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Headaches & Treatments

Back Clinic Headaches & Treatment Team. The most common cause of headaches can relate to neck complications. From spending excessive time looking down at a laptop, desktop, iPad, and even from constant texting, an incorrect posture for extended periods of time can begin to place pressure on the neck and upper back, leading to problems that could cause headaches. The majority of these types of headaches occur due to tightness between the shoulder blades, which in turn causes the muscles on the top of the shoulders to tighten and radiating pain into the head.

If the source of the headaches is related to a complication of the cervical spine or other regions of the spine and muscles, chiropractic care, such as chiropractic adjustments, manual manipulation, and physical therapy, can be a good treatment option. Also, a chiropractor may often follow up chiropractic treatment with a series of exercises to improve posture and offer advice for future lifestyle improvements to avoid further complications.

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Individuals experiencing headaches on top of the head could be caused by different factors. Can recognizing what triggers pain or pressure help prevent this type of headache, and healthcare providers develop effective treatment plans?

Headache On Top Of The Head: Causes, Symptoms And Relief

Headache On Top of The Head

Various factors could cause a headache on top of the head; common causes include:

  • Stress
  • Sleep problems
  • Eye strain
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Dental problems
  • Hormonal changes
  • Alcohol consumption


Many causes have to do with underlying issues happening in other parts of the body.


  • Stress is a common cause of headaches, including one on top of the head.
  • Researchers don’t know exactly how stress causes headaches, but they think it causes tightening of the muscles in the back of the head or neck, which
  • pulls the tissues down, resulting in pain or pressure in the scalp and/or forehead area.
  • These are also called tension headaches.
  • Headaches caused by stress generally feel like dull pressure rather than throbbing pain.

Sleep Problems

  • Not getting enough sleep can induce a headache on top of the head.
  • When the mind and body do not get proper sleep, it can interfere with body functions like temperature, hunger, and sleep-wake cycles, which can lead to headaches.
  • It is common to feel more stressed when sleep-deprived, which can cause or compound a headache and other symptoms.

Eye Strain

  • You may develop a headache on the top of your head after you’ve been reading, watching, or otherwise focusing on something for a while.
  • Over time, your eye muscles tire and have to work harder, causing them to contract.
  • These spasms can lead to headaches. Squinting can make the muscle contractions even worse.

Caffeine Withdrawl

  • Individuals may feel pain on the top of their heads if they skip their regular coffee.
  • Regular caffeine consumption can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms, which include headaches when intake is reduced or stopped.
  • This type of headache can be moderate to severe and can feel worse with activity.
  • Most individuals start to feel better from caffeine withdrawal after a week. (World Health Organization. 2016)

Dental Problems

  • Teeth issues like cracks, cavities, or impaction can irritate the trigeminal nerve, setting off head pain.
  • Teeth grinding can also lead to headaches.

Hormonal Changes

  • Individuals who have a low level of thyroid hormone may experience headaches.
  • This could be from having too little thyroid or a symptom of the condition.
  • Like stress-induced headaches, this type is generally dull and not throbbing.
  • Some women may feel pain on the top of their heads before menstruation triggered by estrogen levels dropping.


  • Some individuals develop a headache on the top of their head or elsewhere within a few hours after drinking alcohol.
  • This is known as a cocktail headache.
  • Alcohol-induced headaches usually resolve within 72 hours.
  • The mechanism behind this headache is not fully researched, but it’s been thought that the widening of blood vessels in the brain/vasodilation when consuming alcohol may trigger head pain.
  • This type of headache is different than a hangover headache that comes from overconsumption and is based on dehydration and the toxic effects of alcohol. (J G Wiese, M. G. Shlipak, W. S. Browner. 2000)

Rare Causes

Top-of-the-head pain can also result from more serious and rare causes:

Brain Tumor

  • Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of brain tumors.
  • A headache on the top of the head depends on the location and size of the tumor. (MedlinePlus. 2021)

Brain Aneurysm

  • This is a weak or thin area in a brain artery that bulges and fills with blood, which can cause a life-threatening rupture.
  • Headaches are the most common symptom. (Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 2023)

