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Spine Care

Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Flatback Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso Texas

Flatback Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso Texas

A Normal Spinal Column & Flatback Syndrome

Looking at someone straight on the spine should be straight.

Looking at someone from the lateral or side view the spine shows its varying curvature.

In the neck (cervical spine) and the lower back (lumbar spine) are inward curves known as lordosis.

The thoracic spine, there is an outward curve or kyphosis.

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Flatback Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso Texas


The goal is to have an economical stance and gait that does not require excessive energy.

The curves need to be well-balanced.

The gravity line should fall through:

  • The head and cervical spine
  • Behind the sacrum
  • Through the center of the hips

Like this minimum energy is exerted for standing and walking.

When these curves are not balanced, like what happens with excessive kyphosis in the thoracic spine or loss of normal lordosis in the lumbar spine, the patient may begin to experience symptoms.

Loss of lumbar lordosis or actual kyphosis in the lumbar spine that presents symptoms is named flatback syndrome.


The main symptoms of flatback are:

  • Difficulty standing up straight
  • Low back pain
  • Thigh pain
  • Groin pain

Symptoms will worsen as the day progresses with fatigue and increasing difficulty to stand up straight with correct posture.

Individuals will flex or bend their hips and knees to get into an upright position.

This is what causes the exhaustion as the day goes on.

Some patients also have symptoms of:

  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Leg pain
  • Weakness made worse from walking

Some individuals have neck and upper back pain as they strain to get themselves upright.

Trying to live like this can lead to a disabling condition that requires pain medications, and limits the individual’s ability to perform daily activities.



Flatback syndrome was first described in patients who had been treated with Harrington spinal instrumentation.

This was the earliest type of spine implantation to correct scoliosis.

This instrumentation had a tendency to flatten the normal curve or lordosis in the lumbar spine.

This system was used from the 1960s to the 1980s.

With today’s implant systems and techniques, this problem doesn’t really occur anymore.

But not to knock the system, those treated with�Harrington�rods did very well for decades.

The spine compensates for the flattening of the lordosis with the normal discs underneath the fused area.

However, when the discs below the fusion would wear out (degenerate), the patients would lose the ability to stand upright and pain would develop.

Other causes include:

Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • A chronic inflammatory arthritic disease that causes stiffness and loss of lordosis.

Degenerative Disc Disease

  • The normal aging process of the wear and tear/degeneration of the discs, that are the shock absorbers of the spine.
  • In the lumbar area, these discs contribute to normal curvature.
  • As the discs degenerate, the spine stiffens and the curvature disappears.
  • The patient has progressive difficulty in achieving an upright posture.

Post-Laminectomy Syndrome

  • After a laminectomy procedure used to decompress the spine nerves, loss of lordosis and instability can develop.
  • This type of procedure is associated with failed back surgery syndrome.

Compression Fractures

  • Single or multiple vertebrae collapsing can result in loss of lordosis and flatback.
  • The vertebrae are the building blocks of the spine.


The diagnosis begins with a patient’s history.

A doctor will look for the common symptoms like the presentation of difficulty standing upright along with back pain.

If there is a history of prior surgery or a disease making them susceptible to the syndrome.

Full standing x-rays will be ordered.

The lateral side view is specifically the side that will be helpful (see x-ray).


The patient stands, knees straight, the posture can be seen to be stooped forward.

This is depicted by the gravity line/plumb line falling in front of the sacrum.

Finally, MRI’s, CT scans, can be utilized to provide information about the health of the:

  • Discs
  • Vertebrae
  • Degree of openness of the spinal canal to see if there is compression of the spinal nerves or not


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Flatback Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso Texas


Non-surgical Treatment

Patients should try non-surgical treatment first like:

  • Chiropractic
  • Physical therapy
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication

Conditioning and endurance exercise programs can provide relief. But, if the structural problem is too great for conservative therapy then surgery is an option.


Proven Reduced Back Pain with *FOOT ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx



Kent S. Greenawalt, President, and CEO of Foot Levelers discuss how custom foot orthotics can help reduce back pain, low back pain, and sciatica.

In a recent research study published by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), researchers demonstrated that Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics help considerably reduce back pain and several of its associated health issues.

The research study also demonstrated that Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics and chiropractic care help tremendously reduce low back pain and sciatica.

Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics and chiropractic care helped improve the patient’s overall health and wellness.

