Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.
It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.
It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.
Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.
Can individuals incorporate nutritional snacks to consume before and after to have an effective workout and abundant energy?
How Can Exercise Help The Body?
When many people start thinking about their health and how to improve it, they usually begin exercising and eating healthier around the last week before the new year to jumpstart their health and wellness journey. These small changes can help the body tremendously as environmental factors like stress, physical inactivity, and various lifestyles can negatively impact the body, thus leading to stress and environmental factors. For individuals dealing with musculoskeletal disorders or autoimmune disorders, exercises and a healthy diet filled with nutritional foods can help mitigate pain-like symptoms and overlapping risk profiles. For individuals with low back pain, core stabilization exercises can help reduce pain and disability while improving core muscle activation to strengthen weak muscles. (Nayyab et al., 2021) As a non-surgical therapy, everyone can exercise for the body, which can help many people reduce any chronic diseases and issues they are dealing with. (Vina et al., 2012) At the same time, a person can exercise at any fitness level by incorporating the right amount of healthy snacks before and after a good workout. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the importance of having healthy snacks before and after working out to replenish the body and have energy throughout the day. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate small changes into their daily routine to restore energy through healthy snacking. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Secrets of Optimal Wellness- Video
Pre- & Post Workout Benefits
When starting to work out, it is important to ensure that the body is properly fueled with the proper carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats that can be converted into energy to perform any exercise routines at full capacity. For athletic individuals, nutrition is closely connected with physical activity and the timing of when the body uses that energy. (Januszko & Lange, 2021) Hence, it is important for individuals starting to work out to consume enough energy through nutritional foods in a pre-workout environment. Pre-workout supplementation can help significantly improve greater changes in body composition and strength. (Cabre et al., 2022) Pre-workouts have benefited from increasing energy, enhancing strength and endurance, and reducing muscle fatigue through supplementation and healthy snacks that give people energy. Post-workouts can help with muscle recovery, and post-workout snacks can help maintain the body’s energy levels throughout the day.
Pre-Workout Snacks
Many dietary supplements for pre-workouts can help with health and performance improvement as they help increase muscle mass and strength while providing energy when exercising. (Brisebois et al., 2022) At the same time, incorporating carbohydrates can provide glycogen energy stored in the liver to provide muscle energy. (Henselmans et al., 2022) It is important to note that eating an hour before working out can give beneficial results. Some of the snacks many people can make and eat before working out include:
Chocolate milk with banana
Frozen grapes
Granola bar
Post Workout Snacks
It is important to restore and maintain that energy in the body when it comes to post-workout snacks after an intense workout. Many athletic and non-athletic individuals can incorporate nutritional carbohydrates and proteins to improve their physiological and biochemical adaptations to promote faster recovery and maintain the body’s hydration status. (Baroni et al., 2023) For instance, coconut water can be an alternative to sports drinks to replenish the body’s electrolytes. (O’Brien et al., 2023) Some of the post-workout snacks that are packed with protein and healthy carbs include:
Smoothies made with fruits, Greek yogurt, and protein powders
Chocolate milk with almonds
Crackers with string cheese
Cottage cheese
Baroni, L., Pelosi, E., Giampieri, F., & Battino, M. (2023). The VegPlate for Sports: A Plant-Based Food Guide for Athletes. Nutrients, 15(7).
Brisebois, M., Kramer, S., Lindsay, K. G., Wu, C. T., & Kamla, J. (2022). Dietary practices and supplement use among CrossFit(R) participants. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 19(1), 316-335.
Cabre, H. E., Gordon, A. N., Patterson, N. D., & Smith-Ryan, A. E. (2022). Evaluation of pre-workout and recovery formulations on body composition and performance after a 6-week high-intensity training program. Front Nutr, 9, 1016310.
Henselmans, M., Bjornsen, T., Hedderman, R., & Varvik, F. T. (2022). The Effect of Carbohydrate Intake on Strength and Resistance Training Performance: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 14(4).
