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Back Clinic Herbs Functional Medicine Team. A medication prepared from plants, including most of the world’s traditional remedies for disease. Most think of herbal remedies as products sold over the counter as “supplements,” such as saw palmetto extract or some ointment. However, many over-the-counter and prescription drugs are based on ingredients derived from plants, including aspirin and digoxin. Lab tests show that some herbal remedies are effective against illness. An Individual should use these drugs as carefully as prescription medicines, using caution to avoid overdose, interactions with other medications, and misuse.

Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to maintain or improve health. Many believe that products labeled “natural” are safe to use. This is not true, as herbal medicines do not have to go through the testing that drugs do. Some herbs, such as comfrey and ephedra, can cause serious harm. In addition, certain herbs interaction with a prescription or over-the-counter medicines can work well with other medicines and be dangerous. Before using herbal medicines, first, get information from reliable sources and tell your health care provider about any herbal medicines you are taking.

Moringa: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

Moringa: Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

Experience the powerful properties of moringa. Understand its health benefits and how it can support a healthier lifestyle.


How often do you experience joint pain after doing daily tasks? Do you find that the upper and lower body extremities are hot and sensitive to the touch? Or do you wake up with widespread joint and muscle discomfort that goes away over the day? Inflammatory effects might result from overlapping pain feelings that are caused by inflammation in certain bodily joints. When this occurs, a lot of folks start searching for strategies to lessen joint inflammation. To lessen joint inflammation, many patients choose holistic therapies that include vitamins, herbal supplements, and nutraceuticals. Moringa is one of the supplements we will examine.


Moringa: The Nutritional Powerhouse

The “Miracle Tree,” or moringa, is a plant that is indigenous to many regions of Africa and Asia and has strong nutritional and therapeutic qualities. This nutrient-dense superfood is a multifunctional plant with a wide range of nutritional and medicinal benefits. (Arora and Arora, 2021) Numerous vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and bioactive substances found in moringa plants support general health. To demonstrate the nutritional value of moringa oleifera, one gram of dried moringa leaves contains:

  • 9 grams of protein.
  • Vitamin C: 51.7 milligrams
  • 378 mcg of Vitamin
  • 185 mg of calcium; 337 mg of potassium; 4 mg of iron; and 147 mg of magnesium
  • Two grams of fiber

Additionally, moringa’s inherent capacity to reduce inflammation and ease joint pain brought on by arthritis and other joint disorders is among its most advantageous qualities for a large number of people.


A Natural Remedy For Inflammation

The body’s normal reaction to diseases, traumas, and long-term joint disorders like arthritis is inflammation. Depending on how severe the damaged region is, a person may have either acute or chronic inflammation. In contrast to chronic inflammation, which may result in overlapping risk profiles and cause tissue damage and long-term discomfort, acute inflammation causes redness and heat to radiate from the afflicted location. When this occurs, moringa’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in the natural reduction of joint inflammation.


How Moringa Helps Fight Inflammation

Moringa has numerous beneficial properties to reduce the impact of inflammation; it includes:


Antioxidant Riched

Strong antioxidants found in moringa neutralize dangerous oxidants brought on by inflammation and oxidative stress while also inhibiting the pro-inflammatory enzymes quercetin and kaempferol. (Chis and others, 2023) By neutralizing free radicals, moringa’s antioxidant properties help reduce the harm they cause. (Jimenez-Vergara et al., 2017)


Contains Natural Anti-Inflammatory Compounds

Moringa has strong antioxidants that neutralize dangerous oxidants brought on by inflammation and oxidative stress while blocking the pro-inflammatory enzymes quercetin and kaempferol. (Chis and others, 2023) Moringa’s antioxidant properties may neutralize free radicals and reduce their harmful effects. In 2017, Vergara-Jimenez et al.


Supports Immune Function

Many individuals are unaware that immune system failure is often associated with chronic inflammation, and that moringa may enhance immunological function. By causing a mild inflammatory phase to aid in healing, moringa consumption may reduce chemical and physical irritants as well as immunological problems. (Xiao and others, 2020) Moringa also contains significant levels of beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which enhance the immune system and support and control a healthy inflammatory response.


Unlocking The Secrets Of Inflammation-Video

Moringa for Joint Pain & Arthritis

Moringa may be a natural remedy for joint pain, whether from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, without the typical negative effects of prescription drugs. This is because as the body ages, the joints may get smaller, resulting in inflammation-related pain that eventually leads to malalignment. (Gessl and others, 2021)


Reduces Joint Swelling

The anti-inflammatory properties that moringa has can help decrease joint swelling and reduce stiffness and pain. At the same time, the anti-inflammatory properties of moringa can help improve skeletal muscle dysfunction associated with joint swelling by reducing the pro-inflammatory cytokines. (Sailaja et al., 2022)


Prevents Cartilage Breakdown

The antioxidants in moringa help protect against cartilage degradation, which is a major cause of joint pain.


Improves Joint Mobility & Flexibility

Many people found that incorporating and regularly consuming moringa can help reduce joint pain and stiffness while improving mobility and flexibility in the upper and lower extremities.


Incorporating Moringa Into Your Diet

Many people who are thinking about their health and wellness can make small changes to their daily routine, especially regarding their eating habits. Since food and nutrition are crucial to developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, adding moringa into a person’s daily routine can do that. (Bibi et al., 2024) There are several ways to enjoy moringa’s benefits:  


1. Moringa Powder

– Adding 1-2 teaspoons of moringa powder to smoothies, soups, or teas can provide an extra nutritional boost to the body. 

