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Neuropathy Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis in El Paso, TX

Neuropathy Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis in El Paso, TX

The vast array of symptoms caused by neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, reflect the fact that it may be caused by an equally broad range of ailments involving disease and damage to peripheral nerves.


Signs and Symptoms of Neuropathy


Depending on the reason and unique to each patient, signs and symptoms of neuropathy can include:�pain; tingling, burning or prickling sensations; increased sensitivity to touch; muscle weakness or wasting;�temporary or permanent numbness; paralysis; dysfunction in glands or organs; or impairment in urination and sexual functioning.


Such signs and symptoms are dependent on whether autonomic, sensory, or motor nerves, as well as a combination of them, are ultimately affected. Autonomic nerve damage can influence physiological functions like blood pressure or create gastrointestinal problems and issues. Damage or dysfunction in the sensory nerves may impact sensations and sense of equilibrium or balance, while harm to motor nerves may affect movement and reflexes. When both sensory and motor nerves are involved, the condition is known as sensorimotor polyneuropathy.


Diabetic Neuropathy Symptoms


Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, which affects between 12 and 50 percent of individuals with diabetes, is one of the most common types of neuropathy. Many times, symptoms include a gradual change in sensation, as well as pain and weakness in the feet and, although less commonly, the hands. As the neuropathy develops further, it can lead to a loss of sensation in the affected regions.


This lack of feeling raises the odds of harm to the affected areas, explains Matthew Villani, doctor of podiatric medicine at Central Florida Regional Hospital at Lake Mary. Without the pain to signal when there’s an issue, individuals with diabetic neuropathy may allow modest abrasions or blisters on their feet, for instance, to fester as sores or ulcers. “The ulcers can become infected since they are open wounds, which can also progress to bone infection. Unfortunately, it frequently requires amputations if it does progress to that point”, states Dr. Matthew Villani.


Chemotherapy-Associated Neuropathy Symptoms


Cancer patients may suffer with neuropathy induced by chemotherapy as well as by other drugs and/or medications used to treat the disease. Symptoms can include intense pain, impaired movement, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, issues with balance, difficulty breathing, paralysis, and even organ failure. After chemotherapy is done, the symptoms frequently abate swiftly, but occasionally they last more, or these may not go away at all.


HIV- and AIDS-Associated Neuropathy Symptoms


Individuals being treated for HIV or AIDS can develop neuropathy from effects of the virus and the drugs and/or medications used to treat it as well. Common symptoms include stiffness, burning, prickling, tingling, and loss of feeling in the toes and soles of their feet. Sometimes the nerves in the fingers, hands, and wrists are also affected. The drugs Videx (didanosine), Hivid (zalcitabine), and Zerit (stavudine) have been most commonly associated with neuropathic symptoms.


Inflammation-Associated Neuropathy Symptoms


Inflammation caused by infections, like herpes zoster (also known as shingles), Lyme disease, or hepatitis B and hepatitis C, may lead to neuropathy, as may inflammation caused by autoimmune disorders, such as vasculitis, sarcoidosis, or autoimmune disease. In such situations, the signs and symptoms generally include burning and tingling sensations or numbness.


Other Causes of Neuropathy Symptoms


Additional causes of neuropathy and associated signs and symptoms include metabolic disorders, such as hypoglycemia or kidney failure; autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, and Guillain-Barr� syndrome; toxicity; hereditary disorders, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder; hormonal disorders; alcoholism; vitamin deficiencies; physical trauma or injury; compression; and repetitive stress. In addition, many individuals may experience idiopathic neuropathy signs and symptoms, meaning that healthcare professionals may not know the reason for their neuropathy.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Neuropathy can be caused by a variety of injuries and/or aggravated conditions, often manifesting into a plethora of associated signs and symptoms. While every type of neuropathy, such as diabetic neuropathy or autoimmune disease-associated neuropathy, develops its own unique group of signs and symptoms, many patients will often report common complaints. Individuals with neuropathy generally describe their pain as stabbing, burning or tingling in character. If you experience unusual or abnormal tingling or burning sensations, weakness and/or pain in your hands and feet, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention in order to receive a proper diagnosis of the cause of your specific signs and symptoms. Early diagnosis may help prevent further nerve injury.


What are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Neuropathy?


“Although there’s a wide array of signs and symptoms associated with neuropathy, the type of pain that people encounter may be common in many aspects of the disorder”, notes Vernon Williams, MD, a sports neurologist and director of the Center for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine at Cedars-Sini Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles. “The character and quality of neuropathic pain will often be pain that is burning or electric in character.” Furthermore, he describes that the pain will frequently be associated with different symptoms, like paresthesia, or a lack of normal sensation associated with pain; allodynia, or a painful reaction to a stimulus that wouldn’t normally trigger pain signals; and hyperalgesia, or a striking or severe pain in response to a stimulus that normally causes moderate pain.


How is Neuropathy Diagnosed?


If you think you’re having any of the above neuropathy signs and symptoms, consult a healthcare professional. A number of tests can be done to diagnose neuropathy. “There are certain patterns of complaints that indicate neuropathy,” stated Dr. Williams, “so taking down a patient’s history which includes a description of these complaints is an important first step.”


“After that, your healthcare professional can perform a physical evaluation, including checking motor and sensory function, assessing deep tendon reflexes, as well as looking for signs and symptoms like allodynia and hyperalgesia,” Williams says. “Then we can even perform electrodiagnostic testing; the most common being electromyography and nerve conduction testing, where we can stimulate nerves and document responses, calculate the rate at which signals are being transmitted and see whether there are some areas where nerves are not transmitting signals normally,” Williams continues.


How to Do the Motor Examination for Neuropathy



How to Do the Sensory Exam for Neuropathy



How to Test Reflexes



With needle tests, Williams states, “We can put modest needles into human muscles, and, according to what we see and listen together with all the needle in the muscle, we get details about the way the nerves supplying those muscle tissues are functioning. There are a number of unique tests that could be handy to identifying neuropathy, in addition to localizing where the abnormality is the most likely to be coming from”, concluded Dr.�Vernon Williams.


Often, blood tests may test for elevated blood glucose to see whether your neuropathy signs and symptoms could possibly be associated to type 2 diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, toxic elements, hereditary disorders, and evidence of an abnormal immune response. Your healthcare professional may also do a nerve biopsy, which normally involves removing a small segment of a sensory nerve to search for abnormalities, or even a skin biopsy to see if there’s a reduction in nerve endings.


