Back and Spine Health Exercise: Exercise is one of the most significant ways to increase longevity, improve health, and decrease pain and suffering. A proper exercise program can improve flexibility, mobility, increase strength, and reduce back pain. Knowledge of the best exercises to improve health or decrease pain is essential to a workout plan or pain management program. Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for overall health. The many benefits include improved health and fitness and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
There are many different types of exercise; it is important to pick the right types. Most benefits from a combination of exercises: Endurance or aerobic activities increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and biking.
Strength or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls. To improve your balance, try tai chi or exercises like standing on one leg. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Yoga and doing various stretches can make you more flexible.
Fitness Trackers: Exercise is usually a great compliment to chiropractic treatment. In fact, many chiropractors recommend regular exercise to their patients. It helps with pain management and speeds healing as well as give your mood a healthy, natural boost.
Fitness trackers are a popular workout tool that helps people set fitness goals, track their progress, and get healthier. How can they help chiropractic patients though? What can they offer that will patients get more out of their treatments? Find out what you need to know about chiropractic and fitness trackers.
Fitness Trackers
It Takes More Than The Tech To Get You Fit.
All the flashy, high tech bells and whistles in the world won�t roll you out of bed in the morning and place you on the treadmill. No fancy wristband will get you up and moving, getting exercise and getting fit. The tech is cool. It is fun and exciting, but it won�t get you fit. Only you can do that.
So if you are getting a fitness tracker with the belief that it is going to be some kind of fitness magic bullet, that just won�t happen. It is great as a fitness buddy, a tool, a nifty gadget that may help motivate you and help you achieve your fitness goals. In the end, though, you are the one driving that car. You are in control.
Is A Fitness Tracker For You?
There are so many fitness trackers on the market with an almost endless list of features. Finding the one that is right for you, or if you could even benefit from a fitness tracker takes a bit of research. Look for features that work for you and the activities you will be pursing.
For instance, if you enjoy water-based fitness activities you might want a waterproof model. There are also data limits, screen sizes (or no screen at all), heart rate tracking options, and whether you want a clip on tracker or one that straps on your wrist.
Before making your purchase, take some time to research all of the features that are available to you then decide what you like and what features would best help you meet your fitness goals.
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Fitness Tracker.
Once you have your fitness tracker you will want to make a plan to ensure that you get the most out of it. Try these tips to make your fitness tracker work its best for you.
Identify clear cut goals. When you begin your fitness quest, the first thing you need to do is know where you want to go with it. It is a good idea to record your stats at the beginning and then update them every month or so. This will let you see how many more steps you are taking, how much weight you�ve lost, or whatever else you wish to accomplish.
Set attainable benchmarks. Benchmarks help you along as you work toward your goal. The key is setting them so that they are attainable but still present a bit of a challenge. If weight loss is your key, you might set benchmarks for every two months. For fitness goals, you may set benchmarks for a certain number of steps in a given time or a certain number of workouts each week. When you reach a benchmark, celebrate a little.
Wear it on your non-dominant wrist. The Journal, Medical and Science in Sports and Exercise published a study that revealed participants who wore fitness trackers on their wrists throughout the day found that they were more accurate when worn on the non-dominant wrist. The theory is that the non-dominant wrist moves less, giving a more accurate reading.
Calibrate your tracker to match your stride. Not everyone has the same stride. You may be very tall or very short; you might take longer strides or time steps. Whatever the case, you�ll get the most out of your fitness tracker by calibrating your stride. Most trackers will provide instructions for doing the calibration. It is well worth taking the time to complete it.
Incorporate other apps to boost your fitness efforts. Many fitness trackers will recommend other apps that can help you meet your goals and you can sync them to your tracker. However, you can also look for apps on your own that can help. There are so many different fitness apps out there from food tracking to apps that use your phone�s GPS to provide more accurate measurements on your runs, walks, or bike rides.
The more fit you are the better your chiropractic treatments will typically work. Fitness trackers can help you reach your goals and get the most out of your chiropractic care.
Infantile Colic: If you have ever cared for an infant with colic, you know how frustrating and helpless it can make you feel. It is so hard to see a little one in such obvious discomfort and you can�t help them no matter what you do. When you have a baby who experiences frequent colic it can be heartbreaking. An infant is so small and they can�t tell you where it hurts or what is wrong; all they can do is cry.
