Back Clinic Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Team. More than 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. Most cases can be linked to the most common causes: muscle strain, injury, or overuse. But it can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine: Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Stenosis, and Osteoarthritis. Less common conditions are sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome.
Pain is caused by damage or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Dr. Alex Jimenez compiled articles outline the importance of understanding the causes and effects of this uncomfortable symptom. Chiropractic focuses on restoring a person’s strength and flexibility to help improve symptoms of lower back pain.
How can physicians create a positive experience for LGTBQ+ individuals seeking inclusive health care for muscle pain?
Finding proper treatment for many body pain conditions should not be challenging when numerous factors and conditions can impact a person’s lifestyle. When it comes to these factors can range from their home environment to their medical conditions, which then harms their well-being and not being heard when informed about their situation. This can cause barriers to be built up and causes the individual not to be seen or heard when seeking treatment for their pain. However, many individuals within the LGBTQ+ community can seek numerous personalized solutions to improve their general well-being and have a positive experience that suits their needs. This article explores how inclusive health care can positively impact the LGBTQ+ community and how non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can be incorporated into a person’s personalized inclusive health care plan. Additionally, we communicate with certified medical providers who integrate our patient’s information to reduce general pain through inclusive healthcare treatment. We also inform them that non-surgical treatments can be a positive experience for them to minimize general body pain. We encourage our patients to ask amazing questions while seeking education from our associated medical providers about their pain conditions in a safe and positive environment. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Is Inclusive Health Care?
Have you been dealing with constant stress that is causing pain in your body? Do you feel like there are barriers that are preventing you from getting the relief you need from your pain? Or are many environmental factors preventing you from getting back your health and wellness? Many individuals seeking treatment for general pain or conditions affecting their health and wellness will often research which care treatment suits their wants and needs in a positive and safe manner while being inclusive. Healthcare treatments like inclusive health care can provide a positive and safe outcome for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Inclusive health care can help many healthcare professionals establish an inclusive code of conduct within the LGBTQ+ community to improve health-specific outcomes. (Moran, 2021) Now inclusive health care is defined as removing barriers to health care services that should be equally accessible and affordable to many individuals regardless of age, sexual orientation, and gender identity. For many people within the LGBTQ+ community, many individuals identify as gender minorities. A gender minority is an individual who identifies as gender non-conforming and whose gender identity or expression differs from the conventional gender binary. Inclusive health care is an important aspect for the LGBTQ+ community as it can benefit people in getting the treatment they deserve.
How Does Inclusive Health Care Benefits The LGTBQ+ Community?
Regarding inclusive health care, many healthcare providers must respect their patients and their needs when coming in for a general check-up. Since many individuals in the LGBTQ+ community are already dealing with enough stress, especially young people, it is important to have a calm, safe, and non-judgmental environment promoting safety and inclusion. (Diana & Esposito, 2022) There are many ways that inclusive health care can provide beneficial results to the individual and health care provider. Some may include:
What pronouns the individual preferred
What the individual wants to be identified
Being respectful of the patient’s needs
Building a trusted relationship with the individual
When individuals in the LGBTQ+ community have inclusive health care in a positive environment, it can create a positive experience for them as it can improve mental health and general well-being and make a huge impact that can be life-saving. (Carroll & Bishop, 2022) The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team is committed to building a positive and safe space for individuals in the LGBTQ+ community that need inclusive health care to reduce pain-like symptoms through personalized treatment plans.
