Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.
At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
Smartphones! It’s no secret that almost everyone has one. In fact, a series of surveys by The Pew Institute in 2015 showed that 64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind. They keep us connected, offer us flexibility, and provide us with access to endless information.
They have their drawbacks. Smartphones also do a number on your spine.
Frequently hunching over your phone, texting, surfing, or reading takes a toll on your spine in numerous ways.
According to spine surgeon Kenneth Hansraj, looking down at your smartphone exerts up to 60 pounds of pressure on your head. This is serious wear and tear, and can set you up to be a prime candidate for degenerative issues.
The motion of texting or surfing the net on your smartphone can cause tightness in your shoulders, and pain radiating down your arms into your wrists and hands. Too many hours spent on your device can also cause upper and lower back pain.
Muscle Spasms
Over time, your smartphone usage may damage your upper back to the point you begin dealing with muscle spasms, often attributed to “text neck.”
Instead of woefully shutting you beloved smartphone in a drawer, vowing to never use it again, realize there are ways to keep your phone and a healthy spine intact. You just need to take a few simple precautions. Here are four ways to prevent spinal issues from smartphone usage, and handle the ones you may already have.
#1: Be Aware Of Your Posture
A few small changes to the way you use your smartphone can be the difference in ensuring your spine, neck, and back don’t end up suffering. Bring your phone up in front of your face, instead of leaning your head over and bending your neck to see your screen. This will keep the pressure off your neck, and minimize issues that could result.
#2: Take Breaks
Get off that phone, there’s a whole world out there! Avoid the temptation of keeping your nose stuck in your phone for an hour or more. Keep your surfing and texting to a few minutes at a time. Lay down your phone, stand up, or simply look around at your surroundings every few minutes. Frequent breaks give your spine a chance to relax, and relieve the pressure of bending your neck for a long period.
#3: Practice Stretching
Get in the habit of stretching your neck, raising your arms, rolling your shoulders, and twisting your back at the waste. These easy stretches are a quick way to loosen up body parts that can tighten up and cause injury over time.
#4: Visit A Chiropractor
If you begin noticing pain, spasms, or irritation in your neck, shoulders, or back that lingers, make an appointment with a professional chiropractor. Explain when the pain occurred, the severity, and the activity that started it. You may only require a simple adjustment to get re-aligned and gain relief from pain caused by overuse of your smartphone. A good chiropractor can also help decrease the chances of the injury worsening over time.
Not one of us is going to swear off our smartphones because of pain. However, by following these tips, improving our posture, and taking frequent breaks to stretch, we will be able to minimize the impact our phone obsession has on our spine. If you overdo it, make sure you get to an experienced chiropractor for an adjustment, so the issue is kept to a minimum.
Knock knee is a condition that many children acquire when they are toddlers. Often, within a few years they grow out of it and their legs straighten naturally with no lasting effects.
Occasionally, though, a child�s legs don�t straighten and this is a cause for concern. There are many problems that can stem from knock knees, some of which will follow the child into adulthood and for the rest of his or her life. While there are several recognized treatments for knock knee, including surgery, chiropractic care has an excellent track record in managing and remedying this disorder.
What Is Knock Knee?
Knock knee, or genu valgum, is a condition that causes a person�s knees to bow in toward each other. In other words, when they stand with their knees touching and feet flat, parallel to each other, facing forward, their ankles do not touch. There may be a few inches between them or a foot, depending on its severity.
Most children go through a stage at around 3 or 4 years where they are knock kneed but by around age 8 or 10 they grow out of it and their legs straighten. Many parents become concerned when they first see their child becoming knock kneed. This is why it is vital that they understand a child�s normal growth patterns. It helps them worry less about something completely normal as well as know when to seek help if the condition does not right itself.
Aside from normal physiological child development, the atypical version of knock knees can be caused by several factors including:
Bone deformities
Knee malalignment
Weak knee infrastructure
Rickets Disease
Blount�s Disease
What Health Problems Can Be Caused By Knock Knee?
Knock knee can cause pain and inflammation in the knees, ankles, and feet, as well as the hip and back. The pain can make mobility difficult. This is exacerbated if the patient is overweight because the added pressure on the joints as they are set at an unnatural position that does not adequately support the body can result in injuries to the bone, ligaments, and tendons.
A difference in leg length, a common issue with knock knee, can also cause the body to become misaligned, leading to back and hip pain. Over the long term and in severe cases, knock knee can lead to arthritis in adults and children.
How Is Knock Knee Treated?
