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Facetogenic Pain, Headaches, Neuropathic Pain And Osteoarthritis

Facetogenic Pain, Headaches, Neuropathic Pain And Osteoarthritis

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alexander Jimenez takes a look at various conditions that can cause chronic pain. These include:

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.
facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.
facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.
facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.
facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.Abstract

Arthritis pain is a complex phenomenon involving intricate neurophysiological processing at all levels of the pain pathway. The treatment options available to alleviate joint pain are fairly limited, and most arthritis patients report only modest pain relief with current treatments. A better understanding of the neural mechanisms responsible for musculoskeletal pain and identifying new targets will help develop future pharmacological therapies. This article reviews some of the latest research into factors that contribute to joint pain and covers areas such as cannabinoids, proteinase-activated receptors, sodium channels, cytokines, and transient receptor potential channels. The emerging hypothesis that osteoarthritis may have a neuropathic component is also discussed.


The world health organization ranks musculoskeletal disorders as the most frequent cause of disability in the modern world, affecting one in three adults [1]. Even more alarming is that the prevalence of these diseases is rising while our knowledge of their underlying causes is fairly rudimentary.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

Fig. 1 A schematic illustrating some of the targets known to modulate joint pain. Neuromodulators can be released from nerve terminals as well as mast cells and macrophages to alter afferent mechanosensitivity. Endovanilloids, acid, and noxious heat can activate transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) ion channels leading to the release of algogenic substance P (SP), which subsequently binds to neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptors. Proteases can cleave and stimulate protease-activated receptors (PARs). Thus far, PAR2and PAR4have been shown to sensitize joint primary afferents. The endocannabinoid anandamide (AE) is produced on demand and synthesized from N-arachidonoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE) under the enzymatic action of phospholipases. A portion of AE then binds to cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors leading to neuronal desensitization. Unbound AE is rapidly taken up by an anandamide membrane transporter (AMT)before being broken down by a fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)into ethanolamine (Et) and arachidonic acid (AA). The cytokines tumor necrosis factor-?(TNF-?), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin1-beta (IL-1?) Can bind to their respective receptors to enhance pain transmission. Finally, tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant sodium channels (Nav1.8) are involved in neuronal sensitization.

Patients yearn for their chronic pain to disappear; however, currently prescribed analgesics are largely ineffective and are accompanied by a wide range of unwanted side effects. As such, millions of people worldwide are suffering from the debilitating effects of joint pain, for which there is no satisfactory treatment [2].

More than 100 different forms of arthritis have osteoarthritis (OA) being the most common. OA is a progressively degenerative joint disease that causes chronic pain and loss of function. Commonly, OA is the inability of the joint to repair damage effectively in response to excessive forces being placed on it. The biological and psychosocial factors that comprise chronic OA pain are not well understood, although ongoing research unravels the complex nature of disease symptoms [2]. Current therapeutics, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), provide some symptomatic relief, reducing the pain for short periods of time, but do not alleviate pain across the patient’s lifespan. Furthermore, high-dose NSAIDs cannot be taken repeatedly over many years, as this can lead to renal toxicity and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Traditionally, arthritis research has focused largely on the articular cartilage as a primary target for the therapeutic development of novel OA drugs for disease modification. This chondrogenic focus has shed new light on the intricate biochemical and biomechanical factors that influence chondrocyte behavior in diseased joints. However, as the articular cartilage is aneural and avascular, this tissue is unlikely to be the source of OA pain. This fact, coupled with the findings that there is no correlation between the damage of articular cartilage and pain in OA patients [3,4] or preclinical models of OA [5], has caused a shift in focus to develop drugs for effective pain control. This article will review the latest findings in joint pain research and highlight some of the emerging targets that may be the future of arthritis pain management (summarized in Fig. 1)


The actions of various cytokines in joint neurophysiology studies have featured quite prominently recently. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), for example, is a cytokine that typically binds to the membrane-bound IL-6 receptor (IL-6R). IL-6 can also signal by binding with a soluble IL-6R (SIL-6R) to produce an IL-6/sIL-6R complex. This IL-6/sIL-6R complex subsequent lybinds to a transmembrane glycoprotein subunit 130(gp130), thereby allowing IL-6 to signal in cells that do not constitutively express membrane-bound IL-6R [25,26]. IL-6 and SIL-6R are key players in systemic inflammation and arthritis, as upregulation of both has been found in RA patients’ serum and synovial fluid [27,29]. Recently, Vazquez et al.observed that co-administration of IL-6/sIL-6R into rat knees caused inflammation-evoked pain, as revealed by an increase in the response of spinal dorsal horn neurons to mechanical stimulation of the knee and other parts of the hindlimb [30]. Spinal neuron hyperexcitability was also seen when IL-6/sIL-6R was applied locally to the spinal cord. Spinal application of soluble gp130 (which would mop up IL-6/sIL-6R complexes, thereby reducing trans-signaling) inhibited IL-6/sIL-6R-induced central sensitization. However, acute application of soluble gp130 alone did not reduce the neuronal responses to already established joint inflammation.