Januszko, P., & Lange, E. (2021). Nutrition, supplementation and weight reduction in combat sports: a review. AIMS Public Health, 8(3), 485-498.
Nayyab, I., Ghous, M., Shakil Ur Rehman, S., & Yaqoob, I. (2021). The effects of an exercise programme for core muscle strengthening in patients with low back pain after Caesarian-section: A single blind randomized controlled trial. J Pak Med Assoc, 71(5), 1319-1325.
O’Brien, B. J., Bell, L. R., Hennessy, D., Denham, J., & Paton, C. D. (2023). Coconut Water: A Sports Drink Alternative? Sports (Basel), 11(9).
Vina, J., Sanchis-Gomar, F., Martinez-Bello, V., & Gomez-Cabrera, M. C. (2012). Exercise acts as a drug; the pharmacological benefits of exercise. Br J Pharmacol, 167(1), 1-12.
Can mustard be a low-calorie alternative to higher-fat condiments for individuals trying to reduce calorie intake?
Prepared mustard is a common condiment used around the country. It is a low-calorie, highly flavored condiment that can replace more calorie-dense options. The familiar condiment combines mustard seeds with vinegar, salt, lemon, and other ingredients. There are also different varieties made from brown or black mustard seeds.
Health Benefits
Mustard is considered healthy because it contains antioxidants that provide various health benefits, including anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. (Mazumder A., Dwivedi A., & du Plessis J. 2016) Although not associated with significant health benefits, mustard is a low-calorie alternative to many higher-fat condiments, like mayonnaise. Different types of mustard seeds are used for health purposes. For example, some herbalists use white mustard seeds to clear the throat when mixed with honey (Ewing, Sarah, 1999). Antioxidants include isothiocyanates and sinigrin.
Isothiocyanates, the oil that gives mustard its pungent taste, have anti-cancer properties for breast, lung, GI tract, and prostate cancers.
However, the mechanism remains unclear, and more research is needed to determine the efficacy of mustard’s health benefits for cancer.
Isothiocyanates may also help manage diabetes and reduce unhealthy cholesterol, providing cardiovascular protection and neurological benefits that may help autistic individuals. More research is needed. (Palliyaguru D. et al., 2018)
Sinigrin is another antioxidant. Research shows this antioxidant has anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. (Mazumder A., Dwivedi A., & du Plessis J. 2016)
A single serving is usually about a teaspoon. A serving of prepared yellow and spicy mustard provides only about three calories. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2019) Its nutritional profile includes a rich supply of essential minerals, including calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. It is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan, phosphorus, iron, and protein. The seeds are also a very good source of selenium. Most calories come from carbohydrates, but because the calorie count is so low, these carbohydrates are not likely to significantly affect daily intake. Dijon mustard may provide more calories. A single serving of Dijon may contain up to 10 calories.
Preparation and Storage
Yellow mustard and Dijon are easy to find. Try course mustard varieties with distinct textures and seeds. Buy in small quantities, as mustard can lose flavor with time. Once opened, store in the refrigerator for up to one year. Mustard imparts a strong, spicy taste that pairs well with meat and seafood and can also be used to make salad dressings.
Side Effects
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recognizes mustard as safe (GRAS). Eating too much can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gut inflammation. However, mustard and mustard seed allergies are not uncommon. Symptoms may be mild or severe and generally appear shortly after consuming the product. Individuals may experience a rash or a tingly, itchy feeling in the mouth. Difficulty breathing is also possible. Other foods derived from the mustard plant, including leaves, seeds, flowers, sprouted seeds, oil, and foods that contain these, are likely to cause reactions in those with mustard allergies.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic focuses on and treats injuries and chronic pain syndromes through personalized care plans that improve ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs to relieve pain. Our providers use an integrated approach to create customized care plans for each patient and restore health and function to the body through nutrition and wellness, functional medicine, acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, and sports medicine protocols. If the individual needs other treatment, they will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for them. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, nutritionists, and health coaches to provide the most effective clinical treatments.
