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Auto Accident Injuries

Back Clinic Auto Accident Injuries Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Many automobile accidents occur throughout the world every year, affecting a wide number of individuals, both physically and mentally. From neck and back pain to bone fractures and whiplash, auto accident injuries and their associated symptoms can challenge the daily lives of those who experienced unexpected circumstances.

Dr. Alex Jimenez’s collection of articles discusses auto injuries caused by trauma, including which specific symptoms affect the body and the particular treatment options available for each injury or condition resulting from an auto accident. Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can not only lead to injuries but they can be full of confusion and frustrations.

It is very important to have a qualified provider specializing in these matters completely assess the circumstances surrounding any injury. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Increasing Pedestrian Injuries & Deaths in the United States

Increasing Pedestrian Injuries & Deaths in the United States

For the second straight year, U.S. pedestrian deaths are setting alarming new records. The number of pedestrians killed on U.S. roads rose a projected 11 percent between 2015 and 2016, the largest year-to-year increase on record, according to a new Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) report.

During the first six months of 2016, preliminary data show 2,660 pedestrian deaths nationwide, compared to 2,486 for the same period during 2015. The year-long projection is based on those numbers. The report also projects a 22 percent rise in pedestrian deaths from 2014. Both estimates are sharply higher than the 9 percent increase in pedestrian deaths between 2014 and 2015.

“This is the second year in a row that we have seen unprecedented increases in pedestrian fatalities, which is both sad and alarming,” said report author Richard Retting, who’s with Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants.

“It is critical that the highway safety community understand these disturbing statistics and work to aggressively implement effective countermeasures,” he added in a GHSA news release.

Pedestrian Risks and Automobile Accidents

Pedestrians account for about 15 percent of U.S. road deaths. In the first six months of 2016, the number of pedestrian deaths rose in 34 states, fell in 15 states and in the District of Columbia, and remained the same in one state. The report cited several possible reasons for the spike. They include Americans driving more due to lower gas prices; more people choosing to walk for health, transportation, economic or environmental reasons; and widespread use of smartphones, a distraction for walkers and drivers alike.

“Everyone walks, and we want to encourage that, but at the same time we want to make sure that we all get to our destinations safely,” GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins said.

“Unfortunately, this latest data shows that the U.S. is not meeting the mark on keeping pedestrians safe on our roadways. Every one of these lives represents a loved one not coming home tonight, which is absolutely unacceptable,” he said.

One doctors’ group added that prevention — keeping your eyes and ears on your surroundings — is key.

“Today’s projected pedestrian fatalities — the highest ever recorded — are an urgent wake-up call that we need to work harder at consistently focusing on where and how we are walking,” said Dr. Alan Hilibrand. He’s a spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

“Pedestrians need to be mindful of their surroundings,” while walking, Hilibrand said. “Walking while looking at your phone or an electronic device can result in sprains, broken bones, and other serious, even fatal, injuries.”

SOURCES: Governors Highway Safety Association, news release, March 30, 2017; March 30, 2017, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

Additional Topics: Understanding Mild Brain Injury

Brain injuries are common complications in our modern world. Approximately 2 million individuals experience a head injury in the United States alone each year. Although most brain or head injuries are not considered life threatening, they could sum up to billions of dollars in annual revenue. Brain injuries are often categorized according to patient response. Only 1 out of 4 reported brain injuries are considered moderate or severe.


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Whiplash Center

Whiplash Center

Whiplash is�a common injury, annually affecting about 2 million individuals within the U.S. Generally due to a car accident, whiplash also can be a consequence of falling, engaging in sports &�being shaken or punched.
Whiplash may be the common term�for�neck damage or stress caused by hyperextension (see image below) and hyperflexion (see image below). It frequently does not cause immediate symptoms: over-time, it might produce actually. Since whiplash could cause long-lasting results to the back, it is vital that you see your physician if you have been injured, even if you don�t have pain.


The cervical spine (throat) is really a sophisticated structure consists of vertebrae (spinal bones), intervertebral disks (behave as shock absorbers), muscles, ligaments, and nerves. The throat is is flexible and will move it different guidelines (jerk, swivel) while supporting the total weight of the head. However, that mobility can make the throat at risk of injury. Throughout a whiplash event, your throat goes swiftly and vigorously backward and forward. Pain can continue despite the injury itself has healed.

Whiplash can result in reduced productivity, temporary impairment, and perhaps substantial medical expenses.

Not Just Pain In The Neck

A person with whiplash’s chief criticism is upper back pain or neck pain. Other symptoms may include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Pain within the arm and/or shoulder that may expand to the hand(s).
  • Paresthesias (including numbness or tingling) and/or weakness that’ll expand into the hand(s).
  • Headache

You might possibly experience dizziness, nausea, ringing�in the ears, weakness, jaw pain, and blurred vision.

A Condition With�An Impact


The most frequent cause of whiplash is definitely a car accident in which the person�s vehicle (often stopped) is rear-ended by another car or truck. Because of this, the neck’s bones are forced�into a hyperextended position, while the upper vertebrae are hyperflexed, leading to an unusual S-shaped curve. This cycle typically damages the delicate tissues (structures, tendons, muscles) of the neck.

How Do I Realize I Have Whiplash?

Your doctor works a neurological and physical exam and carefully reviews your medical history. Because x rays don�t show injuries to delicate tissues, a CT (computerized tomography) scan or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) could be executed.

What Does Treatment Involve?

Treatment is determined by the extent and level of the whiplash, and factor is given to general health and your age. Initial therapy can include:

  • Short term rest (a day or two)
  • Ice, for first day or two; then alternate ice and temperature
  • Gentle�range-of-motion exercises
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (over-the-counter or prescription)
  • Muscle relaxants

*When using ice, make certain the cool source is draped in a towel to safeguard your skin area. Don’t apply ice for longer than 15 minutes at a time.

If your pain does not disappear inside a reasonable timeframe, or when it is serious, your doctor may recommend trigger-point injections, physical treatment, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, and/or use of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device.

Soft�collars, although once trusted for whiplash, are not employed so frequently anymore, since by immobilizing the neck, the muscles can weaken and delay recovery.