To give yourself the best chance of an accurate diagnosis as well as relief from your neuropathy signs and symptoms, be prepared to describe everything you are experiencing in detail, even when you experience them, how long an episode persists, and the amount of pain, discomfort or loss of sensation or movement you experience. The more specific you are on the signs and symptoms you’re experiencing, the easier it’ll be for your doctor to understand what’s happening. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms



MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments

Receptors, Brainstem Pathways And Spinal Cord Tracts | El Paso, TX. | Part I

Receptors, Brainstem Pathways And Spinal Cord Tracts | El Paso, TX. | Part I

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses the anatomy of nerve fibers, receptors, spinal tracts and brain pathways. Regions of the Central Nervous System (CNS) coordinate various somatic processes using sensory inputs and motor outputs of peripheral nerves. Important areas of the CNS that play a role in somatic processes are separated in the spinal cord brain stem. Sensory pathways that carry peripheral sensations to the brain are referred to an ascending pathway, or tract. Various sensory modalities follow specific pathways through the CNS. Somatosensory stimuli activate receptors in the skin, muscles, tendons, and joints throughout the entire body. The somatosensory pathways are divided into two separate systems based on the location of the receptor neurons. Somatosensory stimuli from below the neck run along the sensory pathways of the spinal cord, and the somatosensory stimuli from the head and neck travel through cranial nerves.




receptors el paso tx.


receptors el paso tx.The cell needs three things to survive.

  • Oxygen, glucose and stimulation.
  • Stimulation = Chiropractic, exercise, etc.
  • Stimulation leads to neuronal growth
  • Neuronal growth leads to plasticity
  • Subluxations alter the frequency of firing of neurons
  • Activation of one side will stimulate ipsilateral cerebellum and contralateral cortex (usually)
  • Proper stimulation CAN reduce pain.





  • The ongoing activity and output of the CNS are greatly influenced, and sometimes more or less determined, by incoming sensory information.
  • The basis of this incoming sensory information is an array of sensory receptors, cells that detect various stimuli and produce receptor potentials in response, often with astonishing effectiveness.

receptors el paso tx.

  • receptors el paso tx.The health of the neuron, however, plays a huge role in how neurons can produce receptor potentials, the endurance of the neuron and the ability to create plasticity.
  • �Neurons that fire together, wire together.� Hebbian Theory






  • receptors el paso tx.Chemoreceptors
  • Smell, taste, interoceptors
  • Thermoreceptors
  • Temperature
  • Mechanoreceptors
  • Cutaneous receptors for touch, auditory, vestibular, proprioceptors
  • Nociceptors
  • Pain



receptors el paso tx.Although their morphologies vary widely, all receptors have three general parts:

1. Receptive Area
2. Area Rich In Mitochondria

  • Health of the neurons within the receptors will determine its response to stimulation

3. Synaptic Area To Pass Messages To The CNS


receptors el paso tx.

  • These are particular areas in the periphery where application of an adequate stimulus causes the receptors to respond.
  • Neurons in successive levels of sensory pathways (second- order neurons, thalamic and cortical neurons-also have receptive fields, although they may be considerably more elaborate than those of the receptors.








receptors el paso tx.Sensory receptors use ionotropic and metabotropic mechanisms to produce receptor potentials

  • Sensory receptors transduce some physical stimulus into an electrical signal � a receptor potential � that the nervous system can understand.
  • Sensory receptors are similar to postsynaptic membranes as their adequate stimuli are analogous to neurotransmitters.








receptors el paso tx.Larger fibers conduct action potentials faster than do smaller fibers.

  • A? fibers are the largest and most rapidly conducting myelinated fibers.
  • The slowest conducting fibers of the body are the C fibers



receptors el paso tx.

receptors el paso tx.

receptors el paso tx.



Muscle spindles (Fig. 9-14) are long, thin stretch receptors scattered throughout virtually every striated muscle in the body.

  • These muscle spindles sense muscle length and proprioception (�one�s own� perception).
  • They are quite simple in principle, consisting of a few small muscle fibers with a capsule surrounding the middle third of the fibers.receptors el paso tx.
  • These fibers are called intrafusal muscle fibers (fusus is Latin for �spindle,� so intrafusal means �inside the spindle�), incontrast to the ordinary extrafusal muscle fibers (�outside the spindle�).
  • The ends of the intrafusal fibers are attached to extrafusal fibers, so whenever the muscle is stretched, the intrafusal fibers are also stretched.
  • The central region of each intrafusal fiber has few myofilaments and is noncontractile, but it does have one or more sensory endings applied to it.
  • When the muscle is stretched, the central part of the intrafusal fiber is stretched, mechanically sensitive channels are distorted, the resulting receptor potential spreads to a nearby trigger zone, and a train of impulses ensues at each sensory ending.


  • Golgi tendon organs are spindle-shaped receptors found at the�receptors el paso tx.junctions between muscles and tendons. They are similar to Ruffini endings in their basic organization, consisting of interwoven collagen bundles surrounded by a thin capsule (Fig. 9-16).
  • Large sensory fibers enter the capsule and branch into fine processes that are inserted among the collagen bundles. Tension on the capsule along its long axis squeezes these fine processes, and the resulting distortion stimulates them.







  • If tension is generated in a tendon by making its attached muscle contract, tendon organs are found to be much more�receptors el paso tx.sensitive and can actually respond to the contraction of just a few muscle fibers.
  • Thus Golgi tendon organs very specifically monitor the tension generated by muscle contraction and come into play whe
  • n fine adjustments in muscle tension need to be made (e.g., when handling a raw egg).





receptors el paso tx.

  • Thus the mode of action of Golgi tendon organs is quite different from that of muscle spindles (Fig. 9-17). If a muscle�contracts isometrically, tension is generated across its tendons, and the tendon organs signal this; however, the muscle spindles signal nothing because muscle length has not changed (assuming that the activity of the gamma motor neurons remains unchanged).
  • In contrast, a relaxed muscle can be stretched easily, and the muscle spindles fire; the tendon organs, however, experience little tension and remain silent. A muscle, by virtue of these two types of receptors, can have its length and tension monitored simultaneously.

receptors el paso tx.

receptors el paso tx.

receptors el paso tx.


What is Neuropathy? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

What is Neuropathy? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Neuropathy affects about 8 percent of individuals over the age of 55. Your nervous system is composed of 2 parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The nerves of your peripheral nervous system transmit messages between your central nervous system, that is your brain and spinal cord, along with the rest of the body.