Enhancing Health Together
Mazumder, A., Dwivedi, A., & du Plessis, J. (2016). Sinigrin and Its Therapeutic Benefits. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 21(4), 416.
Palliyaguru, D. L., Yuan, J. M., Kensler, T. W., & Fahey, J. W. (2018). Isothiocyanates: Translating the Power of Plants to People. Molecular nutrition & food research, 62(18), e1700965.
Can individuals dealing with gut issues incorporate the beneficial properties of probiotics and prebiotics to improve body function?
How The Gut Works Together With The Body
When many individuals are dealing with chronic issues that are causing referred pain in their bodies, it could be an issue that is affecting their gut system. Have you experienced unpredictable food reactions that make you unable to enjoy your favorite meal or food item anymore? Do you notice any abdominal swelling after a heavy meal? Or have you been more constipated and found it difficult to go to the bathroom? This is because the gut system is the second brain of the human body. The gastrointestinal (GI) system provides many beneficial properties to the host and the human body. It helps strengthen the gut’s integrity, harvest and give energy, protect the body from foreign pathogens, and regulate the immune system. (Thursby & Juge, 2017) Inside the gut system is home to trillions of bacteria that help transport the nutrients and vitamins of food to different areas of the body. This, in turn, gives the individual the energy to be mobile and complete their daily activities. However, environmental factors like illnesses, stress, bad dietary habits, and lifestyles can cause the gut ecosystem to undergo abnormal changes, causing gut dysbiosis. (Zhang et al., 2015)
When environmental factors impact the body, especially the gut system, the immune system produces inflammatory cytokines caused by certain bacteria. Once certain structural component bacteria strains trigger inflammation, it can cause a cascade of inflammatory pathways to affect the entire body, causing the individual to experience pain and discomfort. (Al Bander et al., 2020) Additionally, gut dysbiosis can also be associated with the occurrence of several chronic metabolic diseases that are developed. (Xiong et al., 2023) Fortunately, there are numerous ways people can reduce the impact of gut dysbiosis and help restore normal body function by including probiotics and prebiotics. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of how the gut system can affect the body when environmental factors impact it. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate various probiotic and prebiotic foods to help regulate healthy bacteria back to the gut and reduce pain and discomfort in the body. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Nutrition Fundamentals- Video
Probiotic & Prebiotic Foods For The Gut
Now, when it comes to the gut system, it is important to know that trillions of bacteria help with gut regulation. When environmental factors cause various issues, it can cause pain and discomfort to the rest of the body. Hence, incorporating probiotics and prebiotics can help regulate the gut and reduce the impact of harmful bacteria from affecting the body. As part of a healthy diet, probiotics have the potential to regulate gut microbiota by affecting the intestinal microbial dynamics and homeostasis, thus influencing the intestines and distill organs physiology. (Kim et al., 2021) Additionally, when a person is incorporating probiotics and prebiotics to regulate their gut, it can be used to help manipulate the host’s microbiota while being used for potential therapeutic strategies. (Radford-Smith & Anthony, 2023) Some of the foods that have probiotics and prebiotics include:
How Probiotics & Prebiotics Improve Body Function
When people start to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics, they will notice an increased abundance of health-promoting bacteria that can increase microbiome diversity and metabolic pathways that can affect the qualitative and quantitative changes of the gut composition. (Jager et al., 2019) Different bacterial strains can have various properties that can help with the gastrointestinal microbiome diversity and improve the body through metabolic support.
So, when people think about their health and wellness, the best place to start is with the gut by adding prebiotics and probiotics as part of a healthy diet. This, in turn, can help the loss of beneficial bacteria that have been affected by environmental factors and can help reduce the inflammatory effects of chronic illnesses. Making these small changes can be helpful to one’s health and well-being and allow many people to come up with tasty food combinations to improve gut health and metabolic pathways.
