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The Recorded Health Risk From Roundup | Wellness Clinic

The Recorded Health Risk From Roundup | Wellness Clinic

The Timothy Litzenburg law firm currently represents over 500 individuals with lymphoma suing Monsanto, Roundup’s maker, because they believe their cancer was due to by this glyphosate-based herbicide. Roundup is the most frequently used herbicide used internationally by farmers and home gardeners alike. Litzenburg anticipates over 2000+ cases will be filed by year’s end.


It’s been decades since Monsanto managed to persuade the EPA to alter glyphosate from a Class C Carcinogen in humans to a Class E classification. They have tried to pay up the risk, while Monsanto is aware of the cancer risk related to Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate.


In 2015, IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), the research arm of the WHO, determined that Roundup was a probable carcinogen. Then in March 2017 a judge asked sealed documents be unsealed, exposing a 30-year cover up of glyphosate’s dangers. Monsanto’s former manager of environmental assessment and toxicology, Dr. George Levinskas was included in the cover up of their cancer risks associated with PCBs in the 1970s and glyphosate in the 1980s.


In 2015, California’s Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment recorded glyphosate as a known cancer causing chemical. Monsanto quickly filed against the OEHHA to stop the action but in February 2017 their situation was dropped by them. California is a leader in the risks of Roundup and all glyphosate consumer goods .


A Michigan State University study linked the 90% reduction in Monarch butterflies since 1996 to using Roundup on milkweed, that’s the only plant that the Monarch butterfly lays their eggs on. Additionally, Roundup/glyphosate is linked to conditions in people:


  • ADHD — Farming communities possess a solid link between Roundup vulnerability and ADHD.
  • Alzheimer’s — The neural cell death found in Alzheimer’s disease has been made in the laboratory with Roundup.
  • Anencephaly and other birth defects — There has been an evaluation of birth defects among infants who are born to mothers who live within 1,000 meters of pesticide programs, using a direct connection located between glyphosate and birth defects.
  • Autism — Glyphosate has many related biological effects which line up with pathologies related to pneumonia.
  • Brain cancer — Researchers have found that adults exposed to Roundup up to two-years before a child’s birth, parent kids that have double the chances of developing brain cancer.
  • Cancer — 65,000 individuals in Argentina’s farming communities with Roundup had a cancer threat that was 2-4 times greater than the national average.


The list continues on and includes gluten intolerance, kidney disease, hypothyroidism, heart disease, IBD, MS, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Parkinson’s, and more, which is alarming.


But, it is not just Roundup. You will find other noxious chemicals used in agriculture such as 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). This chemical is an ingredient used in ‘weed and feed’ yard care products, where there were catastrophic consequences to those, and it’s also found in Agent Orange, which has been used in chemical warfare in the jungles of Vietnam. In 75% of those air samples which are taken 2,4-D is detected in a number of research.


Together With USA Roundup earnings reaching $3.5 billion in 2016, it’s no real surprise Monsanto is doing everything to protect this revenue flow, but at what cost? The question becomes, when will we cease using products that are deadly? The best way to lower your exposure would be to consume organic and to filter your house water.


You may also test yourself for glyphosate levels using a glyphosate urine test kit developed by Iowa’s Heath Research Institute. You’re automatically enrolled in their continuing research, when you purchase the kit.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Recognizing the Symptoms of Diabetes | Wellness Clinic

Recognizing the Symptoms of Diabetes | Wellness Clinic

In 2010, diabetes was the seventh top cause of death in the US, according to the American Diabetes Association. During this year, over 69,000 death certificates of Americans listed diabetes.


The most current statistics shows that as of 2012, 29 million people have been diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Also in 2012, 1.7 million people — ages 20 or older — were diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes for the first time.


These surprising statistics show that diabetes is a significant problem in our society now. Together with statistics and the unhealthy eating habits of obesity in the United States, countless Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. But, patients still do not take this metabolic disorder as seriously as they should.


In actuality, the World Health Organization estimates that by the year 2030, the number of individuals living with diabetes will more than twice.


What is Diabetes?


Diabetes, also officially called diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic disorders. With diabetes, the affected person has high blood glucose (or blood glucose) due to one or both of the following reasons: their insulin production is insufficient, or their body’s cells don’t correctly respond to the insulin.


The pancreas, an organ located near your gut, is responsible for generating the hormone called insulin. Insulin is then accountable in receiving into your cells for aiding glucose. The majority is changed into glucose, or glucose, to be utilized as energy to our bodies. Therefore, individuals experience a build-up of sugar in their blood.


There are a few different types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2, and gestational diabetes. While the same basis is shared by all diseases, they do differ slightly from each other in their defects. Gestational diabetes is a form of high blood glucose that affects women.


  • Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body generates little to no insulin. This kind of diabetes is typically diagnosed during youth.
  • Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition which impacts the way the body processes the insulin produced. Their entire body becomes less sensitive to the insulin over time, although individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes still produce insulin in their pancreas. Type two diabetes is usually diagnosed in people over 40; however, it may still be diagnosed much earlier — even during childhood.


What is Prediabetes?


Prediabetes is when somebody has a blood glucose level which is higher than normal but is not yet large enough to be officially diagnosed with diabetes. A person diagnosed with prediabetes is much more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. They are also more likely to suffer from serious health issues such as a stroke or heart disease.


Particular risk factors for prediabetes include era — especially someone older than 45 years of age — being obese or overweight, a family history of diabetes, and being physically active less than three times per week.


But, research demonstrates that in case you do suffer from prediabetes, there are ways that you can prevent a after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: lose 5 to 7 per cent of your body weight and get at least 150 minutes of physical activity in each week — this can be something easy like brisk walking.


How is Diabetes Diagnosed?


Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are diagnosed using a blood test that includes a hemoglobin A1C test, fasting blood glucose, and a glucose tolerance test.


Following a carbonated beverage is consumed, the glucose tolerance test measures the patient’s blood sugar. The hemoglobin A1C test will measure the average blood sugar level over the past couple of months. For an individual who doesn’t have diabetes, the A1C level ought to reflect less than 5.7 percent. However, if the evaluation results reveal 6.4 percent or greater on two distinct occasions, it suggests you’ve got diabetes. For your fasting blood sugar test, you are typically considered diabetic in case you have a sugar level of 126 mg/dL or even higher.


The immune system of someone with type 1 diabetes is likely to make antibodies, which then behave against the insulin-producing cells found in the pancreas. These antibodies can be detected by doctors .


Type 2 diabetes might be diagnosed according to suspicion due to relative symptoms and your risk factors, such as family history of diabetes and obesity.


Why is Diabetes Dangerous?


If not properly handled, diabetes has the potential to negatively impact virtually all organs and organs in your body. Improperly managed diabetes can lead to health issues and even death.


There are several complications that could arise as a result of improper maintenance of your diabetes. These include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease), feet complications, stroke and heart attack, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS), and gastroparesis.


Diabetes also places you at double the chance of heart disease or a heart attack, compared to someone with diabetes. Other complications include stroke, cognitive loss, high blood pressure, kidney disease, higher cholesterol, foot ailments, eye issues and skin infections.


Below is a deeper look into a few typical complications as a result of diabetes:


Diabetic Retinopathy


People with diabetes are at risk for retinal injury because the sensitive eye tissue may be impacted by poor glucose control. The eye innermost layer is the retina. It is important to your vision. Your mind converts the light into signals, which can be sent for picture recognition in the mind and occurs in light.