These nerves regulate a massive range of functions throughout the body, such as voluntary muscle movement, involving the motor nerves, involuntary organ action, through the autonomic nerves, and also the perception of stimuli, involving the sensory nerves. Peripheral neuropathy, which is often simply referred to as “neuropathy,” is a state that happens when your nerves become damaged or injured, often times simply disrupted. It’s estimated that neuropathy affects roughly 2.4 percent of the general populace and approximately 8 percent of people older than age 55. However, this quote doesn’t include people affected by neuropathy caused by physical trauma to the nerves.


Types of Neuropathy


Neuropathy can affect any of the three types of peripheral nerves:


  • Sensory nerves, which transmit messages from the sensory organs, such as the eyes, nose, etc., to your brain;
  • Motor nerves, which track the conscious movement of your muscles; and
  • Autonomic nerves, which regulate the involuntary functions of your own body.


Sometimes, neuropathy will only impact one nerve. This is medically referred to as mononeuropathy and instances of it include:


  • Ulnar neuropathy, which affects the elbow;
  • Radial neuropathy, which affects the arms;
  • Peroneal neuropathy, which affects the knees;
  • Femoral neuropathy, which affects the thighs; and
  • Cervical neuropathy, which affects the neck.


Sometimes, two or more isolated nerves in separate regions of the body can become damaged, injured or disrupted, resulting in mononeuritis multiplex neuropathy. Most often, however, multiple peripheral nerves malfunction at the same time, a condition called polyneuropathy. According to the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, or the NINDS, there are over 100 kinds of peripheral neuropathies.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Neuropathy is medically defined as a disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, accompanied by common symptoms of pain, weakness and numbness. The peripheral nerves are in charge of transmitting messages from the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord, to the rest of the body. Neuropathy can affect a wide array of nerves. It is also associated with numerous underlying medical conditions and it has been reported to affect approximately 20 million individuals in the United States alone. While physical trauma, infection or exposure to toxins can cause neuropathy, diabetes has been considered to be the most common cause for neuropathy.


Causes of Neuropathy


Neuropathies are often inherited from birth or they develop later in life. The most frequent inherited neuropathy is the neurological disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which affects 1 in 2,500 people in the USA. Although�healthcare professionals are sometimes not able to pinpoint the exact reason for an acquired neuropathy, medically referred to as idiopathic neuropathy, there are many known causes for them, including: systemic diseases, physical trauma, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders.


A systemic disease is one which affects the whole body. The most frequent systemic cause behind peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, which can lead to chronically high blood glucose levels that harm nerves.


A number of other systemic issues can cause neuropathy, including:


  • Kidney disorders, which permit high levels of nerve-damaging toxic chemicals to flow in the blood;
  • Toxins from exposure to heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, mercury, and thallium;
  • Certain drugs and/or medications, including anti-cancer medications, anticonvulsants, antivirals, and antibiotics;
  • Chemical imbalances because of liver ailments;
  • Hormonal diseases, including hyperthyroidism, which disturbs metabolic processes, potentially inducing cells and body parts to exert pressure on the nerves;
  • Deficiencies in vitamins, such as E, B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), B12, and niacin, that can be vital for healthy nerves;
  • Alcohol abuse, which induces vitamin deficiencies and might also directly harm nerves;
  • Cancers and tumors that exert damaging pressure on nerve fibers and pathways;
  • Chronic inflammation, which can damage protective tissues around nerves, which makes them more vulnerable to compression or vulnerable to getting inflamed and swollen; and
  • Blood diseases and blood vessel damage, which may damage or injure nerve tissue by decreasing the available oxygen supply.


Additionally, if a nerve suffers from isolated bodily injury, it can become damaged, resulting in neuropathy. Nerves may suffer a direct blow that severs, crushes, compresses, or stretching them, even to the point of detaching them from the spinal cord. Common causes for these injuries are automobile accidents, falls, and sports injuries.


Nerve damage can also arise from powerful pressure on a nerve, like from broken bones and poorly fitted casts. Prolonged pressure on a nerve can also cause neuropathy, as in carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs when the median nerve at the wrist becomes pinched. Also, persistent physical stress could inflame muscles, tendons, and ligaments, placing substantial pressure on the nerves.


Numerous infections from bacteria and viruses can lead to neuropathy by attacking nerve tissues directly or indirectly, for instance:


  • HIV
  • Shingles
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Lyme disease
  • Diphtheria
  • Leprosy


In addition, various autoimmune disorders, in which the body’s immune system attacks and destroys body tissue that is healthy, may result in nerve damage, including:


  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Guillain-Barr� syndrome (acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy)
  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Lupus
  • Sjogren’s syndrome


Complications of Neuropathy


Peripheral neuropathy may result in several complications, as a result of disease or its symptoms. Numbness from the ailment can allow you to be less vulnerable to temperatures and pain, making you more likely to suffer from burns and serious wounds. The lack of sensations in the feet, for instance, can make you more prone to developing infections from minor traumatic accidents, particularly for diabetics, who heal more slowly than other people, including foot ulcers and gangrene.


Furthermore, muscle atrophy may cause you to develop particular physical disfigurements, such as pes cavus, a condition marked by an abnormally high foot arch, and claw-like deformities in the feet and palms. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments

Sciatica and Radicular Back and Leg Pain in El Paso, TX

Sciatica and Radicular Back and Leg Pain in El Paso, TX

If you have lower back or buttocks pain which runs into your thigh or past the knee to one leg and foot, a healthcare professional may diagnose your symptoms as sciatica. Sciatica is a medical term used to describe painful sensations caused by the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve. This compression is normally caused by a disc herniation or a bone spur pressing on one of the nerves in the lower back.


Sensations, or unusual feelings, could include numbness, tingling, pins and needles, and sometimes pain referred to as electric-shock-like. Determined by the individual nerve that is affected, pain may radiate only into the buttocks or all the way down to the foot.


Sciatica pain generally radiates along the length of the sciatic nerve, the longest and largest nerve in the human body, usually from the lower back, down the buttocks, and into the thigh and leg as well as the foot. One hallmark of classic sciatica is when the painful symptoms are felt beneath the knee and sometimes down into the foot and great toe. Usually, sciatica only affects one side of the body, however, it may occasionally affect both sides of the body.


Radicular Pain or Radiculopathy


Radicular pain, or radiculopathy, are different terms used to describe similar symptoms. Your healthcare professional may commonly utilize these terms interchangeably while discussing your sciatica. Radiculopathy is pain and/or an adverse sensation that travels past the affected site, along the length of a nerve. When a spinal nerve root is compressed, pinched or injured, it may become inflamed. Common conditions which could cause this kind of problem are spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis or herniated discs.