Dr. Jimenez is a chiropractor in El Paso, TX who can help provide these benefits through the utilization of chiropractic care and Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics, among other treatments.


NCBI Resources

Sometimes low back pain comes out of nowhere, but that sudden twinge in the lower back does have a cause. With some cases, there�s a�trigger, like picking up a heavy object/furniture from an awkward position.� But sometimes it can be a mystery and a challenge to diagnose.

It is important to know the cause of lower back pain to figure out the proper treatment plan. Otherwise, one could receive treatment for the wrong diagnosis and possibly exacerbate the existing injury.


Change of Weather Worsening Back Pain El Paso, TX.

Change of Weather Worsening Back Pain El Paso, TX.

There are those that can predict approaching storms, and weather change based on the way, their joints behave.

Similarly, individuals with chronic back pain can at times sense a change in how they feel when the weather shifts.

The connection between weather and back pain is not fully understood but here are a few beliefs on why people feel pain based on the season/weather.

There is not a great deal of research on weather’s effects on spinal conditions. said Dr. Alexander Jimenez, D.C. in El Paso, Texas.

Some spinal conditions have been shown to have a clear link to cold weather. An example is sciatica patients that would experience worsened pain when the weather would shift.

Chiropractor Alexander Jimenez breaks down how weather can affect back pain and explains six ways to help weather-related back pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Change of Weather Worsening Back Pain El Paso, TX.


Weather and Osteoarthritis

Dr. Jimenez talks of a study that examined joint pain differences between older people with osteoarthritis that were weather-sensitive versus those who also had osteoarthritis but were not weather-sensitive.

More than two-thirds said weather affected their osteoarthritis pain

Researchers found that weather sensitivity and pain:

  • More prevalent among women
  • People with anxiety conditions

Weather and season change alters how we feel mentally and emotionally.

That link is definitely true between depression and back pain.

Dr. Jimenez sees the shift in spine health from the hot summer months into the cold ones and that is when the health problems peak.

Winter brings cloudier weather, and that increases melatonin from the brain, which causes drowsiness and less energy.

Sunlight increases serotonin, which causes feelings of happiness.

Cold, dark, winter weather can deplete energy and makes people stay indoors. This is not good because being outside, involved in activity and exercise definitely helps with joint pain.

Staying inside and not moving will worsen pain and possibly lead to severe conditions.

When the seasons begin to change, it also brings to realization the holiday season, which can cause all kinds of:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Tension

The holiday season can cause major stress, and the changes in weather are a reminder of that upcoming stress.



A common theory suggests that when the temperature drops it affects the viscosity of the synovial fluid in the joints.

This could be one of the reasons why people with spinal joint pain experience flare-ups during the cold shift.

Dr. Jimenez says that the structures within your:

  • Joints
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Muscles
  • Connective tissues

All have different densities and react differently to temperature changes.

In the cold, some connective tissues are looser than others.

So those that are tighter take longer to warm up, and if not then there is a perfect set-up for joint dysfunction.

Another theory is that barometric pressure is what causes the pain. This theory supports people with joint pain that can tell when it�s about to rain.

Some rheumatologists believe the joint capsule and tissues around the joint are like a balloon.

The barometric pressure squeezes this balloon, causing the balloon to expand/inflammation that causes pain.


Moving to Warmer Climate

  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical

Factors play into how pain affects the individual and moving to a sunny place is not necessarily the answer.

Dr. Jimenez says that warmer climates have been thought to be healthier for various conditions.

In a sunny climate, one is likely to be in the sun, being active physically/mentally,� getting plenty of vitamin D, which is good for bones and joints and makes for a good mood all around.

But moving to a warm climate isn�t always an option, so lifestyle changes can do the trick.

Clinical treatments, like infrared sauna, can bring�the sun’s benefits during dark winter days.

People with chronic pain have said they feel pain-free and relaxed after sitting in an infrared sauna.

An infrared sauna does not give off ultraviolet rays, but healthy light.

The light penetrates into the tissues, warms the body, and makes the connective tissue stretchier and looser, which moves easier and doesn’t hurt.

6 Tips

There is no need to move to a sunny climate.

Dr. Jimenez says you can minimize the weather�s effects with these tips:



Dr. Jimenez recommends reducing consumption of inflammation-inducing foods like:

  • Red meats
  • Fried foods
  • Sugars
  • Processed starches

Quitting smoking tobacco is essential for finding pain relief.

