Back Clinic Posture Team. Posture is the position in which an individual holds their body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A proper posture visually reflects an individual’s health, ensuring the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. Throughout a collection of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez identifies the most common effects of improper posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance as well as enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing incorrectly can happen unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.
Setting spinal goals is important for an individual’s treatment plan to ensure a thorough and successful recovery following:
Spinal condition
When developing goals with a surgeon or spine specialist, utilizing a well-known method known as SMART is recommended. Individuals are encouraged to set goals to accomplish personal growth and improvement. It is a model for forming goals and objectives that for medical purposes include:
This could be fitness trackers, daily journaling – writing, video, health coach, etc.
Determine if the goal is achievable.
Figure out what tools or skill sets are needed to reach the goal.
Results-oriented goals.
Measure results or output, including accomplishments.
Time Frame
Set goals within a doable time frame.
Goal setting helps individuals monitor their progress when recovering from injury, surgery, and/or spinal conditions. Making goals smaller makes it easier to achieve improvements. It’s recommended to have a partner assistant during the goal-setting because the pain can compromise decision-making. Pain affects the mind’s abilities to assess improvement and treatment response rationally. Taking the most important goals and focusing on small building blocks helps individuals maintain motivation during a long recovery process.
Difference Between Goal Setting and Treatment
A standard treatment plan is structured for a specific result and is not set up for adjusting the way goal setting does. A treatment plan is created and prescribed to a patient with little patient input. Goal setting is a collaboration between a patient and a doctor setting objectives as stepping-off points to achieve goals. Goal setting empowers patients with education, skillsets, and tools to succeed and continue that mindset as their lives move on. Achieving short-term goals helps individuals reflect positively on small gains that set a solid foundation for more challenging future goals.
Spinal Treatment Goals
Goals are personalized/custom-tailored to the individual’s case and condition. For example, a patient could set a goal of returning to weekend sports activities. Therefore, achieving the goal could require the individual to engage in exercise five days a week for the next two weeks that could include physical therapy rehabilitation:
These activities are small goals that help the body adapt to handling additional physical stress.
Goal Setting When In Recovery
Spinal issues are dealt with by creating reasonable small objectives to reach a goal. SMART goal setting is an instrumental framework for medical providers to help identify what is important to the patient. Modifications on SMART goals can be done to adjust to the individual’s needs. Spinal goals help patients accomplish what is necessary, keeping them empowered and motivated.
Body Composition
Too Comfortable With Goals
An individual may have a great deal of success doing the same workouts initially but then notice they’re getting easier and are not seeing the same rate of progression. That same workout routine, same weights, and equipment will only go so far in goal achievement. In recovery, as the body gets stronger and fitness levels improve, it is recommended to consistently challenge yourself to avoid falling into a rehabilitation fitness plateau. Part of the recovery process is to change up workouts to challenge the body to achieve optimal health and healing. Individuals are recommended to:
Increase weight and or reps
Increase the amount of weight or the number of reps in each set.
Increase or decrease the tempo
Shorten the rest period between sets to keep the heart rate high or slow down to focus on muscle contraction.
Experiment with different types of workout sets
If you’ve been doing the same kinds of lifts, try drop sets, supersets, or AMRAP (as many reps as possible) to challenge your muscles differently.
Individuals doing high-intensity interval training are recommended to incorporate a long run or bike ride.
Changing the workout routine will keep challenging the body, which is great for health progress.
