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Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.

It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.

It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.

Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.

Effectiveness of Exercise: Neck, Hip & Knee Injuries from Auto Accidents

Effectiveness of Exercise: Neck, Hip & Knee Injuries from Auto Accidents

Based on statistical findings, approximately more than three million people in the United States are injured in an automobile accident every year. In fact, auto accidents are considered to be one of the most common causes for trauma or injury. Neck injuries, such as whiplash, frequently occur due to the sudden back-and-forth movement of the head and neck from the force of the impact. The same mechanism of injury can also cause soft tissue injuries in other parts of the body, including the lower back as well as the lower extremities. Neck, hip, thigh and knee injuries are common types of injuries resulting from auto accidents.




  • Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, and knee.
  • Methods: We conducted a systematic review and searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and CINAHL Plus with Full Text from January 1, 1990, to April 8, 2015, for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, and case-control studies evaluating the effect of exercise on pain intensity, self-rated recovery, functional recovery, health-related quality of life, psychological outcomes, and adverse events. Random pairs of independent reviewers screened titles and abstracts and assessed risk of bias using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network criteria. Best evidence synthesis methodology was used.
  • Results: We screened 9494 citations. Eight RCTs were critically appraised, and 3 had low risk of bias and were included in our synthesis. One RCT found statistically significant improvements in pain and function favoring clinicbased progressive combined exercises over a �wait and see� approach for patellofemoral pain syndrome. A second RCT suggests that supervised closed kinetic chain exercises may lead to greater symptom improvement than open chain exercises for patellofemoral pain syndrome. One RCT suggests that clinic-based group exercises may be more effective than multimodal physiotherapy in male athletes with persistent groin pain.
  • Conclusion: We found limited high-quality evidence to support the use of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the lower extremity. The evidence suggests that clinic-based exercise programs may benefit patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome and persistent groin pain. Further high-quality research is needed. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39:110-120.e1)
  • Key Indexing Terms: Knee; Knee Injuries; Hip; Hip Injuries; Thigh; Thigh Pain; Exercise


Soft tissue injuries of the lower limb are common. In the United States, 36% of all injuries presenting to emergency departments are sprains and/or strains of the lower extremity. Among Ontario workers, approximately 19% of all approved lost time compensation claims are related to lower extremity injuries. Moreover, 27.5% of Saskatchewan adults injured in a traffic collision report pain in the lower extremity. Soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, and knee are costly and place a significant economic and disability burden on workplaces and compensation systems. According to the US Department of Labor Bureau of Statistics, the median time off work for lower extremity injuries was 12 days in 2013. Knee injuries were associated with the longest work absenteeism (median, 16 days).


Most soft tissue injuries of the lower limb are managed conservatively, and exercise is commonly used to treat these injuries. Exercise aims to promote good physical health and restore normal function of the joints and surrounding soft tissues through concepts which include range of motion, stretching, strengthening, endurance, agility, and proprioceptive exercises. However, the evidence about the effectiveness of exercise for managing soft tissue injuries of the lower limb is unclear.


Previous systematic reviews have investigated the effectiveness of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the lower extremity. Reviews suggest that exercise is effective for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome and groin injuries but not for patellar tendinopathy. To our knowledge, the only review reporting on the effectiveness of exercise for acute hamstring injuries found little evidence to support stretching, agility, and trunk stability exercises.


Image of trainer demonstrating rehabilitation exercises.


The purpose of our systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of exercise compared to other interventions, placebo/sham interventions, or no intervention in improving self-rated recovery, functional recovery (eg, return to activities, work, or school), or clinical outcomes (eg, pain, health-related quality of life, depression) of patients with soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, and knee.






This systematic review protocol was registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews on March 28, 2014 (CRD42014009140).


Eligibility Criteria


Population. Our review targeted studies of adults (?18 years) and/or children with soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, or knee. Soft tissue injuries include but are not limited to grade I to II sprains/strains; tendonitis; tendinopathy; tendinosis; patellofemoral pain (syndrome); iliotibial band syndrome; nonspecific hip, thigh, or knee pain (excluding major pathology); and other soft tissue injuries as informed by available evidence. We defined the grades of sprains and strains according to the classification proposed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Tables 1 and 2). Affected soft tissues in the hip include the supporting ligaments and muscles crossing the hip joint into the thigh (including the hamstrings, quadriceps, and adductor muscle groups). Soft tissues of the knee include the supporting intra-articular and extra-articular ligaments and muscles crossing the knee joint from the thigh including the patellar tendon. We excluded studies of grade III sprains or strains, acetabular labral tears, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis, fractures, dislocations, and systemic diseases (eg, infection, neoplasm, inflammatory disorders).


Table 1 Case Definition of Sprains


Table 2 Case Definition of Strains


Interventions. We restricted our review to studies that tested the isolated effect of exercise (ie, not part of a multimodal program of care). We defined exercise as any series of movements aimed at training or developing the body by routine practice or as physical training to promote good physical health.


Comparison Groups. We included studies that compared 1 or more exercise interventions to one another or one exercise intervention to other interventions, wait list, placebo/sham interventions, or no intervention.


Outcomes. To be eligible, studies had to include one of the following outcomes: (1) self-rated recovery; (2) functional recovery (eg, disability, return to activities, work, school, or sport); (3) pain intensity; (4) health-related quality of life; (5) psychological outcomes such as depression or fear; and (6) adverse events.


Study Characteristics. Eligible studies met the following criteria: (1) English language; (2) studies published between January 1, 1990, and April 8, 2015; (3) randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, or case-control studies which are designed to assess the effectiveness and safety of interventions; and (4) included an inception cohort of a minimum of 30 participants per treatment arm with the specified condition for RCTs or 100 participants per group with the specified condition in cohort studies or case-control studies. Studies including other grades of sprains or strains in the hip, thigh, or knee had to provide separate results for participants with grades I or II sprains/strains to be included.


We excluded studies with the following characteristics: (1) letters, editorials, commentaries, unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, government reports, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, meeting abstracts, lectures and addresses, consensus development statements, or guideline statements; (2) study designs including pilot studies, cross-sectional studies, case reports, case series, qualitative studies, narrative reviews, systematic reviews (with or without meta-analyses), clinical practice guidelines, biomechanical studies, laboratory studies, and studies not reporting on methodology; (3) cadaveric or animal studies; and (4) studies on patients with severe injuries (eg, grade III sprains/strains, fractures, dislocations, full ruptures, infections, malignancy, osteoarthritis, and systemic disease).


Information Sources


We developed our search strategy with a health sciences librarian (Appendix 1). The Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS) Checklist was used by a second librarian to review the search strategy for completeness and accuracy. We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE, considered to be the major biomedical databases, and PsycINFO, for psychological literature through Ovid Technologies, Inc; CINAHL Plus with Full Text for nursing and allied health literature through EBSCOhost; and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials through Ovid Technologies, Inc, for any studies not captured by the other databases. The search strategy was first developed in MEDLINE and subsequently adapted to the other bibliographic databases. Our search strategies combined controlled vocabulary relevant to each database (eg, MeSH for MEDLINE) and text words relevant to exercise and soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, or knee including grade I to II sprain or strain injuries (Appendix 1). We also hand searched the reference lists of previous systematic reviews for any additional relevant studies.


Study Selection


A 2-phase screening process was used to select eligible studies. Random pairs of independent reviewers screened citation titles and abstracts to determine the eligibility of studies in phase 1. Screening resulted in studies being classified as relevant, possibly relevant, or irrelevant. In phase 2, the same pairs of reviewers independently screened the possibly relevant studies to determine eligibility. Reviewers met to reach consensus on the eligibility of studies and resolve disagreements. A third reviewer was used if consensus could not be reached.


Image of older patient engaging in upper rehabilitation exercises with a personal trainer.


Assessment of Risk of Bias


Independent reviewers were randomly paired to critically appraise the internal validity of eligible studies using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) criteria. The impact of selection bias, information bias, and confounding on the results of a study was qualitatively evaluated using the SIGN criteria. These criteria were used to guide reviewers in making an informed overall judgment on the internal validity of studies. This methodology has been previously described. A quantitative score or a cutoff point to determine the internal validity of studies was not used for this review.


The SIGN criteria for RCTs were used to critically appraise the following methodological aspects: (1) clarity of the research question, (2) randomization method, (3) concealment of treatment allocation, (4) blinding of treatment and outcomes, (5) similarity of baseline�characteristics between/among treatment arms, (6) cointervention contamination, (7) validity and reliability of outcome measures, (8) follow-up rates, (9) analysis according to intention-to-treat principles, and (10) comparability of results across study sites (where applicable). Consensus was reached through reviewer discussion. Disagreements were resolved by an independent third reviewer when consensus could not be reached. The risk of bias of each appraised study was also reviewed by a senior epidemiologist (PC). Authors were contacted when additional information was needed to complete the critical appraisal. Only studies with low risk of bias were included in our evidence synthesis.


Data Extraction and Synthesis of Results


Data were extracted from studies (DS) with low risk of bias to create evidence tables. A second reviewer independently checked the extracted data. We stratified results based on the duration of the condition (recent onset [0-3 months], persistent [N3 months], or variable duration [recent onset and persistent combined]).


We used standardized measures to determine the clinical importance of changes reported in each trial for common outcome measures. These include a between-group difference of 2/10 points on the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), 2/10 cm difference on the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and 10/100 point difference on the Kujala Patellofemoral scale, otherwise known as the Anterior Knee Pain Scale.


Statistical Analyses


Agreement between reviewers for the screening of articles was computed and reported using the ? statistic and 95% confidence interval (CI). Where available, we used data provided in the studies with a low risk of bias to measure the association between the tested interventions and the outcomes by computing the relative risk (RR) and its 95% CI. Similarly, we computed differences in mean changes between groups and 95% CI to quantify the effectiveness of interventions. The calculation of 95% CIs was based on the assumption that baseline and follow-up outcomes were highly correlated (r = 0.80).




This systematic review was organized and reported based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement.


Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

As a doctor of chiropractic, automobile accident injuries are one of the most common reasons people seek chiropractic care. From neck injuries, such as whiplash, to headaches and back pain, chiropractic can be utilized to safely and effectively restore the integrity of the spine after a car crash. A chiropractor like myself will often use a combination of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, as well as a variety of other non-invasive treatment methods,�to gently correct any spinal misalignments resulting from an auto accident injury. Whiplash and other types of neck injuries occur when the complex structures along the cervical spine are stretched beyond their natural range of movement due to the sudden back-and-forth movement of the head and neck from the force of the impact. Back injury, particularly in the lower spine, are also common as a result of an automobile accident. When the complex structures along the lumbar spine are damaged or injured, symptoms of sciatica may radiate down the lower back, into the buttocks, hips, thighs, legs and down into the feet. Knee injuries may also occur upon impact during an auto accident. Exercise is frequently used with chiropractic care to help promote recovery as well as improve strength, flexibility and mobility. Rehabilitation exercises are offered to patients to further restore the integrity of their body. The following research studies demonstrate that exercise, compared to non-invasive treatment options, is a safe and effective treatment method for individuals suffering with neck and lower extremity injury from a car crash.




Study Selection


We screened 9494 citations based on the title and abstract (Figure 1). Of these, 60 full-text publications were screened, and 9 articles were critically appraised. The primary reasons for ineligibility during full text screening were (1) ineligible study design, (2) small sample size (n b 30 per treatment arm), (3) multimodal interventions not allowing isolation of the effectiveness of exercise, (4) ineligible study population, and (5) interventions not meeting our definition of exercise (Figure 1). Of those critically appraised, 3 studies (reported in 4 articles) had low risk of bias and were included in our synthesis. The interrater agreement for the screening of the articles was ? = 0.82 (95% CI, 0.69-0.95). The percentage agreement for the critical appraisal of studies was 75% (6/8 studies). Disagreement was resolved through discussion for 2 studies. We contacted authors from 5 studies during critical appraisal to request additional information and 3 responded.


Figure 1 Flowchart Used for the Study


Study Characteristics


The studies with low risk of bias were RCTs. One study, conducted in the Netherlands, examined the effectiveness of a standardized exercise program compared to a �wait and see� approach in participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome of variable duration. A second study, with outcomes reported in 2 articles, compared the benefit of closed vs open kinetic chain exercises in individuals with�variable duration patellofemoral pain syndrome in Belgium. The final study, conducted in Denmark, investigated active training compared to a multimodal physiotherapy intervention for the management of persistent adductor-related groin pain.