Treatment for knock knee depends on the cause and age of the child. If the child is young and it has been determined that the knock knee is just a normal part of their growth pattern, very little action is taken although some experts advise laying a good foundation for the child by teaching them the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good posture.
Cases that are caused by some underlying factor, or that extend beyond the age that the child�s legs are expected to straighten, may require bracing. If there is an underlying cause such as infection or injury, that will need to be addressed in order to correct or manage the problem. In severe (and rare) cases, surgery may be necessary.
Is Chiropractic Care An Effective Treatment For Knock Knee?
Chiropractic care is an exceptional treatment for children of all ages who have knock knee. For younger patients who are experiencing it as a normal stage of development, it will help to keep their spine aligned and encourage good, healthy posture. In children who have an underlying cause, it can help to relieve any pain while increasing mobility as well as bringing the spine into proper alignment.
Many of the factors that cause knock knee can be addressed through chiropractic treatment and it has the added benefit of providing a whole-body wellness approach that teaches proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. This noninvasive, gently, natural treatment can give children their best chance at being free from this condition.
Injury Medical Clinic:�Chiropractic Care Knee Injury
Costochondritis, also called Tietze syndrome, is often misdiagnosed due to the varied symptoms. It involves the ribs and, depending on the area affected, the pain, discomfort, and other symptoms can mislead doctors to underdiagnose or misdiagnose.
Patients may experience pain in the side, back, and chest which means it can mimic several different conditions, including heart attack, gastrointestinal problems, and lung disease. This can lead to anxiety and increased stress. It is also a chronic problem for some people, causing pain that can range from moderate to intense.
What Is Costochondritis?
The body is constructed so that the ribs protect the lungs. The first seven pairs connect to the sternum in the front and at two areas in the back along the spine while the lower five pairs are connected in the front by cartilage and in the back along the spine.
Ribs are meant to protect the organs, including the lungs and they are on hinges so that the lungs have room to expand during respiration. Costochondritis occurs when one of those hinges doesn�t work or the cartilage becomes inflamed. The condition is accompanied by pain and sometimes swelling in the affected area.
Symptoms Of Costochondritis
While swelling may occur in some cases with costochondritis, the primary symptom is pain in the chest area. This pain may become worse when coughing or taking a deep breath and is typically characterized as sharp or aching, although some patients do describe pressure or tightness in the chest area. It often occurs on the left side of the sternum and typically affects several ribs instead of just one. The area is also usually sensitive to touch and pressing on it will increase the pain.
Because the pain occurs in the chest area, many people believe that they are having a heart attack. It is important to note that anyone who experiences chest pain or tightness should seek emergency medical attention immediately in order to rule out heart attack or other life threatening conditions.
How Is Costochondritis Diagnosed?
Usually when a patient seeks treatment for costochondritis, there is no clear cause. However, there are some conditions and activities that have been linked to it and could be the cause or aid in creating the condition. Typical causes of costochondritis include:
Physical strain such as severe coughing, strenuous exercise, and heavy lifting. People with bronchitis and pneumonia sometimes get costochondritis because of the intense coughing. It is also common among body builders, caused when they strain to lift extremely heavy weights.
Injury such as getting hit in the chest.
Joint infection such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause illnesses like aspergillosis, syphilis, and tuberculosis can infect and inflamer the rib joints.
Arthritis such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis have all been linked to costochondritis.
Tumors including cancerous as well as noncancerous can cause costochondritis. When cancer moves through the body from the lung, thyroid, or breast it can cause inflammation in the rib joints.
People over 40 years old and women are the high-risk categories for costochondritis. Young adults and teenagers are more prone to the connected condition, Tietze syndrome, which is equally frequent in both women and men.
Chiropractic For Costochondritis
There is no standard treatment for costochondritis other than managing symptoms. However, chiropractic has proven to be exceptional for managing pain. Chiropractic treatment for the condition involves a gentle approach with anterior thoracic chiropractic adjustments along with treatment for the soft tissue around the affected area and extending along the nerve path.
The chiropractor may also recommend alternating heat and cold directly on the painful areas. Light massage may also work and the chiropractor will show them how to do this at home for continuing self-care. With regular chiropractic treatments and diligent self-care at home, patients can lessen the occurrences of costochondritis and greatly reduce or eliminate the pain.
Injury Medical Clinic: New Patient Chiropractic Care Intake Forms
Chiropractor Near Me: Due to his previous back injury history, George Lara suffered a recent back injury which he was unfortunately unable to recover from through traditional treatment. That’s when the VA recommended him to seek chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez, ultimately changing his quality of life. George Lara had degenerative disc disease, or DDD, and sciatic nerve pain before receiving treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez. George Lara describes how much his life has improved with chiropractic care and he’s grateful of the services and care he received. George Lara recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for back pain, among other spine health issues.