How Can Chiropractic Care Transform Pain To Relief-Video
With many individuals looking for the right kind of treatment for general pain and discomfort, many people will look into non-surgical therapies. Non-surgical treatments can be beneficial for many individuals in the LGBTQ+ community as it is safe and can provide individuals with an understanding of what is impacting their bodies. Non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care, spinal decompression, and MET therapy can alleviate pain-like symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders through a personalized treatment plan catered to the person. Many health professionals who are respectful and provide a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking inclusive health has been reported an increase in their confidence, and a decrease in their anxiety, which can potentially decrease uncertainty for future visits. (McCave et al., 2019) Creating a safe, positive environment for individuals seeking inclusive health care can help them reduce the pain they have been experiencing while easing their minds. The video explains how non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can help reduce musculoskeletal pain associated with stress and help realign the body out of subluxation. Additionally, these small changes in creating a safe and inclusive environment when receiving health care can make a lasting and positive impact on many individuals. (Bhatt, Cannella, & Gentile, 2022)
Utilizing Beneficial Treatments For Inclusive Health Care
When it comes to non-surgical treatments being part of inclusive treatment, it is critical to reduce the health disparities and to ensure that many LGBTQ+ individuals receive the needed medical they deserve. (Cooper et al., 2023) Since many individuals face unique health challenges, from body and gender dysmorphia to common muscle strains associated with musculoskeletal disorders, many individuals can seek non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care. Chiropractic care can help meet the individual’s needs by supporting their musculoskeletal health and general well-being. (Maiers, Foshee, & Henson Dunlap, 2017) Chiropractic care can reduce musculoskeletal conditions that many LGBTQ+ individuals have and can be aware of what factors are affecting their bodies in a safe and positive environment. Non-surgical treatments can be combined with other therapies in inclusive health care for LGBTQ+ individuals. They can provide a safe environment in the clinic and improve their care quality by being cost-effective. (Johnson & Green, 2012) Inclusive health care can help make LGBTQ+ individuals a safe and positive space to make them get the treatment they deserve without negativity.
Bhatt, N., Cannella, J., & Gentile, J. P. (2022). Gender-affirming Care for Transgender Patients. Innov Clin Neurosci, 19(4-6), 23-32.
Carroll, R., & Bisshop, F. (2022). What you need to know about gender-affirming healthcare. Emerg Med Australas, 34(3), 438-441.
Cooper, R. L., Ramesh, A., Radix, A. E., Reuben, J. S., Juarez, P. D., Holder, C. L., Belton, A. S., Brown, K. Y., Mena, L. A., & Matthews-Juarez, P. (2023). Affirming and Inclusive Care Training for Medical Students and Residents to Reduce Health Disparities Experienced by Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Systematic Review. Transgend Health, 8(4), 307-327.
Diana, P., & Esposito, S. (2022). LGBTQ+ Youth Health: An Unmet Need in Pediatrics. Children (Basel), 9(7).
Johnson, C. D., & Green, B. N. (2012). Diversity in the chiropractic profession: preparing for 2050. J Chiropr Educ, 26(1), 1-13.
Maiers, M. J., Foshee, W. K., & Henson Dunlap, H. (2017). Culturally Sensitive Chiropractic Care of the Transgender Community: A Narrative Review of the Literature. J Chiropr Humanit, 24(1), 24-30.
McCave, E. L., Aptaker, D., Hartmann, K. D., & Zucconi, R. (2019). Promoting Affirmative Transgender Health Care Practice Within Hospitals: An IPE Standardized Patient Simulation for Graduate Health Care Learners. MedEdPORTAL, 15, 10861.
Moran, C. I. (2021). LGBTQ population health policy advocacy. Educ Health (Abingdon), 34(1), 19-21.
In many working individuals with back pain, how does non-surgical decompression achieve pain reduction to the intervertebral disc in pain management?