The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are non-selective cation channels that act as integrators of various physiological and pathophysiological processes. In addition to thermosensation, chemosensation, and mechanosensation, TRP channels are involved in the modulation of pain and inflammation. For example, TRP vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) ion channels have been shown to contribute to joint inflammatory pain as thermal hyperalgesia was not evocable in TRPV1 mono arthritic mice [31]. Similarly, TRP ankyrin-1 (TRPA1)ion channels are involved in arthritic mechano hypersensitivity as blockade of the receptor with selective antagonists attenuated mechanical pain in the Freunds complete adjuvant model inflammation [32,33]. Further evidence thatTRPV1 may be involved in the neurotransmission of OA pain comes from studies in which neuronal TRPV1 expression is elevated in the sodium monoiodoacetate model of OA [34]. In addition, systemic administration of the TRPV1 antagonist A-889425 reduced the evoked and spontaneous activity of spinal-wide dynamic range and nociception-specific neurons in the monoiodoacetate model [35]. These data suggest that endovanilloids could be involved in central sensitization processes associated with OA pain.

There are currently known to be at least four polymorphisms in the gene that encodes TRPV1, leading to an alteration in the structure of the ion channel and impaired function. One particular polymorphism (rs8065080) alters the sensitivity of TRPV1 to capsaicin, and individuals carrying this polymorphism are less sensitive to thermal hyperalgesia [36]. A recent study examined whether OA patients with the rs8065080 polymorphism experienced altered pain perception based on this genetic anomaly. The research team found that patients with asymptomatic knee OA were more likely to carry the rs8065080 gene than patients with painful joints [37]. This observation indicates that OA patients with normal functioning; TRPV1 channels have an increased risk of joint pain and re-affirms the potential involvement of TRPV1 in OA pain perception.


While the hurdle of treating arthritis pain effectively remains, great leaps are being made in our understanding of the neurophysiological processes responsible for the generation of joint pain. New targets are being discovered continually, while the mechanisms behind known pathways are being further defined and refined. Targeting one specific receptor or ion channel is unlikely to be the solution to normalizing joint pain, but rather a polypharmacy approach is indicated in which various mediators are used in combination during specific phases of the disease. Unraveling the functional circuitry at each level of the pain pathway will also improve our knowledge of how joint pain is generated. For example, identifying the peripheral mediators of joint pain will allow us to control nociception within the joint and likely avoid the central side effects of systemically administered pharmacotherapeutics.


facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.
  • Facet syndrome is an articular disorder related to the lumbar facet joints and their innervations and produces both local and radiating facetogenic pain.
  • Excessive rotation, extension, or flexion of the spine (repeated overuse) can result in degenerative changes to the joint’s cartilage. In addition, itt may involve degenerative changes to other structures, including the intervertebral disc.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.


  • Axial neck pain (rarely radiating past the shoulders), most common unilaterally.
  • Pain with and/or limitation of extension and rotation
  • Tenderness upon palpation
  • Radiating facetogenic pain locally or into the shoulders or upper back, and rarely radiate in the front or down an arm or into the fingers as a herniated disc might.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.


  • Pain or tenderness in the lower back.
  • Local tenderness/stiffness alongside the spine in the lower back.
  • Pain, stiffness, or difficulty with certain movements (such as standing up straight or getting up from a chair.
  • Pain upon hyperextension
  • Referred pain from upper lumbar facet joints can extend into the flank, hip, and upper lateral thigh.
  • Referred pain from lower lumbar facet joints can penetrate deep into the thigh, laterally and/or posteriorly.
  • L4-L5 and L5-S1 facet joints can refer to pain extending into the distal lateral leg, and in rare instances, to the foot

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.


Evidence-based Interventional Pain Medicine according to Clinical Diagnoses

12. Pain Originating from the Lumbar Facet Joints


Although the existence of a facet syndrome had long been questioned, it is now generally accepted as a clinical entity. Depending on the diagnostic criteria, the zygapophysial joints account for between 5% and 15% of cases of chronic, axial low back pain. Most commonly, facetogenic pain results from repetitive stress and/or cumulative low-level trauma, leading to inflammation and stretching of the joint capsule. The most frequent complaint is axial low back pain with referred pain perceived in the flank, hip, and thigh. No physical examination findings are pathognomonic for diagnosis. The strongest indicator for lumbar facetogenic pain is pain reduction after anesthetic blocks of the rami mediales (medial branches) of the rami dorsales that innervate the facet joints. Because false-positive and, possibly, false-negative results may occur, results must be interpreted carefully. In patients with injection-confirmed zygapophysial joint pain, procedural interventions can be undertaken in the context of a multidisciplinary, multimodal treatment regimen that includes pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, and regular exercise, and, if indicated, psychotherapy. Currently, the gold standard for treating facetogenic pain is radiofrequency treatment (1 B+). The evidence supporting intra-articular corticosteroids is limited; hence, this should be reserved for those who do not respond to radiofrequency treatment (2 B1).

