Back Clinic Sports Injuries Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow. Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments.
For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers. Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Can understanding what knee tests are used help a healthcare provider diagnose the cause of individuals experiencing knee pain?
Knee Pain Tests
A knee examination is the first step in determining the cause of knee pain. Different knee tests may be performed during the exam to help the healthcare provider find the cause and develop an optimal treatment plan. These tests evaluate knee function and range of motion and look for conditions and injuries such as arthritis, meniscus tears, ACL tears, other ligament injuries, and kneecap issues.
Checking If There is Fluid in the Knee
Many individuals know if their knee is swollen, as they can see or feel the swelling. However, if there is excess fluid in the knee joint, the healthcare provider may compress the joint to feel for excess fluid. Fluid is often visible above the kneecap and can be compressed in this area. Fluid may also be detected in the back of the knee, referred to as a Baker’s cyst if the fluid has collected into a cluster. (Frush T. J., & Noyes F. R. 2015)
Arthritis Tests
Certain characteristic findings can detect knee arthritis:
Crepitus is the sensation when rough cartilage or exposed bone is rubbing when the knee is bent. (Lo G. H. et al., 2018)
The examiner will feel and listen for grinding as the knee is bent back and forth.
As knee cartilage wears away, the knees can become progressively knock-kneed or bow-legged.
Limited Motion
If arthritis, bone spurs, and swelling prevent normal mobility, the knee’s range of motion often becomes limited.
Torn Meniscus Tests
Tests used to determine if there is a meniscus tear include:
Joint Line Tenderness
Joint line tenderness is a non-specific test in which the area of the meniscus is felt. It is considered a positive test when there is pain in this area.
McMurray’s test
This test is performed with the patient lying flat. The examiner bends the knee and rotates the shin bone.
This test is performed with the patient squatting.
The test is performed with the leg fully externally rotated or internally rotated, depending on whether the lateral or medial meniscus is being tested.
A click is heard or felt over the area of the tear.
ACL Tear Tests
These knee pain tests are for an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear:
Lachman Test
The Lachman test is one of the most reliable to diagnose an ACL tear.
With the knee slightly bent, the examiner stabilizes the thigh while pulling the shin forward.
The shin shifts too far forward with a torn ACL.
Anterior Drawer Test
This test is performed with the patient lying flat.
The knee is bent 90 degrees, and then the shin is pulled forward to check the stability of the ACL.
Pivot Shift Test
The pivot shift test can be difficult, especially if the patient is experiencing discomfort and cannot relax the knee.
This test places stress on the knee joint and assesses the rotational stability of the ACL.
Other Ligament Injuries
For a suspected injury to other ligaments, including the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL), the following tests may be used:
Posterior Drawer Test
The posterior drawer is performed similarly to the anterior drawer test, in which the patient lies flat.
The knee is bent 90 degrees; the shin is pushed backward to check stability and function and detect if the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) has been injured.
Collateral Ligament Stability
Side-to-side stability of the knee detects problems with the MCL and LCL.
The shin is shifted to each side, with the patient lying flat and the knee slightly bent.
The LCL or MCL damage causes the knee to open up too much, a condition known as varus (LCL) or valgus (MCL) instability. (Ohori T. et al., 2017)
Kneecap Tests
Tests for kneecap issues include:
Patellar Grind
In this test, also called Clarke’s sign, the patient lies on their back with the leg extended.
The examiner pushes the kneecap down to reproduce the knee pain while the patient flexes the thigh muscles.
Damaged cartilage can cause a grinding sensation/crepitus.
Patellar Tenderness
The examiner can slightly lift the kneecap and place direct pressure on parts of the underside.
The examiner looks for regions of sensitivity or pain.
Patellar Apprehension
This test indicates an unstable kneecap.
The examiner places pressure on the kneecap in a certain direction, and the patient may feel like the kneecap is going to pop out.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Knee pain tests typically check the range of motion, discomfort symptoms, and sounds that could indicate a specific type of knee injury. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.