Two RCTs used exercise programs that combined strengthening exercises with balance or agility training for the lower extremity. Specifically, the strengthening exercises consisted of both isometric and concentric contractions of the quadriceps, hip adductor, and gluteal muscles for the management of patellofemoral pain46 and hip adductors and muscles of the trunk and pelvis for adductor-related groin pain. The exercise programs ranged from 646 to 1243 weeks in duration and were supervised and clinic based with additional daily home exercises. The exercise programs were compared to a �wait and see� approach or to multimodal physiotherapy. The third RCT compared 2 different 5-week protocols which combined either closed or open kinetic chain strengthening and stretching exercises for the lower extremity musculature.


Meta-analysis was not performed due to heterogeneity of accepted studies with respect to patient populations, interventions, comparators, and outcomes. Principles of best evidence synthesis were used to develop evidence statements and perform a qualitative synthesis of findings from studies with low risk of bias.


Risk of Bias Within Studies


The studies with low risk of bias had a clearly defined research question, used appropriate blinding methods where possible, reported adequate similarity of baseline characteristics between treatment arms, and performed an intention-to-treat analyses where applicable (Table 3). The RCTs had follow-up rates greater than 85%. However, these studies also had methodological limitations: insufficient detail describing methods for allocation concealment (1/3), insufficient detail describing methods of randomization (1/3), the use of outcome measures that have not been demonstrated to be valid or reliable (ie, muscle length and successful treatment) (2/3), and clinically important differences in baseline characteristics (1/3).


Table 3 Risk of Bias for Accepted Randomized Control Trials Based on SIGN Criteria


Of 9 relevant articles, 5 were deemed to have high risk of bias. These studies had the following limitations: (1) poor or unknown randomization methods (3/5); (2) poor or unknown allocation concealment methods (5/ 5); (3) outcome assessor not blinded (4/ 5); (4) clinically important differences in baseline characteristics (3/5); (5) dropouts not reported, insufficient information regarding dropouts per group or large differences in dropout rates between treatment arms (N15%) (3/5); and (6) a lack of information about or no intention-to-treat analysis (5/5).


Summary of Evidence


Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome of Variable Duration. Evidence from 1 RCT suggests that a clinic-based progressive exercise program may provide short- and long-term benefit over usual care for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome of variable duration. van Linschoten et al randomized participants with a clinical diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome of 2 months to 2 years duration to (1) a clinic-based exercise program (9 visits over 6 weeks) consisting of progressive, static, and dynamic strengthening exercises for the quadriceps, adductor, and gluteal muscles and balance and flexibility exercises, or (2) a usual care �wait and see� approach. Both groups received standardized information, advice, and home-based isometric exercises for the quadriceps based on recommendations from Dutch General Practitioner guidelines (Table 4). There�were statistically significant differences favoring the exercise group for (1) pain (NRS) at rest at 3 months (mean change difference 1.1/10 [95% CI, 0.2-1.9]) and 6 months (mean change difference 1.3/10 [95% CI, 0.4-2.2]); (2) pain (NRS) with activity at 3 months (mean change difference 1.0/10 [95% CI, 0.1-1.9]) and 6 months (mean change difference 1.2/10 [95% CI, 0.2-2.2]); and (3) function (Kujala Patellofemoral Scale [KPS]) at 3 months (mean change difference 4.9/100 [95% CI, 0.1-9.7]). However, none of these differences were clinically important. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the proportion of participants reporting recovery (fully recovered, strongly recovered), but the exercise group was more likely to report improvement at 3-month follow-up (odds ratio [OR], 4.1 [95% CI, 1.9-8.9]).


Image of patient engaging in rehabilitation exercises.


Evidence from a second RCT suggests that physiotherapist- supervised closed kinetic chain leg exercises (where the foot remains in constant contact with a surface) may provide short-term benefit compared to supervised open kinetic chain exercises (where the limb moves freely) for some patellofemoral pain syndrome symptoms (Table 4). All participants trained for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 times per week for 5 weeks. Both groups were instructed to perform static lower limb stretching after each training session. Those randomized to closed chain exercises performed supervised (1) leg presses, (2) knee bends, (3) stationary biking, (4) rowing, (5) step-up and step-down exercises, and (6) progressive jumping exercises. Open chain exercise participants performed (1) maximal quad muscle contraction, (2) straight-leg raises, (3) short arc movements from 10� to full knee extension, and (4) leg adduction. Effect sizes were not reported, but the authors reported statistically significant differences favoring closed kinetic chain exercise at 3 months for (1) frequency of locking (P = .03), (2) clicking sensation (P = .04), (3) pain with isokinetic testing (P = .03), and (4) pain during night (P = .02). The clinical significance of these results is unknown. There were no statistically significant differences between groups for any other pain or functional measures at any follow-up period.


Table 4 Evidence Table for Accepted Randomized Control Trials on the Effectiveness of Exercise for Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hip, Thigh, or Knee


Table 4 Evidence Table for Accepted Randomized Control Trials on the Effectiveness of Exercise for Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hip, Thigh, or Knee


Persistent Adductor-Related Groin Pain


Evidence from 1 RCT suggests that a clinic-based group exercise program is more effective than a multimodal program of care for persistent adductor-related groin pain. H�lmich et al studied a group of male athletes with a clinical diagnosis of adductor-related groin pain of greater than 2 months duration (median duration, 38-41 weeks; range, 14-572 weeks) with or without osteitis pubis. Participants were randomized to (1) a clinic-based group exercise program (3 sessions per week for 8-12 weeks) consisting of isometric and concentric resistance strengthening exercises for the adductors, trunk, and pelvis; balance and agility exercises for the lower extremity; and stretching for the abdominals, back, and lower extremity (with the exception of the adductor muscles) or (2) a multimodal physiotherapy program (2 visits per week for 8-12 weeks) consisting of laser; transverse friction massage; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS); and stretching for the adductors, hamstrings, and hip flexors (Table 4). Four months after the intervention, the exercise group was more likely to report that their condition was �much better� (RR, 1.7 [95% CI, 1.0-2.8]).


Adverse Events


None of the included studies commented on the frequency or nature of adverse events.




Summary of Evidence


Our systematic review examined the effectiveness of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, or knee. Evidence from 1 RCT suggests that a clinic-based progressive combined exercise program may offer additional short- or long-term benefit compared to providing information and advice for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome of variable duration. There is also evidence that supervised closed kinetic chain exercises may be beneficial for some patellofemoral pain syndrome symptoms compared to open kinetic chain exercises. For persistent adductor-related groin pain, evidence from 1 RCT suggests that a clinic-based group exercise program is more effective than a multimodal program of care. Despite the common and frequent use of exercise prescription, there is limited high-quality evidence to inform the use of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the lower extremity. Specifically, we did not find high-quality studies on exercise for the management of some of the more commonly diagnosed conditions including patellar tendinopathy, hamstring sprain and strain injuries, hamstring tendinopathy, trochanteric bursitis, or capsular injuries of the hip.


Image of Dr. Jimenez demonstrating rehabilitation exercises to patient.


Previous Systematic Reviews


Our results are consistent with findings from previous systematic reviews, concluding that exercise is effective for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome and groin pain. However, the results from previous systematic reviews examining the use of exercise for the management of patellar tendinopathy and acute hamstring injuries are inconclusive. One review noted strong evidence for use of eccentric training, whereas others reported uncertainty of whether isolated eccentric exercises were beneficial for tendinopathy compared to other forms of exercise. Furthermore, there is limited evidence of a positive effect from stretching, agility and trunk stability exercises, or slump stretching for the management of acute�hamstring injuries. Differing conclusions between systematic reviews and the limited number of studies deemed admissible in our work may be attributed to differences in methodology. We screened reference lists of previous systematic reviews, and most studies included in the reviews did not meet our inclusion criteria. Many studies accepted in other reviews had small sample sizes (b30 per treatment arm). This increases the risk of residual confounding while also reducing the effect size precision. Furthermore, a number of systematic reviews included case series and case studies. These types of studies are not designed to assess the effectiveness of interventions. Finally, previous reviews included studies where exercise was part of a multimodal intervention, and as a consequence, the isolated effect of exercise could not be ascertained. Of the studies that satisfied our selection criteria, all were critically appraised in our review, and only 3 had low risk of bias and were included in our synthesis.




Our review has many strengths. First, we developed a rigorous search strategy that was independently reviewed by a second librarian. Second, we defined clear inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of possibly relevant studies and only considered studies with adequate sample sizes. Third, pairs of trained reviewers screened and critically appraised eligible studies. Fourth, we used a valid set of criteria (SIGN) to critically appraise studies. Finally, we restricted our synthesis to studies with low risk of bias.


Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research


Our review also has limitations. First, our search was limited to studies published in the English language. However, previous reviews have found that the restriction of systematic reviews to English language studies has not led to a bias in reported results. Second, despite our broad definition of soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, or knee, our search strategy may not have captured all potentially relevant studies. Third, our review may have missed potentially relevant studies published before 1990. We aimed to minimize this by hand searching the reference lists of previous systematic reviews. Finally, critical appraisal requires scientific judgment that may differ between reviewers. We minimized this potential bias by training reviewers in the use of the SIGN tool and using a consensus process to determine study admissibility. Overall, our systematic review highlights a deficit of strong research in this area.


High-quality studies on the effectiveness of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the lower extremity are needed. Most studies included in our review (63%) had a high risk of bias and could not be included in our synthesis. Our review identified important gaps in the literature. Specifically, studies are needed to inform the specific effects of exercises, their long-term effects, and the optimal doses of intervention. Furthermore, studies are needed to determine the relative effectiveness of different types of exercise programs and if the effectiveness varies for soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, and knee.




There is limited high-quality evidence to inform the use of exercise for the management of soft tissue injuries of the hip, thigh, and knee. The current evidence suggests that a clinic-based progressive combined exercise program may lead to improved recovery when added to information and advice on resting and avoiding pain provoking activities for the management of patellofemoral pain syndrome. For persistent adductor-related groin pain, a supervised clinic- based group exercise program is more effective than multimodal care in promoting recovery.


Funding Sources and Potential Conflicts of Interest


This study was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (RFP no. OSS_00267175). The funding agency was not involved in the collection of data, data analysis, interpretation of data, or drafting of the manuscript. The research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program. Pierre C�t� has previously received funding from a Grant from the Ontario Ministry of Finance; consulting for the Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association; speaking and/or teaching arrangements for the National Judicial Institute and Soci�t� des M�decins Experts du Quebec; trips/travel, European Spine Society; board of directors, European Spine Society; grants: Aviva Canada; fellowship support, Canada Research Chair Program�Canadian Institutes of Health Research. No other conflicts of interest were reported for this study.


Contributorship Information


  • Concept development (provided idea for the research): D.S., C.B., P.C., J.W., H.Y., S.V.
  • Design (planned the methods to generate the results): D.S., C.B., P.C., H.S., J.W., H.Y., S.V.
  • Supervision (provided oversight, responsible for organization and implementation, writing of the manuscript): D.S., P.C.
  • Data collection/processing (responsible for experiments, patient management, organization, or reporting data): D.S., C.B., H.S., J.W., D.e.S., R.G., H.Y., K.R., J.C., K.D., P.C., P.S., R.M., S.D., S.V.
  • Analysis/interpretation (responsible for statistical analysis, evaluation, and presentation of the results): D.S., C.B., P.C., H.S., M.S., K.R., L.C.
  • Literature search (performed the literature search): A.T.V.
  • Writing (responsible for writing a substantive part of the manuscript): D.S., C.B., P.C., H.S.
  • Critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual content, this does not relate to spelling and grammar checking): D.S., P.C., H.S., J.W., D.e.S., R.G., M.S., A.T.V., H.Y., K.R., J.C., K.D., L.C., P.S., S.D., R.M., S.V.


Practical Applications


  • There is evidence to suggest that clinic-based exercises may benefit patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome or adductor-related groin pain.
  • Supervised progressive exercises may be beneficial for patellofemoral pain syndrome of variable duration compared to information/advice.
  • Supervised closed kinetic chain exercises may provide more benefit compared to open kinetic chain exercises for some patellofemoral pain syndrome symptoms.
  • Self-rated improvement in persistent groin pain is higher after a clinic-based group exercise program compared to multimodal physiotherapy.


Are Non-Invasive Interventions Effective for the Management of Headaches Associated with Neck Pain?


Furthermore,�other non-invasive interventions, as well as non-pharmacological interventions, are also commonly utilized to help treat symptoms of neck pain and headaches associated with neck injuries, such as whiplash, caused by automobile accidents. As mentioned before, whiplash is one of the most common types of neck injuries resulting from auto accidents. Chiropractic care, physical therapy and exercise, can be used to improve the symptoms of neck pain, according to the following research studies.






To update findings of the 2000�2010 Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders and evaluate the effectiveness of non-invasive and non-pharmacological interventions for the management of patients with headaches associated with neck pain (i.e., tension-type, cervicogenic, or whiplash-related headaches).




