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Spine Care

Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Chiropractic Fixes Hunched Back Teen

Chiropractic Fixes Hunched Back Teen

After pulling out a tree root Muntathar experienced excruciating pain which forced him into a extreme hunched position. If he tried to stand up he would get terrible pain and numbness all down his leg. Despite being to emergency 9 times, he had found no help in the medical world. So as a last resort he decided to travel from America to Australia to see Dr. Ian. Watch as after 2 weeks of specific Gonstead Chiropractic care, Mun stands straight and tall once more and gets his life back. We hope you enjoy this very special case.

The video�(see at bottom of post) was posted on Reddit by user Duggerdean with the comment: �I used to be a skeptic about chiropractic care until I started watching this channel. His latest video is so amazing.�

The video they refer to is that of Dr Ian Watch, who practices at Gonstead Chiropractic in Victoria, Australia � and his teenage patient�Muntathar Altaii from the US.

Despite going to A&E nine times, he says no one was able to help him.

Day 1

blog picture of hunched back teen at hospital walking


Dr Ian X-rays Mun�s back and sees one of the joints isn�t functioning properly. The measurements are also quite a long way out which suggests the sacrum (the large triangular bone at the base of the spine) has rotated.



Mun Also Has No Feeling In His Right Leg


Dr Ian makes what he calls �a very small correction� at the first appointment. After just 10 minutes, he�s already got a small amount of feeling back in his leg.

Mun then confesses he hopes to be better by his graduation � on June 17. No pressure.

Day 2


Back 2

Mun Reports He�s Slept Well For The First Time In Three Months


Dr Ian identifies a huge amount of upper cervical nerve pressure in his neck. His head sits higher on one side than the other. So, Dr Ian makes another �adjustment�.

Day 4


Lift up gif

Mun has a lot more movement. He can move his leg easily, whereas before he would have to pick it up even to walk.

Day 7


After further manipulation of Mun�s spine (with assistance to keep it stable), Mun tells Dr Ian how desperate he�d become after his injury. �At first I didn�t want to even live anymore,� he says, �because I couldn�t walk anywhere.�

Day 10



‘Now he just walks like he�s been playing too much X-Box� jokes Dr Ian.

For The First Time, Mun�s Taller Than The Doctor



Transformation In Just 10 Days Is Pretty Incredible



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Photo Mun Sent Back To His Family That Night




Before & After


Before and after

Mun�s High School Graduation Picture � He Got His Wish Last Week


YouTube graduation
Mun, Second From Left, With His Dad

Now Mun Wants To Be A Chiropractor When He�s Older, Of Course!


blog picture of emerald green button that says call now

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Back Pain Caused by Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

Back Pain Caused by Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

Back pain is one of the most common complaints reported by a majority of the population. Although the symptom generally occurs temporarily and it typically resolves on its own, some cases of back pain can become chronic or persistent.

A variety of factors, including trauma or injury from an accident and/or an aggravated condition, can manifest symptoms of back pain, however, the natural degeneration of the structures of the body are described to be the most prevalent cause for back complications resulting in pain and discomfort. Degenerative scoliosis is an infrequent cause for back pain in adults.

Scoliosis most frequently develops in children and adolescents. When it is diagnosed in adulthood, it is known as adult degenerative scoliosis. Other spinal degenerative disorders associated with adult scoliosis include: spinal stenosis; spondylolisthesis; degenerative disc disease; osteoporosis; and compression fractions in the vertebrae.

Adult degenerative scoliosis is characterized as the abnormal, side-to-side curvature of the spine due to the degeneration of the facet joints, which provide flexibility to the spine, allowing it to bend and twist easily. The distinctive scoliosis curve which forms into a �C� shape along the spine, most commonly develops in the lumbar spine. Individuals with scoliosis describe noticing a change in their posture. With the disorder, instead of carrying weight vertically, the upper body begins to lean to one side. Also, an adult with degenerative scoliosis may notice that one shoulder is positioned higher than the other in a mirror.

Causes & Symptoms of Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

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Over the natural wear-and-tear changes that begin to occur in the body as we age, the bones and other connective tissues surrounding each structure of the body begin to gradually degenerate, weakening and breaking down. When this occurs in the spine, the alignment of the vertebral bones may become altered, taking on an abnormal curve: scoliosis. Adult degenerative scoliosis most commonly develops among people over 65 years of age.

