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Spinal Decompression Treatments

Dr. Alex Jmenez, Chiropractor Discusses: Spinal Decompression Therapies, Protocols, Rehabilitation and Advance Treatments Care Plans

At our offices, we offer conservative care for degenerative spinal conditions, including several treatment modalities. Thus, the traction distinguishes as it can elicit the body’s protective proprioceptive response to distraction, reducing intradiscal pressure and minimizing symptoms secondary to disc herniation and axial pain.
Our integrative treatments aim to determine the clinical effects of a short treatment course of motorized axial spinal decompression for patients with pain and physical impairment caused by either lumbar or cervical degenerative disc pathology with no immediate surgical indication.

Conservative care for mid to long-term degenerative spinal conditions with axial and irradiated pain generally includes pharmacological treatment, physical rehabilitation, or injections. Mechanical traction is an old treatment modality, which has been decreased in use facing other modern technologies or utilized in combination with other treatment modalities, such as manual therapy, exercises, heat, or electrotherapy. We, too, offer advanced spinal treatment workshops and boot camps to help educate patients on the dynamics of spinal hygiene.

Our patients get treated for chronic radicular axial spinal pain. This is a referred pain in the spinal axial skeleton and is considered a syndrome with both nociceptive and neuropathic pain components. Patients report improvement in symptoms with a reduction of the axial load in the spine.
Previous studies have shown a decrease of pressure in the intervertebral disc after traction, unloading of the spinal structure, and alleviating the inflammatory reaction of the nerve roots. Here, we present our patients’ literature and scientific background information to make educated decisions about the advanced spinal decompression protocols.

If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution for your persistent back or leg pain, you may want to try spinal decompression therapy. Unlike invasive or laparoscopic surgeries, spinal decompression does not require the patient to go under the knife. Instead, the patient’s spine is stretched to relieve back and leg pain. The goal of spinal decompression is to create an ideal healing environment for the affected areas.

This treatment is typically used for:
Bulging discs
Degenerating discs
Herniated discs

Call us today to schedule your first appointment! Our team in El Paso is happy to help.

Hamstring Injuries Could Be Implementing Other Issues

Hamstring Injuries Could Be Implementing Other Issues


How do non-surgical treatments compare with traditional surgical treatments to improve mobility for individuals with hamstring injuries? The hamstrings are muscles in the lower extremities that provide mobility to the legs and stabilize the pelvis. Many athletes rely on their hamstrings to perform strenuous actions such as sprinting, jumping, squatting, and kicking during sporting events. However, the hamstrings are also very susceptible to injury. Athletes who repeatedly overstretch their hamstrings can experience muscle strain until microscopic tears form, which is common. Similarly, individuals who sit for long periods can also experience hamstring issues. When individuals are not physically active, their hamstrings can become weak and shortened, leading to symptoms such as muscle pain, trigger points, and strain on the accessory muscles. Hamstring injuries can also cause other issues that affect the lower body extremities. This article will explore how hamstring injuries affect mobility and how non-surgical treatments help people regain mobility. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals suffering from hamstring injuries and inform them about non-surgical treatments to regain mobility. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


Hamstring Injuries Implementing Other Issues


Do you experience stiffness in the back of your thighs when warming up before exercising? Are you feeling radiating pain from the side of your hips and glutes due to prolonged sitting? Or do you tend to limp, affecting your gait and walking? Many people are unaware they are overexerting their hamstrings, which can cause pain. Those who engage in sports or work sedentary jobs may over or underuse their hamstrings, affecting their flexibility and mobility to the lower extremities. According to research studies, hamstring injuries are the most common non-contact muscle injuries caused by two mechanisms of injuries: stretch-type and sprint-type. Sprint-type injuries associated with hamstrings occur when the muscles are overexerted due to maximal or near-maximal action, causing muscle fatigue. To that point, hamstring injuries can also affect a person’s walking mobility. 


Running without properly warming up the hamstring muscle can cause muscle fatigue. Stretch-type injuries associated with the hamstring muscles involve combination movements that include extreme hip flexion and knee extension. These injuries can also mimic sciatica, leading people to believe their sciatic nerve is acting up. However, treatments available can help reduce the pain associated with hamstring injuries and lengthen the shortened muscle to reduce pain.


Best Lower Body Stretches To Increase Flexibility-Video

If you want to reduce the pain associated with hamstring injuries, incorporating RICE can help prevent it from becoming chronic. This involves gently stretching the affected muscle to avoid cramps and pain while increasing flexibility. Hamstring injuries can also be linked to other chronic issues, which can cause inflammation in the surrounding muscles. Studies show that conditions like piriformis syndrome can cause nerve entrapment in the hamstrings, resulting in radiating pain down the leg that mimics low back pain and sciatica. As previously mentioned, hamstring injuries can limit mobility and be linked to chronic conditions. Thankfully, non-surgical treatments can help reduce pain and provide relief. Check out the video above to learn different stretches that can help reduce pain in the lower body and increase flexibility.