We searched five databases from 1990 to 2015 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, and case�control studies comparing non-invasive interventions with other interventions, placebo/sham, or no interventions. Random pairs of independent reviewers critically appraised eligible studies using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network criteria to determine scientific admissibility. Studies with a low risk of bias were synthesized following best evidence synthesis principles.




We screened 17,236 citations, 15 studies were relevant, and 10 had a low risk of bias. The evidence suggests that episodic tension-type headaches should be managed with low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises. Patients with chronic tension-type headaches may also benefit from low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises; relaxation training with stress coping therapy; or multimodal care that includes spinal mobilization, craniocervical exercises, and postural correction. For cervicogenic headaches, low load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises; or manual therapy (manipulation with or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic spine may also be helpful.


Image of elderly couple participating in low-impact rehabilitation exercises.




The management of headaches associated with neck pain should include exercise. Patients who suffer from chronic tension-type headaches may also benefit from relaxation training with stress coping therapy or multimodal care. Patients with cervicogenic headache may also benefit from a course of manual therapy.




Non-invasive interventions, Tension-type headache, Cervicogenic headache, Headache attributed to whiplash injury, Systematic review






We would like to acknowledge and thank all of the individuals who have made important contributions to this review: Robert Brison, Poonam Cardoso, J. David Cassidy, Laura Chang, Douglas Gross, Murray Krahn, Michel Lacerte, Gail Lindsay, Patrick Loisel, Mike Paulden, Roger Salhany, John Stapleton, Angela Verven, and Leslie Verville. We would also like to thank Trish Johns-Wilson at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology for her review of the search strategy.


Compliance with Ethical Standards


Conflict of Interest


Dr. Pierre C�t� has received a grant from the Ontario government, Ministry of Finance, funding from the Canada Research Chairs program, personal fees from National Judicial Institute for lecturing, and personal fees from European Spine Society for teaching. Drs. Silvano Mior and Margareta Nordin have received reimbursement for travel expenses to attend meetings for the study. The remaining authors report no declarations of interest.




This work was supported by the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario [RFP# OSS_00267175]. The funding agency had no involvement in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, writing of the manuscript or decision to submit the manuscript for publication. The research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program to Dr. Pierre C�t�, Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.


In conclusion,�exercise included in chiropractic care and other non-invasive interventions should be utilized as an essential part of treatment to further help improve the symptoms of neck injury as well as that of hip, thigh and knee injury. According to the above research studies, exercise, or physical activity, is beneficial towards speeding up recovery time for patients with automobile accident injuries and for restoring strength, flexibility and mobility to the affected structures of the spine. Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica


Sciatica is referred to as a collection of symptoms rather than a single type of injury or condition. The symptoms are characterized as radiating pain, numbness and tingling sensations from the sciatic nerve in the lower back, down the buttocks and thighs and through one or both legs and into the feet. Sciatica is commonly the result of irritation, inflammation or compression of the largest nerve in the human body, generally due to a herniated disc or bone spur.


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Genetically Modified (GM) Food Nation: The History

Genetically Modified (GM) Food Nation: The History

The late nineties were an era of strong debate on the issue of genetically modified food and organisms in the UK. Controversy surrounded both the scientific and political aspects of GM, with government advisory bodies being accused of biased behavior and concerns being raised over the ethical issues of the science behind GM. At lunch, a bowl of good vegetable-based soup (home-made or Simply Organic�s naturally!) counts for another 1 or 2 portions and each one of our Pure & Pronto ready meals counts for a whopping 3 portions. Add a piece of fruit or two during the day and a salad or veg in the evening and you�re already at 6 or 7 portions of fruit and veg for the day � well above the 5.

At the same time there was substantial media coverage of scientific advances including cloning and the BSE crisis that fueled public concern into the governance of such issues. It was in this climate of debate, concern and contestation that the UK Government launched GM Nation, a national debate about the future of genetically modified crops and food in the UK.

Objectives: Genetically Modified Foods

geneticallyThe stated aims of the GM Nation debate were twofold: to promote an innovative, effective and deliberative program of debate on GM issues, framed by the public, against the background of the possible commercial production of GM crops in the UK and the options for possibly proceeding with this; and through the debate provide meaningful information to Government about the nature and spectrum of the public views, particularly at grass roots level, on the issue to inform decision-making.

We aim to develop business performance by ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of people development relevant to our industry.

Eat your fruit and veg � you�re aiming for at least 5 portions a day but it�s not as hard as you might think. A glass of pure fruit juice and a handful of dried fruit added to your cereal at breakfast each count as 1 portion.

The focus of the debate was very much on empowering the public to lead the discussion and enabling wide participation, not just involving the usual suspects. The Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission were clear in their recommendations for a wider public debate that it should not require a simple yes or no decision. Instead it stated it should “establish the nature and full spectrum of the public�s views on GM and the possible commercialization of GM crops, and any conditions it might want to impose on this”.

If you�re a journalist but you don�t like talking to pr people (even though ours are very nice), you can e-mail Chris or Gerry direct:

Is it time we faced up to the reality of GM in modern world?

The Government has given the go-ahead for the first growing trials of GM wheat. Farming Editor Peter Hall looks at the latest developments in this highly emotive topic.

The Question: Why So Much Disagreement?

There is so much disagreement about the benefits and risks of GM because there are so many different views surrounding it. Some focus on the benefits and view it as a natural development of existing plant breeding, while others say that such views do not take into account the genuine concerns of the public and that risks and benefits have not been scrutinized enough.

The debate was criticized for not having enough time or funding to give it the publicity it would need in order to reach a truly representative cross-section of the UK public, including at grass roots level. The lack of results from the scientific and economic studies meant that there was no new information available to feed into the debate. However feedback forms were generally positive about the debate and the chance to express views on such a controversial issue.

Details of Parliamentary and other events, including Labour Party Conference, the All Party Group on Advertising and the Debating Group.

Results:�Genetically Modified Foods

Those who had strong opposing views on GM and surrounding issues tended to agree with the outcomes and some did not pay too much attention to the process issues. However, independent evaluators tended to disregard the outcomes as not valid and focused on the process. The general view was therefore not a positive one. Taking these together, the Food Standards Agency outlined a precautionary, evidence-based approach, taking a case-by-case methodology for the future development of GM crops in the UK which was a component of all these different reports. They said that whilst there was no scientific case for a blanket approval of all the uses of GM, there was also no scientific case for a blanket ban on the use of genetic modification.

Written by:�History Of GM Nation Website

Chiropractic Care For The Boomers

Functional Fitness & Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Functional Fitness & Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

In association with professional experience in fitness and chiropractic care,�symptoms of back pain have been determined to improve in people who participate in physical activity and exercise, as directed by a physiotherapist, or physical therapist, or any other healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor. Various complementary and alternative treatment options for back pain also involve the use of functional fitness therapy, however, additional evidence-based research studies on the effectiveness of physical activity and exercise are still needed.


On a personal note, chiropractic care utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully correct misalignments on the spine, or spinal subluxations. Along with chiropractic treatment, a doctor of chiropractor may also recommend a series of stretches and exercises to help increase flexibility, strength and mobility, improving the overall function of the spine. Physical activity for low back pain has been evaluated in the randomized controlled trial below.





To evaluate effectiveness of an exercise programme in a community setting for patients with low back pain to encourage a return to normal activities.




Randomised controlled trial of progressive exercise programme compared with usual primary care management. Patients� preferences for type of management were elicited independently of randomisation.




187 patients aged 18-60 years with mechanical low back pain of 4 weeks to 6 months� duration.




Exercise classes led by a physiotherapist that included strengthening exercises for all main muscle groups, stretching exercises, relaxation session, and brief education on back care. A cognitive-behavioural approach was used.


Main Outcome Measures


Assessments of debilitating effects of back pain before and after intervention and at 6 months and 1 year later. Measures included Roland disability questionnaire, Aberdeen back pain scale, pain diaries, and use of healthcare services.




At 6 weeks after randomisation, the intervention group improved marginally more than the control group on the disability questionnaire and reported less distressing pain. At 6 months and 1 year, the intervention group showed significantly greater improvement in the disability questionnaire score (mean difference in changes 1.35, 95% confidence interval 0.13 to 2.57). At 1 year, the intervention group also showed significantly greater improvement in the Aberdeen back pain scale (4.44, 1.01 to 7.87) and reported only 378 days off work compared with 607 in the control group. The intervention group used fewer healthcare resources. Outcome was not influenced by patients� preferences.




The exercise class was more clinically effective than traditional general practitioner management, regardless of patient preference, and was cost effective.


Key Messages


  • Patients with back pain need to return to normal activities as soon as possible but are often afraid that movement or activity may be harmful
  • An exercise programme led by a physiotherapist in the community and based on cognitive-behavioural principles helped patients to cope better with their pain and function better even one year later
  • Patients� preferences for type of management did not affect outcome
  • Patients in the intervention group tended to use fewer healthcare resources and took fewer days off work
  • This type of exercise programme should be more widely available




Low back pain is common and, although it may settle quickly, recurrence rates are about 50% in the following 12 months. Recent management guidelines recommend that an early return to physical activities should be encouraged, but patients are often afraid of movement after an acute onset of back pain. Trials of specific exercise programmes for acute back pain have not shown them to be effective, but a specific exercise programme may have to be tailored to suit the individual patient and so is less likely to be effective for a heterogeneous group of patients.


However, there is some evidence that a general exercise programme, which aims to increase individuals� confidence in the use of their spine and overcome the fear of physical activity, can be effective for patients with chronic back pain (of more than six months� duration). A recent randomised trial of a supervised exercise programme in a hospital setting reported significantly better outcomes at six months and two years for the exercise group compared with the control group. Whether this approach would be effective and cost effective for patients with low back pain of less than six months� duration in a primary care setting is unknown.


Image 1 Exercise Classes for Back Pain


An important methodological problem occurs when it is not possible to blind subjects to the treatment they receive, since outcome is probably directly influenced by their preconceived ideas regarding the effectiveness of intervention. Thus, in trials where a double blind procedure is not feasible, participants who are not randomised to their treatment of choice may be disappointed and suffer from resentful demoralisation, whereas those randomised to their preferred treatment may have a better outcome irrespective of the physiological efficacy of the intervention. However, this problem may be partly ameliorated if patients� treatment preferences are elicited before randomisation, so that they can be used to inform the analysis of costs and outcomes.


In this paper, we report a fully randomised trial for the treatment of subacute low back pain in which the analysis was informed by patient preference.


Subjects and Methods


Recruitment of Subjects


Eighty seven general practitioners agreed to participate in the study, and the principal investigator (JKM) visited each practice to discuss participation. Selection of general practitioners was based in the York area and restricted by the need to provide easy access for patients to the classes. Only one invited practice declined to participate. Single handed practices were not invited. The general practitioners referred patients directly to the research team or sent a monthly list of patients who had consulted with back pain. Inclusion criteria were patients with mechanical low back pain of at least four weeks� duration but less than six months, aged between 18 and 60, declared medically fit by their general practitioner to undertake the exercise, and who had consulted one of the general practitioners participating in the study. Patients with any potentially serious pathology were excluded, as were any who would have been unable to attend or participate in the classes. The exclusion criteria were the same as described by Frost et al except that concurrent physiotherapy rather than previous physiotherapy was an exclusion criterion in this trial.




Patients who seemed eligible were contacted by telephone and if they were interested in participating in the study were invited to an initial interview, at which the study and its implications for participants were explained. Patients who met all the eligibility criteria and consented to participate attended a first assessment a week later.


Image 2 Physical Examination for Back Pain


This included a physical examination (to exclude possible serious spinal pathology) and collection of baseline data by means of validated measures of health status. The main outcome measures were the Roland back pain disability questionnaire, which measures functional limitations due to back pain, and the Aberdeen back pain scale, which is more a measure of clinical status. The Roland disability questionnaire consists of a 24 point scale: a patient scoring three points on the scale means that he or she reports, for example, �Because of my back I am not doing any of the jobs that I usually do around the house, I use a handrail to get upstairs, and I lie down to rest more often.� We also administered the EuroQoL health index (EQ-5D) and the fear and avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ).


The second assessment was carried out at the patients� general practice six weeks after randomisation to treatment. The brief physical examination was repeated, and the patients were asked to complete the same outcome questionnaires.


In addition, patients were asked to complete pain diaries in the week before their first assessment and in the week before their second assessment. The diaries were used to assess subjective pain reports and asked �How strong is the pain?� and �How distressing is the pain?�


We also evaluated patients at six and 12 months� follow up by sending them outcome questionnaires to complete and return.