Overcoming an ACL Injury
Frush, T. J., & Noyes, F. R. (2015). Baker’s Cyst: Diagnostic and Surgical Considerations. Sports health, 7(4), 359–365.
Lo, G. H., Strayhorn, M. T., Driban, J. B., Price, L. L., Eaton, C. B., & Mcalindon, T. E. (2018). Subjective Crepitus as a Risk Factor for Incident Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Arthritis care & research, 70(1), 53–60.
Gupta, Y., Mahara, D., & Lamichhane, A. (2016). McMurray’s Test and Joint Line Tenderness for Medial Meniscus Tear: Are They Accurate?. Ethiopian journal of health sciences, 26(6), 567–572.
Ohori, T., Mae, T., Shino, K., Tachibana, Y., Fujie, H., Yoshikawa, H., & Nakata, K. (2017). Varus-valgus instability in the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee: effect of posterior tibial load. Journal of experimental orthopaedics, 4(1), 24.
Yips are involuntary wrist muscle spasms that affect athletes. They are often associated with golf, baseball, and sports that involve swinging and throwing motions, such as bowling, darts, cricket, and others. Can understanding the information and causes help diagnose and find the right therapy or training?
Yips are involuntary wrist spasms that athletes experience. The term is also used to refer to performance anxiety without physical spasms. Researchers believe they are caused by muscle overuse that leads to dystonia (a condition that causes muscles to contract involuntarily), and combined with psychological factors like performance anxiety and overthinking, can make them worse. (Beacon Health Systems, 2024)
The most common symptom is muscle spasms, often in the hands and wrists. That’s why it is the most common among athletes who play sports that require precision hand and wrist movements. Yips affect fine motor skills. (Aoyama, T. et al., 2021) In addition to muscle spasms, symptoms can also include: (Beacon Health Systems, 2024)
Freezing up
Psychological distress
Healthcare providers, trainers, coaches, and researchers know that psychological and physical factors cause yips. Underlying physical causes include overusing wrist muscles, which leads to dystonia or involuntary muscle movements. Also known as task-specific dystonia, it can also affect individuals who engage in repetitive muscle movements, like factory and assembly line workers, store check-out clerks, musicians, etc. (Clarke P., Sheffield D., and Akehurst S. 2020). Performance anxiety and psychological stress can worsen dystonia. (Aoyama, T. et al., 2021) Athletes can become so focused on their movements that they overthink their actions and perform worse. Individuals who have anxiety, self-consciousness, or stress about a game or performance often find that their involuntary wrist spasms are worse. (Clarke P., Sheffield D. and Akehurst S. 2020)
Increased Risk
Yips are most common in athletes who use their hands and wrists for their sport and are likely to impact more experienced, competing, and older athletes. (Beacon Health Systems, 2024) They are more common in athletes focused on smaller movements or shorter distances. For example, golfers commonly experience involuntary wrist spasms when putting, and baseball players are likelier to experience them when throwing less than 20 meters. (Clarke P., Sheffield D. and Akehurst S. 2020)
There is no official diagnosis for yips. However, a coach, athletic trainer, sports doctors, and others can observe the pattern of symptoms and behavior and provide an informed diagnosis.
Once trigger/s are identified, they can be addressed. Treatments that can help include: (Beacon Health Systems, 2024)
Alternate Hand Positions
This can provide relief from dystonia and overthinking.
Using Different Equipment or Stabilizers
This allows the immobilization of certain muscles and the activation of different muscles.
Reducing anxiety and distress can help relax the body.
Practicing mindfulness before games or tournaments can help reduce psychological triggers.
Botox Injections
Botox injections can treat certain types of dystonia.
Sports Psychology
A sports psychologist is a healthcare provider who studies individual athletes’ sports performance and how it affects their minds and skills.
A sports psychologist can help individuals create a program that reduces stress or anxiety around games and performance.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Yips are common among athletes. It is important to address the physical and psychological components to treat the condition. Talking with a coach or a sports psychologist, other athletes, and supporting staff like trainers can help you find a solution. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.