What to Expect from a Sciatica Diagnosis


In order to determine the proper diagnosis of your sciatica symptoms, a healthcare professional may ask a series of questions, for instance:


  • When did the pain begin?
  • Where do you feel the pain?
  • What activities worsen or reduce pain and symptoms?
  • Does the pain go all the way down your leg or does it stop at the knee?
  • Is there weakness or tingling in your thighs or feet?
  • How severe is your pain, on a scale of 1 to 10? (10 being the worse pain possible)


The healthcare professional may conduct a straight-leg test to find out whether you’ve got irritation or inflammation on a nerve. In order to perform this evaluations, you lie on your back while the doctor lifts each leg. When lifting a leg causes, or generates sciatic-like pain and sensations, you might have a bulging or ruptured disc, best known as a disc herniation.


Furthermore, the healthcare professional may ask you to walk as you normally do, then on your heels and next on your toes. This enables the physician to confirm your balance and aspects of lower-body strength. Compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve may cause muscle fatigue in the foot that will be revealed by these tests and evaluations. During your examination, your healthcare professional will:


  • Look at your position and range of movement
  • Note any movement that causes pain
  • Examine the curvature and alignment of your spine
  • Feel for muscle strain
  • Assess your sensation
  • Test your reflexes and muscle strength


Your doctor may order a plain x-ray, CT scan or MRI to help see the source of your sciatica more clearly. The CT scan or MRI provides the doctor with several snapshots of your spine, and will help confirm a suspected diagnosis. The findings of an imaging test are compared to the information that the doctor gathers during the taking of your medical history, and physical and neurological examination outcomes. An accurate identification is one of the very first steps in determining the best treatment options.


If it’s not Sciatica, What Else Could it Be?


Only a healthcare professional can tell for sure if your symptoms are sciatica or not. There are many complex structures in the spine which can result in similar kinds of pain. For instance, the joint between the pelvic and sacrum, or the sacroiliac joint, or SI joint, which is the smallest portion of the spine, may lead to pain from the buttock in the case of injury or due to an aggravated condition. You may also feel sciatica-like pain and discomfort if you sprain a very low back facet joint, which are the connecting joints at the back region of the spine. A tear in a disk can lead to pain down to the leg. The hip joint can occasionally trigger pain at the thigh as well. It’s essential to seek proper medical attention to assess the source of your symptoms.


Sciatica Treatment


Treatments for sciatica pain are diverse and there are lots of options to choose from. While sciatic nerve pain and radicular pain symptoms may resolve with the use of many traditional and alternative treatment options, severe cases may require surgery. Normally, some middle ground of these two extremes is the answer for curing sciatica.


Sciatica usually may be treated nonsurgically with short (24 to 48 hours) bed rest and pain relievers like aspirin or acetaminophen. In some cases, the physician may prescribe drugs and/or medications that relieves nerve pain, such as gabapentin. Oral steroids are another commonly used treatment to calm pain down. Typically, patients with sciatica feel better over time, generally in a few weeks. If pain persists, however, injections might be discussed. Muscle cramps, which might accompany sciatica symptoms, might be treated with heat or cold. Your physician will tell you to take brief walks, and might prescribe physical therapy. Once you recover, your doctor may also give you exercises to strengthen your back.


Can Chiropractic Care Treat Sciatica?


Chiropractic care is one of the top treatment options used for sciatica pain. Utilizing a variety of methods and techniques, chiropractic care doesn’t simply reduce the symptoms, it can ultimately fix the health issues associated with sciatica and prevent further circumstances of the collection of symptoms.


A good chiropractic care regimen might include spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, passive therapies, spinal decompression, massage therapy, and physical therapy to help reduce pain and correct the underlying problem causing it. A great chiropractic solution is going to be a plan which entails many or all of the above mentioned remedies as determined by your personal needs and recovery timeline. Furthermore, a chiropractor may recommend a series of appropriate stretches and exercises to help speed up the recovery process and promote a long-lasting recovery so you can live a pain-free life.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Sciatica is a medical term used to describe a collection of symptoms, including, pain, numbness or tingling sensations, caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. Although symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, are commonly concentrated in the lower back, radiating pain or radiculopathy may sometimes occur along the length of the sciatic nerve. A bulging or herniated disc is one of the most prevalent health issues which lead to sciatica. It’s essential to receive a proper diagnosis of any painful symptoms in order to follow-up with the best treatment options. Chiropractic care can help treat sciatica through the use of spinal adjustment and manual manipulations, among other treatment modalities, by carefully restoring the original alignment of the spine and reducing nerve compression and irritation associated with sciatic nerve pain.


If you believe that you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, then consider the chiropractic care alternative solution. Many chiropractors can help by building a customized restoration plan around your requirements and goals. With years of experience, friendly employees, and innovative equipment, the proper chiropractor will get you back to normal the natural way. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments

Hip Labral Tear Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Hip Labral Tear Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Hip Labral Tear: Andrew Hutchinson turned to chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation after suffering a high ankle sprain and a hip labrum tear for which he went through with surgery to repair it. After being bedridden for months in order to properly recover, Andrew Hutchinson transitioned to chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation to regain his strength, mobility and flexibility before returning to play. Although he has suffered other sports injuries, Andrew Hutchinson continues to trust in chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation to keep his spine properly aligned and maintain overall health and wellness.

Hip Labral Tear Treatment

Labrum tears in athletes can occur from a single event or recurring trauma. Running may cause labrum tears due to the labrum being utilized more for weight bearing and taking excess forces while at the end-range motion of the leg. Sporting activities are probable causes, specifically those that require frequent hip rotation or pivoting to a loaded femur as in ballet or hockey. Constant hip rotation places increased strain on the capsular tissue and harm to the iliofemoral ligament. This subsequently causes hip instability putting increased stress on the labrum and causing a hip labrum tear.

hip labral tear el paso tx.

We focus on what works for you. We also strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total wellness programs. These programs are natural, and use the body�s own ability to achieve goals of improvement, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs.

We want you to live a life that is fulfilled with more energy, positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life. I have made a life of taking care of each and every one of my patients.

I assure you, I will only accept the best for you�

God Bless You & Your Health�?

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Neuronal Connections and the Chemoaffinity Hypothesis

Neuronal Connections and the Chemoaffinity Hypothesis

Neurons are believed to establish neuronal connections through innate predetermined programs during the developmental process of the brain. It’s also believed that neurons gravitate to areas of attraction and move away from areas of repulsion in a theory known as the chemoaffinity hypothesis. The Chemoaffinity hypothesis claims that neurons first make connections with their targets based on interactions with specific molecular markers and, therefore, that the first wiring diagram of an organism is indirectly determined by its genotype.