Randomisation and Treatments


A pre-prepared randomisation list was generated from a random numbers table and participants were stratified by practice in blocks of six. The trial coordinator ensured concealment of allocation from the clinical researchers by providing the research physiotherapist with a sealed envelope for a named patient before baseline assessment. A note inside the envelope invited the participant either to attend exercise classes or to continue with the current advice or treatment offered by his or her general practitioner. (One of the referring general practitioners used manipulation as usual treatment on most of his patients so that up to 37 patients in each arm of the study could also have received manipulation.) Each patient had an equal chance of being allocated to the intervention or the control group. Before patients were given their envelope they were asked whether they had any preference for the treatment assignment. The participants opened the envelope after leaving the surgery.


Intervention group�The exercise programme consisted of eight sessions, each lasting an hour, spread out over four weeks, with up to 10 participants in each class. The programme was similar to the Oxford fitness programme and included stretching exercises, low impact aerobic exercises, and strengthening exercises aimed at all the main muscle groups. The overall aim was to encourage normal movement of the spine. No special equipment was needed. Participants were discouraged from viewing themselves as invalids and from following the precept of �Let pain be your guide.� They were encouraged to improve their individual record and were selectively rewarded with attention and praise. Although partly based on a traditional physiotherapy approach, the programme used cognitive-behavioural principles. One simple educational message encouraging self reliance was delivered at each class. Participants were told that they should regard the classes as a stepping stone to increasing their own levels of activity.


Controls�Patients allocated to the control group continued under the care of their doctor and in some cases were referred to physiotherapy as usual. No attempt was made to regulate the treatment they received, but it was recorded.


Economic Analysis


We recorded patients� use of healthcare services using a combination of retrospective questionnaires and prospective diary cards, which they returned at 6 and 12 months� follow up. From this information we estimated the cost of each patient�s treatment. We compared the mean costs of treatment for the two groups by using Student�s t tests and standard confidence intervals. However, as cost data were highly positively skewed, these results were checked with a non-parametric �bootstrap.� The economic evaluation addressed both costs to the NHS and the costs to society. Participants were not charged for the classes, in line with any treatment currently available on the NHS.


Statistical Analysis


Our original intention was to recruit 300 patients, which, given a standard deviation of 4, would have provided 90% power at the 5% significance level to detect a 1.5 point difference between the two groups in the mean change on the Roland disability questionnaire. However, recruitment of patients to the study proved much slower than expected, and, because of the limitations of study resources, recruiting was stopped after 187 patients had been included into the study. This smaller sample reduced the power to detect such a difference to 72%, but there was still 90% power to detect a 2 point difference in outcome.


Our analysis was based on intention to treat. We estimated the effects of treatment on the outcome measures by means of analysis of covariance, with the change in scores as the dependent variable and adjustment being made for baseline score and patient preference. We used Student�s t tests to analyse the data from the pain diaries as the baseline scores were quite similar.


Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

In consideration with the research study regarding a randomized controlled trial coordinated to determine the effectiveness of functional fitness towards the improvement of low back pain, we supplement our philosophies of overall health and wellness to our patients and we make sure to take their recovery and rehabilitation to the next level. Our fitness and chiropractic care treatment goes beyond many other medically advanced methods. The proprietary treatment methods offered at our clinic promote true well-being and fitness practices with a primary goal on the calibration of the human body. The outcome measures of the randomized controlled trial on exercise for low back pain involved two groups of participants, an intervention group and a control group. The results are recorded below.




Study Population


Of the 187 patients included in the trial, 89 were randomised to the intervention and 98 to the control group. The figure shows their progress through the trial. In both groups those with the most severe back pain at randomisation were less likely to return follow up questionnaires: the mean Roland disability questionnaire score for responders at one year follow up was 5.80 (SD 3.48) compared with a mean score of 9.06 (4.58) for non responders respectively (P=0.002).


Baseline Characteristics


The clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients in the two groups were fairly well balanced at randomisation (Table 1), although those allocated to the intervention group tended to report more disability on the Roland disability questionnaire than did the control group. Most patients (118, 63%), when asked, would have preferred to be allocated to the exercise programme. Attendance of the classes was considered quite good, with 73% of the intervention group attending between six and eight of the classes. Four people failed to attend any classes and were included in the intention to treat analysis. No patients allocated to the control group took part in the exercise programme.


Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of Patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain Included in Study

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of patients with mechanical low back pain included in study. Values are means (standard deviations) unless stated otherwise.


Clinical Outcomes


Table ?2 shows the mean changes in outcome measures over time, from randomisation to final follow up at one year. After adjustment for baseline scores, the intervention group showed greater decreases in all measures of back pain and disability compared with the controls. At six weeks after randomisation, patients in the intervention group reported less distressing pain than the control group (P=0.03) and a marginally significant difference on the Roland disability questionnaire scores. Other variables were not significantly different, but the differences in change were all in favour of the intervention group. At six months the difference of the mean change scores of the Roland disability questionnaire was significant, and at one year the differences in changes of both the Roland disability questionnaire and the Aberdeen back pain scale were significant (Table ?2). Most of the intervention group improved by at least three points on the Roland disability questionnaire: 53% (95% confidence interval 42% to 64%) had done so at six weeks, 60% (49% to 71%) at six months, and 64% (54% to 74%) at one year. A smaller proportion of the control group achieved this clinically important improvement: 31% (22% to 40%) at six weeks, 40% (29% to 50%) at six months, and 35% (25% to 45%) at one year.


Table 2 Changes in Back Pain Scores from Baseline Values in Intervention and Control Groups

Table 2: Changes in back pain scores from baseline values in intervention and control groups at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year follow up.


Patients� Preference


We examined the effect of patients� baseline preference for treatment on outcome after adjusting for baseline scores and main effects. Preference did not significantly affect response to treatment. The intervention had similar effects on both costs and outcomes regardless of baseline preference. For example, the change in the Roland disability questionnaire score at 12 months in the control group was ?1.93 for patients who preferred intervention and ?1.18 for those who were indifferent (95% confidence interval of difference ?1.05 to 2.55), and in the intervention group the change in score was ?3.10 for those who preferred intervention and ?3.15 for those who were indifferent ((95% confidence interval of difference ?1.47 to 3.08). As the interaction term (preference by random allocation) was non-significant, the results shown in Table ?2 exclude the preference term.


Economic Evaluation


Patients in the intervention group tended to use fewer healthcare and other resources compared with those in the control group (Table ?3). However, the mean difference, totalling �148 per patient, was not significant: the 95% confidence interval suggests there could have been a saving of as much as �442 per patient in the intervention group or an additional cost of up to �146. Patients in the control group took a total of 607 days off work during the 12 months after randomisation compared with 378 days taken off by the intervention group.


Table 3 Use of Services and their Costs Associated with Back Pain in the Two Study Groups

Table 3: Use of services and their costs associated with back pain in the two study groups at 12 months follow up.




Our results support the hypothesis that a simple exercise class can lead to long term improvements for back pain sufferers. Studies have shown that a similar programme for patients with chronic back pain can be effective in the hospital setting. In this study we show the clinical effectiveness for patients with subacute or recurrent low back pain who were referred by their general practitioner to a community programme.


Current management guidelines for low back pain recommend a return to physical activity and taking exercise. In particular, they recommend that patients who are not improving at six weeks after onset of back pain, which may be a higher proportion than previously realised, should be referred to a reactivation programme. The programme we evaluated fits that requirement well. It shows participants how they can safely start moving again and increase their levels of physical activity. It is simple and less costly than individual treatment.


It seemed to have beneficial effects even one year later, as measured by functional disability (Roland disability questionnaire) and clinical status (Aberdeen back pain scale). The mean changes in scores on these instruments were small, with many patients reporting mild symptoms on the day of entry to the trial. However, a substantially larger proportion of participants in the exercise classes gained increases of over three points on the Roland disability questionnaire at six weeks, six months, and one year, which might be clinically important. At six weeks, participants in the exercise classes reported significantly less distressing pain compared with the control group, although the intensity of pain was not significantly different. This is consistent with findings from a study of chronic back pain patients in Oxford, in which changes in distressing pain were much greater than were the changes in intensity of pain.


People with back pain who use coping strategies that do not avoid movement and pain have less disability. In our study the participants in the exercise classes were able to function better according to Roland disability questionnaire scores than the control group at six months and one year after randomisation to treatment, and at one year they also showed a significantly greater improvement in clinical status as measured by the Aberdeen back pain scale. This increase in differences in effect between the intervention and control groups over time is consistent with the results from long term follow up in comparable back pain trials.


Study Design


The design of this study was a conventional randomised controlled trial in that all eligible patients were randomised. However, the participants were asked to state their preferred treatment before they knew of their allocation. A study of antenatal services showed that preferences can be an important determinant of outcome, but we did not find any strong effect of preference on the outcome, although a much larger sample size would be needed to confidently exclude any modest interaction between preference and outcome. This information may be useful to clinicians in that it suggests that exercise classes are effective even in patients who are not highly motivated. Our trial design, of asking patients for their preferences at the outset, has substantial advantages over the usual patient preference design, in which costs and outcomes cannot be reliably controlled for confounding by preference.




Our exercise programme did not seem to influence the intensity of pain but did affect the participants� ability to cope with the pain in the short term and even more so in the longer term. It used a cognitive-behavioural model, shifting the emphasis away from a disease model to a model of normal human behaviour, and with minimal extra training a physiotherapist can run it. Patients� preferences did not seem to influence the outcome.


Figure 1 Flow Chart Describing Patient Progress Through the Trial

Figure 1: Flow chart describing patients’ progress through the trial.




Funding: This research was funded by the Arthritis Research Campaign, the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Health Authority, and the National Back Pain Association.


Competing interests: None declared.


In conclusion,�the participation of patients in functional fitness and/or exercise as recommended by a physiotherapist, or physical therapist, or any other healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor, is essential towards the improvement of their symptoms of low back pain. The exercise programme helped patients better cope with their symptoms of back pain where the intervention group showed that they used fewer healthcare resources and took fewer day off work, according to the outcome measures of the research study. Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica


Sciatica is referred to as a collection of symptoms rather than a single type of injury or condition. The symptoms are characterized as radiating pain, numbness and tingling sensations from the sciatic nerve in the lower back, down the buttocks and thighs and through one or both legs and into the feet. Sciatica is commonly the result of irritation, inflammation or compression of the largest nerve in the human body, generally due to a herniated disc or bone spur.


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Respiratory Health And Nutrition

Respiratory Health And Nutrition

Respiratory Health Abstract: Diet and nutrition may be important modifiable risk factors for the development,
progression and management of obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This review examines the relationship between
dietary patterns, nutrient intake and weight status in obstructive lung diseases, at different
life stages, from in-utero influences through childhood and into adulthood. In vitro and
animal studies suggest important roles for various nutrients, some of which are supported by
epidemiological studies. However, few well-designed human intervention trials are available
to definitively assess the efficacy of different approaches to nutritional management of
respiratory diseases. Evidence for the impact of higher intakes of fruit and vegetables is
amongst the strongest, yet other dietary nutrients and dietary patterns require evidence from
human clinical studies before conclusions can be made about their effectiveness.

Keywords: respiratory disease; asthma; COPD; dietary patterns; antioxidants; vitamin C;
vitamin E; flavonoids; vitamin D; obesity; adipokines; undernutrition

1. Introduction:�Respiratory Health

Diet and nutrition are increasingly becoming recognized as modifiable contributors to chronic disease development and progression. Considerable evidence has emerged indicating the importance of dietary intake in obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in both early life and disease development [1,2] and management of disease progression [3,4]. These�respiratory diseases are characterized by airway and systemic inflammation, airflow obstruction, deficits in lung function and significant morbidity and mortality, as well as being costly economic burdens [5,6]. Pharmacological management remains the mainstay for treatment of respiratory diseases, and while treatment options are advancing, dietary intake modification could be an important adjuvant to disease management and an important consideration for disease prevention. Dietary patterns as well as intake of individual nutrients have been evaluated in observational and experimental studies throughout life stages and disease stages to elucidate their role in respiratory diseases. This review concentrates on evidence regarding the role of dietary patterns, individual nutrients, weight status and adipokines in asthma and COPD.