Clarke, P., Sheffield, D., & Akehurst, S. (2020). Personality Predictors of Yips and Choking Susceptibility. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2784.
Aoyama, T., Ae, K., Souma, H., Miyata, K., Kajita, K., Kawamura, T., & Iwai, K. (2021). Difference in Personality Traits and Symptom Intensity According to the Trigger-Based Classification of Throwing Yips in Baseball Players. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3, 652792.
Elbow pain from lifting is a common symptom among individuals who lift weights, heavy objects, children, grocery bags, etc. Depending on the underlying cause, can conservative treatments relieve and heal elbow pain?
Elbow Pain Caused By Lifting
Elbow pain from lifting can result from weight training, repetitive daily tasks, or job duties like lifting small children or heavy objects. Pain can manifest at the sides or the front of the elbow. Most minor injury cases can be treated with ice, rest, and medications at home. However, pain after lifting can also be a sign of a serious injury, such as a tendon rupture/tear.
Minor Pain From Lifting
Lifting puts pressure on the tendons connecting the wrist and upper arm to the bones in the elbow joint. Minor elbow pain can occur from temporary inflammation in any of these structures after lifting an object. Tendonitis occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed, often from overuse or lifting something too heavy, and ranges from mild to severe. Mild tendonitis typically causes pain during the activity and improves with rest. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2020) Common forms of tendonitis include:
Tennis elbow – tendonitis on the outside of the elbow
Golfer’s elbow – tendonitis on the inside of the elbow.
Add ice to the affected area for up to 20 minutes daily to decrease elbow pain.
Avoid lifting heavy objects as much as possible when pain is present.
Wearing A Brace
If the pain is at the tendons on the inside or outside of your elbow, try wearing a wrist brace to limit the use of your wrist muscles that connect to this area.
Gently stretching the wrist flexors and extensors can help reduce elbow pain after lifting. Stretches can be performed several times daily, even after symptoms have resolved. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2024)
Hold the arm out in front with the palm down. Keep the elbow straight.
Bend the wrist down so that the fingers are pointing toward the ground.
With the other hand, gently pull the wrist further down until a stretch is felt along the back of the forearm.
Hold this position for 15 seconds.
Repeat five times.
Next, bend the wrist upward so the fingers point toward the ceiling.
Using the other hand, gently pull the hand backward until the stretch is felt along the front of the forearm.
Mild cases can improve after a few days of self-care, whereas more pronounced elbow symptoms can take several weeks, months, or even a year. (Kheiran A. Pandey, A. & Pandey R. 2021) If self-care doesn’t work, physical therapy may be recommended. A physical therapy team can use various modalities and treatments to help reduce pain and inflammation from elbow injuries. The therapy can include targeted exercises to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles that might contribute to the condition. In addition, the therapy team will help individuals modify their lifting technique to help prevent further injury.
A biceps tendon rupture is a rare but serious injury usually caused from lifting. In addition to other visible signs of the injury, there will be a bulge at the top of the upper arm because the muscle bunches up as it is no longer attached to the elbow. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2022) Individuals may hear an audible popping sound if an elbow ligament or tendon gets torn while lifting. (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024)
Treatment depends on the severity of the injury, but most cases resolve on their own with rest and, if necessary, physical therapy. Conditions that cause severe pain require orthopedic surgeon expertise. These physicians specialize in treating musculoskeletal system injuries. Imaging such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans are often used to determine the extent of damage. Individuals with tendon or ligament tears in the elbow may need surgery to regain full range of motion and strength in their arm. After surgery, physical therapy will help restore function.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, and prevent injury. Regarding musculoskeletal pain, specialists like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists can help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other associated medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to improve the body’s flexibility and mobility and resolve musculoskeletal issues.
Kheiran, A., Pandey, A., & Pandey, R. (2021). Common tendinopathies around the elbow; what does current evidence say?. Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma, 19, 216–223.
