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Relieve Osteoarthritis Joint Pain: Massage Therapy Benefits

Relieve Osteoarthritis Joint Pain: Massage Therapy Benefits

For individuals managing osteoarthritis, could massage therapy provide added treatment benefits?

Relieve Osteoarthritis Joint Pain: Massage Therapy Benefits

Osteoarthritis Massage Therapy

Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage between the joints wears away, causing stiffness and pain. Massage therapy is a treatment used to relieve various types of pain symptoms.

  • There are many types of massage therapy, that healthcare providers utilize to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues to relieve symptoms, relax muscles, increase circulation, reduce inflammation, release trigger points, and restore mobility, flexibility, and function. (Ergonomic Trends. 2023)
  • Professional therapists can help relieve osteoarthritis joint pain by relaxing the surrounding muscles and other soft tissues to release stiffness. (Adam Perlman, et al., 2019)

Massage Objectives and Types

Massage therapists use their hands and fingers, forearms, elbows, and/or instruments to manipulate the body’s soft tissues. Soft tissues support and surround body structures and include muscle, fat, tendons, and ligaments.

  • The goal of osteoarthritis massage therapy is to relax muscles and soft tissues, increase blood and oxygen circulation, warm the affected area/s, relieve pain, and restore mobility and function.
  • Depending on the location of the muscles being massaged, individuals may be seated or lie down on a specialized table.
  • The amount of pressure and direction of movement depend on the body area.
  • Therapeutic oils and/or massage creams may be used to increase the therapy.

Types include:


  • The therapist uses long strokes, kneading, and friction on the muscles.
  • Joints are moved to increase flexibility.

Deep Tissue

  • The therapist uses deep finger or instrument pressure, focusing on muscles that are tight or knotted.

Trigger Point

  • Trigger points represent a source of radiating pain symptoms.
  • The therapist focuses pressure on these myofascial tissue points using various strokes to release them.


  • The therapist applies rhythmic pressure with their thumbs, fingers, and palms to redirect and increase energy or chi/qi.

A massage session lasts around 30–60 minutes depending on the severity of the condition and the number of sessions the patient has undergone. Chronic pain patients usually go through a series of specialized sessions that focus on specific areas and gradually build.

Risk Factors

Certain precautions must be taken before getting osteoarthritis massage therapy. Although there are a few serious risks, certain individuals are not suitable candidates and should not receive massage therapy. The conditions include: (Medical Massage Therapy Resource & Reference. 2023)

  • Damaged nerves.
  • Damaged blood vessels.
  • Infection and inflammation in the area to be massaged.
  • Open wounds.
  • Fever.
  • Taking a blood thinner.
  • Deep vein thrombosis – blood clots.
  • Bleeding disorders.
  • Osteoporosis – weak and brittle bones.
  • Recent fractures – broken bones.
  • Tumors.
  • Cancer.
  • Individuals who have recently undergone surgery.
  • Individuals with a skin condition that is contagious, like warts or herpes, or noncontagious, like psoriasis, could be aggravated by touch or pressure.
  • Individuals who have cancer, fragile skin, heart problems, or dermatomyositis are recommended to discuss osteoarthritis massage therapy with their healthcare provider.

Research on the effects of massage therapy on various health conditions is ongoing. Massage therapy promotes relaxation while reducing stress, which can help with chronic joint issues like osteoarthritis.

Arthritis Explained


Ergonomic Trends. 20 most common types of massages and their benefits explained.

Perlman, A., Fogerite, S. G., Glass, O., Bechard, E., Ali, A., Njike, V. Y., Pieper, C., Dmitrieva, N. O., Luciano, A., Rosenberger, L., Keever, T., Milak, C., Finkelstein, E. A., Mahon, G., Campanile, G., Cotter, A., & Katz, D. L. (2019). Efficacy and Safety of Massage for Osteoarthritis of the Knee: a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of general internal medicine, 34(3), 379–386.

