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El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Treatment

El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Treatment

El Paso, TX. Massage therapist, Sandra Rubio has worked with Dr. Alex Jimenez for about six years. Sandra discovered how useful and essential chiropractic care can be by caring for individuals on a routine basis. Sandra explains how Dr. Alex Jimenez provides patients with having a better means of healing themselves, without the use of drugs and medications or even through an operation. The trust between Dr. Jimenez and the patient establishes a favorable treatment outcome for many athletes with sports injuries as well as patients with other types of injuries or conditions via chiropractic care. Sandra Rubio recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical selection for sports accidents.


El Paso, TX. Sports Injury Chiropractic Treatment


Sprains and strains are some of the most common kind of non-surgical injuries frequently reported by an athlete. Sprains are injuries which affect demanding bands that connect the joints and bones, the ligaments. They can be deformed or tear by the stretching of these outside their range. Strains are injuries that affect the muscle fibers or tendons, which operate by anchoring bones. Seeking prompt medical attention can help these cure faster to allow the athlete to be able to heal more quickly. Although sports injuries are mild or moderate, some treatment options can help treat sports injuries.


El Paso, TX. Sports injury chiropractic treatment


We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.


Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.


As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.


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Low-Speed Rear-End Collisions Can Cause Whiplash

Low-Speed Rear-End Collisions Can Cause Whiplash

You are sitting in your car, stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, a vehicle traveling at low-speed rear-ends your car. The impact isn�t hard although it is unexpected. You take a look at your car and see that there is minor damage, or no damage at all, to either vehicle. The bumpers absorbed the bulk of the energy from the crash, so they protected the car. You feel a little pain in your neck, and upper back, perhaps a little dizzy or you have a headache, but you shrug it off, reasoning that it is from the unexpected jolt. After all, they didn�t hit you that hard. You exchange information with the other driver and go on your way.

The next morning is a different story. Your neck is painful and stiff. You have pain in your shoulders and back as well. A visit to the doctor reveals a diagnosis of whiplash.

Is Whiplash Real?

Some people will tell you that whiplash is a made-up injury that people use to get more money in a settlement stemming from an accident. They do not believe it is possible in a low-speed rear-end accident and see it as a legitimate injury claim, mainly because there are no visible marks.

Some insurance experts claim that about a third of whiplash cases are fraudulent, but that leaves two-thirds of the cases legitimate. There is also a great deal of research that supports the claim that low-speed accidents can indeed cause whiplash � and it is very, very real. Some patients suffer from the pain and immobility the rest of their lives.

The Mechanics of Whiplash

When a person is sitting in their vehicle, they are usually upright with their head directly over their shoulders, and the neck as the support. The key to whiplash is that it is unexpected. The vehicle gets struck, the torso of the person in the first car gets thrust forward. However, the head does not immediately follow but instead falls backward, behind the body for a split second. In this position, the neck is hyperextended for the first time (to the rear).

low-speed rear end collision whiplash el paso tx.

As the torso snaps back against the back of the seat, the person�s head falls forward but is quickly yanked back as it follows the movement of the chest � then passes it. The second time the neck is hyperextended (to the front). The effects of this movement that lasts only a few seconds can cause debilitating pain and immobility. It gets compounded when the headrests are set too far back and are too low so that they do not provide adequate support.

What To Do If You Are In A�Low-Speed Rear End Collision

If you are in an accident, especially if you get rear-ended, and experience whiplash, see a doctor that day � even if you don�t feel much pain. The sooner you get into a doctor, the sooner you can begin treatment should a problem develop.

Often, people with whiplash don�t experience any effects until a day, or even two, later. The key is to stay ahead of the pain and take measures sooner rather than later to relieve it and keep it at bay. It also provides documentation should other issues arise, and you need the information for legal purposes.

Seeing your chiropractor soon after your accident can help you heal faster and manage your pain more effectively. With techniques like gentle manipulation and deep tissue massage, your neck can begin to improve almost immediately. Then you can get back to life a lot faster.

Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor

Back Pain Treatment Chiropractor!

Back Pain Treatment Chiropractor!

Carlos Hermosillo is a small contractor in El Paso, Tx, who has known Dr. Alex Jimenez for some time. As a result of the physical needs of his job, Mr. Hermosillo often experiences lower back pain and spine pain symptoms that tremendously limit his ability to carry out his normal physical activities, luckily, Dr. Alex Jimenez provides him with all the chiropractic care that he regularly needs as he must return to work as soon as possible. Carlos Hermosillo turned to chiropractic care for relief of the symptoms. Mr. Hermosillo highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non surgical choice for back pain therapy.