Facetogenic Pain emanating from the lumbar facet joints is a common cause of low back pain in the adult population. Goldthwaite was the first to describe the syndrome in 1911, and Ghormley is generally credited with coining the term �facet syndrome� in 1933. Facetogenic pain is defined as pain that arises from any structure that is part of the facet joints, including the fibrous capsule, synovial membrane, hyaline cartilage, and bone.35

More commonly, it is the result of repetitive stress and/or cumulative low-level trauma. This leads to inflammation, which can cause the facet joint to be filled with fluid and swell, resulting in stretching of the joint capsule and subsequent pain generation.27 Inflammatory changes around the facet joint can also irritate the spinal nerve via foraminal narrowing, resulting in sciatica. In addition, Igarashi et al.28 found that inflammatory cytokines released through the ventral joint capsule in patients with zygapophysial joint degeneration may be partially responsible for the neuropathic symptoms in individuals with spinal stenosis. Predisposing factors for zygapophysial joint pain include spondylolisthesis/lysis, degenerative disc disease, and advanced age.5


The prevalence rate of pathological changes in the facet joints on radiological examination depends on the mean age of the subjects, the radiological technique used, and the definition of abnormality. Degenerative facet joints can be best visualized via computed tomography (CT) examination.49


facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

  • Pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the somatosensory nervous system.
  • Neuropathic pain is usually chronic, difficult to treat, and often resistant to standard analgesic management.

Neuropathic pain is caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory system, including peripheral fibers (A?, A? and C fibers) and central neurons, and affects 7-10% of the general population. Multiple causes of neuropathic pain have been described. Its incidence is likely to increase due to the aging global population, increased diabetes mellitus, and improved survival from cancer after chemotherapy. Indeed, imbalances between excitatory and inhibitory somatosensory signaling, alterations in ion channels, and variability in how pain messages are modulated in the central nervous system all have been implicated in neuropathic pain. Furthermore, the burden of chronic neuropathic pain seems to be related to the complexity of neuropathic symptoms, poor outcomes, and difficult treatment decisions. Importantly, quality of life is impaired in patients with neuropathic pain due to increased drug prescriptions and visits to health care providers and the morbidity from the pain itself and the inciting disease. Despite challenges, progress in understanding the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain is spurring the development of new diagnostic procedures and personalized interventions, which emphasize the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the management of neuropathic pain.


  • After a peripheral nerve lesion, neurons become more sensitive and develop abnormal excitability and elevated sensitivity to stimulation.
  • This is known as…Peripheral Sensitization!

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

  • As a consequence of ongoing spontaneous activity in the periphery, neurons develop an increased background activity, enlarged receptive fields, and increased responses to afferent impulses, including normal tactile stimuli.
    This is known as…Central Sensitization!

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

Chronic neuropathic pain is more frequent in women (8% versus 5.7% in men) and in patients >50 years of age (8.9% versus 5.6% in those <49 years of age), and most commonly affects the lower back and lower limbs, neck and upper limbs24. Lumbar and cervical painful radiculopathies are probably the most frequent cause of chronic neuropathic pain. Consistent with these data, a survey of >12,000 patients with chronic pain with both nociceptive and neuropathic pain types, referred to pain specialists in Germany, revealed that 40% of all patients experienced at least some characteristics of neuropathic pain (such as burning sensations, numbness, and tingling); patients with chronic back pain and radiculopathy were particularly affected25.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

The contribution of clinical neurophysiology to the comprehension of the tension-type headache mechanisms.


So far, clinical neurophysiological studies on tension-type headache (TTH) have been conducted with two main purposes: (1) to establish whether some neurophysiological parameters may act as markers of TTH, and (2) to investigate the physiopathology of TTH. Regarding the first point, the present results are disappointing since some abnormalities found in TTH patients may also be frequently observed in migraineurs. On the other hand, clinical neurophysiology has played an important role in the debate about the pathogenesis of TTH. Studies on the exteroceptive suppression of the temporalis muscle contraction have detected a dysfunction of the brainstem excitability and suprasegmental control. A similar conclusion has been reached using trigeminocervical reflexes, whose abnormalities in TTH have suggested a reduced inhibitory activity of brainstem interneurons, reflecting abnormal endogenous pain control mechanisms. Interestingly, the neural excitability abnormality in TTH seems to be a generalized phenomenon, not limited to the cranial districts. Defective DNIC-like mechanisms have indeed been evidenced also in somatic districts by nociceptive flexion reflex studies. Unfortunately, most neurophysiological studies on TTH are marred by serious methodological flaws, which should be avoided in future research to clarify the TTH mechanisms better.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.


Neurophysiology of arthritis pain. McDougall JJ1 Linton P.

Pain originating from the lumbar facet joints. van Kleef M1,Vanelderen P,Cohen SP,Lataster A,Van Zundert J,Mekhail N.

Neuropathic painLuana Colloca,1Taylor Ludman,1Didier Bouhassira,2Ralf Baron,3Anthony H. Dickenson,4David Yarnitsky,5Roy Freeman,6Andrea Truini,7Nadine Attal, Nanna B. Finnerup,9Christopher Eccleston,10,11Eija Kalso,12David L. Bennett,13Robert H. Dworkin,14and Srinivasa N. Raja15

The contribution of clinical neurophysiology to the comprehension of the tension-type headache mechanisms. Rossi P1, Vollono C, Valeriani M, Sandrini G.