As the degeneration progresses, the changes in the spine caused by the scoliosis may interfere with the individual�s balance, altering the person�s gait, or manner of walking. Because of this, adult scoliosis causes considerable back pain. Other symptoms of the disorder include: spinal rigidity; stiffness; loss of sensation in the extremities; fatigued muscles; sciatica; and even respiratory and cardiac complications in severe cases.

The Different Forms of Scoliosis

Adolescent scoliosis, also known as idiopathic scoliosis, is the most common type of scoliosis. The differences between the two are often misunderstood by the general population. Idiopathic scoliosis develops in children and adolescents between 10 and 18 years of age. This form of the disorder is still unknown to experts as to why it occurs in the first place. In severe cases of adolescent scoliosis, the lateral shift of the spine can change immediately with the child�s growth, which may often require the use of a brace as well as other treatment methods to slow down or stop the abnormal curvature of the spine, caused by scoliosis.

Different from adolescent or idiopathic scoliosis, there is a known cause for adult or degenerative scoliosis. Adult degenerative scoliosis is caused by the gradual deterioration of the facet joints found in the back due to aging, the same type of process which can lead to osteoarthritis in the spine. The pressure that builds up from the degenerating facet joints has been previously identified as the leading cause for the abnormal lateral shift, or curving to one side, of the spine. The scoliosis itself is rarely the cause for back pain. The true cause for the symptoms is the result of the inflammation of the degenerating facet joints, which can usually progress slowly at about 1 to 2 degrees per year. As a result, treatment for scoliosis is not focused on slowing down the progress of the scoliosis curvature, but instead, it is focused on relieving the back pain and other symptoms associated with the disorder.

Treating Scoliosis Pain with Chiropractic

Depending on the severity and location of the degeneration leading to scoliosis, there are a variety of treatments available to help alleviate the symptoms of the disorder, including both nonsurgical and surgical options. The goals of non-surgical treatments are to reduce pain as well as increase the strength, flexibility and range of motion of the spine to help reduce future symptoms and help correct the curvature of the spine. The majority of individuals with adult scoliosis can find relief without the need for surgery.

Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injuries and conditions related to the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Chiropractic utilizes safe and effective spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, which are performed by a qualified and experienced chiropractic professional to help improve and maintain the natural mobility of the facet joints while reducing the irritation and inflammation on the surrounding structures of the spine. Through the use of chiropractic treatment, a chiropractor will gradually realign the spine, decreasing the symptoms of back pain, reducing the lateral curvature of scoliosis and restoring the original health and wellness of the spine. In addition, a chiropractor may recommend a series of stretches as well as strengthening exercises to keep the soft tissues and joints flexible and speed up the rehabilitation process.

Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic

Because every individual�s condition is unique, the same forms of treatment may not always benefit everyone. Visiting a variety of healthcare professionals can help patients determine the best treatment option that fits their specific needs for recovery. Other treatment plans may include the temporal use of medication for pain management, physical therapy and the use of back braces. More severe cases of adult scoliosis may require surgical intervention to help relieve the individual�s symptoms and restore their sense of well-being.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Top provider

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

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How Can I Find a Qualified Chiropractor?

How Can I Find a Qualified Chiropractor?

If you’ve suffered an injury or a previous condition is aggravated as a result of an accident, seeking immediate medical attention is often the preferred course of action to ensure an injury or condition does not become more serious. While there are a variety of healthcare providers, such as chiropractors, who provide this service, choosing an experienced and qualified doctor can help change an individual’s recovery experience.

The best method to find a qualified chiropractor is through the referral of another healthcare provider or through a personal referral from a friend. The advice of someone who’s had a positive experience with another specialist is always valuable when choosing the best healthcare provider.

Additionally, national associations including the American Chiropractic Association and state trade associations maintain listings of board certified chiropractors.

When an individual has a specific concern or is scheduling care for a child, for instance, they may want to choose a chiropractor who specializes in that specific area of medicine and has enough experience working with those type of cases. Calling a chiropractor office and discussing with the staff regarding the doctor’s specialization can help clear out some doubts. If you have insurance coverage, you will also want investigate whether or not that chiropractor you plan to receive treatment from is covered under your specific insurance plan.

