Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Spinal Cord Injuries Are Not Only Caused by Trauma
When people think of spinal cord injury/s or SCI’s, traumatic events like a major auto accident, hard fall, severe sports injury or intense work injury come to mind. It is true that auto accidents are the leading cause, however, non-traumatic accidents and diseases like a spinal tumor can also cause spinal cord injuries.
These types of injuries involve damage to the spinal cord that can temporarily or permanently affect its functionality. Spinal cord injuries are divided into 2 categories: traumatic and non-traumatic. Even with non-traumatic injuries the impact or severity is not lessened and the aftermath can have a devastating effect on a person�s life.
Spinal Cord Injury Trauma
Vehicle crashes: Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of traumatic spinal cord injuries, and they account for 40% of all SCI’s.
Falls: Falls are the second cause of traumatic spinal cord injuries, and they account for 32% of injuries.
Violence: Violent acts, like gunshot wounds or a stabbing cause around 14% of spinal cord injuries.
Spinal cord injuries occur more in men than women with 80% of cases affecting men.
Although people of all ages can experience SCI, there are activities/events that increase the risk that affects different age groups more than others. An example is high-impact actions like motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries occur more in young adults. Conversely, spinal cord injuries caused by a fall happens more in adults over age 60.
Regardless, SCI occurs more in the neck or cervical spine. Around 60% of cases involve the neck, followed by the mid-back or thoracic spine that averages to around 32% of injuries. Although most people experience low-back pain, only 9% of spinal injuries occur in the low back and tailbone or lumbosacral spine.
Understanding SCI Trauma
Damage to the spinal cord not only affects the area where the point of impact occurred. The primary injury can also damage cells, dislocate the vertebrae and cause spinal compression. It can also trigger secondary injuries, that cause a series of biological changes. This can happen within weeks or months after the injury.
The secondary injury cascade processes:
Glial cells along with the nerve cells in the spinal cord begin to die. These cells provide nutrients and other support to the nerve cells in the central nervous system. This consists of the brain and spinal cord.
The blood vessels in the spinal cord lose their ability to function, and this reduces the blood supply to the cord. When the blood supply becomes inadequate it is called ischemia. Blood vessel injuries expose the cord to inflammatory cells that in turn cause swelling. When the spinal cord becomes inflamed the spinal cord gets more and more compressed. If this happens�the initial injury progressively worsens.
This changes the cord�s structure and its normal operation. The secondary injury cascade can interfere with the cord�s ability to heal itself. This means an individual could experience permanent nerve pain and dysfunction.
Non-traumatic SCI
Spinal cord damage does not only happen with traumatic events. An SCI can also be caused by non-traumatic diseases in the spine. Tumors are the leading cause, but infections and degenerative disc disease can also cause serious damage.
Non-traumatic SCI’s happen more than traumatic based ones. �The incidence of traumatic SCI in North America comes to around 54 cases per one million people. With the incidence of non-traumatic SCI is around 1,227 cases per million people.
Healthy Spinal Cord Injury Outcomes
Spine researchers are making great strides in developing optimal protective and regenerative treatments to improve spinal cord health after these injuries occur.
Currently, innovative medical, surgical, cell-based and alternative treatments are furthering the medical community�s understanding of SCI’s. This is dramatically improving the quality of life and creating positive futures for individuals who experience these injuries.
Car Accident Injury Rehabilitation | El Paso, Tx (2020)
NCBI Resources
The muscles in the back keep the spine moving and functioning properly.�When the spine or�abdominal muscles are�weak this creates a higher probability of a back strain or injury. Having strong, healthy spine muscles are important because they function in maintaining correct posture, which in some cases, causes chronic back pain because of poor posture.
If�only one part of the body is�strengthened like the back is not enough. Therefore strengthening the rest of the body is a must. These include the body�s core and leg muscles. Total body strength will reduce back pain and can help perform regular activities, like�lifting heavy objects much easier, with more confidence and with a lesser probability of injury.
Take frequent breaks to avoid overuse of muscles with little rest breaks of whatever muscles/ligaments you are using.
Regular exercise along with stretching and relaxation helps build strength, increase mobility, range of motion and prevent future injury.
Look at your posture to make sure it is correct for the task at hand. This helps the elbows, wrists, hands, and spine maintain alignment during repetitive motions.