2. Dietary Intake And Respiratory Diseases

2.1. Dietary Patterns:�Respiratory Health

Various dietary patterns have been linked to the risk of respiratory disease [7]. The Mediterranean diet has been found to have protective effects for allergic respiratory diseases in epidemiological studies [8]. This dietary pattern consists of a high intake of minimally processed plant foods, namely; fruit, vegetables, breads, cereals, beans, nuts and seeds, low to moderate intake of dairy foods, fish, poultry and wine and low intake of red meat. High intakes of olive oil result in a dietary composition that is low in saturated fat though still moderate in total fat. In children, several studies showed that adherence to the Mediterranean diet is inversely associated with atopy and has a protective effect on atopy, wheezing and asthma symptoms [9�11]. The Mediterranean diet may also be important for maternal diet, as a study in Spain found that a high Mediterranean diet score during pregnancy was protective for persistent wheeze and atopic wheeze in children at 6.5 years of age [12]. Though one cross-sectional study in Japan reported a strong association between the adherence to the Mediterranean diet and asthma control [13], there is less evidence available to support this dietary pattern in adults. The �western� dietary pattern, prevalent in developed countries, is characterised by high consumption of refined grains, cured and red meats, desserts and sweets, french fries, and high-fat dairy products [2,14]. This pattern of intake has been associated with increased risk of asthma in children [15,16]. Furthermore, in children, increased intake of fast food such as hamburgers and related eating behaviours, for example salty snack eating and frequent take away consumption, are correlated with the presence of asthma, wheezing and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) [17,18]. In adults, a western diet has been shown to be positively associated with increased frequency of asthma exacerbation [19], but not related to asthma risk. In addition, an acute challenge with a high fat fast food meal has been shown to worsen airway inflammation [20]. While this dietary pattern appears to be deleterious in children and adults with asthma, studies examining the effect of this dietary pattern in maternal diets have found no relationship with a consumption of a �western� style diet in pregnancy and risk of asthma in offspring [21]. Cross-sectional studies have also found that the �western� diet is associated with an increased risk of COPD [2]. In summary the Mediterranean diet appears to be protective in children, though there is less evidence for benefits in the maternal diet and in adults. There is evidence to suggest that a �western� style dietary pattern increases risk of asthma in children, has worse outcomes for adults with asthma and is related to COPD risk.

2.2. Fruit And Vegetables:�Respiratory Health

Fruit and vegetable intake has been investigated for potential benefits in association with respiratory conditions due to their nutrient profile consisting of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytochemicals. The mechanisms by which the nutrients in fruit and vegetables exert beneficial effects in respiratory conditions are discussed in the sections below. Epidemiological evidence reviewed by Saadeh et al. [7] showed that fruit intake was associated with a low prevalence of wheezing and that cooked green vegetable intake was associated with a low prevalence of wheezing and asthma in school children aged 8�12 years old. Furthermore low vegetable intake in children was related to current asthma [7]. In adults, Grieger et al. [22] discusses the heterogeneous nature of the data describing fruit and vegetable intake and lung function, with one study showing no effect on lung function of higher fruit and vegetable intake over 10 years [23], yet in another study, increased fruit intake over 2 years was associated with increased FEV1 [23], while another study showed that a large decrease in fruit intake over 7 years was associated with decreased FEV1 [24]. We recently conducted an intervention in adults with asthma and found that subjects who consumed a high fruit and vegetable diet for 3 months, had a decreased risk of asthma exacerbation, compared to subjects who consumed a low fruit and vegetable diet [25]. A recent meta-analysis of adults and children, which analysed 12 cohorts, 4 population-based case-control studies, and 26 cross-sectional studies provides important new evidence showing that a high intake of fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of childhood wheezing, and that fruit and vegetable intake is negatively associated with asthma risk in adults and children [26]. While some studies of maternal diet have found no relationship with fruit and vegetable intake and asthma in children [27], other studies have found that increased fruit and vegetable intake were related to a decreased risk of asthma in children [21,28]. Increased fruit and vegetable intake may be protective against COPD development, with consumption of a �prudent� diet including increased fruit and vegetables being protective against lung function decline [3]. Two randomized controlled trials (RCT�s) manipulating fruit and vegetable intake have been conducted in COPD. A 12 week study showed no effect of a high fruit and vegetable intake on FEV1, systemic inflammation or airway oxidative stress [29]. However, a 3-year study in 120 COPD patients revealed an improvement in lung function in the high fruit and vegetable group compared to the control group [30], suggesting that longer term intervention is needed to provide a therapeutic effect. There is considerable evidence to suggest that a high intake of fruit and vegetables is favourable for all life stages of asthma and evidence is emerging which suggests the same in COPD.

2.3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Fish:�Respiratory Health

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from marine sources and supplements have been shown to be anti-inflammatory through several cellular mechanisms including their incorporation into cellular membranes and resulting altered synthesis of eicosanoids [31]. Experimental studies have shown that long chain omega-3 PUFA�s decrease inflammatory cell production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandin (PG) E2, leukotriene (LT) B4 [32] and activity of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-?B), a potent inflammatory transcription factor [33]. Long chain omega-3 PUFA�s also down regulate pro-inflammatory cell cytokine production (interleukin-1? (IL-1?), tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?)) by monocytes and macrophages, decrease expression of cellular adhesion molecules on monocytes and endothelial cells and reduce�production of ROS in neutrophils [34]. Saddeh et al. [7] reported that the evidence describing the relationship between omega-3 PUFA�s or fish consumption and respiratory conditions in childhood is contradictory. Some observational studies show that intake of oily fish is negatively associated with AHR and asthma [35,36]. However, evidence from Japan suggests that frequency of fish consumption is positively related to asthma risk [37] and in Saudi Arabia fish intake was not related to the presence of asthma or wheezing at all [18]. Similarly in adults, the data is heterogeneous, with omega-3 PUFAs or fish being associated with improved lung function [38] and decreased risk of asthma [39], AHR [35] and wheeze [36] in some, but not all studies [40]. Maternal dietary intake of oily fish was found to be protective of asthma in children 5 years of age if born to mothers with asthma [41] and a recent systematic review of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation studies in women during pregnancy found that the risk of asthma development in children was reduced [42]. The data examining the possible benefits of dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in asthma are heterogeneous and as summarized by a 2002 Cochrane review [43], to date there is insufficient evidence to recommend omega-3 PUFA supplementation in asthma. Omega-3 PUFA may have positive effects in COPD, as higher levels of DHA in serum were found to decrease the risk of developing COPD [44]. Experimental studies in humans with COPD including supplementation with omega-3 found lower levels of TNF-? [45] and improved rehabilitation outcomes [46], though no improvements were seen in FEV1. Several studies using omega-3 PUFA supplementation in COPD are currently underway and will provide important new information to inform the field [47�49]. Consumption of oily fish or supplementation with omega-3 PUFA�s may have positive effects in asthma and COPD, though strong evidence to support the experimental and epidemiological data is not yet available.

3. Nutrients And Respiratory Disease

3.1. Antioxidants And Oxidative Stress

Dietary antioxidants are an important dietary factor in protecting against the damaging effects of oxidative stress in the airways, a characteristic of respiratory diseases [50]. Oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), is generated in the lungs due to various exposures, such as air pollution, airborne irritants and typical airway inflammatory cell responses [51]. Also, increased levels of ROS generate further inflammation in the airways via activation of NF-?B and gene expression of pro-inflammatory mediators [52]. Antioxidants including vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids and carotenoids are abundantly present in fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, vegetable oils, cocoa, red wine and green tea. Dietary antioxidants may have beneficial effects on respiratory health, from influences of the maternal diet on the fetus, and intake in children through to adults and pregnant women with asthma and adults with COPD. ?-tocopherol is a form of vitamin E, which helps maintain integrity of membrane fatty acids, by inhibiting lipid peroxidation [22]. Carotenoids are plant pigments and include; ?- and ?-carotene, lycopene, lutein and ?-cryptoxanthin. This group of fat soluble antioxidants have been shown to benefit respiratory health due to their ability to scavenge ROS and reduce oxidative stress [22]. The antioxidant lycopene, present predominantly in tomatoes, may be beneficial in respiratory conditions, indeed lycopene intake has been positively correlated with FEV1 in both asthma and COPD [53] and an�intervention study in asthma showed that lycopene supplementation could suppress neutrophilic airway inflammation [54]. Antioxidants may also be important in asthma during pregnancy, as while oxidative stress commonly increases during normal pregnancies, in women with asthma oxidative stress is heightened [55]. During pregnancy there is a compensatory increase in circulating and placental antioxidants in asthma versus women without asthma, to protect the foetus against damaging effects of oxidative stress [55,56]. Improving antioxidant intake in pregnant women with asthma may be beneficial as poor fetal growth outcomes are associated with low levels of circulating antioxidants and dietary antioxidants are the first defense mechanism against ROS [22]. Maternal intake of vitamin E, vitamin D, milk, cheese and calcium during pregnancy are negatively associated, while vitamin C is positively associated, with wheezing in early childhood [57,58]. Antioxidants including lycopene appear to have positive influences in respiratory conditions, further detail is provided below on evidence for vitamin C, vitamin E and flavonoids and their role in the maternal diet, diets of children and adults with asthma and adults with COPD.

3.2. Vitamin C:�Respiratory Health

Vitamin C has been enthusiastically investigated for benefits in asthma and links to asthma prevention. In vitro data from endothelial cell lines showed that vitamin C could inhibit NF-?B activation by IL-1, TNF-? and block production of IL-8 via mechanisms not dependent on the antioxidant activity of vitamin C [59]. Anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic effects of vitamin C supplementation in vivo, have been shown through allergic mouse models of asthma. Jeong et al. [60] reported decreased AHR to methacholine and inflammatory cell infiltration of perivascular and peribronchiolar spaces when vitamin C was supplemented during allergen challenge. While Chang et al. [61] found that high dose Vitamin C supplementation in allergen challenged mice decreased eosinophils in BALF and increased the ratio of Th1/Th2 cytokine production shifting the inflammatory pattern to Th1 dominant. Observational studies in children showed consumption of fruit, a rich source of vitamin C, was related to reduced wheezing [62] and vitamin C intake was negatively associated with wheezing [63], while another study reported no relationship between vitamin C intake and lung function [64]. Grieger et al. [22] also reported conflicting evidence for effects of vitamin C intake in adults, with epidemiological studies showing a positive association between vitamin C intake and lung function in some [65], but not all studies [23,66]. Despite the observational data linking vitamin C to lung health, supplementation with vitamin C has not been shown to reduce the risk of asthma [66] which may be related to the interdependence of nutrients found in foods, resulting in lack of efficacy when supplementing with isolated nutrients. Evidence from experimental and observational studies suggests that Vitamin C might be important in COPD pathogenesis and management. Koike et al. [67] reported that in knock out mice unable to synthesize vitamin C, vitamin C supplementation was able to prevent smoke induced emphysema and also to restore damaged lung tissue and decrease oxidative stress caused by smoke induced emphysema. A case control study in Taiwan reported that subjects with COPD had lower dietary intake and lower serum levels of vitamin C than healthy controls [68]. Indeed an epidemiological study in the United Kingdom of over 7000 adults aged 45�74 years found that increased plasma vitamin C concentration was associated with a decreased risk of obstructive airways disease, suggestive of a protective effect [69]. Thus, in summary, while observational data has suggested that vitamin C is important for lung health, intervention trials�showing efficacy are lacking and it appears that supplementation with vitamin C-rich whole foods, such
as fruit and vegetables may be more effective.

3.3. Vitamin E:�Respiratory Health

The vitamin E family comprises of 4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols, with the most plentiful in the diet or in tissues being ?-tocopherol and ?-tocopherol [70]. Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C, as following neutralisation of ROS, oxidised vitamin E isoforms can be processed back into their reduced form by vitamin C [71]. Abdala-Valencia et al. [72] discuss the evidence for the roles of ?-tocopherol and ?-tocopherol in allergic lung inflammation in mechanistic animal studies and clinical trials. Supplementation of mice with ?-tocopherol reduced allergic airway inflammation and AHR [73], while ?-tocopherol was pro-inflammatory and augmented AHR, negating the positive effects of ?-tocopherol [74]. Other animal studies report that ?-tocopherol may assist in resolving inflammation caused by ozone exposure and endotoxin induced neutrophilic airway inflammation, owing to its ability to oxidize reactive nitrogen species [75,76]. A study in humans showed that both ? and ?-tocopherol may be effective in decreasing LPS induced neutrophilic inflammation [77]. The conflicting results from these supplementation studies are likely to be influenced by baseline tissue levels of vitamin E [72], with ?-tocopherol supplementation leading to improved lung function and wheeze in Europe, where ?-tocopherol levels are low [78�80], but not in the US, where ?-tocopherol intake is high due to soybean oil consumption [81�83]. As a result, meta-analysis of vitamin E effects on asthma outcomes is equivocal; it is likely that supplementation with physiological concentrations of ?-tocopherol in the context of a background diet low in ?-tocopherol, may be most beneficial in asthma and further research testing this hypothesis is required. In COPD, serum levels of vitamin E have been shown to be decreased during exacerbation, which suggests increased intake may be helpful to improve vitamin E concentrations [84]. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce biomarkers of oxidative stress in adults with COPD in one RCT [85], but not another [86]. In the Women�s Health Study (n = 38,597), the risk of developing chronic lung disease over a 10 year supplementation period was reduced by 10% in women using vitamin E supplements (600 IU on alternate days) [87]. Dietary intake of vitamin E lower than recommended dietary intakes has been reported in pregnant women with a family history of allergic disease [88] and recent work in animal models has highlighted ?-tocopherol may be important for allergic mothers in pregnancy. Allergic female mice were supplemented with ?-tocopherol prior to mating and following allergen challenge the offspring showed reduced response to allergen challenge with decreased eosinophils in BALF [89]. The offspring also showed reduced development of lung dendritic cells, necessary for producing allergic responses. Evidence from observational studies also suggests that reduced maternal dietary intake of vitamin E is related to an increased risk of childhood asthma and wheeze [90�92] and increased in vitro proliferative responses in cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMC) [93]. A mechanistic study by Wassall et al. [94] examined the effect of ?-tocopherol and vitamin C on CBMC and maternal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). ?-tocopherol was mostly anti-inflammatory, although increased proliferation and increased TGF-? were seen with some allergens. However, the addition of vitamin C to the system had inflammatory actions, with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, combined with reduced production of IL-10 and TGF-?. This study by Wassall et al. [94] demonstrates that supplementation�with these antioxidants does modulate immune responses in pregnancy, however several of the results are unexpected, highlighting the complex nature of the relationships between dietary nutrients and disease. In asthma the experimental data for vitamin E are compelling, yet supplementation benefits are not well described. In COPD there is currently not enough evidence to make conclusions about vitamin E supplementation.

