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Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.

Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.

These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.

Hispanics, Blacks Less Likely to Get High Blood Pressure Treatment: Study

Hispanics, Blacks Less Likely to Get High Blood Pressure Treatment: Study

Black and Hispanic Americans are less likely than whites to get high blood pressure under control, a new study suggests.

Researchers reviewed data from nearly 8,800 adults who took part in the 2003-2012 U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Latest High Blood Pressure News

The study team found that 74 percent of white patients were getting treatment for high blood pressure. For blacks, the treatment rates were slightly lower at 71 percent. For Hispanics, the high blood pressure treatment rate was only 61 percent.

Researchers also looked at high blood pressure control rates, defined as readings below 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for those with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, and below 140/90 mm Hg for everyone else. Control rates were 43 percent for whites, 37 percent for blacks and 31 percent for Hispanics, the study reported.

Black and Hispanics younger than 60 without health insurance were more than 40 percent less likely than whites without insurance to have their high blood pressure under control.

One bit of good news from the new research: The percentage of all adults with high blood pressure taking medications for their condition rose from 66 to 77 percent during the study period.

News Picture: Hispanics, Blacks Less Likely to Get High Blood Pressure Treatment: Study

The study was published Jan. 17 in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

“High blood pressure is very common, and it is strongly linked to cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack and heart failure,” said senior author Dr. Edgar Argulian. He’s an assistant professor of medicine and a cardiologist at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital in New York City.

“High blood pressure is also very treatable, so from a public health perspective, it’s important to know if prevention and treatment strategies are working and what differences exist across racial and ethnic groups,” Argulian said in a journal news release.

Study lead author Dr. Sen Gu said expanded health care coverage could help minimize the differences in high blood pressure treatment. But, “There are multiple factors that contribute to racial disparity,” she added.

“We need better patient education, better physician-patient communication and support for patients making lifestyle changes like exercising more and eating healthy,” Gu said. She is an assistant professor at St. John’s University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in New York City.

“The good news is that more people are receiving treatment and getting their high blood pressure under control. At the same time, it is important to note that disparities between whites and racial and ethnic minorities persist,” Gu said.

SOURCE: Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, news release, Jan. 17, 2017


4 Biggest Myths About Fat Burning

4 Biggest Myths About Fat Burning

Get Rich NOW! Lose 50 pounds in 5 Days AND Make $50! Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight � GUARANTEED! We�ve heard �em all. And yes, we�d all like to be fitter (and wealthier). Are you sick and tired of reading false promises like these? Frankly, I am.

We all know that it takes hard work and dedication to become lean and fit. While both goals are attainable, they require commitment and a good amount of time to achieve the desired results. Okay, sure we may have faltered here and there, taking a few missteps on our health journey, but that�s why I�m here: to cut through the bull and tell you what REALLY works and what doesn�t.

Watch the video: 7 Fat-Burning Foods That Boost Metabolism

LIE #1: Cut carbs, lose weight

Why it’s not true: To burn fat, you must fuel your body with the calories it needs to achieve high-intensity ranges of exercise. Without that fuel (i.e. carbs), your tank will be on empty and you�ll ultimately be running on fumes. You�ll feel as though you�re working hard, but your workouts won�t be as long or effective as they would if you had fueled your body correctly.

RELATED: 6 ‘Bad’ Carbs That Are Actually Good For You

LIE #2: Extended moderate exercise burns more fat than high-intensity exercise

Why it’s not true: While you will burn more fat than carbohydrates during a moderate exercise session, the total calorie burn depends on the duration of the workout. But there is not much post-exercise elevation in metabolic rate after this type of exercise. High-intensity exercise, however, causes a more intense �after-burn� that can last a day or more after working out. That after-burn is fueled mostly by fat, and that is when the body actually changes shape.

RELATED: 10 Exercise Cheats That Blow Your Calorie Burn

LIE #3: Lose a pound a week by cutting 500 calories a day from food

Why it’s not true: Human beings are built to survive and thus when calories are severely restricted the human body goes into survival mode, slowing down the metabolic rate and holding on to every calorie. Consuming fewer calories per day propels the body into conserving fuel. However, if you cut 300 calories from your daily diet you will lose more weight than if you lowered your calorie intake by 500 calories. Eating more calories will allow you to train harder and keep your metabolic rate up.