Heel Spur Treatment | Video

Heel Spur Treatment | Video

Heel Spur: Blanca, born and raised in El Paso, TX, has been suffering from heel spurs for about two years. As a registered nurse, her symptoms significantly affected her ability to work and her overall quality of life. Determined to improve her health, Blanca considered chiropractic care. Once she started treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, however, Blanca experienced tremendous relief from her heel spurs, almost instantly. Blanca highly recommends chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for treatment of heel spurs.

Chiropractic Heel Spur Treatment


A heel spur is a calcium residue resulting in a bony protrusion on the bottom of the heel bone. Although heel spurs are often painless, they can lead to heel pain. They are often associated with plantar fasciitis, a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue (plantar fascia) that runs across the bottom of the foot and also connects the heel bone to the ball of the foot. Heel spurs are usually caused by strains on foot muscles and ligaments, stretching of the plantar fascia, and repeated tearing of the membrane which covers the heel bone. Heel spurs are particularly common among athletes.

heel spur el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Tratamiento de Ci�tica Quiropr�ctico | V�deo

Tratamiento de Ci�tica Quiropr�ctico | V�deo

Truide Torres recibi� atenci�n quiropr�ctica con la Dra. Alex Jim�nez debido al dolor que experiment� a lo largo de su espalda baja, caderas y piernas. Ella fue diagnosticada con dolor en el nervio ci�tico, com�nmente conocida como ci�tica. La ci�tica puede ocurrir cuando los discos intervertebrales, que se encuentran a lo largo de la columna vertebral, comprimen o afectan el nervio ci�tico en la parte inferior de la espalda. Truide Torres experiment� un alivio tremendo de sus s�ntomas una vez que recibi� atenci�n quiropr�ctica con la Dra. Alex Jimenez y pudo regresar a sus actividades cotidianas. Truide Torres recomienda altamente la atenci�n quiropr�ctica para el dolor del nervio ci�tico.

Tratamiento de Ci�tica


Los doctores en Quiropr�ctica (DC) regularmente tratan la ci�tica. La ci�tica se caracteriza por un dolor que se origina en la parte inferior de la espalda o las nalgas, que se desplaza hacia una o ambas piernas. El dolor del nervio ci�tico var�a en intensidad y frecuencia. La ci�tica generalmente es provocada por la compresi�n del nervio ci�tico. Los trastornos conocidos por causar ci�tica incluyen subluxaciones de la columna lumbar (cuerpos vertebrales desalineados), discos herniados o abultados (discos deslizados), embarazo y parto, tumores y dolencias no espinales como diabetes, estre�imiento o estar sentado en el bolsillo trasero. El dolor a menudo es sordo, doloroso, agudo, como un diente, alfileres y agujas o similar a las descargas el�ctricas. Otros s�ntomas relacionados con la ci�tica incluyen sensaci�n de ardor, entumecimiento y hormigueo.tor.

ci�tica el paso tx.

Tenemos la bendici�n de presentarle la Cl�nica Premier de bienestar y lesiones de El Paso.

Nuestros servicios est�n especializados y enfocados en lesiones y el proceso de recuperaci�n completo. Nuestras �reas de pr�ctica incluyen: bienestar y nutrici�n, dolor cr�nico, lesiones personales, cuidado de accidentes automovil�sticos, lesiones laborales, lesiones de espalda, dolor lumbar, dolor de cuello, dolores de cabeza por migra�a, lesiones deportivas, ci�tica grave, escoliosis, discos complejos herniados, fibromialgia, manejo del estr�s y lesiones complejas.

Como Cl�nica de Rehabilitaci�n Quiropr�ctica y Centro de Medicina Integrada de El Paso, nos enfocamos apasionadamente en tratar pacientes despu�s de lesiones frustrantes y s�ndromes de dolor cr�nico. Nos enfocamos en mejorar su capacidad a trav�s de programas de flexibilidad, movilidad y agilidad dise�ados para todos los grupos de edad y discapacidades.

Si ha disfrutado de este video y / o le hemos ayudado de alguna manera, no dude en suscribirse y compartirnos.

Gracias, Dios te bendiga.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractor 79936 | Video

Chiropractor 79936 | Video

Chiropractor 79936: Truide Torres, office manager at Injury Medical Clinic, discusses several common questions regarding what type of insurance Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic care office accepts, what is the process that the staff must go through when patients are involved in an automobile accident or a work accident. Finally, Truide Torres describes what is the best route to take if the patient’s personal insurance is able to cover the damages and injuries to the individual. Truide Torres encourages patients to contact Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic office to discuss any matter involving their insurance and she recommends Dr. Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for neck and back pain..