Surgery is rarely warranted by whiplash. If your pain persists even after you’ve undergone nonsurgical treatment, your doctor might advise surgery, according to what structures have already been injured and how serious the harm is. It is vital that you understand the risks carried with surgery. Thus, you should have a thorough conversation with your doctor.

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Whiplash. Mayo Clinic.

Whiplash. MedicineNet. / whiplash/article.htm Whiplash.

Whiplash Injury. Hopkins Medicine. healthlibrary/problems/adult/spine_shoulder_and_pelvis_disorders/whiplash_injury_85,p01388/.

Auto Accidents: Neck Pain & Whiplash!

Auto Accidents: Neck Pain & Whiplash!

Does Neck Curvature Protect You In a Car Accident?

Does the curvature of your cervical spine play a determinant in the severity of injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident?

We asked Chiropractic Biophysics, Dr. Deed Harrison to comment on this subject matter.

Unfortunately, many people can relate to having been involved in a car crash or motor vehicle collision (MVC) at some point in their lives. Whether it was a major accident or a minor one, MVC�s are no fun and can cause a variety of minor to serious injuries to those persons in the vehicles. These injuries are commonly and collectively referred to as �Whiplash Injuries�. The financial implications of a MVC, as well as interruption of your daily routine due to whiplash are also other major detriments of car crashes that may take years to recover from.

With more distracted drivers texting and speaking on their phones, MVC�s are on the rise, making for much more dangerous roadways. While we cannot control other people�s behaviors, we can certainly drive more cautiously and defensively to hopefully avoid being in a car accident. Unfortunately, MVC�s do happen despite our best efforts, so being prepared and having a plan in mind is key to recovering quickly and getting back on our feet again.

More serious car accidents mean more serious injuries, ranging from cuts and bruise to broken bones, brain damage, and even death. At first, less serious MVC�s however, may not seem like a big deal, with victims often walking away without a scratch, believing they have escaped the crash unscathed. Others may only complain of a slight headache, neck pain, stiff or kinked neck while resorting to taking over the counter pain killers, or wearing a neck brace to assist with their recovery � something that is far from addressing the true cause of the injury.

What most lay people (and even many physicians) don�t realize is the extent to which the CERVICAL LORDOIS (curvature in your neck from the side) plays a role in both: 1) the extent of the initial injury to the occupant(s) and 2) the long term pain and suffering from whiplash injury to the occupants. Furthermore, the MVC itself will damage the cervical lordosis.

1. Concerning the extent of initial injury, researchers have found that having a well preserved cervical lordosis actually prevents neck tissue damage to the sensitive cervical spine ligaments.1 In the figure at the top, the right hand image demonstrates what a normal cervical curve looks like when viewed from the side and the person facing to the right. In contrast, the same researchers identified that straightened cervical curves and worse yet, reversed (kyphotic) cervical curves predisposed to more severe cervical spine tissue injuries due to more extreme forces acting on the neck during the exact same MVC circumstances. The x-rays above at the far left and the middle show abnormal neck curves where more severe injury to the person is likely to result should they be involved in an MVC.

Thus, if you already have an abnormal cervical curvature prior to any MVC, it is in your best interest to rehabilitate the shape and amount of your cervical lordosis. If you do not, you�re at a higher risk of having more serious injuries should you be involved in a MVC.

2. In terms of long term pain and suffering, several research studies have identified that the patients who experience long term whiplash injuries and suffering are in fact the ones that have abnormal cervical lordosis. Straightened, S-curves, and Reversed cervical curvatures have been found to pre-dispose to the following conditions after MVC.

� Neck pain and stiffness,
� Headaches,
� Arm pain,
� Thoracic outlet symptoms,
� Dizziness,
� Lack of concentration,
� Degenerative arthritis in the cervical spine,
� Disc herinations.

What many whiplash injured subjects don�t realize is that a slight headache or neck pain is a true sign of a much more serious injury to your cervical lordosis and underlying neck tissues. Spinal misalignments as a result of the sudden jolt of the MVC may manifest immediately, or not become evident at all for a long period of time. But this doesn�t mean the spine is healthy or that no injury was sustained.

The fact is that MVC�s statistically damage the shape of your cervical lordosis. Researchers from Chiropractic BioPhysics have identified that the average patient exposed to a MVC will lose 10 degrees of their cervical lordosis, develop a mid cervical kyphosis, and have increased forward head posture as a result of the MVC.

A misaligned cervical curvature as a result of a MVC is a serious health condition. Altered cervical curves will cause nerve interference � hindrance of critical nerve energy that is responsible for every function of our organs, and every movement of our limbs. Ignoring the cervical spinal misalignment can manifest into pain and discomfort, fatigue, sleep disorders, organ dysfunction, depression, and eventually disease.

If you have been in a minor or major car accident, please see a corrective care chiropractor immediately for a full assessment of the health of your spine, even if you don�t feel any discomfort whatsoever. A small misalignment can only get worse with time, so addressing this injury quickly can mean a faster recovery time and less health problems in the future.

Corrective methods using Chiropractic BioPhysics��or CBP� Technique extension traction procedures and devices are the only true evidence based methods that have been shown to statistically and clinically improve the amount of cervical lordosis without the use of surgery. This has been documented in several clinical trials and case reports.8-11 Other conservative methods may restore the cervical lordosis in selected cases, but these have never been proven in clinical trials and are thus, at best, hit and miss. If you are suffering from an altered cervical lordosis as a result of a MVC, use the procedures that are truly scientifically supported.


Chiropractic Treatments for Whiplash


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Whiplash Video






Because each individual case of whiplash is different, it is not possible to generalize about the chiropractic whiplash treatment.

See What Is Whiplash?

The appropriate chiropractic treatment is unique to each whiplash injury and is directed at the primary dysfunctions detected during the chiropractic exam.

However, chiropractors commonly employ different chiropractic treatments for whiplash, often including:

  • Manipulation
  • Muscle relaxation and/or stimulation
  • Various exercises
  • Ergonomic and lifestyle changes.

