Individuals dealing with symptoms like sudden pain, weakness, and tenderness in the back of the knee could have a hamstring injury. Can knowing the symptoms and performing self-care help bring relief?
Hamstring Pain Behind The Knee
The hamstrings consist of three long muscles that run down the back of the thigh, cross over the back of the knee, and connect to bones in that area. A hamstring injury, such as a strain or tear, tendonitis, or biceps femoris tendinopathy, can cause pain in the back of the knee, difficulty bending the knee, swelling, and bruising. A hamstring strain occurs when the muscle is stretched too far or torn completely. This can happen from sudden, forceful movements or overstretching. Hamstring tendonitis develops over time, usually after a sudden increase in activity, when the hamstring tissue cannot recover from too much loading. Pain is often felt after physical activity and exercise and, in severe cases, during the activity or throughout the day. Biceps femoris tendinopathy can also cause pain in the back of the knee. Strains, tendonitis, bursitis, and muscle tears are all possible explanations for a hamstring injury that leads to pain behind the knee. Discussing pain symptoms with a healthcare provider is recommended, especially if it occurs suddenly during physical activity or exercise. They can help identify the exact cause and offer guidance for rehabilitation, including physical therapy referrals.
Causes and Triggers
Individuals may experience hamstring pain behind the knee when the muscles in that area are overworked, inflamed, or injured, such as from activities like running, walking, dancing, soccer, or basketball. Possible types of injuries and their causes.
A primary cause of muscle strain occurs when the muscle is stretched too far or has to handle a sudden force like sprinting or kicking. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021)
Severe Cases
Most causes of pain behind the knee are easily treatable at home with self-care and rest. However, it can be more severe, signaling a blood clot, infection, torn muscle or tendon/ligament. Hamstring knee pain may be serious if any of the following is experienced (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021)
Sudden pain during physical activity, often during a full stride.
Feeling a pop or sharp pain that causes falling or limping.
Pain that worsens over time and prevents or hinders walking or exercising as normal.
If pain is severe and does not improve with rest and anti-inflammatory medications, evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary.
Assesses Hamstring Pain
A healthcare provider will ask about symptoms and injury, including what happened when the pain began. They will perform a physical examination, which may include pressing on the back of the thigh to look for swelling, bruising, tenderness, or bunched-up muscles. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021) The healthcare provider will ask the patient to perform specific resisted movements, such as the manual muscle test, and measure the range of motion. Diagnostic testing includes an X-ray or MRI to determine the degree of the injury and which soft tissues or bones may be involved.
The first line of treating hamstring knee pain is the RICE protocol, which includes: (Mount Siani, 2024)
Stop any activity that causes symptoms and pain.
A healthcare provider may recommend crutches or a knee scooter in severe cases.
Apply cold packs to the swollen or painful area for 20 minutes throughout the day.
A knee brace, wrap, or bandage that applies gentle pressure to the injured area can help reduce and prevent swelling.
Lifting the leg higher than the heart will help reduce swelling and blood accumulation.
Individuals may need to lie on a bed or sofa and elevate their legs with pillows.
Individuals can use at-home pain relievers like acetaminophen or NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen. Over time, and depending on the severity of the injury, a healthcare provider will advise on gentle hamstring stretches and how to ease back into physical activity.
A healthcare provider will advise immobilizing the knee to help with muscle healing, which could involve wearing a knee brace or using crutches.
Physical therapy
A healthcare provider may refer the patient to a physical therapist, who will perform a personalized evaluation and prescribe targeted exercises to heal the injury and regain strength, flexibility, and movement.
Tendon avulsion injuries are when the hamstring tendon completely tears away from the bone, and surgery is required to reattach the tendon.
Platelet-rich plasma – PRP
Platelet-rich plasma has become an additional treatment for hamstring muscle strain or tendonitis. (Seow D. et al., 2021)
The treatment involves injecting a solution from the patient’s blood into the muscle to heal the injury.
