Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).
Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.
Can knowing the characteristics of each stage of healing help expedite recovery for individuals who are healing after neck and back injuries?
Back or Neck Injury Healing Stages
At each stage, different things happen at the injury site. This means recommended exercises and activity levels will vary depending on how long it’s been since the injury. The stages to know about when healing from a neck or back injury. (Brumitt J., and Cuddeford T. 2015)
Inflammation or Acute Stage
Also known as the inflammatory stage, the acute stage occurs during the injury and can continue for 72 hours. The body releases repair chemicals in response to tissue damage, causing inflammation and pain. Symptoms of inflammation, including redness, swelling, pain at rest, and diminished function, are expected. Inflammation and pain during the inflammation stage are caused by the body’s repair chemicals released in response to tissue damage. (Wu, Y. S. and Chen S. N. 2014) The biological reaction decreases mobility so the injured area can rest and heal, but the substances that promote healing also cause pain and swelling. (Shah A. and Amini-Nik S. 2017) Scar tissue also begins to form during the inflammatory stage. (Wilgus T. A. 2020) Initial treatment focuses on reducing pain, swelling, and muscle spasms. Individuals are encouraged to use ice packs, compression, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen. (Duchesne E., Dufresne S. S., and Dumont N. A. 2017)
Subacute Stage
Inflammation decreases, and new connective tissue and capillaries grow to help repair damaged structures. The subacute phase generates new connective tissue and capillary growth and reduced inflammation. (Brumitt J., and Cuddeford T. 2015) Scar tissue continues to grow during this time, as well. The tissues are still fragile at this stage, stressing the injured area should be limited to when the therapist or doctor is examining or working with the patient. Most physical therapists recommend beginning with gentle movement during the subacute phase and gradually building up the intensity of exercise. Mild isometric and low-intensity exercises are often used. Because activity is restricted, the muscles may seem weak. Depending on the severity of the injury and the type of tissue that was injured (i.e., tendons have less blood circulation and tend to heal more slowly, it can take a few days to several weeks. (Brumitt J., and Cuddeford T. 2015)
The Chronic Stage or Maturation
The inflammation disappears entirely during the chronic or maturation stage of neck or back injury healing. The new collagen fibers build strength, and the wound shrinks. (Brumitt J., and Cuddeford T. 2015) During this stage, pain associated with the injury tends to be limited to the end joint’s range of motion. The first ten weeks of the chronic stage are essential for engaging in exercises that enhance healing and help remodel the fibers so they will function as close as possible to the way they did before the injury. (Azevedo P. S. et al., 2016) Exercises during the ten weeks are important because otherwise, individuals can permanently lose some of their ability to move and function.
After around ten weeks, the scar tissue can permanently change, so re-acquiring strength and flexibility may necessitate surgery or manual release treatment from a physical therapist or chiropractor. During this time, the scar tissue can be remodeled with exercise, meaning that the activities and motions performed on the injured area will affect the formation of new tissue fibers. The chronic stage of healing begins after 21 days and doesn’t end after the 10-week prime time (Brumitt J., and Cuddeford T. 2015). It can continue for quite some time.
Treatment focuses on engaging the injured muscles in light isometric contractions to help align new collagen fibers. Physical therapy helps rebuild mobility, strength, balance, and flexibility and can also help learn about injury and how to recover. A treatment that may also help during these phases is massage therapy. Extended bed rest or immobility can prolong symptoms and delay recovery. Tips to manage pain and recovery:
When sitting for long periods, get up and move around frequently.
Wear comfortable shoes.
When driving long distances, stop frequently to stand up and walk around.
Sleep on the side with a small pillow between the knees.
Limit how much weight is carried.
Add exercises gradually.
Most symptoms of back strain or sprain improve in about two weeks. Individuals may need additional treatment if symptoms continue for longer than two weeks. Maintaining exercises will continue to make the body stronger, more flexible, more functional, and pain-free.
Chiropractic Care for Healing After Trauma
Brumitt, J., & Cuddeford, T. (2015). CURRENT CONCEPTS OF MUSCLE AND TENDON ADAPTATION TO STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING. International journal of sports physical therapy, 10(6), 748–759.
Wu, Y. S., & Chen, S. N. (2014). Apoptotic cell: linkage of inflammation and wound healing. Frontiers in pharmacology, 5, 1.
Shah, A., & Amini-Nik, S. (2017). The Role of Phytochemicals in the Inflammatory Phase of Wound Healing. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(5), 1068.
