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Best Office Chairs for Back Pain

Best Office Chairs for Back Pain

While we have this time at home, working, teaching, we might be realizing that the chairs we are using are great for kicking back or sitting only for a short while. It could be time for a proper office chair with back support for those with back pain, as well as to help prevent poor posture conditions that can generate back pain.

Here are a few of the top picks for back pain. Experts offer guidance on how to purchase an ergonomic office chair. Author of the book Wellness by Design�is a consumer guide to optimizing your home for physical and mental health. Hopefully, this will aid you as you navigate chairs for back pain.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Posture Importance

One way proper posture is gained is by walking with a book on your head. That won’t be necessary, as good office chairs that offer back support lend themselves to healthy posture, which helps back pain. Studies confirm that improved ergonomics greatly decreases back pain. Proper posture keeps your body positioned to minimize stress on the muscles, joints, ligaments. Sitting the wrong way for a long time drains you and can cause fatigue, back pain or aching neck after a long day.



What to Look For

When it comes to chairs for back pain you want the best ergonomic office chair for your home. Keep an eye out for these key elements.


This is important, as our bodies are all different and require different settings for optimal posture. A chair should have adjustments for the seat, arms and back. The more adjustability the chair offers in terms of height and angle, the more it can be customized to your body.

Rolls Easy

A chair that rolls easily is one essential component for back pain support and prevention. Easily rolling allows you to stay close to your work, move around the work area comfortably, and optimal visibility. Be sure the construction of the casters is heavy-duty and that it will roll on your floor’s surfaces.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Durability goes a long way. Established brands with a reputation for high quality shows their confidence in the chair�s ability to serve you long-term. It might be a bit expensive but it�s an investment in health and productivity. The United States Department of Labor offers a how-to guide to create the best ergonomics set up for you. Their guide includes the backrest, seat, armrests and the chair base. Chairs for back pain are focused on the overall comfort of the individual.

The right chair helps position your body so that you don’t activate trigger points and lets you roll smoothly so that you�re consistently working in a more ergonomic fashion.


Best Budget

The best chair for a budget was the Zipcode Design Bret Ergonomic Mesh Task Chair, which runs about $159.99 depending on where you shop. This office chair checks off many ergonomic guidelines set by the Department of Labor and is price friendly. The chair has a five-legged sturdybase, casters that move easily and a backrest that follows the natural curve of the spine.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Best Mid-Range

The best mid-range model is the Tempur-Pedic TP9000 Mesh Task Chair, $318.99. The Tempur-Pedic company that makes mattresses have created an office chair that helps the body. It is created with memory foam has straightforward levers that allow you to adjust the armrests and seat easily. Easy-to-clean material is another benefit when working from home.


Best High-end Option

The best high-end model is the Herman Miller Aeron Chair, $1,395. This one is priced pretty high because of its plush ergonomic features. Think of chairs for back pain as an investment for your health and high quality of life. This is a cult-favorite chair that was designed 20 years ago and has sold over 7 million. It is completely customizable, from the chair size, level of back support, preferred tilt and seat angle, custom armrests and custom casters made for your floor type.



Honorable Mention

An honorable mention is the Humanscale� Freedom Task Swivel Desk Chair, $1,049.

This is a sleek cutting-edge office chair for back pain. The seat relies on body weight and physics for its ergonomic superiority and checks off the Department of Labor�s recommendations for optimal office chairs. It has adjustable arms, independent-adjustable seat and more.



Low Back Pain Care



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Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain

Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain

As we have transitioned to the spring season, especially with everything going on, most of us are taking on a DIY project or two along with spring cleaning around the house. You definitely want to avoid back pain and for sure back injury at any cost. The aim is to balance spring cleaning and spine safety while performing out-of-the-ordinary chores. Here is a little what to do’s and don’ts.

Spring Cleaning

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

What to do

  • Stand up straight and learn to practice proper posture. Stand in a way where your back is less prone to injury.
  • No matter what task you are performing, keep your spine in line and constantly check on how you’re standing, reaching and lifting.
  • Lift with your legs, not with your back. Avoid bending at the waist and straightening out, this is a bad habit and could be a set up for injury. You could slip a disc, tear a muscle, or sustain other injuries to the spine. No matter what you’re lifting, bend your knees and keep your back straight to avoid injury.
  • Maintain healthy body weight. While cleaning up the house, consider cleaning out the pantry and refrigerator. Carrying too much weight puts added and possibly dangerous pressure on the spine. This could mean that the added weight pulls your spine in all directions because of weak back/core muscles trying to keep the structure in line. Losing excess weight can help ease tension on the back and improve overall health.�
  • Strengthen the core muscles. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your day. With strong abdominal and back muscles, the core supports your spine, keeping it aligned and healthy.
  • Get plenty of calcium-rich foods, like low-fat milk and cheese, almonds, black beans, and broccoli. Give your refrigerator a makeover with better foods for spine health. The spine needs healthy muscles to support it. Strong bones mean less risk of a spinal fracture if you suffer a slip and fall accident.