Chiropractor 79936


It is important to comprehend the expenses involved in chiropractic care, exactly what your insurance policy covers, and also what your fiscal responsibilities may be. Insurance coverage for chiropractic care may depend on a variety of factors. Most plans cover the cost of chiropractic care for severe (short-term) conditions. But many patients frequently have a co-pay in the time of the visit. When longer-term care is required for conditions that are chronic, severe, or occur together with another health problem, make sure you talk to your insurance company to find out your benefits. Overall prices for patients receiving treatment for back pain have been reported lower for people who receive treatment from a chiropractor.

chiropractor 79936 el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Doctor Of Chiropractic Near Me | Video

Doctor Of Chiropractic Near Me | Video

Doctor of Chiropractic Near Me: Mike Melgoza is an active individual who engages in a variety of strenuous physical activities on a regular basis, as a result, however, he began to experience chronic pain symptoms due to improper technique and repetitive movements. Although Mike Melgoza works out of town, he visits Dr. Alex Jimenez every time he begins to experience pain to receive chiropractic care. Mike Melgoza recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for chronic pain. Mike Melgoza trusts Dr. Jimenez to care for his health.

Doctor Of Chiropractic Near Me


Before you go to a chiropractor to deal with your chronic pain symptoms, it’s important to understand what exactly is causing your pain. Your physician will perform a physical exam as well as some tests to help them diagnose the source of the patient’s pain. As soon as you’re diagnosed with a pain illness, your chiropractor will create a treatment program. Your treatment plan may include spinal manipulation, manual therapies, and therapeutic exercises. Work with your chiropractor to develop a treatment plan. Once your pain is fully addressed, you should be able to slowly resume daily activities.

doctor of chiropractic near me el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractor Near Me | Video

Chiropractor Near Me | Video

Chiropractor Near Me: Due to his previous back injury history, George Lara suffered a recent back injury which he was unfortunately unable to recover from through traditional treatment. That’s when the VA recommended him to seek chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez, ultimately changing his quality of life. George Lara had degenerative disc disease, or DDD, and sciatic nerve pain before receiving treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez. George Lara describes how much his life has improved with chiropractic care and he’s grateful of the services and care he received. George Lara recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for back pain, among other spine health issues.

Chiropractor Near Me


Chiropractic care is a means to diagnose and treat health problems that affect the nerves, muscles, bones, and joints of the body. A healthcare provider who supplies chiropractic care is known as a chiropractor. Adjustment of the spine, known as manipulation, is the basis of care. Chiropractors also use other kinds of treatments. Your physician will ask about your goals for your health history and therapy. It’s important to inform your physician about any physical problems you may have which make it difficult for you to do particular things.

chiropractor near me el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Mattress Shopping? What To Know

Mattress Shopping? What To Know

Getting a good night�s sleep is absolutely integral to good spinal health. Sometimes, though that isn�t possible. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 92 percent of people believe that a�comfortable mattress is important for good, restful sleep. A bad mattress, or one that is old, or one that is simply wrong for your body can contribute to sleep deprivation, lower back pain, headaches, stiff neck, and anxiety and depression. With so much at stake, it�s easy to see just how important it is to select a good mattress.

Ask About How The Mattress Is Made

Learn about the construction� and what the different components mean for your comfort. Different mattresses have different coils and they are arranged differently. The padding can vary in thickness. The depth can range from 7 inches to 18 inches on the average. Understanding the various components can make it easier for you to find the one that is right for you.

Look For Comfort, As Well As, Support

A good mattress is comfortable and has good support. Support is good but if you don�t have comfort then it won�t be effective.

If it is too firm (too much support) it will cause pain on your body�s pressure points. You want your hips and shoulders to slightly sink into the mattress. However, if you prefer a mattress that is firmer to support your back, you can get one with padding on top.

Don�t Let Price Be The Determining Factor

You naturally want to get the most for your dollar, but remember that you get what you pay for. A cheap mattress can translate to a poor quality one.

Look for quality and value rather than price. If money is an issue, do some comparison shopping to find the mattress you want for the best price.

Sales are another way to save money on a purchase, but look out for advertising gimmicks. Know the meaning of the terms that are used and know what you are looking for before you go for that so-called great deal.

mattress el paso tx.

Educate Yourself On The Different Mattress Types

Do you want a memory foam or would latex work better for you? What exactly is an innerspring mattress? Are adjustable beds really all they are cracked up to be? Do some research and brush up on the different�types of mattresses�so that you can approach your shopping trip with confidence and as an educated consumer. It will definitely work in your favor.

In The End, It�s All About Personal Preference

There is no mattress that is a one size (or type) fits all. Different people will respond differently to mattresses. The best thing to do is try them out. Spend at least 20 minutes laying down before you make the decision to purchase or not.

Finally, if you find that your�quality of sleep�has recently gotten worse, that you are tossing and turning or wake up with pain in your back, neck, or head, it could be time to change your mattress � or pillow. If you can see your mattress sagging, that could be another indication that it is time to get a new one.

Mattresses are designed to withstand a certain degree of wear and tear, but they don�t last forever. The quality, the weight and other factors contribute to how quickly it wears out. So if you notice any of the warning signs it may be time to get a new mattress so that you can get back to peaceful, restful sleep.

Injury Medical Clinic: Back Pain Care & Treatments

Rest Helps Restore Spinal Health

Rest Helps Restore Spinal Health

You try to do all the right things when it comes to taking care of your spine. You lift the right way, exercise, practice good posture, stretch, drink plenty of water, and take frequent breaks to walk around if you are seated for an extended period of time. Those are all excellent habits to keep, but there is something else that you should be doing � and it is one of the most overlooked and undervalued health practices. Rest!