Medical Massage Therapy Resource & Reference. When not to get a massage: 26 reasons you cannot get a massage.

Benefits of Resistant Starch: the Definitive Guide

Benefits of Resistant Starch: the Definitive Guide

For individuals with digestive and other health issues, could resistant starch provide health benefits?

Benefits of Resistant Starch: the Definitive Guide

Resistant Starch

Typical starchy foods are simple starches that are rapidly digested. This sends their sugars into the bloodstream, contributing to weight gain and increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. (Erik E. J. G. Aller, et al., 2011) Resistant starch is a food component that is a type resistant to digestion. This means that it passes into the large intestine and interacts with the gut flora. Foods that contain resistant starch pass through the stomach and small intestine without being absorbed. In the large intestine, they are fermented by the gut bacteria which releases substances that are beneficial to health.​

Health Benefits

Studies on the health benefits are ongoing. Scientists are researching how it can help with weight management and colon health:

Weight Management

Research is beginning to show indications that foods with resistant starch can help with weight loss and the ability to help offset the diseases associated with weight gain that include: (Janine A. Higgins. 2014)

  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Cardiovascular disease

Colon Health

In addition, researchers are finding preliminary evidence indicating that resistant starch might possibly help with: (Diane F. Birt, et al., 2013)

  • A prebiotic that encourages a healthy balance of gut flora.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease symptom improvement.
  • Prevention of colon cancer.
  • Protection against diverticulitis.

However, more research is needed.

Consumption Amount

Estimates on how much should be consumed range from a minimum of 6 grams to a maximum of 30 grams. It is estimated that most individuals consume less than 5 grams per day, (Mary M. Murphy, et al., 2008). As individuals increase their intake, it is recommended to do so slowly, to minimize unwanted gas and bloating.


  • Bananas are a healthy source of resistant starch.
  • They have the maximum amount when they are unripe.
  • The resistant starch content reduces as the banana ripens.
  • If green/unripe bananas are not appealing, making a smoothie can help with the taste.


  • Potatoes have their highest level of resistant starch when raw.
  • However, individuals can maximize their intake by allowing the potatoes to cool before eating.


  • Levels of resistant starch depend on whether the rice is white or brown.
  • Similar to potatoes, intake can be maximized from rice by allowing the rice to cool.


  • Cooking oats in water, as most are accustomed to making oatmeal, diminishes the resistant starch content.
  • Rolled or steel-cut oats are recommended as dependable sources of resistant starch.


  • Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are nutritional powerhouses.
  • They are a healthy source of dietary fiber, along with many vitamins and minerals, and resistant starch.
  • Cooked and/or canned chickpeas contain high levels of resistant starch.
  • They go with salads or as a side dish or snack.
  • For individuals with IBS, well-rinsed canned chickpeas are considered to be low in FODMAPs or carbohydrates that can contribute to symptoms. (Anamaria Cozma-Petruţ, et al., 2017)
  • It is recommended to keep the serving size to a 1/4 cup.


  • Lentils serve as a healthy source of plant-based protein.
  • Cooked they can provide resistant starch.
  • They can be prepared in soups or side dishes.
  • From a can, they can be IBS-friendly by being well-rinsed and limited to a 1/2 cup serving.


  • Various breads offer varying levels of resistant starch.
  • Pumpernickel bread contains high levels.
  • Breadsticks and pizza crusts have high levels.
  • Individuals with IBS may be reactive to the FODMAP fructan or the gluten protein.
  • Other recommended high-resistant starch options are corn tortillas or artisanal sourdough bread that is traditionally prepared.

Green Peas

  • Green peas, even when cooked, are a healthy source of resistant starch.
  • They can be prepared in soups or as a side dish.
  • However, green peas have been found to be high in the FODMAP GOS and could be problematic for individuals with IBS. (Anamaria Cozma-Petruţ, et al., 2017)


  • Most types of cooked and/or canned beans are recommended sources of resistant starch.
  • The highest levels are found in white and kidney beans.
  • They can be served in soups, as a side dish, or mixed with rice.
  • Beans are a high-FODMAP food and could contribute to digestive symptoms in individuals with IBS.