What not to do

  • Clear the air and stop smoking. Not only is smoking bad for the heart and lungs, but it is also bad for the spine. Nicotine decreases the discs ability to absorb nutrients to maintain the spine’s proper function. Weakening the vertebrae increases the risk of a herniated disc or other spine injury/s. Nicotine interferes with the healing process, meaning that recovery time is slower.
  • Over exert yourself. Taking on too much or trying to power through without proper breaks can lead to injury, as well as other health problems.
  • Over-reaching. Trying to clean that out of reach spot overstrains your back, and can definitely lead to injury/strain/sprain.
  • Use improper equipment. Using the wrong equipment/tool can be dangerous and raises the chance of injury.
  • Don’t take on large projects without warming up and stretching. When the body’s spine muscles are not used to certain physical activities they can spasm and lead to sprain/strain and back pain.
  • Don’t put your body in awkward positions when cleaning, etc. Change your posture frequently to keep all the spinal muscles moving and active. If an awkward position presents, stop and find a comfortable position to work from, ensuring spine safety.


Back Pain

All of these words can be used to describe back pain.

  • Achy
  • Dull
  • Excruciating
  • Sharp
  • Throbbing

Back pain is a common occurrence and when spring cleaning, if not using proper form and making wise decisions it can exacerbate the pain or create new injuries. The American Chiropractic Association says that back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide.



Back pain usually heals on its own. A few days of over-the-counter pain meds, ice, and rest bring the back/spine to normal.�For those that have to deal with the pain after a few weeks’ might want to opt for other solutions. This is true for individuals who experience repeated flare-ups, or chronic lower back pain.�One of the best options is chiropractic.

Chiropractic doesn’t focus only on the symptoms but helps kick in the body’s natural healing abilities. Chiropractors understand the:

  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Discs
  • Nerves

They are able to determine the reason for the pain. Once diagnosed they can create a customized treatment plan that can range from compresses, spinal manipulation and exercises that helps heal the area and reduce the pain.


Medication-free solution

The natural healing, restorative approach that chiropractic treatment offers instead of pain meds, which just dull the pain is one of the primary reasons individuals flock to chiropractic. Each individual’s treatment varies according to Spine-Universe. As treatment progresses spinal alignment begins to balance the rest of the body and helps correct the issue causing the pain. Spinal manipulation improves mobility and function.

Chiropractic for back pain

Patients who experience lower back pain obviously never want to deal with it again, but�it can flare up periodically. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, roughly 20% of those who suffer from low back pain will eventually deal with it chronically. This can cause frustration, especially when it affects mobility.

Those who choose chiropractic are privy to treatment that:

  • Reduces pain
  • Increases healing
  • Shortens downtime
  • Lessens chances of recurrence

If over the counter medication and ice packs haven’t worked, it could be time to make an appointment with a licensed chiropractor. Spring is a great time to introduce yourself to new activities to keep you and your family busy and healthy. With some preparation and attention to detail spring cleaning can be productive and safe.


Lower Back Pain



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Migraine and Tension Headaches, The Difference El Paso, Texas

Migraine and Tension Headaches, The Difference El Paso, Texas

Headaches can be detrimental to a high quality of life.� Especially, migraine and tension headaches.�Some deal with them on a weekly, or even daily, basis.�They can range from minor to life-changing afflictions. There are various causes, symptoms, and treatment options. The first step in treating headaches is understanding the type of headache it is.

Some people think they have a migraine, when in fact, they are suffering from a tension headache. Tension headaches are more common. But the Migraine Research Foundation found that 1 in 4 U.S. households include someone that suffers from migraines. Determining what type of headache can take some research.

Here are some things to think about to determine if the headache is a migraine or a tension headache.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Migraine and Tension Headaches, The Difference El Paso, Texas

Headache/s origin

According to the Mayo Clinic, migraines often begin in adolescence or early adulthood. Tension headaches can start at any time in an individual’s life.� An adult just beginning to have recurring headaches means that they are most likely tension headaches.