2. Moringa Capsules

– For individuals with a busy, hectic lifestyle, consuming moringa capsules daily can help many people incorporate taking supplements as a daily habit.  

3. Moringa Tea

– For those individuals who enjoy a warm cup of tea, seeping moringa leaves for three to five minutes in hot water can create a soothing anti-inflammatory tea.  

4. Moringa Oil (Ben Oil)  

– Individuals dealing with joint pain can apply moringa oil to their joints for additional pain relief. 

Final Thoughts

Moringa is a powerful superfood with anti-inflammatory and joint pain-relieving properties that can be incorporated into a healthy diet. Due to its essential nutrients, antioxidants, and bioactive compounds can be a natural alternative for individuals seeking relief from arthritis and chronic inflammation. Incorporating moringa as part of a healthy dietary habit can improve individuals’ health and joint mobility.


Injury Medical & Functional Medicine Clinic

We associate with certified medical providers who understand the importance of the various effects of incorporating moringa to reduce the inflammatory effects that are causing joint pain. When asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to implement small changes to their daily routine, like incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into their diets to reduce the effects of joint inflammation and restore mobility. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., utilizes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


Arora, S., & Arora, S. (2021). Nutritional significance and therapeutic potential of Moringa oleifera: The wonder plant. J Food Biochem, 45(10), e13933.

Bibi, N., Rahman, N., Ali, M. Q., Ahmad, N., & Sarwar, F. (2024). Nutritional value and therapeutic potential of Moringa oleifera: a short overview of current research. Nat Prod Res, 38(23), 4261-4279.

Chis, A., Noubissi, P. A., Pop, O. L., Muresan, C. I., Fokam Tagne, M. A., Kamgang, R., Fodor, A., Sitar-Taut, A. V., Cozma, A., Orasan, O. H., Heghes, S. C., Vulturar, R., & Suharoschi, R. (2023). Bioactive Compounds in Moringa oleifera: Mechanisms of Action, Focus on Their Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Plants (Basel), 13(1).

Cuellar-Nunez, M. L., Gonzalez de Mejia, E., & Loarca-Pina, G. (2021). Moringa oleifera leaves alleviated inflammation through downregulation of IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in a colitis-associated colorectal cancer model. Food Res Int, 144, 110318.

Gessl, I., Popescu, M., Schimpl, V., Supp, G., Deimel, T., Durechova, M., Hucke, M., Loiskandl, M., Studenic, P., Zauner, M., Smolen, J. S., Aletaha, D., & Mandl, P. (2021). Role of joint damage, malalignment and inflammation in articular tenderness in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis, 80(7), 884-890.

Sailaja, B. S., Hassan, S., Cohen, E., Tmenova, I., Farias-Pereira, R., Verzi, M. P., & Raskin, I. (2022). Moringa isothiocyanate-1 inhibits LPS-induced inflammation in mouse myoblasts and skeletal muscle. PLOS ONE, 17(12), e0279370.

Vergara-Jimenez, M., Almatrafi, M. M., & Fernandez, M. L. (2017). Bioactive Components in Moringa Oleifera Leaves Protect against Chronic Disease. Antioxidants (Basel), 6(4).

Xiao, X., Wang, J., Meng, C., Liang, W., Wang, T., Zhou, B., Wang, Y., Luo, X., Gao, L., & Zhang, L. (2020). Moringa oleifera Lam and its Therapeutic Effects in Immune Disorders. Front Pharmacol, 11, 566783.



Say Goodbye to Sleep Issues with Natural Botanicals

Say Goodbye to Sleep Issues with Natural Botanicals

Can many individuals with sleep issues incorporate natural botanicals to get a good night’s sleep and reduce stress?

Why Sleep Is Important?

Often, many people are constantly on the move and trying to find ways to rest and relax; however, in today’s world, many individuals are still experiencing various sleep issues that are not fulfilling them to achieve the full 8 hours of restful sleep. How often have you experienced fatigue throughout the day due to staying up late working on a project? Do you doom scroll on your phone while lying in bed at night that you accidentally stayed up late? Or do chronic health issues keep you up at night, which makes sleep difficult? When it comes to understanding why sleep is important, many people do not realize that sleep plays a huge role in cognitive functioning, mental health, and creativity. (Charest & Grandner, 2020) When environmental factors start to impact the body over time, it can lead to the development of sleep disorders. Environmental factors like stress can affect the circadian rhythm, causing dysregulation and sleep disorders. (Agorastos & Olff, 2021) However, there is some good news: there are various natural ways to help relax the body, get the full recommended amount of sleep without medications, and even help many people stay asleep longer. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the benefits of getting the full recommended amounts of sleep to reduce the stress affecting the body. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to integrate natural ways to reduce stress and sleep disorders to ensure proper sleeping habits. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


Balancing Body & Metabolism- Video

Natural Botanicals & Remedies To Promote Sleep

When it comes to incorporating healthy sleeping habits, many individuals have found natural remedies to not only stay asleep but also reduce any stressors associated with environmental factors. Many people trying to make small changes in their sleeping habits can do some of the following:

  • Find the right mattress and pillows
  • Turning off electronics an hour before bedtime
  • Have the room be in a comfortable, cool temperature

Additionally, herbal botanicals can help relax the body and ensure proper sleep. Almost all natural botanicals are found in teas and supplements at the local grocery store. Below are some botanicals that can help many individuals get quality sleep.