Chiropractic has been proven to help with infantile colic. It can soothe fussy babies and ease the nerves of frazzled parents. Some moms and dads may be a little ambivalent about the idea of having a chiropractor �work� on their baby, but the benefits are incredible � and baby�s comfort is definitely worth it.
What Is Colic?
Colic is a condition that has frustrated parents since the beginning of time. The most prevalent symptom is the severe distress that occurs over predictable periods of time. It is labeled colic when there is no obvious underlying condition that could cause the distress, and occurs in babies that are newborn to 3 months (sometimes up to 6 months), healthy and well fed.
The bouts of crying and distress can last hours, days, or even weeks. Often it seems that there is no way to comfort the baby or provide relief. Symptoms of colic include:
Crying that does not seem to have a reason
Crying that is intense and indicates obvious distress
Crying that occurs at predictable times
Changes in posture that include tense abdominal muscles, clenched fists, and curled legs.
What To Expect When You Take Your Infant To A Chiropractor
Some parents may balk at taking their infant to a chiropractor, their minds filled with images of the stereotypical snap, crackle, and pop that is so often associated with the practice. However, infant chiropractic is different and much milder. Chiropractic adjustments for infants are very gentle.
The chiropractor will use his fingers to gently apply pressure to areas on the back and neck. Most babies completely relax as the doctor corrects the misalignments � some even fall peacefully asleep. When you are choosing a chiropractor for your baby, ask if he or she is experienced in working with babies.
How Chiropractic To Treat Colic Works
Childbirth is not a gentle experience. As the baby�s tiny body is compressed and stretched as it is emerging into the world, it can cause the vertebrae of the neck and back to become misaligned. If the delivery included vacuum extraction, forceps, or prolonged pushing, or other things that doctors or midwives must do to assist in delivery, the chances that the baby will experience misalignment are very good.
When these misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, are significant enough, it can impede on how well other major systems in the body are able to function. Digestion is one area that can be greatly impacted and when digestion of formula or breastmilk is compromised it can be the cause of major distress and discomfort for the baby. This can lead to episodes of colic.
Studies That Support How Chiropractic Helps Infantile Colic
There have been several studies that explores the efficacy of chiropractic for colic. The majority of this research has shown that it is a very effective treatment.
A 1999 study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that spinal manipulation for colic is a very effective treatment for the condition. Babies treated using chiropractic experienced a decrease in crying by 67 percent. Babies who received medication experienced a decrease in crying by 38 percent. Another study showed similar results. Chiropractic improved crying behavior in babies that had colic.
Chiropractic is an effective, gentle, and drug free way to treat colic. Babies can thrive and be free of distress and discomfort while mom and dad can get some much needed sleep � and peace of mind.
Injury Medical Clinic: Migraine Treatment & Recovery
Kids: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by impulsivity and hyperactivity over a period of more than six months. Symptoms are usually noted and the condition can be diagnosed in children younger than 7 years of age.
It impacts kids socially and academically. According to the CDC, around 10 percent of children in the United States, age 5 to 17 years, has been diagnosed with ADHD. It is usually treated with medications that can have very serious, even frightening side effects. Chiropractic care has been proven to be an effective treatment for ADHD in children.
The Truth About ADHD Medication
The increasing prevalence of ADHD has led to the development of several drugs that are intended to treat the symptom�s conditions. Ritalin has long been the standard for treating ADHD. This drug is a schedule II controlled substance and its effects are frighteningly similar to cocaine and amphetamines.
What�s more, it has been linked to certain cardiac related conditions in young children. Adderall, another ADHD drug is very popular on the street and students in high school and college illegally sell it and use it. Emergency room visits due to Ritalin intoxication has been steadily increasing and is at the same level as ER visits that involve cocaine. Both Ritalin and Adderall, as well as many other ADHD drugs, are highly addictive and commonly abused.
Chiropractic For Kids Diagnosed With ADHD
Chiropractic care does not necessarily �treat� ADHD, but it does have very positive effects on children who have been diagnosed with the condition. There have been several studies that support how chiropractic helps ADHD. It is a safe, natural treatment for the condition and helps treating the symptoms. It goes far beyond treating back pain and neck problems. The adjustments can help a great deal.
The chiropractor will find subluxations in the spine and address them. Regular adjustments can help with more efficient and effective nerve flow. If the child has a spinal misalignment that could be the cause of the behavioral issues. Another popular theory is that an imbalance in the child�s muscle tone creates the brain activity to be out of balance. Adjusting the child�s spine restores balance to the brain and body.