Where is the pain located

Migraines usually happen on one side of the head. Tension headaches can affect both sides of the head and can produce intense pressure on the forehead. The location of the pain can be a key indicator of the type of headache.


Describe the pain

If it is a dull pain, with pressure, and tenderness around the scalp, this could mean a tension headache. If the pain is throbbing or pulsing pain, it could be a migraine. Both headaches can present intense pain, just different types of pain.


biomarker el paso tx.

Other symptoms

Migraines often come with symptoms beyond head pain.

  • Nausea
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Seeing bright flashing/sparkling lights
  • A sensation of Pins and needles in one or both arms
  • Dizziness

Individuals not experiencing any of these symptoms are more than likely dealing with a tension headache.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Migraine and Tension Headaches, The Difference El Paso, Texas


Those with tension headaches can still perform jobs, drive, read, and operate through daily life even though it can be painful and frustrating. Migraines are very different. Lying down in a dark, quiet room with an eye mask on until the headache passes is how many handle their migraines. If the headache disrupts your life it is more than likely a migraine.


Over the counter pain killers

Tension headaches can usually be relieved with over-the-counter pain meds. However,�this type of treatment does not work for migraines. When a migraine shifts into full force, the individual has to go through it. Headaches that respond well to nonprescription pain killers means it’s a tension headache. The majority will at some point deal with a headache.

Although tension headaches are more common that doesn’t rule out the possibility of the headache being a migraine. Just a little insight as to the type of headache that is presenting, and some proactive treatments. No matter the type of headache, if the pain is severe, or starts up after a head injury, seek medical treatment.


Chiropractic Care For Migraines



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Preventing Falls Around the House

Preventing Falls Around the House

As parents and grandparents, we first need to think about the activities that we will be doing throughout the day and consider how to protect ourselves and loved ones from falls and falling injury/s.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Preventing Falls Around the House El Paso, Texas

Around the House

Most accidents indeed happen at the house. Add that to the increasing number of people, both young and elder, that work from home. Consider the following tips.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Preventing Falls Around the House El Paso, Texas


If possible, hire a professional to clean the gutters or get one of those gutter washers that you can use from the ground. Falls from the roof results in multiple injuries, and some are very serious.

Would you please not stand on a chair to change lights or clean those out-of-reach areas? Always use a reliable heavy-duty step ladder with anti-slip steps and handrails. Doctors from emergency rooms report that falls from chairs are a common case they treat.

Proper Lighting

Having the right lighting throughout the house is the best defense against tripping and falling. The stairways, hallways, and entrances are primary areas that should be adequately lit to see everything around you. The light switches should be easy to find and activate. Inexpensive nightlights should be placed anywhere you go at night, like the kitchen or bathroom. A small flashlight should also be kept nearby, possibly a keychain or next to the bed in case of an emergency or if the power goes out.


osteopenia and osteoporosis injury medical chiropractic clinic el paso tx.


Falling on wood or tile kitchen floors can have a serious impact on the body. A wet slippery floor can be another cause for a fall, so clean up spills or fix a dripping refrigerator immediately. Using a no-slip floor wax rather than conventional floor wax will reduce accident probability. Keep a secondary heavy-duty step ladder with wide anti-slip steps and handrails for the kitchen.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Preventing Falls Around the House El Paso, Texas


The bathroom has the potential to be one of the most dangerous rooms. The slick hard floor floors from bath/shower water, along with the limited room to move around comfortably and metal towel rods, can make for a dangerous space to fall in. However, bathrooms can be made safe by the following:

  • Handrails/grabs can be placed along the walls and shower/bath, near the toilet and sink. Make sure that the proper height is measured.
  • Anti-slip bath/shower mats and anti-slip floormats can go a long way to help prevent falls. They provide traction and stability while standing and moving around.
  • There are some top assisted bath devices in various drug stores and home centers. They include shower seats and walk-in baths.
  • Raised toilet seats can be easily installed and shorten the distance needed to sit and, more importantly, get up comfortably from the toilet.

Elderly and physically challenged individuals could still need help. Make sure assistance is readily available. Elderly and physically challenged individuals could benefit by carrying an alarm or emergency contact system in case they fall or need help.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic A Drug-Free Approach to Pain Relief El Paso, TX.