Brain Bleed

  • Also known as a brain hemorrhage, this condition can cause intensely painful and quick headaches.
  • Brain bleeds can be caused by head trauma, high blood pressure, an aneurysm, a bleeding disorder, or liver disease. (New York-Presbyterian. 2023)


Treatment for reducing a headache on top of the head includes:

  • Putting an ice bag over the area to reduce inflammation.
  • Getting an eye examination.
  • Making healthy lifestyle adjustments like drinking more water throughout the day.
  • Less caffeine intake.
  • Changing sleep patterns for a healthier, rested mind and body.
  • Taking a therapeutic bath to relax the body.
  • Gentle exercises like walking, pilates, or yoga.
  • Practicing deep breathing.
  • Mindfulness exercises like meditation.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication or NSAIDs like aspirin, Advil/ibuprofen), or Aleve/naproxen.

Depending on the cause and symptoms, a doctor may suggest specialist treatment options like:

  • Physical therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Chiropractic therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Prescription medication

A medical professional will be able to help identify the type of headache being experienced, offer treatment options, and advise on how to manage triggers.

Neck Injuries, El Paso, Texas


World Health Organization. (2016) Headache disorders.

Wiese, J. G., Shlipak, M. G., & Browner, W. S. (2000). The alcohol hangover. Annals of internal medicine, 132(11), 897–902.

MedlinePlus. (2021) Brain tumor.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital. (2023) Brain aneurysm.

New York-Presbyterian. (2023) Brain hemorrhage.

Head Pressure

Head Pressure

Can chiropractic treatment protocols diagnose what’s causing head pressure in individuals, and provide effective treatment?

Head Pressure

Head Pressure

Head pressure can have various causes and symptoms that affect different areas depending on whether the cause is a headache, allergies, injury, illness, or disease. The location of the pressure or pain can help a doctor of chiropractic determine the cause.

  • The underlying factor is usually not life-threatening, but the pressure that has built can be the result of serious conditions like a head injury or brain tumor.
  • Chiropractic ​care, which includes a combination of spinal manipulation, active and passive exercises, and massage, is often used for headache management and prevention. (Moore Craig, et al., 2018)
  • Chiropractic therapy is often sought out for tension and cervicogenic headaches, migraines, and each responds differently to the treatment.

The Head

  • The head is made up of a complex system of lobes, sinuses/channels, blood vessels, nerves, and ventricles. (Thau L, et al., 2022)
  • The pressure of these systems is regulated and any disruption to this balance can be noticeable.
  • Diagnosis can be difficult to figure out what is causing discomfort or head pressure.
  • Pain, pressure, irritability, and nausea are all symptoms that can occur with headaches. (Rizzoli P, Mullally W. 2017)


  • Head pressure in more than one spot is possible with a migraine or a severe cold. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)
  • Pain can present in more than one area if there has been a head injury.
  • If the pressure is more specific in a certain region, it can help provide clues about the cause of the symptoms.
  • Medical issues can cause pressure in different areas. (Rizzoli P, Mullally W. 2017)
  • An example is a sinus infection which can cause pressure under the eyes and around the nose.
  • A migraine or tension headache can present as: (MedlinePlus. Migraine 2021)
  • A tight band around the head.
  • Pain or pressure behind the eyes.
  • Stiffness and pressure in the back of the head and/or neck.

Causes of Pressure

The root cause of the problem is not always clear. There can be a number of potential causes.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches are the most common that feels like pressure squeezing the head. They usually develop because of tightening scalp muscles caused by:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Head injuries
  • Unusual positioning of the head or illness can cause tension headaches.

Other than muscle tension, tension headaches can develop from: (MedlinePlus. Tension headache.)

  • Physical stress
  • Emotional stress
  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue
  • Overexertion
  • Overuse of caffeine
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Over alcohol use
  • Sinus infections
  • A cold or flu
  • Smoking
  • Tension headaches can also run in families. (MedlinePlus. Tension headache.)