Al Bander, Z., Nitert, M. D., Mousa, A., & Naderpoor, N. (2020). The Gut Microbiota and Inflammation: An Overview. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(20).
Jager, R., Mohr, A. E., Carpenter, K. C., Kerksick, C. M., Purpura, M., Moussa, A., Townsend, J. R., Lamprecht, M., West, N. P., Black, K., Gleeson, M., Pyne, D. B., Wells, S. D., Arent, S. M., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Kreider, R. B., Campbell, B. I., Bannock, L., Scheiman, J.,…Antonio, J. (2019). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Probiotics. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 16(1), 62.
Kim, C. S., Cha, L., Sim, M., Jung, S., Chun, W. Y., Baik, H. W., & Shin, D. M. (2021). Probiotic Supplementation Improves Cognitive Function and Mood with Changes in Gut Microbiota in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 76(1), 32-40.
Radford-Smith, D. E., & Anthony, D. C. (2023). Prebiotic and Probiotic Modulation of the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Depression. Nutrients, 15(8).
Thursby, E., & Juge, N. (2017). Introduction to the human gut microbiota. Biochem J, 474(11), 1823-1836.
Xiong, R. G., Li, J., Cheng, J., Zhou, D. D., Wu, S. X., Huang, S. Y., Saimaiti, A., Yang, Z. J., Gan, R. Y., & Li, H. B. (2023). The Role of Gut Microbiota in Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Disorders as Well as the Protective Effects of Dietary Components. Nutrients, 15(14).
Zhang, Y. J., Li, S., Gan, R. Y., Zhou, T., Xu, D. P., & Li, H. B. (2015). Impacts of gut bacteria on human health and diseases. Int J Mol Sci, 16(4), 7493-7519.
Can many individuals with sleep issues incorporate natural botanicals to get a good night’s sleep and reduce stress?
Why Sleep Is Important?
Often, many people are constantly on the move and trying to find ways to rest and relax; however, in today’s world, many individuals are still experiencing various sleep issues that are not fulfilling them to achieve the full 8 hours of restful sleep. How often have you experienced fatigue throughout the day due to staying up late working on a project? Do you doom scroll on your phone while lying in bed at night that you accidentally stayed up late? Or do chronic health issues keep you up at night, which makes sleep difficult? When it comes to understanding why sleep is important, many people do not realize that sleep plays a huge role in cognitive functioning, mental health, and creativity. (Charest & Grandner, 2020) When environmental factors start to impact the body over time, it can lead to the development of sleep disorders. Environmental factors like stress can affect the circadian rhythm, causing dysregulation and sleep disorders. (Agorastos & Olff, 2021) However, there is some good news: there are various natural ways to help relax the body, get the full recommended amount of sleep without medications, and even help many people stay asleep longer. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of getting the full recommended amounts of sleep to reduce the stress affecting the body. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate natural ways to reduce stress and sleep disorders to ensure proper sleeping habits. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Balancing Body & Metabolism- Video
Natural Botanicals & Remedies To Promote Sleep
When it comes to incorporating healthy sleeping habits, many individuals have found natural remedies to not only stay asleep but also reduce any stressors associated with environmental factors. Many people trying to make small changes in their sleeping habits can do some of the following:
Have the room be in a comfortable, cool temperature
Additionally, herbal botanicals can help relax the body and ensure proper sleep. Almost all natural botanicals are found in teas and supplements at the local grocery store. Below are some botanicals that can help many individuals get quality sleep.
As a native to Europe and Asia, valerian is a perennial flowering plant with a unique and long history in traditional medicine, as it is used as a sedative and an anxiolytic. However, it has many sleep-promoting effects. (Yeom & Cho, 2024) The unique characteristic of valerian is that it interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA, as it is used to reduce sleep onset latency and increase sleep quality. (Bruni et al., 2021) The valerian plant can be utilized in a tea or a supplement as it is given to individuals for about 2 weeks at a time for its beneficial effects to start to work.