Don’t stay in a single position for too long. Change your posture frequently during any type of activity to relax one set of muscles and use another set, then switch and so on and so forth.
Practicing correct form and technique will go a long way in preventing a repetitive injury.
Avoid over-reaching, stretching and twisting.
Use protective equipment and gear.
Have a properly designed workstation with office or work equipment at the proper height, distance and allows you to work safely and comfortably.
Staying Healthy
Staying healthy and avoiding RMD’s is first priority if you work at a job or regularly participate in activities where repetitive motion/s and movement/s are used.
Give yourself time to rest, exercise, and implement proper techniques. See a doctor or injury chiropractor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed. Ergonomically evaluating the causes is an important part of the diagnostic evaluation for patients with these conditions.
Therefore, mapping out a customized treatment plan for changing the way you work/perform these motions is the ultimate goal.
We focus on what works for you. We also strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total wellness programs. These programs are natural and use the body�s own ability to achieve goals of improvement, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs.
We want you to live a life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life. I have made a life of taking care of every one of my patients.
The “LIFE CHANGING” Foot Orthotics | El Paso, Tx (2020)
NCBI Resources
Barring traumatic injury due to an accident, working in a factory environment can cause problems with mobility, pain, and flexibility. The�nature of the job�places specific demands on the human body that can lead to certain types of injuries and health conditions, which include:
Repetitive motion injury � When a worker performs the same task that involves the same movements over and over, it can lead to certain types of injuries. Carpal tunnel is a common repetitive motion injury.
Overexertion � Lifting, pulling, even standing can take a toll on the body, especially when it is done without adequate breaks. The person can get muscle fatigue, pulled muscles, and pulled tendons.
Body movement injuries � When the worker is continuously reaching, twisting, crawling, and bending, it can cause problems with the muscles and joints.
Back pain during the holidays takes the joy out of everything.�All the�activities, events, and shopping can worsen spinal injuries or cause new ones.�And trying to power through the pain makes family traditions like tree-trimming, cooking, baking into a very cautionary experience.�When selecting a gift for friends or loved ones with back or neck pain they would appreciate something designed to help them feel better.
Although the massage devices and foam roller sets don�t work miracles they can ease the stress and discomfort that comes with living with pain.
There is a wealth of products that:
Support the back
Relieve muscle tension
Improve sleep quality
Affordable Back/Neck Gifts
Epsom salts –�A warm Epsom bath reduces muscle soreness, eases stress and soothes the skin. The salts’ magnesium helps the body reduce inflammation along with improving muscle and nerve function. The sulfates help the body absorb nutrients and flush body toxins.
Along with the health benefits, a bath is a nice way to relax after a long day. Gift sets contain a bag of salts, bath bombs, bubble bath, and other goodies.
Back massage pads – A good massage can relieve aches and pains. Massage pads knead the muscles while you�re watching TV, riding in a car, or resting.
Massagers have various settings that focus on various areas of the back and thighs with vibration and heat. Each massager is different and they have all kinds of modes. You might have to do a little research but the great thing is that they fit in a car/truck seat, office chair, or reclining chair.
Lumbar (Low Back) cushions – These pillows make sitting in a car,� truck or office chair, a whole lot more comfortable with low back support.
Travel cushions are made to take with you on road trips, work commutes, and are heavy-duty to help prevent slouching and ease low back pain caused by long sitting times.
Foam Rollers – Rollers are great for working out muscle soreness and stiffness. There are a variety of styles that combine foam roller benefits with massage ball portability, as well as, kits that have specialized rollers in different sizes, and shapes for different parts of the body.
Roll out the hips, upper back, calves, feet, and other parts at the house or on the road.
Indulgent Gifts
Massage as a gift – Massages help ease muscle tension, relieve aches and pains, and promote relaxation.
Gift a massage from a local chiropractor or physical therapist.
Look for licensed therapists that are specially trained in treating people with spine or neck pain.
Ergonomic chair – These chairs are made to support proper posture and reduce stress from long periods of sitting.
Consider a quality office chair. A good chair will have multiple adjustments so you can adjust the armrests, headrest, seat height, and depth. Ergonomic chairs provide more support than a standard office chair.
An infrared heat lamp – Heat is a solution that increases blood circulation and reduces muscle stiffness.