As a native to Europe and Asia, valerian is a perennial flowering plant with a unique and long history in traditional medicine, as it is used as a sedative and an anxiolytic. However, it has many sleep-promoting effects. (Yeom & Cho, 2024) The unique characteristic of valerian is that it interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA, as it is used to reduce sleep onset latency and increase sleep quality. (Bruni et al., 2021) The valerian plant can be utilized in a tea or a supplement as it is given to individuals for about 2 weeks at a time for its beneficial effects to start to work.



Known as winter cherry and located in India, ashwagandha has numerous health properties that can help many people with multiple ailments. The entire plant has been marketed in many forms and is common in pills and capsules as it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. (Cheah et al., 2021) Additionally, ashwagandha in small dosages can help improve cognitive function and immunity and reduce cortisol levels to help relax the body. (Park et al., 2023) Sleep can come easily to the individual when the body is relaxed after taking ashwagandha.



A common herb that can be used in teas, oils, or extracts, chamomile has been used as a sedative, mild analgesic, and sleep medication as it induces relaxation. (“Chamomile,” 2012) In tea form, this herb can become the most relaxing drink to sip at night and make a person sleepy. At the same time, when people drink chamomile, its soothing, beneficial properties can relieve and target the receptors in their central nervous system, causing them to be stressed and anxious, thus calming them down.



As one of the most popular herbs everyone uses, from teas to aromatherapy, lavender is a multipurpose plant with many beneficial properties that can help anyone. Lavender has two main components, linalool, and linalyl, with sedative, antinociceptive, and anti-spasmolytic effects to stimulate the parasympathetic system. (Hamzeh et al., 2020) This, in turn, can help relax the body with its calming aroma and provide beneficial results for individuals dealing with insomnia. In its essential oil form, lavender can help increase the total amount of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and reinforce a person’s sleep ability. (Ren et al., 2025) By making small changes and incorporating these natural botanicals to provide better sleep quality, many people will notice their bodies becoming more relaxed, their minds less anxious, and finally get that full 8 hours of sleep they deserve because sleep is for everyone, not the weak.



Agorastos, A., & Olff, M. (2021). Sleep, circadian system and traumatic stress. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 12(1), 1956746.

Bruni, O., Ferini-Strambi, L., Giacomoni, E., & Pellegrino, P. (2021). Herbal Remedies and Their Possible Effect on the GABAergic System and Sleep. Nutrients, 13(2).

Chamomile. (2012). In LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury.

Charest, J., & Grandner, M. A. (2020). Sleep and Athletic Performance: Impacts on Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Risk and Recovery, and Mental Health. Sleep Med Clin, 15(1), 41-57.

Cheah, K. L., Norhayati, M. N., Husniati Yaacob, L., & Abdul Rahman, R. (2021). Effect of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract on sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0257843.

Hamzeh, S., Safari-Faramani, R., & Khatony, A. (2020). Effects of Aromatherapy with Lavender and Peppermint Essential Oils on the Sleep Quality of Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2020, 7480204.

Park, C. W., Hong, K. B., Suh, H. J., & Ahn, Y. (2023). Sleep-promoting activity of amylase-treated Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera L. Dunal) root extract via GABA receptors. J Food Drug Anal, 31(2), 278-288.

Ren, Y. L., Chu, W. W., Yang, X. W., Xin, L., Gao, J. X., Yan, G. Z., Wang, C., Chen, Y. N., Xie, J. F., Spruyt, K., Lin, J. S., Hou, Y. P., & Shao, Y. F. (2025). Lavender improves sleep through olfactory perception and GABAergic neurons of the central amygdala. J Ethnopharmacol, 337(Pt 3), 118942.

Yeom, J. W., & Cho, C. H. (2024). Herbal and Natural Supplements for Improving Sleep: A Literature Review. Psychiatry Investig, 21(8), 810-821.


Unveiling the Beneficial Properties of Turmeric for Joints

Unveiling the Beneficial Properties of Turmeric for Joints

Can individuals dealing with joint pain incorporate turmeric as part of their treatment to reduce inflammation and restore joint health?


Many people realize that when the body ages, so do the bones, joints, and spinal discs. This causes musculoskeletal issues to develop and lead to joint pain. Many environmental factors, like improper posture, injuries, accidents, and heavy-loaded objects, are pain-like issues that can affect an individual’s health and well-being. This is because joint pain is associated with these environmental factors, which cause pain and inflammatory effects that can impact their well-being. Additionally, many people will try to find ways to reduce the inflammatory effects caused by joint pain, and one of them is found in their kitchen pantry, which is known as turmeric. Today’s article focuses on the connection between the joints and inflammation, what is turmeric, and its beneficial properties for the joints. We talk with certified associated medical providers who inform our patients about how adding turmeric to their daily routine can reduce the inflammatory effects on the joints. While asking associated medical providers intricate questions, we advise patients to incorporate turmeric in their meals and find therapeutic ways to reduce joint pain in their upper and lower extremities. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


Joint Pain & Inflammation Connection

Do you feel localized or referred pain in your joints that causes you to rest for an extended period? Do general morning aches and pains get better throughout the day? Or do you notice that you are losing your grip occasionally? Many of these scenarios are correlated with joint pain. The joints are part of the musculoskeletal system, and their primary job is to provide movement to the upper and lower extremities without pain. However, when the human body ages, the joints also gradually age. When the joints start to lose their cartilage, environmental factors can cause pain-like symptoms like inflammation to affect the joints, thus causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Additionally, it can also lead to joint disorders in the body. While inflammation helps heal the affected area in the body, it is beneficial for the natural healing process; however, when inflammation is chronic, it can do more harm than good.