Sinus Headache

  • A sinus headache – rhinosinusitis – is caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the sinus cavities. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)
  • There are sinus cavities on each side of the nose, between the eyes, in the cheeks, and on the forehead.
  • The location of where these headaches cause pressure varies, depending on which sinuses are infected. (Cedars Sinai. Sinus Conditions and Treatments)
  • Sinus infection headaches are obvious from the discolored nasal drainage.
  • Individuals can have facial pain and pressure, lose their sense of smell, or have a fever. (American Migraine Foundation 2023)

Ear Conditions

  • The ears help the body sense movement and balance.
  • A problem in the inner ear that helps control balance can cause a type of migraine known as a vestibular migraine. (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
  • This type of migraine doesn’t always present with pain symptoms.
  • Problems with balance and feelings of vertigo/sense of spinning are common with these types of migraines. (American Migraine Foundation)
  • An ear infection can also cause feelings of head pressure and/or pain.
  • Infections can cause pressure to build on the delicate structures of the middle and inner ear.
  • These infections are usually caused by viral illness or bacteria. (

Neurological Causes

  • Neurological diseases and conditions can lead to increased pressure in the head.
  • The pain symptoms depend on the specific cause.
  • For example, a stroke can affect the whole head, while decreased brain fluid levels may affect just the base of the skull.
  • The latter condition is known as intracranial hypertension which means increased pressure in the brain. (Schizodimos, T et al., 2020)
  • For some individuals, there is no clear cause, this is known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension. (Wall, Michael. 2017) (National Health Service 2023)

Other causes of increased intracranial pressure include:


  • Head pressure can also occur only at times when standing up, bending down to pick up an object, or otherwise changing posture in some way that blood pressure is affected.

Chiropractic Treatment

The Injury Medical team will develop a personalized treatment plan to help relieve pressure symptoms through a multidisciplinary approach that can include. (Moore Craig, et al., 2018)

  • Spinal manipulation
  • Low-load craniocervical mobilization
  • Joint mobilization
  • Decompression
  • Deep neck flexion exercises
  • Neuromuscular massage
  • Physical therapy exercises
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Stress management
  • Nutritional recommendations

Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment


Moore, C., Leaver, A., Sibbritt, D., & Adams, J. (2018). The management of common recurrent headaches by chiropractors: a descriptive analysis of a nationally representative survey. BMC neurology, 18(1), 171.

Thau, L., Reddy, V., & Singh, P. (2022). Anatomy, Central Nervous System. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Rizzoli, P., & Mullally, W. J. (2018). Headache. The American journal of medicine, 131(1), 17–24.

American Migraine Foundation. Is it a migraine or a sinus headache?

MedlinePlus. Migraine.

MedlinePlus. Tension headache.

Cedars Sinai. Sinus conditions and treatments.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dizziness and balance.

American Migraine Foundation. What to know about vestibular migraine. Ear infection.

Schizodimos, T., Soulountsi, V., Iasonidou, C., & Kapravelos, N. (2020). An overview of the management of intracranial hypertension in the intensive care unit. Journal of Anesthesia, 34(5), 741–757.

Wall M. (2017). Update on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Neurologic Clinics, 35(1), 45–57.

National Health Service. Intracranial hypertension.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Hydrocephalus.

Heat Induced Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

Heat Induced Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

When temperatures are elevated in summer, heat-induced and severe headaches like migraines are common during the hot months. However, a migraine caused by heat is not the same as a headache caused by heat, as the two have different symptoms. What they have in common is that they’re both triggered by the way hot weather affects the body. Understanding the causes and the warning signs of a heat headache can help prevent and treat potentially dangerous heat-related conditions. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic use various techniques and therapies customized to the individual to relieve pain and improve function.

Heat Induced Headaches: EP's Chiropractic Clinic

Heat-Induced Headaches

Headaches and migraines are common, affecting 20 percent of women and nearly 10 percent of men. An increase in frequency can be caused by

  • Dehydration.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Heat exhaustion.
  • Heat stroke.

A heat-induced headache can feel like a dull pulsing ache around the temples or in the back of the head. Depending on the cause, a heat-induced headache may escalate to a more intensely felt internal pain.


A heat-induced headache may not be caused by the hot weather but by how the body responds to heat. Weather-related triggers of headaches and migraine include:

  • Sun glare
  • Bright light
  • High humidity
  • Sudden drops in barometric pressure
  • Weather conditions can also cause changes in serotonin levels.
  • Hormonal fluctuations are common migraine triggers that can also cause headaches.
  • Dehydration – can trigger both headaches and migraine.