Once the retina is affected, the blood vessels inside it are often ruined. This may affect your ability to decipher between images. Additionally, diabetics are at a higher risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma.


Diabetic Nephropathy


This term refers to kidney damage as a result of diabetes. Located in your kidneys are blood vessels which filter the waste within your blood. However the blood-sugar level that is high can cause damage to the blood vessels or perhaps lead to their own destruction. The kidneys cannot properly function. This may potentially result in kidney failure.


Foot Complications


Since diabetics often have nerve damage in their feet, even a simple callous or cut could pose a significant threat and result in serious complications. The blood circulation at a diabetic’s foot is poor, which also leads to inadequate feeling.


A diabetic might not believe a little cut on their foot because of a lack of feeling. Even a small cut could lead to a serious infection and even amputation, when combined with the factor of blood flow.


Stroke and Heart Attack


Diabetes is the strongest risk factor for cardiovascular disease, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center. 74 percent die from a stroke or heart attack. Also, adults have a 200 to 400 percent greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack, compared to individuals without diabetes.


Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome


Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) is a condition which is most commonly seen in adults who are elderly and suffer with type 2 diabetes; however, it can be seen in those with type 1 diabetes as well.


This serious illness happens when the blood sugar levels in the body increase, and the body gets an attempt to quickly rid itself of this excess sugar through expulsion via pee. During this time, the affected person may need to use the restroom but they might quit going too often, and their urine will get dark. Since dehydration is such a threat for this condition, seizures, a diabetic coma, and even death are possible results if left untreated.




Gastroparesis occurs when the stomach takes longer than normal to empty the contents inside. The vagus nerve is responsible for controlling the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, however, in a person who has diabetes, this nerve becomes damaged due to the continuation of high glucose levels.


Once the vagus nerve becomes damaged, the intestines and muscles of the stomach no longer function correctly, slowing down the movement of food or quitting it. Gastroparesis can happen in someone. It can lead to nausea, vomiting, weight loss, heartburn, abdominal pain and much more.


What are the Signs of Diabetes Complications?


While the common indicators of developing diabetes can also be symptoms that diabetes complications might be arising, diabetes complications do have some indicators of their own.


Some signs of nerve damage related to diabetes include tingling of the limbs, rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, proneness to falling or injury, changes in sweat and affects in senses. Some signs of skin-related diabetes complications include styes in the eyes and eyelids, acne, dermopathy, blisters and scales, and infections.


Eye-related diabetes complication symptoms include glaucoma, visiting spots, and cataracts.


How Do You Handle Diabetes?


With the proper health advice and proper lifestyle changes, diabetes could be monitored and controlled. A lot of people with type 2 diabetes can reverse and manage symptoms and their illness by enhancing their diet, increasing physical activity and managing sleep and stress levels. But, type 1 diabetes can be harder to tackle. However, symptoms may be managed by glucose levels and using the same approaches.


Educate yourself on the symptoms of diabetes, the causes of diabetes and also the most effective ways to prevent it. A few natural and easy Methods of handling and preventing diabetes are:


  • Normalize your omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The average person consumes far too and much too. It is possible to locate omega-3 in fish like oil that is krill, fish oil, and salmon. Omega-6 is found in vegetable oils that were processed and most fried foods, too.
  • Eat a balanced diet plan. There is to keep your blood glucose A fantastic way to concentrate on eating unprocessed foods. Try to avoid things such as trans-fat, processed sugars and grains. When addressing your diet plan, among your focuses should be to restrict your intake of net carbs and protein. Instead, replace them with high amounts of high quality fats. The best, and only way, to handle your intake of protein and carbs is to keep a food diary.
  • Exercise frequently. Exercise is just one of the strategies to lessen your leptin and insulin resistance. Be mindful than needing to exercise altogether that excessive is dangerous, if not more damaging.
  • Get a great night’s sleep. Sleep is essential to your general well-being — this is. Getting at least eight hours of sleep every night can help normalize your system. Studies reveal sleep deprivation might be linked to insulin sensitivity.
  • Address anxiety or other inherent mental health issues. Nervousness anxiety, and depression put on your body down emotionally and physically. Physiological functions can be inhibited by this deterioration. It’s important to deal with all issues to alleviate pressure in your body.
  • Protect and treat your skin. High blood sugar levels can result in skin that is damaged. Always practice decent hygiene and utilize appropriate UV protection when spending time in the sun to avoid damaged and dry skin.
  • Keep your eyes safe. Diabetics are more likely to suffer with problems. To protect your eyes, receive a at the eye doctor and be sure to wear sunglasses when intending to be in sunlight for a while.


How Can You Prevent Diabetes?

A few lifestyle changes can help you prevent diabetes. Studies have found that exercise and weight loss that is moderate amongst adults may block or delay the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.


Along with daily physical activity and weight loss, eating healthy can also help prevent or delay diabetes.


Want to learn more?


Diabetes is a common and potentially dangerous metabolic disease. Together with all of of the organs and systems, and the capacity to affect your limbs inside the body, diabetes might easily escape control. Unfortunately, if left unattended and not addressed correctly, diabetes may lead to a diabetic coma and even death.


However, this does not need to be the case. With good care and monitoring, you can handle and stop a diabetes diagnosis. It’s important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of diabetes to ensure prevention or appropriate attention of the disease.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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How To Choose Running Shoes For IT Band Syndrome

How To Choose Running Shoes For IT Band Syndrome

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Jimenez takes a look at top running shoes that are great for knee pain and Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome.

Running Shoes: Knee pain is one of the common problems with most active people. It could get worse for those who love running, especially the athletes. A majority of them suffer from knee pains each year. This pain hinders you from enjoying your daily sports activities and might even become worse with time if not treated correctly. There are causes and cures for such pains that this article is going to look at, but the main focus is on the best shoes for knee pain, also referred to as Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome.

This can happen due to various causes like overtraining, running many hills, and wrong running form, among others. These injuries are very frustrating as they can take up to months to go away. This is the reason different companies have designed shoes that will offer you support for any knee problem.

What Goes Wrong

The iliotibial band (ITB) is usually a structure whose job is to provide leg stability whenever you take a step. It works with the hip muscles in a thigh’s outward movement and also helps counter the movements within the knee joint. This band starts in the hip and ends just under the knee joint.

Repeated use of the ITB leads to stress, causing knee pain. You will also notice clicking sensations from the joint as ITB snaps across it. This pain is always experienced when the heel comes into contact with the ground; running slowly or downhill tends to make the symptoms worse.

ITBS will usually start as tightness while running but continues to a point where the pain is severe and unbearable. Although ITB continues to tighten when overstressed or injured from training, this is not the main problem. What causes the injury is how the ITB functions and the weakness around it.