What is Chiropractic?

What are the differences among chiropractors to be aware of?

It should be noted that the care recommendations you receive from one office may be quite different from those you receive from another office. In contrast to medicine, there is a much wider range of acceptable approaches and types of treatments given across chiropractic.

There are more than 100 named chiropractic methods, each varying in the approach to assessment and corrective techniques. Some rely on X-rays, while others utilize spinal motion or the responses to various “touch” point challenges. Examples of these various methods are Motion Palpation, Gonstead, and Applied Kinesiology, each employing their own assessment approach and type of adjustment.

Many chiropractors will incorporate a variety of methods in practice, adapting to the patient or to the problem at hand. These are often referred to as Diversified or Integrated techniques. No one approach has yet proved superior to another. If you are interested, you should ask about the techniques and why the chiropractor uses them, and perhaps scan the Web for more information.

Other questions you might ask when selecting a chiropractor:

  • How they feel about working collaboratively with your primary care doctor
  • How willing they are to refer you to specialists
  • What services they provide in their office, such as physiotherapy
  • Their preferred goals of care. Ask what is typically done on a first visit (you should expect to be treated, not just assessed). Continued care to sustain wellness is good practice, but this decision will need to come through thoughtful discussions between you and your chiropractor.

How much does it cost?

The cost of chiropractic care can vary greatly depending on where you live and the type of coverage you carry. If you have health insurance, check your insurance policies. Auto accidents and work injuries are generally also covered by insurance companies. Your policy may require you to utilize chiropractors only within your provider network, where it frequently must be approved in advance, may require a copay, or it may also have limits on the number of doctor visits covered under that insurance plan.

The cost of an initial visit can commonly include an examination and often a set of X-rays to help the healthcare professional properly diagnose and determine the correct form of treatment to follow. The cost of a moderate intake exam and X-rays can range around $160. The charges for more extensive examinations and X-rays may be significantly higher. Subsequent visits for chiropractic care can depend on each provider, however, they might be in the approximate range of $50 to $90 per visit, again related to the number of services needed for your treatment.

Compared with other forms of conservative care, coverage of chiropractic by insurance plans is extensive. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine , more than 50 percent of health maintenance organizations (HMOs), more than 75 percent of private health care plans, and all state workers’ compensation systems covered chiropractic treatment as of 2002.

In addition, Medicare covers chiropractic visits, and at least two dozen states cover chiropractic treatment under Medicaid.

When a person has experienced an injury or developed an aggravating condition due to an accident, its expected for them to receive immediate medical care. A variety of doctors can provide treatment to these individual’s however, finding a qualified and experienced specialist, such as a chiropractor, can help ensure the patient’s recovery is safe and effective.

In order to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment after experiencing an injury or aggravating condition, choosing the best chiropractor that can provide service to the patient’s individual needs can make a tremendous difference in their overall recovery.

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For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.


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Who is the Best Chiropractor? How to Know

Who is the Best Chiropractor? How to Know

Being involved in an unexpected accident, such as an automobile collision, among others, is one of the most prevalent causes for damage or injury, often even aggravating a previously existing condition. When an individual’s overall health and wellness are at risk, choosing the best healthcare professional to provide the most appropriate care and treatment can greatly affect the individual’s recovery outcome. However, how can you know who is the best specialist for your specific complication?

It’s in the individual’s best interest to find the most effective treatment option to improve their well-being by finding a top rated healthcare provider who can tend to their special needs. There is a variety of information regarding numerous forms of care which different healthcare specialists can offer. Asking primary care physicians and other healthcare providers convenient questions in regards to the specific treatment methods they offer can help people make informed decisions when choosing the best healthcare professional.

How to Choose a Chiropractor

Chiropractic is one of the most common, alternative treatment options used to treat many injuries and conditions, as well as their symptoms, such as neck and back pain. A chiropractor focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders associated with the musculoskeletal and the nervous system. A doctor of chiropractic, abbreviated as DC, specializes on the health of the spine, ensuring the structure and function of the spinal bones and its surrounding tissues are working properly. A chiropractor can naturally restore the body’s original health and wellness, without medications and/or surgery. Chiropractic care utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, as well as other methods of treatment, to heal injuries or conditions which may have misaligned, or subluxated, the spine.