Treatments To Restore Mobility


If rest, ice, compression, and gentle stretching do not provide relief, incorporating treatments for hamstring injuries to restore mobility can benefit many individuals. Seeking the help of a pain specialist, such as a massage therapist or chiropractor, to create a customized plan/program is recommended. There are various approaches that pain specialists can use to regain mobility and treat hamstring injuries.


MET Therapy

Many chiropractors and massage therapists incorporate MET (muscle energy techniques) therapy to gently stretch out the shortened hamstring muscle and help restore joint mobility in the lower extremities. In “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” written by Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T., stated that MET is crucial in stretching and strengthening the hamstring muscles through isometric contraction. At the same time, additional research studies reveal that the MET technique allows the hamstrings to have a greater increase in hip flexion ranges. MET therapy also helps strengthen the accessory muscles surrounding the hamstrings to restore mobility.


Spinal Decompression

If hamstring injuries are caused by nerve entrapment, then trying out spinal decompression can help restore mobility to the hips and lower extremities. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” written by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., stated that spinal decompression is safe and gentle on the spine as it provides gentle traction on the spinal disc to reduce pain and increase disc height. When hamstring injuries are associated with nerve entrapment, it could result from a herniated disc that aggravates the nerve root and causes referred pain to the hamstrings. Using gentle traction on the spine can help alleviate the pain caused by the aggravating nerve and reduce pain in the hamstrings. Many individuals can incorporate these treatments to reduce hamstring injuries and regain their mobility back to their legs.



Chaitow, L., & Delany, J. (2002). Clinical application of neuromuscular techniques. Vol. 2, The lower body. Churchill Livingstone.

Gunn, L. J., Stewart, J. C., Morgan, B., Metts, S. T., Magnuson, J. M., Iglowski, N. J., Fritz, S. L., & Arnot, C. (2018). Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques improve hamstring flexibility better than static stretching alone: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 27(1), 15–23.

Huygaerts, S., Cos, F., Cohen, D. D., Calleja-González, J., Guitart, M., Blazevich, A. J., & Alcaraz, P. E. (2020). Mechanisms of Hamstring Strain Injury: Interactions between Fatigue, Muscle Activation and Function. Sports (Basel, Switzerland)8(5), 65.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ulitimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Vij, N., Kiernan, H., Bisht, R., Singleton, I., Cornett, E. M., Kaye, A. D., Imani, F., Varrassi, G., Pourbahri, M., Viswanath, O., & Urits, I. (2021). Surgical and Non-surgical Treatment Options for Piriformis Syndrome: A Literature Review. Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, 11(1).


IDD Therapy Treatment Protocols For Spinal Decompression

IDD Therapy Treatment Protocols For Spinal Decompression


Many individuals are unaware of their pain until they perform specific movements that cause discomfort. This is due to the heavy weight that causes the body to carry an axial overload, compressing the spinal disc, which can lead to herniation or degeneration over time if not treated promptly. Compressed spinal discs can cause chronic conditions such as low back pain, spinal stenosis, or intervertebral disc disease (IDD). Several factors contribute to the development of IDD, including chronic conditions that can lead to compressed spinal discs. This condition can be relieved over time through therapy treatments that can reduce the pain effects of IDD and help individuals be more mindful of their spine. This article will discuss IDD therapy’s role in relieving spine pain, treatment protocols, and how it is combined with spinal decompression, a non-surgical therapy. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals suffering from back and spinal disc degeneration while informing them about non-surgical treatments like IDD(intervertebral disc degeneration) therapy and spinal decompression that can help relieve their pain and help rehydrate their spinal disc. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is IDD Therapy?

The spine comprises muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs, and bones extending from the skull’s base to the bottom of the sacrum. Its primary function is to keep the body upright and protect the spinal cord from injuries. According to research studies, the spinal discs act as shock absorbers during movement and can become damaged over time, causing pain-like symptoms and chronic conditions. IDD therapy is a common treatment for reducing pain caused by degenerative discs. 



Research suggests that intervertebral disc degeneration can cause symptoms related to musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain, disc herniation, and spinal stenosis. Conservative and non-invasive treatments can reduce the pain-like symptoms and effects caused by IDD. IDD therapy allows the spine to be re-toned, restructured and re-educated. Like spinal decompression, IDD therapy uses gentle traction pulling to rehydrate the discs and reduce the pressure on the nerve roots, as stated by research studies. IDD therapy helps restore muscle strength, increase the spine’s range of motion, and promote the body’s natural healing process to reduce spinal pain associated with environmental factors.