Body In Balance: Chiropractic Fitness and Nutrition


Aller, E. E., Abete, I., Astrup, A., Martinez, J. A., & van Baak, M. A. (2011). Starches, sugars and obesity. Nutrients, 3(3), 341–369.

Higgins J. A. (2014). Resistant starch and energy balance: impact on weight loss and maintenance. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 54(9), 1158–1166.

Birt, D. F., Boylston, T., Hendrich, S., Jane, J. L., Hollis, J., Li, L., McClelland, J., Moore, S., Phillips, G. J., Rowling, M., Schalinske, K., Scott, M. P., & Whitley, E. M. (2013). Resistant starch: promise for improving human health. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 4(6), 587–601.

Murphy, M. M., Douglass, J. S., & Birkett, A. (2008). Resistant starch intakes in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(1), 67–78.

Cozma-Petruţ, A., Loghin, F., Miere, D., & Dumitraşcu, D. L. (2017). Diet in irritable bowel syndrome: What to recommend, not what to forbid to patients!. World journal of gastroenterology, 23(21), 3771–3783.

Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Flare-Ups With These Tips

Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Flare-Ups With These Tips

Individuals with plantar fasciitis may experience consistent flare-ups. Can knowing the causes help to find pain relief?

Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Flare-Ups With These Tips

Plantar Fasciitis Flare-Up

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel and foot pain. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and becomes inflamed. Certain factors can cause plantar fasciitis flare-ups, including:

  • Increased levels of physical activity.
  • Not stretching regularly.
  • Wearing shoes without proper support.
  • Weight gain.


A plantar fasciitis flare-up is often triggered by physical activity. (MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2022) It can also be brought on by underlying conditions, like increased body weight, arthritis, or the shape of the foot. (Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2023) Despite the root cause, there are activities and experiences that can contribute to and/or worsen the condition.

New Exercise Routine

Weight Gain

  • Individuals who have an increased or increasing body weight add more pressure to their feet, placing them at higher risk for plantar fasciitis. (MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2022)
  • If experiencing consistent flare-ups, a healthcare provider may suggest an appropriate weight loss program combined with a treatment plan.


Shoes Without Support

  • Wearing shoes without arch support can cause general foot pain and plantar flare-ups.
  • Individuals should wear shoes with plenty of cushioning and arch support, like sneakers. (Ortho Info. Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2022)
  • Shoes that are not recommended include:
  • Flip-flops
  • Shoes that are flat.
  • High heels, boots, or shoes that raise the heel above the toes.
  • Worn-out shoes like exercise workout shoes.

Not Stretching Properly or At All

  • Tight calves can increase pressure on the plantar fascia.
  • Stretching the calves, Achilles tendon/heel, and the bottom of the feet is highly recommended to help treat and prevent the condition. (Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2023)
  • Not stretching thoroughly or skipping stretches can worsen symptoms.
  • Individuals with plantar fasciitis are recommended to stretch before and after physical activities, exercise, before going to bed, and after waking up.

Working Through the Pain

  • Individuals may try to continue physical activities during a flare-up.
  • This is not recommended as doing so can cause more pain and worsen the condition.
  • When pain presents, it’s recommended to:
  • Stop all activities that strain the feet
  • Stay off the feet for at least a week.

Tearing the Plantar Fascia

  • The plantar fascia rarely tear completely from repeated stress known as a plantar fascia rupture.
  • If this happens, sudden severe pain will present and individuals are advised to call their healthcare provider. (Stephanie C. Pascoe, Timothy J. Mazzola. 2016)
  • However, individuals can recover relatively fast, and pain alleviates quickly.
  • Individuals with tears will be recommended to wear a foot orthotic as the foot may have flattened more.