This article explains when, why and how chiropractors may employ these whiplash treatments for neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and other related symptoms.
Chiropractic Manipulation for Whiplash

The primary whiplash treatment for joint dysfunction, spinal manipulation involves the chiropractor gently moving the involved joint into the direction in which it is restricted.

Also known as a chiropractic adjustment, spinal manipulation may involve the application of a short thrust in that direction. In many cases, instead of a thrust, a slow mobilizing movement is used by the chiropractor.

Muscle Relaxation or Stimulation as Whiplash Treatments

More Chiropractic Info:

The chiropractor’s primary whiplash treatment for related muscle dysfunction, muscle relaxation and/or stimulation consist of gentle stretches to the muscle that has excessive tension or repeated contractions of the muscle that is inhibited.

If the muscle is very tight, a more vigorous stretch may be applied by the chiropractor. Gentle finger pressure techniques may be applied to trigger points to relieve the pain associated with the tight muscles.

McKenzie Exercises and Stabilization/Sensorimotor Activities


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Chiropractors may employ different types of exercises, including McKenzie exercisesand/or stabilization and sensorimotor exercises, to help treat patients with whiplash injuries.

McKenzie exercises are specifically designed to reduce disc derangement related to a whiplash injury. They consist of simple movements that are initially done in the office but make for an easy transition to self-care at home. McKenzie exercises also help the patient take an active role in his or her own recovery
Stabilization and sensorimotor exercise approaches are designed to correct faulty movement patterns in routine activities and everyday life. Such whiplash treatment trains the nervous system to better coordinate and control movement patterns, and improves the ability of the neck muscles to maintain stability of the neck.

These exercises are designed to help in a major trauma, such as a fall or whiplash during a motor vehicle accident, or in “micro trauma” from simple things such as being jostled in a crowd, playing sports or performing occupational or home jobs that require physical effort.

Chiropractic Advice on Ergonomic and Lifestyle Changes


These whiplash treatment suggestions stress improvements for performing everyday activities with minimal strain to the body. The chiropractic advice addresses factors in an individual�s work, home or recreational activities that perpetuate the dysfunctions that result from the whiplash accident.

Additionally, spine care professionals at the chiropractic clinic may teach the patient better “use of self” and, if necessary, stress reduction methods to help chiropractic problems.

Whiplash Treatment in Chiropractic Care

blog picture of lady getting adjustment

Chiropractic On Cervical Spine Video






The whiplash treatment plan developed by the chiropractor for each specific problem may include one or more of these approaches and may involve others as well.
See Chiropractic Manipulation for the Cervical Spine

In addition to his or her whiplash treatment plan, the doctor of chiropractic might give a referral to another health professional, such as a medical specialist, if it is deemed appropriate.

Research and locate chiropractors in your area that can help alleviate your back and neck pain.

Whiplash: More than Standard Neck Pain


�WHIPLASH, A SOFT TISSUE INJURY TO THE NECK, is also called neck sprain or neck strain. It is characterized by a collection of symptoms that occur following damage to the neck, usually because of sudden extension and flexion,� according to the National Institutes of Health.1

Approximately two-thirds of people involved in motor vehicle accidents develop symptoms of whiplash. The symptoms usually do not develop until two to 48 hours after the injury. Whiplash can also occur from falls, sports injuries, work injuries and other incidents.

Patients with whiplash injury may complain of pain and stiffness in the neck, extending into the shoulders and arms, upper back and even the upper chest. Two-thirds of patients suffer with headaches, especially at the base of the skull. Patients may also experience dizziness, difficulty swallowing, nausea and even blurred vision after injury, but these symptoms tend to resolve quickly.

According to Marshall, 45 percent to 85 percent of people who suffer a whiplash injury have the symptoms five years after the accident, and 82 percent had a straightening or reversal of their cervical curvature.2 “Many authors regard a straightening or reversal of the normally lordotic curvature to be one of the most significant changes of a whiplash injury.� 3

�The initial injury is due to damage of cervical muscles, ligaments, disks, blood vessels and nerves. The actual injury to soft tissues happens so rapidly that normal protective muscle reflexes cannot respond in time to decrease or prevent the injury,� according to a 2006 case report in the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association.3

The Diagnosis


To diagnose whiplash, a DC must first take a thorough history of the injury and the patient�s previous medical history. Pre-existing conditions, such as arthritis, may increase the severity of the whiplash. The DC should give the patient an in-depth physical examination with concentration on the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Similar to asking about whiplash injuries from motor vehicle accidents, DCs should ask the patient questions that reveal the details of a sports-related incident. DCs must ask patients with vehicular accident injuries, �Where was the impact from? Were you moving at the time? Did you have a seatbelt on? What type of seatbelt? Were you braced for impact? Did you hit anything in the vehicle?� says Dr. Alan Sokoloff, team chiropractor for the Baltimore Ravens. �You have to do the same for sport-related neck injuries, too,� he says.

Dr. Sokoloff explains that he �encounters doctors that say, �I do not treat sports injuries,� but if you are treating injuries from auto accidents and really dig into the mechanism of the injury with all of its details, it�s pretty much the same.�

Advanced Imaging


In some cases, advanced imaging may be necessary to make a proper diagnosis. A cervical CT scan is ordered if a DC suspects cervical spine trauma, such as a vertebral fracture, if the patient complains of paresthesia of the hands, if the patient is unconscious or has severe pain together with neurological deficits, explains Jerrold Simon, DC, president of the ACA Rehab Council.

�A cervical MRI is ordered when the whiplash patient complains of neck pain with radicular symptoms, such as a tingling sensation radiating down the arms or if there is suspected cervical spine trauma and the clinical findings suggest ligamentous damage. A cervical MRI may be ordered as a follow-up to normal cervical CT scan if the above symptoms are present,� says Dr. Simon.



In treating whiplash injury, patients should be reminded to stay active, unless immobilization is necessary due to serious injury. �A cervical foam collar may be needed during the first few days following the incident if the cervical trauma is severe. However, in general, cervical collars are not recommended,� says Dr. Simon.