Home Exercise For Pain Relief- Video

Do you experience difficulty doing activities due to back pain? Do you feel stiffness or instability in your lower back? These may be symptoms of intervertebral degenerative disease caused by repetitive motions. IDD can cause chronic musculoskeletal disorders and disability. However, available non-surgical treatments like IDD therapy, which uses negative pressure to rehydrate the spinal disc, can reduce pain. Other non-surgical therapies like chiropractic care and physical therapy can help restore mobility and strengthen back muscles. Check out the video above for home exercise routines that relieve pain.

IDD Treatment Protocols


Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., wrote “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” explaining how chiropractors and massage therapists use personalized IDD therapy plans to treat musculoskeletal pain associated with intervertebral degenerative disease. IDD therapy involves strapping the individual to a traction machine and utilizing specific protocols for treatment.


The Treatment Schedule

The first step in IDD therapy is examining the individual’s range of motion, muscle strength, nerve conduction, and SSEP tests. This allows the doctor to document the pain’s location and develop a personalized treatment plan, including the indicated problem, treatment frequency, duration, etc. Afterward, the individual will receive other treatments before the IDD traction therapy machine.

  • Therapeutic Ultrasound
  • Electro-stimulation
  • Interferential Stimulation
  • Hydrocolator

This machine gently pulls the spine to create negative space between the spinal column, allowing nutrients to rehydrate the disc and begin healing. The process lasts 20-30 minutes and may cause mild soreness, but progress is seen after a few sessions.


Pre-& Post-Session Physical Therapy

The benefit of combining IDD therapy with physical therapy is that stretching techniques can loosen the surrounding muscles before spinal mobilization, allowing the soft tissues to accept the treatment. After treatment, cryo-therapeutic therapy or an ice pack can alleviate soreness and inflammation. Drinking plenty of water is important to replenish intra-cellular cells, and physical activities can be slowly incorporated to strengthen muscles.



Taking care of the spine is important by not constantly allowing axial overload to compress the spinal disc through repetitive motion. This causes the disc to degenerate and lead to back pain. However, non-surgical treatments like IDD therapy can help reduce the pain and help strengthen the surrounding muscles protecting the spine. IDD therapy is similar to spinal decompression, which allows the individual to be harnessed to a machine and uses gentle traction on the spine to create negative space in the spinal column and promote the body’s healing factors. Many individuals can see the beneficial results over time and continue their daily routine pain-free.




Why People Spend More On Back & Neck Pain?

Why People Spend More On Back & Neck Pain?


Many people experience neck and back pain due to various factors that affect their daily routine. These pain conditions are common and can be caused by repetitive motions that impact the surrounding muscles, tissues, ligaments, and spinal discs. Chronic pain can develop depending on the severity and duration of the condition. People with demanding jobs, pre-existing conditions, or older adults may seek medical attention to reduce the pain-like symptoms of neck and back pain. However, treatment costs can be high. There are safe, cost-effective, and non-invasive treatments to relieve neck and back pain. This article will explore why neck and back pain is expensive and why non-surgical treatments are cost-effective. It will also discuss how non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression can alleviate back and neck pain. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals suffering from back and neck pain while informing them about non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression that can help relieve their neck and back pain. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


Why Does Back & Neck Pain Cost More?

Many people report to their primary doctors that they are experiencing radiating pain from the neck or lower back, which affects their upper or lower extremities. For neck pain, they may experience headaches or shoulder pain that causes pain-like symptoms like numbness or tingling sensations down to their arms and fingers. For back pain, they may experience muscle soreness in their lumbar region, which can result in numbness in the glute muscles or cause sciatic nerve pain, affecting their walking ability. Research studies reveal that cognitive, affective, and lifestyle factors all affect the neck and back. High-demanding jobs, stress, or trauma from an accident can develop neck and back pain. As a result, the body takes more overbearing loads, tightening the surrounding muscles in the neck and back. If not treated right away, it can lead to problematic issues that disrupt their routine.



Based on the book “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Eric Kaplan D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., humans’ evolution to walk upright has strained their stability, leading to axial overload and potential neck and back pain. The book also highlights that the human body was not meant to remain sedentary, which can also contribute to the development of such pain. Research studies revealed that neck and back pain can be nociceptive with neuropathic components, making treatment costly and time-consuming. This economic burden can discourage individuals from seeking treatment despite the pain and expense involved.