Risk Factors

Plantar fasciitis can happen to anyone, but individuals who have the following characteristics are at an increased risk: (Ortho Info. Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2022)

  • A high-foot arch.
  • Jobs or hobbies that place added strain on the feet.
  • Tight calf muscles.
  • A sudden increase in physical activity.
  • A new exercise regimen.
  • Increased body weight.
  • Sudden weight gain like during pregnancy.

How Long Does a Flare Last?


In addition to rest treatments for plantar fasciitis can include: (Ortho Info. Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2022)


  • Icing the bottom of the foot for 15 minutes a few times a day decreases inflammation.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs

  • Over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen, can reduce pain and inflammation.
  • It is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for short-term use and dosage.

Proper Shoes

  • Shoes with arch supports are highly recommended.
  • A healthcare provider can order custom orthotics for more support.


  • Stretches are essential for treatment.
  • Stretching the calf and bottom of the foot daily will keep the tissue relaxed.


  • Massaging the area with a therapeutic massage ball soothes the tissues.
  • Using a percussive massager can increase circulation.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?


MedlinePlus. National Library of Medicine.  (2022) U.S. Plantar fasciitis.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2023) Plantar fasciitis.

Boston Children’s Hospital. (2023) Plantar fasciitis.

Ortho Info. Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2022) Plantar fasciitis and bone spurs.

Pascoe, S. C., & Mazzola, T. J. (2016). Acute Medial Plantar Fascia Tear. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 46(6), 495.

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

It can be difficult for individuals and athletes to stay motivated, manage stress and prevent becoming overwhelmed. Can mental toughness and a positive attitude help increase potential and performance levels?

Build Mental Toughness to Reach Maximum Athletic Potential

Mental Toughness

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts work on conditioning, skills training, and perfecting techniques. Physical training can take individuals far but another necessary part of maximizing athletic potential is building mental toughness and having the right attitude. Like anything, mental training takes time, effort, and regular adjustments to find ways to shift a losing or bad attitude into a positive one that can bring out the best.

Attitude Is Important

If negativity begins to set in like dealing with an injury, getting rid of self-limiting beliefs can be difficult, as well as generate optimism to rise up and succeed. For athletes or individuals who enjoy competitive sports, developing a positive mental attitude will help with:

  • Emotions that can affect cognitive functioning strategies.
  • Energy levels.
  • Other aspects of physical performance.

Mental Strategies

Mood Improvement

Individuals frustrated by a pessimistic perspective tend to dwell on problems or issues. To shift into a positive mood do something to lift your spirits, even if you don’t think it will help.

  • Listen to your favorite or uplifting music.
  • Watch an inspirational movie.
  • Read a sports psychology book.
  • Get together or call a teammate or friend that are cheerful and upbeat.
  • Play different games just for fun.
  • Take a break, go to the park, walk around, and meditate.
  • Get into hobbies.
  • Relax with a therapeutic massage.

Positive Self Talk

Continuing sports psychology research shows that practicing positive self-talk can improve athletic performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) Sports psychologists describe this through the idea that thoughts create beliefs, that drive actions.

Positive self-talk can take different forms.
For some reciting a specific phrase, sentence, or a single word can effectively manage thoughts, push out the negativity, and focus on taking care of business. Anything that inspires can include:

  • Focus
  • Remember the fundamentals!
  • You know what to do!
  • You can do it!
  • You got this!

Research shows that positive self-talk reduces anxiety and increases self-confidence, optimization, efficacy, and performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) However, self-talk needs to be practiced and part of a regular routine to be effective.


Another strategy is using visualization exercises.

  • This means imagining various scenarios in which competition is happening and things are working out. (Mathias Reiser, Dirk Büsch, Jörn Munzert. 2011)
  • This could be using all the senses to imagine the venue where the tournament is taking place, the sound of the crowd, the smells, how the ground or court feels, and/or how the ball or specific sports object feels.
  • The wisdom is if you can think it, you can do it, once that is determined apply strategies to get there.