This is because the immune cells are involved in neuroimmune interplay, which plays a key role in generating and maintaining pain in diseases with an inflammatory component. (Vasconcelos et al., 2022) Additionally, when environmental factors start to affect the joints, the inflammatory effects can cause peripheral nerve damage, and that can cause structural damage to the joints, leading to altered gait and abnormal loading patterns through movement. (McDougall & Reid, 2022) When individuals experience inflammatory effects that affect their joints, many will try to find ways to reduce the pain-like effects in their joints.


Fighting Inflammation Naturally-Video

What Is Turmeric?

Many individuals dealing with pain and inflammation in their joints will seek out therapeutic options to restore joint health. Many people can incorporate anti-inflammatory supplements and treatments to reduce joint inflammation. Turmeric is one of the anti-inflammatory supplements found in India and Southern Asia; anti-inflammatory components can help treat a wide variety of conditions and general health and wellness. (“Turmeric,” 2012) Turmeric is also a functional food due to its health-promoting properties that can help decrease inflammatory cytokines and reduce joint pain, which can help improve joint mobility. (Kepinska-Pacelik & Biel, 2023)

Functional Neurology: Benefits of Turmeric for Brain Health | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Turmeric’s Beneficial Properties For The Joints

Now, when it comes to the beneficial properties of turmeric for joint pain, many people can take turmeric in supplement form and, over time, will begin to notice less pain in their joints. This is because the main purpose of incorporating turmeric as part of a therapeutic routine is to relieve pain, delay joint degeneration progression, and restore joint function. (Zeng et al., 2021) Additionally, turmeric can help control inflammation and improve joint health since it can have a positive effect or equivalency of anti-inflammatory medication for individuals wanting to reduce joint pain’s life effects. (Panknin et al., 2023) When people want to think about their well-being and joint health, taking turmeric supplements or incorporating them in dishes can be a stepping stone to improving joint function. At the same time, incorporating strength training exercises into the surrounding muscles can help with joint improvement, and non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can help reduce the inflammatory effects of degenerating the joints. This, in turn, can help people live pain-free lives, giving them a sense of control over their well-being.



Kepinska-Pacelik, J., & Biel, W. (2023). Turmeric and Curcumin-Health-Promoting Properties in Humans versus Dogs. Int J Mol Sci, 24(19).

McDougall, J. J., & Reid, A. R. (2022). Joint Damage and Neuropathic Pain in Rats Treated With Lysophosphatidic Acid. Front Immunol, 13, 811402.

Panknin, T. M., Howe, C. L., Hauer, M., Bucchireddigari, B., Rossi, A. M., & Funk, J. L. (2023). Curcumin Supplementation and Human Disease: A Scoping Review of Clinical Trials. Int J Mol Sci, 24(5).

Turmeric. (2012). In LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury.

Vasconcelos, D. P., Jabangwe, C., Lamghari, M., & Alves, C. J. (2022). The Neuroimmune Interplay in Joint Pain: The Role of Macrophages. Front Immunol, 13, 812962.

Zeng, L., Yu, G., Hao, W., Yang, K., & Chen, H. (2021). The efficacy and safety of Curcuma longa extract and curcumin supplements on osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biosci Rep, 41(6).


Thyme To Heal The Body

Thyme To Heal The Body

Do you feel:

  • Pain, tenderness, soreness on the left side?
  • Stomach pains, burning, or aching, 1-4 hours after eating?
  • Digestive problems subside with rest and relaxation?
  • Unpredictable abdominal swelling?
  • An overall sense of bloating?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then something might be wrong in your body, especially in the gut. Why not try to add some thyme into your food.


In the culinary world, thyme is usually associated with savory dishes that compliment the flavors. This leafy herb can be combined with chicken and can give food dishes like stuffing, sauces, stews and soups a boost in the flavor department. Even though thyme is a culinary herb, surprisingly, there is some history with this leafy herb that not everyone knows about yet. History shows that thyme was used as an embalmment by Ancient Egyptians, while Ancient Greece was using thyme as incense for their temples. History even showed that thyme has a �purifying� aroma that helped people ward off nightmares in the Middle Ages. In today’s world, thyme is well-known for its ability to enhance the flavors in the cooking world. However, it is even better known for its medicinal purifying properties for functional medicine.

Studies have found out that about approximately 1/3 of all deaths in the world are due to infectious diseases. In contrast, an alarming number of microorganisms have now become resistant to antibiotic therapy. Surprisingly though, scientists are trying to find ways to look for alternative antimicrobial therapies with thyme. Since plants have a natural defense mechanism that is built into them since they can protect themselves from harsh environmental factors. So, with thyme being a Mediterranean herb, its health properties are beneficial for the body and can dampen the effect of harmful bacterial pathogens.

Beneficial Properties Thyme Possess


Some of the beneficial properties that thyme has to offer are amazing since it has been used for medicinal usages. Thyme has a naturally occurring class of compounds known as biocides. Studies show that these compounds are known to destroy any harmful organisms like infectious bacteria, while also having powerful antimicrobial properties. In a 2010 research study, it suggested that thyme can reduce bacterial resistance to some of the common drugs, including penicillin. Some other beneficial properties that thyme presents include:

Blood Pressure

Thyme has been found to help reduce high blood pressure in individuals. Researchers in Serbia have found that wild thyme can reduce the individual�s blood pressure through animal studies. It even showed how rodents are similar to people when they are dealing with hypertension in the body. While another study found out that thyme extract can reduce a raised heart rate while also lowering the bad cholesterol. The study even showed that thyme had been used for treating a variety of various diseases that can harm the body in traditional medicine. It is even possible for thyme to be used as a substitute for salt for food.