Low back pain is a common complaint in the workforce. It can cause individuals to miss work, become disabled, and frequently visit their primary doctors. Many factors contribute to the development of low back pain. You may have experienced constant back muscle aches from sitting down and hunched over a computer. Or maybe you have felt your back muscles strain from carrying heavy objects from one location to another. Carrying equipment around your hips, like a utility belt in construction or a law enforcement job, can also contribute to back pain. These scenarios can all be related to the development of low back pain. When the lower extremity muscles are over or under-active, it can cause muscle and tissue fibers to shorten or become overstretched. This can lead to tiny nodules known as trigger points forming. Additionally, repetitive motions caused by overload axial pressure can compress the lumbar spinal structure and cause the spinal disc to care constantly. However, there are ways to manage low back pain. By focusing on common issues associated with each back pain syndrome, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression can achieve pain management for the intervertebral disc. As we work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ information to treat working individuals suffering from low back pain combining non-surgical decompression as part of their routine can alleviate the pain-like symptoms. We inform them about non-surgical treatments to ease low back pain issues while achieving pain management. We encourage our patients to ask essential questions while seeking education from our associated medical providers about their situation. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
Each Low Back Pain Syndrome Is Common
When it comes to low back pain, many individuals will come to their primary doctor and inform them that they are in constant pain in their lower back. As stated earlier, repetitive motions from normal factors can cause the back muscles to be over or under-stretched, causing muscle aches. At the same time, the spinal discs are constantly being compressed with unnecessary pressure. When the spinal discs are under constant pressure, they can begin to bulge or herniate, depending on the severity of the issue. To that point, the compressed spinal discs can aggravate the spinal nerve roots to cause referred localized pain down to the legs or arms, causing symptoms of numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet. Low back pain has four categories that can affect many individuals and has different treatment pathways. (Bogduk & Twomey, 1991) These four categories can vary with intense symptoms that pertain to the pain and how they were developed. These include:
Acute muscularity (can involve sciatic radiation)
With or without neurological dysfunction
Chronic muscularity (can have recurring symptoms)
Neoplastic low back pain (can have frequent symptoms and become progressive)
These four categories of low back pain all have common features, as well as regional pain, muscle impairment, mechanical dysfunction exacerbated by daily activities, and mood/behavioral changes. Additional low back pain can be specific or non-specific, associated with many working individuals. Many individuals dealing with low back pain will often work through the pain rather than find the proper relief because of that fear of missing out on work. (Becker & Childress, 2019) Luckily, many ways exist to reduce low back pain and alleviate compressed spinal discs.
Revolutionizing Healthcare-Video
Have you or your loved ones felt aches and pains in your lower back after regular activities? Do your legs and lower back feel stiffer than usual when walking with heavy equipment? Or do you hunch or slouch constantly while relaxing on a chair or sofa? Many of these factors are the root cause of low back pain, and it can affect a person’s routine without treatment right away. When many individuals deal with low back pain in the workforce, they often try home remedies to alleviate the pain temporarily to get back to work, only to cause more issues in the future. To that point, this causes the working individual to be under constant pain and miss out on work, which then causes more unnecessary stress and pressure on the lower back. Luckily there are available treatments that can reduce the effects of low back pain and ease the minds of many individuals looking for cost-effective and safe options. Non-surgical treatments for low back pain are safe for the spine and can be cost-effective to help manage the pain associated with compressed spinal discs and allow people to be more mindful of their back and spine. Non-surgical treatments can range from chiropractic care to spinal decompression, depending on the severity of the pain that the person is experiencing. The video above goes more in-depth with how non-surgical treatments can revolutionize healthcare.
The Biomechanic Principal Of Decompression
When it comes to individuals trying to find relief for their low back pain, many will opt for traditional surgical treatments if the home treatments are not working. While conventional surgical treatments can provide more rapid relief, they can be pricey and cause a financial burden to the working individual. Hence why many will often seek out non-surgical therapies. (Schoenfeld & Weiner, 2010) Non-surgical treatments are affordable to the active individual and can be customizable depending on the issue. One of the non-surgical treatments is decompression. Decompression incorporates mechanical traction to gently stretch the spine as a distracting force to realign the spine back to normal, increase the body’s fluids and nutrients to promote healing factors, and relieve abnormal pressure on the nociceptive receptors system. (Judovich, 1954) The effects of spinal decompression allow the spine to regain mobility, stability, and reduction of low back pain, allowing the compressed spinal disc to return to its original position.
The Decompression Benefits For Common Occurring Back Pain Syndrome
During the mechanical traction process of spinal decompression, the spinal disc space is slightly increased, which reduces the lumbar disc protrusion and causes the disc herniation to disappear over time after a few sessions. (Andersson, Schultz, & Nachemson, 1983) These are a few benefits of spinal decompression, as traction therapy can also alleviate additional musculoskeletal disorders associated with low back pain. (Bettmann, 1957) Musculoskeletal disorders associated with low back pain can be treated with spinal manipulation combined with decompression, as it is used to improve spinal and hip mobility in the lower extremities, thus reducing pain and incapacity in people with low back pain. (Fagundes Loss et al., 2020) Additionally, mechanical traction from decompression can help inhibit positive results for many individuals looking for relief from mechanical stress from their backs. (Wegner et al., 2013) Spinal decompression can help reduce low back pain and its associated symptoms for many working individuals who want the relief they deserve.