When exposed to higher temperatures, the body needs more water to compensate for the lost water as it uses and sweats it out. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures puts the body at risk for heat exhaustion, one of the stages of heat stroke, with headaches as a symptom of heat exhaustion. Any time the body is exposed to high temperatures or spends a long time outside in the hot sun, and a headache occurs afterward, a heat stroke is possible.

Heat Headache Symptoms

Symptoms of a heat-induced headache can vary according to the situation. If the headache is triggered by heat exhaustion, the body will have heat exhaustion symptoms and head pain. Heat exhaustion symptoms include:

  • Dizziness.
  • Muscle cramps or tightness.
  • Nausea.
  • Fainting.
  • An extreme thirst that does not go away.

If the headache or migraine is related to heat exposure but not connected to heat exhaustion, the symptoms may include the following:

  • A throbbing, dull sensation in the head.
  • Dehydration.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sensitivity to light.


Individuals can be proactive about prevention.

  • If possible, limit time outside, protect the eyes with sunglasses, and wear a hat with a brim when staying outdoors.
  • Exercise indoors in an air-conditioned environment if able.
  • Increase water consumption as temperatures rise, and utilize healthy sports drinks to replenish electrolytes.

Home remedies can include:

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment can include:

  • Craniocervical mobilization involves gentle chiropractic pressure on the neck to adjust the joints.
  • Spinal manipulation involves applying more force and pressure at certain points along the spine.
  • Neuromuscular massage includes kneading joints and muscles and relieves pain by releasing pressure from compressed nerves.
  • Myofascial release massage is aimed at the tissues that connect and support muscles and focuses on trigger points in the back and neck or head to relax muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • Trigger point therapies target tense areas to help relax muscles while improving blood flow and relieving stress.
  • Traction therapy.
  • Decompression therapy.
  • Exercises designed specifically to reduce pain.

From Inflammation to Healing


Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of Manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Demont, Anthony, et al. “Efficacy of physiotherapy interventions for the management of adults with cervicogenic headache: A systematic review and meta-analyses.” PM & R: the journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation vol. 15,5 (2023): 613-628. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12856

Di Lorenzo, C et al. “Heat stress disorders and headache: a case of new daily persistent headache secondary to heat stroke.” BMJ case reports vol. 2009 (2009): bcr08.2008.0700. doi:10.1136/bcr.08.2008.0700

Fernández-de-Las-Peñas, César, and María L Cuadrado. “Physical therapy for headaches.” Cephalalgia: an international journal of Headache vol. 36,12 (2016): 1134-1142. doi:10.1177/0333102415596445

Swanson JW. (2018). Migraines: Are they triggered by weather changes?

Victoria Espí-López, Gemma, et al. “Effectiveness of Physical Therapy in Patients with Tension-type Headache: Literature Review.” Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association = Rigaku ryoho vol. 17,1 (2014): 31-38. doi:10.1298/jjpta.Vol17_005

Whalen, John, et al. “A Short Review of the Treatment of Headaches Using Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment.” Current pain and headache reports vol. 22,12 82. 5 Oct. 2018, doi:10.1007/s11916-018-0736-y

Supplements To Ease Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches: Individuals dealing with headaches or migraines should consider incorporating supplements to ease headaches’ severity and frequency. Nutrition and food habits affect all systems in the body. Although slower to take effect than medications, if a diet is used correctly to heal the body and maintain health, other treatments may not be necessary or require less. Many health providers understand that food is a medicine that can assist healing therapies like massage and chiropractic care, which makes the treatment more effective when used with dietary adjustments.

Supplements To Ease Headaches: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches

An unhealthy lifestyle and diet are not the only contributing factor to headaches. Others include:

  • Stress.
  • Job occupation.
  • Sleeping problems.
  • Muscular tension.
  • Vision problems.
  • Certain medication usage.
  • Dental conditions.
  • Hormonal influences.
  • Infections.