Predicting how long a hamstring injury takes to heal and how long the pain will linger depends on the type, location, and severity. The most severe type is the hamstring coming unattached around the knee. This surgical repair and rehabilitation take at least three months before returning to sports and exercise (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021). Lesser injuries like tendonitis or a mild strain can take less time to heal. However, it’s essential to avoid reinjuring the area so the condition does not become chronic. This includes: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021)
Stretching to encourage and maintain flexibility.
Fixing muscle imbalances between the quadriceps and hamstring.
Endurance and conditioning.
Avoiding overuse.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. We focus on what works for you and use an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes to improve flexibility, mobility, and agility, relieving pain and helping individuals return to normal activities. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers. Our providers use Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.
Seow, D., Shimozono, Y., Tengku Yusof, T. N. B., Yasui, Y., Massey, A., & Kennedy, J. G. (2021). Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection for the Treatment of Hamstring Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis With Best-Worst Case Analysis. The American journal of sports medicine, 49(2), 529–537.
Individuals who sit in an office chair for a long period naturally tend to slouch over or slouch down into the chair. This posture can overstretch the spinal ligaments, strain the discs and surrounding structures in the spine, and contribute to or worsen back pain. Can the right office chair settings help relieve and prevent future injuries?
Work Office Chair
Sitting in an office chair for prolonged periods can cause lower back pain or worsen an existing back problem. The main reason behind this is that sitting is a static posture that increases stress in the back, shoulders, arms, and legs, putting pressure on the back muscles and spinal discs. Over time, incorrect sitting posture can damage the spinal structures. Most office chair customers base their decisions on availability, color, style, and price. However, it’s recommended that individuals learn about fitting seating equipment to their height, frame, or any condition, such as back or hip pain. The controls on or under the armrests and at the bottom of the chair seat, including the levers, paddles, and knobs, are there for a reason. Here are some recommendations for adjusting their work office chair to decrease back and hip pain.
Height Adjustment
The chair’s height affects the quadriceps, psoas, and hamstring muscles, which are important in posture-related back pain. Height adjustment is the primary way to change the angle of the hip joint while sitting. This angle affects the position of the pelvis and the degree of curve in the lower back, which can alter the spine’s normal alignment. (De Carvalho D. et al., 2017) Adjusting the chair’s height can provide a reference for other chair and workstation adjustments.
Back Angle
The hip angle is how close (increased hip flexion) or how far away (less hip flexion) the trunk is to the top of the thigh when sitting. Adjusting chair height can control the angle of the hip joint. When adjusting the height, adjust the degree of flexion at the hip joint to ensure ideal alignment for the individual body frame. A recent study measured the load that sitting has on simulated spinal discs. Researchers concluded that pressure on the spine can be relieved with a more open angle between the trunk and the thigh, that is, the hip joint angle. (Rohlmann A. et al., 2011) The backrest, seat tilt, and lumbar support features help maintain a pain-free back and relieve pressure and tension in the lower back and should be utilized.
Seat Depth
A kitchen chair, for example, may have no back supports or armrests to assist with posture and angle. (Holzgreve F. et al., 2022) When sitting, the individual’s back should be against the back of the work office chair for the best support and a healthy posture. Individuals will want to check and see how concave the seat surface is. If there is a prominent curve, this will cause the back to be rounded when sitting, which can become uncomfortable and lead to back pain. A chair with built-in support or a pillow can help adjust the depth. This means that chair size matters, as different people will need seats of varying depths to match their musculoskeletal structure.
Seat Height
Another way to understand the hip joint angle is to compare the height of the knees to the height of the hips. This is usually the easiest way to assess whether the chair height is right while adjusting. When the seat is right, the feet will be flat on the floor. The feet should reach the floor without causing pressure on the back of the thighs. Individuals with dangling feet, which may be because of their height, should place a footrest or thick book under them. The knees should be approximately level with or lower than the hips. In this case, the level is a 90-degree angle between the hip and trunk, which is stress-free on the hips and back.