Fighting Inflammation Naturally- Video

Are you experiencing persistent neck and back pain? Do your upper or lower extremities feel stiff or tingly? Or is your mobility limited, interfering with your daily activities? These issues are often associated with neck and back pain, disrupting a person’s routine and preventing them from enjoying life. Neck and back pain are common ailments that can be expensive to treat. Research studies revealed that they can also influence individuals’ ability to return to work, increasing treatment costs.



Additionally, pain-like symptoms often accompany neck and back pain, leading some individuals to spend nearly a billion dollars on treatment. However, cost-effective treatments are available that can help alleviate these symptoms. The video above explains how non-surgical treatments can reduce neck and back pain and relieve pain-like symptoms.

Why Non-Surgical Treatments Are Cost Effective?


Research studies have shown that non-surgical treatments are a cost-effective and effective solution for neck and back pain. Many individuals can utilize these treatments combined with various therapies to improve their quality of life and reduce pain symptoms. Non-surgical treatments offer personalized plans as healthcare providers work together to find solutions. They provide individuals with a positive approach to regaining their health and wellness by informing them about their bodies and how to be more mindful of how pain affects their daily routines. Some non-surgical treatments that can relieve neck and back pain include:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy


How Spinal Decompression Can Alleviate Back & Neck Pain


You might be interested in non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression if you suffer back or neck pain. This technique uses gentle traction on the spinal column to alleviate pain while helping your body heal naturally. Research studies have found that cervical spinal decompression can increase disc height and reduce pain caused by compressed cervical discs. This treatment can also alleviate residual pain symptoms like headaches or muscle stiffness and restore mobility to the neck. For back pain, research suggests that spinal decompression can reduce the effects of compressed spinal discs, which can aggravate nerve roots like the sciatic nerve in the lumbar region. Many people who try spinal decompression feel relief after just a few sessions and become more mindful of what triggers their pain. This can help them make small lifestyle changes to continue their journey toward health and wellness.



Many people struggle with neck and back pain, which can be caused by multiple normal and traumatic factors and can be costly. Individuals often prefer to endure the pain rather than subject themselves to invasive treatments. However, non-surgical therapies that are cost-effective and gentle on the body are available. Spinal decompression therapy is one such treatment that can help alleviate pain and promote the body’s natural healing processes. By reducing pain symptoms, many individuals who undergo spinal decompression therapy can return to their daily routines pain-free.



Daniel, D. M. (2007). Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy: does the scientific literature support efficacy claims made in the advertising media? Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 15(1).

Driessen, M. T., Lin, C.-W. C., & van Tulder, M. W. (2012). Cost-effectiveness of conservative treatments for neck pain: a systematic review on economic evaluations. European Spine Journal, 21(8), 1441–1450.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Kazeminasab, S., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Amiri, P., Pourfathi, H., Araj-Khodaei, M., Sullman, M. J. M., Kolahi, A.-A., & Safiri, S. (2022). Neck pain: global epidemiology, trends and risk factors. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23(1).

Kleinman, N., Patel, A. A., Benson, C., Macario, A., Kim, M., & Biondi, D. M. (2014). Economic Burden of Back and Neck Pain: Effect of a Neuropathic Component. Population Health Management, 17(4), 224–232.

Xu, Q., Tian, X., Bao, X., Liu, D., Zeng, F., & Sun, Q. (2022). Nonsurgical spinal decompression system traction combined with electroacupuncture in the treatment of multi-segmental cervical disc herniation. Medicine, 101(3), e28540.


The Real Cost Of Back Pain

The Real Cost Of Back Pain


Back pain is widespread and can negatively impact an individual’s work productivity. The severity and location of where the pain can vary from acute to chronic, making it a complex problem that can be expensive to treat. Several factors can contribute to back pain, affecting the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and spinal discs in the spinal region. The most commonly affected area where back pain is causing issues is the lumbar region, which supports the upper body’s weight and stabilizes the lower body. Lower back pain can also cause radiating referred pain down to the legs, further affecting an individual’s quality of life. In this article, we will explore the economic cost and burden of chronic back pain and how spinal decompression can help alleviate the pain, allowing many individuals to return to work pain-free. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals with back pain and inform them about non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression that can help relieve them from back pain and get them back to their daily activities. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


The Burden Of Chronic Back Pain


Back pain can range from acute to chronic, depending on the extent of the injury. It can affect the non-specific or specific area of the spine. Non-specific back pain doesn’t have an underlying cause, while specific back pain is due to environmental factors that increase the risk of compressing the spinal discs. Research studies revealed that back pain can be a burden because it is difficult to treat and costly, affecting millions of individuals in the workplace. It is a widespread musculoskeletal disorder that can be disheartening without relief.