Healthy Diet Foundation

The goal of functional medicine is to help individuals reach their health and wellness goals that, include:

  • Regularly active lifestyle.
  • Optimal breathing patterns.
  • Quality sleep patterns.
  • Thorough hydration.
  • Healthy nutrition.
  • Improved digestive health.
  • Improved mental health.
  • Improved musculoskeletal health.

Pain Receptors – Headache

Pain and discomfort symptoms present when various head structures become inflamed or irritated. These structures include:

  • Nerves of the head and neck.
  • Muscles of the neck and head.
  • The skin of the head.
  • Arteries that lead to the brain.
  • Membranes of the ear, nose, and throat.
  • Sinuses that form part of the respiratory system.

The pain can also be referred, meaning that pain in one area can spread to nearby areas. An example is headache pain developed from neck stiffness and tightness.



Determining whether food sensitivities cause or contribute to headaches or migraines can be challenging. Nutritionists and dieticians recommend keeping a food journal to keep track of foods, snacks, drinks, alcohol intake, how the body reacts, and how the individual feels.

  • This process can help recognize foods or eating patterns that may contribute to headaches.
  • An integrative health practitioner can support this process and help identify sensitivities.
  • By eliminating and avoiding processed foods, headaches may be alleviated. This includes limited exposure to artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, and other unnatural additives.


  • Histamines can also be triggers for headaches.
  • Histamine is a vasoactive amine that induces mucus production, blood vessel dilation, and bronchoconstriction.
  • Histamine is in most body tissues, like the nose, sinuses, skin, blood cells, and lungs. But pollen, dander, dust mites, etc., can release histamine.


  • Dehydration can affect all of the body and cognitive functions.
  • Hydrating regularly can prevent headaches and relieve pain.
  • An easy way to test the cause of headaches is to consider drinking plenty of water/hydrating before any other relief option.
  • Drinking pure water with no additives is the quickest and easiest way to hydrate your body.
  • Eat foods with high water content for enhanced hydration, including citrus fruits, cucumbers, melons, zucchini, celery, spinach, and kale.

Toxic Chemicals

  • Toxic chemicals are found in all kinds of products.
  • Cleaning products, make-up, shampoo, and other products have been found to contain chemicals that can worsen headaches and even cause migraines.
  • Consider using natural products and educating on toxic chemicals to know what to look for in everyday products.

Natural Options

Consider a few natural supplements to ease headaches.


  • Magnesium deficiency has been linked to headaches.
  • Foods naturally high in magnesium include legumes, almonds, broccoli, spinach, avocados, dried figs, and bananas.

Ginger Root

  • Ginger root is a natural remedy for nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, and indigestion.
  • Ginger root extract can be taken in supplement form or fresh ginger added to meals and teas.

Coriander Seeds

  • Coriander syrup is effective against migraine pain.
  • A method to relieve a headache is to pour hot water over fresh seeds and inhale the steam.
  • To increase the effectiveness, place a towel over your head.

Celery or Celery Seed Oil

  • Celery can reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.
  • However, pregnant women or individuals with kidney conditions, low blood pressure, taking thyroid medication, blood thinners, lithium, or diuretics should not use celery seed.

Peppermint and Lavender Essential Oils

  • Both have a natural numbing and cooling effect that helps relieve headache pain.
  • Peppermint oil has also been found to be a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, and pain reliever.
  • Lavender oil can eliminate nervous tension, enhance blood circulation, and relieve pain.
  • Both are effective pain relief tools for headache and migraine sufferers.


  • This shrub grows in Europe, some parts of Asia, and North America.
  • A study found that individuals who consumed 75 mg of the extract twice daily reduced migraine attacks’ frequency.


  • A herb plant whose dried leaves have been found to relieve symptoms associated with headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, asthma, dizziness, and arthritis.
  • Feverfew can be found in supplements.
  • It can alter the effects of certain prescription and non-prescription medications.

There is plenty of evidence to support the benefits of healthy nutrition. Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, these supplements can help relieve headaches. As with any supplement, talk to a doctor before starting a supplement regimen.