Chair Too High
For individuals who can’t reach their feet to the floor, the chair is probably too high. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says this is potentially hazardous because it can lead to scooting forward and forgoing the backrest’s support (United States Department of Labor, N.D.) Sitting like this is considered an awkward posture and a risk factor for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms caused by awkward sitting posture include muscle fatigue, swelling, pain, numbness, or decreased circulation. (Ng, P. K., Jee, K. S. and Lim, S. Y. 2016)
Chair Too Low
If the knees are higher than the hips, the chair is probably too low, causing extreme flexion in the hip joints. Most individuals’ backs can’t handle this well because their hip muscles are not flexible enough. If sitting with knees higher than hips, the position can cause lower back pain.
Taking Breaks
No matter how comfortable a work office chair is, prolonged static posture is unhealthy for the spine and is a common contributor to back problems and muscle strain. Remember to stand, stretch, and walk for at least a minute or two every half hour to prevent the back from staying in one position for a long period. A quick stretch or minimal movement, like a quick walk, will help. A longer walk will help even more, promoting blood circulation to supply nutrients to all the spinal structures.
Moving and stretching regularly throughout the day will help keep the joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons loose and promote comfort, relaxation, and the ability to focus productively.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. An integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes improves flexibility, mobility, and agility, relieving pain and helping individuals return to normal activities. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers.
Low Back Pain: Impact and Chiropractic Solutions
De Carvalho, D., Grondin, D., & Callaghan, J. (2017). The impact of office chair features on lumbar lordosis, intervertebral joint and sacral tilt angles: a radiographic assessment. Ergonomics, 60(10), 1393–1404.
Rohlmann, A., Zander, T., Graichen, F., Dreischarf, M., & Bergmann, G. (2011). Measured loads on a vertebral body replacement during sitting. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society, 11(9), 870–875.
Holzgreve, F., Maurer-Grubinger, C., Fraeulin, L., Bausch, J., Groneberg, D. A., & Ohlendorf, D. (2022). Home office versus ergonomic workstation – is the ergonomic risk increased when working at the dining table? An inertial motion capture based pilot study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 23(1), 745.
Ng, P. K., Jee, K. S. & Lim, S. Y. (2016). Development of Ergonomics Guidelines for Improved Sitting Postures in the Classroom among Malaysian University Students. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(8), 907-912.
Could stability running shoes help correct foot pronation for runners, athletes, and physically active individuals who tend to have foot pronation issues?
Stability Running Shoes
Stability is having firm, steady balance in the feet and ankles. Individuals with flat feet or feet that tend to pronate or turn inward can seriously compromise their running stability, potentially increasing their risk of injury and making running uncomfortable. Stability running shoes can help because they stabilize the feet and ankles that roll inward. They combine the right alignment, arch support, and cushioning, and this specialty footwear helps hold the feet and ankles steady and can help maintain a straight gait.
Pronation occurs when the foot and/or ankle roll inward when running or walking. It’s a common issue, typically caused by pushing off the ground with a big toe and a second toe. Arches can be excessively strained when pronation or overpronation occurs, resulting in ankle or shin pain. Eventually, overpronation can even cause the feet to flatten. Many runners find that the instability of an inward-rolling foot makes them more prone to strained muscles or falls. However, a study determined that foot pronation was not associated with increased injury risk in novice runners wearing non-specialty shoes. (Nielsen R. O. et al., 2014) However, another study found that foot pronation contributed to joint loading or increased stress on the joints of the lower limbs after long-distance running. (Mei Q. et al., 2019) This extra stress could be a factor in the development of osteoarthritis.
In contrast to pronation, some runners experience the opposite problem of supination. Supination occurs when the ankle or foot rolls outward from the center, which can cause pain or injury as it increases the likelihood of ankle rolls or sprains.
Stability running shoes with the right features can help stabilize the feet and ankles for safer, more efficient running. This could make a major difference in how individuals feel after a run. For example, those with weak ankles should look for ankle support shoes with motion control, arch support, and grippy traction. Stabilizing shoes offer the following structural supports.