Immediately after the whiplash injury, Dr. Simon applies an ice compress to the posterior para-cervical spine musculature for about 10 minutes on a periodic basis. Ice compresses are generally only used for the first 48 hours after an injury.4

�A nutritional intervention for pain should include d-Phenylalanine 250 mg/day, dl-Phenylalanine 750 mg/day, L-tryptophan 3 g/day, and instruct the patient to to avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages,� he says.

In addition, chiropractic care is beneficial. A retroactive study by Woodward et al. published in Injurydemonstrated that chiropractic treatment benefited 26 of 28 patients suffering from chronic whiplash syndrome.5 Chiropractic care in this study included spinal manipulation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching and cryotherapy [ice-pack therapy].

A neck adjustment works to improve the mobility of the spine to increase range of motion, while also enhancing movement of the adjoining muscles. This will eventually eliminate pain, soreness and stiffness and allow a patient to painlessly turn and tilt the head. In addition to adjustments, a treatment plan of mobilization, massage or rehabilitative exercises may speed up the recovery process.

�Cervical rehabilitation procedures should be considered after the initial pain and inflammation have substantially subsided,� says Dr. Simon. �Then a functional capacity evaluation with focal attention to the cervical spine should be performed to assess the magnitude and degree of upper spinal functional deficiency.�

Following this test, a DC can decide if the patient should receive a treatment of isometric cervical flexion, extension and lateral flexion against resistance exercises, a proprioceptive rocker board, wobble board and/or gym ball exercises and vibration therapy.

�Every person is different, and everyone�s ability to heal is different, so how we treat patients is very individualized,� says Dr. Sokoloff. �We will use modalities initially, if indicated. We will use soft-tissue techniques, if indicated. We will usually use a chiropractic adjustment, if indicated. But the one procedure we always use is progressive rehabilitative exercises, in office and home recommendations.�

Home recommendations include proper computer and phone ergonomics, range-of-motion exercises and icing, to name a few.

�Treatment plans that do not hold the patient responsible for helping themselves cheat everyone,� says Dr. Sokoloff. �The more a patient is informed about home icing instructions, home exercise and activity of daily living modifications, the better the outcomes are for everyone.�

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What many whiplash injured subjects don�t realize is that a slight headache or neck pain is a true sign of a much more serious injury to your cervical lordosis and underlying neck tissues.�Because each individual case of whiplash is different, it is not possible to generalize about the chiropractic whiplash treatment.�For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at�915-850-0900

Back Injuries Caused By Auto Accidents

Back Injuries Caused By Auto Accidents

Unfortunately,�back injuries�are among the most common types of complications suffered after an automobile accident. Each day, thousands of individuals are involved in head-on, side-impact, and rear-end auto collisions, often leading to spinal injuries even during minor car crashes. Depending on the force of the impact, a single or multiple areas of the back may be affected. Automobile injuries can range from mild sprains and bruises to fractured vertebrae and spinal cord damage.
If you�ve had a car accident, it�s essential to take note of any symptoms of�back pain, as there are a variety of spine complications which could result after experiencing an auto collision.

Central Sensitization & Auto Injuries

Recovering From Auto Injuries

Disc Herniation

One type of spine injury among individuals who have suffered from an auto accident is a�herniated disc, or a slipped/ruptured disc. Discs are small, sponge-like structures found within the spinal column which function as cushions to separate and protect the vertebrae from the others while providing the spine with smooth flexibility. The force from an auto accident impact can damage a disc, causing it to break or deform, affecting its ability to cushion the bones of the spine.

Furthermore, a damaged disc can also place unnecessary pressure directly on the nerves surrounding it, leading to symptoms of pain, numbness and weakness on the region of the body where the affected nerve travels to.
Disc injuries to the�lower back�frequently lead to a group of symptoms commonly referred to as sciatica, which is characterized by radiating pain, numbness and tingling sensations in the leg and/or buttock on either side, or occasionally, in both sides, depending on the type of injury. The symptoms associated with sciatica can be impairing and may worsen over time if left untreated.

Auto Injury Back Pain

Spinal Cord Distress

Spinal cord injuries occur from the impact of an automobile accident. It sends a direct blow to the spine, that damages the delicate bundle of nerves within it. The spinal cord is the most important structure between the body and the brain. It is a vital link between the brain and the body, functioning to carry essential information back-and-forth from the brain to the central nervous system, facilitating motor control and sensory function. Spinal cord injuries impair the brain�s ability to communicate effectively with the rest of the body, resulting in paralysis and/or lack of sensation in all or part of the body. The more severe an injury to the spinal cord is, the more of the body will be affected.

Compression Fracture aka Bone Break

Car accidents can also cause compression fractures. Compression fractures or cracks in the bones of the spine may cause the vertebrae to collapse and deform. This can permanently alter the shape and structure of the spine.

Symptoms of a compression fracture include pain and postural changes as well as breathing difficulties. Due to the fact that compression fractures are common among older adults, many individuals mistake the symptoms for�signs of aging�or arthritis. An estimated two-thirds of compression fractures go undiagnosed.

While cars are built to withstand the great force of a collision, the human body is not. The complex structures of the body, especially the spine, are vulnerable even in low speed collisions, resulting in injuries or conditions more often than not. An individual who�s been injured in an accident should seek immediate medical attention in order to diagnose any possible injuries or conditions as early as possible to begin treatment.�Chiropractic care�can effectively treat a variety of spinal complications, including auto injuries. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can gradually help restore the individual�s natural mobility and flexibility, as well as progressively strengthen the structures surrounding the spine to relieve the symptoms and restore the individual�s lifestyle.

After being involved in an automobile accident, injuries inflicted to the spine can be a common complication for many individuals. From herniated discs to compression fractions, the force of an auto collision can place great amounts of stress on the complex structures of the spine, often leading to damage, injuries and even aggravate an existing condition.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

The Clinic & Crossfit:

A Clients Story

Jacqulyn Quevas is up on her feet a lot as a hair stylist and she was�searching for�and overall become healthier and once she found Push-as-Rx ��, her amazing journey began. The motivation and enthusiasm of the trainers at Push as Rx has greatly influenced Jacqulyn.