The Economic Cost Of Back Pain

Back pain is a significant cause of work loss and limitations for many individuals, as reported by “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., and Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA. Working adults with back pain are more likely to utilize healthcare services, leading to costs of over $12 billion per year, making it one of the most expensive conditions in the U.S. Additional research studies revealed that back pain has a greater economic impact than most other health conditions due to its effect on work absenteeism, reduced productivity, and increased risk of leaving the labor market. This can leave working adults feeling disheartened, angry, depressed, and stressed. However, many cost-effective and safe treatments can help relieve individuals suffering from back pain, eliminating the need for expensive surgeries.


Reducing Soft Tissue Injuries With Chiropractic-Video

Are you suffering from pain that radiates from your back down to your legs? Do you experience stiffness in certain areas of your back or constant stress affecting your work productivity? If so, you may be dealing with back pain, a common complaint among many individuals in the workforce. Depending on its severity, back pain can be either specific or non-specific and is a complex condition that can be expensive to treat. Unfortunately, many working adults continue to work with back pain, which can cause them to take a leave of absence from work due to the pain. This can lead to more harm and disability since the pain can be unbearable. However, there are ways to reduce the effects of back pain and provide relief to many working individuals. Non-surgical treatments such as MET, chiropractic manipulation, traction therapy, and spinal decompression can help reduce the impact of back pain by relieving pain from the surrounding muscles, soft tissues, and ligaments affected by back pain. Additionally, individuals can combine non-surgical treatments with other therapies to prevent back pain from reoccurring and promote overall health and wellness. A video demonstrating these non-surgical treatments is available for your convenience.

The Effects Of Spinal Decompression On Back Pain


Many individuals choose non-surgical treatments to alleviate back pain for their cost-effectiveness, safety, and non-invasiveness. One such treatment is spinal decompression, which research studies have shown to improve lumbar spine conditions in individuals with associated back pain. Spinal decompression uses gentle traction to pull the spine and allow compressed spinal discs to return to their original position, restoring nutrients and oxygenated blood and reducing back pain’s effects. It also relieves nerve root compression, which can affect surrounding muscles. Through regular spinal decompression sessions, individuals can begin to feel relief from back pain while becoming more mindful of the environmental factors that cause it.



Many people in the workforce suffer from back pain, causing them to miss work frequently. This problem is common and expensive to treat due to its complexity. Back pain is often accompanied by other symptoms associated with various conditions that can cause chronic pain. Fortunately, cost-effective and safe treatments can help alleviate back pain and allow individuals to return to work. One effective treatment is spinal decompression, which involves gentle traction that pulls the spine and relieves associated symptoms. This non-surgical treatment is safe, affordable and helps the body heal naturally. After a few sessions, many individuals experience significant relief from back pain and reduced chances of recurrence.



Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

Phillips, C. J. (2009). The Cost and Burden of Chronic Pain. Reviews in Pain, 3(1), 2–5.

Srinivas, S., Paquet, J., Bailey, C., Nataraj, A., Stratton, A., Johnson, M. K., Salo, P. T., Christie, S., Fisher, C. G., Hall, H., Manson, N. B., Y. Raja Rampersaud, Thomas, K. R., Hall, H., & Dea, N. (2019). Effect of spinal decompression on back pain in lumbar spinal stenosis: a Canadian Spine Outcomes Research Network (CSORN) study. The Spine Journal, 19(6), 1001–1008.

Urits, I., Burshtein, A., Sharma, M., Testa, L., Gold, P. A., Orhurhu, V., Viswanath, O., Jones, M. R., Sidransky, M. A., Spektor, B., & Kaye, A. D. (2019). Low Back Pain, a Comprehensive Review: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23(3).


The Reoccurrence Of Low Back Pain Relieved By Spinal Decompression

The Reoccurrence Of Low Back Pain Relieved By Spinal Decompression


The human body has various muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, and spinal structures that allow mobility, standing upright, and performing daily activities without discomfort. The spinal column is divided into three regions: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, each with specific functions. Unfortunately, low back pain affects many working individuals worldwide and can significantly impact their daily lives and productivity. This pain can be caused by various injuries, conditions, and diseases affecting the muscles, tendons, and spinal discs. Enduring the pain and continuing daily activities can worsen the situation, causing more damage to the back and spine. This article explores the causes of low back pain and how non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression can prevent it from returning. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals with low back pain and inform them about spinal decompression’s benefits in alleviating it from reoccurring. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Causes Low Back Pain To Return?