Arch Support
The foot is less likely to turn inward with a firm, high arch support.
Midsole Cushioning
Like arch support, cushioning the entire mid-section of the foot helps hold it steady.
For example, in walking shoes for flat feet, extra supportive cushioning in the midfoot helps prevent further arch collapse.
Stability running shoes may advertise having bars, rails, or medial posts to help maintain balance and reduce pronation.
Heel Cups and Heel Counters
A deep heel cup sits under the heel, correctly aligning the foot and ankle.
Heel counters are hard plastic inserts that reinforce the back of a running shoe, increasing overall support and holding the foot in place.
Wider Base
A wider platform underneath the foot is another key to preventing the inward rolling of overpronation.
It’s a common feature of walking shoes for seniors that provide stability for balance issues.
Choose the Right Shoes
Selecting the best shoe for pronation issues does not have to be complex. At many athletic stores, customers start with an in-store gait, foot shape, and running style assessment. Overpronators should look for a shoe with at least some of the features listed, such as arch support, cushioning, heel cups, counters, or a wide base. For narrow or wide feet, seek out shoes made specifically for these issues. In any running shoe, comfort is the number one priority. The feet should feel firmly supported with no pinching, and the toe shoes should have plenty of wiggle room and be able to lace up without hassle.
Stability running shoes may also improve performance. A well-cushioned, well-fitting stability shoe can enhance running comfort, making workouts more enjoyable. When running without pain, individuals are more likely to continue running long-term. A stability shoe that prevents overpronation can improve form, allowing faster and more efficient running. A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy explored the potential of motion-control shoes, which are somewhat more stabilizing than stability shoes regarding running injuries. The authors concluded that these shoes may reduce the risk of injuries related to overpronation. (Willems T. M. et al., 2021) Another study compared stability shoes to neutral and motion-control shoes in female runners with various degrees of foot pronation. Those who ran in stability shoes missed the fewest days of training, an indicator that they experienced fewer injuries, but those who wore stability shoes reported more pain while running than those who wore neutral shoes. (Ryan M. B. et al., 2011)
Stability running shoes might be the solution for jogging pain and injuries. The only way to find out is to try them for yourself. Look for footwear with sturdy arch support, plenty of cushioning in the midsole, heel support, and a wide sole. At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you and strive to create fitness and better the body through research methods and total wellness programs. These programs use the body’s ability to achieve improvement goals, and athletes can condition themselves to excel through proper fitness and nutrition. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized programs, including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.
Correct Foot Pronation
Nielsen, R. O., Buist, I., Parner, E. T., Nohr, E. A., Sørensen, H., Lind, M., & Rasmussen, S. (2014). Foot pronation is not associated with increased injury risk in novice runners wearing a neutral shoe: a 1-year prospective cohort study. British journal of sports medicine, 48(6), 440–447.
Mei, Q., Gu, Y., Xiang, L., Baker, J. S., & Fernandez, J. (2019). Foot Pronation Contributes to Altered Lower Extremity Loading After Long Distance Running. Frontiers in physiology, 10, 573.
Willems, T. M., Ley, C., Goetghebeur, E., Theisen, D., & Malisoux, L. (2021). Motion-Control Shoes Reduce the Risk of Pronation-Related Pathologies in Recreational Runners: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 51(3), 135–143.
Ryan, M. B., Valiant, G. A., McDonald, K., & Taunton, J. E. (2011). The effect of three different levels of footwear stability on pain outcomes in women runners: a randomised control trial. British journal of sports medicine, 45(9), 715–721.
For individuals dealing with stress, back and neck pain, and wanting to improve overall health, can trying a Hatha yoga class help?
Hatha Yoga Class
A yoga class is great for moms, athletes, or anyone interested in low-impact exercise. Today, many practice yoga for its mind and body, health and wellness benefits. Research shows that hatha yoga helps to reduce stress, relieve back and arthritis pain, support healthy habits, and improve emotional health. (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2023) Hatha classes stretch, unwind, and release tension, providing a healthy outlet for hectic lifestyles.