Alexanders, Jenny et al. “Goal setting practices used within anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation: An exploration of physiotherapists understanding, training, and experiences.” Musculoskeletal care vol. 19,3 (2021): 293-305. doi:10.1002/msc.1535
Bovend’Eerdt, Thamar J H et al. “Writing SMART rehabilitation goals and achieving goal attainment scaling: a practical guide.” Clinical rehabilitation vol. 23,4 (2009): 352-61. doi:10.1177/0269215508101741
Haas, B et al. “Rehabilitation goals of people with spinal cord injuries can be classified against the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for spinal cord injuries.” Spinal cord vol. 54,4 (2016): 324-8. doi:10.1038/sc.2015.155
Recovery and rehabilitation after spinal fusion surgery take time. Gentle yoga poses can help expedite recovery from spinal fusion surgery and are recommended in a rehabilitation program. The spine is the body’s central support structure that allows the body to stand upright, bend, and stay balanced. However, an individual may need to have vertebrae fused to repair painful back problems. Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that permanently connects/fuses two or more vertebrae into a single bone. The procedure is done to help:
Correct a deformity
Improve stability
Reduce pain
At the beginning of the recovery process, the doctor may recommend light physical activity like walking. As the spine continues to heal, moderate exercise is essential for optimal recovery. Doctors are recommending gentle yoga to increase mobility, flexibility and regain strength.
Gentle Yoga and Spine Surgery Recovery
Yoga has become a way to stretch the body, exercise, promote physical and mental well-being. There are different styles of yoga, ranging from gentle stretching to advanced poses. Yoga focuses on stretching, coordination, and balance. When stretching the body, the range of motion is improved. Yoga also helps improve balance and increases strength to reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Gentle yoga after spinal fusion benefits include:
Pain relief
Stress reduction
Improved mental health
Increased flexibility and strength
Improved balance
Increase in energy levels
Gentle yoga after surgery focuses on an improved range of motion/coordination of the arms and legs with the torso. This allows the spine to safely flex, not become stiff, and avoid strain, leading to fuller activity.
When To Begin Yoga After Spinal Fusion?
A reduced range of motion and loss of muscle mass is expected in the weeks and months following surgery. The healthcare/rehabilitation team will address this through exercise and physical therapy once the doctor clears the individual to begin rehabilitation training. The doctor will use some form of diagnostic imaging to determine if the vertebrae have fully fused before giving the ok for exercise. Most individuals can begin light physical activity four to six weeks after the procedure. If the fusion surgery was fused in only one place, individuals could start gentle yoga poses within two to three months. For a multi-level fusion surgery, individuals may need to wait four to six months after the procedure before they can safely begin.
Yoga Recovery Program
It’s essential to take it slow and steady when first beginning yoga after spinal fusion. As the body continues to heal, gradually add more challenging poses and stretches to the routine. This is a graduated recovery program separated into stages to help the individual build back strength and flexibility. In the first stages of recovery, gentle poses that have minimal effects on the spine are recommended. These include:
It’s crucial to listen to the body as a guide when moving through the poses, no matter what stage of recovery. The fusion needs time to heal and stabilize, so any poses that involve twisting movements and flexing should be avoided. Seek advice if there is confusion about how or whether or not to proceed. It is recommended to work with an experienced yoga teacher after spinal fusion. A knowledgeable instructor can guide with the poses, inform which poses to avoid and make modifications to get the most out of the gentle poses.
Body Composition
How Heat Affects Basal Metabolic Rate
Gender, height, and age influence Basal Metabolic Rate. These are factors individuals cannot control or change. However, individuals can increase the calories the body burns by regulating body temperature. Both the internal and external temperatures influence metabolic rate. The chemical reactions that contribute to metabolism happen more quickly if the temperature is higher, as the body works harder to restore normal temperature balance. For example, when a fever is present, the Basal Metabolic Rate will jump up to a much higher rate than usual to increase the speed of cellular metabolic reactions to combat the fever and get the body back to a healthy state. When it comes to external temperature, it’s only prolonged exposure to heat that raises the Basal Metabolic Rate.
Gillooly, James F, and Andrew P Allen. “Changes in body temperature influence the scaling of VO2max and aerobic scope in mammals.” Biology letters vol. 3,1 (2007): 99-102. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0576
Posture is how we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. A healthy posture is the correct alignment of the body supported by the right amount of muscle tension. Our everyday movements and activities affect the body’s alignment. A postural imbalance can impact the body’s health in various ways. It can cause:
General soreness
Back pain
Muscular pain
Digestive problems
Poor self-esteem
Unhealthy posture can increase the risk of spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, stress joints, and muscles, resulting in permanent damage if left untreated. The best way to prevent postural imbalances is to be aware of the causes utilize proper ergonomic and movement strategies that can help avoid these problems. As the everyday bad habits, behaviors, and activities are understood, it is much easier to prevent and correct them.