For individuals dealing with finger injuries, which can occur from various causes, including overuse, jobs, sports, and more, can knowing the cause of finger pain help healthcare providers determine what steps to take for treatment?
Finger Injuries
Finger injuries are common and can range from minor to serious. (van Veenendaal L. M. et al., 2014) Symptoms can result from an acute injury, including broken fingers and sprains, or chronic conditions like arthritis.
Finger fractures can vary and can be serious and lead to permanent damage, deformity, and loss of function if not treated properly. What is important is that fractures are appropriately diagnosed so the proper treatment plan can be initiated. Most finger fractures can be addressed with simple treatments, while others may require surgery. (Oetgen M. E., and Dodds S. D. 2008)
Sprain and Dislocation
Sprains and dislocations are common finger injuries. (Prucz R. B. and Friedrich J. B. 2015) Both damage the ligaments that support the finger joints. In more severe injuries, a dislocation can occur, necessitating the finger to be put back into place or reduced. Individuals with a sprain or dislocation often notice finger swelling or stiffness for months after the injury.
Ligament Damage
Some call this injury skier’s or gamekeeper’s thumb, which results from a specific type of thumb dislocation. Here, the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb is damaged. This ligament helps keep the thumb stable and supports grip and hand strength. However, this type of ligament injury often requires surgery. (Christensen T. et al., 2016)
Arthritis causes damage to normal joint surfaces where two bones come together. Fingers are one of the most common locations where arthritis occurs. (Spies C. K. et al., 2018) Two types of arthritis commonly affect the fingers: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthritis of The Thumb
Arthritis of the thumb usually occurs at the joint where the thumb meets the wrist. This joint called the carpometacarpal/CMC joint, helps with gripping and pinching. Thumb arthritis is more common in women than men and increases in frequency over 40. (Deveza L. A. et al., 2017)
Trigger Finger
Trigger finger or stenosing tenosynovitis, is a common injury that causes pain and snapping of the fingers’ tendons, resulting in a sensation of locking or catching when bending and straightening the digits. (Makkouk A. H. et al., 2008) Other symptoms include pain and stiffness in the fingers and thumb. Treatments can vary from observation, rest, splinting, injections, and surgery.
Tendon Injuries
Mallet finger
A mallet finger is an injury to the tip of the finger. Usually, it occurs when the end of a straightened finger or thumb is hit, jamming the finger. After the injury, the individual may notice that they cannot fully straighten the tip of the finger. Treatment almost always uses a splint that has to stay on for about six weeks without removal. (Alla, S. R., Deal, N. D., and Dempsey, I. J. 2014) Very rarely is a surgical procedure necessary.
Jersey Finger
This is an injury to the finger flexor tendon. The flexor tendon pulls the finger into the palm when contracting the forearm flexor muscles. The injury occurs at the tip of the finger; typically, the tendon snaps back to the finger’s base or into the palm.
Ring Injuries
Injuries to the finger while wearing wedding bands or other finger jewelry can lead to serious complications. Even minor injuries can have devastating complications if the severity of the injury is not recognized and addressed. If an injury occurs while wearing the jewelry and there is soft tissue damage, including blood circulation being cut off, immediate medical attention is necessary.
Other Injuries
The most common finger injury is caused by direct trauma to the skin and muscles. Symptoms include pain, swelling, tenderness, and discoloration of the skin.
Cuts and Scrapes
These can range from minor to more serious, such as injuries that cut through blood vessels, nerves, and tendons.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
After the initial inflammation and swelling have subsided, a doctor will recommend a treatment plan that usually involves physical therapy, self-performed physical rehabilitation, or supervision by a physical therapist or team. At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, our areas of practice include Chronic Pain, Personal Injury, Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sports Injuries, Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Complex Injuries, Stress Management, Wellness & Nutrition, Functional Medicine Treatments, and in-scope care protocols. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain and restore function. If other treatment is needed, individuals will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited to their injury, condition, and/or ailment.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
van Veenendaal, L. M., de Klerk, G., & van der Velde, D. (2014). A painful finger as first sign of a malignancy. Geriatric orthopaedic surgery & rehabilitation, 5(1), 18–20.