Chiropractor Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a common symptom that could manifest along the delicate tissues of the backbone, such as the muscles, nerves, bones, and joints. Internal structures such as glands, pancreas and the aorta, may cause referred pain in the back. When treating back pain, health care professionals often attempt to achieve decrease in the level of the individual’s back pain so as to reestablish their ability to function in everyday activities, to help them manage symptoms and also to evaluate the effects of therapy choices. The objective is to manage back pain with rehabilitation for long-term pain relief.

back pain chiropractic treatment el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Hip Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Hip Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Ever since he started chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez and continued rehabilitation at Push, Bobby Gomez has experienced great improvements on his back and hip pain. Since birth, Bobby had problems walking due to an uneven pelvic tilt. However, treatment has helped him gain more muscle on his legs, giving him more strength, flexibility and mobility to further improve his gait. Thanks to chiropractic care and rehabilitation, Bobby Gomez has become more confident and at peace with himself, highly recommending Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for hip pain.

Chiropractic Hip Pain Treatment

Pain in the hip is the experience of pain from the joints or muscles in the hip region, a condition arising from any of a number of variables. Occasionally it is associated with back pain. Causes of pain around the hip joint may be extra-articular, or referred pain from neighboring structures, including the sacroiliac joint, spine, symphysis pubis, or the inguinal canal. Clinical tests are accommodated to identify the source of pain as intra-articular or extra-articular. The flexion-abduction-external spinning (FABER), internal range of motion with overpressure (IROP), and scour tests reveal sensitivity worth in identifying individuals with intra-articular pathology.

hip pain chiropractic treatment el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome

Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome

There is a small muscle deep in the buttocks, known, as the,�piriformis muscle.� This small muscle performs an essential function of rotating the leg outwards. Piriformis Syndrome is a condition that occurs when the muscle becomes tight and intrudes on the sciatic nerve. This causes pain, tenderness and sometimes numbness in the buttocks, which can also radiate down the leg and into the calf.

Potential causes for piriformis syndrome�are sitting for prolonged periods, which can tighten the muscle and an injury to the buttocks. This can come from a fall, accident, or sports injury. Trauma causes the small muscle to swell and irritate the sciatic nerve.

Muscle spasms can also cause piriformis syndrome, however, the cause of the spasms is still unknown.

Once an individual has piriformis syndrome, the condition can comeback periodically.

Piriformis Syndrome Small Muscle Treatment

small muscle piriformis syndrome el paso tx.

Treatment options frequently used:


Over-the-counter or prescribed pain medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, or muscle relaxers frequently serve to reduce the pain from piriformis syndrome. A doctor may also inject medicine directly into the piriformis muscle to improve the condition.


A common way to relax tight muscles is to apply heat. Piriformis syndrome sufferers may find relief from painful symptoms by periodically applying heat directly to the tender area.

Heat therapy�can relieve tightness of the muscle and promote healing of the area. Avoid treating the muscle with heat if the muscle may be torn.


A proper exercise schedule will loosen the muscle and alleviate the symptoms. A chiropractor can prescribe the correct exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscle.


Combined with other treatments or on their own. Massage is used for piriformis syndrome. This helps increase blood flow to the area. The massage therapist can manipulate the area to relieve tightness.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors view the entire body. They may treat other parts of the body, such as a foot or leg, in order to improve the condition of the piriformis muscle. They may also utilize pelvic and spinal adjustments, along with joint manipulation to stretch and loosen up the muscle.

It’s vital to take precautions to avoid re-aggravating the muscle. Proper stretching before exercise, periodic breaks when sitting. Spinal and pelvic maintenance will increase an individual’s chances of living pain free.

If you have any question about chiropractic care for piriformis syndrome symptoms, or other health conditions, contact us today!

Piriformis Syndrome Chiropractic Treatment

Pain In The Lower Back! Chiropractic Treatment Can Help!

Pain In The Lower Back! Chiropractic Treatment Can Help!

Chiropractic treatment is dedicated to finding and correcting spinal misalignments. Many seek chiropractic care to alleviate pain and other health-related symptoms. One condition that is sought out constantly, is relief from lower back pain.

31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. This condition affects many, but finding the exact cause can be a challenge. Chiropractors are spinal specialists that are trained to not only alleviate pain but also find and help correct the cause of the problem.