Wilgus T. A. (2020). Inflammation as an orchestrator of cutaneous scar formation: a review of the literature. Plastic and aesthetic research, 7, 54.
Duchesne, E., Dufresne, S. S., & Dumont, N. A. (2017). Impact of Inflammation and Anti-inflammatory Modalities on Skeletal Muscle Healing: From Fundamental Research to the Clinic. Physical therapy, 97(8), 807–817.
Azevedo, P. S., Polegato, B. F., Minicucci, M. F., Paiva, S. A., & Zornoff, L. A. (2016). Cardiac Remodeling: Concepts, Clinical Impact, Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Treatment. Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 106(1), 62–69.
For individuals who enjoy walking for exercise and health, can knowing when to replace walking shoes help protect their feet and prevent musculoskeletal injuries?
Replacing Walking Shoes
The best walking shoes must be replaced to ensure musculoskeletal health and prevent injuries. Wearing worn-out shoes during prolonged standing, distance walking or running, and high-impact workouts can exacerbate lower back stiffness, soreness, and pain. Comfortable walking shoes offer substantial support and superior cushioning, working to alleviate discomfort and prevent injury. However, they break down cushioning and support with each step. When an individual walks or runs 500 miles, most athletic shoes are ready for replacement and should be recycled or saved for non-exercise purposes.
Most athletic shoes are built to last 350 to 500 miles. (Cook, S. D., Kester, M. A., and Brunet, M. E. 1985) Walkers’ feet don’t impact their feet as hard as runners’, but individuals are unlikely to feel support and cushioning past 500 miles. Weight is also a factor; the more an individual weighs, the faster their shoes wear down.
It is recommended that individuals who walk 30 minutes daily or an average of three to four hours a week replace their shoes every six months.
Individuals who walk 60 minutes daily or seven hours weekly replace their shoes every three months.
Replace walking shoes every three to six months or every 500 miles.
Shoe Wear
When athletic shoes are glued together, they start to wear from the factory to the stores as the adhesive dries out. The air pockets in the cushioning slowly begin to dissipate. Walking shoes are often on sale when old models are discontinued and may already be over a year old. To get the longest life, buy the current model and ask staff how long they have been on the shelf.
Shoe Care
Shoes can last longer by following a few guidelines:
Use walking Shoes only for Walking Exercise
It is recommended not to wear them for daily use.
Use them only for walking.
Wearing them all day exposes them to foot moisture and bacteria, breaking them down faster.
Air Out Shoes Between Uses
Store walking shoes where they are exposed to air so they can dry out completely between uses.
Keeping them in a gym bag won’t allow them to breathe.
Wash Shoes and Air Dry
When washing walking shoes, use gentle soap and cold water to prevent the glue from breaking down.
Always air dry rather than placing them in a dryer.
Avoid heat, as this will contribute to faster glue breakdown.
Replace the Insoles
Individuals who prefer custom insoles should replace them each time shoes are replaced.
However, changing the insole is not a substitute for replacing the shoe.
Cushioning insoles do not provide the same support.
A new insole will not fix a broken-down walking shoe.
Rotate Walking Shoes
Alternate walking shoes every one to two months. The feet sense the difference when the older pair begins to break down. For individuals who walk one or more times daily, alternating shoes allow each pair to dry out fully between uses. Having two pairs of walking shoes to alternate will keep you from replacing them more frequently.
Signs It’s Time
Many wait until their shoes look worn out, with holes and torn laces, before considering replacing them. Here are a few guidelines for when to replace walking shoes:
Worn Tread
Many of today’s walking shoes change color through the sole to alert the individual.
If green turns to pink or some other combination, it’s time to replace the shoes.
Overpronation or Supination
This can lead to the heel of the shoe being worn down on one side more than the other.
This can affect your gait, making it important to replace your walking shoe.
Wrinkles On The Side or Bottom Of The Sole
The breakdown of support and cushioning can cause this.
Weak Ankle Support
This is usually from the uppers being broken down around the ankle.
Wear Patterns
Where and how the soles and heels of walking shoes are worn can tell a foot and shoe professional which shoes the individual should wear. It is recommended that used shoes be taken to the shoe store. They can indicate overpronation, a neutral gait, or supination.
The risks of wearing worn-out walking shoes include:
Lack of cushioning and support can lead to foot, knee, or leg pain.
Individuals who notice new soreness and aches may indicate that the shoes need replacing.