Prevent Intestinal Infections

Studies have found out thyme can neutralize certain enteric bacteria that have been associated with some intestinal diseases. In a 2017 research study, scientists have discovered that when subjects have been in contact with the Clostridium perfringens, a harmful bacterium that can harm the intestines, can be treated with thyme. The result shows that the subjects had fewer bacterial infections in their intestines while also having fewer lesions and fewer C. perfringens related deaths.

Boost the Immune System

Even though everyone can try to live a healthy lifestyle, sometimes it is hard to get all the vitamins that the body needs to maintain itself both inside and out. Research has shown that thyme can provide the body a healthy dosage of vitamins C and A. Whenever it is the cold or flu season, thyme can be beneficial to anyone who wants to prevent the cold or flu from happening or at least dampen the symptoms. One of the beneficial properties that thyme can also do for the immune system is that it can be a good source of minerals like copper, fiber, iron, and manganese that the body does need in order to function properly.

Antimicrobial and Antifungal Properties

Thyme has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that are beneficial to the body. A Portugal study had found that thyme can provide anti-cancer activity properties to people who have colon cancer. The study even showed that thyme�s chemical constituents could identify the colon cancer cytotoxicity activities and shortening its process to become worst. Another study found in Turkey showed that wild thyme could have a positive effect on breast cancer activity. The study found that wild thyme extract can be used in novel therapeutic drugs for breast cancer treatment.

For antifungal properties, studies have found that thyme can be beneficial to combatting fungal bacteria in the body like yeast infections. Researchers in Italy have found the fungus Candida albicans is common to cause yeast infections in the mouth and vaginal area. Another study found that thyme essential oil can significantly enhance the destruction of C. Albicans in the body and preventing the fungus from spreading. The results showed that the fungal strands had a biofilm production, and only thyme oil was the only one to be the most inhibitory oil to affect biofilm production of the fungal strands.


There are many beneficial properties that thyme can posses to help not only the body but also the immune system and the gut system as well. It is truly amazing that this herb can have purifying effects on the body and even enhance the flavors of food dishes.�Since more people are using thyme in their culinary dishes, it is no wonder that thyme is a truly, magical herb that can help the body achieve an overall sense of health and wellness. Some products that can be beneficial to the body, including the immune system, by providing support to the intestines for greater stability, bioavailability, and digestive comfort.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Laboratories, Medical Oncology Research. �Effects of Thymus Serpyllum Extract on Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis and Epigenetic Events in Human Breast Cancer Cells.� Taylor & Francis, 19 Nov. 2012,

Team, Biotics Education. �Thyme for Gut Health.� Biotics Research Blog, 2017,

Alamgeer, et al. �Pharmacological Evaluation of Antihypertensive Effect of Aerial Parts of Thymus Linearis Benth.� Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014,

Fanous, Summer. �9 Health Benefits of Thyme.� Healthline, 5 May, 2016,

Felman, Adam. �What Are the Benefits of Thyme?� MedicalNewsToday, 23 Aug. 2018,

Gordo, Joana, et al. �Thymus Mastichina: Chemical Constituents and Their Anti-Cancer Activity.� Natural Product Communications, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2012,

Khan, Mohd S A, et al. �Sub-MICs of Carum Copticum and Thymus Vulgaris Influence Virulence Factors and Biofilm Formation in Candida Spp.� BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, BioMed Central, 15 Sept. 2014,

Kim, Gil-Hah, et al. �Chemical Composition, Larvicidal Action, and Adult Repellency of Thymus Magnus Against Aedes Albopictus.� Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, The American Mosquito Control Association, 1 Sept. 2012,

Palaniappan, Kavitha, and Richard A. Holley. �Use of Natural Antimicrobials to Increase Antibiotic Susceptibility of Drug Resistant Bacteria.� International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier, 13 Apr. 2010,

Team, WHO. �The Top 10 Causes of Death.� World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 24 May 2018,

Wong, Cathy. �The Use of Thyme in Alternative Medicine.� Verywell Health, Verywell Health, 28 Apr. 2020,

Yin, D., Du, E., Yuan, J.�et al.�Supplemental thymol and carvacrol increases ileum�Lactobacillus�population and reduces effect of necrotic enteritis caused by�Clostridium perfringes�in chickens.�Sci Rep7,�7334 (2017).

Modern Integrative Wellness- Esse Quam Videri

The University offers a wide variety of medical professions for functional and integrative medicine. Their goal is to inform individuals who want to make a difference in the functional medical fields with knowledgeable information that they can provide.

Astragalus and The Immune System

Astragalus and The Immune System

Do you feel:

  • Dizziness when standing up quickly?
  • A slow start in the morning?
  • Edema and swelling in ankles and wrist?
  • Muscle cramping?
  • Tired or sluggish?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then there might be some dysfunction in your body�s system, including the immune system. Why not try the Chinese herb, astragalus to help alleviate the symptoms.


In traditional Chinese medicine, the herb astragalus has been used for thousands of years and has been known to strengthen chi or qi life force in the body. This herb has been known to be typically employed in conditions that are related to general weakness in the body like fatigue, anemia, a poor appetite, cardiovascular diseases, and other conditions that can weaken the body. Surprisingly though, astragalus can be used to optimize kidney health and, with the combination of ginseng and echinacea, can boost up the body’s immune system. There is a variety of astragalus that are native to Northeast Asia, and its roots need to be dried and powdered to be transformed to be consumed as a capsule or as a tea.