Sports Injury Rehabilitation


Walter, N., Nikoleizig, L., & Alfermann, D. (2019). Effects of Self-Talk Training on Competitive Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, Volitional Skills, and Performance: An Intervention Study with Junior Sub-Elite Athletes. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 7(6), 148.

Reiser, M., Büsch, D., & Munzert, J. (2011). Strength gains by motor imagery with different ratios of physical to mental practice. Frontiers in psychology, 2, 194.

Therapeutic Solutions for Upper Crossed Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Therapeutic Solutions for Upper Crossed Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Can various therapeutic options provide relief for individuals with upper crossed syndrome to restore muscle strength?


Many individuals often suffer neck and shoulder pain from poor posture, improper heavy lifting, musculoskeletal conditions, auto accidents, whiplash, etc. The surrounding muscles that connect the neck and shoulders help protect the cervical and thoracic region of the spine and can succumb to injuries that can cause pain-like symptoms causing discomfort to the individual. Neck, shoulder, and back pain are the three most common issues many individuals have experienced. These musculoskeletal disorders can also correlate with pre-existing conditions; many people will feel pain and discomfort while trying to find the relief they seek. One of the most common issues people often experience is upper crossed syndrome, which can be associated with neck and shoulder pain. Today’s article explains what upper cross syndrome is and how it affects the neck and shoulders while also diving into how different therapeutic options like spinal decompression and chiropractic care can reduce the effects of upper cross syndrome. We speak with certified medical providers who incorporate our patients’ information to provide numerous treatment plans to mitigate upper-crossed syndrome in the neck and shoulders. We also inform our patients that there are many therapeutic options, like chiropractic care and spinal decompression, to minimize muscle pain in the neck and shoulders. We encourage our patients to ask intricated and educational questions to our associated medical providers about the pain-like symptoms they are experiencing correlating with upper-crossed syndrome. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., utilizes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer


What Is Upper Crossed Syndrome?


Have you been dealing with muscle pain in your shoulders or neck after being on the computer for a while? Do you feel stiffness in your shoulders that rotating them causes temporary relief? Or does it hurt when you turn your head from side to side? Many of these pain-like scenarios are often associated with upper-cross syndrome. Many people don’t often realize that upper crossed syndrome is a musculoskeletal condition that affects the neck, shoulder, and chest muscles and causes them to be weak and tight due to poor posture. The upper crossed syndrome can cause referred pain to the upper extremities, leading to cervicogenic headaches, limited range of motion, trigger points in the muscles, and muscle imbalance. (Moore, 2004) When many people are dealing with upper crossed syndrome due to poor posture, it can lead to many issues in the neck and shoulders.


How Does It Affect The Neck & Shoulders?

Now, why does upper crossed syndrome affect the neck and shoulders? Many people unintentionally hunched over when looking at their phones, being on the computer, or relaxing at home. This causes specific muscles in the neck and shoulder region, like the serratus and lower trapezius muscles, to become weak while the pectoral and neck muscles are tight. (Chu & Butler, 2021) This, in turn, causes the shoulders to be more rounded and hunched, causing the neck and head to crane forward. When people are dealing with upper crossed syndrome, many would often complain about pain-like symptoms like:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Strain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Upper back pain
  • Restricted range of motion
  • Numbness/Tingling sensations in the arms

The upper crossed syndrome can also occur gradually over time and cause nerve compression to the upper extremities. When the upper neck and shoulder muscles start to affect the surrounding nerve roots, which then leads to nerve dysfunction in the sensory and motor skills when a person picks up an object. (Lee & Lim, 2019) However, many individuals dealing with upper-crossed syndrome can seek treatment to relieve muscle pain in their neck and shoulders.