Keeping one or two pairs of used walking shoes is great for household chores. They can also be recycled or donated. Recycled walking shoes are used to make playground and track surfaces. Look for a shoe bin at a community recycling center or athletic shoe store. Shoes in decent condition can be donated to charity clothing centers.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, our areas of practice include Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain, Personal Injury, Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sports Injuries, Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Complex Injuries, Stress Management, Functional Medicine Treatments, and in-scope care protocols. We focus on what works for you to achieve improvement goals and create an improved body through research methods and total wellness programs. If other treatment is needed, individuals will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited to their injury, condition, and/or ailment.
Custom Foot Orthotics Benefits
Cook, S. D., Kester, M. A., & Brunet, M. E. (1985). Shock absorption characteristics of running shoes. The American journal of sports medicine, 13(4), 248–253.
Rethnam, U., & Makwana, N. (2011). Are old running shoes detrimental to your feet? A pedobarographic study. BMC research notes, 4, 307.
Therapeutic massage guns are great for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Can daily massage gun use be incorporated into a daily routine?
Daily Massage Gun Use
Athletes or individuals participating in recreational sports and exercise may want to consider adding a massage gun to their daily routine. Massage guns create short, repeated bursts of pressure on certain areas of the body. Most massage guns have multiple settings to allow for different preferences and levels of intensity. They can help by warming up the muscles and during recovery. While the benefits are still being researched, daily massage gun therapy can improve the quality of physical activity, exercise, and life.
Because massage guns work by softly and repeatedly stimulating or massaging the muscles, they are gentle enough to use daily as long as they are used correctly. They offer several benefits, including increasing physical ability and reducing recovery time. One study found that consistently using a massage gun increased the quality of life in fibromyalgia patients, indicating potential beyond exercise and sports. (Kraft, K., Kanter, S., and Janik, H. 2013) Some of the benefits include:
Decrease Muscle Soreness
Delayed-onset muscle Soreness/DOMS is a feeling of soreness experienced after a workout or intense manual labor. An example is waking up and feeling sore from work or exercising the previous day (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024). A study compared the effectiveness of vibration and massage therapy on DOMS. Both were found to be equally effective in preventing delayed onset muscle soreness. (Imtiyaz, S., Veqar, Z., and Shareef, M. Y. 2014)
Help Prevent Muscle Fatigue
Muscle fatigue occurs when the muscles are overworked and cannot function. Reduced muscle performance can lead to shorter workouts and injuries. A study on non-athletic males found that massage therapy helped prevent or reduce muscle fatigue. Researchers also found that different massage gun settings prevented or prolonged the onset of muscle fatigue. (Otadi, K. et al., 2019)
Increase Range of Motion
Range of motion/ROM describes the flexibility of a muscle or joint in the body. When engaging in physical activity or exercise, it is vital to know and consider the range of motion of the joints to ensure proper form and decrease the risk of injury. One study found that massage therapy can improve joint performance by increasing an individual’s range of motion. (Lyu, B. J. et al., 2020) The performance of the joints depends in part on the muscles that expand and contract to move it. Another research study found that a five-minute massage on certain muscle groups improved muscle performance and range of motion. (Konrad, A. et al., 2020)
Increase Muscle Strength and Endurance
Muscle strength and endurance are key components of a healthy musculoskeletal system and are essential to avoid straining or overworking muscles. Muscle strength describes the immediate performance of a muscle or muscle group, and muscle endurance describes how long performance can be sustained. (Lyu, B. J. et al., 2020) Massage therapy has been shown to improve muscle strength and endurance by helping increase immediate performance and the number of repetitions an individual can endure. (García-Sillero, M. et al., 2021)
Improve Agility
Agility is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and quickly change directions while maintaining proper posture. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024) It is a skill that needs to be developed. One study found that engaging in massage therapy before a workout could improve agility. (Lyu, B. J. et al., 2020)
Daily Use
A massage gun is safe to use daily as long as it is used properly. Using a massage device correctly will improve effectiveness and prevent discomfort or injury. Recommended daily usage of a massage gun includes:
Set the massage gun to the lowest setting.
Use a light touch.
Adjust the speed to comfort level, ensuring there is no pain.
Focus the massage gun on an area for 10 to 30 seconds.
Hover it across the muscle or tendon to allow the vibrations to do their job.
Do this over the desired areas as part of a warm-up and cool-down.