Astragalus Beneficial Properties

Studies have found that astragalus�s beneficial pharmacological effects might contain phytochemical components, which include a host of saponins polysaccharides and flavonoids that the body’s immune system needs to function correctly. Another study found that astragalus contains about twenty trace minerals that are highly important for the body. With astragalus extract, it has immune-modulating properties in vivo and in vitro in both animals and humans, and research shows that the herb stimulates and influences on the immune response cytokines while also leaving the inflammatory cytokines unaffected.

Some of the beneficial properties that astragalus can have on the body are still being researched; however, this Chinese herb can help the body to function correctly and are effective.

Improving the Immune System


Studies have shown that astragalus contains some beneficial plant compounds that may enhance the body’s immune system. Studies show that the primary role for the immune system is that it helps protect the body from foreign pathogens like harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause a person to be ill. Research has found out that there is some evidence that astragalus can increase the body�s production of white blood cells, which will help prevent illnesses from entering the body. In other research studies, it has been found that astragalus root has been known to help the body kill bacteria and viruses caused by infections. Even though the research may be limited, there are still studies that show that astragalus can fight off viral infections like the common cold and liver infections in the human body.

Improving the Heart Function

Research shows that astragalus may be able to improve heart function by widening the blood vessels and increasing the amount of blood that is being pumped from the heart. In a clinical research study, it showed that patients were given at least 2.25 grams of astragalus for two weeks and have experienced a more significant improvement in their heart function. In another study, it shows that astragalus may help reduce the symptoms of myocarditis, which is an inflammatory condition in the heart.

Improving Kidney Function

Astragalus can help support kidney health in the body by improving the blood flow to the kidneys and measuring the protein in the urine. A study has shown that proteinuria is a condition where there is an abnormal amount of protein that is found in urine, and it can be a sign that the kidneys are not functioning normally or may be damaged. Surprisingly, there was another study that showed that astragalus could improve proteinuria symptoms in individuals that have kidney disease. Studies have even found that astragalus may also help prevent infections for anyone who has a reduce kidney function and reducing the risk of a kidney disorder known as nephrotic syndrome.


Astragalus is a unique herb that can help the body’s immune system to function correctly. Even though there is a limited amount of research on this herb, but the beneficial properties it provides in the body are truly amazing. Astragalus can be consumed by capsules or even be brewed as a tea, so that way, people can enjoy the beneficial properties and that their body is performing excellently in health and wellness. Some products offer support to the body’s immune system and help target the amino acids that are intended to support the intestines while offering more support to the metabolic system.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Block, Keith I, and Mark N Mead. �Immune System Effects of Echinacea, Ginseng, and Astragalus: a Review.� Integrative Cancer Therapies, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Sept. 2003,

Fu, Juan, et al. �Review of the Botanical Characteristics, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology of Astragalus Membranaceus (Huangqi).� Phytotherapy Research: PTR, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Sept. 2014,

Gao, Xing-hua, et al. �Saponin Fraction from Astragalus Membranaceus Roots Protects Mice against Polymicrobial Sepsis Induced by Cecal Ligation and Puncture by Inhibiting Inflammation and Upregulating Protein C Pathway.� Journal of Natural Medicines, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2009,

Meixner, Makayla. �Astragalus: An Ancient Root With Health Benefits.� Healthline, 31 Oct. 2018,

Nalbantsoy, Ay?e, et al. �Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory Properties in Mice and in Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Cycloartane Type Saponins from Astragalus Species.� Journal of Ethnopharmacology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31 Jan. 2012,

Peng, T Q, et al. �Effect and Mechanism of Astragalus Membranaceus on Coxsackie B3 Virus RNA in Mice.� Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi Zhongguo Zhongxiyi Jiehe Zazhi = Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 1994,

Piao, Yuan-lin, and Xiao-chun Liang. �Astragalus Membranaceus Injection Combined with Conventional Treatment for Viral Myocarditis: a Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.� Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2014,

Team, DFH. �Astragalus: Funny Name Serious Results.� Designs for Health, 9 Oct. 2018,

Team, NCBI. �Astragalus Membranaceus. Monograph.� Alternative Medicine Review: a Journal of Clinical Therapeutic, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2003,

Wang, Deqing, et al. �Study of the Effects of Total Flavonoids of Astragalus on Atherosclerosis Formation and Potential Mechanisms.� Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012,

Wu, Hong Mei, et al. �Interventions for Preventing Infection in Nephrotic Syndrome.� The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 18 Apr. 2012,

Yang, Qing-you, et al. �Effects of Astragalus on Cardiac Function and Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Level in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure.� Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi Zhongguo Zhongxiyi Jiehe Zazhi = Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2010,

Zhang, Hong Wei, et al. �Astragalus (a Traditional Chinese Medicine) for Treating Chronic Kidney Disease.� The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 Oct. 2014,

Modern Integrative Wellness- Esse Quam Videri

The University offers a wide variety of medical professions for functional and integrative medicine. Their goal is to inform individuals who want to make a difference in the functional medical fields with knowledgeable information that they can provide.

The Wonderful Benefits of Sage

The Wonderful Benefits of Sage

Do you feel:

  • Inflammation in the joint and the mouth?
  • Your glucose levels rising a little bit?
  • Unpredictable abdominal swelling?
  • Hormone imbalances?
  • Weight gain?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then why not try adding some sage into your dishes.