Heat lamps offer deep penetration that can be used at home for the larger areas of the body like the chest and back. A study found a group of patients that reported their pain levels decreased after six weeks of use.
Yoga classes – for the fitness people in your life gift a yoga class package.
The American College of Physicians Clinical guidelines recommends yoga as a first step in treating low back pain. As with any exercise program, they need to talk to their doctor before beginning yoga. Yoga Alliance and The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) are good places to find top qualified instructors.
The gift of relaxation, back support, and especially stress relief of family and friends will give you that fuzzy feeling all over, knowing that you’re helping someone out in a very real way!
Individuals who sit most of the day, like those working in a computer while sitting in an office chair, are also at high risk for non-accidental spine injury. Office ergonomics, or computer ergonomics, can help minimize the risk such as the dangers associated with prolonged sitting in an office chair, and carpal tunnel syndromes, such as lower back pain, neck strain, and leg pain.
Creating a healthy, safe ergonomic work environment is important to protect your back, neck and whole body. Just by taking simple breaks and enhancing your workspace with a sit-stand desk will protect your spine and general health.
Break Taking
Working in the same position and using the same muscles, joints, and ligaments for hours is not good for any part of your body. Ergonomists are lifestylescientists that design spaces/equipment/tools to reduce discomfort, fatigue, and injury, agree that taking frequent and brief rest breaks is essential for total and optimal body health. And, it�s not just your legs that need a break every now and then.
At work, start practicing:
Eye breaks:Looking at the computer screen for a long time changes how the eyes work. What happens is you blink less and expose the eyes to the air. Therefore, every 15 minutes look away from the screen for a minute or two to a distant area that is at least 20 feet away or further. This allows the muscles in the eye to relax. Also, blink your eyes real quick for a few seconds. This refreshes the tear ducts and clears dust from the surface of the eyes.
Micro-breaks: These are breaks that are less than two minutes and perfect to utilize between office jobs. Most people work in bursts rather than continuously. So in between these bursts�take a rest in a:
Straight posture
These breaks are short but perfect for stretching, standing up, and moving around, or switching to a different task like making a phone call or making some copies, etc. These types of breaks are a break from using the same set of muscles over and over.
Rest breaks: These you want to do every 30 to 60 minutes. This is the break to, get up, move around, and do something else non-office related. Go get a beverage, quick conversation with a coworker, or take a walk around the office or building. As long it’s within reason. This allows your body and mind to empty and workout different muscles. Practice this and the feeling of tiredness will be a thing of the past.
Exercise breaks: This is purely a stretching and gentle exercise break to do to relieve muscle fatigue. These should be done every one to two hours.
Ergonomic software: It is easy to lose track of how long you’ve been working. There is software that monitors how long you’ve been on the computer and will alert you to take a break at different intervals and offer easy ergonomic exercises to keep your muscles loose and in top office shape.
Ergonomic Products
There are plenty of products out there to improve your workplace environment and promote top spine health. Consider an ergonomic chair, computer accessories, or sit-stand desk to help maintain proper posture.
These products can be adjusted and customized to your needs. They encourage healthy long-term habits that can reduce and prevent various types of injuries. Sit-to-stand desks allow transition from sitting to a standing position. Varying your posture throughout the day is highly beneficial to general health and even helps to burn extra calories.
These ergonomic products are for creating a healthy/safe work environment. Therefore take some time to research the product you are interested in before buying.� Here are a few questions to think about:
Do the manufacturer’s claims make sense or are too good to be true?
Is there evidence that can support their claims?
Is it a cheap knock-off? Knock off products should be avoided as they can worsen and create more injuries. However, when it comes to the brand name products, don’t go for the fully loaded models that could cost quite a bit, instead find something in the middle but that still meets ergonomic standards.
Are you comfortable using the product?
What do experts/reviews say about the product? If it’s not recommended then don’t use it.
Some products can feel strange or uncomfortable because they make you change the way you work. Don’t panic, as this is the point of the product that you have to get used to. But it will be beneficial to your overall health. However, if a product continues to feel uncomfortable or causes pain after short use, then discontinue using and try something else.
Improving spinal health and hygiene at work is as simple as taking breaks for light stretching, walking around, and utilizing ergonomic office products to stay fit and injury-free. Whatever you choose, understand how your back and neck are moving/functioning during the workday/night by using ergonomic practices that will keep your body/mind healthy and prevent office injuries.