These markers are created during cellular differentiation and aid not just with synaptogenesis, but also act as guidance cues for their individual axon. The development of the mature nervous system formations demands axons to navigate to their correct targets in order to establish neuronal connections or synaptic connections. Growing axons create highly motile structures, known as growth cones, which direct the axon to its goal. They do it by responding to specific guidance molecules that either attract or repel the growth cone.


The Theory of Neuronal Connections


The concept that axons are directed principally by molecular determinants, rather than mechanical determinants, such as cells, extracellular material and other neurons, was established by Roger Wolcott Sperry, a neuropsychologist and neurobiologist, in 1963. However, it was not until the discovery of guidance molecules including netrins, semaphorins, ephrins and Slits, that Sperry’s chemoaffinity hypothesis became widely recognized as a prevalent mechanism for guidance of not only axons, but of all cells.


In 1981, Roger Sperry received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. He performed studies on patients with epilepsy in whom the corpus callosum, or the bundle of axons fibers which connects the two brain hemispheres, was severed to stop seizures. A number of tests and evaluations revealed the way both brain hemispheres hold independent streams of conscious awareness, perceptions, thoughts and memories, and most fundamentally, that neuronal connections are formed and preserved with a high degree of precision.


Having demonstrated that the institution of specific neuronal connections is fundamental to the overall function of the brain, Sperry turned to look at how these connections are created, and used his chemoaffinity theory to describe how axons find the right target during the development of the brain. Others had raised the possibility that compound determinants might function in axon guidance, but it was Sperry that supplied the direct histological evidence and proposed the chemoaffinity hypothesis for axon guidance.


Roger Sperry and his Chemoaffinity Hypothesis


Roger Wolcott Sperry pioneered the inception of the Chemoaffinity Hypothesis after the 1960’s in a series of elegant experiments employing the retinotectal system of the African Clawed Frog, he sectioned the optic nerves and steered the eyes 180 degrees. He wished to know whether vision would be ordinary following regeneration or if the animal would eternally see the world ‘upside down’. If the latter held true, this could reveal that the nerves were somehow guided back to their original sites of termination; however, restoration of normal eyesight would mean that the nerves had resumed at new sites. Sperry showed that these creatures did indeed view the world ‘upside down’.


Chemoaffinity Hypothesis Diagram | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


According to the experiment, initial�eye orientation gives that the top of the eye is Dorsal, and the underside is Ventral. Post-operation, the “top” of the eye is now Ventral, and the base is Dorsal. After a food source was supplied, the frog extended its tongue, meaning that the Dorsal-Ventral orientation of the eye still remained. In follow up experiments, the eye was dispersed and rotated 180� and the optic nerve was also cut to determine if this could affect the Dorsal-Ventral orientation. The results were identical. It was those studies which directed Sperry to suggest that complicated chemical codes, under genetic control, direct axons to their targets, his chemoaffinity hypothesis.


In his first theory, Sperry proposed that distinct cells bear different cell-surface proteins that serve as markers, a notion that demanded an unsatisfactorily high variety of proteins. He revised his model suggesting that double gradients of guidance cues in the afferent and target areas would enable proper axon targeting. There is now extensive experimental data to support the chemoaffinity hypothesis, as well as the requirement for gradients of receptor and/or ligand, such as ephrins and Eph receptors, in the projection and target regions is well established.


Roger Wolcott Sperry concluded that every individual optic nerve and tectal neuron used some kind of chemical markers that dictated their connectivity through development. He concluded that if the eye had been rotated, each optic fiber and every tectal neuron possessed cytochemical labels that uniquely denoted their neuronal kind and place and that optic fibers may use these labels to navigate to their own matching target cell, hence the visuomotor impairment.�Although certain aspects and details about Sperry’s model are unproven or incorrect, the basic notion of this chemoaffinity hypothesis has become dogma in developmental neurobiology.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Over the years, the principle to understand the establishment of neuronal connections has continued throughout the field of neurophysiology as well as prenatal development of the brain. Neuronal connections are believed to be established during the migration of growth cones guided by extracellular guidance cue gradients. Although this theory has been revisited countless of times, Roger Sperry was the first to explain how axons navigate to their correct targets in his chemoaffinity hypothesis. Countless experimental and clinical data now exists to support the chemoaffinity hypothesis.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments

5 Benefits Of Walking That Everyone Should Know | El Paso, TX.

5 Benefits Of Walking That Everyone Should Know | El Paso, TX.

5 benefits of�walking in order to achieve better health is not new. Doctors and fitness experts have been touting its benefits for decades. When you walk, you engage more than 200 muscles � this includes your pelvis and spine. This makes it an exceptional complement to chiropractic treatment. However, if you aren�t convinced, these five compelling reasons that chiropractic patients should walk are sure to win you over.

5 Benefits Of Walking

Helps With Weight Loss & Weight Management

When you are carrying around excess weight it can lead to back pain and impaired mobility. Fat around your middle, especially in the stomach area, throws your body off balance. There is extra weight in front and it pulls that portion of your body forward, causing a swayback effect.

The pain in the lower back that is caused by this pressure can be excruciating. Over the long term this can cause damage to your spine and cause misalignment. While girdles or slings may help, the permanent remedy is to lose the weight. Walking is an excellent, low impact exercise that helps you lose weight, stay active, and stay healthy.

Improves Mobility & Flexibility

As we age we become less flexible and we don�t have the mobility of youth. As you walk, your circulation increases and that helps improve flexibility and mobility.

Add a little light stretching to the mix, along with regular chiropractic treatments and you will have a much better range of motion. Your posture will improve and you will reduce your chance of injury during physical activity. All this greatly enhances your spinal health making walking a great complement to chiropractic care.

5 benefits walking el paso tx.Relieves Back Pain

Back pain is one of the top reasons that Americans miss work and worldwide it is the number one cause of disability. It is also expensive. Each year, Americans spend upwards of $50 billion trying to escape back pain.

Walking is recommended by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) to help ease back pain. It is a very good, low impact exercise that helps you manage your weight and stay active � excess weight can cause your back to hurt. Walking helps relieve back pain, but it can help to prevent it as well. Even walking for just 30 minutes a day 3 to 5 times a week is beneficial.

Rehydrates Spinal Discs

There are small, fluid filled disks that lie between each vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you move about during the day, gravity and certain movements cause your spinal disks to compress, squeezing the water out of them. This can lead to back pain and mobility issues.