Known as winter cherry and located in India, ashwagandha has numerous health properties that can help many people with multiple ailments. The entire plant has been marketed in many forms and is common in pills and capsules as it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. (Cheah et al., 2021) Additionally, ashwagandha in small dosages can help improve cognitive function and immunity and reduce cortisol levels to help relax the body. (Park et al., 2023) Sleep can come easily to the individual when the body is relaxed after taking ashwagandha.
A common herb that can be used in teas, oils, or extracts, chamomile has been used as a sedative, mild analgesic, and sleep medication as it induces relaxation. (“Chamomile,” 2012) In tea form, this herb can become the most relaxing drink to sip at night and make a person sleepy. At the same time, when people drink chamomile, its soothing, beneficial properties can relieve and target the receptors in their central nervous system, causing them to be stressed and anxious, thus calming them down.
As one of the most popular herbs everyone uses, from teas to aromatherapy, lavender is a multipurpose plant with many beneficial properties that can help anyone. Lavender has two main components, linalool, and linalyl, with sedative, antinociceptive, and anti-spasmolytic effects to stimulate the parasympathetic system. (Hamzeh et al., 2020) This, in turn, can help relax the body with its calming aroma and provide beneficial results for individuals dealing with insomnia. In its essential oil form, lavender can help increase the total amount of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and reinforce a person’s sleep ability. (Ren et al., 2025) By making small changes and incorporating these natural botanicals to provide better sleep quality, many people will notice their bodies becoming more relaxed, their minds less anxious, and finally get that full 8 hours of sleep they deserve because sleep is for everyone, not the weak.
Agorastos, A., & Olff, M. (2021). Sleep, circadian system and traumatic stress. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 12(1), 1956746.
Bruni, O., Ferini-Strambi, L., Giacomoni, E., & Pellegrino, P. (2021). Herbal Remedies and Their Possible Effect on the GABAergic System and Sleep. Nutrients, 13(2).
Charest, J., & Grandner, M. A. (2020). Sleep and Athletic Performance: Impacts on Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Risk and Recovery, and Mental Health. Sleep Med Clin, 15(1), 41-57.
Cheah, K. L., Norhayati, M. N., Husniati Yaacob, L., & Abdul Rahman, R. (2021). Effect of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract on sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0257843.
Hamzeh, S., Safari-Faramani, R., & Khatony, A. (2020). Effects of Aromatherapy with Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils on the Sleep Quality of Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2020, 7480204.
Park, C. W., Hong, K. B., Suh, H. J., & Ahn, Y. (2023). Sleep-promoting activity of amylase-treated Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera L. Dunal) root extract via GABA receptors. J Food Drug Anal, 31(2), 278-288.
Ren, Y. L., Chu, W. W., Yang, X. W., Xin, L., Gao, J. X., Yan, G. Z., Wang, C., Chen, Y. N., Xie, J. F., Spruyt, K., Lin, J. S., Hou, Y. P., & Shao, Y. F. (2025). Lavender improves sleep through olfactory perception and GABAergic neurons of the central amygdala. J Ethnopharmacol, 337(Pt 3), 118942.
Yeom, J. W., & Cho, C. H. (2024). Herbal and Natural Supplements for Improving Sleep: A Literature Review. Psychiatry Investig, 21(8), 810-821.
Can acupuncture be an effective treatment for anxiety and panic disorders in addition to other treatments, like therapy and/or medication?
Acupuncture For Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Considered one of the most popular types of alternative medicine, acupuncture has grown in popularity as a way to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other anxiety disorders. With the growth in popularity, more research has been focused on treatment for panic and anxiety symptoms. (Pilkington K. 2010)
Acupuncture can enhance personal wellness.
Acupuncture is generally safe and has few side effects.
It can help reduce physical and mental symptoms like tension, pain, and rapid heart rate.