Proper Hydration

Alcoholic beverages dehydrate and can worsen depression and anxiety.

Dr. Jimenez says drinking plenty of water is important for the spine, and is often overlooked by the senior community.

Older adults don’t have an active thirst like a young person, and can, therefore, dehydrate rapidly.�


Stay Warm

Layer clothing or keep the house warm.

Keep a humidifier running with the heater to prevent respiratory problems caused by the dry heat.

Get Into The Sun Regularly

Natural light helps wards off depression, and it improves productivity in the workplace


Physical activity plays a huge part in particularly with low back conditions, walking, which he said engages the postural muscles in the spine.

Dr. Jimenez personally sees the benefits of this: When I�m working out, I don�t feel my hip pain. And I continue because I know that I’m strengthening my body for the better, especially since I help others with their pain.

Hobbies Can Help

A hobby creates a diversion from the pain and releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

A hobby allows you to focus on something else besides the pain.


Depression & Chronic pain | El Paso, Tx



Chronic pain caused by accidents and/or aggravated conditions can often be one of the primary reasons for depression in patients. When painful symptoms induce patients to struggle with their everyday physical activities, their mental health can be tremendously influenced. Chiropractic care utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations which could help restore the initial integrity of the backbone. Patients describe how chiropractic care has helped them recover their well-being and they highly recommend Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic, as the non-surgical choice for chronic pain and depression, one of a variety of other common health issues.


NCBI Resources

Back pain can be debilitating, causing immobility, inflexibility, and have a significant impact on a person�s quality of life. It can make even the most mundane daily activities extremely difficult � and even excruciating. Building the muscles that make up your core (abdominals and back) can help support your spine and reduce back pain. In many cases, strengthening these muscles can assist a patient to avoid medication with its unpleasant side effects and even avoid surgery. With just a few smart moves you can significantly decrease your�back pain, increase your mobility, and take back your life.


Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) El Paso, TX.

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) El Paso, TX.

Before and after spine surgery the surgeon and medical staff prepare you for recovery. The recovery process can take a long time and be extremely challenging.

Pain after spine surgery is normal, but how to tell if it�s beyond the typical pain during recovery?

What indicates that the surgery failed?

Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez has dealt with this issue throughout his career and discusses symptoms associated with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS, also known as failed back surgery (FBS) or post-laminectomy syndrome).

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) El Paso, TX.


Back Pain the most common symptom

Chronic back pain is the most common symptom from failed back surgery.

With FBSS, chronic pain in one patient can be very different from pain in another.

People with FBSS can experience a range of different types of pain based on:

  • Spinal disorder
  • Spinal procedure
  • The underlying cause of failed back surgery syndrome

Types of back and neck pain people with failed back surgery may experience. Some may have one or more types.

Chronic pain:

  • Sustained pain that lasts for more than 12 weeks.
  • Chronic pain is the opposite of acute pain, which is short-term�severe pain.
  • Acute pain is expected during spine surgery recovery but should fade during the healing.

Nociceptive pain:

Localized pain that can be dull or sharp.

This is the type of pain patients may experience immediately after surgery

Example: The pain felt around where the incision was made.

When most people think of pain, nociceptive pain is the type.

Neuropathic pain (neuropathy):

Nerve-related pain is caused by damage to the nerves or spinal cord.

Neuropathic pain shoots and moves around, thus affecting large areas of the body.

Examples of this type of pain include:

  • Numbness
  • Burning
  • Tingling
  • Weakness
  • Abnormal sensations (called paresthesia)

Radicular pain (radiculopathy):

A branch of nerve pain (neuropathy) is called radiculopathy, or radicular pain.

Radicular pain radiates from one area to another.

Examples include from the:

  • Low back
  • Down the buttocks
  • Legs
  • Feet

And then starts all over again, or goes in a different order.

Other symptoms:

The original symptoms return:

When the symptoms that put the patient in the surgery room return, then there is a definite possibility of failed back surgery.

New pain presents:

New pain, meaning pain in a different part of the spine or a different type merits a discussion with your doctor.

Mobility Reduced :

It does take time to recover and that process can affect:

  • Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Movement

However, if mobility or limitation is different from what was talked about with the surgeon or develops after recovery, then it should be discussed with your doctor.