Are you experiencing pain in your lower body? Is it impacting your ability to work? Do you feel muscle stiffness when stretching your sides? In the U.S., 25-60% of people who experience low back pain report recurring pain within a year. Research studies revealed that most low back pain is non-specific, meaning no specific causes or structures can be identified as the pain source affecting the low back. Low back pain can be caused by many factors, such as improper lifting of heavy objects, physical inactivity, and excess body weight, which can strain the back muscles. Studies have also revealed that psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or depression can cause tension in the lumbar region, leading to repetitive motions that correlate with low back pain.



People who experience low back pain often take over-the-counter medications for temporary relief before returning to normal activities. However, this only provides short-term relief, and the pain often returns due to various factors like muscle, nerve, and bone issues and referred pain to the abdominal organs, as research studies revealed. To address this, individuals may seek treatment from their primary care doctor. However, as additional studies mentioned, treating low back pain can be difficult due to the specific or non-specific factors involved. Thankfully, non-surgical treatments are available to alleviate symptoms and reduce the likelihood of the pain returning.

The Benefits Of Stretching- Video

Are you someone who spends most of their day sitting down and experiencing muscle stiffness? Do you feel pain in your legs due to radiating pain? Or do you often feel discomfort after lifting or carrying heavy objects? These symptoms are often associated with low back pain, a common problem many people in the workforce experience at some point. The severity of low back pain can range from acute to chronic, depending on how badly the individual has hurt their low back. If left untreated, low back pain can harshly affect a person. However, there are many ways to prevent low back pain from occurring. Multiple treatments can help reduce the associated symptoms of low back pain and can help re-strengthen the muscles. The video above explains the benefits of stretching, how it can help relieve sore muscles affected by low back pain, and how stretching can be combined with other therapies to promote health and wellness.

How Spinal Decompression Can Relieve Low Back Pain


Many people experience low back pain at some point in their lives. If the pain is left untreated, it can develop into chronic back pain. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” written by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., reoccurring low back pain can lead to further degeneration of the lumbar spinal column or be the result of stress and trauma in adjacent muscles. Spinal decompression can provide relief for individuals experiencing this pain. Studies show that spinal decompression creates negative pressure in the spine, which can decrease pressure on the nerve root and hydrate the spinal disc, promoting the body’s natural healing process. Spinal decompression is a safe, gentle, and cost-effective solution for many individuals seeking relief from low back pain.



Low back pain is a common issue that affects many people. Depending on its severity, various factors can cause it, ranging from acute to chronic. Unfortunately, this pain can interfere with daily activities, including work. Thankfully, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression may help relieve the symptoms associated with low back pain. This treatment involves gentle traction on the lumbar region of the spine, providing much-needed relief to the body. Spinal decompression is an excellent option for those who want to start their journey toward better health and wellness.



Allegri, M., Montella, S., Salici, F., Valente, A., Marchesini, M., Compagnone, C., Baciarello, M., Manferdini, M. E., & Fanelli, G. (2016). Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000Research, 5(2), 1530.

Choi, J., Lee, S., & Hwangbo, G. (2015). Influences of spinal decompression therapy and general traction therapy on the pain, disability, and straight leg raising of patients with intervertebral disc herniation. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2), 481–483.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

See, Q., Tan, B., & Kumar, D. (2021). Acute low back pain: diagnosis and management. Singapore Medical Journal, 62(6), 271–275.

Shemshaki, H., Etemadifar, M., Fereidan-Esfahani, M., Mokhtari, M., & Nourian, S.-M. (2013). What is the source of low back pain? Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 4(1), 21.

Urits, I., Burshtein, A., Sharma, M., Testa, L., Gold, P. A., Orhurhu, V., Viswanath, O., Jones, M. R., Sidransky, M. A., Spektor, B., & Kaye, A. D. (2019). Low Back Pain, a Comprehensive Review: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23(3).


The Difference Between Surgery & Decompression For Back Pain

The Difference Between Surgery & Decompression For Back Pain


Back pain is a common problem that affects people worldwide, but many individuals are unaware of it until they experience constant back muscle aches. Back pain can impact the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine and can even lead to referred pain in the arms and legs. Repetitive movements, poor posture, prolonged sitting, and physical inactivity are common causes of back pain. In some cases, traumatic incidents or accidents can also contribute to the development of back pain. To manage back pain, individuals often seek treatments to alleviate it and improve their quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore two treatments to help alleviate back pain and provide tips on managing the pain effectively. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals with back pain and find the right treatment to alleviate their pain. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


Spine Surgery For Low Back Pain

Are you experiencing pain in your upper, middle, or lower back? Do you feel a radiating pain running down your arms or legs, or have you noticed that you are hunching over more than usual? These symptoms are often associated with back pain, which can be debilitating. Many people who suffer from back pain seek relief and may opt for surgery to alleviate their symptoms. Research studies revealed that spinal surgery could effectively reduce neurogenic pain and deficits that exacerbate spinal nerve root compression and may help individuals regain their functionality and mobility. However, as research studies stated, surgery is typically recommended only after conservative treatments have been tried for at least six months without success. Several surgical options are available, including injection therapy, non-fusion stabilization, facet and disc replacement, and spinal fusion surgery, which may relieve back pain.