Chiropractic Care For Migraines


Ariyanfar, Shadi, et al. “Review on Headache Related to Dietary Supplements.” Current Pain and headache report vol. 26,3 (2022): 193-218. doi:10.1007/s11916-022-01019-9

Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of Manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Diener, H C et al. “The first placebo-controlled trial of a special butterbur root extract for the prevention of migraine: reanalysis of efficacy criteria.” European Neurology vol. 51,2 (2004): 89-97. doi:10.1159/000076535

Kajjari, Shweta, et al. “The Effects of Lavender Essential Oil and its Clinical Implications in Dentistry: A Review.” International Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry vol. 15,3 (2022): 385-388. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2378

Maier, Jeanette A et al. “Headaches and Magnesium: Mechanisms, Bioavailability, Therapeutic Efficacy and Potential Advantage of Magnesium Pidolate.” Nutrients vol. 12,9 2660. 31 Aug. 2020, doi:10.3390/nu12092660

Mansouri, Samaneh, et al. “Evaluating the effect of Coriandrum sativum syrup on being migraine-free using mixture models.” Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran vol. 34 44. 6 May. 2020, doi:10.34171/mjiri.34.44

Pareek, Anil, et al. “Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.): A systematic review.” Pharmacognosy Reviews vol. 5,9 (2011): 103-10. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.79105

Skypala, Isabel J et al. “Sensitivity to food additives, vaso-active amines and salicylates: a review of the evidence.” Clinical and translational allergy vol. 5 34. 13 Oct. 2015, doi:10.1186/s13601-015-0078-3

Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches

Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches

Shoulder and neck discomfort, pain, and headaches could be caused by vision problems and eye strain that require corrective glasses, contact lenses, or an updated prescription. Spending long periods of activity involving eye usage, like driving, reading/writing reports, studying plans, instructions, reviewing charts, orders, etc., on mobile devices and computer screens fatigues the eyes. Individuals with tired eyes try to reduce eye strain by tilting their head or neck and hunching forward, which results in an unhealthy posture. And for individuals that need glasses squinting and straining the eyes also leads to unhealthy postures, directly contributing to neck and shoulder pain and headaches. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can repair and heal musculoskeletal injuries and refer patients to the proper specialist, in this case, an eye care professional.

Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches

Vision Problems

Like any muscle, the eyes can be overworked, causing unconscious tensing of the neck, upper back, and shoulder muscles, leading to muscle tension in the back of the skull. The tense muscles can cause blood flow and circulation restriction. Individuals compensate by tilting the head towards one shoulder, craning the neck, or leaning/hunching. This can help for a little while but does not relieve muscle soreness, headaches, or migraines, as well as the throbbing around the temples or the fact that it will keep happening. Individuals learn to live with the pain and push through it. This is unhealthy and can lead to serious, chronic musculoskeletal conditions that can cascade into other health problems. For individuals, the symptoms they are experiencing are common in conditions they may have been previously or currently diagnosed with, including:

Neck Strain

  • The risk of neck strain or injury comes with the overuse of the neck muscles and tendons.
  • This results in neck pain, tenderness, and a decreased range of motion.
  • With vision problems, individuals have additional stress on their neck muscles as they tilt their heads to relieve the discomfort.

Neck Muscle Spasms

  • When the muscles in the neck involuntarily tighten, it can cause sharp or sudden pain; this is referred to as a muscle spasm.
  • Individuals can experience muscle spasms for minutes, hours, or even days.
  • Constantly tilting the head to one side to realign vision can cause overuse and strain on the neck muscles, resulting in muscle spasms.

Torticollis/Wry Neck

  • With torticollis, individuals will likely have a head tilt and experience neck muscle tenderness, stiffness, and pain.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors are experts in relieving discomfort symptoms and restoring the neuromusculoskeletal system to optimal function. They help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms through heat, cold, stretches and exercises, and electrical stimulation to expedite healing. They also retrain individuals on posture training eliminating the need to tilt the head and being more aware of body positioning.

  • As primary care doctors, chiropractors can refer their patients to specialists.
  • Chiropractors work with a wide range of medical professionals, depending on the needs of their patients.
  • When neck and shoulder discomfort and headaches become chronic and do not heal or improve, they could be vision problems.
  • By treating the vision misalignment, pressure can be relieved in the neck and shoulders, reducing and eliminating spasms.

