a sitting position.
Once the basics are learned, then certainly progress to standing.
Position the pelvis so it is in a slight forward tilt.
This forward tilt will exaggerate the low back curve slightly while tightening the lower back muscles in a good way.
Establishing and maintaining this curve in the sitting position should feel natural.
Inhale and exaggerate the upward lift of the rib cage.
Inhaling causes the spine and ribs to extend slightly.
Exhale and allow the rib cage and upper back to return to their natural position.
Repeat up to 10 times once or twice a day.
For this exercise, use breathing to develop the rib cage’s lift and carriage incrementally.
Don’t max out on the spinal extension.
Instead, focus on how breathing/inhaling supports the movement of the ribs and upper back and develops the muscles from there.
Try to lift the rib cage equally on both sides as the body allows.
With practice, individuals will realize the healthy posture changes and increased distance between the ribs and pelvis.
Guidance and Variation
Perform the exercise with the back against a wall for upper back guidance.
Another variation of the pelvis and rib cage posture training exercise is to raise the arms.
This will create a different posture awareness training perspective.
Focus on rib cage movement when the arms are raised.
Does lifting the arms make the exercise easier, harder, or different?
To enhance posture improvement, stretch the pectoral muscles.
Individuals looking for more ways to strengthen healthy posture should consider yoga.
A study published in the International Journal of Yoga suggests that a great way to activate the core may be to include a variety of yoga postures into the routine. (Mrithunjay Rathore et al., 2017) The ab muscles attach to various places on the rib cage and play a role in posture, alignment, and balance. The researchers identified two muscles, the external obliques, and the transverse abdominal, as key to a healthily aligned posture.
Core Strength
Drzał-Grabiec, J., Snela, S., Rykała, J., Podgórska, J., & Banaś, A. (2013). Changes in the body posture of women occurring with age. BMC geriatrics, 13, 108.
Rathore, M., Trivedi, S., Abraham, J., & Sinha, M. B. (2017). Anatomical Correlation of Core Muscle Activation in Different Yogic Postures. International journal of yoga, 10(2), 59–66.
Papegaaij, S., Taube, W., Baudry, S., Otten, E., & Hortobágyi, T. (2014). Aging causes a reorganization of cortical and spinal control of posture. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6, 28.
Individuals who engage in a regular fitness regimen can begin to lose interest and motivation. Can knowing the signs of exercise burnout help individuals rediscover their motivation?
Exercise Burnout
When maintaining fitness and health becomes a chore and doing anything else is better than working out, individuals could be experiencing exercise burnout. Here are a few signs an individual is getting burned out.
One sign is constantly putting things off.
An individual may put on workout clothes, set up the equipment, etc.
However, the workout never happens as the individual continues to find other things to do.
At some point, they decide it’s too late and they’ll work out tomorrow.
Simplify the workout. Make some small goals or adjustments and keep the workout light. (Nemanja Lakicevic, et al., 2020) An example could be:
Focus only on stretching.
Take a walk around the block.
Go up and down some stairs equivalent to a few laps.
Do 10 pushups, 10 squats, and 10 lunges, or other exercises and that’s it.
No Longer Interesting
When burned out, exercise is not interesting and disenchanting. (Franklin Velasco, Rafael Jorda. 2020) Trainers will suggest finding something positive about the workouts.
When the interest and passion are nowhere to be found don’t engage in the usual workouts, as this can further decrease motivation.
This is the time to change up the routine and go for a leisurely bicycle or rollerblade, skateboard, etc., session.
Go to a park, just walk around, and forget about exercise just taking in everything.
Play a game with a friend or toss a ball around.
Not just physical, but mental fatigue could be a sign of exercise burnout.
Individuals may think they have to work out every day and stick to the regimen or else they’ve failed.
This type of mindset can lead to burnout and added stress.
The body and mind require adequate recovery time.
Forget about structured exercise for a day, and see how the mind and body feel the next day.
Two or three days off in a row can make a significant difference in motivation and offer a new perspective on the workout routine.
Low Energy Levels After Exercise
Workouts, although tiring in a good way, should energize the individual. Most workouts should leave the body feeling better than before. When the body feels worse or energy levels are low, this could be a sign of overtraining that could lead to exercise burnout.
This could be the time to ease off of the fitness regimen.
This is a form of active recovery, allowing the mind and body to rest from the overwork.
Mood Changes and/or Irritability
When the mind and body are overworked and over-trained, it can cause moodiness, irritability, and frustration that leads to burnout.
Do something that feels good. This could include:
A therapeutic massage.
A spa session.
Taking a long nap.
Soaking the feet.
Taking a therapeutic bath.
Burnout can happen, the objective is to keep the solutions simple like taking a few days off or trying something new to come back feeling refreshed and energized.
Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment
Lakicevic, N., Gentile, A., Mehrabi, S., Cassar, S., Parker, K., Roklicer, R., Bianco, A., & Drid, P. (2020). Make Fitness Fun: Could Novelty Be the Key Determinant for Physical Activity Adherence?. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 577522.
Velasco, F., & Jorda, R. (2020). Portrait of Boredom Among Athletes and Its Implications in Sports Management: A Multi-Method Approach. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 831.
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