What Is It?
In Sanskrit, Hatha translates to force. Hatha yoga focuses on posture and breathing techniques to channel energy. Classes last 45 to 90 minutes and consist of breathing, poses, and meditation.
Yoga can help relieve everyday anxiety and depressive symptoms.
However, it may not be effective for clinically diagnosed mental health conditions.
The reviews and published studies on yoga did not find conclusive evidence to support its effectiveness in managing anxiety disorder, depression, or PTSD.
Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
According to the NCCIH, there is limited evidence to support yoga’s benefits for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
Back Pain
The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a non-pharmacological back pain treatment. (Qaseem A. et al., 2017)
A review of studies found that yoga improves low-back pain and function with both short-term and intermediate-term benefits, and its effects are similar to those of other types of exercise. (Skelly A. C. et al., 2020)
According to 11 out of 15 reviewed studies, yoga helps to improve balance in generally healthy individuals.
Emotional Health
Yoga has a positive impact on mental health. Ten out of 14 studies reviewed showed benefits in improving resilience or general mental well-being.
Yoga can relieve physical and psychological symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, according to the review of 1,300 study participants.
In a survey of 1,820 young adults, participants attributed increased mindfulness, motivation to participate in other forms of activity, and eating healthier. (Watts A. W. et al., 2018)
Multiple Sclerosis
The NCCIH reports showed that yoga had short-term benefits on mood and fatigue in individuals with multiple sclerosis.
However, it did not affect muscle function, cognitive function, or quality of life.
Neck Pain
A 2019 meta-analysis, including ten studies and a total of 686 subjects, found that yoga can reduce neck pain intensity and disability pain while also improving the range of motion. (Li Y. et al., 2019)
Several studies have found yoga can improve sleep quality and duration.
Populations found to experience sleep benefits include cancer patients, older adults, individuals with arthritis, pregnant women, and women experiencing menopause symptoms.
Stress Management
Yoga improved physical or psychological stress-related measures in 12 of 17 studies reviewed.
What to Expect
There are several different styles of yoga to choose from. Classes labeled yoga are likely the Hatha variety. Hatha is a gentle style that focuses on static poses and is great for beginners. However, it can still be physically and mentally challenging. Practitioners should wear athletic clothes and sports bras for maximum comfort and ease of movement. Each class varies depending on the instructor, but most last between 45 and 90 minutes.
Class Breakdown
Classes typically start with a gentle warm-up, advance to more physical poses, and end with a short meditation.
Most Hatha classes start with a period of focus on breathing.
As you perform the poses, the instructor will continue to remind everyone to focus on breathing and may suggest different breathing exercises.
Yoga poses, also called postures or asanas, are a series of movements that help improve balance, flexibility, and strength.
Poses range in difficulty from laying flat on the floor to physically challenging positions.
If, during a class, a pose is too difficult, the instructor can provide a modified posture.
Most classes end with a short period of meditation.
If you go into a Hatha class and it feels too slow or inactive, there are faster-paced, more athletic yoga classes, including flow, vinyasa, or power yoga classes. See if it’s more your speed.
Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic
At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you and strive to create fitness and better the body through research methods and total wellness programs. These programs use the body’s ability to achieve health and fitness goals, and athletes can condition themselves to excel in their sport through proper fitness and nutrition. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized programs, often including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.
Qaseem, A., Wilt, T. J., McLean, R. M., Forciea, M. A., Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians, Denberg, T. D., Barry, M. J., Boyd, C., Chow, R. D., Fitterman, N., Harris, R. P., Humphrey, L. L., & Vijan, S. (2017). Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. Annals of internal medicine, 166(7), 514–530.
Skelly, A. C., Chou, R., Dettori, J. R., Turner, J. A., Friedly, J. L., Rundell, S. D., Fu, R., Brodt, E. D., Wasson, N., Kantner, S., & Ferguson, A. J. R. (2020). Noninvasive Nonpharmacological Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review Update. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US).