Andersson, G. B., Schultz, A. B., & Nachemson, A. L. (1983). Intervertebral disc pressures during traction. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl, 9, 88-91.
Becker, B. A., & Childress, M. A. (2019). Nonspecific Low Back Pain and Return To Work. American Family Physician, 100(11), 697-703.
Bettmann, E. H. (1957). Therapeutic advantages of intermittent traction in musculoskeletal disorders. GP, 16(5), 84-88.
Fagundes Loss, J., de Souza da Silva, L., Ferreira Miranda, I., Groisman, S., Santiago Wagner Neto, E., Souza, C., & Tarrago Candotti, C. (2020). Immediate effects of a lumbar spine manipulation on pain sensitivity and postural control in individuals with nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Chiropr Man Therap, 28(1), 25.
Schoenfeld, A. J., & Weiner, B. K. (2010). Treatment of lumbar disc herniation: Evidence-based practice. International Journal of General Medicine, 3, 209-214.
Wegner, I., Widyahening, I. S., van Tulder, M. W., Blomberg, S. E., de Vet, H. C., Bronfort, G., Bouter, L. M., & van der Heijden, G. J. (2013). Traction for low-back pain with or without sciatica. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2013(8), CD003010.
In many inviduals with low back pain, how does spinal decompression and inversion therapy reduce nerve entrapment?
Low back pain is a common problem worldwide that can cause individuals to miss out on important aspects of their lives, including work. The severity of the pain can be specific or non-specific, and it can be localized in one area or spread throughout the body, causing referred pain. Many normal and traumatic factors can contribute to low back pain, such as improper lifting, excessive weight gain, stress, excessive sitting, or repetitive motions. These factors can compress the spinal discs and cause the surrounding muscles to become over-stretched and tight, leading to nerve entrapment. However, various treatments are available to reduce low back pain and restore functionality to the body. This article focuses on two therapies, inversion therapy, and spinal decompression, and how they can be used together to reduce the likelihood of low back pain returning. By working with certified medical providers who use our patients’ information to treat individuals suffering from low back pain while combining inversion therapy and spinal decompression as part of their routine. We inform them about non-surgical treatments to regain spinal mobility and restore muscle strength to the back muscles while preventing the effects of low back pain from reoccurring. We encourage our patients to ask essential questions while seeking education from our associated medical providers about their situation. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
How Does Inversion Therapy Reduce Back Pain
Do you suffer from muscle aches and strains in your lower back due to sitting for extended periods? Do you experience pain after carrying heavy objects or from being physically inactive? If these symptoms are associated with low back pain, seeking treatment is common. Many take over-the-counter medicines, hot/cold packs, or home remedies for temporary relief. Inversion therapy is another treatment option. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., inversion therapy is mentioned as a method where the individual is suspended upside down in an inversion table for a few minutes to relieve pain-like symptoms. Inversion therapy can reverse the effects of gravity on the back, which can compress the spine and spinal disc over time, leading to back pain. Inversion therapy can relieve acute back pain by decompressing the back.
Using inversion therapy can help alleviate the symptoms of low back pain and reduce the need for surgery among many individuals. This practice, which has been used for thousands of years, involves utilizing gravity to provide traction for those experiencing lumbar disc herniation related to low back pain. By opting for non-surgical treatments, such as inversion therapy, individuals suffering from low back pain caused by various factors, including nerve entrapment, can experience relief. (Mendelow et al., 2021)
Back Pain & Nerve Entrapment Reduced
It is possible to experience low back pain with or without additional symptoms caused by factors affecting the back. This type of pain can result in mobility issues in the spinal region, pain that radiates into the lower extremities, and general discomfort associated with musculoskeletal conditions. (Delitto et al., 2012) Nerve entrapment can be a factor related to low back pain, and it can impact the peripheral pathway because signals from the peripheral system can cause irregular transmissions to the brain. This can lead to inflammatory cytokines releasing in the affected muscle and radiating shooting pain to the legs. As a result, the body can mimic leg pain correlated with low back pain, leading to a misdiagnosis of the issue. (Saal et al., 1988) Fortunately, various non-surgical treatments, such as inversion therapy and spinal decompression, can help reduce low back pain and its associated symptoms.