Prevention Is The Best Defense

Prevention is the best cure for any condition/ailment. When a someone sees a chiropractor, they not only find relief for their condition, but they learn ways to prevent they symptoms in the future. Using proper exercise and ergonomics, they can ease the discomfort before it starts. Great results are gained by individuals that listen to instructions.

Treatment Options

Treatment options are plentiful. Based on the diagnosis they will suggest the ones that will benefit you the most. These treatments may include one or more of the following:

  • Spinal adjustments delivered either by hand or instrument like an Activator
  • Hot or cold compresses
  • Physical therapy modalities like Interferential Therapy or TENS
  • Massage Therapy or some other form of soft tissue work
  • Spinal decompression therapy


Prescription medication could still be required to help reduce levels. The good news is that the meds can be decreased quicker than usual, as the spine misalignments are corrected, nerve compression is alleviated and the inflammation is reduced. This alone is well worth the investment of time and money to see a chiropractor.

pain in the lower back chiropractic care el paso tx.

Exercise & Physical Rehabilitation

As the treatment progresses from pain relief to rehabilitation, a chiropractor will recommend exercises to help strengthen the core muscles. These muscles help stabilize and protect the lower back. These exercises are performed at the office or specialized fitness center with certified physical therapists/trainers to make sure you understand how to do them without re-aggravating the original condition. Once educated on the purpose and how to perform them correctly, you�ll be able to continue at home in conjunction with spinal adjustments during maintenance care.

Surgery Options

Depending on the condition, surgery can be avoided if chiropractic treatment is implemented before injury/s or pain worsen. A chiropractor can help avoid surgery by correcting the problem.

Make sure you follow the recommendations after a consultation and examination are performed. The examination may require X-rays or MRIs.

A chiropractor is the ideal medical professional to consult with for any unexplained pain in the musculoskeletal system. They are highly qualified professionals that their specialty is treating conditions like lower back pain and they are very affordable. If you or a loved one have pain in the lower back, gives us a call. We�re here to help!

Injury Medical Clinic: Back Pain Treatment

Stretching With Muscle Or Joint Pain

Stretching With Muscle Or Joint Pain

Dealing with joint or muscle pain can be a daunting experience. It’s important to work on maintaining mobility and flexibility. The more flexible, the less likely to be injured. One of the best ways to improve flexibility is through stretching.

First and foremost is the need to warm up your muscles before stretching. Stretching first can actually cause injury by pushing the joints too far. Spend a few minutes doing some light activity before stretching. This can be a quick walk or some basic calisthenics.

A chiropractor can recommend stretches, or you can use some of these basic techniques. There are two basic forms of stretching, static and dynamic.

Static Stretching & Dynamic Stretching

stretching with muscle or joint pain el paso tx.

Static stretching involves holding a position for a certain period of time in order to loosen up the muscles. This is what most people think of when they think about stretching. However, dynamic stretching involves moving specific parts of the body to work on flexibility.

Effective Back Pain Stretches Can Be Done At Home. For example:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent
  • Grasp one knee in both hands and pull it up towards your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds
  • Lower the knee to the starting pose
  • Repeat with the other knee.
  • Both knees can be done at the same time.

A Similar Stretch Begins In The Same Position As The Previous Stretch Except:

  • Instead of lifting your knee to your chest
  • Roll both legs to one side so that your knees are as close to the floor as possible
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then roll to the other side

Another Stretch Recommended By Chiropractors Comes From Yoga, Known As The “Cat Pose.”

  • On the floor hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Let your abdomen drop down towards the floor
  • Then, reverse this movement by arching your back
  • Repeat this cycle three to five times

Other Dynamic Stretches Can Also Be Good For Muscle Pain. Try doing:

Hand walks to stretch your shoulders and abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight and slowly lower your hands towards the floor.
  • Walk your hands out in front of you until you are as far down as you can go.
  • Then walk your hands back to the starting position.

A Final Stretch That Can Help Sore Back Muscles Known As The “Scorpion.”

  • Lie face-down and stretch your arms out to the sides
  • First, slowly move your right foot towards your left arm
  • Then, move your left foot towards your right arm
  • Make sure to move in a slow and controlled fashion

When you are suffering from muscle or joint pain, it is a good idea to stretch both in the morning and the evening. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can avoid common injuries.

If you need further instruction regarding stretches, please give us a call so that you can schedule an appointment.

Injury Medical Clinic: Lower Back Pain Specialist