Other alternative medicine practices include yoga, therapeutic massage, herbal medicines, and aromatherapy.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is a healing technique originating from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The practice is based on the concept that medical conditions and mental health disorders are caused by an imbalance in the energy and circulation of the body’s vital life energy, known as chi or qi (National Institute for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2022). When the body and mind function properly, energy flows optimally through the channels/meridians at certain points throughout the body. Like tight or spasming muscles, energy or circulation becomes congested in different meridian pathways, leading to disease or disorders. The goal of acupuncture is to restore the health and balance of these channels.
How It Works
During acupuncture treatment sessions, small needles are placed along specific body areas, known as acupuncture points. These areas are thought to be where energy blockage occurs. The needles, which come in various thicknesses and lengths, stimulate and open blocked energy channels. Experts have conceptualized acupuncture from a neuroscience perspective, where nerves, muscles, and connective tissues are stimulated, and neurochemicals are released.
Acupuncture can help regulate the nervous system.
It can stimulate the body’s feel-good hormones and reduce stress hormones.
It can help deactivate the analytical brain, which is responsible for anxiety and worries.
Clinical trials examining acupuncture for anxiety and panic disorders have shown some positive results. (Pilkington K. 2010) Acupuncturists and medical professionals are still not clear exactly why it may help with anxiety, but some research has noted that acupuncture appears to have a calming effect. More research studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture for anxiety disorders. (Kim Y. K. 2019)
Getting Treated
What it can help with:
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Panic disorder
Selective mutism
Separation anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder
If you are interested in treating your anxiety and panic symptoms through acupuncture, the first step is to consult your main healthcare provider. Professional acupuncture practitioners are on websites, including the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. The use of acupuncture continues to rise, making it more readily available. Since it has been evaluated for effectiveness and is available through many hospitals, some insurance policies may cover some acupuncture treatments.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Acupuncture can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, pain, discomfort, tightness, and poor circulation. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can help individuals recover and build optimal health and wellness solutions with primary healthcare providers and specialists. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.
Discovering The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Pilkington K. (2010). Anxiety, depression, and acupuncture: A review of the clinical research. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical, 157(1-2), 91–95.
Can individuals reduce being sick by incorporating chiropractic care and health coaching as a treatment plan to relieve pain?
What Happens To The Body When It’s Sick?
How often do you feel constant aches and pains in various locations of your body? Do you feel that your head feels like there is cotton inside or that you have a pounding sensation that makes you stay in bed? Or how often have allergies made you constantly sneeze, making your back and chest hurt continuously? When it comes to the human body, these scenarios can cause a person to develop various ailments that can cause the body to become tired and sick. Environmental factors like stress, an excessive workload, improper dieting, and physical inactivity all play a role in causing overlapping risk profiles to the body while causing the immune system to work overtime. When it comes to the immune system and environmental factors, there is a bidirectional relationship as the immune system releases inflammatory cytokines to foreign pathogens and eliminates the issue. However, environmental factors affecting the immune system can even impact its functioning at the physical level. (Venter et al., 2020) When the body starts to feel sick, many people experience aches and pain in their muscles in the upper and lower quadrants. This can, over time, develop into overlapping pain-like symptoms that can cause doctors to prescribe medication to control these symptoms. Many symptoms that can be combined with being sick include:
Muscle aches & pains
When this happens, a person could be dealing with a tired, nervous system and experiencing body pains that can lead to various issues, thus needing treatment. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of incorporating chiropractic care and health coaching to improve their health and reduce sickness. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate ways to reduce the chances of being sick through a customized treatment plan. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
A Tired Nervous System & Body Pains
When it comes to the body starting to feel sick, it can be due to a tired, nervous system that is causing problems to arise in the body. The nervous system is the main control for the body as it controls pain, movement, organ function, and reactions, and the body needs to be consistently maintained to achieve optimal operations. When environmental factors affect the nervous system, it can lead to symptoms of nerve interference and body pain that can cause various issues. When various biomechanical, biochemical, and neuropsychological factors contribute to the body and cause pain, it can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. (Sarkovich et al., 2024) It can also negatively impact the spine and cause spinal misalignment, thus affecting the individual. When a person is dealing with spinal misalignment, they begin dealing with poor postural habits, limited range of motion, and pain within the upper, middle, and lower back. (Chu & Trager, 2022) This, in turn, causes a longer duration of the symptoms while increasing the presence and severity of degenerative changes. (Davis et al., 2022) So when degenerative changes and dangerous pressure are affecting the nerves correlated with spinal misalignment, many people can begin to seek treatment to realign the spine and reduce the chances of becoming sick.