While massage guns are useful for warmups and workout recovery, they should be used cautiously. Individuals should use massage guns over muscles and not on bony or sensitive areas. Individuals should avoid massaging around vital organs and/or inflamed body areas as these areas could cause a jarring or uncomfortable sensation and lead to injury. If the massage gun is causing bruising, sensitivity, or discomfort, stop using it and allow the body to recover before trying again. If pain persists, talk to a healthcare provider or a physical therapist. They can determine what is causing issues, whether a massage gun is being used correctly, and whether it is an appropriate self-care treatment for the individual. There are situations where using a massage gun is not advised. Individuals should talk to a healthcare provider before using the device if they have any of the following:
Have a musculoskeletal condition like osteoporosis or arthritis.
Take blood thinners.
Have anemia.
Have other blood-related conditions.
Are older than 65.
Take several medications.
Have a broken bone or a fracture.
Have varicose veins or a history of deep vein thrombosis.
Using a massage gun can help improve performance and reduce recovery time and can be incorporated into a daily routine.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic treats patients’ injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored to the individual. We use in-person and virtual health coaching and comprehensive care plans to ensure every patient’s care and wellness outcomes. Our providers use an integrated approach to create customized care plans that include Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Our goal is to relieve pain naturally by restoring health and function to the body. Patients who need other treatment will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited for them. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premier rehabilitation providers to provide our community with the best clinical treatments.
Enhance Your Lifestyle With Chiropractic!
Kraft, K., Kanter, S., & Janik, H. (2013). Safety and effectiveness of vibration massage by deep oscillations: a prospective observational study. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2013, 679248.
Imtiyaz, S., Veqar, Z., & Shareef, M. Y. (2014). To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage in Prevention of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 8(1), 133–136.
Otadi, K., Ghasemi, M., Jalaie, S., Bagheri, H., Azizian, M., Emamdoost, S., Sarafraz, H., & Sepahvand, M. (2019). A prophylactic effect of local vibration on quadriceps muscle fatigue in non-athletic males: a randomized controlled trial study. Journal of physical therapy science, 31(3), 223–226.
Lyu, B. J., Lee, C. L., Chang, W. D., & Chang, N. J. (2020). Effects of Vibration Rolling with and without Dynamic Muscle Contraction on Ankle Range of Motion, Proprioception, Muscle Strength and Agility in Young Adults: A Crossover Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 354.
Konrad, A., Glashüttner, C., Reiner, M. M., Bernsteiner, D., & Tilp, M. (2020). The Acute Effects of a Percussive Massage Treatment with a Hypervolt Device on Plantar Flexor Muscles’ Range of Motion and Performance. Journal of sports science & medicine, 19(4), 690–694.
García-Sillero, M., Jurado-Castro, J. M., Benítez-Porres, J., & Vargas-Molina, S. (2021). Acute Effects of a Percussive Massage Treatment on Movement Velocity during Resistance Training. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(15), 7726.
Can the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire help assess how low back pain impacts individuals’ ability to perform everyday tasks and activities and help physical therapists incorporate the outcome measure into an effective treatment plan?
Oswestry Disability Questionnaire
The Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, also known as the Oswestry Disability Index, provides objective data about an individual’s lower back pain. It determines the severity of the pain and how much it limits their daily activities. The questionnaire is a validated measure backed by research that can be used to justify the need for medical treatment. It includes questions regarding the symptoms and severity of low back pain and how these symptoms interfere with regular activities. Lower back pain can result from various causes (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2020)
Arthritis, including inflammatory types of arthritis like psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Lumbar vertebrae compression fractures – usually from trauma or osteoporosis.
Low back surgery – including spinal fusions, discectomies, and laminectomies.
Spinal stenosis
How The Questionnaire Works
The Oswestry Disability Questionnaire consists of 10 questions about the impact of lower back pain on daily life. The questions are divided into the following categories: (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, N.D.)
Pain Intensity
How intense is the pain?
If painkillers are used, how much symptom relief do they provide?
Personal Care
Can the patient perform self-care activities like bathing and dressing when experiencing significant pain or limitations?
Whether physical assistance from another person is needed?
Can the patient lift objects like weights with or without pain?
Can lifting be performed from the floor or a higher surface like a table if the objects are light, moderate, or heavy?
If and to what extent does the pain limit the patient’s walking distance and independence?
If an assistive device like a cane or crutches are needed?
If so, how much pain limits the patient’s sitting tolerance?
If so, how much pain limits the patient’s standing tolerance?
If so, how much pain limits a patient’s sleeping duration?
Whether pain medication is needed to help the patient sleep comfortably?
Social Life
If and to what extent a patient’s social activities are limited because of pain symptoms?
If so, to what extent does pain limit a patient’s ability to travel?
Employment and/or Homemaking Duties
Does pain limit a patient’s ability to perform job-related and/or household activities, including physically demanding and light duties?