Oetgen, M. E., & Dodds, S. D. (2008). Non-operative treatment of common finger injuries. Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine, 1(2), 97–102.
Prucz, R. B., & Friedrich, J. B. (2015). Finger joint injuries. Clinics in sports medicine, 34(1), 99–116.
Christensen, T., Sarfani, S., Shin, A. Y., & Kakar, S. (2016). Long-Term Outcomes of Primary Repair of Chronic Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries. Hand (New York, N.Y.), 11(3), 303–309.
Spies, C. K., Langer, M., Hahn, P., Müller, L. P., & Unglaub, F. (2018). The Treatment of Primary Arthritis of the Finger and Thumb Joint. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 115(16), 269–275.
Deveza, L. A., Hunter, D. J., Wajon, A., Bennell, K. L., Vicenzino, B., Hodges, P., Eyles, J. P., Jongs, R., Riordan, E. A., Duong, V., Min Oo, W., O’Connell, R., & Meneses, S. R. (2017). Efficacy of combined conservative therapies on clinical outcomes in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis: protocol for a randomised, controlled trial (COMBO). BMJ open, 7(1), e014498.
Makkouk, A. H., Oetgen, M. E., Swigart, C. R., & Dodds, S. D. (2008). Trigger finger: etiology, evaluation, and treatment. Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine, 1(2), 92–96.
Alla, S. R., Deal, N. D., & Dempsey, I. J. (2014). Current concepts: mallet finger. Hand (New York, N.Y.), 9(2), 138–144.
For individuals and athletes with a gluteal contusion with severe bruising, can a healthcare provider determine if there are any other injuries to underlying structures, including muscle or tendon tears?
Gluteal Contusion
A gluteal contusion is an injury, in this case, a bruise to the buttocks’ gluteal muscles caused by damage to muscle fibers and blood vessels. A buttock bruise is caused by direct bodily impact, typically from falls, automobile collisions, accidents, bumping into something, or being struck by an object or person. Like all bruises, a gluteal bruise most often results in pain and visible discoloration of the skin at the injury site, varying in severity from grade I to grade III, with higher-graded bruises requiring more time to heal. Most butt bruises can heal on their own with time and rest, but if bruising is severe, individuals may require physical therapy to restore full muscle function.
A contusion is a muscle injury that can affect the body’s skeletal muscles. A gluteal contusion can be painful, with a black and blue mark that changes color over time. Other symptoms may include: (Mount Sinai, 2024)
Tenderness to touch over the injury site
Increased pain with contraction of the glutes
Discomfort with sitting
A contusion occurs from direct trauma and forceful impact on the gluteal muscles, causing damage to underlying blood vessels, muscle fibers, and sometimes bone, resulting in bleeding under the skin. (MedlinePlus, 2016) Direct impacts to the gluteal muscles that can cause a contusion include:
Car accidents
Direct hits to the buttocks from a piece of sports equipment or person.
Bumping into furniture, a door, or a counter.
Intramuscular injections into the gluteal muscles.
Individuals who take blood thinners or anticoagulant medication have an increased risk of bruising from direct contact injuries.
A gluteal contusion is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and is generally straightforward to diagnose based on physical appearance, symptoms, and type of injury. Contusions can be graded based on the severity according to the following criteria (Fernandes, T. L. et al., 2015)
Grade I
An injury that affects only a small amount of muscle fibers, resulting in minimal pain, tenderness, and possible swelling.
Causes minimal or no loss of strength in the affected muscle or range of motion limitations.
Muscle use is typically unaffected.
Grade II
An injury that causes significant damage to muscle fibers, resulting in increased pain and impaired muscle contraction.
A small muscle defect can be felt to the touch.
Discoloration increases over the first few days after injury.
Grade III
An injury that involves extensive muscle fiber damage and bleeding across an entire area of a muscle that results in severe, and sometimes total, loss of muscle function.