The increased circulation from walking helps to force water into this area and the disks absorb that water and are rehydrated. This allows them to continue doing what they are supposed to � act as shock absorbers for your spine. It also helps if you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Improves Circulation

Good circulation is integral to spinal health as well as a properly functioning central nervous system. When you walk it increases your circulation allowing your blood to carry vital nutrients to your spine, organs, and your entire body. The soft tissues are enriched and nourished as toxins are flushed out.

Another benefit of this increased circulation is a decrease in blood pressure. It brings your body into balance so your muscles, ligaments, and joints are nourished. This, in turn, helps to make your chiropractic treatments more productive and beneficial.

5 benefits of walking is beneficial for whole body wellness. It can help you reduce your risk of many serious health conditions including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is also great for giving you a mental health boost and make you less prone to osteoporosis. So commit to walking just 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days a week. You will be astounded at the difference it will make.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

Alternative Treatment Options for Sciatica in El Paso, TX

Alternative Treatment Options for Sciatica in El Paso, TX

Sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, is a collection of symptoms caused by a wide array of underlying health issues. While there are numerous treatments for the treatment of sciatica, a doctor’s treatment plan for back pain and sciatica may also include alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, acupressure, biofeedback, and/or yoga. Many patients have reported that alternative treatments have helped relieve their sciatic nerve pain. If you’re experiencing symptoms of sciatica, you might want to try the following alternative treatment options.




Acupuncture practitioners have the belief that your body has an energy force called Qi or Chi (pronounced “chee”). They believe that if Chi is blocked, it can create physical disease. Both acupuncture and acupressure (see below) function to restore a healthy, energetic flow of Chi. (All these Eastern approaches to healing are distinct from Western scientific concepts. That doesn’t make them better or worse; it only makes them different.)


In order to perform acupuncture, acupuncturists insert very fine needles, which are sterilized and disposable, into specifically exact points on the body. These points are known as meridians. Each meridian is the same as a channel, referred to as an acupoint, or acupuncture point. Because meridians run near the skin’s surface, it is not necessary to insert needles deep into the tissue. Meridians correspond to specific sections of the human body or to a human body system like the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, or lymphatic system. During an acupuncture treatment, the acupuncture practitioner will usually gently twirl or heat some or all of the needles.


It’s common for individuals to question whether acupuncture is uncomfortable, however, even patients who have been afraid of the needles at first, have found acupuncture to be a relaxing and painless experience. If you would like to pursue acupuncture treatment, please make sure to look for a licensed acupuncture practitioner who uses sterile and disposable equipment.




Acupressure has often been formerly compared to acupuncture. Acupressure is a non-invasive, secure, and gentle therapy which is believed to help unblocks Qi without using needles. The acupressure practitioner uses their thumbs, fingers, and elbows to put an exact quantity of pressure to specific points in the body. Acupressure therapy comprises the use of consistent pressure to one or more points and briskly rubbing against the acupressure point to stimulate it. Acupressure points and acupuncture points are identical.




This type of alternative treatment option involves much more than simply telling your body to “stop feeling pain” Biofeedback is a mind-body therapy which rewires the brain by teaching you how to change or control a habitual reaction to pain or stress.


Could a person just “believe their pain away” with biofeedback? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. As a matter of fact, it requires a much more demanding effort from the individual. Biofeedback frequently requires intensive patient participation and it is not an alternative treatment option for everybody. Some experts view biofeedback as a controversial therapy because its use in the treatment of low back pain or sciatica has not been adequately researched. In spite of this view, many individuals have benefited from biofeedback.


Biofeedback involves using special equipment to quantify and provide “feedback” to the individual about his or her physiological reactions to certain stimuli, like stress and muscle tension. By instructing the patient to perform deep breathing techniques, visualization, and mental and physical exercises, the individual learns how to control their response to stress and pain related to muscle tension, in this scenario, muscle tension that may contribute to sciatica.




Yoga stretches can decrease symptoms of sciatica when the trigger is piriformis syndrome (sometimes a controversial diagnosis). Piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle found in the lower portion of the spine compresses the sciatic nerve. This muscle aids in hip rotation. Gently stretching this muscle may help reduce sciatic pain. However, certain yoga stretches may aggravate symptoms of sciatica. Poses such as forward bending and twisting can irritate sciatic nerve pain. Any exercise which involves extending the back of the thighs (hamstrings) can irritate sciatica. As with any exercise, the patient must remember not to push their body beyond their pain limitations. Respect the body, and remember: Gently stretch.


As part of your treatment plan, you might want to try other sciatica treatment options. The following list are sciatica treatment, you may want to research to determine if they’re appropriate for you:


  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Drugs/medications
  • Surgery


Chiropractic Care


Chiropractic care is a popular, alternative treatment option commonly utilized to help treat sciatica. The purpose of chiropractic care is to promote the body’s capacity to heal itself naturally, without the need for drugs/medications or surgery. It’s based upon the scientific principle that limited spinal movement leads to pain and decreased function and performance.


A chiropractor may use a variety of methods or techniques to improve sciatic nerve pain. The type of chiropractic care provided depends on the reason for the individual’s sciatica. A sciatica treatment program may include ice/cold treatments, ultrasound, TENS, and spinal adjustments or manual manipulations. Below are more details on these chiropractic care modalities.


  • Ice/cold treatment reduce inflammation and help improve sciatic nerve pain.
  • Ultrasound is gentle heat made by sound waves which penetrates deep into the soft tissues. Ultrasound increases circulation and helps to reduce muscle spasms, cramping, swelling, stiffness, and pain.
  • TENS unit (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is a small box-like, battery-powered, mobile muscle sculpting system. Variable intensities of electric current control acute pain and reduce muscle spasms. Bigger versions of this home-use TENS units are used by chiropractors, physical therapists and other rehabilitation professionals.
  • Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations are at the core of chiropractic care. Manual manipulation frees restricted movement of the spine and helps reestablish misaligned vertebrae in the spine. Spinal adjustments can help reduce nerve compression responsible for inducing pain, muscle spasm, inflammation and other symptoms associated with sciatica. Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations have been proven to be safe and effective.


Furthermore, a chiropractor may utilize physical therapy to help improve symptoms of sciatica. After a careful diagnosis, a doctor of chiropractic can recommend a series of appropriate stretches and exercises which, together some of the chiropractic care modalities mentioned above, can help speed up the recovery process. Chiropractic care focuses on healing through movement, helping to restore the proper connection between the brain and body in order to promote natural healing of sciatica nerve pain.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Because sciatica can be caused by a variety of underlying health issues, many different treatment modalities can be used to help relieve the common low back pain complaint. However, alternative treatment options, such as acupuncture, yoga and chiropractic care, have become increasingly popular in the treatment of sciatic nerve pain. Among the wide array of alternative treatment options, chiropractic care has become one of the most well-known modalities for improving symptoms of sciatica. Chiropractic care utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully correct misalignments in the spine, or subluxations, which are often the most prevalent cause of sciatica. Other alternative treatment options can also efficiently help treat sciatic nerve pain without the need for drugs/medications or surgery.