Watts, A. W., Rydell, S. A., Eisenberg, M. E., Laska, M. N., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2018). Yoga’s potential for promoting healthy eating and physical activity behaviors among young adults: a mixed-methods study. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 15(1), 42.
Li, Y., Li, S., Jiang, J., & Yuan, S. (2019). Effects of yoga on patients with chronic nonspecific neck pain: A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 98(8), e14649.
Individuals with inflammation, pain, and swelling on the tops of their feet or hands could be experiencing extensor tendonitis. What treatment options are available?
Extensor Tendonitis
These tendons attach to muscles that straighten the fingers and lift the toes and the top of the foot. Extensor tendonitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tendons on the tops of the hands and feet. It often results from overuse of the muscles and from wearing tight shoes. Symptoms tend to worsen with activity and improve with rest. The condition does not usually require surgery; treatments include medications, home remedies/activity modification, and physical therapy.
Tendonitis can develop in any tendon of the extensor muscles. These tendons are long, thin bands of tissue that can be felt on the tops of the hands and feet. The structures attach to muscles on one end and bones of the fingers and toes on the other. The extensor tendons in the hands include: (American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2024)
The extensor digitorum communis straightens the index, middle, ring, and small fingers.
The extensor digiti minimi straightens the small finger.
The extensor indicis proprius straightens the index finger.
The extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles move the thumb into the thumb-up position.
The extensor digitorum longus and extensor digitorum brevis muscles lift the second, third, fourth, and fifth toes.
The extensor hallucis longus lifts the big toe.
Tendonitis vs Tendinopathy
Chronic tendon pain can lead to a condition known as tendinopathy.
Tendonitis results from inflammation.
Tendinopathy is the degeneration/micro-tearing of a tendon that occurs with long-term overuse.
Knowing which condition you are dealing with is important because it requires different treatments.
The primary symptom is pain in the affected tendon/s. Individuals may also experience swelling, and the skin can become red or warm to the touch. Extensor tendonitis can cause pain when using the affected muscles, moving the hand or foot in the opposite direction, and stretching the tendons. Usually, the pain worsens when using the affected muscles and improves with rest.
Extensor tendonitis in the hands usually results from overuse, which causes inflammation. However, it can also result from trauma, such as falling on the hand or an injury during physical or sports activities. Common activities include: (Hanson Z. C., and Lourie G. M. 2022)
Manual labor work
Computer mouse use
Playing a musical instrument
Extensor tendonitis in the foot can also result from overuse activities like running, especially uphill. However, it can also occur from wearing overly tight or tightly laced shoes for physical activities like running or dancing. Less common causes include: (Arthritis Foundation, N.D.)
Medical conditions like diabetes or arthritis
Medication side effects
Joint deformities
Extensor tendonitis usually improves with conservative treatment, which includes self-care, activity modification, physical therapy, and medication.
Individuals can treat inflammation with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs like:
Acetaminophen can help reduce pain.
In some cases, individuals may need prescription anti-inflammatory medications like corticosteroids or pain relievers for short-term use.
Self-Care and Activity Adjustments
Self-care includes:
Rest and avoid any activities that increase pain symptoms. If you can’t avoid them completely, take frequent breaks to allow the muscles to relax.
Apply ice to the hand or foot several times daily for up to 20 minutes.
Compression wraps should be applied on the foot or hand using an elastic bandage or soft splint to help support the injured tendons and reduce swelling.
Elevate the hand or foot if swollen above the heart level when resting.
Activity Adjustments
Modifying activities can help address the underlying cause/s.
Hand extensor tendonitis can develop from poor positioning.
Setting up an ergonomic workstation can help.
Consult a coach or trainer if the tendonitis is related to sports or exercise.