Causes severe pain and significant discoloration of the skin.
When contusions are larger, deeper, and involve significant blood pooling and swelling, they are called hematomas.
If the bruising is severe, a diagnostic ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI may be used to determine whether any underlying structures are damaged.
Contusions are generally mild injuries. Treatment typically involves rest to allow the muscles to heal from the bleeding and the bruising to dissipate.
Applying ice to the injury site can help relieve pain and inflammation.
If the bruising is severe, significant physical activity like sports, dancing, running, jumping, and weight lifting should be avoided until the muscles heal. (Mount Sinai, 2024)
With more severe bruising, contraction and stretching of the glutes are painful and can require longer healing and recovery time.
Physical therapy rehabilitation may be needed for more significant injuries to restore muscle function.
A mild injury usually heals on its own with time and rest. More significant injuries take longer to heal and may require physical therapy to build strength and range of motion if muscle function is affected.
Healing Time and Recovery
Healing and recovery times for gluteal contusions vary depending on the severity of the injury (Fernandes T. L. et al., 2015)
Grade I
Minor injuries that cause minimal discomfort typically heal fully in five days to two weeks.
Grade II
During the first two to three days, contusions develop, increasing discoloration under the skin, and complete healing can take two to three weeks.
Return to sport is typically resumed after a month.
Grade III
Contusions can take up to four to six weeks to heal, often requiring rehabilitation to restore muscle strength and range of motion.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we passionately focus on treating patients’ injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored to the individual. We use in-person and virtual health coaching and comprehensive care plans to ensure every patient’s personalized care and wellness outcomes. Our providers use an integrated approach to create personalized care plans that include Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. If he feels the individual needs other treatment, they will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for them as Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premier rehabilitation providers to provide our community with the best clinical treatments.
Fernandes, T. L., Pedrinelli, A., & Hernandez, A. J. (2015). MUSCLE INJURY – PHYSIOPATHOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND CLINICAL PRESENTATION. Revista brasileira de ortopedia, 46(3), 247–255.
Individuals who engage in sports and physical activities that involve lunging forward while running or jumping can sustain a plantaris muscle injury. Can understanding the anatomy of the back of the leg and the symptoms help diagnose and treat plantar muscle injuries?
Plantaris Muscle
The plantaris muscle is a long, narrow muscle in the calf that runs along the back of the leg. It’s part of the Triceps Surae, a group of muscles in the calf that, along with the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, makes up the bulk of the back of the leg. It is located in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg. Strains or tears of the plantaris muscle at the back of the leg can cause pain and swelling, similar to a calf strain or Achilles tendon tear. Individuals may feel immediate pain, cramping, and other symptoms.
The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are the major muscles, with the soleus located deeper in the leg. Together, they form the Achilles tendon, which blends into a tendon in the back of the heel and attaches to the heel bone/calcaneus. When the calf muscles contract, they point the foot downward, propelling the body forward when walking, running, and sprinting. The plantaris muscle and tendon sit more or less in the center of the calf, between the two heads of the gastrocnemius. Around 7% to 20% of the population are born without plantaris muscles. There are variations, such as having a double- or triple-headed plantaris muscle. (Olewnik Ł. et al., 2020) However, individuals that do not have the muscle or have a variation have not been shown to affect long-term or short-term mobility.
Plantaris muscle ruptures are the most common injury and occur often during running or jumping. (Spang C. et al., 2016) Many who sustain this injury are athletes who have to lunge forward. Common symptoms include:
Swelling and bruising in the back of the calf area.
Cramping in the calf muscle.
Spasm sensations of the calf muscle.
Symptoms of a plantaris muscle strain are less severe, with the common signs being tightness and pain during and after physical activity.
Plantaris muscle tears differ from Achilles tendon tears because the foot can be pointed downward following the rupture, whereas an Achilles tear cannot. Plantaris ruptures can also be confused with a blood clot in the large veins of the calf, called deep vein thrombosis/DVT. (Rohilla S. et al., 2013) Tests like MRI or ultrasound can be performed to confirm or exclude a plantaris rupture. Both can be useful for verifying whether the injury is a strain or tear and identifying other possible causes of calf pain.