Patients self-report the information and complete it on their own based on their understanding of the extent of their lower back pain and disability.
Each question can be scored between 0 and 5, with 0 indicating no limitations and 5 indicating complete disability.
The scores from all the questions are added together for a cumulative total score of 50 points.
The Oswestry Disability Questionnaire assesses how much a patient’s lower back pain limits daily activities. This information is used in clinical documentation for medical services. A higher score indicates a greater level of disability, according to the following scoring criteria:
0–4: No disability
5–14: Mild disability
15–24: Moderate disability
25–34: Severe disability
35–50: Completely disabled
Physical therapists must create individualized goals for each patient to develop a treatment plan and receive authorization from insurance companies. One of the most important aspects of a physical therapy goal is that it must be measurable. The Oswestry Disability Questionnaire provides a numerical score to track functional limitations and monitor the range of motion and strength testing. A baseline measurement is taken at the beginning of treatment, and progress is tracked in follow-up visits. A new score is used as a treatment goal. According to a study, the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire is 12.88. The MCID is the minimum score healthcare providers need to confirm a patient’s progress in function due to treatment. (Johnsen, L. G. et al., 2013)
By tracking changes in the total score before, during, and after treatment, healthcare providers can better assess whether treatment improves symptoms. A decrease in total score by 13 points or more would indicate that treatment is helping to improve a patient’s lower back pain and level of disability. Along with physical examination results, the patient’s score and the severity of symptoms can help healthcare providers determine an appropriate treatment plan.
No Disability
Treatment is unnecessary other than providing advice for lifting mechanics and general physical activity to maintain health.
Mild Disability
Conservative measures, such as physical therapy, exercise, hot or cold therapy, pain medication, and rest, are needed to help alleviate symptoms.
Moderate Disability
More aggressive intervention is needed, which can include extensive physical therapy services and pain management.
Severe Disability
Significant medical intervention is needed, including surgery, pain management, equipment like wheelchairs, and help from a caretaker.
Completely Disabled
Patients are either bedbound or have worsening symptoms, and a caretaker is needed to complete daily activities and self-care tasks.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Improvements in range of motion, strength, and quality of movement and a decrease in total score can help show the treatment’s positive impact in managing lower back pain. A thorough medical exam and diagnostic tests, such as X-ray, MRI, or EMG, can help determine the underlying causes, discover the cause of the problem, and develop an effective treatment plan. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. Using an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes to improve flexibility, mobility, and agility and help individuals return to normal activities. Our providers use Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers.
Johnsen, L. G., Hellum, C., Nygaard, O. P., Storheim, K., Brox, J. I., Rossvoll, I., Leivseth, G., & Grotle, M. (2013). Comparison of the SF6D, the EQ5D, and the oswestry disability index in patients with chronic low back pain and degenerative disc disease. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 14, 148.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking health care. Individuals dealing with back pain but don’t know the cause may have some inflammatory joint disease or autoimmune condition. Can seeing a rheumatologist help?
Depending on what’s causing the back pain, individuals may need to see their primary doctor for a referral. Individuals are recommended to see a rheumatologist if they have back pain that doesn’t come from an injury that doesn’t go away after a few weeks, pain that comes back after treatment, or symptoms that suggest a rheumatic condition. Rheumatologists treat severe or persistent back pain and are experts in autoimmune diseases, including lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, axial spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, and other forms of inflammatory or autoimmune arthritis.
What Do They Do?
A rheumatologist is an internist or pediatrician who has completed special training in treating conditions that are:
Related to painful joint disease
The doctors diagnose, treat, and manage these conditions long-term. Depending on diagnosis and care needs, they may also lead or be part of a team that includes other healthcare providers.
When muscles ache, pain presents, or joints hurt, and especially if there are signs of inflammation that don’t go away, seeing a healthcare provider is recommended. Symptoms of inflammation include:
Loss of joint function
Usually, to see a rheumatologist, individuals need a referral from their primary care provider and may be referred when:
There is no evidence of a back injury.
At-home therapies like heat application, prescription medications, or physical therapy are unsuccessful.
There is uncertainty about what’s causing the back pain, but I suspect it’s rheumatological.
Blood tests for inflammatory markers or certain antibodies yield abnormal results.
There is a diagnosis of a rheumatic condition and recommend a specialist to manage it.
There is a family history of a rheumatic or autoimmune condition that may cause back pain.
Some types of arthritis can cause permanent, progressive joint damage.