Can Alternative Treatment Options Help Treat Sciatica?


There is no right or wrong answer to this question: several alternative treatment options can help relieve your sciatic nerve pain but they may not provide the same relief to another individual. If you’re considering trying alternative treatment options to address your own sciatica, discuss the options with your doctor. They might also have recommendations for healthcare professionals which can ultimately help improve your sciatica. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments



Neuroembryology: As an embryo all of the cells in the body are identical. But as time passes, some cells develop into neurons and others develop into skin, hair, or muscle cells.

Why do some cells become neurons? How do neurons become organized in the spinal cord and brain in order to allow us to walk, talk, see, recall life events, feel pain, keep balance, and think?

The answers will help us understand how we develop from an embryo into a full-grown person and how our body and brain constantly adapts, throughout our lives to the environments changes.

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses neuroembryology, with the intent of educating patients, past and present, and the general public about the how the spine is connected to everything and where everything begins.


neuroembryology el paso tx.

  • Focusing attention on the development of the nervous system can increase a clinician’s insight into brain functionality and treatment possibilities.
  • Dysfunctions that may be associated with developmental abnormalities of the brain may range from a mild reduction in cortical function to conditions such as autism and schizophrenia.
  • The development of the nervous system is influenced by both endogenous and exogenous mechanisms.
  • Endogenous referring to genetics, exogenous referring to the embryo�s environment.
  • Development is an ongoing process….NEUROPLASTICITY

Neuroembryology: DEVELOPMENT

neuroembryology el paso tx.

  • Development of the nervous system can first be identified at about 3 weeks after conception.
  • At 3 weeks, in response to underlying chemical signaling from the mesoderm, the neural plate forms, which quickly transitions into the neural groove.
  • At the beginning of the 4th week, the two folds forming the neural groove begin to fuse starting the formation of the neural tube
  • Fusion proceeds cranially and caudally and the entire neural tube is closed by the end of the 4th week.
  • This process is known as primary neurulation.
  • As the neural tube closes, it progressively separates from the ectodermal surface�and leaves behind neural crest cells.
  • Neural crest cells develop into the PNS.
  • The neural tube develops into virtually the entire CNS.

neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.

  • A longitudinal groove forms on the lateral wall of the neural tube�during the fourth week of development
  • This is known as the sulcus limitans, which separates the tube into dorsal and ventral halves.
  • The gray matter of the dorsal half forms an alar plate and the ventral half forms a basal plate.
  • This distinction is of great functional importance because the alar plate plays a role in sensory processing and the basal plate plays a role in motor output.
  • This similarity is seen in the adult spinal cord with the posterior gray matter receiving sensory input and the anterior gray matter producing motor output.

neuroembryology el paso tx.


  1. Prosencephalon
  2. Mesencephalon
  3. Rhombencephalon


  1. Telencephalon
  2. Diencephalon
  3. Mesencephalon (remains unchanged)
  4. Metencephalon
  5. Myelencephalon



neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.


neuroembryology el paso tx.

  • Neurons may have innate predetermined programs that lay out the basic patterns of connections to be formed initially in their development.
  • Theoretically, neurons gravitate to areas of attraction and move away from areas of repulsion � Chemoaffinity hypothesis
  • Several mechanisms allow axons to accurately find their way to their target destinations:
  • Selective axonal fasciculation
  • Axon substrate interactions
  • Axonal tropisms
  • Gradient effects

SYNAPTOGENESISneuroembryology el paso tx.

  • Synaptogenesis
  • The formation of synapsis between neurons.
  • This is VERY important during the embryological development for good neuronal growth
  • Based on the laws of plasticity, if you don�t use it, you will lose it (or never really get it).



neuroembryology el paso tx.


neuroembryology el paso tx.

  • There is both good and bad plasticity.
  • Good plasticity is adaptation to positive environmental stimulation.
  • Bad plasticity can be related to insult or injury to the nervous system or chronic pain pathways.

neuroembryology el paso tx.


neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.

neuroembryology el paso tx.



Neuroembryology: Prenatal Brain Development

Neuroembryology: Development Of� Nervous System

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy in El Paso, TX

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy in El Paso, TX

There are many different treatments for cerebral palsy available today, however each case of cerebral palsy is as unique as the individual it affects. Because cerebral palsy can ultimately affect the normal functioning of the brain, treatment approaches which enhance the connection between the brain and the body are essential. Various treatments will work for different patients. A treatment known as physical therapy, or physiotherapy, is categorized as a non-medicinal treatment of cerebral palsy with the usage of massage, exercise, heat, and other external means of treatment.


Physiotherapy can be used to help cerebral palsy patients improve motion and motor abilities. Since cerebral palsy is a physical and movement disorder that disrupts the brain’s ability to correctly control muscle movement, physiotherapy can work wonders in helping cerebral palsy patients achieve mobility. Cerebral palsy physical therapy techniques are dependent on the degree of physical limitations of the person, and what’s going to be most beneficial to the cerebral palsy patient. Chiropractic care, can also include physical therapy techniques. Because the brain is believed to be lacking proper stimulation for functioning through cerebral palsy, chiropractic care can offer proprioception of touch for the assistance of mobility for the increased sensory stimulation of the brain through spinal adjustments and manipulations.


Physiotherapy for Cerebral Palsy


Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children and it also represents the most frequent diagnosis in children who receive physical therapy. The harshness of limitations in gross motor function among children with cerebral palsy varies greatly, as some can walk without helping devices while some must use battery-powered wheelchairs. Physical therapists help children discover better ways to balance and move, as well as learn to walk, use their wheelchair, stand up with help, or go up and down stairs safely. The physical therapists engaged in physiotherapy reduce further growth of musculoskeletal problems by preventing muscle weakening, deterioration, and contracture during the suitable physiotherapy methods.


Physiotherapy usually consists of a couple kinds of treatment and helps a cerebral palsy patient to improve their gross motor abilities. Motor abilities that utilize the big muscles in the body, such as those in the arms and legs, are called gross motor abilities. This kind of physical therapy can help improve a cerebral palsy patient’s balance and motion.