Beyond Medicine


Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Gowrisankaran, Sowjanya, and James E Sheedy. “Computer vision syndrome: A review.” Work (Reading, Mass.) vol. 52,2 (2015): 303-14. doi:10.3233/WOR-152162

Kaur, Kirandeep, et al. “Digital Eye Strain- A Comprehensive Review.” Ophthalmology and therapy vol. 11,5 (2022): 1655-1680. doi:10.1007/s40123-022-00540-9

Lodin, Camilla, et al. “Eye- and neck/shoulder-discomfort during visually demanding experimental near work.” Work (Reading, Mass.) vol. 41 Suppl 1 (2012): 3388-92. doi:10.3233/WOR-2012-0613-3388

Richter, Hans O. “Neck pain brought into focus.” Work (Reading, Mass.) vol. 47,3 (2014): 413-8. doi:10.3233/WOR-131776

Zetterberg, Camilla et al. “Neck/shoulder discomfort due to visually demanding experimental near work is influenced by previous neck pain, task duration, astigmatism, internal eye discomfort, and accommodation.” PloS one vol. 12,8 e0182439. 23 Aug. 2017, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182439

Medication Overuse Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

Medication Overuse Headaches: El Paso Back Clinic

Medication overuse headaches – MOH comes from frequent or excessive use of pain-relieving medications, resulting in daily or near-daily headaches for which the drugs become less and less effective. They are also known as rebound headaches, medication misuse, or drug-induced headaches. It is a common disorder, with around one out of every 100 individuals experiencing these headaches yearly. They can be disabling, causing individuals to be less productive. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can assess, diagnose, and manage headaches naturally with massage, adjustments, and decompression.

Medication Overuse Headaches: EP Chiropractic Team

Medication Overuse Headaches

The same medications that relieve headache pain can trigger headaches if used too often, triggering an unhealthy cycle. Diagnosis of medication overuse headaches means an individual must experience headaches more than 15 days a month for at least three months while taking pain-relieving and/or antimigraine meds and cannot find other cause/s for their headaches. It is more common in women and individuals with headache disorders, chronic pain conditions, and individuals dealing with depression and anxiety.


Symptoms can vary depending on the type of headache being treated and the medicine used. Common symptoms include:

  • They occur every day or nearly every day.
  • They usually start when waking up.
  • They improve with the medication but then return as it wears off.
  • Headache can feel like a dull, tension-type headache or more severe, like a migraine.

Other symptoms can include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Neck discomfort and pain symptoms
  • Weakness
  • Nasal stuffiness and/or Runny nose
  • Light sensitivity
  • Teary eyes
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


Doctors and medical experts don’t know the exact reasons/causes why these headaches occur, and the risk varies depending on the medication. But most medicines have the potential to lead to overuse headaches, including:

Simple Pain Relievers

  • Common pain relievers like aspirin and acetaminophen like Tylenol can contribute to the condition. This is especially true if taking more than the recommended dosages.
  • Other pain relievers like ibuprofen – Advil, Motrin IB, and naproxen sodium – Aleve has shown to have a low risk of contributing to overuse headaches.

Combination Pain Relievers

  • Pain relievers that can be purchased at a store that combines caffeine, aspirin, and acetaminophen – Excedrin has been found to contribute to the condition.
  • This group also includes combination prescription medicines that contain butalbital – Butapap, and Lanorinal. Drugs that contain butalbital have a high risk of causing medication overuse headaches.

Migraine Medicines

  • Various migraine medicines have been linked with the condition. They include triptans – Imitrex, Zomig, and certain headache meds known as ergots, such as ergotamine – Ergomar. These medicines have a moderate risk of causing headaches.
  • The ergot dihydroergotamine – Migranal, Trudhesa have a lower risk of causing headaches.
  • A newer group of migraine medicines known as gepants appear not to cause headaches. Gepants include ubrogepant – Ubrelvy and rimegepant – Nurtec ODT.


  • Opium-derived meds or synthetic compounds have a high risk of causing medication overuse headaches. They include combinations of codeine and acetaminophen.