The clinic and PUSH-as-Rx �� system is leading the field with laser focus supporting our youth sport programs.� The PUSH-as-Rx �� System is a sport specific athletic�program�of reactive agility, body mechanics and extreme motion dynamics. Through detailed and continued assessments of the athletes in motion and under stress loads offer a clear scientific picture of body dynamics. This system also has helped many athletes come back from injury faster, stronger, and ready to safely return to their sport without losing a beat after recovery. Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time and advantageous postural-torque mechanics.� PUSH-as-Rx �� offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Chiropractic: A Safer Strategy than Opioids

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If you�ve had a car accident, it�s essential to take note of any symptoms of�back pain, as there are a variety of spine complications which could result after experiencing an auto collision.

Auto Accident Injuries & Chiropractic Treatment

Auto Accident Injuries & Chiropractic Treatment

Automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash. Any type of accelerated motion that thrusts the head forward and then backwards with extreme force can lead to whiplash. Sports accidents can also cause whiplash-associated injuries. An unpredicted head jolt can damage the complex structures of the cervical spine, leaving tendons and ligaments intensely irritated and inflamed. The tendons and ligaments as well as other tissues of the neck may become overly stretched and torn.

A whiplash type injury may be suspected if the individual involved in an�automobile accident experiences�the following symptoms: neck pain and stiffness; worsening pain with movement; loss of range of motion in the neck; headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull; tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms; tingling or numbness in the arms, fatigue and dizziness. Other individual�s may experience: blurred vision; ringing in the ears; sleep disturbances; irritability; difficulty concentrating; memory problems; and even depression. While these are some of the most common symptoms of whiplash, they may also suggest the presence of another type of injury or condition resulting from the automobile accident.

Thus, it�s essential to visit a qualified healthcare professional who can properly identify a whiplash injury and offer the required treatment to eliminate the resulting pain and symptoms.

Apart from assessing the doctor�s experience and qualifications, the victim of an automobile accident must primarily consider their geographical location and the type of insurance they are covered by when deciding on the type of doctor to visit following a whiplash type injury. Other factors that should influence the affected individual�s decision include whether they are represented by an attorney and whether they are living in a state where PIP, or personal injury protection, is mandatory.

injuries el paso tx.

Whiplash Injury Practitioners

People who�ve sustained injuries from auto accidents fail to receive the kind of medical care they require. It has been previously determined that the outcome of the patient�s rehabilitation depends on the type of doctor they receive care from.

Many individuals who�ve been involved in an automobile accident, regardless of the severity of the collision, will generally visit the emergency room, or ER, to have their injuries evaluated. The majority of ERs are designed to take patients out of life threatening situations. First, they immediately assess any visible injuries, such as open wounds and broken bones, treating them effectively on the spot. They may even prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following a�traffic collision. However, many victims are not treated for their whiplash injuries. The trained specialists from the ER, provide first-aid, X-rays and medications to remove individuals from life-threatening situations but they don�t readily treat soft-tissue injuries like whiplash. From there, patients are sent to see their primary care physician, or PCP, to assess the rest of their injuries, yet, they may still face hardships to finally receive the proper care they deserve for their injuries.

Primary Care Injury Specialists and Whiplash

Many primary care physicians do not have the full qualifications in treating automobile accident injuries. Many of these doctors may even deny patients treatment. Whiplash associated disorders have been misunderstood in the medical field and many doctors believe whiplash is not a legitimate injury. However, those whom are suffering from whiplash can account for how painful it really is.

Other doctors refuse treatment to whiplash patients because they may not accept any kind of 3rd�party billing, a paying method where the doctor seeing the car accident victim has to bill the party at fault�s insurance company or utilize PIP or med pay to receive compensation.�This is a commonly well-known reason for denial of treatment as a large number of primary care physicians, or PCPs, still don�t have the required authorizations to accept 3rd�party billing.

Besides primary care physicians, medical doctors, orthopedics, chiropractors and physical therapists are several types of qualified healthcare professionals that specialize on treating automobile accident injuries such as whiplash. Among these, chiropractic treatment is the most popular, alternative treatment option for treating various soft tissue injuries or conditions.

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Wrecks

Many people from the legal and medical industry dismiss seeking a chiropractor for auto accident injury treatment. However, the fact is that a chiropractors are some of the only doctors who offer therapeutic treatments to accident victims. Treatment offered by medical doctors might include the use of drugs, although in many cases, they may also recommend physical therapy. This automatically highlights the importance of chiropractic care for whiplash victims because chiropractic care and physical therapy are very similar forms of treatment.

Whenever an individual who�s been involved in an automobile accident visits a chiropractor and complains of pain in the neck, the medical specialist will carry out a series of tests to determine whether the patient has suffered whiplash. Instead of focusing solely on the specific injury, chiropractors are trained to inspect the affected individual�s entire spine. Aside from soft tissue injuries like whiplash, chiropractic doctors may also check for: disc trauma or injury, tightness or tenderness, restricted mobility, muscle spasms, joint injuries, ligament injuries, posture and spinal alignment. They may also analyze the patient�s gait.

Besides checking for the above, chiropractors might also request X-rays and MRI of the patient�s spine in order to find out whether the spine features any degenerative changes which might have developed before the accident. To offer the best possible treatment, it is extremely important to determine which problems existed prior to the accident and which ones resulted from the accident. In most cases, insurance companies may argue that every single injury in the victim�s body is preexisting. This makes the role of the chiropractor considerably important as they will make sure to document all the previous and new injuries separately to ensure the insurance company pays for the patient�s treatment. In addition, the evaluation performed by the chiropractor also allows them to create the most effective treatment plan for each individual whiplash victim.

Main Stages of Care

The leading concern for chiropractors who treat whiplash-associated disorders involve alleviating inflammation in the neck. Chiropractors often recommend ice therapy, or the application of ice pack against the affected area, multiple times a day. This remedy is capable of reducing both pain and inflammation. Once the inflammation subsides, they often carry out a variety of manual therapeutic techniques to restore and increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.

The kind of chiropractic treatment the individual will require depends largely on the severity of the whiplash encountered. However, it has been previously determined that the majority of individual�s with whiplash find spinal manipulations useful. The most common chiropractic treatment techniques involve, spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, to carefully re-align the structures of the spine and help reduce symptoms. The following spinal techniques are also used to treat whiplash injuries: Instrument-assisted treatment, which involves the use of handheld instruments to provide a gentle massage by applying force onto the spine without utilizing any kind of thrust.

Instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy is used mostly to treat older patients with degenerative joints; flexion-distraction, this technique involves the use of a non-thrusting motions, best described as a slow pumping action; specific spinal manipulation, this therapy involves the use of a mild thrusting technique and is mostly used for restoring motion to the affected joints. Specific spinal manipulation helps stretch the soft tissues, which makes the job of restoring motion to the affected areas of the spine easier; instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy, also known as the Graston Technique, is used during this form of chiropractic therapy to perform repetitive strokes on the injured body part; therapeutic massage, performed to ease muscle tension and stress in the injured region; interferential electrical stimulation, where a patient undergoing this type of therapy will see the chiropractor passing electrical current at a very low frequency through their body. This low frequency current helps stimulate the muscles and reduces inflammation; trigger point therapies, as the name suggests, involves the application of direct pressure onto specific points to alleviating muscle tension; and finally ultrasound therapy, capable of decreasing stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms in the affected areas. When ultrasound is passed through the patient�s muscle tissues, it warms up the treated region and increases blood circulation.

Neck Trauma and Auto Injury

Chiropractic Treatments

Ultimately, chiropractors can help victims of whiplash in many ways. These health care providers can ensure that an individual� whiplash and its associated symptoms may subside completely. They always make sure to create a patient-specific treatment plan to make the process of recovery simpler for every individual.

Other than recommending immediate treatment for reducing the acute pain and inflammation, the chiropractor might additionally recommend a series of stretches and exercises, to help speed up the rehabilitation process as well as help increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.

Whiplash injuries, when left untreated, can cause severe complications. If you or a loved one have been involved in an automobile accident, visit a chiropractor immediately. By being prompt, you can even reduce your recovery time significantly. That�s not all; the chiropractor will also provide the required assistance to your lawyer, proving that the injury resulting from the accident wasn�t a preexisting injury or condition.

When you are injured in a car accident, you must get acquainted with your rights as soon as possible to receive the proper compensation and treatment for your specific situation. There is no such thing as a simple car crash.

Certain injuries or conditions which may have developed following an automobile accident may become chronic or permanent if left untreated. If an individual is experiencing neck stiffness or headaches after a traffic collision, it�s absolutely wrong to assume that this will subside in a few days. A minor discomfort could turn out to be a more serious complication.

Often, people injured in auto accidents develop scar tissue that remains with them throughout the rest of their lives and without the necessary treatments or exercises, these can become stiff and greatly limit an individual�s ability to move properly. The above issues generating from a car accident show how important it is for people to seek immediate legal and medical help. Chiropractors are known for their expertise in managing soft tissue injuries and the resulting chronic and traumatic pain; as a result, they are often considered to be the best healthcare professionals to consult�after a car accident.

Driving Safety

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Auto accidents can create enormous confusion and frustration. Most injuries associated with car accidents include trauma to the cervical spine. Dr. Jimenez discusses treatment options and procedures used in assisting patients reach optimal recovery. Choosing the right clinical team is always important. Many legal experts agree that a specialist focusing on soft tissue injuries is a search requiring great insight and assistance. Doctors of chiropractic and physical therapy along with surgical experts are best suited in assisting patients find the correct treatment options. If you have more questions please feel free to call 915-850-0900 in order to speak to Dr. Alex Jimenez.

Chiropractic Treatment & Its Benefits Towards Whiplash Recovery

Chiropractic Treatment & Its Benefits Towards Whiplash Recovery

While automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash, it must be noted, that these aren�t the only possible incidents behind the well-known injury. Any type of accelerated motion which thrusts the head forward and then backwards with extreme force from the entire body can lead to whiplash. Accidents from sports can also cause whiplash-associated injuries but auto accidents are the most prevalent.

The unexpected jolt of the head can damage the complex structures of the cervical spine, leaving the tendons and ligaments within the neck intensely irritated and inflamed. Furthermore, the tendons and ligaments as well as other tissues of the neck may become overly stretched and torn.

A whiplash type injury may be suspected if the individual involved in an automobile accident experiences the following symptoms: neck pain and stiffness; worsening pain with movement; loss of range of motion in the neck; headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull; tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back or arms; tingling or numbness in the arms, fatigue and dizziness. Other individual�s may experience: blurred vision; ringing in the ears; sleep disturbances; irritability; difficulty concentrating; memory problems; and even depression. While these are some of the most common symptoms of whiplash, they may also suggest the presence of another type of injury or condition resulting from the automobile accident.

Thus, it�s essential to visit a qualified healthcare professional who can properly identify a whiplash injury and offer the required treatment to eliminate the resulting pain and symptoms.

Apart from assessing the doctor�s experience and qualifications, the victim of an automobile accident must primarily consider their geographical location and the type of insurance they are covered by when deciding on the type of doctor to visit following a whiplash type injury. Other factors that should influence the affected individual�s decision include whether they are represented by an attorney and whether they are living in a state where PIP, or personal injury protection, is mandatory.

Whiplash Diagram - El Paso Chiropractor

Whiplash Specialists

A large number of people who�ve suffered injuries from auto accidents fail to receive the kind of medical care they require, occurring more frequently in the case of whiplash victims. It has been previously determined that the outcome of the patient�s rehabilitation depends on the type of doctor they receive care from.

Many individuals who�ve been involved in an automobile accident, regardless of the severity of the collision, will generally visit the emergency room, or ER, to have their injuries evaluated. The majority of ERs are designed to take patients out of life threatening situations. First, they immediately assess any visible injuries, such as open wounds and broken bones, treating them effectively on the spot. They may even prescribe medications to temporarily relieve the painful symptoms following a traffic collision. However, many victims are not treated for their whiplash injuries. The trained specialists from the ER, provide first-aid, X-rays and medications to remove individuals from life-threatening situations but they don�t readily treat soft-tissue injuries like whiplash. From there, patients are sent to see their primary care physician, or PCP, to assess the rest of their injuries, yet, they may still face hardships to finally receive the proper care they deserve for their injuries.

