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Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.

We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.

How Combining Chiropractic & Yoga Can Be Beneficial To Your Spine

How Combining Chiropractic & Yoga Can Be Beneficial To Your Spine

Yoga has long been touted as a healing activity that extends beyond its known fitness benefits. It can help alleviate depression, relieve stress, and decrease anxiety as well as tighten and tone the body.

A 2016 study by Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal shows that the more than 20 million people who practice yoga spend more than $10 billion on related classes and products. Chiropractors have picked up on the benefits of yoga and are recommending it to their patients. Why, because it helps to improve flexibility as well as spinal health.

Chiropractic and the spine�s role in the body.

Chiropractic is primarily intended to align the spine and balance the body. The spine is the primary support for the body. It houses most of the central nervous system and provides pathways for neural impulses to move throughout the body.

When the spine is out of alignment, it can affect how the central nervous system functions. It can also affect flexibility and even overall mobility as well as cause pain and stiffness.

Chiropractic treatment brings the spine back into alignment. It helps to balance the body and treat injuries as well as help with the changes the aging body experiences.

One of the best-known uses for chiropractic is to treat pain. It is a medication free, non-invasive treatment for chronic pain, sports-related injuries, and even automobile accidents. Many patients had reported finding relief with chiropractic when nothing else worked.

Combining yoga with chiropractic increases the effectiveness of the treatment while strengthening the body and making it better able to respond to it. It is the perfect complement to chiropractic care, and many patients are discovering tremendous health benefits from this winning, healthy combination.

yoga and chiropractic el paso tx.

What is Yoga?

In its purest form, it is an ascetic and spiritual discipline that comes from Hindu culture. It involves simple meditation, conscious breathing or breath control, and performing certain body postures.

While an ancient practice long used for spiritual and emotional healing as well as physical wellness, yoga has been adopted in western culture and widely accepted as a form of fitness as well as a therapeutic practice used for relaxation and overall good health. It focuses on inward healing for outward results.

People who regularly practice find they are more centered, handle stress better, and aren�t as likely to experience depression and anxiety. They also are more flexible, have better mobility, and have stronger leaner bodies.

What happens when you combine yoga and chiropractic care?

Because yoga helps to lower blood pressure, decrease stress, and strengthen the body�s core, it is perfect therapy for the chiropractic patient. While chiropractic care is working to align the spine and balance the body, yoga is helping to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, providing better support. The numerous health benefits, particularly regarding blood flow and relaxation help to increase chiropractic�s effectiveness as a pain management tool.

Patients who combine yoga and chiropractic will also often find that they see the effects of both treatments much faster than they would if they were only doing one or the other. Both chiropractic and yoga help with balance, flexibility, and mobility, but they come at it from somewhat different approaches. The benefit of this is that it provides a more balanced, well-rounded treatment in these areas as one supports the other.

Yoga also tones and tightens the body, preparing it for much more profound levels of healing, cleansing and releasing the body of tensions that may have been held�in for years. It also works to stretch muscles that have been restricted for years, or even for the patient�s entire life. It prepares the body to accept the full benefits of chiropractic and respond faster and more thoroughly.

Chiropractic Care & Sports Injuries

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Pilates

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Pilates

Everyone knows that exercise is great for overall wellness, better health, and a healthy body. Many chiropractors will often recommend regular exercise to their patients who need to lose weight, want better mobility, or are seeking relief from depression. Some chiropractors are turning to Pilates to help their patients get stronger, more flexible, and more mobile.

pilates exercise el paso tx.

What is Pilates?

In the early 20th century Joseph Pilates developed the exercise program to help World War I soldiers improve their physical fitness. It was used to rehabilitate patients who had been injured. By incorporating resistance, stretching, and target strengthening exercise, Pilates uses resistance bands, individual machines, and floor work to reshape and rehabilitate the body. Dancers, gymnasts, athletes, and celebrities use Pilates to stay in shape. However, anyone can do it for a healthier, more supple spine.