An Overview Of Upper Crossed Syndrome- Video

Since upper cross syndrome is a musculoskeletal condition that affects the neck and shoulders, it can result in muscle imbalance and pain in the individual. Many people, especially in the working field, develop this syndrome by being hunched over for an extended period. (Mujawar & Sagar, 2019) This causes the head to be more forward, the neck posture to be curved and hunched, and the shoulders to be rounded. The video above explains upper-crossing syndrome, its causes, and how it is treated. 

Spinal Decompression Reducing Upper Crossed Syndrome


Numerous treatments can help restore muscle strength and reduce muscle pain in the neck and shoulders. Treatments like spinal decompression can help reduce upper crossed syndrome by slowly using gentle traction to the cervical spine region and gently stretching the neck muscles to provide relief. Spinal decompression is one of the non-surgical treatments that many individuals with headaches associated with upper crossed syndrome can find the comfort they seek through pain reduction and improve their quality of life. (Eskilsson et al., 2021) At the same time, spinal decompression can be part of a personalized treatment plan that many individuals can add to their daily routine to prevent the pain from returning. (Saunders, 1983)


Chiropractic Care Restoring Muscle Strength

Just like spinal decompression, chiropractic care is a non-surgical treatment that can be combined with various stretching techniques to restore the neck’s range of motion and reduce pain associated with upper-crossed syndrome. (Mahmood et al., 2021) Chiropractic care incorporates manual and mechanical techniques like MET (muscle energy techniques) and spinal manipulation to realign the spine out of subluxation. When chiropractors integrate MET to manage upper crossed syndrome, many individuals find that their pain has decreased, their cervical range of motion is improved, and their neck disability is reduced. (Gillani et al., 2020) When many individuals start thinking about their health and wellness, they can make small changes to improve their posture and be more mindful of their bodies to reduce the chances of upper-cross syndrome returning.



Chu, E. C., & Butler, K. R. (2021). Resolution of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Following Correction for Upper Cross Syndrome-A Case Study and Brief Review. Clin Pract, 11(2), 322-326.

Eskilsson, A., Ageberg, E., Ericson, H., Marklund, N., & Anderberg, L. (2021). Decompression of the greater occipital nerve improves outcome in patients with chronic headache and neck pain – a retrospective cohort study. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 163(9), 2425-2433.

Gillani, S. N., Ain, Q., Rehman, S. U., & Masood, T. (2020). Effects of eccentric muscle energy technique versus static stretching exercises in the management of cervical dysfunction in upper cross syndrome: a randomized control trial. J Pak Med Assoc, 70(3), 394-398.

Lee, E. Y., & Lim, A. Y. T. (2019). Nerve Compression in the Upper Limb. Clin Plast Surg, 46(3), 285-293.

Mahmood, T., Afzal, W., Ahmad, U., Arif, M. A., & Ahmad, A. (2021). Comparative effectiveness of routine physical therapy with and without instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization in patients with neck pain due to upper crossed syndrome. J Pak Med Assoc, 71(10), 2304-2308.

Moore, M. K. (2004). Upper crossed syndrome and its relationship to cervicogenic headache. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 27(6), 414-420.

Mujawar, J. C., & Sagar, J. H. (2019). Prevalence of Upper Cross Syndrome in Laundry Workers. Indian J Occup Environ Med, 23(1), 54-56.

Saunders, H. D. (1983). Use of spinal traction in the treatment of neck and back conditions. Clin Orthop Relat Res(179), 31-38.



The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

Individuals that sit at a desk/workstation for hours for work or school, or drive for a living, could be fostering a long-term condition known as forward head posture. Can understanding the signs and symptoms help to prevent the condition?

The Impact of Forward Head Posture on Neck Pain

Forward Head Posture

Neck pain often causes or is caused by misalignment in the area between the shoulders and head. Forward head posture is a common problem that can strain the neck muscles, leading to pain and worsening neck, shoulder, and back posture. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012) For individuals who are at risk of developing or are already showing signs/symptoms, it’s important to get medical attention to prevent complications, such as chronic neck pain or compressing a nerve. Individuals can continue to do the work that they need to do but may need some postural adjustments and re-training so as not to continue straining the neck while working.