Everyday Posture Is Important
Specific muscles maintain the body’s posture, so we don’t have to think about it and constantly adjust. Muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are essential in maintaining healthy positions. When the muscles function correctly, the postural muscles prevent gravity from pushing the body forward. Postural muscles also maintain balance when moving. A healthy posture reduces strain on the supporting muscles and ligaments during everyday movement and weight-bearing activities. Engaging in healthy posture helps:
Keep the bones and joints in correct alignment so that the muscles function correctly.
Decrease the abnormal wearing of joints resulting in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.
Reduce the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, preventing injury.
Allow muscles to work more efficiently.
The body exert less energy.
Prevent muscle fatigue and muscle pain.
Prevent muscle strain and overuse disorders.
Unhealthy Posture
Unhealthy posture results when the body sits or stands with the spine in an abnormal position. When an individual practices unhealthy posture over a long period, it progressively leads to muscles and ligaments becoming elongated and weak, while others become short and tight. This creates a physical imbalance that leads to postural abnormalities like:
Individuals can begin to develop unhealthy habits that negatively impact their posture, like walking with their head looking towards the ground. This shifts the body out of alignment.
Sitting For Too Long
Spending too much time sitting even with the correct posture will impact the spine and muscles. It weakens the muscles, ligaments, and abdominals.
Carrying extra weight can force the spine into an awkward position. This is true for individuals with pot bellies, as it pulls the lower back forward, increasing the risk of lumbar lordosis.
Unhealthy Diet
If the spine does not have access to the vitamins and nutrients it needs, it can struggle to maintain its strength and flexibility. It is also more difficult for the body to repair damage to the spine’s muscles and ligaments.
Clothing and Footwear
Clothing and footwear can impact posture.
High heels, poor-fitting shoes, saggy jeans, large belts, heavy jackets, and other items can force the spine into an unnatural position.
These are fine to wear for short periods but avoid wearing them day in and day out.
Chiropractors specialize in issues affecting the spine, especially posture. They can:
Perform a postural examination involving a complete assessment of the musculoskeletal system to identify any joint misalignments and issues that affect soft tissue.
Perform adjustments of misaligned joints using various techniques.
Recommend stretches to loosen/lengthen tight muscles and strengthen weak ones, leading to improvements. A chiropractor will develop an effective stretching regimen to target the correct muscles.
Individuals who sit for extended periods, don’t exercise and don’t watch their diet can experience insulin resistance. Insulin resistance happens when insulin cannot transport excess blood sugar out of the blood and into the muscles. One study found that women who sat for eight hours a day had a higher chance of developing diabetes. Individuals with diabetes tend to have more fat within their bodies, particularly visceral fat, increasing insulin resistance potential. Individuals with diabetes experience a faster loss of muscle mass as they age, further intensifying symptoms and deterioration of body composition.
Feldman, Anatol G. “The Relationship Between Postural and Movement Stability.” Advances in experimental medicine and biology vol. 957 (2016): 105-120. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47313-0_6
Jaromi, Melinda et al. “Treatment and ergonomics training of work-related lower back pain and body posture problems for nurses.” Journal of clinical nursing vol. 21,11-12 (2012): 1776-84. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04089.x
Jung, Suk Hwa et al. “Visceral Fat Mass Has Stronger Associations with Diabetes and Prediabetes than Other Anthropometric Obesity Indicators among Korean Adults.” Yonsei medical journal vol. 57,3 (2016): 674-80. doi:10.3349/ymj.2016.57.3.674
Pope, Malcolm H et al. “Spine ergonomics.” Annual review of biomedical engineering vol. 4 (2002): 49-68. doi:10.1146/annurev.bioeng.4.092101.122107
The low back is made up of five vertebrae, L1 to L5. Pain in the low back is common, specifically because of all the sitting at work, school, and home. Individuals dealing with low back pain know how difficult it can be to sit without discomfort and have found that a low back support pillow can help.