Control *FOOT MOTION & POSTURE* with Functional Foot Orthotics | El Paso, Tx (2019)
NCBI Resources
Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that�s been in existence for many years. Keeping their work environments safe and efficient and traditionally concerned with factory workers, ergonomic professionals have expanded their work to include all types of workers from laborers to seniors to office workers & students.
It looks for means to improve our environment to lower the risks of illness and harm, enhance productivity, and improve the caliber of our work life.
Q: Dr. Jimenez, I have a question about degenerative disc disease, and that is can it cause nerve pain in the feet? El Paso, TX.
A: Yes in certain cases, degenerative disc disease (DDD) can cause nerve problems with the feet.
Degenerative disc disease, specifically of the lower spine, can cause nerve pain to radiate and spread into the feet from the spine.
Degenerative disc disease
Is a spine condition that’s caused by everyday wear and tear of the spine can lead to significant loss of disc height.
A disc can also herniate and push on the nerves that flow into the feet, and cause:
The wear and tear of the spine combined with a herniated disc can pinch the nerves that go to the feet.
There is a condition known as foraminal spinal stenosis when the spinal foramen or the small opening between the bones of the spine begins to narrow and tighten so the nerves get compressed and do not allow signals and chemicals to flow properly.
This could explain the pain or other symptoms in the foot.
DDD can cause nerve problems in the feet, back and chronic back pain is the most common symptom of degenerative disc disease.
Common degenerative disc disease symptoms
The pain increases when:
Sit down for a long time
The pain decreases with:
Lying down
Continually changing body positions
It’s important to remember that nerve issues with the feet are not always caused by spinal conditions, this could include
Depending on how severe the nerve problem is, there are a number of treatment options. These range from:
Chiropractic care
Physical therapy
Over-the-counter medication
Talk to a doctor or a chiropractor about the right treatment option for foot nerve pain. Whether it is caused by degenerative disc disease or some other condition.
These can help maintain a healthy weight, as being overweight puts extra pressure on the spine that leads to increased back pain. Consult with a registered dietitian or health coach to discuss the best foods for your diet.
A training regimen that incorporates aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises that can help manage degenerative disc symptoms.
A personal trainer or sports chiropractor that has experience rehabilitating patients with spine conditions. They can teach exercises that can help relieve pain and other symptoms.
They can develop a custom physical therapy program
Regular chiropractic and physical therapy can help restore proper body mechanics, proper posture, as well as, avoiding positions that cause pain.
Surgery is considered a last resort or if the condition is progressing and getting worse. If surgery is needed, your doctor will discuss the best treatment option for your condition.
Difference Foot Orthotics Make to *REDUCE FOOT PAIN* & Correct Posture | El Paso, TX.
NCBI Resources
Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining overall health and wellness. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can re-align the spine, and improve a patient�s strength, mobility, and flexibility.
Q: Recently diagnosed with a bulging disc at C5-C6, is there anything I can do at home to relieve my pain?
� El Paso, TX.
A: Great question because anyone that has woken up with a stiff neck can relate. This is the most common area of herniation in the neck. It is highly susceptible to regular wear and tear but poor neck posture, like looking down at a phone for too long and improper motion mechanics can also be a cause.
Taking care of yourself without having to go to the doctor is very important and it is critical to learn proper healing methods, and techniques.
Healthcare professionals will say that most of the healing takes place at home.
There are various ways to reduce pain at home, but remember that there is a point when symptoms do warrant professional medical attention.
Good news
Bulging and herniated discs typically heal within six months � and less than 10% ever need surgery.
Non-surgical treatment for cervical bulging discs is usually enough to relieve pain and the best part is that you can do many of these treatments yourself.
Under chiropractic/therapist supervision, these treatments can be utilized at home or with the assistance
Cervical pillow
A proper pillow will help improve the quality of sleep and also give the neck proper support and position to heal.
Herbal remedies
The natural approach to medications is also welcome. There are plenty of herbal supplements to help relieve pain. There is capsaicin cream, that you can apply and helps reduces pain.
Ice and heat therapy
Ice should be applied in a bag or towel for 15-20 minute intervals, two or three times daily. Heat treatment comes in the later stages of the therapy but follows the same on-off interval technique.