The Role of Chiropractic Care On Improving Your Health-Video
Chiropractic Care For Improving The Body
When restoring spinal alignment and reducing the chances of the body becoming sick again, many people seek holistic, non-invasive, customized, cost-effective, holistic treatment. Chiropractic care can help realign the spine through manual and mechanical manipulation to determine the root cause of the issue and reduce nerve interference. Chiropractors can assess and detect nerve interference to identify any problems affecting the body. At the same time, chiropractic care can be used as a therapeutic intervention to regulate the body’s blood pressure and provide spinal rehabilitation. (Sullivan et al., 2020) At the same time, chiropractic care has a unique relationship with other treatments to ensure the body is healthy and energetic.
Health Coaching To Reduce Being Sick
While chiropractors can help restore the body through spinal realignment and rehabilitation, they also work with a health coach to make small changes and incorporate healthy habits to enhance chiropractic care. Exercise, proper dieting, and incorporating supplements combined with chiropractic care benefit complete wellness by reducing days of suffering from illnesses. (Khodakarami, 2020) When people start to think more about their help, incorporating chiropractic care with health coaching can be the key to maintaining healthy habits, listening, and being mindful of their bodies to reduce the effects of pain and discomfort. A healthy body can be energetic and free from diseases, dysfunction, pain, and discomfort, allowing individuals to continue their routine more healthily.
Chu, E. C., & Trager, R. J. (2022). Neck Pain and Headache After Pinealectomy: Improvement with Multimodal Chiropractic Therapies. Am J Case Rep, 23, e937906.
Davis, B. A., Dunn, A. S., Golley, D. J., & Chicoine, D. R. (2022). Chiropractic Clinical Outcomes Among Older Adult Male Veterans With Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Retrospective Review of Quality-Assurance Data. J Chiropr Med, 21(2), 77-82.
Khodakarami, N. (2020). Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain: A Comparison of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation. Healthcare (Basel), 8(1).
Sarkovich, S., Leonardi, C., Darlow, M., Martin, D., Issa, P., Soria, T., Bronstone, A., & Clement, C. (2024). Back pain in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: frequency and risk factors. Spine Deform, 12(5), 1319-1327.
Sullivan, S. G., Paolacci, S., Kiani, A. K., & Bertelli, M. (2020). Chiropractic care for hypertension: Review of the literature and study of biological and genetic bases. Acta Biomed, 91(13-S), e2020017.
Venter, C., Eyerich, S., Sarin, T., & Klatt, K. C. (2020). Nutrition and the Immune System: A Complicated Tango. Nutrients, 12(3).
Can individuals incorporate miso into their diets to improve their gut health and utilize its beneficial properties?
What Is Miso?