Individuals might need to adjust their technique or training schedule to decrease pressure on the tendons.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is an effective treatment. A therapy team can help determine the condition’s underlying cause and provide a personalized treatment program. Interventions can include:
Pain-reducing treatments like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, electroacupuncture, and laser therapy.
Extensor tendonitis can take weeks or even months to fully heal. Early diagnosis and determining the condition’s underlying cause rather than just treating symptoms are recommended for a faster and optimal recovery. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs through an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes, improving flexibility, mobility, and agility, relieving pain, and helping individuals return to normal activities. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers if other treatments are needed.
Hanson, Z. C., & Lourie, G. M. (2022). Middorsal Wrist Pain in the High-Level Athlete: Causes, Treatment, and Early Return to Play. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 10(4), 23259671221088610.
Bronner, S., Ojofeitimi, S., & Rose, D. (2008). Repair and rehabilitation of extensor hallucis longus and brevis tendon lacerations in a professional dancer. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 38(6), 362–370.
Individuals who are vegan, vegetarian, or allergic to fish may want to avoid fish sauce and foods made with it. What are fish-free sauce substitutes?
Fish Sauce Substitutes
Fish sauce is a liquid ingredient that adds a salty fish flavor to recipes. It is made by coating fish, like anchovies, in salt and letting them ferment in large barrels. The result is bottled fish sauce. Commonly associated with Asian cooking, fish sauce adds flavor to recipes like noodles, stir-fries, and more. The sauce is described as having an earthy, umami flavor. Because the sauce has a unique flavor that is difficult to replicate, removing it altogether is an option for those who do not consume fish products or do not have this ingredient readily available. There are fish sauce substitutes that are vegan—and vegetarian-friendly.
Fish and fish products can be part of a balanced diet and a nutritious source of omega fatty acids. However, fish sauce can be substituted for those who follow a meat-free meal plan, have seafood allergies, or do not have fish sauce available. Omitting some or all animal products from one’s diet is not as easy as avoiding fish. Individuals must also check ingredient labels for animal-based ingredients and byproducts. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, fish and shellfish are among the most common food allergies in the U.S. (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 2022)
Fish sauce is usually added in small amounts so that it is not a significant source of calories, protein, fat, or carbohydrates. However, it does contain 1,410 milligrams of sodium. Guidelines recommend 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day for adults, and the recommended serving size of sauce contains around 61%. (U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020)
Fish sauce substitutes typically replace the salty, savory flavors and help deepen the taste of recipes by adding salty and umami flavors. The vegan and vegetarian-friendly alternatives do not provide the fish flavor.
Soy Sauce
Soy sauce is a liquid condiment made with fermented ingredients. It replicates the salty flavor, and although it can be high in sodium, it yields a similar nutritional profile. Soy sauce can be substituted at a 1:1 ratio. Adding minced fish, such as anchovies or sardines, is optional to satisfy the fish flavor.
Tamari is a gluten-free Japanese-style soy sauce that can naturally substitute fish sauce and be used in equal amounts.
Worcestershire Sauce
Worcestershire sauce can substitute the fish sauce flavor and saltiness. It is a condiment that deepens the flavor of dishes like steaks, stews, sauces, marinades, etc. Though it is not a traditional ingredient in Asian cooking, it can be used in recipes like noodles, dumplings, marinated meat, and salads. It is lower in sodium, so it may be preferred for a low-sodium meal plan. It can be used at a 1:1 ratio.
Hoisin Sauce
Hoisin sauce is made from fermented soybeans. It has the fermented aspect of fish sauce and the salty flavors of soy sauce, with a slightly sweet flavor. Compared to American-style barbecue sauce, it is thick and usually used as a glaze or dipping sauce. To substitute, mix hoisin sauce with soy sauce at a 1:1 ratio to offset the sweetness of hoisin sauce. Use the mixture to replace the fish sauce in equal amounts.
Oyster Sauce
Oyster sauce is a fish product with the closest flavor profile to fish sauce. It has a thicker consistency, offers a salty fish flavor, and can be used at a 1:1 ratio.