Over-the-Door Traction
This therapy is very effective in helping relieve pain and muscle spasms. Your head and neck are attached to a harness. This is connected to a rope that is connected to a pulley system that goes over a door at your home. Then while sitting, leaning back, or lying down you go through the exercise.
Motion exercises
These exercises help the neck recover its full range of motion. This prevents stiffness from setting in and also helps strengthen the muscles in the neck. A therapist or a chiropractor can show a variety of exercises depending on the area of injury/stiffness.
However, if the pain does not go away a physical therapist/chiropractor can be your best option. Passive physical therapy includes:
T.E.N.S electrical nerve stimulation
Mild neck traction
These treatment options are non-invasive and effectively help manage pain. It’s always important to remember that if your pain continues or starts to become worse tell your doctor and get medical attention.
Chiropractic Alignment
If the pain continues, then you may be referred to a chiropractor for spinal alignment.
Chiropractors are experts at treating neck conditions.� Aligning the cervical segments of the neck is a must as the injury can return if the cervical discs are not in proper alignment or even worsen. Chiropractic treatment can give relief and also stop cervical spine degeneration.
*Neck* Pain Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas
NCBI Resources
People have a 70% likelihood of developing neck pain lives and neck pain is an important issue affecting economic productivity in modern society. Neck pain is a work-related musculoskeletal disorder that can occur when a person works for a long time or at a high intensity. An increase in the number of individuals visiting hospitals with pain in the neck, upper extremities, and the head as a result of excessive tension. Home therapies can help reduce pain.
Increase in sports-related fractures among young and active people
Any type of bone fracture, especially when the spine is involved, comes with the most common and debilitating symptom is severe pain.
Managing pain correctly is vital to the proper healing of a fractured bone.
Unfortunately, the common treatments prescribed to manage fracture pain can cause significant side effects, especially when used beyond the short-term or acute phase of pain.
Bone fractures cannot be always be avoided, but when it comes to osteoporosis, everyone can take steps to help minimize the risk of developing the condition.
How to Prevent Osteoporosis and Bone Fracture
First, understand that osteoporosis is not a normal part of the aging process.
It is an irreversible and degenerative disease that causes bones to become porous over time.
Prevention should begin as early as possible, as this will benefit an individual later in life.
It’s never too late to begin taking steps!
Protecting the bones begins with the most important thing and that is diet.
Most individuals’ diet does not fill the recommended daily values of calcium and Vitamin D.
Both are essential for strong bone health and density.
Diet must be well-balanced with an abundance of:
Green leafy vegetables
Dairy sources high in calcium:
However, vitamin D is typically highest in sources of wild-caught fatty fish like salmon and tuna.
Regular exercise is the next important step to help reduce the risk and keep bones strong.
Do exercises that are both:
Weight-bearing (high/low-impact aerobics or walking/jogging)
Muscle-strengthening (weightlifting and exercise bands)
Yoga and Pilates can also help to improve:
These are essential in the prevention of bone fractures from falls.
Engage in exercise that you enjoy, this way you will stick with it on a regular basis.
Try for two to three sessions a week if you�re beginning and try to work up to five.
While diet and exercise are extremely important to prevent osteoporosis, there are some areas that should be removed from the lifestyle or limited.
These chemicals in bothcigarettes and heavy alcohol consumption are known to be significant contributors to bone loss.
Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic offers not only chiropractic treatment, but exercise, and diet programs set up by professional life/health coaches that are customized to each patient. Set up an appointment today, we can help!
Chronic Body Pain Treatment El Paso, TX Chiropractor
Aracely Norte suffered a slip-and-fall accident which tremendously limited her ability to work, affecting her quality of life. Due to the chronic pain she experienced, Aracely had difficulty engaging in her regular, everyday responsibilities. After her lawyer recommended Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor, Aracely found the relief she was looking for.
Chronic pain is a common issue that can occur due to a variety of reasons, including injuries and underlying conditions, however, chiropractic care can help eliminate chronic pain symptoms from the source.
NCBI Resources
As with most conditions, prevention is the most�effective treatment. If you have a family history or fall under any of the risk factors, there are things you can do to minimize the effects or prevent the conditions completely.
Your chiropractor can talk to you about lifestyle changes, exercise, and�diet�as well as supplements that you can take. Chiropractic adjustments can also be effective for many patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis as long as the chosen technique is a low force technique like Activator.
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