3.4. Flavonoids:�Respiratory Health

Flavonoids are potent antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory as well as anti-allergic actions due in part, to their ability to neutralise ROS [95]. There are 6 classes of flavonoids including flavones, flavonols, flavanones, isoflavones and flavanols [96], which are widely distributed throughout the diet and found in fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, stems, flowers, roots, bark, dark chocolate, tea, wine and coffee [96]. Tanaka et al. [95] present the evidence for the benefits of dietary flavonoids in asthma development and progression. In addition to reducing oxidative stress, in vitro experiments have found that many individual flavonoids have inhibitory effects on IgE mediated immune responses such as histamine secretion by mast cells, shift in cytokine production from Th-2 to Th-1 production and decreased NF-?B activation and inhibition of TNF-? [97�100]. Experimental studies of flavonoids in animal models of allergic asthma have shown reduced airway and peripheral blood inflammation, decreased bronchoconstriction and AHR and lower eosinophils in BALF, blood and lung tissue [101�104]. In humans, evidence from a case control study in adults showed that apple and red wine consumption, rich sources of flavonoids, was associated with reduced asthma prevalence and severity [66]. However a follow-up study investigating intake of 3 subclasses of flavonoids did not find any associations with asthma prevalence or severity [105]. There are a limited number of experimental studies using flavonoid supplements in humans with asthma. Three RCT�s in adults with asthma using a product called pycnogenol, which contains a mixture of bioflavonoids, reported benefits including increased lung function, decreased symptoms and reduced need for rescue inhalers [106]. There is a paucity of evidence for the effects of flavonoids in the maternal diet and respiratory outcomes in children. One study which found a positive association of maternal apple intake and asthma in children at 5 years, suggests that the flavonoid content of apples may be responsible for the beneficial relationship [107]. Evidence for the effects of flavonoids in respiratory conditions is emerging and promising. Though like vitamin C, it may be difficult to disentangle the effects of flavonoids from other nutrients in flavonoid-rich foods. Supplementation of individual flavonoids in experimental animal studies has provided evidence to suggest that intervention trials in humans may be warranted.

3.5. Vitamin D:�Respiratory Health

Epidemiological studies show promising associations between vitamin D and lung health; however the mechanisms responsible for these effects are poorly understood. Vitamin D can be obtained from dietary sources or supplementation; however sun exposure is the main contributor to vitamin D levels [108]. While vitamin D has beneficial effects independent of UV exposure [109], it can be difficult to separate this potential confounder from direct effects of vitamin D on lung health [110]. The review by Foong and Zosky [111] presents the current evidence for the role of vitamin D deficiency in disease onset, progression and exacerbation in respiratory infections, asthma and COPD. Respiratory infections contribute to disease progression and exacerbation in both COPD and asthma. Vitamin D appears to have a protective role against the susceptibility to and severity of these infections [111], as active vitamin D (1,25 (OH)2D) modifies production of antimicrobial cathelicidins and defensins that kill bacteria and induce wound repair [112]. Activated vitamin D also decreases the expression of rhinovirus receptors in endothelial cell cultures and PBMC�s [113]. In vitro studies also support the link between vitamin D and airway remodelling as active vitamin D inhibits airway smooth muscle (ASM) cell proliferation [114] and deficiency impairs normal lung development [115]. Furthermore, animal models suggest that vitamin D can inhibit Th1 and Th2 cell cytokine production [116]. Epidemiological evidence links low levels of vitamin D with wheeze and respiratory infections, though evidence for the link with asthma onset is weak and inconsistent [111]. In children, low circulating vitamin D was related to lower lung function, increased corticosteroid use and exacerbation frequency [117]. Also in children with steroid resistant asthma, low vitamin D was related to increased ASM thickness [117]. Other observational studies report that in children, low levels of vitamin D are associated with asthma exacerbation [118]. Several observational studies support the role of vitamin D for protection against respiratory conditions in children. Zosky et al. [119] found that vitamin D deficiency at 18 weeks gestation was associated with lower lung function and current wheeze in children 6 years of age and an increased risk of asthma in boys. The role for vitamin D in enhancing steroid responsiveness suggested by observational studies [120] is supported by mechanistic studies [121], and in concert with the actions of vitamin D in infection, may explain the effect of vitamin D in reducing asthma exacerbations [111]. Only one intervention trial has been conducted using vitamin D in adults with asthma, which found that rate of first exacerbation was reduced in subjects who demonstrated an increase in circulating vitamin D3 following supplementation [122]. Data for the role of vitamin D in COPD onset is limited, though several cross-sectional studies have reported an association between low vitamin D levels, or deficiency, with COPD incidence [123]. Blood vitamin D levels have also been correlated with lung function in COPD patients [124,125]. Experimental data suggest that vitamin D may be important in COPD for its effect on normal lung growth and development, though human data to support this is not available. It is possible that COPD onset may also be impacted by cellular responses to cigarette smoke exposure which inhibits the protective immunomodulatory effects of vitamin D [126]. There is research suggesting a genetic link between vitamin D and COPD pathogenesis. In an observational study single nucleotide polymorphisms in the vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) predicted vitamin D levels in COPD patients and were found to be a risk factor for COPD [123]. The VDBP is also involved in macrophage activation as high levels of airway VDBP are related to increased macrophage activation, also high levels of serum VDBP were found to be related to lower lung function [127]. COPD progression may also be affected by vitamin D status through absence of the vitamin D receptor and parenchyma degradation [128]. COPD exacerbations are generally caused by viral or bacterial lung infections, and though vitamin D has a positive role in reducing infection, there is no evidence to support that vitamin D is associated with ameliorating exacerbations in COPD patients [129]. The extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D are well documented in both asthma and COPD, and deficiency is associated with negative respiratory and immune outcomes. At this stage however, more evidence from supplementation interventions is needed before widespread adoption of supplementation can be recommended.

3.6. Minerals:�Respiratory Health

Some minerals have also been found to be protective in respiratory conditions. In children, increased intake of magnesium, calcium and potassium is inversely related to asthma prevalence [7]. While several observational and experimental trials have been performed with conflicting results [130], a randomised controlled trial concluded that a low sodium diet had no therapeutic benefit for bronchial reactivity in adults with asthma [131]. Dietary magnesium may have beneficial bronchodilator effects in asthma [132]. Low dietary magnesium intake has been associated with negative effects on bronchial smooth muscle in severe asthma [133] and with lower lung function in children [134]. However further evidence of positive therapeutic effects are required before its importance in asthma and recommendations can be determined [135]. Dietary intake of selenium has been shown to be lower in asthmatics compared to non-asthmatics [136] and maternal plasma selenium levels were reported to be inversely associated with risk of asthma in children [137]. However case control studies in children have not found a relationship with selenium levels or intake with asthma related outcomes [18,138]. Furthermore, results from a large well designed RCT in adults with asthma showed no positive benefit of selenium supplementation [139]. Investigation of minerals in cord blood imply the importance of adequate intake during pregnancy, as levels of cord blood selenium were negatively associated with persistent wheeze, and levels of iron were negatively associated with later onset wheeze in children [140]. Studies on dietary intake of minerals and associations with COPD are sparse. A small study in Sweden found that in older subjects with severe COPD, intakes of folic acid and selenium were below recommended levels, and although intake of calcium was adequate, serum calcium levels were low, likely related to their vitamin D status as intake was lower than recommended [141]. Mineral intake may be important in respiratory diseases, yet evidence for supplementation is weak. It is likely that adequate intake of these nutrients in a whole diet approach is sufficient.

4. Obesity, Adipokines And Respiratory Disease

Overnutrition and resulting obesity are clearly linked with asthma, though the mechanisms involved are still under investigation. The review by Periyalil et al. [142] describes how immunometabolismadipose tissue derived immunological changes causing metabolic effects [143] contributes to the link between asthma and obesity. In the obese state dietary intake of lipids leads to increased circulating free fatty acids [144], which activate immune responses, such as activation of TLR4, leading to increased inflammation, both systemically and in the airways [20]. Adipose tissue also secretes adipokines and asthmatic subjects have higher concentrations of circulating leptin than healthy controls [14] which are further increased in females, though leptin is associated with BMI in both males and females [145]. Leptin receptors are present in the bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells and leptin has been shown to induce activation of alveolar macrophages [146] and have indirect effects on neutrophils [147]. Also leptin promotes Th1 proliferation inducing increased activation of neutrophils by TNF-? [148]. In vitro, leptin also activates alveolar macrophages taken from obese asthmatics, which induces airway inflammation through production of pro-inflammatory cytokines [149]. However, a causal role for leptin in the obese asthma relationship is yet to be established. Adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory adipokine, has beneficial effects in animal models of asthma [150], however, positive associations in human studies have only been seen in women [151]. In obesity, macrophage and mast cell infiltration into adipose tissue is upregulated [142]. Neutrophils also appear to dominate airway inflammation in the obese asthma phenotype [152], particularly in females [153], which may explain why inhaled corticosteroids are less effective in achieving control in obese asthma [154]. While the mechanisms are yet to be understood, a recent review reports that obesity in pregnancy is associated with higher odds of asthma in children, with increased risk as maternal BMI increases [155].

COPD is characterised not only by pulmonary deficits but also by chronic systemic inflammation and co-morbidities which may develop in response to the metabolic dysregulation that occurs with excess adipose tissue [156]. A recent meta-analysis of leptin levels in COPD reported a correlation with body mass index (BMI) and fat mass percent in stable COPD though absolute levels were not different to healthy controls [157]. During exacerbation, leptin levels increased and were positively associated with circulating TNF-? [157]. Bianco et al. [158] describes the role of adiponectin and its effect on inflammation in COPD. Adiponectin has anti-inflammatory effects and is present in high concentrations in serum of healthy subjects [159]. Adiponectin exists in several isoforms, which have varied biological effects [160] and interact with two receptors present in the lungs (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2) that have opposing effects on inflammation [161]. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene encoding adiponectin are associated with cardiovascular disease, obesity and the metabolic syndrome [162]. The role of adiponectin in COPD however is not well understood. In COPD, serum adiponectin is increased and directly relates to disease severity and lung function decline [163]. There is an alteration in the oligomerisation of adiponectin in COPD resulting in increased concentrations of the anti-inflammatory higher-molecular weight isoform [164], and the expression of adiponectin receptors in the lung is also altered in comparison to healthy subjects [165]. Animal models have shown anti-inflammatory effects of adiponectin in the lung through the increased expression of TNF-? in alveolar macrophages in adiponectin deficient mice [166]. Further mechanistic studies have also shown the anti-inflammatory potential of adiponectin by reducing the effects of TNF-?, IL-1? and NF-?B and increasing expression of IL-10 through interaction with AdipoR1 [161]. However under certain conditions in cell lines and animal models adiponectin has been shown to have pro-inflammatory effects [167,168]. As both detrimental and protective effects have been seen, the complex modulation of adiponectin isoforms and receptors in COPD requires further exploration. Obesity, the resulting systemic inflammation and alterations in adipokines have significant negative effects in both asthma and COPD. While work examining the mechanisms of effect is extensive, evidence for interventions to improve the course of disease are limited to weight loss interventions in asthma at this stage.