Enhance Your Lifestyle-Video
If you’re suffering from low back pain, non-surgical treatments can be a cost-effective, gentle, and safe solution. Innovative techniques are used to target the root cause of the pain and alleviate it from the musculoskeletal system. Inversion therapy, spinal decompression, and chiropractic care are some non-surgical treatments that can help relieve low back pain and prevent it from recurring. These therapies involve physical and mechanical manipulation of the spine to correct any subluxations. Misalignment of the body can cause low back pain and negatively impact one’s quality of life. Incorporating non-surgical treatments into your routine can help your body heal naturally and promote a healthy lifestyle. For more information on the benefits of these treatments, check out the video above.
How Spinal Decompression & Inversion Therapy Reduce Back Pain
As one of the forms of non-surgical treatment, spinal decompression is safer and more cost effective than traditional surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments can be combined with other therapies to help improve and control the movement in the lumbar spine. (Zaina et al., 2016) So when spinal decompression is combined with inversion therapy, it can help decompress the spine, allowing the spinal discs to slip back into their original position and reduce the pressure off the aggravated and irritated nerve root from causing low back pain to occur again. Since inversion therapy is used for acute low back pain, spinal decompression therapy is used for individuals with chronic issues. After a few sessions of these treatments, the body will function normally and allow the back to be mobile again. When people start to think about their health and wellness for back pain issues, they can incorporate non-surgical treatments as part of their routine.
Delitto, A., George, S. Z., Van Dillen, L., Whitman, J. M., Sowa, G., Shekelle, P., Denninger, T. R., Godges, J. J., & Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy, A. (2012). Low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 42(4), A1-57.
Kaplan, E., & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.
Mendelow, A. D., Gregson, B. A., Mitchell, P., Schofield, I., Prasad, M., Wynne-Jones, G., Kamat, A., Patterson, M., Rowell, L., & Hargreaves, G. (2021). Lumbar disc disease: the effect of inversion on clinical symptoms and a comparison of the rate of surgery after inversion therapy with the rate of surgery in neurosurgery controls. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 33(11), 801-808.
Saal, J. A., Dillingham, M. F., Gamburd, R. S., & Fanton, G. S. (1988). The pseudoradicular syndrome. Lower extremity peripheral nerve entrapment masquerading as lumbar radiculopathy. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 13(8), 926-930.
Zaina, F., Tomkins-Lane, C., Carragee, E., & Negrini, S. (2016). Surgical versus non-surgical treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2016(1), CD010264.
How does non-surgical spinal decompression compare with traditional surgery to improve sensory abnornalities for individuals with herniated discs?
The spinal column provides flexibility and stability to the body, consisting of vertebrae, spinal cord, nerve roots, and intervertebral discs. These components work with surrounding tissues, ligaments, and muscles, enabling pain-free mobility. However, activities or work that place excessive stress on the spine can cause damage, leading to misaligned discs and nerve root irritation. This can result in radiating pain in the lower extremities, which may be mistaken for other conditions such as low back pain, leg pain, or sciatica. This article will focus on the pain-like symptoms associated with herniated discs and how non-surgical spinal decompression can help people regain sensory function. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals suffering from herniated discs in their lumbar spine and inform them about non-surgical treatments to regain sensory function in their lower extremities. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
The Symptoms Associated With Herniated Discs
Are you experiencing numbness or tingling down your leg that affects your walking? Does twisting or turning make your lower back uncomfortable? Or are you suffering from low back pain caused by sciatic nerve pain, making it difficult to work or do activities? Many people don’t realize they have herniated discs until repetitive movements cause wear and tear on the spine or constant compression causes the disc to crack, allowing the inner layer to protrude and press on the spinal nerve roots. Research studies reveal that herniated discs can result from various changes that cause pain-like symptoms, including limited trunk flexion, sensory abnormalities in the lower extremities, low back pain, radicular pain, sciatica, and intense distress when sitting. Herniated discs are common, and the inflammatory response from surrounding nerve roots can cause immense pain. As additional research shows, autoimmune responses released by the nucleus pulposus play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sciatic pain and lumbar radiculopathy.