The stairway is an area that can be another danger zone. One stairway danger is the use of canes, walkers, and walkers with wheels. These can easily get snagged on a step, or the wheels can slip and quickly travel down the stairs. Safety railing and step mats with traction nibs can help prevent slips and falls. Outdoor stairs should have non-slip tape to prevent falling.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Preventing Falls Around the House El Paso, Texas



Carpeting and rugs are great for warmth, foot care, and decoration, but they can also pose a danger. Here are a few tips:

  • Throw rugs that are not properly anchored to the floor should be anchored or used in an area that will not pose a potential injury. These rugs can be bought with a rubber backing to prevent slippage. Stores carry non-slip backing that can be cut and used between the floor and the rug.
  • Carpeting needs to be smooth and not wrinkled, which can snag and cause tripping.
  • Bent corners should be removed and fixed to prevent unraveling or tacked down with non-slip tape.
  • Loose fibers need to be cut off.


Individuals that don’t use an assisted device like a cane or walker could find navigating through the house difficult. Furniture should be arranged and organized for easy maneuverability. Electrical cords should be safely placed out of the walking path. These cords can be tacked to the floorboard, placed behind/under furniture, or stored in special cord tubes/runners. Small tables, floor lamps, and plants should not be in the walking path as well as this can cause an easy bump to fall scenario.�


Footwear should be nice but also practical. Flat-soled shoes, high heels, not properly structured, or ill-fitting shoes can lead to slips and falls. Unsupported feet will not provide a solid foundation to help prevent a fall.

If there are foot issues, custom foot orthotics can really help stabilize balance, help the spine stay aligned, and bring relief from pain. Orthotics are designed to fit inside shoes to relieve pain from various foot conditions/issues. Non-slip and anti-slip soled shoes can also help prevent a slip and fall. With these types of shoes, care needs to be taken to avoid sticking to floor surfaces. This can contribute to stumbling and tripping. Don’t wear socks or hosiery on smooth tiled/wood floors; because there is no floor-foot traction, the potential for slipping increases.

When walking outside, if the sidewalk is slippery, walk on the grass or dirt area. Try walking in an area that does not show iciness or wetness. Cat litter or rock/sidewalk salt can provide foot traction.


Assistive Devices for Balance and Stability

If you feel unstable while walking, ask your doctor about an assisted device that includes canes and walkers. If using a cane, make sure the rubber grip tip is not worn down.




Here are a few tips that may help you to take a proactive approach to fall prevention. Depending on specific conditions and needs, you may want to talk to your doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or other health care professional. They will create a customized individual plan to help prevent falls and enjoy life.

Our clinical focus and personal goals are to help your body heal naturally, quickly, and effectively. At times, it may seem like a long path; nevertheless, with our commitment to you, it’s sure to be an exciting journey. The commitment to you in health is never to lose our deep connection to each one of our patients on this journey.

Plantar Fasciitis, Reduce Foot Pain with Custom Orthotics


NCBI Resources

Aging is hard on the body. As you move into your senior years, you may expect some discomfort and loss of mobility. But it is important to understand that there are things you can do to feel better. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and chiropractic care can all make your senior years active and thriving.

House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas

House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas

Most of us know what sciatica means and that is low back pain that radiates/spreads into the buttock down into the leg and sometimes into the foot. The pain can be mild to excruciating, but fortunately, if it is mild�sciatica can usually be alleviated in 3 months.These are a few non-invasive conservative treatment therapies that can be done at the house.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas


Here are a few at the house sciatica remedies for people who started experiencing sciatic nerve pain or whose pain is not severe. But you should get a doctor�s approval before trying any of these at the house therapies.

If sciatica has been present for a few weeks or the low back and leg pain has become debilitating you should see a doctor.

House Tip 1. Exercise is OK & Beneficial

It might seem strange to exercise when you�re in pain, but research has shown that too much rest can aggravate back and leg symptoms.

Remember this is not a hardcore burning massive calories exercise, but a gentle exercise routine that you can work into your day.

These Exercises should not be painful or strenuous.

A walk around the house is a great form of physical activity that keeps your spine strong without worsening the injury.

Make your spine stronger with core exercises, but make sure they will not exacerbate your sciatica symptoms. And remember that exercise triggers the release of endorphins to reduce the pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas

House Tip 2. Start Stretching

Start doing gentle stretches regularly. Stretching will improve your spinal flexibility and motion range and also builds core strength. Most stretches can be done while watching your favorite show/movie.


House Tip 3. Ice Packs and Heating Pads Help

Alternating heat and ice therapy can bring relief from nerve pain. Ice helps reduce inflammation, and heat generates blood flow to the areas of pain that speeds up healing. Both help reduce muscle spasms that usually come with sciatica.