5. Undernutrition And Respiratory Disease

Though underweight has not been well studied in asthma, an observational study in Japan reported that subjects with asthma who were underweight had poorer asthma control than their normal weight counterparts [169]. While there is widespread acknowledgement that malnutrition in pregnant women adversely effects of the lung development of the fetus [170], a recent review reported that the offspring of mothers who were underweight did not have an increased risk of asthma. Amongst the obstructive lung diseases, undernutrition is most commonly recognized as a feature of COPD. Itoh et al. [171] present a review on undernutrition in COPD and the evidence for nutritional therapy in management�of the disease. Weight loss, low body weight and muscle wasting are common in COPD patients with advanced disease and are associated with reduced survival time and an increased risk of exacerbation [172]. The causes of undernutrition in COPD are multifactorial and include reduced energy intake due to decreased appetite, depression, lower physical activity and dyspnoea while eating [173]. In addition, resting energy expenditure is increased in COPD, likely due to higher energy demands from increased work of breathing [174]. Also, systemic inflammation which is a hallmark of COPD, may influence energy intake and expenditure [175]. Cigarette smoke may also have deleterious effects on body composition in addition to the systemic effects of COPD. Smoking causes muscle fibre atrophy and decreased muscle oxidative capacity shown in cohorts of non-COPD smokers [176,177] and in animal models of chronic smoke exposure [178,179]. The mechanisms underlying muscle wasting in COPD are complex and multifaceted [180]. Increased protein degradation occurs in the whole body, though it is enhanced in the diaphragm [181]. Protein synthesis pathways are altered, indeed insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which is essential for muscle synthesis is decreased in cachectic COPD patients [182] and is lower in COPD patients during acute exacerbation, compared to healthy controls [183]. Increased oxidative stress, due to increased mitochondrial ROS production, occurs both systemically and in muscle tissue in cachectic COPD patients and is negatively associated with fat free mass (FFM) and muscle strength in COPD patients [184]. Furthermore myostatin induces muscle atrophy by inhibiting proliferation of myoblasts and mRNA expression of myostain is increased in cachectic COPD patients and is related to muscle mass [185]. Systemic inflammatory mediators such as TNF-? and NF-?B are also implicated in COPD muscle atrophy [186,187]. Nutritional supplementation therapy in undernourished COPD patients has been shown to induce weight gain, increase fat free mass, increase grip strength and exercise tolerance as well as improve quality of life [188]. Further studies point out the importance of not only high energy content, but also macronutrient composition of the nutritional supplement and inclusion of low intensity respiratory rehabilitation exercise [189,190]. Other dietary nutrients have been investigated for the benefits in COPD. Creatinine, found in meat and fish, did not have additive effects to rehabilitation, while sulforaphane, found in broccoli and wasabi, and curcumin, the pigment in turmeric, may have beneficial antioxidant properties [191�193]. Branched chain amino acid supplementation in COPD is associated with positive results including increases in whole body protein synthesis, body weight, fat free mass and arterial blood oxygen levels [194,195]. Undernutrition is not a significant problem in asthma, though is a major debilitating feature of COPD. There is promising evidence that nutritional supplementation in COPD is important and can help to alleviate some of the adverse effects of the disease, particularly muscle wasting and weight loss.

6. Conclusions: Respiratory Health

Dietary intake appears to be important in both the development and management of respiratory diseases, shown through epidemiological and cross-sectional studies and supported by mechanistic studies in animal models. Although more evidence is needed from intervention studies in humans, there is a clear link for some nutrients and dietary patterns. The dietary patterns associated with benefits in respiratory diseases include high fruit and vegetable intake, Mediterranean style diet, fish and omega-3 intake, while fast food intake and westernized dietary�patterns have adverse associations. Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic representation of the relationships of nutrition and obstructive lung diseases.


Respiratory Health

Though antioxidants are associated with positive effects on inflammation, clinical outcomes and respiratory disease prevention, intervention studies of individual antioxidants do not indicate widespread adoption of supplementation [196]. Differences in results from individual studies including whole foods such as fruit and vegetables and fish could be influenced by the nutritional profile owing to the region it was grown or produced. In considering studies using single nutrients it is also important to acknowledge that nutrients in the diet are consumed as whole foods that contain other micronutrients, fibre and compounds with both known and unknown anti and pro-inflammatory potential. Furthermore investigations of single nutrients should ideally control for other antioxidants and dietary sources of pro-inflammatory nutrients. While this limitation is common, it is a significant challenge to control for dietary intake of other nutrients in clinical trials. A whole foods approach to nutrient supplementation�for example, increasing intake of fruit and vegetables, has the benefit of increasing intake of multiple nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids and shows more promise in respiratory diseases in terms of reducing risk of COPD [3] and incidence of asthma exacerbations [25].

The evidence for mechanisms of vitamin D in lung development and immune function are yet to be fully established. It appears that vitamin D is important in respiratory diseases and infections, however the temporal role of vitamin D deficiency in disease onset, pathogenesis and exacerbations and whether supplementation is indicated is yet to be clarified.

Overnutrition in respiratory disease is clearly associated with adverse effects, highlighted by detrimental effects induced by immunometabolism. Further understanding of the relationship between mediators of immunometabolism and respiratory diseases and their mechanisms may provide therapeutic options. Undernutrition still poses risk in some respiratory conditions. Appropriate nutritional supplementation in advanced COPD is indicated, and several nutrients appear to be beneficial in COPD development and exacerbation.

The field of nutrition and respiratory disease continues to develop and expand, though further work is required in the form of randomized controlled dietary manipulation studies using whole foods to enable provision of evidence based recommendations for managing respiratory conditions.

Bronwyn S. Berthon and Lisa G. Wood *

Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases, Level 2, Hunter Medical Research Institute,
University of Newcastle, Lot 1 Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton Heights, NSW 2305, Australia;

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;
Tel.: +61-2-4042-0147; Fax: +61-2-4042-0046.

Author Contributions

Bronwyn Berthon and Lisa Wood contributed to the study concept and design and were both involved in the preparation and completion of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

� 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license


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187. Sharma, R.; Anker, S.D. Cytokines, apoptosis and cachexia: The potential for TNF antagonism.
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188. Ferreira, I.M.; Brooks, D.; White, J.; Goldstein, R. Nutritional supplementation for stable chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2012, 12, CD000998.
189. Planas, M.; Alvarez, J.; Garc�a-Peris, P.A.; de la Cuerda, C.; de Lucas, P.; Castell�, M.; Canseco, F.;
Reyes, L. Nutritional support and quality of life in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) patients. Clin. Nutr. 2005, 24, 433�441.
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191. Al-Ghimlas, F.; Todd, D.C. Creatine supplementation for patients with COPD receiving
pulmonary rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Respirology 2010, 15, 785�795.
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196. Varraso, R. Nutrition and asthma. Curr. Allergy Asthma Rep. 2012, 12, 201�210.

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A Healthy Diet Benefits Your Life: 8 Wonderful Ways

A Healthy Diet Benefits Your Life: 8 Wonderful Ways

Healthy Diet: It’s hard to turn on the television or cruise the internet without being bombarded with headlines about “Americans don’t sleep enough” or “one third of adults are obese.”

While stress, heredity, and smoking are all factors that play into a person’s well being, one of the biggest is a healthy diet. Choosing to eat healthy benefits the body in a number of key areas. Still gobbling up the pizza and slurping down the diet soda, unconvinced? See if these eight points about a healthy diet change your mind.

1. Healthy Diet Strengthens & Improves Muscle Function

Healthy muscles carry us where we want to go. The right foods, along with proper exercise, build and maintain muscle mass, maintaining strength and mobility.

2. Promotes A Longer Life

Feeding your body what it needs can add years to your life. Reducing stress is one way to promote health, and a healthy diet is another. Foods rich in minerals and vitamins build up every cell in your body, preparing it to fight illness and stay alive longer.

3. Enables Richer Years

An individual who is healthy maintains a higher level of physical activity and brain function than their less healthy peers. A stronger body provides a richer life with more unique experiences.

4. Makes You Prettier

If you won’t eat healthy for your insides, maybe a better outside will motivate some dietary changes. We all want to be physically attractive. Healthy foods contribute to clear skin and shiny hair that no amount of high priced beauty products provides. Fueling the body with rich omega fatty and other healthy foods nourishes skin, hair, and nails.

healthy diet5. Makes You Smarter

Research shows certain dietary choices power up your brain to function at a higher level, and help everyday brain function. Introducing “brain foods” into your diet aid with memory retention and problem solving skills.

This is one of the best reasons to commit to a healthy diet of vitamin-rich foods, as a healthy brain allows a much more active and independent lifestyle, from working longer to being able to drive.

6. Decreases Your Injury Risk

A high-functioning body with strong bones and muscles maintains balance, handles heavy loads, and holds up under stress better than its weaker counterparts. Muscles and bones lacking calcium and protein over time grow weaker.

This, unfortunately, causes the body to be less stable and more prone to injury. Falls, slips, and twists end up with more serious injuries if a person’s body isn’t strong and healthy.

7. Fights Bad Genes

If you are already worried about the cancer that runs on mom’s side or the heart attack risk that runs on dad’s side, take heart. While you can’t change your DNA, you can use a healthy diet to combat some of your genetic disposition to disease.

Ingraining a healthy diet into your life, as well as exercise and regular doctor checkups, helps minimize the risk of falling victim to your family’s predisposed illnesses.

If you end up with an illness, whether or not from heredity, a healthy diet….

8. Prepares You To Fight Illness

A nutrient-rich diet boosts a person’s immune system to be able to fight off infection and illness. When a person falls victim to a disease or other medical condition, their diet helps them fight it off so it hopefully doesn’t get worse and is cured quickly.

A healthy diet is integral to a long, happy life. Deciding to eat healthy and maintain that commitment consistently may seem like a big change in lifestyle at first, but it will benefit you and your loved ones in ways that are practically immeasurable.

Tips For Preventing Dehydration

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Safe Physiotherapy Interventions in Cervical Disc Herniations

Safe Physiotherapy Interventions in Cervical Disc Herniations

Recognizing clinical and experimental evidence, physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that helps restore and maintain function to individuals affected by injury, disease or disability by using mechanical force and movements, manual therapy, exercise and electrotherapy, as well as through patient education and advice. The terms physiotherapy and physical therapy are used interchangeably to describe the same healthcare profession. Physiotherapy is recommended for a variety of injuries and conditions, and it can help support overall health and wellness for people of all ages.


For further notice,�physiotherapy services may be offered alongside chiropractic care, to provide a cautious and gentle manipulation and/or mobilization of the cervical and thoracic spine in the instance of a large cervical disc herniation. Cervical disc herniations can cause pain and discomfort, numbness and weakness in the neck, shoulders, chest, arms and hands.



A 34-year-old woman was seen in a physiotherapy department with signs and symptoms of cervical radiculopathy. Loss of cervical lordosis and a large paracentral to intraforaminal disc prolapse (8?mm) at C5�C6 level was reported on MRI. She was taking diclofenac sodium, tramadol HCl, diazepam and pregabalin for the preceding 2?months and no significant improvement, except temporary relief, was reported. She was referred to physiotherapy while awaiting a surgical opinion from a neurosurgeon. In physiotherapy she was treated with mobilisation of the upper thoracic spine from C7 to T6 level. A cervical extension exercise was performed with prior voluntary extension of the thoracic spine and elevated shoulders. She was advised to continue the same at home. General posture advice was given. Signs and symptoms resolved within the following four sessions of treatment over 3?weeks. Surgical intervention was subsequently deemed unnecessary.




Surgical interventions are commonly recommended in large cervical prolapsed discs and the importance of non-aggressive physiotherapy interventions is less recognised and poorly understood. We present interventions that were associated with resolution of symptoms of radiculopathy resulting from a larger cervical herniated disc. These interventions, if applied correctly, may help to reduce the number of surgeries required for cervical prolapsed discs.


Case Presentation


The patient was a 34-year-old woman. She was seen in the physiotherapy department with a complaint of left-sided neck and shoulder pain. The pain was radiating to her left arm and there was associated numbness. The duration of symptoms was more than 2?months with no history of trauma. The pain was present on waking in the morning and gradually increased during the day. She was otherwise a healthy woman. Neck movements were aggravating the symptoms. She was seen in the acute hospital accident and emergency department (A&E) twice since onset and had been taking diclofenac sodium, tramadol HCl, diazepam and pregabalin. An MRI was planned and a request was sent for physiotherapy during the MRI waiting period. A neurosurgical review was requested by the A&E consultant upon receipt of the MRI report 7?weeks later.