Low Back Support Pillow
A lumbar pillow is a pillow that supports the low back region of the spine. Different types include:
Specially shaped pillows made from materials like memory foam.
Lumbar pillows can be used on any chair at the office or home.
They are also helpful for travel with small-sized versions that can be packed and easy to carry.
How Lumbar Pillows Help
According to the CDC, the average adult spends around 6.5 and 8 hours a day sitting. Constant sitting hurts the body, specifically the spine and the back muscles, and is a significant cause of muscle stress. Properly supporting the low back helps remove the stress and strain. A low back support pillow can help correct sitting posture.
Pillow Options
There are plenty of options for low-back support pillow shapes, sizes, fillings, and materials. These include:
Some look like a half-cylinder in shape, rectangular, and curved.
Personal preference and comfort are different for everybody, and it could take some trial and error to find the right lumbar pillow. Some pillows are customizable, allowing the ability to add or remove filling as needed. Talking with a spine specialist, orthopedist or chiropractor can help in figuring out what type is best. Pillows come in various price ranges, with some at $10-15, while others can cost $100 or more. However, any pillow that provides enough support for the low spine’s natural curvature can work. It is important to be comfortable and supported to prevent pain and injury no matter where you sit.
Body Composition
Fermentable and Nonfermentable Fiber
The entire body can host trillions of beneficial bacteria. The majority live in the intestines and are referred to as the gut microbiome. Also known as the forgotten organ, these bacteria have a say in the body’s composition and overall health. The beneficial bacteria thrive on fermentable fiber, and fermentation in the gut produces short-chain fatty acids like:
“Association Between Sitting Time and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors After Adjustment for Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cooper Center Longitudinal Study, 2010–2013.” Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA. December 2016.
“Workplace sitting is associated with self-reported general health and back/neck pain: a cross-sectional analysis in 44,978 employees.” BMC Public Health, London, UK. May 2021.
Most individuals don’t think about how they walk or whether they are walking with the correct posture. Knowing how to walk with the proper technique and posture can help:
Ensure the bones and joints maintain proper alignment.
Decrease abnormal wear and tear on the joints, muscles, and ligaments from awkward positions.
Prevent neck, back, hip, and leg pain.
Reduce muscle aches and fatigue.
Reduce injury risk.
Improve balance, stability, and mobility.
Walking with the correct technique and posture is not complicated but requires individuals to stay aware of standing and moving.
Correct Posture
Walking is a physical activity that involves the whole body. It helps to focus on each part of the body to understand how to walk correctly fully.
Focus on standing straight with the chin parallel to the ground and ears aligned above the shoulders.
Imagine the head being pulled gently upwards by an invisible string attached to the sky/ceiling.
This can help prevent dropping the head into the chest while walking.
Maintain eyes forward and gaze.
Focus on an area about 10 to 20 feet ahead when walking.
Straighten and Extend the Spine
Focus on extending the spine while walking.
Avoid slouching, hunching, or leaning forward. This stresses the back muscles.
Relaxed Shoulders Down and Back
The shoulders have a role with posture and technique. Shoulders that are tense or hunched forward can strain the muscles and joints in the shoulders, upper back, and neck. When walking, perform the following:
Raise the shoulders as high as they will go in a shrugging motion, then let them fall and relax.
Shoulder shrugs will help relieve tightness or tension.
This places the shoulders in a natural position that allows for easy arm movement.
Keep the shoulders loose and relaxed.
Shoulder shrugs while walking can help ensure that the shoulders are relaxed and in the correct position.
Swing the Arms
Walking correctly can be helped by gently swinging the arms back and forth at the sides.
Make sure to swing the arms from the shoulders, not from the elbows.
Do not swing the arms across the body.
Do not swing the arms up too high.
Keep them around the midsection, not around the chest.
Engage the Body’s Core
The core muscles have an essential role and help the body move with ease.