Care of the spine is at the core of Pilates. By keeping it in a neutral, or natural, position, this exercise can prevent back pain as well as help ease it. When done correctly, Pilates can:

  • Improve muscle control and movement efficiency through mental focus.
  • Make you more mindful of your body�s position, specifically, remaining aware of the spine�s position and keeping it neutral
  • Improve centering and mental focus through special, breathing techniques
  • Support and improve posture by strengthening the abdominal and back muscles.

Benefits of Pilates for Chiropractic Patients

The benefits of Pilates tremendous, but for chiropractic patients, it is even more so. By regularly incorporating Pilates into your exercise routine, you can enjoy these incredible benefits.

You can adapt Pilates to your fitness level and needs. Whether you are just starting a fitness program or you�ve been working out for years, Pilates can be tailored to your fitness needs and level.

It helps you strengthen your core. The deep muscles of your abdomen, back, and pelvic floor make up the core muscles of your body. Many of the movements focus on these muscles, making a body that is strong and the frame is supported.

Allows you to strengthen your muscles without bulking up. With Pilates your muscles get strong, but it also stretches the muscles so that they are lean and long. You will look toned and tight but not bulky and muscular.

It focuses on whole body fitness. Many types of exercise only work certain parts of the body, but this focuses on entire body fitness. It works every part of the body so that the muscle development is balanced.

It helps to improve your posture. It strengthens your body and helps to keep your spine in proper alignment due to a strong core. As a result, your posture naturally improves. By incorporating it into your exercise routine, you will find yourself standing taller, stronger, and more graceful.

You can become more connected through your mind and body by increased awareness. Pilates engages your mind and increases body awareness. It unites the mind, body, and spirit for complete coordination. Each movement is done with full attention.

It improves your flexibility. Pilates is a gentle but powerful exercise that works to safely stretch the muscles, making them longer, and increasing the range of motion in the joints.

It can protect you from injuries. By strengthening your body, Pilates can help protect you against injury. It conditions your whole body so that your muscles and strength are balanced. This reduces your risk of injury.

You get a natural energy boost. Just like with any exercise, it will give you an energy boost. However, it is increased even more thanks to the focused breathing and increase in circulation stimulating the muscles and spine.

It can help you lose weight and attain a lean, long, healthy body. It tones and strengthens the body, and if you do it regularly, it will reshape you. The body is more muscular and more balanced. It also helps you move with more grace and ease.

Chiropractic Care & PUSH as Rx

How to Set Realistic Goals that’ll Change Your Overall Health

How to Set Realistic Goals that’ll Change Your Overall Health

New Year�s Resolutions made by well-meaning but, unfortunately, less than 10 percent of people who make resolutions feel that they successfully achieve them and only 45 percent last past six months. Self-improvement goals like lose weight, eat healthier, quit smoking, and life improvement rank in the top five more popular resolutions. So, what is that 10 percent doing that makes them successful at achieving their goals? What sets them apart?

SMART Approach to Successful Goals

The SMART approach is a guide for setting realistic goals and attaining them. It is an acronym that outlines a success-focused strategy for goal setting:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Accountable
  • Realistic
  • Timeframe

Each step will bring you closer to achieving your goals and improve your health.

Be SPECIFIC about your goals

Vague, ambiguous goals can�t stand up to time and temptation. Get specific.

Say you want to lose weight. How much do you want to lose? How do you plan to accomplish it? What are your reasons for setting this goal? Whatever goal you are setting, ask why and get specific about the details.

Set Goals that are MEASURABLE

If you set a goal that you can�t measure, how will you know when you reach it?

Any goal that you have can be measured in some way. Weight loss is measured in pounds, how your clothes fit, or how many inches you�ve lost. Eating healthy can be measured by what foods you incorporate into your diet, getting the junk food out of your pantry, and finding healthy recipes.