Patient examination in the physiotherapy department revealed a normal gait pattern, her left arm held in front of her chest with the left shoulder slightly elevated. Her active range of neck motion was restricted and was painful on the left side. Flexion and rotation to the left were aggravating her arm and shoulder pain. Strength deficits were noted in the left elbow flexors and wrist extensors (4/5) when compared with the right side. There was paraesthesia along the radial border of the forearm and thumb regions. The brachioradialis reflex was diminished and biceps reflex was sluggish. Triceps and plantar reflexes were normal. Passive intervertebral movements were tender at C5�C6 level and were reproducing the pain. Sustained pressure at C7 and below was easing the pain and also improving the neck range of motion. The patient was deemed to have C6 radiculopathy. The MRI report, available 2?weeks after the commencement of physiotherapy, confirmed the diagnosis.




The findings from the plain cervical x-ray were unremarkable. MRI showed (Figure 1) loss of cervical spine lordosis, a left paracentral to intraforaminal lesion with 8?mm hernia, which indented the cord and obstructed the left paracentral recess and neural foramen.


Figure 1 Loss of Cervical Spine Lordosis and Large Disc Herniation at C5 and C6 on MRI

Figure 1: Loss of cervical spine lordosis and large disc herniation at C5 and C6 on MRI.


Differential Diagnosis


  • Cervical myelopathy.




The patient received pharmacological treatment for the initial two symptomatic months, which included diclofenic sodium, tramadol, diazepam and pregabalin (lyrica) tablet. Physiotherapy was started after 2?months. Physiotherapy intervention consisted of mobilisation of the thoracic spine, resisted cervical extension exercises, a home programme of exercises and advice regarding the posture.


Mobilisation of the thoracic spine was administered in the prone lying position from C7 toT6 level. Mild intensity oscillations (15?reps) in an anterosuperior direction were directly applied to each of the spinal segments, through the thumb over the spinous processes, during the first visit. The applied force was enough to appreciate intervertebral movement in each segment and without significant pain. High-intensity oscillations (10�20) were applied during the subsequent treatment sessions. The patient was asked for symptom feedback during treatment.


Cervical spine extension exercises were carried out in a sitting position. The patient was asked to extend her thoracic spine with lungs fully inflated and shoulders elevated followed by extension of her cervical spine. Head extension was moderately resisted by the therapist near the end range of extension for 5�10?s and brought back to neutral after each resisted movement. The resisted movement was repeated at least three times with intervals of 30?s. The patient was asked to perform the same exercise at home every hour during the day.


The patient was educated regarding the rationale of extension exercises, sitting and lying posture and their effects on the spine. The duration of each session was approximately 20�25?min.


Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Surgical interventions are generally recommended and widely considered for large cervical disc herniations. Although less recognized and often misunderstood, however, physiotherapy can be just as effective towards improving herniated discs in the cervical spine, excluding the need for surgery, according to the research study. Pharmacological treatments are also commonly used to help temporarily reduce symptoms alongside physiotherapy interventions. Cautious and gentle, spinal manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine should be performed in the case of large cervical disc herniations to avoid aggravating the injury and/or condition. As recommended by a physiotherapist, or other healthcare professional experienced in physiotherapy, proper exercise can restore the function of the cervical spine and prevent regression of large prolapsed discs along the spine. Through appropriate physiotherapy intervention as well as through patient safety and compliance, the retraction of the cervical herniated discs is possible.


Outcome and Follow-Up


Pharmacological interventions were helpful to reduce the patient’s pain on a temporary basis. Symptoms were recurring and resolution was not sustainable. The symptoms started improving after the first physiotherapy session and continued to improve during the subsequent sessions. It fully resolved in four sessions extended over 3?weeks. The patient was reviewed 4?months after the resolution of symptoms and there was no recurrence of symptoms. She was reviewed by a neurosurgeon and the surgical option was withdrawn.




Stiffness of the thoracic spine has been linked to the painful pathologies of the cervical spine, and manipulation of the thoracic spine has been shown to improve painful symptoms and mobility of the cervical spine. However, cervical disc herniations of greater than 4?mm are considered inappropriate for physiotherapy interventions such as traction and manipulation. Spinal manipulation refers to a passive movement thrust of high velocity and low amplitude, usually applied at the end range of movement and is beyond the patient’s control. Manipulation of the cervical spine is an aggressive procedure, which carries various risks and is often associated with worsening of symptoms. Manipulation was not considered in the treatment options for this patient because of the risks associated with it, and also because of patient’s anxiety and lack of MRI-confirmed diagnosis.


Active extension of the thoracic spine increases the range of motion of the cervical spine and, in these authors� clinical experience, relieves minor neck symptoms. Conversely, thoracic spine kyphosis, such as slouch sitting, restricts the mobility of the cervical spine and aggravates the painful symptoms. A good sitting posture is constituted by a slightly extended thoracic spine. Therefore, active extension of the thoracic spine prior to cervical extension may improve cervical movements and restore cervical curvature.


It is believed that excessive pressure during flexion on the anterior aspect of the intervertebral discs pushes the nucleus pulposus posteriorly and causes herniations. Conversely, cervical lordosis might have the reverse effect�that is, decreases pressure on the anterior aspect of the discs and may create a suction effect which retracts the herniated contents. Therefore, a combination of short duration and repeated movements at the end of extension may serve as a suction pump and possibly retract the extruded content of the disc. Active cervical extension exercises, with an extended thoracic spine posture, may have been the key element in a home exercise programme to restore lordosis of the cervical spine and relieve radiculopathy symptoms in the current case. This may possibly have been due to the retraction of the herniated discs.


Spinal mobilisation refers to a gentle, oscillatory, passive movement of a spinal segment. These are applied to a spinal segment to gently increase the passive range of motion. It allows the patient to report aggravation of pain and to resist any unwanted movements. No mobilisation treatment was administered at C5�C6 level as palpation at this level was aggravating the symptoms. Segments below this level were mobilised with emphasis at C7�T1 level. Any treatment at the affected segment was likely to irritate the nerve root and thereby increase the inflammatory process.


Various interventions are reported for the treatment of prolapsed discs. Saal et al reported the use of traction, specific physical therapy exercise, oral anti-inflammatory medication and patient education in the treatment of 26 patients with herniated cervical discs (<4?mm) and reported significant improvement in outcomes for 24 patients. They observed that surgery for disc herniations occurs when a patient has significant myotomal weakness, severe pain or pain that persists beyond an arbitrary conservative treatment period of 2�8?weeks.


Spontaneous regressions of cervical disc protrusions are reported in the literature. However, spontaneous regressions of herniated cervical discs are speculated to be rare. Various factors related to regression are hypothesised and theorised. Pan et al summarised the factors related to the resorption of herniated disc as: the age of the patients; dehydration of the expanded nucleus pulposus; resorption of haematoma; revascularisation; penetration of herniated cervical disc fragments through the posterior longitudinal ligament; size of disc herniations; and existence of cartilage and annulus fibrosus tissue in the herniated material. Some studies on spontaneous regressions of discs reported that the patients were receiving physiotherapy. Physiotherapy interventions are not defined in any of these studies, however. Therefore, it is possible that disc regressions in these studies may be due to similar physiotherapy interventions as described here, or the patients were practising techniques and adopting postures as reported in the current case.


Learning Points


  • Thoracic spine mobilisation improves cervical spine biomechanics and can be considered in conjunction with other interventions in all painful conditions of the cervical spine.
  • Active extension of the thoracic spine facilitates movements of the cervical spine and may help regression of large prolapsed discs.
  • There is a possibility of retraction of herniated cervical discs through appropriate physiotherapy intervention.
  • Patient education ensures safety and compliance to therapist advice.
  • Meticulous assessment and patient feedback guides the therapist in selection of intensity of mobilisation.




Competing interests: None.


Patient consent: Obtained.


In conclusion,�physiotherapy, or physical therapy, is used to treat various injuries, diseases and disabilities, through the use of mechanical force and movements, manual therapy, exercise, electrotherapy, and through patient education and advice to restore and maintain function. As in the case above, physiotherapy can be recommended and considered as treatment before referring to surgical interventions of large cervical disc herniations. Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Sciatica


Sciatica is referred to as a collection of symptoms rather than a single type of injury or condition. The symptoms are characterized as radiating pain, numbness and tingling sensations from the sciatic nerve in the lower back, down the buttocks and thighs and through one or both legs and into the feet. Sciatica is commonly the result of irritation, inflammation or compression of the largest nerve in the human body, generally due to a herniated disc or bone spur.


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2.�Walser RF, Meserve BB, Boucher TR.�The effectiveness of thoracic spine manipulation for the management of musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.�J Man Manipulative Ther�2009;17:237�46.�[PMC free article][PubMed]
3.�Krauss J, Creighton D, Ely JD, et al.�The immediate effects of upper thoracic translatoric spinal manipulation on cervical pain and range of motion: a randomized clinical trial.�J Man Manipulative Ther2008;16:93�9.�[PMC free article][PubMed]
4.�Saal JS, Saal JA, Yurth EF.�Nonoperative management of herniated cervical intervertebral disc with radiculopathy.�Spine (Phila Pa 1976)�1996;21:1877�83.�[PubMed]
5.�Murphy DR, Beres JL.�Cervical myelopathy: a case report of a �near-miss� complication to cervical manipulation.�J Manipulative Physiol Ther�2008;31:553�7.�[PubMed]
6.�Leon-Sanchez A, Cuetter A, Ferrer G.�Cervical spine manipulation: an alternative medical procedure with potentially fatal complications.�South Med J�2007;100:201�3.�[PubMed]
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Stay Hydrated And Six Easy Ways To Do It

Stay Hydrated And Six Easy Ways To Do It

Stay Hydrated: Summer fun means outside activities in the warm sun, from strenuous pursuits like biking, hiking, and volleyball-playing, to more leisurely enjoyments like sunbathing on a float. No matter how you plan to enjoy the steamy summer months, maintaining hydration should be right up there with sunscreen on your list of important hot weather priorities.

Dehydration is a condition that ranges from mild to serious, and can happen quicker than you think. Right Diagnosis defines dehydration as “an abnormal condition in which the body’s cells are deprived of an adequate amount of water.” One of the main situations factoring into a person becoming dehydrated is heat.

Think you drink enough water and don’t need to worry about dehydration? Consider these points:

  • The ability to recognize thirst diminishes in individuals in their late 30’s or older.
  • A person’s body is made up of roughly 70% water.
  • When you lose 2% of the body’s water content, you are considered dehydrated.

Dehydration symptoms range from unpleasant confusion, muscle weakness, and fatigue to extremely dangerous ones like seizures, kidney failure, and death. The good news is that if you stay hydrated in the first place is relatively easy if you take a few precautions up front.

#1: Drink Plenty Of Water

Make it a habit of carrying water with you during the summer months, and sipping on it throughout the day, especially if you are planning on outside activities. Invest in a couple of BPA-free water bottles for yourself and your family to tote with them on their summer adventures.

Not a big fan of plain water? Try adding lemon, cucumber, and mint sprigs to liven it up! Mix up in a big pitcher the night before so the flavor has time to penetrate. Another option is flavor packets, which are individual packets of flavors like green tea, watermelon, and peach.

#2: Eat The Right Foods

Liquids aren’t the only way your body gets water. Avoid dehydration by eating foods with a high water content.

Choices like celery, watermelon, cucumbers, carrots, and citrus fruits all offer exceptional hydrating ability. Pack these as snacks for the pool or beach, or to enjoy before and after an outdoor workout.

#3: Steer Clear Of Certain Drinks

As yummy and refreshing as an icy beer or frosty margarita tastes, alcohol can contribute to dehydration. If you decide to indulge, limit yourself to one or two, and drink a large glass of water along with your beverage to counteract the alcohol’s effects.

stay hydrated#4: Avoid Overexertion

Exercise is a wonderfully healthy pursuit; however, keep an eye on the temperature. If it is going to be exceptionally hot and humid, choose to exercise either early in the morning, or after sunset, when temperatures are lower and the sun isn’t beaming.

#5: Wear Proper Attire

Dress in light, airy clothing in fabrics that breathe. Protect your head with a cap or hat that shades your face. Avoid black clothing, which tends to absorb the sun and make you hotter.

#6: Stay Hydrated & Be Prepared

Extreme heat makes everyday issues like a flat tire or dead battery life-threatening. Visit a mechanic to confirm your vehicle is in good shape to lessen the chances of getting stranded. Carry extra water or sports drinks in your vehicle, and keep your cell phone charged. If your car breaks down, either stay in your car to wait for help, or stand in the grass instead of on the sizzling pavement.

When you stay hydrated is essential for good health all the time, and during the summer in particular. Implement these easy tips into your daily routine so you and your family maintain hydration and enjoy hot weather outdoor fun.

Chiropractic Treatment For Concussions

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.