Example: A limited range of motion in the neck or low back.

Headaches begin to present:

If headaches were not an original part of your medical history, this may point to a nerve problem.

Nerve Symptoms & Quality of Life

Neuropathic pain/ neuropathy or nerve-related pain is the most complex, debilitating, and difficult-to-treat.

People who experience this type of pain find it lowers their quality of life.

An online survey of 1,000-2000 patients that underwent low back surgery responded and revealed the following:

  1. 94% of respondents reported post-surgery low back pain
  2. 71.1% dull achiness
  3. 69.8% numbness
  4. 43.3% cold sensations
  5. 35.3% paresthesia (eg, burning, tingling, pricking sensations)

A separate study noted that nerve-related pain suffered by people with FBSS is more life-altering than pain caused by joint and nerve disorders.

Patients with FBSS and neuropathic pain go through higher levels of pain and have less quality of life/physical function compared with people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

FBS Symptoms Emergency Treatment

After surgery, it can be difficult to tell whether the pain is within the bounds of normal recovery pain.

At follow-up appointments ask questions about the progress of your recovery and about any concerns.

Pain after surgery is normal, but there are some signs and symptoms that merit emergency attention.

If you experience any of the red flag symptoms, call your doctor immediately:

  • New weakness
  • Difficulty walking
  • Electric pain in the lower body
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Loss of bowel or bladder function

This can be a sign of a spinal nerve disorder called cauda equina syndrome.

Symptoms of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Are Different for Every Patient

  • Every patient goes through a unique surgical experience and if it fails, patients may experience unique symptoms.
  • Because failed back surgery has several possible causes, the symptoms are going to be different for each patient.
  • Before you are discharged and even before you go under, ask your surgeon questions about what to expect during the recovery process.
  • Educating yourself with possible expectations during recovery, you�ll be best positioned to know when things aren�t going as they should.


Low Back Pain Management El Paso, TX Chiropractor



Denise suffered an auto accident injury which resulted in back pain. When she realized she could not sit, walk or sleep for lengthy periods of time without having painful symptoms, Denise found chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez at El Paso, TX. Once she received therapy for her automobile accident injuries, Denise experienced relief from her symptoms and she was able to execute her regular tasks once again. Thanks to the education and maintenance Dr. Alex Jimenez supplied, Denise regained her initial health and health.

Back pain is more most common, with roughly nine out of ten adults undergoing it at some time in their lifetime, and five functioning adults developing it annually. Some quote around 95 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their lifetime. It is undoubtedly the typical cause of chronic pain since it’s also a substantial contributor to missed work and handicap. In the United States alone, acute cases of lower back pain are the fifth most frequent reason for doctor visits and cause 40% of missed days off work. What’s more, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.


NCBI Resources

Aside from the obvious invasiveness of the procedure as well as recovery time and probable physical therapy that would be required as part of your aftercare. Say you have neck or back pain. How will you treat it? Many people will go to a medical doctor who will look at the symptoms, such as pain, and treat it with a prescription or over the counter medications. In some cases, they may recommend surgery to manage the pain or correct the problem.


Subluxation & Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas

Subluxation & Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas

Subluxation describes what happens when the spinal joints get shifted out of alignment. This can be caused by:

  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Chemical imbalance

The nervous system, which consists of the (spine/nerves/brain) is the central headquarters of the body. Subluxation removal helps the body function at its optimum level.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Subluxation & Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas


Chiropractic adjustments reduce pressure on the nerves and ease the flow of communication and signals going back and forth.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Subluxation & Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas



These adjustments trigger the release of endorphins, which cause instant pain relief.

Our hips are made durable, but with age and normal wear and tear, this cartilage wears down, which can lead to injury.

This also includes the:

  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Bones in and around the hip

And can be caused by a number of conditions, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)
  • Cancers
  • Bursitis
  • Hip fractures
  • Hip labral tear
  • Muscle/tendon strain
  • Tendinitis

If adjustments seem to be only temporary, this could be an indicator of problems beyond the spine.

Pain or other symptoms in the body start with the body�s foundation: the feet.

When we walk there are incremental-segmental movements of the spine that are small motions but are very important in proper function.

If there are foot problems:

  • Spinal subluxations
  • Pain
  • Degeneration throughout the body can happen.