Choosing a chiropractor is a personal choice and being informed on which chiropractor is best for your can help better influence that choice. There are numerous chiropractic offices in the United States and a variety of them can be found in many cities. Every doctor of chiropractic is qualified to provide the essential treatment and care you will need to recover from an injury or condition. However, each individual may be searching for a healthcare professional who can provide that and much more, depending on their type of issue. Some chiropractors may have more experience dealing with certain types of complications while others may be qualified to treat other injuries and conditions as well. Finding the right healthcare specialist at that point can make a tremendous difference in their overall recovery experience. Foremost, you may want to ask for recommendations from several friends or loved ones who�ve received service from a chiropractor before, especially if they experienced positive results from them.

Also, you can ask your primary care physician or other healthcare provider for the names of chiropractors that offer top rated, high quality chiropractic services. You may want to meet with more than one chiropractor before choosing the right chiropractor for you.

In addition, it’s ultimately important to be sure whether the chiropractor you are visiting is licensed to practice in your state of residence. Then, make sure to find out if the doctor of chiropractic, or DC, has any area of specialty and inform yourself on what that is. Several chiropractors, for example, specialize on sports injuries while others specialize on automobile accident injuries. Likewise, you can ask the healthcare provider how many years of experience they have working on their specific field.

Recognizing Proper Care

Chiropractic care is a conservative form of treatment, which means it does not involve the prescription of drugs nor does it involve the practice of surgical procedures. Chiropractic treatment involves the use of spinal adjustments and manipulative methods and techniques, as well as other therapeutic procedures, to restore the natural function and structure of the spine and its surrounding tissues.

All chiropractors generally follow a similar process to diagnose, treat and prevent injuries and/or conditions. First, the doctor of chiropractic will perform a full evaluation on the patient’s first visit to determine the source of their symptoms. The healthcare specialist may also take a look at your medical history to identify if prior complications may be causing the individual’s current issues. The use of X-rays are not necessarily required to begin treatment, however, the chiropractor may either provide one or refer the patient to another facility to have one taken, in order to rule out the possibility of a more serious injury and/or condition, such as a fracture, dislocation, or other bone problem.

Chiropractic is commonly used to correct spinal misalignments, or subluxations, which could be altering the overall the health of the spine. This form of treatment is also used to: decrease pain and discomfort; reduce nerve irritation and inflammation; increase blood flow; diminish muscle spasms; and improve strength, flexibility and mobility. Chiropractors may additionally recommend a series of stretches or exercises as well as several lifestyle changes to promote a faster recovery.

After the health assessment, the chiropractor should outline the most appropriate course of care for the individual and establish the specific recovery goals they should meet for their health issues. The doctor of chiropractic should discuss with the patient the full details of their treatment and the procedures they will be performing. They should also explain to the individual how long it should take for the treatment to be effective for them. The chiropractor should tend to the patient’s special needs, changing their treatment plan as needed to help them recover as soon as possible. Whichever treatment the chiropractor suggests, they should also inform you about its benefits and risks.

In the case that your injury or condition requires additional treatment, the chiropractor should be able to refer you to other healthcare professionals who can provide the additional services.

Other Factors for Choosing a Chiropractor

Lastly, in order to know if you are choosing the best chiropractor, it should be expected for the chiropractor�s office staff to treat their patients with courtesy. Both the doctor and the staff alike should be prompt and professional, and they should be capable of answering any questions and doubts the patient may have. Be sure to pay special attention to how the office staff treats you. After effectively choosing and meeting with the chiropractor and office staff, thoroughly review and consider everything you’ve learned before choosing the right chiropractor for you. Once you’ve been properly informed, it�ll be easier to make an educated choice for care.

There are enough factors to recognize before choosing a chiropractor. Because you deserve the best care possible, it�s fundamental to do the most research you can do before making an educated choice. Additionally, be sure to talk to different doctors. Most of all, take the time you need to make a choice you feel good about, after all, it�s your overall health and wellness you have to worry about to restore your well-being.