To prevent injury or overuse wear and tear on the muscles and joints, it is recommended to avoid the following:
Looking down too frequently
Looking down at the ground or phone too much places unnecessary strain on the neck.
Do not take long strides
The power comes from pushing off of the rear leg.
Overstriding places stress on the lower leg joints.
Rolling or swinging the hips
The hips should stay as level as possible.
This will help avoid back and shoulder strain.
Wearing the wrong shoes
Wear the right shoes when walking for more than a few minutes.
Shoes should fit comfortably.
Provide arch and heel support.
Well-cushioned to absorb the shock of the feet hitting the ground.
Benefits of Correct Posture
The physical and mental benefits of proper posture and optimal walking technique include:
Alleviation of muscle and joint pain
Walking properly will avoid placing unnecessary stress and strain on the muscles, ligaments, and joints.
Increased energy
Walking with incorrect/awkward posture can wear out the muscles faster, whereas walking with proper form helps conserve energy.
Improved breathing
Walking with the shoulders back allows the lungs to fill and expand fully. This makes breathing more manageable and efficient.
Improved circulation
When the body is properly aligned and moving correctly, it’s easier for the blood to circulate throughout the body.
Digestion improvement
When the internal organs are not compressed from awkward postures, the body digests food more efficiently and increases blood flow to the digestive tract.
Enhanced core strength
The abdominal muscles gain strength and power from walking correctly.
Reduced headaches
Keeping the head straight, not bending forward, can help reduce neck strain, leading to reduced headaches.
Improved balance
Correct posture improves balance and less prone to falling.
Correct gait and posture are not complicated but do take some practice to develop healthy habits. For any issues with gait or back problems, talk to a doctor, physical therapist, or chiropractor about technique improvement.
Body Composition
Ten-Thousand Steps Speed and Distance
Before deciding to put in the walking distance and time, speed also needs to be considered. Calories burned from walking depend on the intensity, or speed, of the walk. The average walking speed is about 3 miles per hour and the number of calories burned depends on walking speed.
A leisure 30-minute walk at two mph yields a burn of 102 calories
Moderate intensity of 3.5 mph in the same 30-minute walk increases to burn 157 calories.
The faster the pace, the greater the heart rate.
The more calories are burned covering the same distance.
However, reaching 10,000 steps can almost entirely be irrelevant if not careful with a stable caloric intake.
Buldt, Andrew K et al. “The relationship between foot posture and lower limb kinematics during walking: A systematic review.” Gait & posture vol. 38,3 (2013): 363-72. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.01.010
Common posture mistakes and fixes. (2019).
The cost of being on your toes. (2010).
Hackford, Jessie et al. “The effects of walking posture on affective and physiological states during stress.” Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry vol. 62 (2019): 80-87. doi:10.1016/j.jbtep.2018.09.004
Perfecting your walking technique. (n.d.).
Posture exercises: It is easy to get into the bad habit of poor/improper posture, especially at work where an individual gets into a groove and continues without thinking about their posture. Not until discomfort and pain begin to present do individuals start thinking about what is causing the issues. This usually includes:
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Neck pain
Tight/Compressed spine
They don’t realize that all these issues are brought on by prolonged sitting and practicing improper posture. Individuals that practice proper posture:
Sleep better
Move better
Have reduced to no aches and pains
Digestion improves
Organ function improves
Have better overall health
Being aware of proper posture is the first step in being able to maintain it. When you feel the spine starting to curve, shoulders hunching, or the back sway, stop and take a moment to reposition the body back into proper alignment.
Seated Posture
Proper posture means sitting, standing, or walking in a position with little to no strain on the body’s muscles and ligaments. Good seated position means:
Sitting with the back straight and shoulders back.
Having all of the natural curves of the spine in alignment.
Keeping the knees bent at a right angle with the feet flat on the floor.
The weight is distributed evenly to both hips.
Keep the arms at 90 degrees to the torso, using the armrests or on a desk.
When looking at a computer monitor, keep it at a position where you are looking straightforward.
Use a chair with lower back support.