Conditions that can affect the spine and cause back pain and are treated by a rheumatologist include: (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
This often starts in smaller joints of the hands and feet and later moves to the neck and/or back.
It can also affect different body organs and have systemic symptoms.
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
Primarily a disease of the spine, it may also impact the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles.
Systemic symptoms, including fever and fatigue, can manifest.
Axial Spondylitis
This primarily affects the spine, chest, and pelvis.
It may also cause problems with the connective tissue, eyes, bowel, and skin.
Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)
Pain in the lower back is common, especially in severe cases.
It can affect other joints and cause psoriasis.
Reactive Arthritis
This is a reaction to infection.
It is more common in the limbs, hands, and feet joints but can involve the spine.
Enteropathic Arthritis
This mainly affects the spine but can include other joints.
It is associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Autoimmune diseases that don’t specifically target the spine but can also cause back pain include:
Sjögren’s syndrome
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Finding a Doctor
Individuals may be fine with their primary healthcare provider’s choice regarding which rheumatologist to see. However, they may want to research other options to ensure the right rheumatologist is chosen. Things to look at include:
Search online medical directories.
Visit the websites of the doctors being considered to learn more about their training, approach, and specialties.
Check online reviews.
Check on health insurance coverage.
Ask members of the healthcare team, friends, and family for recommendations.
Contact rheumatologists’ offices to see if they are accepting new patients.
Once decided, pass along the information to the primary care doctor so they can make the referral.
Preparing For The Initial Visit
Before seeing a new rheumatologist, take a few minutes to prepare so you can make the most of the appointment. Individuals will want to have:
A list of back-related symptoms, including frequency and severity.
A list of what makes symptoms better or worse.
A copy of recent test results and records from other doctors.
Individuals can ask their provider/s to send their medical information to the rheumatologist’s office in advance.
A list of treatments that have been tried and how well they worked.
A list of all medications, over-the-counter and prescription, supplements, and herbal products taken.
A list of medication allergies.
Complete medical history and family history of potentially related diseases.
A list of any questions regarding conditions, treatment, etc.
If possible, fill out any paperwork for the new office beforehand to save time on the appointment day.
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Talking with a healthcare provider is important. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. Using an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes to improve flexibility, mobility, and agility and help individuals return to normal activities. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers.
It can be challenging for individuals trying to keep their homes clean with chronic back pain. Can learning and proper body mechanics help manage household responsibilities without aggravating pain symptoms?
Household Chores
Household-related back problems usually occur because we don’t take the time to consider how to move and perform the tasks from a musculoskeletal perspective to avoid and prevent injuries. Most ergonomic tips for household chores revolve around the same ideas for athletes and fitness enthusiasts: maintain a neutral spine, avoid twisting when possible, strengthen the body’s core, take regular breaks, stretch, and don’t overdo it. A healthy body mechanics system works for those who garden as well. Using strategies like cleaning a little here and there instead of taking an entire day whenever possible and organizing tools ahead of time along with training oneself how to perform them in a way that the spine, back muscles, and the entire body are protected from injury, pain, sciatica, or re-injury. However, implementing proper body mechanics requires a willingness to become aware of how each task is performed and to retrain the body where necessary to a healthier method/technique and a happier household.
Vacuuming is one of those chores that can quickly lead to a habitual bent-over posture. This is not recommended for the spine’s health; slouching, whether from a position held for a sustained period of time or an activity that requires repetition, can lead to problems with the intervertebral discs and pain symptoms. (Nazari J., Pope M. H., and Graveling R. A. 2012) Another posture that individuals tend to engage in is vacuuming with an overly straight back. Like slouching, keeping the spine rigidly over-extended while vacuuming can irritate the spine and cause muscle spasms. It can also increase the normal low back curve, which, in turn, may lead to extra tightness and a painful back.
Vacuuming with healthy body mechanics includes employing a minimal lunge that stays in a pain-free position that does not extend beyond the comfortable position. Individuals should place one foot in front of the other for a short distance. The stance is similar to the way fencers position themselves. This allows a shift forward and back during the vacuuming process instead of bending or rounding over at the spine. For those with sacroiliac joint issues, the forward placement of one leg may be more comfortable than the forward placement of the other. Try out and use the side that feels comfortable, and stick with that. Do not work in pain or through the pain. Switching legs and/or arms can help avoid muscle fatigue or injury triggers. Place the non-vacuuming hand on the thigh in front to help take the weight and pressure off the back. Maintain the pelvis in a level position when working. Another strategy for those who can get up and down from the floor without trouble is to vacuum while kneeling on one knee. This brings the body’s center of mass closer to the floor, reducing the degree to which the body has to deal with the force of gravity. Kneeling while vacuuming may also help prevent rounding over at the spine.