Integrative and Functional Medicine Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment plans through an integrated approach to restore health and function to the body through nutrition and wellness, functional medicine, acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, and integrated medicine protocols. If the individual needs other treatment, they will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for them. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, nutritionists, trainers, and health coaches to provide the most effective clinical treatments.
Can incorporating explosive strength training help develop power for athletes and sports enthusiasts who need to generate maximum energy quickly?
Explosive Training
Explosive strength training exercises help develop power and athletic abilities by challenging the nervous and muscular systems. The focus is on the number of sets, repetitions, and rest periods to maximize gains. Explosive exercises typically use fewer repetitions 3–6 and more sets 3–5 to allow for maximum power output. Adequate rest periods, 2–3 minutes, are allotted between sets to prevent fatigue and reduce the risk of injury. Explosive training combines strength and speed to increase an individual’s power output and can be helpful for various sports, including track and field, court sports, cycling, and football.
Explosive strength training uses large muscle movements that can include:
Power cleans
Weighted or unweighted vertical jumps
Heavy ball throws
Hill sprinting
Smaller muscle exercises can also build power, but results may be limited. These can include:
Bench presses
Sample Exercises
Training exercises to develop power include:
Agility drills
Weighted step ups
Overhead walking lunges
Explosive training exercises should be selected to match individual fitness and sports goals. Exercise choices should simulate the movement patterns specific to the sport. Explosive training is unlikely to lead to injury if you train slowly, listen to your body for signs and symptoms of injury, and work with a qualified professional. Some evidence suggests that regularly engaging in explosive strength training can decrease the risk of injury.
Explosive strength exercises are movements that require an athlete to produce maximum or near-maximum output in a short time.
Explosive training aims to build enough power to ultimately move heavy weights quickly.
It is recommended to start with light weights and use slow, controlled movements.
The amount of weight used during a workout and the speed at which they are lifted should be increased over several weeks and training sessions.
Research supports that explosive speed and strength exercise builds power but is more effective when combined with other training. For example, in a study, researchers showed that a mixed maximal and explosive strength training program was more effective than traditional approaches like circuit training in increasing overall fitness and adaptive processes that are helpful when increasing training loads, such as runners training for a marathon. (Taipale, R. S. et al., 2014) Other reports suggest that to maximize strength, power, and speed, a combination of heavy and light explosive exercise provides optimal results compared to training only in one style. (Baker D. 2003) The first training phase should focus on increasing maximum strength and building a solid foundation to maximize power output or movement speed. The second phase is devoted to power and speed training. (DeWeese B. H. et al., 2015)
The first five weeks of a 12-week training program to increase power and speed may consist primarily of heavy strength training. The next six weeks would consist of heavy and high-power explosive exercise training, and the final week would be high-power movements. Individuals are recommended to work with a coach or personal trainer specializing in this type of training when developing a program. A qualified professional can choose sport-specific exercises that will help improve performance. Correct form is essential for safety. A professional trainer can observe alignment throughout each exercise and provide adjustments and tips for safety and efficiency.
Injury Medical Chiropractic
At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we focus on what works for you and strive to create fitness and better the body through research methods and total wellness programs. These programs use the body’s ability to achieve improvement goals, and athletes can condition themselves to excel in their sport through proper fitness and nutrition. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized programs, often including Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles.
Chiropractic Sport Rehabilitation
Taipale, R. S., Mikkola, J., Salo, T., Hokka, L., Vesterinen, V., Kraemer, W. J., Nummela, A., & Häkkinen, K. (2014). Mixed maximal and explosive strength training in recreational endurance runners. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 28(3), 689–699.
Baker D. (2003). Acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances on power output during upper-body complex power training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 17(3), 493–497.<0493:aeoaha>;2
DeWeese, B. H., Hornsby, G., Stone, M., & Stone, M. H. (2015). The training process: Planning for strength–power training in track and field. Part 2: Practical and applied aspects. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4(4), 318–324. doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2015.07.002
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