Running On Empty: The Silent Epidemic

Stress can do severe damage to your emotional and mental health, but it can also hurt your body as well. Many people carry stress in their lower backs which means that when stress goes up it can result in lower back pain. It can also make you more sensitive to pain.

It is estimated that 66 percent of all doctor visits have a stress related component. What�s more, 50 percent of people who suffer from stress rate it as moderate to high. We live in a culture that makes it commonplace to run on empty. The problem with that is sooner or later you are going to crash and your body will bear the brunt.

Rest is important for helping you alleviate and manage stress, but recent studies show that 1 in 3 adults don�t get enough sleep. There is another reason to get your seven to nine hours in, though, that is directly related to spinal health.

rest spine health el paso tx.

What Rest Can Do For Your Spinal Health

When you rest you give your body time to replenish depleted stores of energy. Adequate sleep improves your immune function, memory, metabolism, learning, and healing. You will be more alert, happier, and have more energy. It is also very beneficial is you are trying to lose weight.

Excess weight can put pressure on your spine and cause it to curve, causing back pain. This is especially true if you carry your weight in your abdomen. That extra weight in the front pulls your spine into a sway back curve making it painful to stand for long periods of time.

When you lay down and rest you allow your entire spine, associated muscles, and other parts of your body to rejuvenate and relax. You probably don�t realize it, but your muscles in your back and abdomen work all day to keep your body properly supported. Even when sitting there are muscles engaged. Laying down allows all of those muscles to finally relax.

Rest also allows your spinal discs to rehydrate. The spine is made up of fluid filled discs that sit between the vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you go about your day, thanks to gravity, your discs become compressed. This compression causes the disc to lose fluid (which is about 88 percent water). This can cause pain if the discs are not properly rehydrated � and that is a two-step process of drinking adequate water and getting enough rest.

Drinking water will put the fluids into your body, but as long as you are upright, the compression will continue. Laying down to go to sleep takes that pressure off of your spine so there is no compression and the body can naturally rehydrate the discs. A few hours here and there is not really effective because it does not give the body enough time to do its job. This means that you need to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Along with all the other great, healthy reasons to get a good night�s sleep, you not have one more to add to the list. A healthy spine will keep you standing tall and help keep you mobile, It is important to do all you can to take care of it.

Injury Medical Clinic: Neck Pain Care & Treatments

Organic Food Vs. Conventional Food

Organic Food Vs. Conventional Food

Many supermarkets have started offering their shoppers a choice in produce: organic or conventionally farmed. This can leave many wondering just what the difference is.

The truth is, both foods taste the same � or very close. Both have the same vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, so what is the big difference?

It comes down to two major areas: safety and nutrition. That is what consumers need to understand when they are trying to make a decision on whether to purchase foods that have been conventionally farmed, or foods that are natural.

What Is �Organic�?

This is a misused word but the true meaning is that the term refers to how food is grown and processed. Organic farming is intended to encourage water and soil conservation as well as reduce pollution.

This type of farming does not use chemicals for controlling weeds, eliminating insects, or fertilizing. Most of the methods are completely natural. For instance, a farmer may use natural fertilizers to enrich the soil, strategically placed plants to control insects, and mulch or crop rotation to control weeds.

Organic Vs. Conventional Foods

Conventionally farmed products will often use chemicals for insect control and weed control. They often use some type of processing on their foods.

The fertilizer used in planting often has chemicals. The foods may even be genetically modified. Animals may be injected with steroids and hormones which can cause unpleasant or even harmful side effects.

These types of foods do not use any chemicals, they are not genetically modified, and they are not injected with antibiotics or steroids. The food has been very minimally processed � if at all.

There are no additives that don�t belong and could be potentially harmful. These foods are safer for human consumption and they are typically more nutritious.

organic food el paso tx.

How To Identify Organic Foods

In the United States, a food or product that is labeled as organic is required to be certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA has a certification program for natural growers and it has a set of very stringent standards that the product or food must meet.

There are some exemptions. For instance, a producer who does not sell more than $5,000 annually just in organic foods is not required to get the certification although they do have to adhere to the USDA�s stringent requirements for organic foods.

When a food carries the USDA Organic label, it means that it meets the requirements. While natural producers are not required to put the label on their products, many do.

The labeling varies, depending on the type of food. Single ingredient foods like eggs, vegetables, and fruits are considered to be 100 percent natural and are allowed to carry the USDA seal.

Foods that contain two or more ingredients, like breakfast cereal, are still allowed to use the USDA seal, but also must include the following information:

  • Organic � The product must be 95 percent organic or greater in order to be able to use this term
  • 100 percent organic � The product must be completely organic or all of its ingredients must be natural
  • Made with organic ingredients � The product contains no less than 70 percent natural ingredients

If the product has less than 70 percent natural ingredients, they are not allowed to use the word �organic� anywhere on their product labels.

Health Benefits Of Natural Foods

The greatest health benefit of natural foods is what it does not provide. Organic growers do not use synthetic pesticides to protect their crops from disease, insects, and molds. This means that the food itself has never been touched by these chemicals.