Throughout the world in the culinary arts and the health world, traditional foods and tasty recipes always required certain spices and herbs that will boost the flavors of the dishes that a person is creating to be consumed. Like for example, sweet potatoes pairing with cinnamon, it is like tasting heaven. Any meat products or vegetables thrive when a person is seasoning these products with many herbs and spices. The herb salvia officinalis or sage fills the air with its aroma and enhances the flavor of many foods.


Like any other herbs, sage is a powerhouse in the nutritional food world. Studies show how a large quantity of sage can have a significant amount of micronutrients when it is seasoning poultry and different kinds of animal meat products. What is a surprise of this herb is that it is not just to make poultry mouthwatering, but sage can be used as an essential oil as well. Research shows that sage essential oil can exhibit antimicrobial effects against any harmful bacteria that enter the body. It even has antioxidant properties to protect the body against lipid peroxidation.

Sage Benefits

There are many benefits that sage can provide the body and can protect the body�s cells from free radicals that can damage the body and impaired not only the immunity but can also develop chronic diseases. Some of the beneficial properties that sage can provide are:

Treating Alzheimer�s

Sage can have a positive impact on a person�s cognitive skills and can protect the brain from neurological disorders, like Alzheimer�s disease. In a recent study, it showed how sage is a cognitive- enhancing agent to increase the brain’s function. Since sage has been used in traditional remedies to treat a wide range of problems in the digestive tract and body circulation. It can enhance the head and brain function by improving a person’s memory, quicken their senses, and delay any age-associated cognitive diseases.

Lowers Glucose and Cholesterol

Sage can help lower the body�s glucose and cholesterol levels. One study showed how 40 participants with diabetes and high cholesterol took sage leaf extract for at least three months, and the results were astounding. The results showed that the participants had low levels of glucose and low levels of cholesterol.

Another study found that people who have type 2 diabetes use sage to lower their blood sugar levels to prevent DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis). The study concluded that sage could be beneficial for anyone that has diabetes to reduce glucose levels. By consuming sage into a person�s diet is marvelous because of the properties that it provides for anyone who may have a higher glucose level or even a high level of cholesterol.

Reduces Inflammation

There is more evidence that sage has certain compounds that has anti-inflammatory actions. Studies show that sage has beneficial anti-inflammatory effects for inflammation in the connective tissues of the gums in the mouth. Sage’s anti-inflammatory properties have been used in a dentist’s office since it is used as an oral antiseptic to dull the pain of gingival fibroblasts.

Ease Menopause Symptoms

When the body experiences a natural decline of hormones, both males and females can experience menopause, and this can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms for anybody. From hot flashes, excessive sweating, low levels of testosterone and estrogen, to mood swings, and even being irritable. Studies have shown that common sage has been used as a traditional medicine to reduce menopause symptoms from the body. There are even more studies showing that the sage has estrogen-like properties that will allow the compounds to bind to neurological receptors in the brain to improve the body�s cognitive memory and function.


There are many usages for sage as this herb is a powerhouse when it comes to everyday products. Sage can even be used to purify the toxins that are in the air and seasoned poultry and different kinds of meats. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it can dampen inflammation and prevent it from turning into chronic inflammation in the body. So by adding sage into dishes can not only boost the dishes that need sage in the recipes but can also provide beneficial properties to the body. Some products can help support the immune system and are designed for more excellent stability, bioavailability, and digestive comfort.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Bozin, Biljana, et al. �Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Rosemary and Sage (Rosmarinus Officinalis L. and Salvia Officinalis L., Lamiaceae) Essential Oils.� Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 19 Sept. 2007,

Fawzi, Muntaha, et al. �Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Extracts ABSTRACT on Oral Health.� Iraqi Dental Journal, 2017,

Kargozar, Rahele, et al. �A Review of Effective Herbal Medicines in Controlling Menopausal Symptoms.� Electronic Physician, Electronic Physician, 25 Nov. 2017,

Lopresti, Adrian L. �Salvia (Sage): A Review of Its Potential Cognitive-Enhancing and Protective Effects.� Drugs in R&D, Springer International Publishing, Mar. 2017,

Rahte, Sinikka, et al. �Salvia Officinalis for Hot Flushes: towards Determination of Mechanism of Activity and Active Principles.� Planta Medica, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2013,

Team, DFH. �Sage Is All the Rage (or at Least It Should Be!).� Designs for Health, 23 Dec. 2019,

Ware, Megan. �Sage: Health Benefits, Facts, and Research.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 10 Jan. 2018,

Modern Integrative and Functional Wellness- Esse Quam Videri

By informing individuals about how the National University of Health Sciences provides knowledge for future generations who want to make a difference in the world. The University offers a wide variety of medical professions for functional and integrative medicine.



Tis The Season For These Botanical Herbs

Tis The Season For These Botanical Herbs

Do you feel:

  • Unpredictable abdominal swelling?
  • Hormone imbalance?
  • Occasional stress?
  • Inflammation in the gut?
  • Weight gain?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then why not try these botanical herbs in your food dish.

The holiday season brings out the joy out of people with holiday traditions and its unique, universal foods, drinks, seasonal herbs, and spices to the table. The colder seasons are where everyone in the U.S. indulges in hearty soups, pumpkin spice products, root vegetables, and turkey leftovers. Many holiday menu items will incorporate sweet and savory herbs and spices in their food dishes. What people do not realize is that even though these herbs and spices enhance the flavors of the food, they also provide a plethora of health benefits for the body. So using these herbs and spices in the kitchen can help increase the person’s chances to receive their beneficial properties, hence “the more, the merrier.”