The Causes Of Herniated Disc-Video
Herniated discs can cause discomfort and pain depending on their severity and location. Several factors contribute to their development, including improper lifting of heavy objects, age, weight, and physical inactivity. Repetitive motions, constant stress, and autoimmune conditions also play a role. Disc herniation impacts the spinal structure and can cause sensory abnormalities in the lower extremities, muscular pain in the arms, back, foot, or leg, and affect the quality of life. However, non-surgical treatments are available to reduce disc herniation and restore the spine’s mobility, flexibility, and stability.
Treatments To Restore Sensory Function
If home remedies such as rest, hot and cold packs, and over-the-counter medications do not work, non-surgical treatments can effectively reduce the effects of disc herniation. These treatments are also safe, gentle, and cost-effective for many people who want relief without the financial burden. Chiropractic care, muscle energy techniques (MET), and spinal decompression are examples of non-surgical treatments that can help target the source of pain, reactivate the body’s natural healing process, and realign the body from herniated discs and spinal subluxation. These treatments can restore sensory function affected by herniated discs by addressing these issues.
Spinal Decompression
When dealing with herniated discs, many people turn to spinal decompression to alleviate pain and find relief in their spine. Studies have shown that spinal decompression involves using gentle traction to create negative pressure within the affected herniated disc. This can increase hydration and reduce pressure on the nerve root, easing the pain signals that affect the lower extremities. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., explained that the duration of treatment for spinal decompression for herniated discs can vary depending on the severity. Mild herniation may require longer treatment, while patients with multiple herniations in different spinal locations may need additional sessions. However, the treatment should effectively reduce sensory abnormalities and relieve pain for the individual.
The human body has various muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, and spinal structures that allow mobility, standing upright, and performing daily activities without discomfort. The spinal column is divided into three regions: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, each with specific functions. Unfortunately, low back pain affects many working individuals worldwide and can significantly impact their daily lives and productivity. This pain can be caused by various injuries, conditions, and diseases affecting the muscles, tendons, and spinal discs. Enduring the pain and continuing daily activities can worsen the situation, causing more damage to the back and spine. This article explores the causes of low back pain and how non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression can prevent it from returning. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to treat individuals with low back pain and inform them about spinal decompression’s benefits in alleviating it from reoccurring. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Causes Low Back Pain To Return?
Are you experiencing pain in your lower body? Is it impacting your ability to work? Do you feel muscle stiffness when stretching your sides? In the U.S., 25-60% of people who experience low back pain report recurring pain within a year. Research studies revealed that most low back pain is non-specific, meaning no specific causes or structures can be identified as the pain source affecting the low back. Low back pain can be caused by many factors, such as improper lifting of heavy objects, physical inactivity, and excess body weight, which can strain the back muscles. Studies have also revealed that psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or depression can cause tension in the lumbar region, leading to repetitive motions that correlate with low back pain.
People who experience low back pain often take over-the-counter medications for temporary relief before returning to normal activities. However, this only provides short-term relief, and the pain often returns due to various factors like muscle, nerve, and bone issues and referred pain to the abdominal organs, as research studies revealed. To address this, individuals may seek treatment from their primary care doctor. However, as additional studies mentioned, treating low back pain can be difficult due to the specific or non-specific factors involved. Thankfully, non-surgical treatments are available to alleviate symptoms and reduce the likelihood of the pain returning.
The Benefits Of Stretching- Video
Are you someone who spends most of their day sitting down and experiencing muscle stiffness? Do you feel pain in your legs due to radiating pain? Or do you often feel discomfort after lifting or carrying heavy objects? These symptoms are often associated with low back pain, a common problem many people in the workforce experience at some point. The severity of low back pain can range from acute to chronic, depending on how badly the individual has hurt their low back. If left untreated, low back pain can harshly affect a person. However, there are many ways to prevent low back pain from occurring. Multiple treatments can help reduce the associated symptoms of low back pain and can help re-strengthen the muscles. The video above explains the benefits of stretching, how it can help relieve sore muscles affected by low back pain, and how stretching can be combined with other therapies to promote health and wellness.