Natural foods also do not have the food additives that conventional foods often do. They are free from artificial sweeteners, flavorings, and colorings as well as preservatives and monosodium glutamate. This means eating natural means that you aren�t putting those chemicals into your body. Plus, many people say that organic foods simply taste better.

If you have further questions or concerns about your particular diet, please ask us! Our Doctor of Chiropractic can help guide you toward a more healthy life, including the foods you consume.

Injury Medical Clinic: Accident Treatment & Recovery

Cerebrovascular Disorders

Cerebrovascular Disorders

Cerebrovascular disease is a designated group of conditions that can lead to cerebrovascular event/s, i.e. stroke. These events affect the blood supply and vessels to the brain. With a�blockage, malformation, or hemorrhage�happens,�this�prevents brain cells from getting enough oxygen, which can cause brain damage. Cerebrovascular diseases can develop in different ways. These include deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and atherosclerosis.

Types of cerebrovascular disease: Stroke, transient ischemic attack, aneurysms, and vascular malformations

In the U.S. cerebrovascular disease is the fifth most common cause of death.

Cerebrovascular Disorders

The Brain

  • Makes up ~2% of the body weight
  • Accounts for ~10% of the body�s oxygen use
  • Accounts for ~20% of the body�s glucose use
  • Receives ~20% of the cardiac output
  • Per minute, requires ~50-80cc of blood per 100g of grey matter brain tissue and ~17-40cc of blood per 100g of white matter
  • If blood supply to the brain is <15cc per 100g of tissue, per minute, neurologic dysfunction occurs
  • As with all tissues, the longer there is ischemia, the more likely there is to be cell death and necrosis
  • The brain depends on a constant, uninterrupted supply of oxygen and glucose
  • 3-8 minutes of cardiac arrest can result in irreversible brain damage!

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Autoregulation In The Brain

  • Systemic hypotension causes reactive cerebral vasodilation to allow more blood flow to the brain
  • The brain can extract enough oxygen from the brain if systolic pressure is 50 mmHg
  • Atherosclerotic narrowing can produce reactive vasodilation to attempt to reduce excess pressure
  • Increased blood pressure can result in vasoconstriction, reducing likelihood of hemorrhage
  • If systolic pressure averages >150 mmHg for prolonged periods, this compensation may fail
  • Labelled hypertensive encephalopathy

Blood Supply To The Head

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Collateral Circulation

  • In slowly developing occlusion such as atherosclerotic thrombosis, collateral circulation has time to develop
  • Circle of Willis connects the carotid and basilar systems
  • Anterior and posterior communicating arteries provide collateral supply
  • Anastomoses between main cerebral and cerebellar arteries in some people
  • Internal and external carotid artery connection via the ophthalmic & maxillary arteries

Circle Of Willis

  • Connects the vertebrobasilar system with the internal carotid system
  • While providing helpful collateral circulation, is also the most susceptible area to Berry Aneurysms which can lead to hemorrhagic stroke

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Blood Supply To The Brain

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Maxillary & Ophthalmic aa.

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Cerebrovascular Disorders

  • ~700,000 adults in the US have a stroke each year
  • Third most common cause of death in the US
  • ~2 million people are disabled due to stroke
  • By far more common in persons of advanced age
  • Occlusive/Ischemic Disease
  • 80% of all strokes
  • Most common site of occlusion is at the internal carotid artery just above the bifurcation of the common carotid a.
  • Atherothrombotic
  • Embolic
  • Small vessel
  • Hemorrhagic Disease

Occlusive/Ischemic Stroke

  • Can be due to artery OR vein occlusion
  • Artery occlusion is much more common
  • Due to lack of blood & oxygen supply reaching a particular area of the brain
  • Sudden onset of neurologic deficits, correlating to the distribution of a specific artery
  • Deficits will differ depend on which artery�s distribution has been disrupted

Venous Occlusion

  • Hyperviscocity
  • Dehydration
  • Thombocytosis
  • Elevated red or white blood cells counts
  • Polycythemia
  • Hypercoagulability
  • Elevated homocysteine
  • Prolonged immobility or airplane travel
  • Genetic clotting factor disorders
  • Pregnancy
  • Cancer
  • Hormone replacement & OCP use


  • Neurologic deficits may be transient or develop slowly over time
  • Possible causes/types:
  • Dissection of the tunica intima and tunica adventitia
  • Can occur in younger patients with connective tissue disorders
  • Inflammatory materials deposit & build up in the vessel walls
  • Oxidized LDLs deposit in vessel walls


  • Neurologic deficits likely to have sudden onset
  • Dislodged tissue from dissection of the tunica intima and tunica adventitia
  • Any dislodged thrombus can become an embolus blocking/closing the lumen of smaller vessels

Small Vessel

  • Lipohyalinosis
  • Vessel wall micro-trauma & ballooning
  • Amyloid Angiopathy
  • Accumulation of amyloid proteins in vessel walls
  • More common in patients >65 years old
  • Causes narrowing (leading to ischemia) but can also cause vessel fragility (leading to hemorrhage)
  • Associated with Alzheimer�s disease
  • Inflammatory
  • Spasmotic