RELATED: 11 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat

LIE #4: Lose weight by putting the fork down after 6pm

Why it’s not true: All food contains calories regardless what time you eat it. The simple truth is that eating too many calories will cause you to gain weight. A 2012 study compared overweight people who ate carbs throughout the day and those who ate them at dinner. The nighttime carb eaters lost more weight and body fat and experienced less hunger during the day�researchers noted that the evening group had better levels of hormones that regulate satiety and hunger. The explanation may also lie in the body�s production of Growth Hormone (GH). GH is a powerful hormone that controls how much fat your body burns and how much muscle it builds. At night, your GH peaks while you sleep, ultimately shutting off the moment you eat your first meal.

RELATED: 20 Filling Foods That Help You Lose Weight

5 Buttocks Exercises Perfect for Wedding Season

5 Buttocks Exercises Perfect for Wedding Season

Looking healthy and being physically fit can get anyone’s attention and for those being a part of a summertime social event, such as a wedding, being the center of attention is enough motivation to maintain overall wellness.

During this wedding season, engaging in the proper form of exercise and performing a variety of physical activities can help tone up some of the most difficult areas of the body. For women looking to increase or maintain the physical condition of their buttocks, Nike trainer and Chisel Club founder Lauren Williams demonstrates the top five exercises for sculpting your booty.

1. Step ups with knee drive: From standing, step onto a bench on your right foot, bringing your left knee into your chest. Step down and repeat on opposite side.

2. Single-leg squat to bench: Sit down on a step with your right leg extended in front of your body. From sitting, lift up to stand on your left leg, then lower back down keeping your right leg extended the whole time. Repeat on opposite side, with your left leg extended out in front of you. Stand up onto your right leg, lower back down.

3. Circle side lunges with dumbbell: Stand tall with legs in a wide straddle stance. Hold dumbbells in front of your chest, with elbows at at 90-degree angle. Hold the weights here as you sink into a side lunge on the right leg, staying low as you move through a squat and shift into a side lunge on the left side. Stand up, return to center, and repeat the circle in the other direction.

RELATED: The Better-Butt Workout

4. Split stance single-leg deadlift: From standing, place your right leg a few inches behind your left leg and raise your heel so your weight is on the ball of your right foot. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lower the upper body toward the floor with the arms extending down, so the dumbbells almost touch the ground. Raise the upper body back up to stand and repeat movement with the left leg back and the right leg forward.

5. All-four rainbow leg raises: From all fours, raise your left leg off the ground and extend it out behind you. Tap the left toes to the ground on the right side of your body, then tap the toes on the ground on the left side of your body, as if you�re drawing a semicircle with your leg. Repeat movement on the right leg.

Maintaining as well as improving your body’s overall health and wellness doesn’t just enhance your physical look, you can also benefit from an improved physical conditioning. Before attempting any of the above exercises, however, be sure to consult a healthcare professional and make sure these are proper for you.

If you have an injury or condition which may be aggravated as a result of these injuries, your medical specialist can recommend a different variety to these exercises to avoid further complications. blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Chiropractic and Athletic Performance

Many athletes who are injured performing their specific sport or physical activity, frequently seek treatment from chiropractors. Chiropractic care focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and nervous system. While chiropractic is a safe and effective form of conservative care for a variety of ailments, chiropractic can also be utilized to enhance athletic performance.

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Alcohol Is Good for Your Heart Most of the Time

Alcohol Is Good for Your Heart Most of the Time


Alcohol In Moderation�Has A Reputation For Being Healthy For The Heart

Drinking about a glass of wine for women per day, and two glasses for men, is linked to a lower risk of heart attack, stroke and death from heart disease. (Drinking too much, of course, negates these benefits and increases the risk of heart problems.)

Now, a new study of nearly two million people published in The BMJ adds more evidence that moderate amounts of alcohol appear to be healthy for most heart conditions�but not all of them.

The researchers analyzed the link between alcohol consumption and 12 different heart ailments in a large group of U.K. adults. None of the people in the study had cardiovascular disease when the study started.

People who did not drink had an increased risk for eight of the heart ailments, ranging from 12% to 56%, compared to people who drank in moderation. These eight conditions include the most common heart events, such as heart attack, stroke and sudden heart-related death. Non-drinkers had a 33% higher risk of unstable angina�a condition in which the heart doesn�t get enough blood flow�and a 56% higher risk of dying unexpectedly from heart disease, compared to people who drank a glass or two of alcohol a day.

RELATED:�How Alcohol Affects Your Body

But alcohol does not seem to provide protection against four less common heart problems: certain types of milder strokes, which result from brief periods when blood flow to parts of the brain are blocked, and cases of bleeding in the brain.