As the weather starts to get colder, many people start thinking about making soups, stews, and hot foods. However, when it comes to a person’s health and wellness, many people wonder what to add to their soups while adding many nutritional foods and proteins that can make them not only flavorful but also add beneficial properties to their diet. Why not add miso? Miso is fermented soybean paste, a rice-based food product in Japan that is a staple cooking product. (Saeed et al., 2022) Additionally, since miso is a soybean product, many people incorporate it into their soups as it contributes to many health benefits to Japanese-style diets and can even enhance various dishes. (Ito, 2020) At the same time, many people who start to incorporate miso as part of their diet will notice some beneficial results in their gut system. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of incorporating miso into a nutritional diet. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate ways to add miso to their foods and help reduce bad bacterial growth in their gut system. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Types Of Miso
Miso can come in various types depending on how long it has been left to be fermented and its ingredients to see what color and flavor intensity will be put into the cooking. All miso products are in paste form and can be paired well with any protein like chicken, meat, and fish. The types of miso include:
White miso (Shiro miso): Mildest, sweet, less salty
Yellow miso (Shinshu miso): Mild, earthier, more acidic
Red miso (Aka miso): Salty, slightly bitter
Brown rice miso (Genmai miso): Sweet, mild, earthy
Barley miso (Mugi miso): Mild, earthy, not gluten-free
Miso Nutritional Facts
When it comes to the nutritional facts of miso, one tablespoon of miso contains about:
1 tbsp of miso: 17g
Calories: 34
Total Fats: 1g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 634mg
Total Carbohydrates: 4.3g
Protein: 2.2g
It is important to note that a bit of miso goes a long way due to its high sodium content and its various vitamins and nutrients.
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Beneficial Properties of Miso
When it comes to the beneficial properties of miso, it has numerous benefits that can help the body provide the nutrients it needs to fuel. Since miso is a fermented seasoning, it is rich in nutrients and has probiotic microorganisms that can help propagate healthy good bacteria to the gut while enhancing the immune system. (Paul et al., 2023) Additionally, when consumed daily, miso can help improve skin moisture, stimulate ceramides, have an anti-hypertensive effect, and many other beneficial effects. (Kotake et al., 2022)
Improves Gut Health
Since miso is a probiotic, it can help many individuals with gut issues since the gut system has trillions of bacteria that activate and mediate the body. (de Vos et al., 2022) Many people don’t realize that the gut is known as the second brain, and when environmental factors start to affect the gut, it can cause many health problems. So, adding miso can help influence good bacteria to reduce harmful bacteria and directly influence the epithelial immune cells of the GI tract. (Wieers et al., 2019)
Incorporating Miso In Your Diet
Since miso has a sweet/salty flavor, it can be used in various recipes. It can be taken in small amounts depending on the individual’s taste and what ingredients many people use for their cooking. At the same time, if a person is on a low-sodium diet, limiting the intake or avoiding it if they have a food allergy to soy is best. Making small changes and adding healthy nutritional substitutes to food can help many people live healthier.
de Vos, W. M., Tilg, H., Van Hul, M., & Cani, P. D. (2022). Gut microbiome and health: mechanistic insights. Gut, 71(5), 1020-1032.
Ito, K. (2020). Review of the health benefits of habitual consumption of miso soup: focus on the effects on sympathetic nerve activity, blood pressure, and heart rate. Environ Health Prev Med, 25(1), 45.
Kotake, K., Kumazawa, T., Nakamura, K., Shimizu, Y., Ayabe, T., & Adachi, T. (2022). Ingestion of miso regulates immunological robustness in mice. PLOS ONE, 17(1), e0261680.
Paul, A. K., Lim, C. L., Apu, M. A. I., Dolma, K. G., Gupta, M., de Lourdes Pereira, M., Wilairatana, P., Rahmatullah, M., Wiart, C., & Nissapatorn, V. (2023). Are Fermented Foods Effective against Inflammatory Diseases? Int J Environ Res Public Health, 20(3).
Saeed, F., Afzaal, M., Shah, Y. A., Khan, M. H., Hussain, M., Ikram, A., Ateeq, H., Noman, M., Saewan, S. A., & Khashroum, A. O. (2022). Miso: A traditional nutritious & health-endorsing fermented product. Food Sci Nutr, 10(12), 4103-4111.
Wieers, G., Belkhir, L., Enaud, R., Leclercq, S., Philippart de Foy, J. M., Dequenne, I., de Timary, P., & Cani, P. D. (2019). How Probiotics Affect the Microbiota. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 9, 454.
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