Chiropractor Near Me
Chiropractic care is a means to diagnose and treat health problems that affect the nerves, muscles, bones, and joints of the body. A healthcare provider who supplies chiropractic care is known as a chiropractor. Adjustment of the spine, known as manipulation, is the basis of care. Chiropractors also use other kinds of treatments. Your physician will ask about your goals for your health history and therapy. It’s important to inform your physician about any physical problems you may have which make it difficult for you to do particular things.
We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.
As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
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Three Steps: Your lower back needs protection, strength and nourishment to help prevent and reduce lower back pain.
Adding these 3 steps to one’s day can help take stress off your lower back:
Three Steps
1. Work On A Stand-Up Desk For Part Of The Day
Too much sitting is common in the cause of low back pain. Posture while sitting, forward leaning in order to look at a computer screen, affects the natural alignment of the lower spine by placing a heavy load on the lumbar discs and joints.
Many people are utilizing standup desks for part of their workday. Standup desks come in a variety of shapes, functionality, and price ranges. They can be inexpensive to fully adjustable, automatic models.
If lower back pain is already an issue, only stand for part of the day and gradually increase to longer standing times. Cushioned and standing mats add additional comfort, as well as, exercise benefits. Standing more, along with quick walks and/or quick stretches at the half hour can break up the extended sitting cycle.
2. Stretch Hamstrings On A Daily Basis
Hamstrings are the large muscles that run down the back of each thigh. They can quite easily become tight. If they become very tight then the hamstring/s will transfer stress across the lower back and can lead to back pain.
There are a variety of hamstring stretches that are gentle on the back and easy to do: pick one or two that work for you and are easy to incorporate it into a daily routine.
3. Sleep In A Reclined Position
People with lower back pain feel more support when the lower back is in a slightly reclined position, along with the knees supported and elevated. This is true for lower back diagnoses, such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and lumbar degeneration.
If it is difficult to sleep on your back, try resting in this position in a reclining chair or bed before going to sleep.
Sleeping the most comfortable in a supported, reclined position can come from switching to an adjustable bed, aka (adjustable base). Just like the stand-up desks, these models range from basic to sophisticated options.
A new development now is that online mattress companies now offer mattress bases that are fully adjustable, and some offer free delivery/setup. Consider a new mattress with an adjustable base that goes with the mattress. This combination may work to help your back.
We encourage back pain supplementation with chiropractic treatment and any type of steps one can take to help prevent and reduce lower back.
Injury Medical Clinic: Sciatica Treatments & Recoveries
Opioids and Prescription drug abuse and addiction is a significant problem in the United States. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared it an epidemic.
Researchers estimate that as many as 36 million people worldwide abuse opioids. Estimates in the U.S. alone reached 2.1 million people in 2012. In 2014, six out of ten drug overdose deaths involved an opioid � including prescription opioids for pain relief.
Every day, 78 Americans die from an opioid overdose. As the Opioid drug problem continues to spiral further out of control, claiming more lives, people are looking for safer, drug free ways to relieve their pain. Chiropractic offers such an option.
What Are Opioids?
Opioids are prescription medications that are intended for pain relief. They work by diminishing the intensity level of pain signals as they reach the brain. They also affect the areas of the brain that control emotion thereby weakening the perception of the pain as well. There are several very popular medications that are classified as opioids:
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin)
Morphine (Avinza, Kadian)
The most commonly prescribed opioids are hydrocodone products. They are used to treat pain from injuries, dental work, and typically moderate pain. Milder pain is often treated with codeine but it is also used to treat coughing as well as severe diarrhea. Overall, opioids are used to treat everything from cancer pain to post-op pain to osteoarthritis.
What Are The Dangers Of Opioids?
Opioids have a serious risk of abuse, addiction, and overdose. Even then they are taken as prescribed, opioids can have the following side effects:
Excessive sleepiness
Dry mouth
Low energy
Low testosterone levels that result in a diminished sex drive
Decreased strength
Increased pain sensitivity
Over time, the body can build up a tolerance to the drug which means that in order to achieve the same relief from pain they must take more of it. Physical dependence is also a concern, usually going hand in hand with tolerance. Once that point is reached the patient will experience symptoms of withdrawal if they stop taking the medication.
If Doctors Are Prescribing Opioids, How Are People becoming Addicted?