Research has found that poor foot mechanics can create severe problems that affect the normal functions of the:

  • Ankle
  • Knee
  • Hip
  • Back

Symptoms of Vertebral Subluxation

  • Neck and back pain
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Balance issues
  • Spine muscle spasms
  • Tightness
  • Weakness
  • Spinal mobility
  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Joint pain
  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, subluxation could be the cause.

Chiropractic treatment and custom orthotics are the best way to correct the subluxation.

Chiropractors are experienced in finding and correcting these problems. And the custom orthotics can help keep you and your spine in perfect alignment.


Get Rid of *LOW BACK PAIN* with Custom Foot Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)



Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain sometime throughout their lifetime. Low back pain and sciatica are several of the most common complaints frequently reported in a doctor office setting. But, did you know that low back pain and sciatica can be caused due to foot problems? Custom-made functional foot orthotics can help support and promote the natural alignment of the spine. Poor posture associated with foot problems and other health issues can be corrected through the utilization of custom-made functional foot orthotics. Because every individual has unique foot anatomy, custom-made foot orthotics can be beneficial for a variety of people with foot problems and other health issues. Dr. Alex Jimenez is the non-surgical choice for foot problems.


What’s Afoot

Although many people try to treat their low back pain on their own first, one of the fastest and best ways to treat it is through custom orthotics, which actually optimize the performance of your entire body, not just your feet and lower back. Over-the-counter orthotics do not provide proper support and can even cause more damage to the body. Chronic lower back pain is not a normal thing that has to do with age or lifestyle.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, call a chiropractor and ask about how custom orthotics can help you.



NCBI Resources

Chiropractors use specific methods to return the vertebrae in their proper locations or muster them to allow them to go freely when subluxations happen. These techniques are called spinal manipulations or adjustments. During an adjustment, the vertebra is freed in the misaligned location and returned to the right place in the spinal column. The adjustment permits the entire body to cure and preserve homeostasis once performed.


6 Spine Disorders That Chiropractic Helps

6 Spine Disorders That Chiropractic Helps

Chiropractic can help with a wide variety of health conditions, particularly those involving the spine. Your chiropractor�s ability to adjust your spine makes it possible to correct many issues with the back and neck. Chiropractic also offers the advantage of being drug-free and non-invasive, so the side effects you need to worry about are minimal.

6 Spine Disorders that Chiropractic Helps

1. Degenerative Disc Disease

Most often, degenerative disc disease is a condition that strikes people as they get older. The discs that sit between your vertebrae are supposed to be relatively soft to provide cushion and flexibility to the spine. Unfortunately, years of use and various injuries can cause the discs to wear down. When they wear down it can lead to pressure on nerves and bone on bone contact.

2. Herniated Disc

Sometimes a disc can rupture, allowing the interior matter to protrude from the outer shell and press against nerves in the spine. The most common areas of the body to have a herniated disc are the lower back and the neck.

3. Sciatica

The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back and down the legs. The nerve can become irritated if there are issues with the lower back, such as degenerative disc disease, herniated disc or misalignment. Pressure on the nerve can cause symptoms like shooting pains, numbness, tingling, dull aching, and other discomforts.

4. Whiplash

Whiplash is most common in rear-end car accidents, where a car hits you from behind and causes your head to whip forward and backward. The force generated by the whipping motion can cause significant damage to your neck. Stiffness and pain are common symptoms. Whiplash should be treated as soon as possible following an accident.

5. Myofascial Pain

The fascia is the sheath-like material that surrounds your muscles. Adhesions can occur in the fascia due to overuse or injury. Sometimes the painful points can feel like hard knots under the skin. Myofascial pain often causes discomfort in other areas of the body that you would not assume are related to the problem area.

6. Back Sprains and Strains

There are many ways that the back can become sprained or strained. A sprain involves the ligaments that are attached to your bones, while a strain involves your muscles and/or tendons. Either condition can cause significant pain and a loss of mobility.

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 6 Spine Disorders That Chiropractic Helps El Paso, TX.


Chiropractic Can Help By

Your chiropractor will offer you different options for healing your spinal condition. These may include:


Many times the problems with your spine can be improved by realigning the vertebrae. Injuries and spinal conditions are often associated with misalignment�where the vertebrae are not sitting on top of one another as they should be. A chiropractic adjustment gently returns your vertebrae to alignment.