Apply the ice pack for 15 minutes once every hour, and then bring the heat for 15 minutes every 2 or 3 hours. Remember to protect your skin when using these pads, and never sleep with the heat or ice pads.


House Tip 4. Change Your Posture

If you are working at your desk or just relaxing, don’t stay in the same position too long, as it can make the pain spike.

Therefore move around and change your posture every 20 minutes. Using the correct posture for various activities will help take the pressure off your spine and reduce symptoms.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 House Sciatica Self-Care Therapies El Paso, Texas

House Tip 5. If You Need To Use Medication Properly

Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help ease symptoms when they present. These medications can relieve inflammation and pain, whereas acetaminophen (Tylenol) only reduces pain.

However, there are health risks, so make sure to discuss their safety with your doctor.

Examples include:

  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  • Aspirin (Ecotrin)
  • Naproxen (Aleve)


Woman holds her back as she experiences sciatica in the work setting.

The Remedies Are Not Working

Recognize when at the house remedies are not reducing your symptoms. When the treatments aren’t helping, it could be time to see a doctor, chiropractor or spine specialist.

People including myself want to avoid the doctor. It could be knowing how to use your health insurance or if you don�t have any. Whatever the reason do not opt for the ignorance is bliss and hope it will all go away.

If you need help figuring out how to use your insurance here at Injury Medical our staff are trained to help guide you through the process. And if you don’t have insurance we can still help and work out different types of plans.

Now there are sciatica symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention. In these rare cases, holding off medical care could cause permanent nerve damage.

If any of the following occur, please see your doctor as soon as you can:

  • There is severe throbbing/stinging pain in your low back and legs
  • Nerve associated symptoms like:
  1. Weakness
  2. Numbness
  3. Tingling
  4. Electric shock-like pain
  • The pain is not improving after 2 weeks
  • The pain gets worse, even with house therapies
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control

At the end of the day reducing sciatica symptoms doesn�t always mean having to use an extreme treatment approach. Relieving sciatica symptoms at the house with light exercise, ice/heat therapy, correct posture, and medication can help speed up recovery. The most important thing you can do is to take it seriously and call your doctor or chiropractor if relief is not happening.

Please contact our chiropractic team today to schedule an appointment if you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica. We are ready to help you feel better and get back on your feet again!


*Effective Treatment* for Sciatic Nerve Pain| El Paso, Tx


NCBI Resources

A study cited by the health magazine�Prevention�found that sixty percent of sciatica sufferers who failed to get relief from other treatments found their symptoms improved after chiropractic care. In fact, they got the same level of relief as those who went through surgery � without any of the serious side effects that so often come with surgical procedures.

Chiropractic is effective for treating sciatica because it gets to the source of the problem � relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve.


Home Treatment for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas

Home Treatment for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas

Healing takes place at home.

Q: Recently diagnosed with a bulging disc at C5-C6, is there anything I can do at home to relieve my pain?
� El Paso, TX.

A: Great question because anyone that has woken up with a stiff neck can relate. This is the most common area of herniation in the neck. It is highly susceptible to regular wear and tear but poor neck posture, like looking down at a phone for too long and improper motion mechanics can also be a cause.

Taking care of yourself without having to go to the doctor is very important and it is critical to learn proper healing methods, and techniques.

Healthcare professionals will say that most of the healing takes place at home.

There are various ways to reduce pain at home, but remember that there is a point when symptoms do warrant professional medical attention.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Home Treatment for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas


Good news

  • Bulging and herniated discs typically heal within six months � and less than 10% ever need surgery.
  • Non-surgical treatment for cervical bulging discs is usually enough to relieve pain and the best part is that you can do many of these treatments yourself.
  • Under chiropractic/therapist supervision, these treatments can be utilized at home or with the assistance

Cervical pillow

A proper pillow will help improve the quality of sleep and also give the neck proper support and position to heal.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Home Treatment for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas


Herbal remedies

The natural approach to medications is also welcome. There are plenty of herbal supplements to help relieve pain. There is capsaicin cream, that you can apply and helps reduces pain.

Ice and heat therapy

Ice should be applied in a bag or towel for 15-20 minute intervals, two or three times daily. Heat treatment comes in the later stages of the therapy but follows the same on-off interval technique.

Over-the-Door Traction

This therapy is very effective in helping relieve pain and muscle spasms. Your head and neck are attached to a harness. This is connected to a rope that is connected to a pulley system that goes over a door at your home. Then while sitting, leaning back, or lying down you go through the exercise.