The study�s findings are particularly interesting because the researchers separated drinkers into categories that are typically lumped together in these kinds of studies. �Non-drinkers� often include people who have never drank, as well as those who quit drinking (who may have been heavy drinkers in the past, and so may have a higher risk of heart problems). This may have inflated the risk of non-drinkers; in some cases, grouping people this way might make drinking alcohol look better for the heart than it actually is.

It�s not clear from the current study why alcohol lowers the risk of some heart conditions and not others. But Steven Bell, a genetic epidemiologist at University of Cambridge and the study�s lead author, says that another study designed to answer that question is currently underway. �We are unpacking how different risk factors are associated with each different disease,� he says. Future studies will also tease apart whether different types of alcohol�wine versus beer or spirits, for example�have varying effects on the risk of heart disease.

In the meantime, Bell says that the results should reassure people who drink a few glasses of alcohol each week. But it shouldn�t compel people who don�t currently drink to pick up the habit in order to stave off heart disease. Because alcohol carries a risk of liver disease, there are safer ways to lower risk, he says, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

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Most Popular Healthy Foods Of 2017

Most Popular Healthy Foods Of 2017

Every year, certain ingredients and dishes emerge as trendy �must-haves��even if it�s something we�ve been eating for centuries. Just a few years ago, for example, no one had even heard of quinoa (which has been around for at least 5,000 years), and now not a day goes by when we don�t see it on a menu.

These Foods &�Aren�t Just Being Whipped Up By Chefs Or Served In Popular Restaurants

They�ve become mainstream amongst home cooks across America, and thousands of eaters are also ordering them through delivery services. UberEATS has seen a surge in fresh, nutritious delivery orders (so long, pizza and burgers), so they compiled a list of the top 20 healthy food trends for 2017. The data is based on UberEATS order patterns so far this year.

RELATED:�9 Healthy Kitchen Staples That Cost Under $1 Per Serving

Unsurprisingly, avocado is at the top of the list�it seems this trend is here to stay. According to their data, the fruit is the most popular healthy food in more than 16 cities across the country. Kale has dropped to number 8 on the list, making way for poke (a Hawaiian raw fish salad), edamame, radishes, and pickles. Bulgur and brown rice have replaced quinoa as the resident grains/seeds in the top 20.

The fact that tofu rounds out the top 10 is a nod to people re-thinking the amount of meat they consume�and how it appears on their plates. More and more, in home kitchens, restaurants, and new cookbooks, we�re seeing veggies take center stage with meat as a side, or a garnish. Check out the full list below, and use it as an opportunity to try out some new healthy ingredients this year.

  1. Avocado
  2. Poke
  3. Edamame
  4. Radish
  5. Pickles
  6. Cucumber
  7. Celery
  8. Kale
  9. Pho
  10. Tofu
  11. Carrots
  12. Broccoli
  13. Asparagus
  14. Bulgur
  15. Chickpea
  16. Cabbage
  17. Coconut
  18. Brown Rice
  19. Bok Choy
  20. Bone Broth

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Staying Socially Active Nourishes the Aging Brain

Staying Socially Active Nourishes the Aging Brain


Socializing with Relatives and friends may help you stay mentally sharp as you age,

A new report co-sponsored by AARP finds

“It’s not uncommon for our social networks to shrink in size as we get older,” said Marilyn Albert, professor of neurology and director of cognitive neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

“This report provides many helpful suggestions about the things we can do to improve the quality of our relationships with family and friends, which may be beneficial in maintaining our mental abilities,” Albert said in an AARP news release.

The report also discusses the social benefits of having pets, how age-friendly communities boost social ties, how close relationships benefit both physical and mental health, and how social media (including Facebook and Skype) helps older adults maintain social connections.


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The report is from the AARP and the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH). Albert is chair of the GCBH.

In related news, a new AARP survey found that nearly four in 10 adults aged 40 and older said they lack social connections. Those people also reported worse brain health.

Sarah Lock is AARP senior vice president for policy and GCBH executive director. She said, “We know that loneliness and social isolation can increase physical health risks for older people.”

So, Lock added, “The GCBH’s consensus that people who are socially engaged have a lower risk for cognitive [mental] decline shows us just how important social connections are to brain health.”

The AARP said older adults can boost their social ties by making new social connections, including with younger people. Other suggestions include joining a club or taking a class; visiting, calling or emailing regularly with relatives, friends, and neighbors; and volunteering or visiting a lonely neighbor or friend.