Managing Back Pain After Surgery

Individuals who undergo surgery for back pain must follow a recovery plan to prevent the pain from recurring. Research studies suggest that the effects of spinal surgery for back pain should last for three days, after which adequate rest is essential. Following this, individuals should become pain-free and able to move again. To prevent back pain from returning, doctors often recommend changing daily habits and activities and creating a personalized treatment plan to strengthen back muscles. While surgery for back pain can be expensive, non-surgical treatments are available to alleviate the pain.


The Science Of Motion & Chiropractic Care- Video

Are you experiencing pain in your upper, middle, or lower back? Do you feel discomfort, stiffness, or aches when stretching? Have you engaged in activities that can strain your back muscles? These symptoms often indicate back pain, a common problem many people face at some point. Several factors contribute to back pain, including repetitive movements, spinal disc compression, and spinal nerve root irritation. Physical inactivity, prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, and poor posture are common causes of back pain that can lead to disability. However, various treatments can alleviate the effects of back pain and prevent it from recurring. The video above demonstrates how chiropractic care can help relieve back pain by using spinal manipulation to align the spine. Chiropractic care is a safe, gentle, and affordable non-surgical treatment that can be combined with other therapies to prevent future back pain.

Spinal Decompression For Back Pain


When relieving back pain, some people avoid surgery because it can be expensive. Fortunately, alternative treatments are safe, affordable, and gentle on the spine. Non-surgical options can relieve many individuals suffering from back pain without surgery. Research shows that spinal decompression is an effective treatment that uses gentle traction to create negative pressure in the spinal disc. This can increase hydration and reduce pressure on the nerve root, which can alleviate back pain. Spinal decompression can also help relax and stretch the back muscles by gently pulling the spine. This treatment is cost-effective and can be combined with other therapies to prevent the return of back pain.


The Effects Of Spinal Decompression On Back Pain

Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., wrote “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” which states that spinal decompression is safe and effective in reducing back pain. Through spinal decompression, the herniated disc causing back pain is pulled back to its original position, allowing the surrounding nerve roots to relax. Research studies have shown that spinal decompression can help increase spinal disc height and restore mobility to the back and spine, enabling individuals to return to their daily activities without pain.



Across the world back pain is a widespread problem that affects many people worldwide. It can be a significant problem if left untreated. Fortunately, numerous treatment options can alleviate the symptoms and allow individuals to resume their daily activities. The two main types of treatment are surgical and non-surgical therapies. While surgical treatment can be effective, it is also expensive. Non-surgical therapy, on the other hand, is cost-effective. Combining these treatments with other therapies is possible to decrease the likelihood of back pain returning. By listening to their bodies and taking preventive measures, individuals can avoid a reoccurrence of pain.



Bajwa, S. J., & Haldar, R. (2015). Pain management following spinal surgeries: An appraisal of the available options. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 6(3), 105.

Baliga, S., Treon, K., & Craig, N. J. A. (2015). Low Back Pain: Current Surgical Approaches. Asian Spine Journal, 9(4), 645.

Choi, J., Lee, S., & Hwangbo, G. (2015). Influences of spinal decompression therapy and general traction therapy on the pain, disability, and straight leg raising of patients with intervertebral disc herniation. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2), 481–483.

Evans, L., O’Donohoe, T., Morokoff, A., & Drummond, K. (2022). The role of spinal surgery in the treatment of low back pain. Medical Journal of Australia, 218(1), 40–45.

Kang, J.-I., Jeong, D.-K., & Choi, H. (2016). Effect of spinal decompression on the lumbar muscle activity and disk height in patients with herniated intervertebral disk. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 28(11), 3125–3130.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.


Posterior Cervical Compression Alleviated By Spinal Decompression

Posterior Cervical Compression Alleviated By Spinal Decompression


The neck is an extremely flexible part of the upper body that allows the head to move without causing pain or discomfort. It is part of the musculoskeletal system‘s cervical spinal region, which supports the spinal column and is surrounded by various muscles, tissues, and ligaments that protect the spinal cord. However, poor posture, spending too much time hunched over a computer, or looking down at our cellphones can cause neck muscles to become overstretched, leading to compression of the cervical spinal discs. This can cause the cervical discs to bulge or herniate, aggravating the spinal cord and causing neck pain and other associated conditions. This post will discuss how cervical disc compression affects neck pain and how decompression surgery and spinal decompression can help alleviate this condition. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals dealing with cervical disc compression affecting their necks and causes mobility issues. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Cervical Disc Compression?