Massage Therapy

Massage is a great complementary therapy to chiropractic adjustments. It can help to relax muscles, eliminate adhesions and improve mobility. It can also help your spinal adjustments to stay in place as you go about your day to day life.


Ultrasound treatments are an effective way to encourage your body�s own healing mechanisms without causing any unwanted side effects. The sound waves penetrate deep into the tissues to create heat energy, which encourages circulation and aids in healing.

Get Help with Your Spinal Disorder

If you are struggling with a spinal disorder like those mentioned above, we would love the opportunity to help. Our chiropractic team understands how to administer safe, effective treatments that are non-invasive and work together to improve healing outcomes.

Please contact us today to discuss your spinal condition and schedule an appointment.

Heel Spurs


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 6 Spine Disorders That Chiropractic Helps El Paso, TX.

Do you have a sharp pain in your heel? When you take a step, does it feel like a knife is stabbing your heel? If the answer is yes, then you might have a heel spur.

A heel spur is a degenerative outgrowth of bone on the calcaneus. While the heel spur itself is sometimes painless, the condition is commonly associated with Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Heel spurs themselves are not what cause pain
  • Spurs occur in 50-75% of heels afflicted with plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs sufferers usually tell of sharp pain in the heel, that radiates to the bottom of the foot.
  • Symptoms can impede walking, and movement in general.


Surgery can be costly, risky, but is usually unnecessary.

Recovery time:

  • Between 3 to 6 months or more to return to weight-bearing functions
  • Conservative treatment, on the other hand, is shown to be quite effective.
  • The pain and irritation experienced by about 90% of people respond quite well to conservative treatment.

Home Care:

  1. Stretch foot and calf consistently
  2. Ice the heel to bring down swelling
  3. Wear custom orthotics
  4. Focused exercises on strengthening muscles in the feet and ankles
  5. Weight loss, and better shoes if necessary

At Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic:

Foot adjustments:

  • Inferior navicular
  • Fixated cuboid
  • Posterior calcaneus and/or �dropped� metatarsal heads.
  • Though adjustments may help reduce symptoms, they do not restore plantar aponeurosis laxity or the resultant excessive pronation.

Custom orthotics support all 3 arches, which help control pronation and protect against heel shock.

Your healthcare provider and custom orthotic’s center can offer a special cut out�at the site of the insertion of the plantar fascia to reduce pressure.


Heel spur pain can be reduced by seeing your movement patterns of the foot and ankle. While there is no cure for heel spurs, chiropractic foot adjustments, orthotics and home stretching can help.

El Paso, TX Chiropractic Heel Spur Treatment



Blanca, born and raised in El Paso, TX, has been suffering from heel spurs for approximately two years. As a registered nurse, her symptoms appreciably affected her ability to work and her general quality of life. Determined to improve her health, Blanca believed care. Once she began treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, however, Blanca experienced enormous relief from her heel spurs, nearly immediately. Blanca highly recommends chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez as the nonsurgical selection for the treatment of heel spurs. A heel spur is a calcium residue resulting in a bony protrusion on the bottom of the heel bone.

Although heel spurs are often painless, they can lead to heel pain. They are often associated with plantar fasciitis, a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue (plantar fascia) which runs across the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the ball of the foot. Heel spurs are usually caused by strains on foot ligaments and tendons, stretching of the plantar fascia, and repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone. Heel spurs are especially common among athletes.



Foot Dysfunction can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment. Overpronation and oversupination can cause a variety of injuries and conditions that affect not only the feet and ankles, but also the knees,�hips, and back as well.



Functional Hallux Limitus

Functional hallux limitus is unfortunately still considered to be a rare health issue which often goes unaddressed. Outcomes for many different foot disorders will be jeopardized if treatment doesn�t address functional hallux limitus. Foot and postural abnormalities have a basis in poor function of stabilization and the windlass mechanism of the foot structure through the plantar fascia.



NCBI Resources

Although many people try to treat their low back pain on their own first, one of the fastest and best ways to treat it is through custom orthotics, which actually optimize the performance of your entire body, not just your feet and lower back. For instance, overpronation of the foot causes a series of internal changes that extend up through the leg. The femur may rotate causing hip pain and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint which leads to back pain. Other misalignments in the body that are caused by foot problems can also lead to chronic lower back pain as well.