Motion exercises

These exercises help the neck recover its full range of motion. This prevents stiffness from setting in and also helps strengthen the muscles in the neck. A therapist or a chiropractor can show a variety of exercises depending on the area of injury/stiffness.

However, if the pain does not go away a physical therapist/chiropractor can be your best option. Passive physical therapy includes:

  • Ultrasound
  • T.E.N.S electrical nerve stimulation
  • Mild neck traction

These treatment options are non-invasive and effectively help manage pain. It’s always important to remember that if your pain continues or starts to become worse tell your doctor and get medical attention.

Chiropractic Alignment

If the pain continues, then you may be referred to a chiropractor for spinal alignment.

Chiropractors are experts at treating neck conditions.� Aligning the cervical segments of the neck is a must as the injury can return if the cervical discs are not in proper alignment or even worsen. Chiropractic treatment can give relief and also stop cervical spine degeneration.

*Neck* Pain Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas

NCBI Resources

People have a 70% likelihood of developing neck pain lives and neck pain is an important issue affecting economic productivity in modern society. Neck pain is a work-related musculoskeletal disorder that can occur when a person works for a long time or at a high intensity. An increase in the number of individuals visiting hospitals with pain in the neck, upper extremities, and the head as a result of excessive tension. Home therapies can help reduce pain.


4 Stretches Back Pain Suffers Can Do At Home | El Paso, TX.

4 Stretches Back Pain Suffers Can Do At Home | El Paso, TX.

If you are like most people, at some point in your life, you will experience back pain � if you haven�t already. The American Chiropractic Association estimates that around 80% of the population suffers from back pain, has suffered from back pain, or at some point in the future will suffer from back pain. That puts you in good company.

It also means that you have a better than average chance of falling into that 80%, so the smart thing to do is take steps not to prevent it. One powerful preventative measure against back pain is stretching. Try these four stretches to help your back pain.

Forward Bend

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees soft (not locked). Take a deep breath and as you exhale, bend forward at the waist, hands out as if you are reaching for the floor. When you feel a little stretching in your hamstrings (the backs of your legs), stop and hold that position for two or three breaths. If you can�t reach the floor, that is OK, don�t force it. If you need extra stability, you can use a chair to hold on to for balance. Repeat this movement seven to ten times.

Cat and Camel

This stretch is typically done on the floor, but if you don�t think you can safely get back up, you can stand and hold on to a chair. On the floor, get on your hands and knees with your back straight. If using a chair, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees soft. Bend slowly and place your palms in the seat of the chair so that your back is parallel to the floor. Keep it straight.

Begin by arching your back up as high as you can. Hold for two or three breaths. Return to the starting position, then let it sway down toward the floor and hold for two or three breaths. Return to the starting position. Do this five to seven times.

Back Extension

Lie on your stomach on the floor or bed with your hand’s palm down near your face. Slowly push up with your arms, keeping your head level with your shoulders, until you are on your elbows. Hold for three or four breaths.

If you can push all the way up so that you are on your hands, that will give you a deeper stretch. You can also hold it for a little longer. Just remember to keep the movements slow and gentle to avoid injury.

If you are not able to safely get on the floor, you can stand with your feet several inches from a wall. Place both of your hands on the wall and bring your upper body toward them, letting your pelvis naturally follow. Gently push against the wall with your hands, pushing your upper body away from the wall. You can also do this with a chair if you need extra support. Repeat five to seven times.

Hip Flex and Stretch

stretches back pain el paso tx.


Get on your hands and knees on the floor or bed. Slowly move your body back so that your bottom is over your heels. Keep your hips straight as you extend your arms in front of you. Drop your head between your arms and hold the stretch for three to five breaths.

If you can�t get on your hands and knees, sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip-width apart. Extend your arms in front of you and reach forward. Lean forward slightly until you feel the stretch.

You can also place your hands on your knees for support while you sit in a chair and bend at the waist, slowly rounding out your back over your thighs. Hold the stretch for three to five breaths then return to your upright position. Do this seven to ten times.

Before you begin any new exercise or stretching regimen, talk to your doctor or chiropractor to make sure you aren�t doing something that could exacerbate your problem. For the most part, stretching is very therapeutic and beneficial, but some injuries and conditions can be made worse.

It is well worth taking the extra time to talk with your doctor and perhaps even show him or her the movements. This will also allow them to correct any form problems you may have or recommend any modifications that will help you get the most out of your stretches.

Back Pain Management