Physical therapy for cerebral palsy patients consists of activities and education to enhance flexibility, strength, mobility, and function. A physical therapist also designs, modifies, and orders elastic gear to be used in the rehabilitation. Physical therapy can take place in clinics, hospitals, schools, and ought to continue in the home through a workout program. Physical treatment for cerebral palsy patients won’t be effective without an ongoing daily home program.


Physical Therapy Methods for Cerebral Palsy


A physical therapy program must include lots of exercises that include stretching, strengthening, and positioning. To elongate the muscles, the arms and legs must be transferred in ways that produce a slow, steady pull on the muscles to keep them loose. Because of the greater muscle tone of the cerebral palsy patient, they tend to have tight muscles. Therefore, it’s extremely important to perform daily stretches to maintain the arms and legs limber, allowing the child to continue to move and function. Strengthening exercises work specific muscle groups to enable them to encourage your system better and increase function. Positioning requires your system to be set in a particular position to achieve long stretches. Some places help minimize unwanted tone. Positioning can be achieved in many different ways. Bracing, abduction pillows, knee immobilizers, wheelchair inserts, sitting recommendations, and handling techniques are a part of placement techniques utilized in physical therapy for cerebral palsy patients.


New methods of physical therapy for cerebral palsy patients have taken into the water. Aquatic-based rehabilitation employs the physical properties of water to either resist or help in the operation of exercises. Cerebral palsy patients undergo muscle shortening in the majority of their involved extremities and it becomes a difficult job to lengthen the affected musculature with regular stretching while needing to manage the effects that gravity has on the spastic leg or arm. In earlier times there was clinical bias against strengthening activities for this population. But, recent study findings are revealing that kids with cerebral palsy may gain from strengthening applications and that strength is directly associated with motor function. Some of the recorded advantages are optimization of neuromuscular responses, improved motor unit contraction synchrony and facilitation of maximal muscle contraction combined with a wide available selection of motion.


Physical treatment for cerebral palsy patients does not heal spasticity but can improve impairments and limitations. Physical treatment for cerebral palsy patients is an important step towards an independent lifestyle. If these changes happen only in the therapy gym, the disability remains unchanged. Therapy must improve skills to carry out meaningful tasks in everyday life. Changing the level of handicap is the ultimate aim of physical therapy for cerebral palsy.


Occupational therapy is another element of physiotherapy used for cerebral palsy patients, and it’s used for aiding in the development of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills focus on the use of smaller muscles, such as those from the face, fingers, toes, palms, and feet. Fine motor skills have been used during daily living skills such as eating, dressing, writing, etc., and are fine tuned by occupational physiotherapy.


Physiotherapy also entails picking the right sort of adaptive equipment that could enhance a cerebral palsy patient’s motor abilities. Wheelchairs, walkers, special eating utensils and other adaptive equipment supply a patient with the liberty to accomplish some tasks on their own.


Additional types of physiotherapy like language and speech therapy might also be incorporated into a cerebral palsy patient’s program. Physiotherapy in the form of language and speech therapy that enables a cerebral palsy patient to communicate more easily with other people by developing the facial and jaw muscles, enhancing speech or sign language messages, and introducing communication resources such as computers and other visual aids.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Cerebral palsy is a lifelong group of movement disorders with no cure. However, several treatment options can help improve the quality of life of a patient with cerebral palsy. Chiropractic care and physical therapy, or physiotherapy, are some of the most common treatment approaches utilized to help restore strength, flexibility and mobility for individuals and children with cerebral palsy, without the need for drugs/medications and surgery. Chiropractic care can help improve many aspects associated with cerebral palsy due to the stimulation of the brain through touch, using spinal adjustment and manual manipulations to enhance sensory receptors in patients with this movement disorder. A physical therapist, as well as a chiropractor, may generally recommend a series of stretches and exercises which can improve range of motion in patients with cerebral palsy. Chiropractic care and physical therapy have the ability to develop self-sufficiency in cerebral palsy patients where it was previously absent.


Chiropractic Care for Cerebral Palsy


Several other physical therapy options can also help provide some form of relief from painful symptoms for cerebral palsy patients. Chiropractic care has become a popular, alternative treatment approach which focuses on maintaining as well as improving the overall health of the body through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations. Because different areas of the body can be affected in individuals and children with cerebral palsy, chiropractic care can be beneficial towards helping those limbs regains some strength, flexibility and mobility. A chiropractor who specializes in patients with cerebral palsy can also offer several rehabilitation and physical therapy stretches and exercises to achieve the desired semblance of activity from the cerebral palsy patient. Because chiropractic care utilizes touch through spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to enhance the structure and function of the brain and the body, the sensory stimulation provided by a chiropractor can promote the migration of the brain in order to help change the receptors of the brain.


Furthermore, chiropractic care can help treat other, less noticeable aspects of the motor disorder. When used as a part of a rehabilitation and physical therapy program, chiropractic care can help improve some of the more problematic symptoms associated with cerebral palsy, including muscle spasms, seizures, and leg and arm issues through touch mobility protocols. The connection between the body and the brain has long been the center focus of chiropractic care, which is why spinal adjustments and manual manipulations are commonly utilized to enhance the stimulation of the brain, the spine, the nerves and the remaining structures of the body, especially in the case of patients with cerebral palsy, where the proper stimulation of the brain is necessary in order to restore function and improve quality of life. By carefully working to restore the natural alignment of the spine, a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, can improve symptoms of back pain which may often be caused by the stress being placed on the spine�in patients with cerebral palsy. The purpose of chiropractic care and physical therapy is to improve physical movement and coordination, speech, vision and intellectual development�for patients with cerebral palsy.


Physiotherapy is an integral part in the vast majority of many cerebral palsy patients’ lives. Physiotherapy has the ability to develop self-sufficiency in cerebral palsy patients in which it was previously absent. A kid with cerebral palsy can start physiotherapy in just about any age. Speak with your child’s doctor about setting up physiotherapy program today. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica

Sciatica is medically referred to as a collection of symptoms, rather than a single injury and/or condition. Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, can vary in frequency and intensity, however, it is most commonly described as a sudden, sharp (knife-like) or electrical pain that radiates from the low back down the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs into the foot. Other symptoms of sciatica may include, tingling or burning sensations, numbness and weakness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most frequently affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It may often develop as a result of the degeneration of the spine due to age, however, the compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by a bulging or herniated disc, among other spinal health issues, may also cause sciatic nerve pain.




blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news


EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractor Sciatica Symptoms


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso Back Clinic | Back Pain Care & Treatments