When dusting, reduce the load off the back by propping the inactive arm on the item or area being cleaned. Alternatively, prop the arm on the thigh.
In a large household, it is very easy to overdo laundry and trying to finish up as much as possible can lead to pain symptoms and injuries. If possible, break up the loads that have to be lifted or carried into smaller bundles that weigh less. This can mean more loads, but the strategy protects the back and spine. Avoid extremes in the spinal position; don’t round over at the spine or keep it rigid and over-extended. Lift with the legs and protect the discs. Adjustments that can be made to the basic lift with the leg and not the back strategy include putting the laundry basket on a table or chair that is preferably the same height as the washer or dryer. This will minimize bending. To relieve pressure on the back, use one hand to load the washer, dryer, or laundry basket while using one of the appliances to prop the other hand.
During dishwashing, use a small step stool or box to help prevent injury and/or relieve pain. Place it in the cabinet under the sink and rest one foot on it. This strategy can work well for those with sacroiliac joint problems, especially if the foot on the pain-free side is the one placed on the box or stool. Ensuring foot placement reduces pain and discomfort and does not cause pain. Using a box or stool can also help with core stability. Core stability is one of the best ways, in general, to prevent injury and keep low back pain away. (Coulombe B. J., Games K. E., Neil E. R., and Eberman L. E. 2017) As the box is directly under the sink, the body has to firmly position itself against the counter, providing stability during the task. The box or stool will contract the pelvic and hip muscles and strengthen the core.
Many sweep, mop, and rake with their spines, which can be counterproductive to health, as twisting and bending simultaneously is a known risk factor for a herniated disc. (Shimia, M. et al., 2013) Use the arms and legs instead of overly involving the back during sweeping and raking. The idea is to reach and pull the broom or sweeper with the arms rather than twisting around to reach all the areas working with one leg in front of the other. When needing to change directions, pivot on the back leg, keeping the trunk relaxed, equivalent to a tai chi movement. Or, turn the whole body in different directions by taking small steps. Taking small steps or pivoting on the back leg to change the direction of the trunk and arms protects from overuse and extensive wear and tear.
Adjustments for a new method of household sweeping and raking include:
Sweeping or raking about 1 to 2 feet in front to avoid overreaching and strain.
Maintaining the spine in one long, flexible, but unbroken line.
The head, shoulders, rib cage, pelvis, knees, and feet should always face the same direction and be vertically balanced relative to one another.
This will mean changing directions by pivoting the back leg or moving the whole body around, taking small steps.
Consider using an ergonomically designed broom, sweeper, mop, rake, and other household tools. This will be a bend in the handle or stem to help avoid bending.
Injury Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. We focus on what works for you and use an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes to improve flexibility, mobility, and agility, relieve pain, and help individuals return to normal activities. Our providers use Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, and Sports Medicine principles. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers if other treatments are needed.
Heel Spurs
Nazari, J., Pope, M. H., & Graveling, R. A. (2012). Reality about migration of the nucleus pulposus within the intervertebral disc with changing postures. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 27(3), 213–217.
Coulombe, B. J., Games, K. E., Neil, E. R., & Eberman, L. E. (2017). Core Stability Exercise Versus General Exercise for Chronic Low Back Pain. Journal of athletic training, 52(1), 71–72.
Shimia, M., Babaei-Ghazani, A., Sadat, B. E., Habibi, B., & Habibzadeh, A. (2013). Risk factors of recurrent lumbar disk herniation. Asian journal of neurosurgery, 8(2), 93–96.
Individuals walking with a limp that results in pain could have an antalgic gait, an abnormal walking pattern commonly seen in emergency clinics and primary care offices. Can recognizing the symptoms help healthcare providers develop an effective treatment for the underlying cause?
Antalgic Gait
Limping and having an antalgic gait usually indicate a larger issue within the leg or lower back. It is the most common type of abnormal gait. There are various causes of antalgic gait, including acute injuries and gradually progressing medical conditions. The most common causes include osteoarthritis in one of the leg’s joints, lumbar radiculopathy, or an injury to a ligament or tendon. Paying attention to when the limping occurs, and any accompanying symptoms can help determine its origins.
When limping, the stance phase during walking is shorter than the swing phase. Individuals may widen their legs apart to provide a support base to compensate for the imbalance. In severe cases, an individual may swing their leg irregularly or take several side steps.