After experiencing an injury or developing an aggravating condition, finding treatment from a qualified and experienced healthcare professional can make a difference in the patient’s recovery. A chiropractor is frequently considered to treat a variety of injuries and conditions, however, choosing the best chiropractor can determine the effectiveness of the treatment. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

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For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Top provider

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


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A Healthy Spine Promotes Good Posture

A Healthy Spine Promotes Good Posture

From strong leaders to popular group members, the individual’s confidence is notable due to the way they carry themselves, demonstrating a strong demeanor. Aside from personality, there�s one main factor that commonly characterizes these individuals; posture. In today’s society, the body language people display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, good posture reveals health from within.

Posture is defined as the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting against the force of gravity. A proper posture is that which exerts the less amount of stress and pressure from the spine, without compressing or pinching the structures surrounding the spinal bones. When an individual practices good posture, the spine maintains its proper health and wellness, avoid other complications.

The Health of the Spine & Posture

Good posture is a fundamental health component. The spine is the key to a strong and healthy posture. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine quoted, �Look first to the spine for the cause of all disease.� The spine, also known the vertebral column or spinal column, consists of a series of bones referred to as the vertebrae which are stacked one upon another. The main functions of the spine are to protect the spinal cord and provide support as well as stability to the structures of the body, allowing humans to stand upright, bend, and twist. Strong bones and muscles, flexible ligaments, tendons, and sensitive nerves all make up a healthy spine. But, when an individual does not practice proper posture, the natural structure of the spine can be greatly affected, leading to various spinal complications. According to various research studies, it�s been acknowledged that spinal health can influence overall health and wellness.

Unfortunately for many individuals, spine care is not generally considered until an injury or condition develops, causing impairing pain and discomfort to the individual. For example, we all know the importance of brushing our teeth every day. Pro-actively caring for our teeth is the best way to ensure we will maintain good dental health and we don�t wait till our teeth become sore before we start brushing them. Similar to your teeth, regular spinal care is vital towards the health of your spine and body. Just because it isn�t visible like your teeth, it doesn�t mean it�s any less important.

Foremost, spine care begins with improving or maintaining posture. A proper posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit, and lie so that the least amount of strain is placed on the spinal bones during movement or weight-bearing activities. Throughout your day, pay close attention to your posture. Sitting and standing upright, especially after working behind a computer or being constantly up on your feet for an extended period of time, is the best practice for correcting posture. Ultimately, avoid the habit of hunching over a computer or phone, or slouching in front of the television. In addition, include a proper set of stretches and strengthening exercises into your week schedule, such as weight lifting, pilates, or swimming, to help strengthen the muscles and other tissues surrounding your spine as well as increase your flexibility.

Chiropractic Can Correct Posture

Chiropractic care is also efficient towards improving the condition of your spine and correcting posture. When the spine is not being properly supported and the body�s weight is unevenly distributed, excess pressure is placed on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even the nerves around the spine, irritating these complex structures, and leading to damage, injury, or conditions. Subluxations, or spinal misalignments, is one of the most common types of spinal complications resulting from improper posture. In some cases, a spinal misalignment can lead to nerve compression and other complications such as sciatica, a series of symptoms described as radiating pain along the sciatic nerve which runs down one or both legs from the lower back. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can carefully re-align the spine, naturally restoring its proper functions. Getting adjusted regularly by a chiropractor is a great way to re-establish a better posture and overall health.

The body language we display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, a proper posture reveals health from within. The spine is essential towards the function of many systems in the body and an improper posture may lead to complications.

Maintaining a proper posture is important to help reduce the amount of stress and pressure that is commonly applied to the spine with everyday physical activities. When standing or sitting incorrectly for an extended period of time, the body can begin to change, often leading to various types of issues. Practicing good posture can help improve the well being of the spine.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

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Tips For Soldiers (Along With Everybody Else) & Their Spines

Tips For Soldiers (Along With Everybody Else) & Their Spines

blog picture of two soldiers carrying equipment between them along with their own back packsSoldiers routinely carry between 50 and 100 pounds of gear i.e. body armor, weapons, flack vests, rucksacks, and ammo.�This weight is directly affecting their spine and increasing spine related problems for military men and women. Carrying gear weighing over 10% of a persons body weight is known to cause damage to the spine and vertebral discs. It is no surprise that the main complaint from soldiers returning home would be neck & back pain, followed by hip and knee problems. The VA has seen over 396,000 veterans already for these musculoskeletal problems, which is roughly 31% of the returning soldiers. It is assumed many more have not sought medical care or have gone to private medical center.