Postural Deviation

  • The head is in a healthy alignment with the neck when the ears line up with the gravity line.
  • The gravity line is an imaginary straight line that represents gravity’s downward pull.
  • It is used in posture assessments as a reference for noting the positions of the body and determining the presence of any postural misalignment or deviation.
  • A forward head posture occurs when the head begins to position forward of the gravity line when looking at the body from the side.
  • Forward head posture is a postural deviation because the head varies from the reference line. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012)

Muscle Imbalances

  • Forward head posture often results in a strength imbalance between muscles that support and move your neck, shoulders, and head. (Dae-Hyun Kim, et al., 2018)
  • The muscles in the back of the neck become shortened and overactive as they flex forward, while the muscles in the front become lengthened, weaker, and strained when they relax.


Kyphosis also known as hunchback is when the shoulders round forward, and the head is also brought forward. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012) After many hours sitting at a desk, computer, or driving, kyphosis can also cause and/or worsen forward head posture.

  • This occurs because the upper back area supports the neck and head.
  • When the upper back moves or changes position, the head and neck follow.
  • The majority of the head’s weight is in the front, and this contributes to the forward movement.
  • An individual with kyphosis has to lift their head to see.


A chiropractic injury specialist team can develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve pain symptoms, provide postural retraining, realign the spine, and restore mobility and function.

  • Standing and sitting using a healthy posture, along with exercises to strengthen the neck muscles, can help get the spine in alignment. (Elżbieta Szczygieł, et al., 2019)
  • Targeted stretching can help if the neck muscles are tight.
  • At-home stretches may also relieve pain

Risk Factors

Pretty much everyone is at risk of developing a forward head posture. Common risk factors include:

  • Constantly looking down at a phone and staying in this position for a long time aka text neck.
  • Desk jobs and computer use can significantly round the shoulders and upper back, leading to a forward head posture. (Jung-Ho Kang, et al., 2012)
  • Driving for a living causes prolonged back, neck, and shoulder positioning.
  • Sleeping or reading with a large pillow under the head can contribute to forward head posture.
  • Doing work that requires dexterity and close-up positions, like a seamstress or technician can cause over-positioning of the neck.
  • Individuals who regularly carry a significant amount of weight in front of their body may begin to develop kyphosis.
  • An example is carrying a child or another load in front of the body.
  • Large breasts can also increase the risk of kyphosis and forward head posture.

Neck Injuries


Kang, J. H., Park, R. Y., Lee, S. J., Kim, J. Y., Yoon, S. R., & Jung, K. I. (2012). The effect of the forward head posture on postural balance in long time computer based worker. Annals of rehabilitation medicine, 36(1), 98–104.

Kim, D. H., Kim, C. J., & Son, S. M. (2018). Neck Pain in Adults with Forward Head Posture: Effects of Craniovertebral Angle and Cervical Range of Motion. Osong public health and research perspectives, 9(6), 309–313.

Szczygieł, E., Sieradzki, B., Masłoń, A., Golec, J., Czechowska, D., Węglarz, K., Szczygieł, R., & Golec, E. (2019). Assessing the impact of certain exercises on the spatial head posture. International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health, 32(1), 43–51.

Hansraj K. K. (2014). Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head. Surgical technology international, 25, 277–279.

Managing Paresthesia: Relieve Numbness and Tingling in the Body

Managing Paresthesia: Relieve Numbness and Tingling in the Body

Individuals feeling tingling or pins and needles sensations that overtake the arms or legs could be experiencing paresthesia, which occurs when a nerve has been compressed or damaged. Can knowing the symptoms and causes help in diagnosis and treatment?

Managing Paresthesia: Relieve Numbness and Tingling in the Body

Paresthesia Body Sensations

The numbness or tingling feeling when an arm, leg, or foot has fallen asleep is not so much about blood circulation but nerve function.