Throughout the centuries, medicinal plants have been traditionally used by a variety of cultures. Some of nature’s most potent herbs are most used in culinary dishes, while also providing the beneficial properties to the human body; they are rosemary, sage, and clove.


Being commonly used as a condiment and a food preservative, rosemary is a native herb in the Mediterranean region. A review did an animal study of in vivo and in vitro that showed that rosemary had demonstrated similar beneficial effects to any medications that are for a variety of physiological disorders. Some of the physiological disorders include:

  • Lead hepato-nephrotoxicity
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Bodyweight and dyslipidemia
  • Pain
  • Cerebral ischemia

Another review was looking at how rosemary has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and that its abundance in isoprenoid quinones. The review stated that rosemary could �act as chain terminators for free radicals and as chelators for ROS (reactive oxygen species.)” The antioxidative properties in rosemary have about the majority of phenolic diterpenes; like carnosic acid and carnosol, that are responsible for about 90% of this herb. Since it inhibits lipid peroxidation, scavenge radicals, and helps reduce cytochrome c by activating the redox-dependent signaling pathways in the body.

With carnosic acid, it has been shown to provide superior antimicrobial actions to other significant constituents that are found in rosemary. Furthermore, there have been studies shown that rosemary has antibacterial effectiveness against resistant bacteria in the body.


Sage is another herb that is native to the Mediterranean and Middle East regions and has been used in traditional folk medicine to treat a variety of disorders in the body. There is recent research that has suggested that sage can possess a wide range of beneficial properties for the body due to the presence of carnosic acid and carnosol in this herb. Another study showed that sage contains high contents of glycosidic flavones that provide functional inhibitory capacity against xanthine oxidase activity in the body. Some of the beneficial properties include:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antinociceptive
  • Antibacterial
  • Hypoglycemic
  • Antioxidative

There is further research that demonstrates how sage has powerful cognitive enhancing and neuroprotective properties. Studies show that patients with Alzheimer�s disease took a 4-month supplementation of sage, and the results are remarkable. Alzheimer patients experienced significant improvements in their cognitive function and mood enhancements. In another study, sage extract can help reduce the severity of physical and psychological systems that are experienced in premenstrual syndrome in the body. A recent article showed how freshly harvested sage leaves can become a potent modulator for neuroreceptor pathways that involves serotonin transporters that may help normalize thermoregulation and mental impairment for menopausal women.

Surprisingly though, both rosemary and sage have been proven and shown that they can help improve gabaergic pathways in the brain and can help decrease the neuronal activities that are associated with anxiety disorders. Studies show that rosemary and sage extracts have hepatoprotective and antioxidative roles that can increase catalase and glutathione levels and decrease lipid peroxidation in the body.


Clove buds were initially found in east Indonesia, and it plays a role as the herb has a potent antimicrobial and antioxidative botanical. Research shows that clove oil possesses a bactericidal effect against pathogenic species that can harm the body. Earlier this year, a research study found out that clove oil extract can enhance anti-inflammatory activity by reducing myeloperoxidase activity in human neutrophils significantly. This herb can help reduce ROS and a variety of other inflammatory mediators that can promote significant damage to the body at the site of inflammation.


So for the holidays, adding these three powerful herbs to the next holiday feast are not just there to help enhance the flavors of the dishes, but they are beneficial to the body. Since they provide anti-inflammatory properties to the body by decreasing the inflammatory responses. So for the colder seasons, add that extra dash of herbs into the dish recipe will make anyone’s day merry. Some products are specialized in countering the metabolic effects of temporary stress and can support the body.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Chniguir, Amina, et al. �Syzygium Aromaticum Aqueous Extract Inhibits Human Neutrophils Myeloperoxidase and Protects Mice from LPS-Induced Lung Inflammation.� Pharmaceutical Biology, Taylor & Francis, Dec. 2019,!po=2.63158.

Choukairi, Zineb, et al. �Effect of Salvia Officinalis L. and Rosmarinus Officinalis L. Leaves Extracts on Anxiety and Neural Activity.� Bioinformation, Biomedical Informatics, 15 Mar. 2019,

de Oliveira, Jonatas Rafael, et al. �Rosmarinus Officinalis L. (Rosemary) as Therapeutic and Prophylactic Agent.� Journal of Biomedical Science, BioMed Central, 9 Jan. 2019,

Lopresti, Adrian L. �Salvia (Sage): A Review of Its Potential Cognitive-Enhancing and Protective Effects.� Drugs in R&D, Springer International Publishing, Mar. 2017,

Nieto, Gema, et al. �Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis, L.): A Review.� Medicines (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 4 Sept. 2018,

Pavi?, Valentina, et al. �Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Carnosol from Sage (Salvia Officinalis L.) Leaves by Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Their Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity.� Plants (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 9 Jan. 2019,

Pereira, Ol�via R, et al. �Salvia Elegans, Salvia Greggii and Salvia Officinalis Decoctions: Antioxidant Activities and Inhibition of Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolic Enzymes.� Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 1 Dec. 2018,

Team, DFH. �Spice Up the Holidays with Medicinal Botanicals.� Designs for Health, 25 Nov. 2019,

Tober, Carsten, and Roland Schoop. �Modulation of Neurological Pathways by Salvia Officinalis and Its Dependence on Manufacturing Process and Plant Parts Used.� BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, BioMed Central, 13 June 2019,