Chiropractic also offers a whole body approach to wellness and that can help ADHD symptoms as well. The child may be exposed to a variety of sound and light frequencies as part of their therapy. The doctor may also recommend certain dietary changes and exercises. In many cases, eliminating certain foods from a child�s diet can cause many ADHD symptoms to subside or even disappear completely.
A chiropractor may have specific lifestyle changes:
Find out if the child as any allergies and address them
Eliminate additives, food dyes, preservatives, and sugar from the child�s diet
Avoid any stimulants like nicotine, alcohol, and certain medications while pregnant
Use unprocessed, natural foods and avoid all herbicides and pesticides
Avoid stress while pregnant; take time to relax
These changes can make a significant difference in the child�s behavior.
There is also an upper cervical technique that chiropractors use to realign the bones in the spine and skull. It is believed that when these bones are out of alignment it puts pressure on certain areas of the brain, resulting in the behavior issues. This treatment has a very good response rate in kids who have been diagnosed with ADHD.
Chiropractic care is a viable alternative to some of the more undesirable treatments for ADHD. It is easier on the child and healthier as well as safer. It will help them perform better in school and have better behavior at home. More parents are opting for chiropractic care instead of harmful drugs. It is a child�s best chance.
7 Ways:Chiropractic�traditionally is considered by many to be a treatment for adults. However, research shows that the treatment can be very beneficial for children. It can make birth easier and help give babies a healthy start in life. Young children can benefit from many of the childhood conditions that chiropractic helps treat. If you haven�t thought about chiropractic are for your child, take a look at these benefits of treatment; bet you�ll be convinced.
7 Ways Chiropractic Benefits Children
Promotes Optimal Health & Wellness
A properly aligned spine promotes good posture which promotes better health. However, it doesn�t stop there. When the spine is properly aligned the neural pathways are clear, allowing the central nervous system to function as it should. Additionally, the whole body approach that chiropractic takes helps provide a good foundation for healthy eating and regular exercise in children.
Helps Treat Asthma, Colic & Other Childhood Issues
There are numerous studies that show chiropractic is a viable treatment option for a variety of childhood conditions and illnesses. Chiropractic for asthma has long been discussed and is being embraced by more and more parents as well as the medical community as people are seeing first hand that it really works. There have also been studies that show chiropractic for colic is a very effective remedy, particularly for chronic colic in babies.
Helps Treat Birth Trauma
Birth trauma occurs more often than many people realize. It is typically only recognized or acknowledged when it is significant and causes severe damage or distortions. Some experts regard it as an underpublicized problem which means it is an undertreated problem.
Some studies show that using chiropractic to treat birth trauma can be very beneficial for the child. It addresses musculoskeletal injuries as well as problems with the brain stem and spinal cord caused by birth trauma.
Boosts Immunity
A flu epidemic in 1917 and 1918 was killing people � but the chiropractic patients were coming out much better than those who did not receive chiropractic treatments. They had a 5% death rate while those who were under chiropractic care had a .25% death rate. That is significant.
Regular chiropractic care can help boost immunity in children and adults. The spine plays a major part in health and the immune system. The body is better able to fight off infection, and if that isn�t enough to convince you it is also very effective in treating allergies.
Chiropractic does not �treat� ADHD/ADD but its positive effects on children who have been diagnosed with this condition has been documented in several studies. There have also been findings that suggest chiropractic may be more effective than medication.
Children who undergo chiropractic for ADHD have exhibited improvement in behavior and parental ratings of the child�s hyperactivity have also improved.
Aids In Resolving Breastfeeding Issues
Several studies have shown that chiropractic helps resolve breastfeeding problems in babies. Babies who have trouble latching on or staying on the breast and other problems can lead to breastfeeding failure. These studies assert that the outcome doesn�t have to be complete failure.
The birthing process can be very difficult on a baby, particularly when the baby is large or has large shoulders and traction is required to birth the child. Chiropractic care can help realign the baby�s spine so they are more comfortable during feeding and have better flexibility.
Decrease Risk Of Injury
The bones of babies and toddlers are more flexible than adult bones but they can still sustain injury. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the ligaments and joints supple which, in turn, helps prevent injury. This is particularly beneficial once the child becomes more mobile and begins turning over, sitting up, crawling, pulling up, and walking. It can help the child transition to each of these phases much easier and smoother.