  • Paresthesia is an abnormal sensation felt in the body due to the compression or irritation of nerves.
  • It can be a mechanical cause like a compressed/pinched nerve.
  • Or it may be due to a medical condition, injury, or illness.


Paresthesia can cause various symptoms. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and can be brief or long-lasting. Signs can include: (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 2023)

  • Tingling
  • Pins and needles sensations
  • Feeling like the arm or leg has fallen asleep.
  • Numbness
  • Itching.
  • Burning sensations.
  • Difficulty contracting the muscles.
  • Difficulty using the affected arm or leg.
  1. The symptoms typically last for 30 minutes or less.
  2. Shaking the affected limb often relieves the sensations.
  3. Paresthesia usually affects only one arm or leg at a time.
  4. However, both arms and legs can be affected, depending on the cause.

Consult a healthcare provider if the symptoms last for more than 30 minutes. Treatment may be required if paresthesia body sensations are brought on by a serious underlying cause.


Sitting with incorrect and unhealthy postures can compress a nerve and generate symptoms. However, some causes are more concerning and can include:

Seeking Medical Assistance

If the symptoms don’t go away after 30 minutes or keep returning for unknown reasons, call a healthcare provider to find out what is causing the abnormal sensations. A worsening case should be monitored by a healthcare provider.


A healthcare provider will work with the individual to understand the symptoms and perform the appropriate diagnostic tests to determine the cause. A healthcare provider will choose the tests based on a physical examination. Common diagnostic procedures include: (Merck Manual Professional Version. 2022)

  • Magnetic resonance imaging – MRI of the spine, brain, or extremities.
  • X-ray to rule out bone abnormalities, like a fracture.
  • Blood tests.
  • Electromyography – EMG studies.
  • Nerve conduction velocity – NCV test.
  1. If paresthesia is accompanied by back or neck pain, a healthcare provider may suspect a compressed/pinched spinal nerve.
  2. If the individual has a history of diabetes that is poorly controlled, they may suspect peripheral neuropathy.


Treatment for paresthesia depends on the diagnosis. A healthcare provider can help determine the best course of action for the specific condition.

Nervous System

  • If symptoms are triggered by a central nervous condition like MS, individuals will work closely with their healthcare provider to get the appropriate treatment.
  • Physical therapy could be recommended to help improve overall functional mobility. (Nazanin Razazian, et al., 2016)

Spinal Nerve

  • If paresthesia is caused by compression of a spinal nerve, like sciatica, individuals may be referred to a chiropractor and physical therapy team to release the nerve and pressure. (Julie M. Fritz, et al., 2021)
  • A physical therapist may prescribe spinal exercises to relieve compression of the nerve and restore normal sensations and motion.
  • Strengthening exercises to restore flexibility and mobility may be prescribed if weakness presents along with paresthesia body sensations.

Herniated Disc

  • If a herniated disc is causing the abnormal sensations, and there has been no improvement with conservative measures, a healthcare provider may suggest surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve/s. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons. 2023)
  • In surgical procedures like a laminectomy or discectomy, the objective is to restore nerve function.
  • Post-surgery, individuals may be recommended to a physical therapist to help regain mobility.

Peripheral Neuropathy

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2023) Paresthesia.

American Association of Neurological Surgeons. (2023) Herniated disc.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2018) Peripheral neuropathy.

Merck Manual Professional Version. (2022) Numbness.

Razazian, N., Yavari, Z., Farnia, V., Azizi, A., Kordavani, L., Bahmani, D. S., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., & Brand, S. (2016). Exercising Impacts on Fatigue, Depression, and Paresthesia in Female Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(5), 796–803.

Fritz, J. M., Lane, E., McFadden, M., Brennan, G., Magel, J. S., Thackeray, A., Minick, K., Meier, W., & Greene, T. (2021). Physical Therapy Referral From Primary Care for Acute Back Pain With Sciatica : A Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of internal medicine, 174(1), 8–17.