The ITB is generally a weak structure and any weakness around it will lead to injury. Most runners have weak core muscles due to the fact that they don’t do strength training or have never been in any sports with side-to-side movement.

running shoes itb-syndrome3Signs Of IT Band Syndrome

Knee-Hurts-768x511If you are a runner, you will be able to distinguish ITBS by:

  • A swelling
  • A cracking feeling when stretching the knee
  • A feeling of burning, stinging and aching on the outer side of the knee that might migrate to the thigh. You will notice these discomforts especially, on your second half of the run.
  • Bending the knee at 45 degrees causes severe external knee pain

Criteria You Should Follow When Selecting The Best Running Shoes for ITBS

?There are various things that you should always consider when buying running shoes. Since most runners experience knee pain, it is wise to look for shoes that will help alleviate this pain without slowing them down. Below are some of the features to look out for in running shoes:

Stability/ Support

Since it is common to have knee pains due to lack of motion control and lack of stability, it is good to choose shoes that will offer you the support you need while running. If your running shoes don’t have any stability, you will end up stressing out your knee, which will result in pain and discomfort while running.


running shoes running2If you want to do away with pain, you might consider looking for a fit pair of shoes as they will reduce any pain, causing issues in the long run. Pay attention to small specifics like shoes that offer enough heel space, sufficient toe box room, and enough space for wide feet. Your toes should be able to move freely without being constricted.

If your foot cannot move freely and the toes are restricted from spreading, it could lead to painful issues in your feet, legs, and knees.

Motion control footwear is not the whole solution; you need to ensure your feet can still function naturally as they are supposed to.


No one wants to wear uncomfortable shoes! Each of these selected best shoes come with upper and underfoot comforts to ensure you get to enjoy your run.

Most of these shoes are made with DNA technology, Gel cushioning, and REVlite midsole for ultimate comfort.


Your running shoes should run their course without falling apart as this will cause you pain in the long-run. If they promise to offer you support, they should do just that and not start peeling off and tearing when you are on the run.

The ??below 5 shoes have passed the durability test to ensure they give you maximum performance.


Although this has nothing to do with knees, it is paramount that your running shoes have enough breathing space to avoid accumulating excess moisture, which might bring discomfort and other feet related problems.

There is no magical cure for knee pain and you should always know the root cause. This way, you will be able to come up with the best solution of minimizing or even eliminating the pain entirely. Although there are various causes of knee pain, this article is focusing on ITB syndrome which happens to be one of the causes.

Reviews Of The Top 5 Shoes

These shoes have been selected with the runner’s welfare in mind. They will help deal with the ITBS, which is a problem for most of them. Since one way of dealing with this condition is getting good running shoes, here is a review of such products.

Asics Gel Kayano 23

running shoes 41eQ53NInwL._SL250_This upgraded version is lightweight to help with any knee problems. It offers you comfort through cushioning that help absorb shock as you run as well as other features like grip, fit, and durability. The shoe has an added outer sole to ensure it lasts you as long as possible.


  • ?Gel cushioning will act as a shock absorber for more comfort
  • ?Has superb breathability feature
  • ?Is ideal for overpronation and knee pain
  • ?The outsole’s traction will offer the intended support on various surfaces


  • ?It is a bit pricey

New Balance 890v5

It tops the list of 5 best running shoes. Also, it has remained the first choice for most runners with knee pain issues. This pair offers all the above functionalities too, making it your best choice.


  • ?It comes with one of a kind breathability and fit due to its great FantomFit design
  • ?Its smooth upper construction will ensure no irritation occurs
  • ?The REVlite midsole will give you much needed cushioning


  • ?It has a narrow toe box and might not fit a person with a wide foot

?Puma Faas 600 V3

running shoes 41alXU8oEPL._SL250_Puma models have never disappointed, and this one is no exception. Puma Faas 600 is the solution to your knee pain. It is also an affordable option for the short-handed.


  • ?Great breathability
  • ?Comes at a reasonable price
  • ?It’s lacing system and fit offers you a secure and comfortable run
  • ?It is designed to fit perfectly


  • ?There have been reported concerns about the outsole’s durability

New Balance 1080v7

running shoes 51PjsjoRrgL._SL250_This is another great choice on the list. It is one of the New Balance Fresh Foam Series. Its midsole offers you the required support coupled with comfort to eliminate knee pains.


  • ?Very durable
  • ?Enough breathability for long runs
  • ?Good amount of cushioning and support from the Fresh Foam midsole
  • ?It fits like a sock giving you a confident use


  • ?The upper design is not seamless
  • ?Can be stiff

Saucony Hurricane 16

running shoes 41onfkrTORL._SL250_This is the 16th edition of the Saucony Hurricane, which offers a combination of steadiness and protection. Those with knee pain have agreed with the stability offered by this shoe. It is also cushioned to help you go for long runs without any pain or injury. It is perfect for heavy runners and those who are out of shape due to inactivity.


  • ?Superb stability
  • ?Lightweight rubber offers protection and cushioning
  • ?Great ground contact
  • ?Reflective parts allow you to have a safe run
  • ?Comes with Sauc-Fit Technology that enhances its comfortability


  • ?It is a bit narrow
  • ?Limited colors to choose from
  • ?Might be heavy for fast runners

If you are a long-distance runner, it is good to know that your shoes cushioning will wear out quite easily and you might be tempted to continue using them since they look good on the outside. This is a big mistake. The following will help you prevent any more ITBS recurrences:

  • Replace running shoes frequently to avoid wearing those with worn out inner cushioning
  • Always give your shoes time to rest so that the cushioning can get restored; it would be wise to have two pairs of running shoes.

Although shoes can offer you relief from ITBS, it is better to look out for other ways of helping you cope with or eliminate the pain entirely. Also, know what triggers the problem and avoid it at all costs.

These shoes have been tried and tested and found to offer support and help in managing the iliotibial band syndrome. Asics takes the lead on these best shoes. It comes with gel cushioning that will offer you the best shock absorption and maximum comfort as seen above. Its sole is also made to help you tackle any terrain and you can be assured that your knees will thank you later. The only drawback is the price, which is on the upper-side. However, always remember that cheap is expensive.

If you are an active person or an athlete suffering from ITBS, go ahead and get yourself a pair of these shoes as per your preference and choice.

in running

Zoey Miller

Zoey Miller

Hey there, I’m Zoey, founder and the main editor of The Babble Out. I know nobody’s life is smooth as they wish, and it�s the same with mine. I had some terrible news a few years ago and running was the way I got through these issues. This has given me enough motivation to create this blog, so that I can give you a helping hand for as many daily problems as I can. If you are curious why “babble out” is the? name of the blog, then check the “About” page and find out more about me.


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What is Autoimmune Disease and How to Reduce it? | Wellness Clinic

What is Autoimmune Disease and How to Reduce it? | Wellness Clinic

Autoimmunity is a bit more complex than you might think. If you�re reading this you probably already have at least a little bit of an idea of what an autoimmune disease is: It�s when your body attacks itself. Unfortunately, that�s drastically oversimplifying the problem. There are little-known underlying causes of autoimmunity and much more complicated descriptions of what it really is.


Now � I�m not going to make it as complicated as it could be because it could be really complicated to explain. I�ll do my best to describe the things that you want to hear about autoimmunity in a way that you want to hear it. Let�s get started with the basics:


  • What is an autoimmune disease?
  • What causes autoimmune diseases?
  • What can you do to reduce autoimmunity?


What is autoimmunity, really?


As early as the beginning of the 20th-century scientists and doctors had such little knowledge about autoimmunity that they firmly believed that it either, 1. Did not exist, or 2. Could not develop to the point of becoming a full-on disease. Surprisingly, the modern understanding of autoimmune diseases did not become widely-spread until the 1950’s.