How Chiropractic Care Keeps Spinal Joints Healthy El Paso, TX.

How Chiropractic Care Keeps Spinal Joints Healthy El Paso, TX.

Healthy joints have obvious benefits, including aiding in movement, keeping you flexible and allowing you to stay active. The health of some of your joints is readily apparent�you only have to bend your knees, ankles, elbows or wrists to see how they are functioning at any given moment. But there are some joints in your body that are even more important, although you may not be as aware of them. The joints in your spine, where each vertebra connects to another, are vital to the normal, healthy function of your body. Without healthy spinal joints, you can expect pain and loss of mobility, among other unpleasant symptoms.

Fortunately, keeping your spinal joints healthy is made much easier with regular chiropractic care. Periodic visits to your chiropractor will help you keep your spine operating as well as it possibly can, year in and year out!


Ways that Chiropractic Helps In Spinal Joint Health

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Keeps Spinal Joints Healthy El Paso, TX.


1. Circulation Increased.

Stiffness in the spine can be caused by a variety of issues, including trauma and degenerative disc disease. While chiropractic cannot prevent the wear and tear that life often brings, it can do a lot to heal that damage. One way that adjustments aid in healing is by increasing circulation to your spinal discs and surrounding tissues. Increased circulation brings in healthy nutrients and removes undesirable material, making it possible for your spine to heal more thoroughly than without good circulation.

2. Pain Is Reduced or Eliminated.

Back pain can make living a normal life difficult if not impossible. Depending on the frequency and severity of the pain, you may find yourself unable to do many of the things you once enjoyed. Even if you do not lose mobility, back pain can distract and upset you every time it shows up.

The pain in your back can most likely be alleviated through chiropractic care. By returning your spine to proper alignment, your chiropractor can ease pressure on the nerves in your back and encourage muscles and other soft tissue to release. Over time spinal adjustments can greatly reduce or even eliminate back pain, which will help you stay active and improve the health of your spinal joints.

3. Mobility Increased.

Pain in your spine and/or neck is usually accompanied by a loss of mobility. Your muscles may seize up in an effort to protect your spine, which can make it impossible to move normally. Even if you are not suffering from muscle spasms, consistent back and neck pain can make you hesitant to move in ways that will trigger pain. Over time, the lack of movement can cause the body to stiffen and weaken. The longer this goes on, the less likely you are to get the physical activity you need to keep your joints mobile and your body strong.

Chiropractic adjustments are capable of breaking up the stiffness that holds you back. By returning your spine to proper alignment, circulation is increased, pain is decreased, muscles release and mobility returns. It can take time to get back to the way you want to be, but it is time well spent.

Healthy Joint Health Requires Consistency

The best way to keep your spinal joints healthy over the long-term is to make regular visits to your chiropractor while also maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Everyone is different, which is why it is important to get customized treatment from your chiropractor. By establishing a relationship with your chiropractor, you can ensure that you are always on the right track for spinal joint health.

Contact us today to learn more about chiropractic care and to schedule an appointment with our team.

The Difference of Using *CHIROPRACTIC ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx


Custom Orthotics are Worth The Cost

  • People who experience back, hip, and/or foot pain usually turn to orthotics for relief.
  • Foot Levelers is the leading custom orthotic provider in the U.S., but custom is not always cheap, as compared with the non-customized, over-the-counter orthotics.
  • What�s the difference and why spend money on custom orthotics?

Common Orthotics are Not The Same for Everyone

  • What works for one person may not work for you, which is evident by all the different insoles on the market for the same problems.
  • Take 10 people, all of who have different levels of activity, weight, age, types of pain and wear different shoes, go to the store for store-bought orthotics, take a quick assessment, and are all told to wear the same insole.
  • You need customized care, which is exactly what custom orthotics provide for your body.
  • Custom orthotics are created by scanning and assessing your arches, seeing how you distribute your body weight on your feet, and then a unique treatment plan is created especially for you.

The Body’s Foundation is our Feet

  • What if you were told that the foundation of your home was cracking and you had two options: put duct tape over the crack and hope for the best or spend a little more money and fix the problem the right way.
  • A scan of the feet is used to learn about each foot independently.
  • These scans highlight any differences between your feet like one being smaller, wider, or flatter than the other.
  • This information is essential to creating orthotics and helps achieve a result that over-the-counter orthotics simply cannot provide.
  • Although non-custom orthotics are less expensive, they are basically like putting duct tape on your foundation and may not resolve the issue\s and cause more problems and greater costs.