How Spinal Decompression Can Relieve Low Back Pain
Many people experience low back pain at some point in their lives. If the pain is left untreated, it can develop into chronic back pain. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” written by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., reoccurring low back pain can lead to further degeneration of the lumbar spinal column or be the result of stress and trauma in adjacent muscles. Spinal decompression can provide relief for individuals experiencing this pain. Studies show that spinal decompression creates negative pressure in the spine, which can decrease pressure on the nerve root and hydrate the spinal disc, promoting the body’s natural healing process. Spinal decompression is a safe, gentle, and cost-effective solution for many individuals seeking relief from low back pain.
Low back pain is a common issue that affects many people. Depending on its severity, various factors can cause it, ranging from acute to chronic. Unfortunately, this pain can interfere with daily activities, including work. Thankfully, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression may help relieve the symptoms associated with low back pain. This treatment involves gentle traction on the lumbar region of the spine, providing much-needed relief to the body. Spinal decompression is an excellent option for those who want to start their journey toward better health and wellness.
Lower back pain is a common problem that affects many people worldwide. It can hinder individuals from engaging in physical activities or working on important projects. Failure to treat it promptly can result in disability. Chronic musculoskeletal conditions can also be associated with low back pain, causing the body and spine to misalign and surrounding muscles to overexert themselves, thereby affecting lower body extremities. This article explores the effects of low back pain on the body and the various treatment options available to relieve it. We work with certified medical providers who use our patients’ valuable information to provide low back pain treatments for individuals with musculoskeletal pain related to their lumbar spine. We encourage patients to ask essential questions and seek education from our associated medical providers about their condition. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., provides this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
Low Back Pain Causing More Issues In The Body
Are you experiencing discomfort in your lower back? Do you feel stiffness or pain when stretching? Have you felt a radiating pain down your legs? Many people worldwide have dealt with low back pain, a common issue. Research studies reveal that low back pain represents a complex social and economic problem, as it can lead to various issues that overlap and can stem from many potential sources affecting the abdominal cavity in the body. These include nerve roots, muscles, fascial structures, bones and joints, intervertebral discs, and organs. Research studies also indicate that various factors can contribute to the development of low back pain and impact an individual’s routine function.
Since low back pain is complex, it is often associated with other musculoskeletal disorders affecting the lower extremities. Some factors contributing to low back pain include prolonged sitting, lifting and carrying heavy objects, poor posture, working with power tools, and vibrating workstations. Many individuals try to continue their routine despite experiencing low back pain, hoping it will go away independently. However, repetitive motions can cause the pain to recur, leading to spinal subluxation. Fortunately, there are ways to manage low back pain while reducing its associated symptoms.
The Hidden Link Of Chiropractic Care & Metabolism-Video
Low back pain is a common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Multiple factors can contribute to its development, and the severity of the problem can vary. Treatment is often sought to reduce symptoms and promote healing. Research studies revealed that holistic and flexible approaches, such as chiropractic care, can effectively alleviate low back pain and its effects on the abdominals and lower extremities. Combining chiropractic care with other therapies can help individuals recover quickly and effectively. Check out the video above for more information on how chiropractic care and the body’s metabolism can help address low back pain and its overlapping risk profiles.
Various Treatments For Low Back Pain
Low back pain is a frequent problem that can make even the simplest tasks challenging and uncomfortable. Research studies revealed that low back pain is often undertreated due to its complex nature and potential for overlapping risk factors that can cause additional symptoms. Fortunately, various treatments are available to relieve the associated symptoms and realign the body. Down below are some of the remedies to alleviate low back pain.
While medications can temporarily relieve back pain, they may only work for acute low back pain. For those with chronic low back pain, taking medications can result in unwanted side effects that may worsen pre-existing conditions. According to Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., authors of “Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” over-the-counter NSAIDs and acetaminophen can be helpful for low back pain, but taking more than the recommended dosage can have negative effects on the body.
Spinal Decompression
Chronic low back pain can significantly impact people’s lives, so many opt for non-invasive treatments. These treatments are not only safer than invasive options, but they are also cost-effective and gentle. One such treatment is spinal decompression, which has been shown to improve lower back pain, according to research studies. This technique uses gentle traction to alleviate low back pain caused by compression on the spinal discs and nerve roots. Spinal decompression is a safe and non-invasive solution that can help improve mobility in the lower back. By alleviating affected nerve roots instead of aggravating them, patients can experience relief from chronic low back pain.