So there you have it� 7 ways chiropractic benefits children. Ready to get your family started under chiropractic care? Then give us a call today!
Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic: Sport Injury Treatments
When you walk, more than 200 individual muscles spring into action which includes all of the muscles in your spine and pelvic area. There�s no denying that walking is good for you and very beneficial to overall health. It is also very effective for spinal health. In most cases, walking is an excellent complement to chiropractic care. Here are 5 good reasons for chiropractic patients to get moving.
Walking Benefits:
Prevents & Relieves Back Pain
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) recommends walking to help relieve back pain. It is a low impact exercise and very gentle on the back, burning around 265 calories in 30 minutes.
You should avoid walking on uneven terrain or concrete to keep it low impact and avoid injury. Exercise also releases pain relieving endorphins in addition to aiding in other conditions that can relieve pain which includes improving flexibility and mobility, helps rehydrate spinal discs, increases circulation, and aids in weight loss and weight management.
Increases Circulation
Walking increases circulation throughout your body, including your spine. This ensures that you have a continual flow of blood to the muscles and nutrients to the spine. Soft tissues are nourished and enriched while harmful toxins are drained away.
Walking is integral for spinal health. It increases circulation which, in turn, lowers blood pressure. This helps bring the body into balance and increases your stamina. As blood is moved through your body it nourishes all of your muscles, making you stronger and making it easier for you to exercise. Basically, the more you walk, the more you are able to walk.
Improves Flexibility & Mobility
As walking increases circulation, flexibility and mobility are enhanced. When combined with a regimen of light stretching, walking can increase flexibility and a better range of motion. This has the added benefits of reducing the risk of injury and improving posture.
The ACA recommends a series of stretches combined with cardio, including walking, to help with back pain management and good spinal health. It is a very good accompaniment to chiropractic care and is an effective supporting activity which will help your treatment work even better.
Helps Rehydrate Spinal Disks
During the day movement causes compression of your spinal discs, squeezing out the water that fills the discs so they provide a cushion or your vertebrae. The increased circulation that comes from walking also helps to move vital water to the area.
The discs absorb this water, rehydrating them so they can continue to do their job as shock absorbers for the spinal column. This is also a great case for staying well hydrated by drinking lots of water not only while you walk, but also throughout the day.
Aids With Weight Loss & Weight Management
Extra body weight can cause significant stress on the spine. Abdominal fat can create excess weight in the front, causing a swayback effect in the spine. This puts pressure on the lower back, resulting in pain in that area.
The spine is part of the body�s core and the muscles that surround the spine aid in balance and movement. When excess weight is present those muscles become strained as they must work harder to maintain balance. Walking helps with weight management and weight loss eliminating or reducing the effects of excessive weight.
Walking benefits your whole body. It reduces your risk of heart disease, improves blood sugar and blood pressure, reduces your risk of osteoporosis, helps you maintain body weight, improves your mental health, and can even reduce your risk of certain cancers. With your spine at the core of your body, good spinal health plays a part in every one of these conditions. By combining walking with chiropractic care, you are giving your body its best chance at good health and optimal function.
Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Pablo Mena & Son | PUSH-as-Rx ��
There was a time when Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, was laughed off as �kids being kids.� Research has shown, however, that ADHD is a neuro behavioral disorder that is often diagnosed in children. In fact, 1 in 10 children receives a diagnosis of ADHD and experts are taking notice of the condition�s impact in learning and even daily living.
ADHD Drugs – Dangerous Game
Traditional treatments for ADHD are often heavily dependent upon medication, particularly stimulants like Ritalin. This drug has long been the standard for treating children diagnosed with ADHD and it, along with other similar drugs, have been shown to be somewhat effective in treating the symptoms of the condition in many patients. Unfortunately, that is not all that these drugs do.
Several of the drugs marketed specifically for ADHD are schedule II controlled substances and act very similar to amphetamines. Drugs including Ritalin have effects that closely mimic those of cocaine. Several of these drugs have been linked to cardiovascular problems in children and teens. Many of them are highly addictive.
Drugs like Adderall have become street drugs abused by teens and college students who enjoy its �speed� effects or who use it to stay awake so they can study. Some young women are abusing the drug by taking it as a diet aid.
Aside from all of this, though, are the effects a child�s brain and body undergo when they take the medication as prescribed. There is usually a distinct behavioral and personality change which often presents as a �dulling� or �stoned� reaction.