In the Long Run You Will Save Money

  • Custom orthotics are an investment that pays your body back a hundredfold.
  • Non-custom orthotics are cheaper and are made with unreliable and usually cheap material. These are not designed to resolve your condition, which forces you to spend more money.
  • Paying attention to the foundation of your body provides benefits to the rest of your body, and eliminates the cost of treating all types of discomfort.
  • The process of getting custom orthotics begins with a simple foot scan.
  • This provides us with important information to keep your body operating optimally.



Spine Pain

Overpronation and over supination can cause a variety of injuries and conditions that affect not only the feet and ankles, but also the knees, hips, and back as well. Foot Dysfunction�can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment.



NCBI Resources

All our organs receive messages from our brain via our spinal cord. The lungs know to breathe in and out because of the messages they receive from the brain. The heart beats because of these messages as well. Every organ in our body is connected to the brain and blocking this connection�even a little�can cause serious health issues. Some health problems are easily felt like numbness in the fingers or a headache. Some troubles are not so apparent like digestive issues or kidney problems. If the spine is out of order, the organs will feel it.


The Four Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease & Chiropractic Care

The Four Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease & Chiropractic Care

Degenerative disc disease is a condition where the degradation or wearing away of your spinal discs leads to pain and discomfort. Everyone�s discs wear down, but not every person experiences pain. That is the difference!

What are the Four Stages of DDD

Two of the main components of the spine are the vertebrae and the discs. The discs sit between vertebrae to provide cushion, support, and flexibility. Each disc is made up of a soft inner layer and a tough outer layer. Over time, or due to injury, the discs can lose their integrity, begin to thin and even tear in certain cases. Compromised discs increase the likelihood of pressure on nerves and friction between the vertebrae.

Like many diseases, degenerative disc disease has several possible stages. As the stages progress, the negative symptoms become more pronounced.

1st Stage

The first stage of degenerative disc disease may go unnoticed by the individual but can be identified by a chiropractor or other medical professional. The loss of the natural curvature of the spine can indicate the beginning of degenerative disc disease. Pain may not be apparent, but extra pressure is being placed on the spine which can lead to more rapid aging of the spine, nerves, joints, etc.

2nd Stage

The degradation of discs becomes more apparent in the second stage. They may look thinner, and it is common to see deformations in the bone, such as bone spurs. The curvature of the spine will become more unnatural and the spinal canal may become more narrow. Stage 2 is often where you will begin to notice some pain and discomfort.

3rd Stage

Stage 3 is marked by a more extreme change in the posture and curvature of the spine, along with more pain and loss of mobility. Nerve damage is common and scar tissue typically begins to form. Discs are even thinner than before, which can sometimes cause even more deformation of the bones.

4th Stage

The final stage of degenerative disc disease is the most severe and is typically considered irreversible. Discs are at their thinnest or gone altogether. The flexibility of the spine is extremely limited and pain is often considerable. Nerve damage can be severe and the bones of the spine may even begin to fuse together.

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 The Four Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease & Chiropractic Care El Paso, TX.

Doctor explaining various spine diseases by the example of plastic models

How Can Chiropractic Help DDD?

Chiropractic care is a preferred treatment option for degenerative disc disease for a variety of reasons. Because it is gentle and non-invasive, chiropractic is much less likely to create undesirable side effects�which are common with prescription medications and surgery. Obviously, the earlier the stage of degenerative disc disease, the more successful treatment can be. But chiropractic can be helpful even in the most extreme cases of degenerative disc disease.

Chiropractic treatments may include:

Chiro Adjustments

One of the most effective ways to treat degenerative disc disease is to ensure the spine is in proper alignment. Loss of alignment, which can happen due to injury or just day to day life, puts extra stress on the spine which can accelerate the degradation of discs. Adjustments bring back alignment.

Spine Decompression

Spinal decompression uses gentle but firm pressure to bring space back between the vertebrae. Space allows blood flow to return and healing to happen. Decompression is an important treatment to complement adjustments.

Now is the Time to Treat DDD

The best time to seek treatment for your back and neck pain is right now. Our chiropractic team can help you feel better and live a healthier life. Please contact us now to learn more!

El Paso Back Clinic