SOURCE: AARP, news release, Feb. 14, 2017

News stories are written and provided by HealthDay and do not reflect federal policy, the views of MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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Important Tips to Know About Orangetheory Fitness

Important Tips to Know About Orangetheory Fitness

So many buzzy new workouts, so little time. But we promise, Orangetheory Fitness deserves a spot near the top of your list of sweat tests this year for its smart system and crazy calorie burn.

While it’s not brand new�Orangetheory is close to celebrating its sixth anniversary with more than 330 studios in 28 states, and more overseas�the company only recently opened in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. And it has quickly become a known name (and color) in even the most competitive fitness-focused metropolises. (According to Google, it was one of the 10 Biggest Workout Trends of 2015.)

The model is smart and simple: Enthusiastic, experienced instructors plus a heart-rate monitored cardio and strength session equals max results in just an hour. Here’s everything a first-timer should know before joining the “orange nation.”

RELATED: Drop an Entire Dress Size With This Speedy Strength Workout

It’s Perfect for Solo Class Goers

The hour blends the perks of traditional workout classes (think good music and an energetic leader) and the one-on-one benefits of small-group personal training.

The instructors remember every client’s name, make an effort to cheer you on and give you constructive feedback during class, and urge everyone to work within their personal fitness level. This means you won’t be overwhelmed by confusing choreography, annoyed by close quarters, or trampled by the stampede rushing to grab the last medicine ball. Everyone goes to work within their own station, complete with various sets of weights, TRX straps, a step, and more.

Being Early is a Must

You’ll receive a welcome email or text message a day or two before your scheduled class, and the message will instruct you to arrive 30 minutes before the start time. Even if you’re experienced using just about any gym tool and have tried every workout under the sun, that half hour is crucial at Orangetheory.

You need about 10 minutes to introduce yourself at the front desk and fill out paperwork. Then, the trainer will chat with you about the types of workouts you do and your fitness goals (as a top-tier trainer should). Are you an Olympic rower? It doesn’t matter; your instructor will want to check out and assist with your form on the WaterRower and also give you a rundown of class lingo (you’ll hear terms like “base push” and “all out” throughout the hour).

You don’t have to memorize everything; there are television screens around the studio that show both a graphic of the move and number of reps per set while you’re doing strength on the floor and treadmill signs hanging on the mirror to guide your speed choices.

RELATED10 Exercise Cheats That Blow Your Calorie Burn

Understand HIIT First

High-intensity interval training focuses on working at an all-out effort for shorter intervals of time in order to shoot your heart rate up, followed by brief periods of active recovery. Studies have continuously shown that HIIT is an extremely efficient way to maximize calorie burn.

That’s the name of the game at Orangetheory: the fitness philosophy, or “orange effect,” is based on maximizing excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), or afterburn. Each class has you bouncing back and forth between cardio and strength intervals in order to spike metabolism and boost your energy.

Heart-Rate Monitoring May be Challenging

Before you start class, a staffer will provide a heart-rate monitor that you strap right beneath your bust, directly on your skin. The goal is to work in your “orange zone”�which is 84-91% of your max heart rate�for 12 to 20 minutes during the class. How do you know where you stand? There’s an overhead screen that displays a chart with everybody’s name, vitals, and progression between the five “zones” (grey, blue, green, orange and red) in real time. This is both good and bad (depending on how much you like a competitive atmosphere): it means if you start slacking off, everyone in class will know it.

The major pro, however: Wearing the monitor makes you much more in tune with just how hard you’re working at any given time, and your results are emailed to you after class so you can see how you did and track improvement over time.

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Every Workout is Different

The instructors switch up the routine every time, offering a unique challenge every time you show up. In general, though, you can expect the 55-minute session to involve a combination of treadmill, indoor rowing, and strength training (with weights, body-weight exercises, or possibly TRX moves).

With folks rowing, running, jumping around on the floor, and screens holding your cue cards all around, it may feel as if there’s a lot going on in the room. But just focus on your movement and form during your first class; the trainer can walk you through your results afterward�then help you set new goals for when you return for round picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Additional Topics: Preventing Sports Injuries

A variety of athletes, including running athletes, commonly seek chiropractic care to diagnose and treat numerous sports injuries. Chiropractic focuses on the treatment of injuries and conditions related to the musculoskeletal and nervous system, making it an ideal care option for athletes. Recent research has demonstrated that chiropractic care can additionally help prevent a variety of sports injuries in athletes.

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