Even when sitting with good posture, it’s important to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes.
Regularly stand up, walk around, and stretch out.
Posture Exercises
Posture exercises will help to strengthen the back, neck, and shoulders. They also help as a reminder for maintaining good posture throughout the day.
Shoulder Lift and Release
When sitting down for long periods, individuals tend to develop hunched shoulders. It is caused by an imbalance of muscles in the neck and upper back. Specific muscles in the neck, specifically the pectoralis major and minor, become shortened and tight. The other muscles in the upper back, the trapezius,latissimus dorsi, and rhomboids, weaken and stretch out. These muscles can be stimulated by stretching throughout the day.
Sit in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and spine straight.
Pull the shoulders up towards the ceiling.
Hold them there for three to five seconds.
Let the shoulders drop.
It is recommended to repeat 5 to 6 times every hour.
Shoulder rolls
Another exercise for avoiding rounded/hunched shoulders.
Sit in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and spine straight.
Take a breath in.
Lift the shoulders towards the ears.
Move the shoulders back.
Squeeze the shoulder blades together.
On the exhale, finish the rotation by dropping the shoulders back to a neutral position.
Repeat 5 to 6 times every hour.
The exercise can be done in the opposite direction.
Neck rolls
Forward head posture, aka text neck, can develop. Neck rolls are recommended throughout the day.
Lean your head towards the right shoulder.
Relax the neck and let your head roll towards your chest.
Continue rolling your head towards the left and up and around back to the starting position.
Perform at least 3-4 neck rolls every few hours.
Repeat the exercise and change direction.
Trapezius stretch
The trapezius is a major muscle group in the upper-middle section of the back and the neck. The trapezius is responsible for moving the shoulder blades and extending the neck. Stretching these muscles regularly will help maintain good posture.
Sit in your chair with the spine straight and feet flat on the ground.
Place the right hand over the top of your head.
Gently pull your head towards the right shoulder.
Perform one to three times for each side.
Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
Arm rotations
This exercise can help maintain back and shoulder alignment. This can be performed sitting or standing.
Stretch out the arms to the sides with palms facing downward.
While keeping the spine straight, move the arms in small circles.
Perform ten repetitions rotating the arms forward, then backward.
Perform 3-4 sets.
Doing these posture exercises at your workstation regularly will help improve and maintain proper posture and minimize the risk of back, neck, and shoulder pain.
Body Composition
Fitness for Long-Term Health
Muscle building isn’t only for bodybuilders and athletes. Everyone can benefit from building their Lean Body Mass for long-term health. It is crucial to monitor Lean Body Mass changes by having body composition measured. Body composition analysis divides the body’s weight into various components.
Fat Mass
Lean Body Mass
Basal Metabolic Rate
This will give a clearer picture of overall fitness and health.
Building Lean Body Mass is an investment in the body’s future. The more LBM that is built, the more is in reserve when the body needs it. But before adding protein shakes and resistance workouts to the daily regimen, there needs to be a plan. The first step to building healthy lean body mass is to measure how much there is with a body composition analysis.
Biswas A, Oh PI, Faulkner GE, et al. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:123-132. doi:10.7326/M14-1651. Accessed January 7, 2017.
Fortner, Miles O et al. “Treating ‘slouchy’ (hyperkyphosis) posture with chiropractic biophysics®: a case report utilizing a multimodal mirror image® rehabilitation program.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 29,8 (2017): 1475-1480. doi:10.1589/jpts.29.1475
Wolfe, Robert R. “The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease.” The American journal of clinical nutrition vol. 84,3 (2006): 475-82. doi:10.1093/ajcn/84.3.475
APT is short for anterior pelvic tilt. APT is when the pelvis tilts more down than forward, which can cause strain on the surrounding muscles and the spine to hold the torso up. The body’s own anatomical structure causing the condition and/or part of a bad habit that an individual has grown accustomed to. This can be from injury/s, back, and/or hip pain causing an individual to take on awkward postures to compensate for the discomfort and try and avoid it. However, these unhealthy postures cause their own set of musculoskeletal problems. Addressing this form of poor posture can help reduce and alleviate low back and hip pain and prevent further injuries. Chiropractic can pinpoint an anterior pelvic tilt and fix it.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
What happens is the pelvis becomes tilted or rotated forward. Place the hands, specifically the fingertips, on the hips. There are bone ridges. These are the iliac crests. If they’re facing more toward the ground than directly forward, this could be an anterior pelvic tilt. It usually happens when the hip flexors become tight and pull the pelvis down. Another contributor is the glute and hamstring muscles have weakened and are not strong enough to counteract the forward pulling. This can be caused by sitting for long periods, poor posture, and for women who wear high heels regularly. These contribute to tightening the hip flexors and the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.