Understanding Autoimmune Disease


Like we�ve said before, in the simplest terms, autoimmunity is when your body�s cells attack friendly cells that shouldn�t be attacked. Your body is failing to recognize it�s own cells properly and identifies them as �intruders� that must be destroyed. To some degree, immune systems appear in every complex life form. In order for the immune system to function properly, though, it needs to be able to know which cells to destroy and which to let live.


One of the main components of the immune system in humans is the antibody. Antibodies are very specialized cell-killers; each antibody has but one purpose � to mark a single type of intruder to be killed by another white blood cell. For example, when you get a cold, your body produces antibodies which are specialized to kill only the bacteria that cause that cold. You would probably never get sick again from that same cold because now your body has defenders against it. However, once the bacteria that caused your cold mutates into a new disease, your old antibodies aren�t programmed to kill the new disease � and are therefore useless.


When autoimmunity starts in your body, your body is failing to determine which cell it should destroy, and it starts to develop antibodies which are directed to kill �self� cells. These antibodies are called autoantibodies.


Autoimmune diseases affect some 50 million Americans and there are over 80 different diseases that involve some level of autoimmunity. Some examples of autoimmune related diseases are as follows:


  • Celiac disease
  • AIDS
  • Diabetes (Type 1)
  • Hashimoto�s thyroiditis
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Graves Disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Reactive Arthritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease


Alright, so now we know what autoimmunity is (hopefully), so let�s get to our next topic.


What Causes Autoimmune Disease?


A Leaky Gut


Many of these diseases, like diabetes, arthritis, and thyroiditis, are closely associated with inflammation. This might seem like I�m going off topic, but I assure you I am not. Many new studies have been done linking autoimmunity to inflammation. Just where does this inflammation come from? Your gut.


An unhealthy gut leads to a scarcely spoken condition called leaky gut. Leaky gut is when toxins from your intestines that should have stayed in your intestines � start to leak into your bloodstream. When there is such a high volume of toxins and bacteria leaking into your bloodstream, your body throws the immune system into hyper overdrive. Essentially you start to form antibodies to kill too many things to try and defend yourself against what�s actually harmful.


It might be surprising for you to know that about 80% of your immune system is housed in your gut. If you really think about it, though, it makes sense � right? Your intestines are where all the nasty bacteria and toxins are.


A leaky gut is finally becoming recognized in studies to not just be related to a healthy gut in some mysterious way, but it is being proven that if you have an autoimmune disease your gut is already leaky.


Toxins and Infections


Beyond the toxins that your leaky gut is already pouring into your bloodstream if you have autoimmunity, other outside toxins may also be to blame. Unfortunately, we are almost surely being exposed to some level of toxins every day just from the meat we buy at a local grocery store. One main culprit of dangerous toxins that lead to autoimmunity is fish. Fish can contain mercury which is involved in many cases of autoimmunity and it is toxic (and can even deadly) to humans.


If your house or apartment has problems with mold, don�t treat it like it�s no big deal. Certain household molds produce mycotoxins which set out to mess up your immune system, sometimes causing it to attack itself. On the other hand, getting infections from bacteria or viruses such as herpes, mono, and E. Coli can also contribute to autoimmunity.




Stress is a natural response to things like injury, infections, and emotional trauma. In the case of physical injury, stress increases inflammation in the area in question and actually can provide help to the healing process. However, chronic stress is the kind of stress we are dealing with today. Work, family, and physical pressures keep our body in a constant state of stress. This type of stress maintains a level of inflammation in the body that is unnatural. The related inflammation damages the immune system and can actually contribute to autoimmunity.




If you don�t already know you are �gluten intolerant� you might not think of gluten as anything diabolical or dangerous. Unfortunately, gluten signals the release of zonulin, which controls the tight junctions in your intestines and signals them to �open wide� and let the junctions in your gut to release the toxins into your bloodstream. It sounds a little unbelievable that something as simple as bread Can cause autoimmunity and an unhealthy gut, but if you don�t believe me, take a look at this scientific journal concerning zonulin.


Genetics and Gender


Here are some more unbelievable stats when it comes to autoimmunity:


  • About 75% of people who suffer from autoimmunity are women
  • The incidence of Hashimoto�s Thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease) for women to men, is 10 to 1
  • The incidence of Graves disease is 7 to 1 for women against men
  • The incidence for systemic lupus is 9 to 1
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is 5 to 2


These stats are pretty striking when it comes to women and autoimmune disease, but if you take into consideration genetics, you can understand why. Some studies are starting to uncover that certain autoimmune diseases could be the result of a malfunction in the X chromosome. Since men have only one X chromosome and women have two, it makes sense why they are suffering through more autoimmunity than men.


If you�re suffering from autoimmunity, then you might think all this information is interesting but is it really helpful? Probably not. So let�s move on to the question that you really want to be answered.


What can you do to help reduce autoimmunity?


There are a lot of voices out there saying they have a way to reduce autoimmunity. So let us organize these voices into an understandable condensed version.


Traditional Treatments


Traditional treatments for autoimmunity include immune system suppressors, anti-inflammatory medicines, or palliative treatments (which means basically they just focus on removing the pain without focusing on the condition).


The purpose of immune system suppressors is to limit the amount of damage your immune system will cause to your body; there is an extreme risk, though, alongside this type of treatment. When you suppress your entire immune system to defend it against itself, you leave your body open to other dangerous illnesses. In a short-sighted way, suppressing your immune system will alleviate your systems.


Dealing with inflammation is a very important aspect of truly treating (and even curing) your autoimmune disease. However, using medications to temporarily reduce inflammation is kind of like slapping a soggy band-aid over a wound. Maybe it helps to lessen the bleeding for a little while, but it doesn�t help in the long run. Treating inflammation as a symptom helps in the short run; however, it�s more important to treat the cause of your inflammation.


Palliative treatment may be necessary for many painful cases of autoimmune disease. It can be very painful to endure some treatments and diseases and pain management is an important part of recovery. On the other hand, if you heavily rely on pain management to the point that you are no longer bothered by your pain, it may lull you into apathy concerning your condition. I have seen this many times in my practice, patients with severe knee pain will be very good about caring for their joints until they are high on pain medications. Once they feel no more pain you would find them being far more active in activities that are unhealthy for their joints.


To review: It is very important to use palliative treatment in conjunction with other treatments that are focused on the source of the problem.




Improving your nutrition is one of the best ways to deal with autoimmunity. This seems like it�s hard to believe, but like I said earlier, good health starts with your gut. For this reason, the foods and supplements that we take into our body (and therefore intestines) are directly correlated with our autoimmune health. There are many foods you can take to reduce autoimmune response. Some things you can do are:


Pay Attention to Vitamin Intake


Important vitamins for autoimmune health are vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin B. Vitamin D is a huge immune system regulator. It contributes to a healthy immune system, and with proper intake, you will see a marked improvement in autoimmunity. In order to increase your vitamin D levels you should make sure you get a good amount of sun exposure daily. Alternatively, you can find a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement.


If you want to increase your magnesium and B vitamin levels you can consume dark leafy greens or broccoli. You can also find supplements that have both vitamin B and magnesium.