The Spine Maximum Load Restriction


The spine is made to hold a human being up right, and allow freedom of movement. Like any structure there are �maximum load restrictions�. When we increase the weight placed on the spine by more than 10% of our normal body weight it begins to stress and degenerate the vertebral discs that act like the shock blog picture of soldiers on a plane with all their equipment in their lapsabsorbers between the spinal vertebrae. If these discs become worn and degenerated the spine can no longer function correctly. Compensation and adaptation sets into the spine and other structures such as the hips, knees, and muscles of the back.


Posture Misalingment Will Degenerate The Spine & Cause Back Pain.


An excess amount of weight on the spine puts the body into a compromised postural position to balance the weight. This causes the postural distortions patterns, which are known to degenerate the spine and cause back pain. Soldiers are trained to handle extreme situations. They are �mentally tough� and physically fit, however the spine can�t be trained to withstand these extreme loads. Forcing ones body to maintain extreme stress and weight bearing begins to slowly deteriorate the spine.


Anybody Overloaded With Weight Will Damage The Spine

blog picture of soldier kneeling down carrying all his equipment

A soldier may be tough and made to deal with the pain and stress, however, as they age, these traumas to the spine weaken the spine reducing them to canes, wheel chairs, and in some cases in ability to even get out of bed. The pain is traumatic and the damage is done. Soldiers often experience the most extreme situation in excess weight bearing, however, many of our population is suffering from the same thing. According to the Center for Disease Control 70% of adults are overweight with 35% being considered obese. This excess weight in the form of fat is placing the same stress on societies spines as well.


Carrying 15 Pounds or More Can Lead To Spinal Disease.

A backpack, military gear, or body fat for a long period of time will damage the spine. To know for sure if you are developing these postural distortion patterns get a Posture Diagnosis Online from the American Posture Institute.

Military Health & Chiropractic

6 Bits of Advice




1. Reduce The Weight.

The most obvious way to change the problem is to reduce the amount of�weight you carry. Make purses, bags, and etc. lighter. Soldiers, look for options to reduce your load, or exchange items with lighter options.

2. Distribute The Weight Evenlyblog picture of x-ray of person carrying a bag leaning to one side

Extra weight should be evenly distributed on the body. Use two straps, one on both shoulders. Try to keep the weight as high up on the back as possible to reduce the stress on the low back. When possible use hip straps/support to help distribute the weight.

3. Maintain Proper Posture With Excess Weight.

Proper posture is crucial. Do not allow yourself to go into incorrect postural position. This will increase the stress on the muscles that protect your spine. Too much stress and these muscles give out and your spine takes the damage.


4. Strengthen The Postural Muscles

Core exercises will strengthen muscles that support the spine. Planking is an excellent exercise. Lay with your chest on the floor. Support your body weight on your toes and your elbows/forearms. Lift your body off the ground and maintain this position as long as possible.

5. Lose Weight.

Reduce extra body weight, which will remove stress from the spine and pressure from the vertebral discs.

Spinal Alignment

6. Spine Distraction TherapyThis therapy can be done at home to relieve stress on the vertebral discs. Lay with your upper body on a bed or soft surface. Let your legs hang off. The surface needs to be high enough that your knees don�t touch the ground. Allow gravity to pull your lower body down, which will expand the space between the vertebrae and allow the discs to return to a normal position.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Soldiers routinely carry between 50 and 100 pounds of gear i.e. body armor, weapons, flack vests, rucksacks, and ammo.

This weight is directly affecting the spine and increasing spine related problems for military men and women. Carrying gear weighing over 10% of a persons body weight is known to cause damage to the spine and vertebral disc.

For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Correcting Lumbar Spine Herniation Can Benefit Sex Life

Correcting Lumbar Spine Herniation Can Benefit Sex Life

Low back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms that lead people to seek diagnosis and treatment with a healthcare professional. When the individual�s low back pain is accompanied with pain in one or both legs or buttocks, resulting in symptoms similar to sciatica, it may be an indicator that the patient may have a lumbar disc herniation, also referred to as a herniated disc, ruptured disc, or slipped disc.

Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine

The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae that extend through the length of the ribcage and pelvis. From top to bottom, these vertebrae are medically labeled L1 through L5 and they�re each separated by intervertebral discs. The discs are made up of a fibrous tissue known as the annulus with a soft nucleus found at the center of each disc. These discs are fundamental towards the proper function of the spine, performing the important roles of shock absorption and distribution of pressure.

In the instance the annulus becomes ruptured or torn, the nucleus can become separated from the disc. This complication can decrease the disc�s ability to properly separate the vertebrae, an issue which often leads to increased pressure due to the compression or impingement of the spinal nerves found between each vertebrae of the spine. Individuals with a lumbar disc herniation and symptoms of sciatica commonly experience pain and discomfort related to the pinching of the nerves, which can in turn radiate down the legs.

Generally, a herniated disc is caused by the natural degeneration of the body�s structures as we age. If not diagnosed or treated in time, however, this simple wear and tear complication can develop into a more serious injury or condition. In addition, intervertebral discs can also tear due to trauma from heavy lifting or as a result of a sudden injury, such as an automobile accident or a work injury.

Diagnosing a Lumbar Disc Herniation

A chiropractor can properly diagnose a variety of injuries or conditions relating to the musculoskeletal and nervous system, including a lumbar disc herniation. During the first consultation, the chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical exam, including a comprehensive review of your medical history and test results. Using this, the healthcare professional will be able to determine the source of the symptoms. In many cases, the specialist may require additional tests to confirm the presence of a specific injury and/or condition. Most chiropractic offices will provide you with up to date information about your diagnosis, as well as the risks and benefits of each treatment option. Chiropractors will work with the individual personally to decide on the best treatment option for their complication.

Treating a Lumbar Disc Herniation

Chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations are the most common forms of treatment provided by a doctor of chiropractic, or DC. Using this gentle techniques, the healthcare specialist will carefully realign the spine, correcting the subluxations in order to decrease and eliminate the symptoms caused by nerve compression or impingement. Chiropractors may also redirect a patient to receive other types of treatment depending on the severity of their issue. Chiropractic care can help restore an individual�s strength, mobility and flexibility, offering a wide variety of benefits. Chiropractic treatment is well-known for its natural benefits, including the enhancement of many functions of the body.

Chiropractic Can Improve Sex Life

Many people visit the chiropractor with back pain, but after several sessions of treatment, they often return reporting that their sex life has improved. Jason Helfrich, co-founder and CEO of 100% Chiropractic, stated that the body can positively respond in many aspects when the unnecessary pressure on the nervous system is decreased or removed.

Every function of the body is controlled by the nervous system, however, when the spine is misaligned, known as a subluxation, the nerves traveling between the brain and the rest of the body, these can become blocked, compromising the body�s ability to function properly. A chiropractor�s goal is to remove these subluxations, since they can both cause pain and impede feeling. But treatment can help more than just improve symptoms of back pain. The lumbar region of the spine is where the nerves that extend into your reproductive regions are found. Correcting misalignments in the lower spine can improve nerve flow to your sexual organs, increasing things like blood flow to your clitoris or the penis.

�Correcting a spinal subluxation also allows the organs to send messages to the brain more easily. This means that not only do you become physically aroused faster, but your brain also registers that ready-for-action, heightened sense of pleasure more quickly, so you move past the mental obstacles that may be keeping you from orgasming�, quoted Helfrich.

Other Adjustments for an Improved Sex Life

Libido and fertility need a proper balance of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, many of which are released in the upper cervical and neck area of the body. If there are any misalignments or subluxations in the upper region of the spine, the nerve transmissions exiting the brain can be interrupted due to the compression or impingement of these tissues, which will ultimately have an effect all the way down to the reproductive organs, among others.

Including fertility is affected by the nerves and hormones coming out of the spine, as they control the reproductive cycle.

Beyond all of the physiological benefits of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, chiropractic treatment can also simply give the muscles more range of motion. This means you can try previously difficult positions under the sheets, enhancing an individual�s sex life further.

�We want to improve people�s health, and health is about living life as its intended. Having a great sex life is huge part of that�, Jason Helfrich concluded.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.


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