Treatment is typically non-surgical. While the injuries can cause pain and disability, the symptoms almost always resolve with conservative treatments and therapies. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are the first line used and may be all that is needed for a muscle strain. Short-term use of NSAIDs may be recommended for a strain or tear to reduce pain and inflammation. (Morelli K. M. et al., 2018) If the pain is profound or there is a tear, patients may require short-term immobilization or the use of a crutch for the pain to subside. With the assistance of a physical therapist, sports chiropractor, and athletic trainer, gradual increases in mobility and strength can be obtained. Symptoms usually gradually resolve over several weeks. Full recovery may take up to eight weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop customized treatment programs through an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes, improving flexibility, mobility, and agility, relieving pain, and helping individuals return to normal activities. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.
Control Foot Motion with Custom Orthotics
Olewnik, Ł., Zielinska, N., Karauda, P., Tubbs, R. S., & Polguj, M. (2020). A three-headed plantaris muscle: evidence that the plantaris is not a vestigial muscle?. Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA, 42(10), 1189–1193.
Spang, C., Alfredson, H., Docking, S. I., Masci, L., & Andersson, G. (2016). The plantaris tendon: a narrative review focusing on anatomical features and clinical importance. The bone & joint journal, 98-B(10), 1312–1319.
Rohilla, S., Jain, N., & Yadav, R. (2013). Plantaris rupture: why is it important?. BMJ case reports, 2013, bcr2012007840.
Morelli, K. M., Brown, L. B., & Warren, G. L. (2018). Effect of NSAIDs on Recovery From Acute Skeletal Muscle Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The American journal of sports medicine, 46(1), 224–233.
Can athletic individuals with ACL injuries find relief through non-surgical treatments to restore knee mobility?
The body’s lower extremities help the individuals to be mobile but also help stabilize the body’s upper weight. From the hips to the feet, many people are on their feet and using every muscle group to allow functionality. Athletic individuals use their lower extremities to do various physical activities and are susceptible to injuries. An ACL injury is one of the most common and feared injuries that can impact an athletic person’s performance. These types of injuries affect the knees of the individual and can make a person feel miserable. However, numerous surgical and non-surgical treatments can help the recovery process of an ACL injury while helping the individual restore their motion to their lower extremities. Today’s article looks at what an ACL injury is, how it affects the knees, and how non-surgical treatments can help restore knee mobility from ACL injuries. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess ACL injuries affecting their mobility. We also inform and guide patients while asking their associated medical provider intricate questions to integrate and provide them with numerous non-surgical treatments to be incorporated into their personalized treatment plan. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
What Is An ACL Injury?
Do you feel aches or pains around your knees after a long exercise regime? Do you feel or hear a loud popping sensation in your knees? Or do you experience pain and swelling affecting your ability to be mobile? Many of these pain-like scenarios are correlated with ACL injuries, that is amongst the most common and feared injuries for athletic individuals and non-athletic individuals. However, we must look at the ACL itself to better understand ACL injuries. The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) plays an important role as it helps with knee joint stabilization, prevents excessive forward movements from the tibia (shin bone), and limits rotational knee movements. (Yoo & Marappa-Ganeshan, 2024) This ligament is one of the most injured structures affecting athletic performance. ACL injuries and tears can lead to many individuals having knee instability and an increased risk of future knee osteoarthritis. (Atik, 2024) This is because ACL injuries typically occur during physical activities involving sudden stops, jumps, or directional impacts to the knees.
How Does It Affect The Knees?