Vitamin C is good for immune health for a different reason: It encourages bowel movements. Why is this important? Moving your bowels consistently when you are tackling an autoimmune disease can flush out toxins that would have otherwise leaked into your bloodstream from your leaky gut and caused inflammation, which, in turn, would have increased an autoimmune response.


Consume Probiotic Foods


Consuming foods with probiotics regulate your gut flora and encourage healthy bacteria to colonize your gut and assist in the destruction of bad bacteria before it causes an autoimmune response and inflammation. For someone with an unhealthy gut (which means anyone with an autoimmune disease), introducing probiotics into your gut is an important part of recovery. This is because your gut is probably overrun with bad bacteria that are perpetually damaging your digestive tract. As you take medications, make bowel movements, or disturb your gut in any other way, you should constantly be reintroducing good bacteria through probiotic foods.


Some foods you can eat that have probiotic properties are dark leafy-greens, kimchi, certain yogurts, miso soup, and sauerkraut. You can find more information on probiotic foods here.


Consume Anti-Inflammatory Foods


Since the gut houses so much of your immune system, and inflammation is at the root of autoimmune disease, it�s important to avoid foods that cause inflammation and consume foods that reduce it. Some foods that reduce inflammation are olive oil, leafy greens (again), almonds, walnuts, healthy fats (like you find in fish), tomatoes, and some fruits like blueberries strawberries and cherries. Find more information on fighting inflammation through food here.


Take the Right Supplements


Supplements can be beneficial for you if you are suffering from autoimmunity. Like we already mentioned, some vitamin supplements can be helpful in different ways � like vitamin C moving your bowels. Also, you can take probiotic supplements to improve your gut flora.


Treat Toxins and Diseases


Earlier, we mentioned that certain toxins like that of molds can contribute to your autoimmunity. Carefully remove any toxins from your living space and diet. One good way to do this is to avoid fish that are known to have mercury such as shark and some tuna. You should also avoid red meat injected with chemicals and hormones.


Manage Your Stress


Since stress is something that can dampen your immune system, increase inflammation, and encourage autoimmunity, it�s important to remove any extra stress from your life. Practice deep relaxation, breathing techniques, get a massage, anything that can relieve stress. Another thing you can do is make a concerted effort to get good sleep every night. A proper amount of sleep during the night can do a lot to alleviate persistent stress.


In Conclusion


Autoimmune disease affects millions of Americans. It�s important to know exactly what autoimmunity is, what causes it, and how you can stop it completely. Obviously, it might not be possible to completely cure every case of serious autoimmune diseases, but by following the recommendations above, you can at least manage it more efficiently.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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The Connection Between Leaky Gut & Diabetes | Wellness Clinic

The Connection Between Leaky Gut & Diabetes | Wellness Clinic

Many people with diabetes are extremely conscious about their health, for this reason, they are continuously looking for ways to handle their diabetes more efficiently. However,how can they make a difference if they do not even understand the disease they are currently suffering from? Some factors are thought to cause this and make it even worse.


Leaky gut is one of those ailments; some also theorize that without a leaky gut, you can’t actually have type 2 diabetes. Not only could it cause diabetes, but it may perpetually make it even worse.


What is Leaky Gut?


Leaky gut can be called “intestinal hyperpermeability”. In simpler terms, it means that toxins on your gut may pass through the intestines and also leak in your entire body. As can be anticipated, this causes lots of medical problems.


Basically, leaky gut occurs when your digestive tract is weak in the poor diet, among other factors. The intestines worn and are currently thinning down. The “good bacteria” which assist you in breaking down your food and eliminating toxins are not flourishing. Leaky gut allows toxins to reside in the body which should have been expelled quite quickly, causing symptoms such as these:


  • Inflammation (sometimes severe)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn and ulcerative colitis)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Food allergies
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hepatitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Arthritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pain
  • Skin rash
  • Diabetes
  • AIDS


With such a lengthy list of conditions related to your leaky gut, you might begin to think it is a super-disease or something. Do not worry, it is not. Though it contributes to or causes some messed up stuff inside your body, it’s avoidable and even reversible. Some professionals even believe you could reverse severe and chronic disease (such as diabetes) by preventing that leaky gut.


You won’t discover much about leaky gut from mainstream physicians. Most doctors do not even test this yet. It is really somewhat of a mystery to most medical professionals. Linda A. Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist in John Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center says “We do not understand a good deal, but we know that it exists.” She proceeds. “In the absence of evidence, we do not know… what treatments may directly address it.”


Other specialists, such as Donald Kirby, MD, refer to a leaky gut as a “very grey area”. Itself is a diagnosis of a disorder, it means that more research needs to be done, and an individualized diagnosis has to be made. What exactly does that mean? It usually means that the root of leaky gut can be any number of items, so you want to discover the cause. On this note, let’s take a look at some of these triggers.


What Causes Leaky Gut?


To reiterate, there isn’t any one conclusive cause due to the shortage of research done. However, there are a number of items upon this could give rise to your intestines getting weak, ineffective, and leaky agreed. These include:


  • Excessive alcohol usage (which can irritate the intestinal wall)
  • A poor diet (we will talk about this more)
  • Chemotherapy
  • Gluten
  • Stress
  • Antibiotics
  • Prescription hormone medicine
  • Prescription corticosteroids (like hydrocortisone)
  • Enzyme deficiency (like having lactose-intolerance)
  • Toxic metals
  • Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy


Your gut has a great deal of difficult work to do. Not only does it need to digest and break it down into nutrients to nourish your body, in addition, it has to guard you from toxins which would otherwise put in your bloodstream and of the waste products. This heavy responsibility warrants that we take care of our bowels. Unfortunately, the greater bulk of people today don’t even give a second thought.


Your typical American diet is filled with sugary soft drinks, white flour, and otherwise high tech, low-fiber foods. This leads to an unhealthy gut in which germs are useless and weak while bacteria flourish and harm your intestines. The walls of your intestines begin to neglect when the damage is too severe. They become permeable and start to permit the toxins and waste, so which was intended to remain right into your bloodstream.


Some of those other items on the above list, such as alcohol and some prescription and over-the-counter medications, also have a negative effect on the internal flora of your intestines. You have a harder time fighting the things that pass through it and digesting your food if the good bacteria is killed off in your gut. Your gut can begin to leak and becomes unhealthy as the good bacteria make way for bacteria.


How Exactly is Leaky Gut Connected to Diabetes?


To provide you the most shocking news first: new study suggests that you can have each of the genetic predispositions to diabetes in the world, however you’ll never really contract diabetes unless you’ve got a leaky gut also. This means (if this study is correct) for those who have diabetes, then you already have a leaky gut.


The largest link between migraines, leaky gut and diabetes is inflammation. Inflammation is involved with developing type 2 diabetes. In fact, many disorders are associated with inflammation such as:


  • Periodontal disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes


When toxins leak from your intestines and in your bloodstream, this causes an immune response from the human body. The modest cells that your body sends out do their best to remove toxins and the bacteria from inducing damage than inflammation could ever cause. Unfortunately, that’s just what happens. The war against germs waged by your immune system induces a whole lot of inflammation.


Continuous abnormal inflammation (like that caused by a leaky gut) changes your natural insulin levels and actions, contributing to diabetes. You eventually form, once your body starts to become insensitive to insulin. You are able to see the cycle here. The more inflammation. The more inflammation, the insulin resistance. If you add that on top of a continuously leaky gut isn’t far off.