There are also great concerns that too little is known about the long term effects of taking ADHD drugs. It is a dangerous game to play with a child�s life.
Studies & Research
Several studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments as a viable therapy for ADHD. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics in 1989 was one of the early studies to explore this. The conclusion of the study was �impressive evidence� that the majority of the subjects did improve while using specific chiropractic care.
It also called for more studies to be conducted to further explore the possibilities that chiropractic care offers. Another study published in Explore (NY) in 2010 also provided strong evidence that chiropractic spinal manipulation has significant benefits for patients with ADHD.
Chiropractic For ADHD
Chiropractic is steadily gaining ground as a viable, effective, non-drug treatment for ADHD patients. Doctors of Chiropractic are teaming up with chiropractic neurologists to help move children away from the drugs. As they create chiropractic based ADHD treatments they not only free children from the unpleasant side effects of the medication, they also introduce them to a healthier lifestyle.
The patient is put through a variety of tests including a brain function exam. Their auditory and visual reflexes are tested as well as other assessments to determine not only the problem, but the specific manifestations of the problem as they relate to the patient. This results in a very individualized treatment plan that is tailored specifically to the patient�s needs, unlike �one size fits all� approach of drug therapy.
Through these individualized programs, data on the patient�s progress is constantly being gathered and compiled by the chiropractic neurologist. Often, children who go through such programs not only experience a significant grade improvement in the first three months, they also experience improvement in their academic performance even after the program is complete.
Improvements in patients who use drug therapy only experience the improvements as long as they are taking the drugs. Chiropractic neurology changes the brain function of the patient so that they enjoy its effects and benefits for life.
If you or a loved one is suffering from this condition, give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic is here to help!
School is out, and the cool, fresh water of the local swimming pool awaits beckoning. Long, sunny days, the smell of sunscreen, and the laughter of the playing children will fill the next few months.
However, there are elements of this delightful picture that can end up causing harm to children and adults alike. It’s important to take a few key precautions when enjoying a day at the pool this summer. Doing so will minimize the risk of the summer laughter turning to tears.
Here are six bright ways for adults and children to stay safe at the pool this summer.
Pool Safety Tips:
#1: Enroll In Swimming Lessons
Playing in the water is a fun, refreshing activity, but can turn dangerous quickly. According to the Red Cross, the single biggest precaution to take to ensure summer safety is to make sure your children are able to swim. Book age appropriate swimming lessons for your children as young as possible.
#2: Avoid Spills With Water Shoes Or Rough Bottom Sandals
Nothing brings a playful pool day to a screeching halt like a slip and fall on the side of the pool. This goes for you, too, Mom and Dad!
Bare feet offer no traction on wet and slick concrete, and falling can cause serious accidents that require stitches, casts, and, well, chiropractic visits! Make it a rule to wear water shoes or sandals around the pool at all times.
#3: Take Measures To Fight Off Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s ear is a common condition that is brought on by water remaining in the ear canal, allowing germs to grow. Yuk!
The CDC reports that this condition results in an astonishing 2.4 million doctor visits every year. Guard against this by teaching your children to tilt each side of their heads toward the ground to drain their ears, and to dry their ears thoroughly with a towel every time they get out of the pool.
If you or one of your little swimmers experience ear pain after a pool day, take them to the doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment.
#4: Beware Of Little Critters
Hot days and bare skin are too much temptation for bees, mosquitoes, and ticks. Bites from these creatures range from itchy to extremely serious. Ward them off with bug spray, or sunscreen with insect repellent.
Ticks in particular are dangerous. If you or your child gets bitten by a tick, remove it promptly and clean the area thoroughly.
#5: Be Cautious Of Overdoing It
A day at the pool can be a blast for the young ones, but wagging the cooler and lawn chairs back and forth to the pool can exhaust an adult, causing injury. Remember to lift heavy items with your legs, and don’t overload yourself. An extra trip to the car is worth it to avoid a neck or back strain.
#6: Prepare For Disaster
Okay, that is a little melodramatic, but it pays to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Pack a small kit with alcohol, tweezers, bug bite cream, and bandages. Keep the kit in your car or pool bag. Better safe than sorry.
Pool days are a big part of the hot summer months, and are usually lazy and enjoyable. Keep them that way by taking these six tips to heart and talking to your children about the pool rules. With a little preparation up front, the chance of fun-dampening or dangerous instances happening to your family will be greatly minimized.
Prevention, Recognition & Management of Youth Sports Injuries
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