Have you been experiencing neck pain or muscle aches in your shoulders? Do you feel numbness or tingling running down your arms and fingers? These symptoms may be signs of cervical disc compression. The cervical spinal discs act as shock absorbers for the spine, preventing unwanted pressure and mobility issues. Research studies revealed that age-related degenerative properties like dehydration could cause herniated and compressed cervical discs, leading to posterior disc protrusion into the spinal cord. Trauma can also cause extreme hyperflexion or hyperextension of the posterior neck muscles, resulting in various neck symptoms. Additional research studies stated cervical disc displacement could cause compression or impingement on spinal nerve roots, leading to inflammation and neck pain.


How Is It Associated With Neck Pain?

When the spinal cord and nerve roots in the cervical region are affected by cervical disc compression, the pain can be dull or sharp, depending on how it affects many individuals. According to research studies, many people are unaware that repetitive normal factors or traumatic forces can cause a challenge in determining the origin of the pain from symptomatic or asymptomatic disc compression. Additional research studies mentioned that cervical disc compression could cause upper and lower extremities abnormalities, such as loss of deep tendon reflexes in the arms and legs, loss of motor function in the hands and feet, muscle weakness, headaches, and gait imbalances. However, various treatments can alleviate the pain-like symptoms associated with cervical disc compression and help the body’s natural healing process.

From Inflammation To Healing-Video

Are you experiencing inflammation and pain in your neck? Do you notice a tingling or numb sensation in your hands or feet? Or do you feel stiffness in your shoulders or neck? These symptoms can be caused by compressed cervical discs, which many people are unaware of. The compression of cervical discs is a common source of neck pain and can even cause referred pain in the upper and lower extremities. Repetitive motions to the neck can cause the posterior neck muscles to overstretch and lead to pain. Normal or traumatic factors can also lead to neck pain associated with cervical disc compression, resulting in disc herniation. Fortunately, non-surgical therapies like chiropractic care and spinal decompression can help alleviate the symptoms of pain, discomfort, and inflammation caused by cervical disc compression. Check out the video above for more information on these treatments.

Posterior Cervical Disc Decompression Surgery

If you experience cervical compression on your neck, it can lead to persistent neck pain and discomfort if left untreated. Many people opt for posterior cervical disc decompression surgery to alleviate the effects of disc herniation. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., and Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, cervical disc herniation can sometimes affect the back of the neck and cause persistent pain. In such cases, decompression surgery is often performed. During the procedure, a small incision is made at the back of the neck, and a portion of the damaged disc is removed to ease the irritated nerve. This brings relief to the individual suffering from neck pain.


Non-Surgical Decompression For Compressed Cervical Disc


If you’re not interested in surgery for cervical disc compression, consider non-surgical spinal decompression instead. Studies have shown that spinal decompression is a safe, non-invasive treatment involving gentle cervical spine traction to reposition the herniated disc. This treatment can also help rehydrate the spinal disc by bringing in nutrients and oxygenated blood to promote natural healing. Additionally, spinal decompression can alleviate any remaining symptoms of neck pain.



The neck is a highly flexible area that enables smooth head movement without discomfort or pain. However, it is also a part of the musculoskeletal cervical region that can be prone to injuries. Compression of the disc due to normal or traumatic factors can result in herniation, causing pain if left untreated. Fortunately, several treatments are available to alleviate neck pain caused by cervical compression and make the neck mobile again.



Amjad, F., Mohseni-Bandpei, M. A., Gilani, S. A., Ahmad, A., & Hanif, A. (2022). Effects of non-surgical decompression therapy in addition to routine physical therapy on pain, range of motion, endurance, functional disability and quality of life versus routine physical therapy alone in patients with lumbar radiculopathy; a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23(1).

Choi, S. H., & Kang, C.-N. (2020). Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Pathophysiology and Current Treatment Strategies. Asian Spine Journal, 14(5), 710–720.

Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.

McGilvery, W., Eastin, M., Sen, A., & Witkos, M. (2019). Self Manipulated Cervical Spine Leads to Posterior Disc Herniation and Spinal Stenosis. Brain Sciences, 9(6), 125.

Peng, B., & DePalma, M. J. (2018). Cervical disc degeneration and neck pain. Journal of Pain Research, Volume 11, 2853–2857.

Yeung, J. T., Johnson, J. I., & Karim, A. S. (2012). Cervical disc herniation presenting with neck pain and contralateral symptoms: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 6(1).