Inflammation causing insulin resistance has been observed by Mario Kratz, Ph.D., in experiments involving mice also. Some of the mice were fat, which caused a constant inflammation. Insulin resistance was developed by the mice with this inflammation. This left the question: was it that the inflammation, or Was the fat causing the insulin resistance? To answer this question, scientists bred mice that lacked the ability to generate certain immune responses that cause inflammation. Then they proceeded to feed. What was the result? These mice didn’t have insulin resistance. What does this mean? It usually means that the insulin resistance came in the inflammation, not the fat cells themselves. This supports researcher’s claims that diabetes is contributed to by inflammation caused by a leaky gut.


Another experiment conducted on mice in 2012 took a different approach. The mice were given a drug called Tamoxifen to simulate bad gut feature, ruin their inner ecology and kill healthy bacteria. The researchers found similarities between the bowels of mice with mice and diabetes whose guts were ruined with Tamoxifen. The two groups of mice enhanced, when given insulin. To the scientists, this demonstrated that diabetes is strongly associated with gut health.


To outline, scientists do not know everything about leaky gut and how it results in diabetes, but they are starting to learn more. There is certainly more research but it is apparent that an unhealthy gut doesn’t only have an effect on digestion, but can have side effects for the health of the body.


How Would I Know if I Have a Leaky Gut?


The very first thing you might do is refer back to the indicators of a leaky gut which we already laid out for you (things such as skin rashes, joint pain, nausea, chronic fatigue, and IBS), but that might not help you as much as you’d believe. The potential symptoms includes side effects of another list of distinct ailments that have nothing to do with a leaky gut.


Some other things you can look at would be things such as:


Food Sensitivity


When radicals are continuously leaking into your blood due to a leaky gut, your body is overproducing trigger-happy antibodies, and those antibodies start to attack things which they would not normally. This causes food sensitivity, particularly to milk and gluten.




As you can imagine, people with a degenerative digestive tract that’s leaking, also have difficulty absorbing nutrients. This can become evident through side-effects like fatigue.


Thyroid Issues


Leaky gut can directly contribute to chronic thyroiditis. This also leads to slow metabolism, constipation, chronic fatigue, and depression.


Tests To Identify & Diagnose Leaky Gut


It is difficult to link some other symptom straight with leaky gut due to the fact that the symptoms might be the result of almost anything else. There are a few tests that you could do in order to see whether you’ve got it. Here are some tests which could be done to identify leaky gut:


Lactulose/Mannitol test


This test involves drinking a sugary solution. A urine sample tested and is removed. If lactulose and mannitol are present, it could suggest a leaky gut.


Stool Evaluation


An expensive test that assesses for bacteria and yeast to see if your gut is infected. This evaluation isn’t likely to be covered by your insurance.


What Can I do to Prevent or Cure Leaky Gut?


We have to keep in mind the germs that reside inside your body make up a very important ecosystem that keeps your digestive tract healthy. So let us start thinking about how we could make that job easier, or at least enjoyable your intestines have a job.


Since we have mentioned several times by now, leaky gut has a lot to do with your internal germs or intestine flora. Minimize bacteria and you want to maximize the amount of bacteria that are good. This may be done through diet and exercise. It sounds simple, but there is more to it in this circumstance.


What sort of diet do you really require?


When it comes to diet, it takes more than a simple “eat healthier!” Recommendation to fight an already leaky gut. You have to imagine that your bacteria is entirely dead. To counteract your useless gut flora, you ought to think about “re-seeding” it using healthy bacteria from your diet plan. You can accomplish so by eating probiotic foods like “lassi” (a noodle drink), fermented vegetables like kimchi, or other probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, miso, or kombucha (locate a listing of probiotic foods here).


One more thing you can do is eat naturally anti-inflammatory foods to counteract the side-effects of leaky gut. Some of those foods are things like avocados, walnuts, healthy fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), and olive oil (find out more about anti-inflammatory foods here).


Once you get started ingesting foods which will combat a leaky gut such as those mentioned previously, it is time to stop eating foods that give rise to inflammation. These foods are things such as red meat, fried foods (such as french fries — sorry!) , refined carbs (think white bread), margarine, cheese (as well as other calcium-rich dairies). These foods aren’t easy in your gut flora and tend to increase inflammation in the body.


It would also be a good idea to avoid any trans fats, and sugary foods altogether. Refined sugar contributes. In light of diabetes, anything to help improve insulin levels and a leaky gut ought to be considered.


As a review, you should replace as many processed foods as possible with organic possibilities, re-seed your gut with good bacteria by eating fermented foods, and avoid foods that give rise to inflammation or insulin resistance.


What about supplements and medications?


There are particular things that may be taken orally that affect your gut flora at a positive or a negative manner that isn’t necessarily considered a portion of your diet. So let’s talk about drugs and nutritional supplements.


You will find nutritional supplements you may take in the kind of probiotics. This certainly can help improve your digestive tract function by maintaining a healthy gut flora. Probiotics give a large dose of one type of bacteria to you for your intestines that promote good digestion, absorption, and inflammation.


On the other hand, there are lots of drugs that harm your gut flora. Taking antibiotics may be necessary when you’re sick, but don’t overuse them in pill form or perhaps in antibacterial soap. Over just bacteria are killed by antibiotics, they kill the bacteria that are good as well.


Other substances you might encounter that you may not think about are things like chlorinated water, agricultural chemicals located on non-toxic vegetables and fruits, and traces of antibiotics located in factory-farmed meat might also harm your internal flora.


In Overview: Key Takeaway


Leaky gut definitely results in, and potentially causes diabetes alongside any number of different illnesses. Thankfully, it is avoidable and curable; thus look after your intestines. If you eat healthy, exercise, and maintain your inner flora, you will be thanked by your gut personally, and you can potentially get an upper hand or even avoid it altogether.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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What is the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique? | Eastside Chiropractor

What is the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique? | Eastside Chiropractor

The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a diagnostic and treatment system used by some chiropractors to treat several kinds of back pain, neck pain, and headaches (both chronic and migraine).


What is the activator method chiropractic technique?


The Activator Method uses a small instrument known as the Activator Adjusting Instrument to deliver an impulse force with the goal of restoring motion to joint or the spinal vertebra to the spine. It’s an alternative to the classic manual kind of spinal manipulation, known as the high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust.


Next into the diversified procedure, the Activator Adjusting Instrument is reported to be the most common intervention utilized by chiropractors. According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, more than half of chiropractors report using the Activator Method within their clinics, also commonly utilized in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.


How the Activator Method is Believed to Work


The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a Kind of manipulation described as follows: a�spring-loaded mechanical device called the Activator Adjusting Instrument provides a quick, low-force impulse at specific points.


There are two benefits of an Activator Adjusting Instrument-assisted treatment. The first is based on the rate of this device. The tool is so quick that the muscles of the body are less likely to become stressed in reaction to and withstand the treatment. The therapy effectiveness may be facilitated by the shortage of muscle resistance. The second is that the applied force is localized and doesn’t add bending motion or any extra torque to the joint.


An evaluation of apparent leg length might be performed. This evaluation is based upon the concept that differences in leg length may signal where vertebral misalignments in the spine exist. This form of test is controversial and there’s a lack of evidence to support this aspect of the procedure.