Primary Care Physicians and Whiplash

Unfortunately, many primary care physicians are not specifically qualified to treat automobile accident injuries and many of these may even deny patients treatment. For many years, whiplash-associated disorders have been misunderstood in the medical field. Many doctors believe whiplash is not a legitimate injury, however, those whom are suffering from whiplash can account for how painful it could really be.

Other doctors refuse treatment to whiplash patients because they may not accept any kind of 3rd party billing, a paying method where the doctor seeing the car accident victim has to bill the party at fault�s insurance company or utilize PIP or med pay to receive compensation.�This is a commonly well-known reason for denial of treatment as a large number of primary care physicians, or PCPs, still don�t have the required authorizations to accept 3rd party billing.

Besides primary care physicians, medical doctors, orthopedics, chiropractors and physical therapists are several types of qualified healthcare professionals that specialize on treating automobile accident injuries such as whiplash. Among these, chiropractic treatment is the most popular, alternative treatment option for treating various soft tissue injuries or conditions.

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

A wide number of people belonging to the legal and medical industry will disregard the idea of visiting a chiropractor to treat auto injuries. However, the fact is that a chiropractors are some of the only doctors who offer therapeutic treatments to accident victims. Treatment offered by medical doctors might include the use of drugs, although in many cases, they may also recommend physical therapy. This automatically highlights the importance of chiropractic care for whiplash victims because chiropractic care and physical therapy are very similar forms of treatment.

Whenever an individual who�s been involved in an automobile accident visits a chiropractor and complains of pain in the neck, the medical specialist will carry out a series of tests to determine whether the patient has suffered whiplash. Instead of focusing solely on the specific injury, chiropractors are trained to inspect the affected individual�s entire spine. Aside from soft tissue injuries like whiplash, chiropractic doctors may also check for: disc trauma or injury, tightness or tenderness, restricted mobility, muscle spasms, joint injuries, ligament injuries, posture and spinal alignment. They may also analyze the patient�s gait.

Besides checking for the above, chiropractors might also request X-rays and MRI of the patient�s spine in order to find out whether the spine features any degenerative changes which might have developed before the accident. To offer the best possible treatment, it is extremely important to determine which problems existed prior to the accident and which ones resulted from the accident. In most cases, insurance companies may argue that every single injury in the victim�s body is preexisting. This makes the role of the chiropractor considerably important as they will make sure to document all the previous and new injuries separately to ensure the insurance company pays for the patient�s treatment. In addition, the evaluation performed by the chiropractor also allows them to create the most effective treatment plan for each individual whiplash victim.

Stages of Treatment

The primary concern for chiropractors treating individuals who�ve experienced whiplash-associated disorders involves alleviating the inflammation in the neck, one of the main sources of pain for victims. Chiropractors often recommend ice therapy, or the application of ice pack against the affected area, multiple times a day. This remedy is capable of reducing both pain and inflammation. Once the inflammation subsides, they often carry out a variety of manual therapeutic techniques to restore and increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.

The kind of chiropractic treatment the individual will require depends largely on the severity of the whiplash encountered. However, it has been previously determined that the majority of individual�s with whiplash find spinal manipulations useful. The most common chiropractic treatment techniques involve, spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, to carefully re-align the structures of the spine and help reduce symptoms. The following spinal techniques are also used to treat whiplash injuries:

Instrument-assisted, this treatment involves the use of handheld instruments to provide a gentle massage by applying force onto the spine without utilizing any kind of thrust. Instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy is used mostly to treat older patients with degenerative joints; flexion-distraction, this technique involves the use of a non-thrusting motions, best described as a slow pumping action; specific spinal manipulation, this therapy involves the use of a mild thrusting technique and is mostly used for restoring motion to the affected joints. Specific spinal manipulation helps stretch the soft tissues, which makes the job of restoring motion to the affected areas of the spine easier; instrument-assisted chiropractic therapy, also known as the Graston Technique, is used during this form of chiropractic therapy to perform repetitive strokes on the injured body part; therapeutic massage, performed to ease muscle tension and stress in the injured region; interferential electrical stimulation, where a patient undergoing this type of therapy will see the chiropractor passing electrical current at a very low frequency through their body. This low frequency current helps stimulate the muscles and reduces inflammation; trigger point therapies, as the name suggests, involves the application of direct pressure onto specific points to alleviating muscle tension; and finally ultrasound therapy, capable of decreasing stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms in the affected areas. When ultrasound is passed through the patient�s muscle tissues, it warms up the treated region and increases blood circulation.

Neck Pain and Auto Injury

Chiropractic Recovery

Ultimately, chiropractors can help victims of whiplash in many ways. These health care providers can ensure that an individual� whiplash and its associated symptoms may subside completely. They always make sure to create a patient-specific treatment plan to make the process of recovery simpler for every individual.

Other than recommending immediate treatment for reducing the acute pain and inflammation, the chiropractor might additionally recommend a series of stretches and exercises, to help speed up the rehabilitation process as well as help increase the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility.

Whiplash injuries, when left untreated, can cause severe complications. If you or a loved one have been involved in an automobile accident, visit a chiropractor immediately. By being prompt, you can even reduce your recovery time significantly. That�s not all; the chiropractor will also provide the required assistance to your lawyer, proving that the injury resulting from the accident wasn�t a preexisting injury or condition.

When you are injured in a car accident, you must get acquainted with your rights as soon as possible to receive the proper compensation and treatment for your specific situation. There is no such thing as a simple car crash.

Certain injuries or conditions which may have developed following an automobile accident may become chronic or permanent if left untreated. If an individual is experiencing neck stiffness or headaches after a traffic collision, it�s absolutely wrong to assume that this will subside in a few days. A minor discomfort could turn out to be a more serious complication. Often, people injured in auto accidents develop scar tissue that remains with them throughout the rest of their lives and without the necessary treatments or exercises, these can become stiff and greatly limit an individual�s ability to move properly. The above issues generating from a car accident show how important it is for people to seek immediate legal and medical help. Chiropractors are known for their expertise in managing soft tissue injuries and the resulting chronic and traumatic pain; as a result, they are often considered to be the best healthcare professionals to consultFeatured Provider - after a car accident.