Risk Factors For Occlusive Stroke

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Cardiac abnormalities
  • Right-left shunts (Patent foramen ovale, VSD, tetralogy of fallot, etc)
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Valve disease/artificial heart valves
  • Advanced age
  • Obesity
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Especially high LDL and low HDL
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Cigarette/Tobacco smoking
  • High oxidation status
  • Elevated homocysteine
  • Contributed to by low folic acid, B6 & B12 statuses
  • Interacts with LDL cholesterol
  • Hyperviscocity and hypercoagulability states as shown on previous slide

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

  • Fully reversible episodes of neurologic deficit due to vascular insufficiency generally lasting no more than 30 minutes at a time
  • Occasionally can last 24 hours or more
  • Half of patients who suffer from a complete occlusive stroke previously had transient ischemic attack(s)
  • 20-40% of patients with TIA go on to have complete stroke
  • In is important to identify patients with TIAs to that they can be appropriately managed and modifiable risk factors reduced

History of Transient Neurologic Deficit In Patient > 45 y/o

  • DDx
  • TIA most likely dx
  • Migraine
  • Focal seizures
  • BPPV
  • Meniere�s
  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Temporal arteritis
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Tumor
  • Arteriovenous malformations

Carotid Artery Disease

  • High pitched systolic bruit heard over the carotid artery may indicate carotid stenosis
  • Requires duplex ultrasound evaluation
  • Lesions narrowing the lumen >70% can possibly cause ischemia
  • Many carotid occlusions do not cause ischemia due to slow development allowing for collateral circulation to be developed as well
  • Fast forming occlusions or emboli can produce problems with <70% stenosis
  • Surgical intervention should be considered for patients with >70% stenosis and symptoms of TIA

Occlusive Stroke

  • If there is an onset of definitive substantial neurologic deficit, the patient should have a CT to rule out hemorrhage
  • If hemorrhage is ruled out, tissue plasminogen activator should be given within the first 4.5 hours
  • It should not be given later than this because it can increase risk of bleeding during reperfusion of brain tissue
  • After this initial period, focused thrombolysis or mechanical extraction of the embolus

Intracranial Hemorrhage

  • Approximately 20% of stroke cases
  • Severe HA or vomiting suggest hemorrhage over occlusion
  • Two types
  • Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage
  • Hypertension
  • Arterial aneurysms
  • Arteriovenous malformations
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Vessel weakening due to amyloid angiopathy
  • Traumatic

Aneurysm Sites

  • Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
  • 50% – Lenticulostriate branches of the middle cerebral artery
  • Affects the putamen and external capsule
  • 10% – Penetrating branches of the posterior cerebral artery
  • Affects the thalamus
  • 10% – Penetrating branches of the superior cerebellar artery
  • Affects the cerebellum
  • 10% – Paramedian branches of the basilar artery
  • Affects the basilar pons
  • 20% – Various vessels affecting areas of white matter
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Berry aneurysms at communicating artery junctions

Bleeding Disorders

  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Leukemia
  • Excess anticoagulant therapies

Risk Factors For Hemorrhagic Stroke

  • Hypertension
  • Arterial aneurysms
  • Arteriovenous malformations
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Vessel weakening due to amyloid angiopathy
  • Head trauma

Signs Of Stroke: Teach Patients F.A.S.T

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Common Transient Symptoms

  • Vertigo
  • Bilateral blurring or loss of vision
  • Ataxia
  • Diplopia
  • Bilateral or unilateral sensory and motor deficits
  • Syncope
  • Weakness in the distribution of a motor cranial nerve one side of the head with a contralateral hemiparesis (medial brainstem damage)
  • Damage to a sensory cranial nerve & Horner�s syndrome on one side of the head and loss of contralateral pain and temperature sensation in the body (lateral brainstem damage)

Long-Term Symptoms Depend On Area Affected

  • Monocular visual obscuration (amaurosis fugax) that is due to retinal ischemia
  • Contralateral hemiparesis
  • Hemisensory deficit
  • Visual field deficits
  • Dysphasia
  • Receptive aphasia (Wernicke�s area lesion)
  • Expressive aphasia (Broca�s areas lesion)
  • Contralateral neglect (on-dominant parietal lobe lesion)
  • Problemswithinitiationofmovement(Supplementarymotorcortex lesion)
  • Difficulty with voluntary gaze to the contralateral side (Frontal eye field lesions)
  • Short-term memory deficits(medial temporal lobes lesioned)

Brain-Stem Syndromes

cerebrovascular el paso syndromes/common-stroke- syndromes-chapter-9-textbook-of- stroke-medicine.html

Stroke Recovery

  • Rehab needs depend upon the area of brain tissue that was affected by the stroke
  • Speech therapy
  • Restriction of functioning limbs
  • Balance and gait exercises
  • Encourages neuroplastic restructuring
  • Symptoms may improve within the first 5 days due to reduction in edema
  • Edema may cause herniation through the foramen magnum which can cause brainstem compression and death � patients with this problem may require craniectomy (last resort)


Alexander G. Reeves, A. & Swenson, R. Disorders of the Nervous System. Dartmouth, 2004.
Swenson, R. Cerebrovascular Disorders. 2010