Activator Method practitioners might or might not utilize the test method. Some chiropractors choose to use the Activator Adjustment Instrument based on their physical exam findings independently.


Activator Method Development


The Activator Strategy was initially developed in 1967 by Dr. Arlan Fuhr. The first Activator Adjusting Instrument was patented in 1978 by Activator Methods International, Inc.. Currently, you will find 4 Activator tools available on the market: 1 beginner tool (Activator I), 2 innovative spring-loaded tools (Activators II, IV), and 1 mechanical, cordless instrument (Activator V). Most research was done with the Activator IV tool.


About Activator Method Practitioners


Approximately 50,000 chiropractors report using the Activator Adjusting Instrument in their clinic. Frequently, chiropractors use a range of 8 to 10 different manipulation techniques in their practice. The choice of which technique to use will be based on a combination of patient preference, the individual’s illness, and the chiropractor’s expertise.


The Activator Method is normally just one of a number of techniques a chiropractor may use; chiropractic practices that just use the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (or any single technique) aren’t the norm. Any healthcare professional can be approved to use the Activator Adjusting Instrument, but it’s commonly used by chiropractors.


Provider Training


The Activator Method Basic Proficiency course is taught as an elective course at chiropractic colleges in the United States. There are two levels of coaching certification:


  • Basic Proficiency: Requires completion of 12 hours of training, followed by a practical and written exam or a written and practical exam at the school level. This path introduces the simple body scan protocol, for example leg length analysis.
  • Advanced Proficiency: Requires completion of 24 hours of post-graduate training, followed by a practical and written exam or a written and practical exam at the college level. This track provides instruction about the best way to correct patients utilizing the Activator instrument.


Both the Basic and Advanced Proficiency classes are taught throughout the world at scheduled seminars. Approximately 2,000 chiropractors are reported to keeping their proficiency by attending yearly seminars that offer new material and information. Chiropractors may utilize the Activator Adjusting Instrument as an alternative to spinal adjustments and manual manipulation within their clinic with or with no level of training.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Yoga Standing Poses

Yoga Standing Poses

�By�Kyran Doyle�In�Yoga

Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility and strength in your body. In this article we will go over some standing poses to use in your practice.


The mountain pose is the foundation of all standing poses. It might not look like much but the mountain pose is an important starting position, resting pose and tool to improve posture which leads to many other standing poses in yoga.



Standing forward bend is a smooth transition from mountain pose and you will find a deep stretch in the entire back body.



There are three variations of the warrior pose of which this is number I.



Warrior II stretches and strengthens the body in the one movement, allowing you to feel like a strong warrior. This pose will build strength your ankles, legs, glutes, core, back and shoulders.



Reverse Warrior is a variation of the warrior II pose that provide a great stretch in the side body.


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Gymnastics & Chiropractic


Chronic Inflammation: Chiropractic Treatment

Chronic Inflammation: Chiropractic Treatment

Chronic inflammation remains a confusing subject for many. One reason for this is that chronic inflammation does not resemble acute inflammation and is not associated with conditions that are normally treated with medications, spinal manipulation or surgery.

Chronic Inflammation Needs To Be Understood

chronic inflammation doctor stethoscope heartDD Palmer wrote a chapter in 1914 entitled Inflammation, stating that, “inflammation is present in most, if not all diseases, in the acute if not chronic.” 100 years later, all chronic diseases are inflammatory conditions within local tissues . Chronic systemic inflammation and related pathophysiological changes involve structures and functions that are silent.

Chronic inflammatory condition alters the structure and function of a given tissue and is identified by symptoms and laboratory tests. This enables the application of a name, which describes the chronic state, such as osteoarthritis, fatty liver, tendinosis, diabetes, widespread pain, depression, osteoporosis, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.


Lifestyle Choices That Promote Chronic Inflammation

Chronic InflammationLoss of sleep, sedentary living, stress and diet all encourage inflammation.

Dietary interventions may appear confusing and complicated. The first step is to assess inflammatory markers during the examination, which will offer insight for a lifestyle change and management.

Markers For Chronic Inflammation

Laboratory tests are the best approach to spot chronic inflammation. High levels of glucose, triglycerides, hemoglobin A1c protein along with reduced levels of vitamin D and HDL cholesterol are the most reliable in identifying chronic inflammation.

Patients can also fill out a Health Survey Questionnaire (HSQ-12), which identifies health status, which directly correlates to chronic inflammation.�Without doing a lab test,� chronic inflammation can be indirectly measured.

Nutrition For Chronic Inflammation

unhealthy foodsDiet is a problem for most people with over two-thirds of the population being overweight. Obesity is known to be a chronic inflammatory state associated with chronic pain and degenerative diseases.

Do no focus on the food for a dietary change and instead focus on the inflammatory markers aforementioned. Food can be emotional, with the markers being objective. Avoiding emotion and stress is a way to deal with nutrition effectively, along with weight loss.

The most essential element in reducing inflammation is caloric restriction. Becoming overweight comes from eating too many calories, whether they comes from fat, flour or sugar. Americans, on average, acquire 60 percent of their calories from flour, sugar and oils. The solution is to replace the refined calories with vegetation calories that allow for greater food consumption with lower calories.

Dietary options that can help:

  • Vegan
  • Omnivore
  • Ketogenic

The important thing is to avoid extra salt, flour, refined oils and refined sugar.


One does not need to understand the chemistry of chronic inflammation to employ an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. It is crucial to understand that inflammation is the underlying cause of disease and most chronic pain.

Fibromyalgia Can Mask Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Medical Schools Embrace Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

Medical Schools Embrace Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

Now that nearly 40 percent of American adults swear by some sort of complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM, from nutrition and mental comfort to acupuncture, magnet therapy, and international healing systems like traditional Chinese medicine and Indian ayurveda, a growing number of medical schools have embraced functional medicine.


What’s the benefit of CAM education in Medicine Schools?


“Interest in teaching alternative strategies has exploded, especially this past year,” states Laurie Hofmann, executive director of the Institute for Functional Medicine, which will be based in Gig Harbor, Wash. The nonprofit institute educates healthcare specialists to look for underlying systemic imbalances as a cause of illness rather than focus on treating symptoms and, when possible, to correct with lifestyle changes and mind-body techniques.


The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, which encourages the spread of CAM education, was founded in an initiative by eight academic medical centers; it now boasts 46 medical school members.


Traditional and CAM Medicine Education


Traditional studies of surgery and drugs or medications, naturally, still dwarfs class discussion of complementary and alternative medicine. However, students want to add complementary, integrative and functional medicine methods because they “know their potential patients will be using them,” says Shelly Adler, director of integrative medicine education at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, which has a history of teaching the subject.


“I could already see the limits of Western medicine, particularly when treating recurrent pain or other chronic problems. I thought other healing traditions could fill in some gaps,” says Carson Brown, a first year resident at San Mateo Medical Center in California. Spurred in part by the relief which acupuncture had provided her to get hip pain she took a two-week elective last year offered to UCSF students which covered topics from acupuncture to mind-body medicine.


A similar optional was started last spring in the Loma Linda University School of Medicine in California; the faculty is likely a second, more in-depth option on functional medicine for chronic conditions. An approach to handling, even reversing, diabetes, as an instance, highlights exercise and also a diet rich in foods that are whole, together with medication as a last resort, to provide overall health and wellness to future patients.