In 2013, doctors wrote almost a quarter of a billion prescriptions for opioids. To put that into perspective, that is enough for every adult in the U.S. to have their own bottle of the drug. Doctors prescribe opioids to their patients in an effort to treat pain, but most of the time it is just a band aid. Instead of seeking out the root of the problem and educating their patients on whole body wellness, they prescribe pills that numb the senses, cause unpleasant or even dangerous side effects, and create addictions.
As the patient develops a tolerance for the drug, the doctor increases the prescription. This cycle continues as the patient become more and more dependent upon the drug. They may even experience more pain as the drug increases their pain sensitivity. As patients become addicted, the number of prescription opioid overdose deaths is steadily increasing. The most common drugs involved in these overdose deaths include:
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Oxycodone (OxyContin)
States are putting measures in place to monitor and regulate how doctors prescribe opiates, but when desperate, addicted patients will go to great lengths to obtain the drugs they are addicted to. They will go to different doctors to get additional prescriptions or even find ways to obtain the drug illegally. It is a heartbreaking problem that is completely preventable.
How Is Chiropractic A Safer Alternative To Opioids?
Chiropractic is a proven method for managing pain relief that is not only effective but safe and drug free. Numerous chiropractic studies confirm what chiropractic patients have been saying for decades: chiropractic care is an excellent pain management method. The spinal adjustments bring the body into balance but that is only the beginning of the benefits. Chiropractic focuses on whole body wellness so patients learn how to take proactive steps to treat their condition.
It also seeks to find the root of the problem and begin healing by treating the cause. Through exercise, diet, and lifestyle recommendations in addition to the chiropractic adjustments, patients can get relief from pain caused by injury, surgery, arthritis, and many other conditions. Chiropractic is so much more than a back pain treatment; it is a whole body, whole patient treatment.
Muscle Relaxants? Nearly everyone, more than 80 percent of the world�s population, will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Just ask the 31 million Americans suffering from low back pain at any given time.
In fact, globally it is the leading cause of disability. It is the most common reason that people miss work and the second more common reason for doctor�s office visits. In the United States alone more than $50 billion is spent each year trying to relieve back pain, but even that figure is not complete, but only based on trackable, identifiable costs.
There have been studies published over the years that unequivocally show chiropractic as a viable and extremely effective treatment for back pain. Several of these studies plainly show that chiropractic is better than muscle relaxants.
Muscle Relaxants & Chiropractic Study
One study that is one of the most notable was conducted at Life University in Georgia. It has been cited in several journals and used as a catalyst for proving the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for back pain and its superiority to muscle relaxants.
Study Parameters
The study involved 192 subjects who had been experiencing lower back pain for a period of time ranging from two to six weeks. The subjects were separated into three groups:
Group One – Chiropractic adjustments combined with placebo medication
Group Two � Muscle relaxants combined with sham chiropractic adjustments
Group Three � Control Group � received both placebo medication and sham chiropractic adjustments
All groups were given the same length of care, four weeks, with an evaluation of progress at the two-week mark and the four-week mark. The pain was assessed using the Zung Self-Rating for Depression scale, the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Upon admission into the study during the initial visit as well as at the two-week evaluation, Shober�s Test for Lumbar Flexibility was also administered.
The subjects in all three groups were also allowed to take acetaminophen for pain. This was an additional evaluative measure to assess the need for additional self-medication.
During the course of the study there was a two-week treatment period where the subjects in the chiropractic adjustment group received a total of seven adjustments. These adjustments were tailored to each patient�s specific needs and included pelvic adjustments, sacral (lower back), or lumbar and upper cervical (neck and back).
The sham treatments mimicked all aspects of an actual chiropractic adjustment including dialog, normal visit length, and procedures. However, no actual adjustments were performed.
Study Results
At the conclusion of the study, the subjects who received chiropractic treatment reported a significant decrease in pain and an increase in flexibility. Of the groups that did not receive chiropractic treatment there were no significant differences noted. There was a decrease in disability and depression across all three groups, indicating that muscle relaxants are effective in treating back pain, but overall chiropractic care is the more effective option for treating back pain and disability.
What Does This Mean For Patients With Back Pain?
Patients suffering from back pain can receive greater relief without the undesirable side effects of muscle relaxants by seeking chiropractic care. Patients who are using muscle relaxants to treat their back pain should talk to their chiropractor and doctor about incorporating chiropractic treatment into their patient care regimen. Patients experiencing back pain should pursue chiropractic care before resorting to more aggressive methods including muscle relaxants.
Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment for back pain. It also facilitates healing, increases flexibility, and improves mobility. Patients who are looking for a healthy treatment option that focuses on overall wellness, Chiropractic could be the answer.
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