It helps to break your main goal into several smaller, attainable ones. It lets you see success very early, and you keep seeing success which spurs your motivation, making you less likely to abandon your efforts.

goals health el paso tx.


Accountability is a great motivator for helping you stick to your goals. Keeping a journal has long been a great way to keep yourself accountable, but there are many website and software programs that you can use to track your efforts that may prove to be even more effective.

Partnering up with a buddy is also a great strategy. Choosing someone who has a goal similar to yours allows you to hold each other accountable. Plus, success is always better when you can share it with a friend.

Keep Your Goals REALISTIC

Unrealistic or unattainable goals are motivation killers. Even goals that are too difficult or require high-pressure effort over a long period can be challenging to�see all the way through.

As you sit down, think about not only what you want to achieve, but what that looks like in your life. In other words, consider your personality and lifestyle, structuring your goals to accommodate those factors.

If your goal is to lose weight, setting a goal of 30 pounds in 30 days is not only unrealistic but unhealthy. On the other hand, setting a 2 pound per week loss is a goal that you will likely find to be much easier.

Set a TIME-FRAME, but Keep it Flexible

Creating a timeframe for meeting your goals gives your efforts structure which helps to keep you motivated. Make sure your timelines are realistic; give yourself enough time.

If the constraints are too tight, you could find that you veer off the path and even lose sight. Stay flexible, though. If you don�t reach a target within a given timeframe, don�t be afraid to move it a little.

As long as you are moving forward, toward your goal you don�t need to limit yourself just because you didn�t complete it within the time you allotted initially. It�s about meeting your goals�and making lasting changes that will affect your overall health for the better. Cut yourself some slack.

Chiropractic Care & Cross Fit Rehabilitation

3 Ways Pro Athletes Benefit From Chiropractic… & So Can You!

3 Ways Pro Athletes Benefit From Chiropractic… & So Can You!

Chiropractic care is a respected, effective treatment for a variety of conditions as well as for promoting overall wellness. Every day patients seek it out to manage their pain, find relief from health issues, and recover from injuries. But did you know that pro athletes also utilize chiropractic for injuries, soreness, and to keep them playing at optimal levels?

What many may not realize is that an estimated 90 percent of top athletes use chiropractic to step up their game. You don�t have to be an athlete to step up your own game with chiropractic care. Here are three benefits that the pros enjoy � and so can you!

Chiropractic is an effective treatment for pain management.

Chiropractic has long been regarded as a natural, non-invasive, drug-free approach to pain management. Numerous studies have proven its effectiveness in treating pain for some conditions and injuries. Many pro athletes utilize this option to manage their pain from overtaxed muscles and ligaments to activity related injuries.

When the spine not correctly aligned it can put pressure or stress on other areas of the body. Spinal adjustments can help relieve pain in ligaments, joints, discs, and muscles. However, chiropractic techniques can be used for all parts of the body, including arms, hands, fingers, feet, hips, and knees.

Chiropractic helps in preventing injury and enhancing performance.

Doctors of Chiropractic understand that when it comes to treatment, there is not a one size fits all option. Every patient is different, and they will tailor a custom plan that benefits the entire body based on lifestyle, activity level, age, health conditions, and other factors.

The first appointment will include a variety of evaluations that help the doctor determine the best course of treatment for you, including the activities you engage in and the frequency. This way he or she can get an idea of your risk of injury and the areas to concentrate on in your treatment. So, whether you are a pro football player or a weekend warrior, chiropractic can improve your performance and help protect you from injury.

Chiropractic helps in treating many types of injuries.

For pro athletes, injuries are just part of the game. High impact sports like hockey, football, and wrestling tend to result in injuries, but even non-contact sports like baseball, cycling, and golf can lead to injuries as well.