Effects of CAM Education in Colleges


The colleges insist that they approach the subject with an eye toward the signs, advocating only approaches that have withstood scientific scrutiny even as they examine some methods patients frequently use. But critics charge that this is not necessarily the case. A 2009 review in the journal Academic Medicine of a couple of course curricula discovered a bias “in favor of CAM,” noting recommendations of acupuncture for ailments like asthma in which there’s “no credible evidence” and instances of ignoring research, for instance, studies linking chiropractic manipulation with stroke.


At the University of Arizona, where bestselling CAM guru Andrew Weil is a part of the school, a program overhaul five years ago expanded the discussion beyond the scope of an elective or two. Based on the growing body of research supporting a few holistic remedies, especially nutrition, and of smaller-scale studies on other treatments with limited risks, such as journaling to help rheumatoid arthritis, “it made sense to integrate these ideas into a variety of courses,” says Victoria Maizes, executive director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine in the medical school.


As before, fourth-year students have the choice of a four-week elective on the subject. All students, in courses across the curriculum, recognized and now gain an understanding of the use of nourishment remedies in healing and prevention and of the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Members that have gone through the center’s full-fledged, two-year fellowship in medicine give pupils a window on how they could incorporate CAM into their practice.


One cardiovascular surgeon, for example, supplies surgical patients using pre-operative guided vision (shown in a lot of studies to decrease stress and aid healing), provides comprehensive nutrition guidance for heart health, and is researching the effectiveness of Reiki, an energy healing method that relies on touch, on surgical recovery.


There’s a fourth-year optional, too, that highlights the value of caring for the mind, body, and spirit of their physician in addition to the patients. Students not only learn about yoga and tai chi but they also practice these themselves to de-stress, Chiaramonte says. “Students recognize that, to be good healers, they need to facilitate their own wellness, that [it’s] is a part of healing a patient,” she says, a practice which can prove beneficial to them.


In Conclusion


For medical schools which can’t locate the tools or the space in their packed curricula to include CAM, a current Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) survey suggested that time, not lack of interest, is the prime impediment for the addition of such programs in their schools, where often an online education can fill the gap. The University of Arizona will establish a holistic course on wellness and prevention, open to medical students from different schools.


The IFM will debut Web-based modules on gastrointestinal health, the principles of functional medicine, and nutrition. (Time limitations are no doubt the reason a recent study in Academic Medicine found that only 27 percent of healthcare schools currently meet the minimum goal, set by the National Academy of Sciences, of 25 hours for course time.)


Whether or not pupils who know about alternative approaches ever include herbs or acupuncture in their own practices, believers say, they stand to gain from viewing medicine in a more holistic manner.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Spinal Manipulation & Mobilization Techniques | Eastside Chiropractor

Spinal Manipulation & Mobilization Techniques | Eastside Chiropractor

There are well over 100 types of adjustment techniques used by chiropractors throughout the world. Typically, chiropractors will concentrate on and use 8 to 10 distinct approaches in their practice.


What are the most common chiropractic adjustment techniques?


The goal of most chiropractic techniques is to revive or to enhance joint function, together with all the aims of reducing pain and resolving swelling. Some procedures use some force, such as spinal manipulation, while others are somewhat more gentle, such as spinal mobilization.


The original chiropractic adjustment approach is usually referred to as spinal manipulation, and might also be called the diversified technique or the high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust. New chiropractic adjustment approaches typically evolve as a variation from an existing technique and are often named after the chiropractor who developed it.


Chiropractic Manipulation Approaches


Chiropractors adapt therapy plans to satisfy the particular needs of each individual. Typically, chiropractic treatment plans involve some forceful and less forceful spinal adjustment techniques during exactly the same trip or over the course of therapy, approximately 6 to 10 visits for a typical individual.


Spinal Manipulation (High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust)


The most often used chiropractic technique, spinal manipulation, is the traditional high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust. The manipulation frequently results in an audible “pop,” as chiropractors use their hands to apply a controlled sudden force to a joint while the body is placed in a particular way.


Spinal Mobilization (Low-Force or moderate Techniques)


Some conditions (for example, osteoporosis), pathology, the patient’s size, patient comfort, or individual preference, may demand a milder approach generally referred to as spinal mobilization. Additionally, mild mobilization techniques which don’t involve twisting of even a thrust or the body are preferred by some patients or clinicians.


Along with manipulation, many chiropractors will use adjunctive therapy, such as ice or heat or physical therapy modalities (for instance, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, etc.), as part of an overall treatment program. Patients need to discuss their symptoms and tastes with their healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan.


Chiropractors are not the only health care providers who use spinal manipulation for back pain treatment. Many osteopathic physicians will provide a variety of types of adjustments, like spinal mobilization and spinal manipulation . Other kinds such as physicians or physical therapists, will be trained in supplying these techniques as well.


The goal of spinal mobilization is the same as HVLA spinal manipulation, to reestablish or to enhance joint work. But, unlike HVLA, spinal manipulation motion, usually into a firm endpoint of movement, is used to mobilize the joint.


Chiropractors may choose spinal mobilization for certain individuals for a variety of reasons, for example:


  • Patient preference: specific patients prefer spinal mobilization over spinal manipulation
  • Patients with sensitive nervous systems can benefit from gentle chiropractic Methods to keep the entire body from overreacting and causing reactive muscle spasms
  • Patients with a few conditions can be redeemed for spinal manipulation, such as maybe patients with advanced osteoporosis, bone pathology, some forms of deformity, and certain Kinds of inflammatory arthritis
  • Chiropractors can choose spinal mobilization for patients when they are in the acute phase of their illness and in severe pain
  • Obesity can make the positioning of the individual and the manipulation procedures difficult for both the supplier in addition to the patient, which might favor a low force technique.


Spinal Mobilization Methods


There’s a vast array of spinal mobilization approaches and techniques. Several of the more common gentle spinal mobilization methods include:


  • Activator method: The Activator is a handheld, spring-loaded, manual tool which offers a low-force urge. With the patient lying face down the nurse evaluates leg length, performs muscle testing, also adjusts the spine or extremity joints using the Activator tool.
  • Cox Flexion-distraction: This technique involves a gentle adjustment that is designed to adjust vertebrae by employing a gentle stretch to the lower spine, typically at a set of repetitive slow movements similar to a rocking motion.
  • Toggle Drop: Using crossed hands one on top of the other, the nurse presses down quickly and firmly on a particular area of the spine while a section of this fall table falls, using gravity to use the adjustment. The table has different sections that dropped and can be increased in accordance with the localization of the spinal adjustment.
  • McKenzie Technique: This strategy uses a patient favorite position to facilitate pain loss.
  • Release work: Applying gentle pressure using the fingertips, the chiropractor divides the misaligned vertebrae with the objective of restoring them back to their natural positions.
  • Sacro-Occipital Strategy (SOT): This method involves placing wedges or cubes under the pelvis, allowing gravity – with a few inclusion low induce assistance by the supplier – to realign the anus.


As well as the aforementioned, other kinds of mobilization are commonly used, such as massage therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Receptor-Tonus Technique, Cranio-sacral, NUCCA , and a lot more.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


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