Prevention and Chiropractic

The following steps can help prevent headaches:

  • Follow the label instructions of the medications and the instructions of the doctor.
  • Limit any headache medications taken as needed to relieve head pain to no more than two to three days a week.
  • Consult with a doctor if there is a need to take medications more than two days a week.
  • Contact a doctor if headaches present more than four days a month which could require headache-preventive medication.
  • Control and avoid anything that triggers headaches, like stress, dehydration, hunger, certain foods and drinks, and unhealthy sleep.


Our team utilizes a personalized and combined treatment approach, including understanding the triggers. The team will work to understand each individual’s situation. A treatment plan can consist of the following:

  • Therapeutic massage to relax and release tight muscles and increase circulation.
  • Spinal manipulation and adjustments to realign the body, improve function and alleviate the stress on the nervous system.
  • Non-surgical spinal decompression.
  • Health Coaching
  • Nutritional recommendations
  • Posture retraining, work postures, ergonomics, targeted stretches/exercises, and relaxation techniques.

Chiropractic and Brain Health


Alstadhaug, Karl B et al. “Preventing and treating medication overuse headache.” Pain reports vol. 2,4 e612. 26 Jul. 2017, doi:10.1097/PR9.0000000000000612

Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Diener, Hans-Christoph, et al. “Pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment of medication overuse headache.” The Lancet. Neurology vol. 18,9 (2019): 891-902. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30146-2

Kulkarni, Girish Baburao, et al. “Medication Overuse Headache.” Neurology India vol. 69, Supplement (2021): S76-S82. doi:10.4103/0028-3886.315981

Negro, Andrea, and Paolo Martelletti. “Gepants for the treatment of migraine.” Expert opinion on investigational drugs vol. 28,6 (2019): 555-567. doi:10.1080/13543784.2019.1618830

Scripter, Cassie. “Headache: Tension-Type Headache.” FP essentials vol. 473 (2018): 17-20.

Headache Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Headache Chiropractor: Back Clinic

Headaches are a common condition that most experience and can differ greatly regarding type, severity, location, and frequency. Headaches range from mild discomfort to constant dull or sharp pressure and severe throbbing pain. A headache chiropractor, through therapeutic massage, decompression, and adjustments, alleviates the headaches, whether tension, migraine, or cluster, releasing the tension and restoring normal function.

Headache ChiropractorHeadache Chiropractor

Ninety-five percent of headaches are primary headaches caused by overactivity, muscle tension, or problems with pain-sensitive structures in the head. These are not a symptom of an underlying disease and include tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. The other 5 percent of headaches are secondary and are caused by an underlying condition, infection, or physical issue. Headaches have various causes or triggers. These include:

  • Long hours driving
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Blood sugar changes
  • Foods
  • Smells
  • Noises
  • Lights
  • Excessive exercise or physical activity

Individuals spend more hours in one fixed position or posture, like sitting in front of a computer or standing at a workstation. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the upper back, neck, and scalp, causing achiness and discomfort that builds up to throbbing soreness. The headache’s location and the discomfort experienced can indicate the type of headache.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are experts in the neuromusculoskeletal system. Research shows that a headache chiropractor can adjust the spine’s alignment to improve spinal function, release and relax the tense muscles, and alleviate nervous system stress helping decrease the intensity and frequency. Treatment includes:

  • Therapeutic massage
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Spinal decompression
  • Postural training
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Body analysis
  • Professional nutritionist recommendations

The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team will develop a personalized treatment plan for the individual’s specific condition and needs.

Migraine Treatment


Biondi, David M. “Physical treatments for headache: a structured review.” Headache vol. 45,6 (2005): 738-46. doi:10.1111/j.1526-4610.2005.05141.x

Bronfort, G et al. “Efficacy of spinal manipulation for chronic headache: a systematic review.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 24,7 (2001): 457-66.

Bryans, Roland, et al. “Evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 34,5 (2011): 274-89. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.008

Côté, Pierre, et al. “Non-pharmacological management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain: A clinical practice guideline from the Ontario Protocol for traffic injury management (OPTIMa) collaboration.” European journal of pain (London, England) vol. 23,6 (2019): 1051-1070. doi:10.1002/ejp.1374