Low impact, as well as low impact athletes, find great value in routine adjustments and spinal alignments. This alone helps to lower their risk of injury as well as improve flexibility and enhance performance. It can help reduce the stress and strain that all types of physical activity place on the body, whether you are a pro golfer or football player, or if you enjoy working in your garden or are a stay at home mom running after kids all day.

pro athletes chiropractic treatment el paso tx.
Sports equipment with a football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis and golf ball and badminton hockey puck as recreation and leisure fun activities for team and individual playing.

Some of the top names in pro sports rely on chiropractic to treat injuries, manage pain, and enhance athletic performance. You might recognize some of the names: Barry Bonds, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Evander Holyfield, Tiger Woods, Joe Montana, and Martina Navratilova are just a few. You don�t have to be an athlete, though, to reap the same benefits that the pros do. You can get them by scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care is a safe, useful healthcare option that is appropriate for all ages and activity levels. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will sit down with you and work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Because this type of treatment focuses on the root of the problem instead of just managing symptoms, your treatment plan will usually involve not only adjustments and chiropractic techniques, but dietary recommendations, exercises, and lifestyle modifications as well so that you enjoy whole body wellness.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation for Athletes

Incorporate Movement Into Your Workplace

Incorporate Movement Into Your Workplace

If you sit behind a desk all day with little or no activity, you could be compromising your physical health, mental health, and brain health which could impact your productivity at work. From a physical standpoint, it isn�t healthy to remain in one position for too long. It can lead to various health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Experts advise movement. By getting up and walking around every hour or so or do exercises at your desk.

Healthy brain function can�be impacted by inactivity if you sit at work without moving for long periods of time your brain could suffer. The lack of activity could cause it to enter into a state of slumber which can lead to a decrease in brain processing speed and short-term memory loss.

It can also impact a person�s ability to learn or retain new information. It is so important to create an organizational culture that encourages moving around as part of their workday.

There are four areas where you can incorporate movement into your workplace: policies, places, people, and permission.

Movement Policies

Create written policies that encourage and advocate movement during work hours. Incorporate moving workstations, moving meetings, flexible scheduling, more breaks when meetings run long, and a movement-friendly dress code.

Provide information and training to all employees and leadership underlining the importance of the policies and explaining the importance of movement as well as what they can do to support the initiative.


movement in the work place el paso tx.

Create workspaces that are conducive to movement, adjusting workstations so that they encourage active movement and incorporating dynamic change into current processes and workflows while minimizing the time employees spend sitting.

Seek out software and applications that encourage users to stretch or get up and move while they are working. Make stairwells more accessible and appealing, improve common areas, and promote collaboration that requires moving to various workstations or common areas.


Identify employees who are good role models for movement and train them for leadership roles so that they can encourage other employees to move a part of their workday. Train them in the policies regarding movement and task them with helping to create a culture of health and mobility within the organization.

Organize groups to walk during breaks or meet in common areas for light stretching and other types of movement. Sponsor contests and competitions with prizes for employees who achieve set goals.


Educate all employees and all levels of management or leadership on the benefits of movement and how it can positively impact personal production and performance as well as organizational outcomes. Stress that moving during the work day should become a regular activity and must be welcomed and allowed. Emphasize that it is the task of all employees to make a culture of movement the norm as opposed to the exception.

The benefits of moving around in the workplace extend far beyond healthier employees and increased production. Employees perceive themselves as valuable to the organization and morale is increased. Employee engagement�improves�on the job, and they invest more in their work as opposed to just doing a job. They are happier, empowered, and more productive at work and take more of an active role in business outcomes as well as their health.

Of course, employees will also enjoy individual benefits such as increased blood flow, as well as improved problem solving, better alertness, and enhanced creativity. A workplace that incorporates movement into its culture is a healthier, happier place to work with more robust, and more satisfied employees. You can�t afford to not implement this simple, effective strategy into your own organizational culture.