Experiencing low back pain can greatly affect your health and wellness, causing you to miss out on important activities and work. Unfortunately, this is a common issue that affects many individuals. When left untreated, low back pain can lead to more chronic problems and misaligned body posture. However, spinal decompression is a gentle traction technique that can help relieve low back pain by releasing aggravating nerve roots and stretching affected muscles. This treatment can be very effective and enable many individuals to return to normal activities without pain.
Low back pain is a common issue worldwide that can cause individuals to miss work and require emergency care. This type of pain occurs in the lumbar region of the spine, which supports the upper body and is surrounded by muscles, ligaments, and tissues. If left untreated, it can cause disability. Fortunately, treatments available can reduce pain and alleviate other symptoms. This article will explain how low back pain occurs, how it relates to disorders, and how spinal manipulation and decompression treatment can help. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate pain-like symptoms associated with the low back and reduce its correlating musculoskeletal disorders. We encourage referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
How Does Low Back Pain Occur?
Do you frequently experience discomfort or pain in your lower back? Does it bother you when you bend down or lift heavy objects? Or are you dealing with radiating pain similar to sciatic nerve pain? These are all common symptoms associated with low back pain. Research studies have revealed that low back pain can stem from various potential sources, including anatomical, neurological, and psychological factors, making identifying the pain’s root cause complex. Additionally, research studies have revealed that low back pain can vary among many individuals and are complex, depending on how severe the symptoms affect the body. Low back pain can occur when the spinal discs in the lumbar regions of the spine become compressed due to unwanted pressure or axial overload or when the surrounding muscles are overused or underused.
Disorders Correlating With Low Back Pain
Low back pain is a complex musculoskeletal disorder caused by various factors. Research studies have revealed two types of low back pain: specific and non-specific. Non-specific low back pain is usually caused by overuse of muscles or wear and tear on the spinal vertebrae and joints. On the other hand, specific low back pain is caused by a relationship between environmental factors and the pain itself, such as compressed neural structures, joint inflammation, or spinal instability. Studies also suggest low back pain can affect an individual’s health and daily activities. Low back pain can also cause referred pain, meaning it can be felt in a different area of the body, affecting vital organs or muscles. For example, sciatic nerve pain is often associated with low back pain.
The Path To Healing- Video
Have you been experiencing aches and pain in your lumbar spine? Does it hurt when you twist or bend over or lift something heavy? These pains are often related to low back pain, which can also be connected to other chronic conditions that affect the body. Low back pain is a common and complex issue affecting the body’s upper and lower parts. The lumbar region of the body is responsible for stabilizing the upper body’s weight, and the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tissues protect the spinal cord. When the body experiences unwanted pressure or pathological factors, it can lead to low back pain and its associated symptoms. Unfortunately, back pain can significantly impact daily life, causing people to miss work or be unable to participate in regular activities. However, treatments available can reduce the effects of low back pain and its associated symptoms. The video above demonstrates how chiropractic care and spinal decompression can help alleviate low back pain, restore stability and mobility to the lumbar region, and improve a person’s quality of life.
How Spinal Manipulation & Decompression Treatment Relieves Low Back Pain
Many treatments available can help individuals struggling with low back pain. According to “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression” by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., chiropractic care is one such treatment that can be effective. This type of care uses spinal manipulation to alleviate the effects of low back pain. Chiropractic care can offer relief by gently re-aligning the spine and reducing subluxation. Studies have shown that this treatment, known as decompression treatment, can reduce stress on posterior muscles, improving pain intensity and functionality. Additionally, decompression treatment can further help by stretching the lumbar spine and rehydrating discs. Both of these treatments are non-invasive, gentle, and non-surgical and can increase mobility and stability in the lumbar spine while reducing pain.
Low back pain can significantly affect a person’s ability to move around and maintain balance. It’s a common issue that can lead to disability and extended periods away from work, depending on its intensity. The causes can arise from various factors, including environmental factors and unwanted pressure. However, non-surgical, gentle, and non-invasive treatments can help alleviate the symptoms of low back pain. These treatments can realign the lumbar spine and stretch the affected muscles, relieving pain. By utilizing these treatments, individuals can become more mindful of their back health and prevent future injuries.
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