Causes and Symptoms
Antalgic gait can be caused by pain in any part of the lower extremity. Limping when walking may be a primary concern but is rarely the only complaint. Other associated symptoms may also be present, depending on the cause. These include:
Limited range of motion
Joint stiffness
Muscular weakness
Numbness and tingling
Leg instability or buckling
Clicking or popping
Common Causes include:
Hip, knee, and/or Foot problems
When the hip, knee, ankle, or foot joints are injured or have some issue, walking can be painful and lead to a limp.
Sprains, Strains, or Soft-tissue Injuries
Sprains, strains, and soft-tissue injuries can result from acute injury or chronic, repetitive activities over time. (Pirker W. and Katzenschlager R. 2017) Sprains affect the body’s ligaments, while strains impact muscle tendons. However, sprains and strains occur when the impacted structure is overstretched or partially torn. The damage can lead to pain and antalgic gait. An injury to several other soft-tissue structures, including a bursa or fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction, meniscus, or fat pad, can also lead to limping. Symptoms typically include swelling, pain, and limited range of motion. More severe injuries can also make the leg feel unstable and cause it to give way when walking. Sometimes, bruising can also occur in the area of the injury. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2020)
Osteoarthritis occurs when the smooth, articular cartilage that lines the ends of bones begins to thin and deteriorate. This can alter the normal movement of a joint and lead to pain. Osteoarthritis symptoms gradually progress, affect individuals over 50, and worsen after periods of sedentary activity (Arthritis Foundation, Osteoarthritis, N.D.) Typically, it results in pain, stiffness, clicking, and occasionally swelling in the affected joint. These symptoms are usually worse in the morning and at the end of a long activity day. Moving around and warming the joint improves osteoarthritis symptoms. (Arthritis Foundation, Osteoarthritis, N.D.)
Lower Back Radiculopathy
Lumbar radiculopathy is when the nerve roots branching off the spine’s lower region become compressed or inflamed. This can occur because of disc issues like bulging, degeneration, herniation, bone spurring, or, rarely, a growth or tumor. (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024) Because these nerves control movement, sensation, and strength in the legs and feet, irritation in one can lead to limping. (Yokogawa N. et al., 2015) The antalgic gait from this condition frequently comes on suddenly and is commonly accompanied by back pain symptoms. This can include shooting pain and paresthesia in the leg. Depending on which nerve is involved, individuals may also experience muscular weakness in certain areas of the lower extremity. Sometimes, the affected leg feels like it will buckle while standing or walking. (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024)
Other causes include:
Broken bones
Blood clots
Vascular issues
Treatment for antalgic gait depends on the underlying cause but can include:
Rest, ice, and elevation are important for injuries. Individuals can control their initial symptoms by icing, elevating the leg, and resting from irritating activities.
Activity modifications
Antibiotics for infections
Pain relievers
Physical therapy is also frequently initiated to strengthen the core and alleviate walking symptoms.
A spinal injection or surgery can reduce the pressure on the nerve root if conservative interventions fail to improve antalgic gait patterns. (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2024)
Crutches, canes, walkers, or assistive devices can reduce pressure traveling through an affected joint and improve overall walking quality. A study found that using a cane for two months helped reduce pain and improve function in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. (Fang M. A. et al., 2015)
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Though it can be tempting to ignore the limp and push through it, discussing the condition with a healthcare provider is important. A thorough medical exam and diagnostic tests, such as X-ray, MRI, or EMG, can help determine the underlying causes of a limp, help discover the cause of the problem, and help improve the quality of walking. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop personalized treatment programs. Using an integrated approach to treating injuries and chronic pain syndromes to improve flexibility, mobility, and agility and help individuals return to normal activities. Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers if other treatments are needed.
Chiropractic and Integrative Healthcare
Pirker, W., & Katzenschlager, R. (2017). Gait disorders in adults and the elderly : A clinical guide. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 129(3-4), 81–95.
Yokogawa, N., Toribatake, Y., Murakami, H., Hayashi, H., Yoneyama, T., Watanabe, T., & Tsuchiya, H. (2015). Differences in Gait Characteristics of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis (L4 Radiculopathy) and Those with Osteoarthritis of the Hip. PloS one, 10(4), e0124745.
Fang, M. A., Heiney, C., Yentes, J. M., Harada, N. D., Masih, S., & Perell-Gerson, K. L. (2015). Effects of contralateral versus ipsilateral cane use on gait in people with knee osteoarthritis. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, 7(4), 400–406.
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