An anterior pelvic tilt causes an increase in the curve of the lower back. It can feel like the hip flexors are tightening up. It typically affects the lower back at the lowest two levels, which are L4-5 and L5-S1. There can be long-term issues if an anterior pelvic tilt is left untreated. The spine becomes more vulnerable to disc issues that can include:
An anterior pelvic tilt is a repairable condition. Several exercises can help loosen/relax the hip flexors and strengthen the core and posterior muscle chain. This in addition to walking and reducing wearing high heels regularly. A few exercises for anterior pelvic tilt.
The Tail Tuck
This is literally trying to tilt the tailbone forward, like tucking in an imaginary tail. This can be done for 10-12 reps and up to 3 times.
Core-strengthening exercises can help with all types of back and hip problems. If possible, do the exercises in front of a mirror to ensure no arching of the back or the butt sticking out. If it is too difficult on the hands, go to the elbows. If there are wrist or shoulder issues, planks can be done on a raised surface, like a table or couch. Hold as long as possible, maintaining proper form. Start with 10-30 seconds and build up to minutes.
Strengthening the Glutes
It is recommended to strengthen the glute muscles. This can be done with exercises like clams or side-stepping with resistance bands. For clams, lie on the side and raise each leg up and down 10-12 times, up to 3 sets. For side-stepping, place resistance bands around the ankle/shin area and step to the side for 8-10 steps. Then go the other direction for the same number of steps. Repeat up to 3 sets.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Lunge forward while standing or lunge and kneel with the other leg on the ground. Then move the torso back a little and engage the core to stretch the hip flexors in the front of the thigh/pelvis area. Hold for 30 seconds, then release. Repeat 3-5 times per leg.
These exercises can help, but if there is no progress around a month, contact a qualified chiropractor or physical therapist for further instruction and supervision. Also, if any neurological symptoms present like:
Shooting pain
See a doctor as soon as possible.
Fixing posture-related problems require individuals to learn to be posture aware along with making some lifestyle adjustments. One way to do these exercises is to tack them onto a workout. Also, set reminders on a calendar to get up, stretch, and move around if sitting most of the day.
Body Composition Health
Difference between Processed sugar and Natural sugar
There are different types of sugar. There are natural sugars that are found in:
Whole grains
All sugar is broken down into glucose. However, foods that contain natural sugar are also rich in nutrients, including:
All which the body requires for optimal health.
Natural sugar does not lead to excess sugar intake; it happens with processed sugar. Processed sugar is extracted from sugarcane or sugar beet and is normally found as sucrose. This is present in cakes, cookies, cereal, and beverages. Processed sugar is also hidden in foods that are not sweet, like:
Microwave meals
Spaghetti sauce
Low-fat yogurt
Sports drinks
Foods that contain processed sugar are an energy source, but they contain little or no nutrients and can cause blood sugar levels to spike. In addition, consuming too much sugar is linked to an increased risk of:
Accelerated aging
Weight gain
Research has found that added sugar contributes to around 17% of the total calorie intake for adults. The recommended daily amount of calories from added sugar is 10%.
Azaïs-Braesco, Véronique et al. “A review of total & added sugar intakes and dietary sources in Europe.” Nutrition journal vol. 16,1 6. 21 Jan. 2017, doi:10.1186/s12937-016-0225-2
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