Sourced Through Dr. Alex Jimenez

Driving Safety: Quick Tips

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

El Paso Drunk Driving Accident Chiropractor

El Paso Drunk Driving Accident Chiropractor

Approximately 17,000 alcohol related automobile accidents occur in the United States alone each year, meaning there�s an accident about every 31 minutes. Alcohol has been a factor in 39 percent of all severe auto collisions and in 7 percent of all crashes, according to a 2004 research study. In addition, about 248,000 people suffer injuries or conditions during an incident where police reported alcohol was involved, meaning one person is injured in a car wreck in the US about every 2 minutes. These statistics reveal why drunk driving related automobile accidents have become a major issue, affecting people�s health and wellness every year.

Drunk Driving Car Accident Chiropractor in El Paso, Texas

Alcohol related car accidents aren�t the only culprit of injuries, driving under the influence of other types of drugs can also be a great risk for drivers in El Paso, Texas. DUI stands for driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Often times, prescription drugs and medications can have side-effects or specific instructions where it�s not recommended for the individual to drive or lift heavy machinery after taking them. Any type of substance which impairs a person�s normal driving ability can be a cause for an auto collision resulting in damage, injury or the development of painful conditions. If an individual has been involved in an unfortunate automobile accident caused by a careless driver who was �under the influence� behind the wheel and they were harmed as a result of the incident, it�s fundamental for the involved parties to seek immediate medical attention. Unfortunately in many instances, the innocent party is the one who ends up with more severe injuries and conditions than the party at fault. This is largely in part to the relaxed state in which the inebriated driver is in at the very moment of the auto accident as opposed to the tensing up reflex caused before a known impending impact. Regardless of how severe the incident was or whether the individual has experienced symptoms following the car wreck, seeking medical attention as soon as possible can help prevent further complications. Early diagnosis can also help provide faster relief from your injuries caused after the sheer impact of the automobile collision.

Chiropractic care is one of the most common, alternative treatment options preferred by people who�ve been involved in an automobile accident. Chiropractic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Not everyone experiences symptoms immediately after the incident, in fact, a majority of injuries or conditions which develop due to the collision do not manifest in the form of open wounds or fractures. Whiplash associated injuries, for example, occur when the head or neck suddenly jerks back-and-forth in any direction due to a sheer impact. When this happens, the cervical spine and its surrounding structures are stretched beyond their limit, damaging or tearing the tissues.

Other injuries like whiplash may require further evaluations and tests to determine their presence. During the first visit, a chiropractor will perform a series of assessments to conclude a diagnosis before following up with treatment. The healthcare professional will prepare an appropriate treatment plan depending on the individual�s type and severity of their injury or condition. Although chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulations are the most common treatment methods and techniques to help a victim of an automobile accident recover, the spine specialist can also recommend a series of exercises and habit changes to promote a faster recovery.

Things to do at the Scene of the Accident before Medical Treatment

  • First and foremost, contact 911 to have an ambulance arrive at the scene for all the involved parties. Make sure they are informed of how many are injured and, to the extent you can, the severity of each person;
  • Make sure they send a police officer as well. If the party at fault appears to be under the influence, make sure the proper authorities are informed;
  • Try not to engage in contact with the driver to avoid further issues;
  • If the offending driver, attempts to leave the scene, �do not follow� them. Simply, attempt to get the make, model, color and tag number of their vehicle;
  • In case you are going to require the services of a legal representative, taking pictures of the damage of both cars can help during a personal injury case. Note: Not all automobile accidents make require the services of an attorney to gain compensation for an injury. Furthermore, make sure the officer gives you the Incident Number, so you can follow up with your case;
  • After being involved in an automobile accident, especially if you don�t know how hurt you are, it�s important to seek immediate medical attention. Before seeing a primary healthcare provider or following treatment with a chiropractor or physical therapist, you can go to the ER for an initial diagnosis and treatment. A short list of Emergency Rooms in El Paso, Texas has been provided at the bottom of this article;

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI, Car Accident Damages

Subsequently following an auto accident, many insurance companies try to rush the compensation process. The reason insurance company car accident adjusters try to quickly settle your DWI injury quickly is because they know Texas law allows for the recovery of punitive damages in a car accident where their insured was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. With proper guidance and patience, individuals can gain a proper settlement for their case to help them pay for their medical bills and property damages. Many El Paso Chiropractor offices can help individuals with their compensations from the insurance company, working alongside various attorneys or simply through years of knowledge and skill in the process.

24 Hour El Paso Emergency Room Treatment Locations for Car Accident Victims

Sierra Medical Center
1625 Medical Center Drive
El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 747-4000

Las Palmas Medical Center
1801 North Oregon Street
El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 521-1776

If You Were the One Under the Influence

If you believe you may have a drinking problem, the first step is to acknowledge it and seek help. The Alcoholic Anonymous program has, over the years, proven itself to be the best opportunity to change the habit of drinking alcohol. For a list of Alcoholics Anonymous groups in El Paso, Texas see the list below.

List of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas AA Meeting Locations

Alcoholics Anonymous
3318 Douglas Avenue
El Paso, TX 79903
(915) 562-4081

New Beginnings
6044 Gateway Boulevard East
El Paso, TX
(915) 771-0990

Aliviane NO/AD Inc
2007 Texas Avenue
El Paso, TX
(915) 775-2501

Alternative Center for Behavioral Hlth
5001 Alabama Street
El Paso, TX
(915) 565-4800

Non Legal Provider Insights

Being involved in an automobile accident can cause moderate to severe injuries and conditions as well as property damages, however, those caused by a driver under the influence can lead to further complications. As people work hard to gain the compensation they deserve following the incident, seeking medical attention is essential to find relief from the injuries caused by the car wreck. A drunk driving auto accident chiropractor specializes on injuries caused during auto collisions, helping to treat and care for victims of a DUI auto accident.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Headache After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. Whiplash is a common result of an auto collision, affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues around it, causing symptoms such as head pain. Headaches are a common symptom after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

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