So, how do ACL injuries affect the knees of the individual? As stated earlier, the ACL is a crucial ligament that stabilizes the knee joint during movement. When that ligament is injured, it can cause pain-like symptoms like:
Limited range of motion
Knee instability
Altered biomechanics
This causes many people to have reduced physical activity levels, which can become a great economic burden to their daily routine. (Wang et al., 2020) When dealing with ACL injuries, it can also affect the meniscus in the knees as cartilage erosion often accelerates and can potentially lead to early osteoarthritis, which correlates with ACL injuries. (Key et al., 2022) However, when a person is dealing with ACL injuries, there are numerous treatments to reduce the pain-like symptoms caused by ACL injuries and help restore knee mobility.
Overcoming An ACL Injury-Video
Non-Surgical Treatments For ACL Injuries
When finding the right treatment for ACL injuries, many individuals can incorporate non-surgical treatments as part of their customized treatment plan. Non-surgical treatments can vary and may be suitable for individuals with partial ACL tears and knee instability and who have been involved in low-impact sports. When athletic individuals are dealing with ACL injuries, by incorporating non-surgical treatments, they can address the impairments, achieve functional stability, and safely return to their physical activities while improving the neuromuscular system to achieve functional knee stability. (Diermeier et al., 2020) Non-surgical treatments can positively impact many individuals by relieving the overlapping pain-like issues affecting the knees and the severity of ACL injuries.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is one of the many non-surgical treatments that can benefit individuals dealing with ACL injuries. Chiropractic care incorporates mechanical and manual manipulation to diagnose and treat any musculoskeletal issues associated with ACL injuries and emphasizes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. For many athletic and non-athletic individuals with ACL injuries, chiropractic care can offer several benefits:
Pain management
Enhancing mobility and flexibility
Improving balance
Strengthening supporting muscles
Chiropractic care can help individuals by stretching and strengthening weak muscles and soft tissues that can help break down scar tissues that may have surrounded the knee while improving blood flow to the injured area. Chiropractors can also incorporate specific rehabilitation exercises and physical therapy for the individual, focusing on strength, flexibility, and stability in the knees and surrounding muscles.
Physical Therapy
Another form of non-surgical treatment is through physical therapy. Physical therapy can help many individuals with ACL injuries through strength training, balance, and range of motion exercises that are catered to strengthen the surrounding muscles and help maintain the knee’s stability, flexibility, and mobility. Stretching exercises like Pilates and Tai Chi are favorable for ACL rehabilitation as they are important for functional outcomes and ACL stability. (Giummarra et al., 2022) Additionally, many individuals can utilize a functional knee brace to provide additional support to the knees when doing any physical therapy, as they can help stabilize the knee and prevent unwanted movements that could exacerbate the ACL injury. While ACL injuries are serious, non-surgical treatments offer viable alternatives for many athletes. Individuals can effectively manage their injuries and lead active, fulfilling lives by focusing on physical therapy, utilizing supportive braces, and adopting lifestyle modifications.
Atik, O. S. (2024). The risk factors for second anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear after ACL reconstruction. Jt Dis Relat Surg, 35(2), 255-256.
Diermeier, T., Rothrauff, B. B., Engebretsen, L., Lynch, A. D., Ayeni, O. R., Paterno, M. V., Xerogeanes, J. W., Fu, F. H., Karlsson, J., Musahl, V., Svantesson, E., Hamrin Senorski, E., Rauer, T., Meredith, S. J., & Panther Symposium, A. C. L. T. C. G. (2020). Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 28(8), 2390-2402.
Giummarra, M., Vocale, L., & King, M. (2022). Efficacy of non-surgical management and functional outcomes of partial ACL tears. A systematic review of randomised trials. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 332.
Key, S., Baygin, M., Demir, S., Dogan, S., & Tuncer, T. (2022). Meniscal Tear and ACL Injury Detection Model Based on AlexNet and Iterative ReliefF. J Digit Imaging, 35(2), 200-212.
Wang, L. J., Zeng, N., Yan, Z. P., Li, J. T., & Ni, G. X. (2020). Post-traumatic osteoarthritis following ACL injury. Arthritis Res Ther, 22(1), 57.
Yoo, H., & Marappa-Ganeshan, R. (2024). Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament. In StatPearls.
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