Labrum�Tear Hip Treatment

Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome is a condition of the joints. Characterized by the ability of the joint to move beyond its normal range of motion and is sometimes called �loose joints� or �double jointed.� It is typically a genetic disorder and often identified in children. The gene passes from parent to child, so the condition tends to run in families. Estimated that 10 to 15 percent of children who are otherwise considered to be normal have joints that are hypermobile. However, it can be found in all ages and does not seem to be confined to a particular age group, ethnic group, or population although there are more cases of girls being hypermobile than boys.

Hypermobility Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of hypermobility can vary widely from person to person. Some people may not experience any symptoms while others have muscle and joint pain along with mild swelling. Usually noted in the evening or later afternoon as well as after moderate physical activity or exercise. The most common areas for pain and achiness are the elbows, knees, thigh muscle, and calf muscle. Often rest will provide relief.

A person who is hypermobile is usually more prone to soft tissue injuries and sprains. Additionally, the affected joints may be more inclined to become dislocated. It can also cause back pain, impaired joint position sense, and even flat feet, osteoarthritis, and nerve compression disorders. Other symptoms include increased bruising, chronic pain, loose skin, and thin scars. Children and young people who are hypermobile often experience growing pains more often than other children.

Most children will grow out of hypermobility; their joints will lose some of their flexibility as they get older along with the symptoms of rarely persist beyond childhood although some adults do find that they get dislocations and sprains much easier.

hypermobility syndrome el paso tx

Causes of Hypermobility

The exact cause of hypermobility is not known, although it does seem to run in families. Genes play a large part in the process, particularly those involved in collagen production which is a vital protein for tendon, joint, and ligament development and function. There are also several�associated�conditions. Genetic disorders like Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan have hypermobility as a component as does Down Syndrome.

Hypermobility Treatment

Treatment for hypermobility depends on the patient. It depends on the symptoms that they are experiencing as well as the severity and how much of an impact the condition has on their quality of life. Mild symptoms may not require any treatment while more moderate to severe symptoms may warrant medication like naproxen, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen for pain. All of which,�can be bought over the counter.

Patients can ward off many of the symptoms or eliminate them by engaging in regular exercise, protecting the joints, practicing good posture, muscle strengthening exercises, and balancing techniques. Orthotics to correct flat feet can also be beneficial.

Chiropractic for Hypermobility

Many people use chiropractic for hypermobility pain and discomfort. The doctor will use adjustments to bring the joints into the appropriate movement pattern and the body into proper alignment, allowing the body to function as it should and relieves stress from joints that were compensating due to misalignment.

The patient may also be advised to do specific exercises at home, and get counseling on improving their posture. Because chiropractic treats the entire body, the patient will find that they learn how to best live with the condition without medication and manage pain naturally. Patients report dramatic improvement in their distress and mobility after regular, consistent chiropractic visits.

Chiropractic Care Crossfit Rehabilitation

El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Treatment

El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Treatment

El Paso, TX. Massage therapist, Sandra Rubio has worked with Dr. Alex Jimenez for about six years. Sandra discovered how useful and essential chiropractic care can be by caring for individuals on a routine basis. Sandra explains how Dr. Alex Jimenez provides patients with having a better means of healing themselves, without the use of drugs and medications or even through an operation. The trust between Dr. Jimenez and the patient establishes a favorable treatment outcome for many athletes with sports injuries as well as patients with other types of injuries or conditions via chiropractic care. Sandra Rubio recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical selection for sports accidents.


El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Chiropractic Treatment


Sprains and strains are some of the most common kind of non-surgical injuries frequently reported by an athlete. Sprains are injuries which affect demanding bands that connect the joints and bones, the ligaments. They can be deformed or tear by the stretching of these outside their range. Strains are injuries that affect the muscle fibers or tendons, which operate by anchoring bones. Seeking prompt medical attention can help these cure faster to allow the athlete to be able to heal more quickly. Although sports injuries are mild or moderate, some treatment options can help treat sports injuries.


El Paso, TX. Sports injury chiropractic treatment


We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.


Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.


As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.


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Recommend: Dr. Alex Jimenez � El Paso, TX. Chiropractor


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